IBM VisualAge for COBOL

Data rilascio: 
Venerdì, 12 Febbraio, 1999



IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 è un'ambiente di sviluppo COBOL per la creazione di applicazioni su OS/2. Offre sia il meglio della programmazione tradizionale COBOL che quella avanzata. Il prodotto include tutti gli strumenti necessari che consentiranno alla vostra stazione di lavoro di sviluppare applicazioni COBOL. Inoltre, VisualAge for COBOL aggiunge le estensioni necessarie per la programmazione orientata agli oggetti, che vi consentiranno di creare programmi con tali caratteristiche nel linguaggio a voi familiare.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Eseguire COBUNZIP.CMD e INSTALL.CMD. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Fixpak 2 - Japanese v. 2.2 (Enterprise, 16/4/1999, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
IBM VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2 FixPak 2 Readme ------------------------------------------------------------ IBM VisualAge COBOL Enterprise へようこそ 前回のリリース以降、VisualAge COBOL の多くの情報が変更されています。 たとえば、CD-ROM には INSTALL.TXT ファイルが提供されており、この中に バージョン 2.2 の基本製品のインストールに必要なすべての情報が含まれて います。FixPak 2 にのみ該当するインストール情報は、CD-ROM の SERVICE.TXT ファイルにあります。 情報ノートブックは情報コンポーネントともにインストールされ、製品に 関して、「最新情報」や以前の VisualAge COBOL オファリングからの 移行について説明した項、潜在的な問題点を見極めてそれを回避するため のトラブルシューティングの項など、もっとも重要な情報が含まれています。 さらに、オンライン・チュートリアルやそのほかのオンライン・ドキュメン テーションも含まれています。 VisualAge COBOL のマニュアルは、Adobe Acrobat PDF 形式で CDROM の \PDF ディレクトリーに提供されています。この PDF ファイルから、 Adobe Acrobat Reader または Ghostview を使用して印刷できます。 Adobe Acrobat Reader は PDF ディレクトリーに収められていますが、 Adobe 社の Web サイトからダウンロードすることもできます。 Ghostview は、 から ダウンロードできます。 今回のリリースで提供される情報の中には、HTML ブラウザーが必要なものも あります。Netscape Navigator 2.02 (1997/3/27 版) が VisualAge COBOL CDROM の \NETSCAPE ディレクトリーに提供されています。ブラウザーが無い場合、 またはご使用のブラウザーが古い場合は、CD 内のコピーをインストールして ください。 VisualAge COBOL Enterprise をお選びいただきありがとうございました。 ご質問、ご意見、またはサポートのご依頼については、『ご使用になる前に』 に記載された電話番号および住所一覧をご利用ください。担当部門への ご案内をしております。 FixPak 2 に含まれる APAR ---------------------------------------- APAR IC21064: 埋め込みオーバーラップ時の無効な MOVE (PMR 46036) APAR IC21377: IDBUG が、SOMClass から継承された OO COBOL (PMR 30649,071,724) 作業記憶域セクションの変数表示を停止 APAR IC21280: DCZ_DATFLOW_LIMIT の問題 (PMR 45107,664,706) APAR IC21874: 動的に呼び出されるプログラムがラン・ユニットの (PMR 38291,180,000) 終了時にアンロードされない。 DBCS の制限事項 ------------------------------------------------- COBOL プロジェクト: * 新しいプロジェクトを作成する際に、SBCS カタカナは使用しないでください。 プロジェクト作成に用いるツールの入力フィールドには、SBCS カタカナを 表示できないものがあります。 * COBOL プロジェクトが作成する MAKE ファイルには、ヘルプ・ファイル 作成に使用する IPFC コンパイルの、適切な言語オプション (-L:) 指定がない場合があります。 -L: オプションが指定されていないと、IPFC はデフォルトで 英語版の NLS ファイルを使用します。その結果、IPFC では 次のような問題が発生します。 - 表の枠が描けない - モノスペース・フォントを表示できない - 'Note' 等のタグが英語で残る このような問題がおこったときは、適切な言語オプション (日本語の場合は -L:jpn) を IPFC コンパイルのオプション・フィールド (COBOL プロジェクトから「オプション」-->「IPF コンパイル」を クリック) に追加してください。 BMS エディター: * コードページ 943 の環境では、BMS エディターのメッセージ、 パネル、メニューは英語で表示されます。しかし、これらパネルが 英語であっても、日本語のデータにアクセスすることは可能です。 * BMS エディターは、データが 2 行に渡る場合に、DBCS 文字を 分割することがあります。 これを回避するには、データが 1 行に入るよう、手操作でデータを移動する必要があります。 * MAPATTS リストには、マップの個々のフィールドに必要な属性タイプを すべて含む必要があります。BMS エディターが MAPATTS のリストに 自動的に追加することはありません。PS, SOSI, OUTLINE などの 属性を指定したときは、「マップ属性」ウィンドウで MAPATTS リストを指定することが必要です。 * BMS エディターでは、初期ストリング・データを 16 進形式で指定 することができます。しかし、BMS エディターは 16 進形式の ストリング・データを表示できません。 したがって、テキストは表示されません。 * このバージョンの BMS エディターは DBCS 専用フィールドの長さを チェックしません。したがって、DBCS 専用フィールドに対して 奇数の長さを指定することができ、これは DBCS 文字の分割を おこします。 DBCS 専用フィールドに奇数の長さは指定しないでください。 * 16 進形式で初期ストリングを指定するときは、ターゲットの CICS と 同じ文字エンコーディングを使用してください。 * マップ・エディターで混合フィールドに文字を入力しようとするときに、 直接入力モードでは文字が入力できなくなることがあります。 このようなときは、そのフィールドのプロパティー・ノートブックから 文字を入力してください。 ビジュアル・ビルダー: * この VisualAge COBOL のリリースでは日本語 True Type フォントは 使用できません。ビジュアル・ビルダーのフォント・ダイアログから 日本語 True Type フォントを選択すると、ランタイムには、Courier で表示されます。 * ビジュアル・ビルダーでは、ニーモニック文字を示す記号 (英語 キーボードでは波形記号、日本語キーボードでは上線(~)文字) を ノートブックのタブのテキストに使うとき、その記号に続く文字に 下線がつきません。しかし、プログラム実行時には、その文字は ニーモニックとして使えます。 * ビジュアル・ビルダーでは、ニーモニックを示す記号を DBCS 文字 に指定することができますが、プログラム実行時にはその DBCS 文字をニーモニックとして使うことはできません。 デバッガー: * リモート・デバッグのソース・コード・モニター画面には、ホスト COBOL ソース・コードが表示されますが、ホストのエディターでは ブランクのスペースとなる SO および SI が、このソースには表示 されません。これは、ソース・コードが、DBCS 文字に SO/SI を 必要としないワークステーションのコードページに変換される ためです。 * デバッガーのメニューのニーモニックは使用できません。 バージョン・メモ ---------------- 第 6 版 (1999 年 3 月) このドキュメント内の情報は、IBM VisualAge COBOL Enterprise バージョン 2.2 FixPak 2 に適用されます。
Fixpak 2 - English v. 2.2 (Enterprise, 12/2/1999, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
