MED, Programmers' Text Editor

Data rilascio: 
Mercoledì, 30 Giugno, 1999
€ 20.00



MED è un editor per programmatori per OS/2 con evidenziazione di sintassi per C/C++, REXX, Modula-2, Javascript, Java, Pascal, ADA, assembler X86 e 68K, Clipper, Fortran, Lisp, LaTeX, HTML, Perl, makefiles, OS/2 config.sys, documenti IPF/IPP, file di risorse OS/2.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Creare oggetto programma. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

MED, Programmers' Text Editor v. 1.26 (German, 30/6/1999, Utopia Planitia Software, Matthias Pfersdorff) Readme/What's new
Liste der Änderungen: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.26 30. Juni 1999 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW: Es ist jetzt möglich, Tools ohne Ausgabeumlenkung zu starten, was z.B. für PM-Applikationen sinnvoll ist. Das Ausgabefenster eines zuvor mit Ausgabeumlenkung gestarteten Tools bleibt erhalten. NEW: Flache Schaltflächen in der Symbolleiste. Die Standardschaltflächen werden dargestellt, wenn im Kontextmenü der Symbolleiste die Option "Flache Schaltflächen" ausgeschaltet ist. CHG: "Home" im Dateiselektor wechselt jetzt in das Verzeichnis des aktiven Dokuments, falls MED vom Installationsverzeichnis gestartet wird. Wenn MED von einem anderen Verzeichnis aus gestartet wird, wechselt "Home" in das Startverzeichnis. FIX: "Jump To Error" bei Zieldateien ohne Pfadangabe. FIX: Autosave FIX: ASCII Code Anzeige für TAB  local copy
MED, Programmers' Text Editor v. 1.26 (30/6/1999, Utopia Planitia Software, Matthias Pfersdorff)  local copy
MED, Programmers' Text Editor v. 1.26 (English, 30/6/1999, Utopia Planitia Software, Matthias Pfersdorff) Readme/What's new
History of changes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.26 Jun 30 1999 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW: It is now possible, to start tools without output redirection (useful for PM applications). The output window of a previous started tool will be kept open, if a tool is started without redirection. NEW: Flat toolbar buttons. You can switch to the standard buttons, by disabling the "Flat" option in the toolbar's context menu. CHG: The "Home" button of the file selector now changes to the directory of the active document, if MED was started from the installation directory. Otherwise, "Home" changes to the start directory. FIX: "Jump To Error" now works, if the compiler outputs file names without path. FIX: Autosave FIX: ASCII Code display for TAB character  local copy
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 12/04/2024 - 17:26

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