IBM VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2 FixPak 2 Readme ------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to IBM VisualAge COBOL Enterprise. Much of the information has changed since previous releases of VisualAge COBOL. For instance, we now provide an INSTALL.TXT file on the CD-ROM, which contains virtually all the information you will need to install the Version 2.2 base product. Installation information specific to FixPak 2 is included in the SERVICE.TXT file on the CD-ROM. The information notebook, which is installed with the information component, now includes product highlight information - "What's New", a migration section for migrating from previous VisualAge COBOL offerings, and a trouble-shooting section for help in identifying and working around potential problems. It also includes online tutorials and other online documentation. VisualAge COBOL manuals are provided in Adobe Acrobat PDF form in the \PDF directory on the CDROM. You can print from the PDF files using either Adobe Acrobat Reader or Ghostview. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is provided in the PDF directory or you can download it from the Adobe web site. You can download Ghostview from the web at: Viewing some information provided with this release requires an HTML browser. Netscape Navigator 2.02 dated 27 March 1997 is provided on the VisualAge COBOL CDROM in the \NETSCAPE directory. If you don't have a brower, or if your browser predates this version, install the copy from the CD. Thank you for choosing VisualAge COBOL Enterprise. If you have any questions, comments, or need assistance, the Getting Started manual has a list of phone numbers and addresses that will guide you to the appropriate department. APARs included in FixPak 1 (August 1998) ---------------------------------------- APAR IC21064: Invalid MOVE when overlapping MOVE with padding (PMR 46036) APAR IC21377: IDBUG shuts down displaying a variable from OO COBOL (PMR 30649,071,724) WORKING-STORAGE SECTION if inheriting from SOMClass APAR IC21280: DCZ_DATFLOW_LIMIT problem (PMR 45107,664,706) APARs included in FixPak 2 (December 1998) ------------------------------------------ APAR IC21874: Dynamically called programs are not unloaded (PMR 38291,180,000) at rununit termination. Version Notice -------------- Six Edition (December 1998) Information in this document applies to IBM VisualAge COBOL Enterprise Version 2.2 FixPak 2. =========================================================================== VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2 Installation Notes =========================================================================== 1.0 Before You Install 2.0 Hints and Tips for Installing VisualAge COBOL 3.0 Trouble-Shooting for Installing VisualAge COBOL 4.0 Installing the Application Understanding Host JCL Scanner 5.0 Unattended Install 1.0 Before You Install ================== 1.1 To install the product: --------------------------- 1. Uninstall any previous versions of the product from the system. Important! If you have a previous release of VisualAge COBOL installed and have created projects on the desktop, move those projects into a folder on the desktop before uninstalling your current release of VisualAge COBOL. Projects left on the desktop will lose inheritance information, which may impact the ability to migrate them to VisualAge COBOL Version 2.2. 2. Insert the VisualAge for COBOL CD-ROM or access the LAN where the VisualAge COBOL image resides. 3. From the command line, change to the directory where the installation program is located (for the CD-ROM, it is the root directory). 4. For a basic installation, type: install from the command line. For a shared installation, enter: shrdinst from the command line. (If you're not sure which you should choose, read "Choosing Basic or Shared Installation" in the "Getting Started" (GC26-9051) manual. The main "VisualAge COBOL Installation" window and the "Instructions" window appear. 5. Follow the prompts to proceed with the installation. See section 2.0 "Hints and Tips for Installing VisualAge COBOL" in this file for more installation information. Some components require that other components get installed. When you select a certain component you may see others also selected. For example, the COBOL Editor requires WorkFrame. The installation utility automatically selects any other components required. Note: The "Update CONFIG.SYS" box directs the install program to automatically update your CONFIG.SYS file. A copy of your original unmodified CONFIG.SYS file is saved as the next unused file name in the ascending sequence of CONFIG.001, CONFIG.002, and so on. A higher number in the file name extention indicates a more recent copy. This box is checked by default. We recommend you leave this box checked to update CONFIG.SYS automatically. If you choose not to have the install program update your CONFIG.SYS, you must make the changes yourself before you run VisualAge COBOL. For the changes, see the CONFIG.ADD file in the same drive and path as CONFIG.SYS (this file is created by VisualAge COBOL following installation). 6. A message window tells you when the installation is complete. Shut down and restart your system to make the changes to your CONFIG.SYS file take effect. For information on hardware and software requirements, see "Hardware and Software Requirements" in the "Getting Started" manual. For more information on the product or to report problems, visit the following web site: 2.0 Hints and Tips for Installing VisualAge COBOL ================================================== The following is a list of items that you should be aware of during the install: 2.1) Be certain that the drive with your swapper file has enough space. The installation program could add 15MB to your swapper if your RAM is being used by other programs. 2.2) When transferring files to another computer, be aware that files for desktop objects (such as projects) have extended attributes, which are not supported on some file systems and file transfer utilities (for example: DOS, TCP/IP, PKZIP). Such files can be packed using EPFIPAK2 (which can be found in the directory \IBMCOBOL\CLIENTPK), transferred to the other computer and unpacked using EPFIUPK2 (which can be found in the directory \IBMCOBOL\CLIENTPK). 2.3) Using HPFS, you should not install VisualAge COBOL in a directory structure that has a blank as part of the directory name. For example: D:\VisualAge COBOL\PRODUCT The install itself works, however, some components do not run correctly. 2.4) If you do not install the full product, certain topics in the "Information Notebook" might not be available. 2.5) Determine if you need to place CONFIG.DFM in a directory: If you are using APPC for host/workstation communication, you must also install the SdU component. Remote E/C/D requires the CONFIG.DFM file (which VisualAge COBOL installs in the IBMCOBOL\SAMPLES\SDU directory). You need to copy the CONFIG.DFM file into the IBMCOBOL\MACROS directory. We suggest that you keep the original, unmodified version of CONFIG.DFM in the IBMCOBOL\SAMPLES\SDU directory for recovery purposes. 2.6) Update the COBLPATH4 environment variable in your CONFIG.SYS: If, before installing VisualAge COBOL, you had an LPATH or LPATH2 environment variable that pointed to private LPEX macros, then you need to append the contents of the LPATH or LPATH2 environment variable to the contents of the COBLPATH4 environment variable (which is created by VisualAge COBOL). For example, if LPATH or LPATH2 contained: D:\MYMACROS As a result of installing VisualAge COBOL assume the COBLPATH4 environment variable was set to: E:\IBMCOBOL\MACROS Then you should update the COBLPATH4 environment variable to: E:\IBMCOBOL\MACROS;D:\MYMACROS then your private macros that were in D:\MYMACROS are available. 2.7) If you are going to develop Object Oriented applications, you must install the Warp Toolkit development tools (to have SOM available). 2.8) The installation of VisualAge COBOL, by default, sets the LANG variable in your CONFIG.SYS to En_US. If, however, you already have the LANG variable set, the install does not attempt to change the LANG variable. 2.9) Product Incongruencies: The following products or components cannot co-exist on the same machine: - COBOL GUI Designer and VisualAge RPG - VisualAge COBOL and the workstation feature of CODE/370 (Remote Edit/Compile/Debug has equivalent function.) - Remote Edit/Compile/Debug and - CODE/400 - CODE/370 - VisualAge RPG Installation of VisualAge COBOL with products or components listed may result in failures of some functions in those products. 2.10) Remote E/C/D: The file MVSINFO.DAT, located in the MACROS directory, is deleted if you uninstall Remote E/C/D. This file contains user configuration information (like system name and userID) for Remote E/C/D. Copy MVSINFO.DAT to a user directory before uninstall so you do not lose your own configuration information. After a reinstall you can copy MVSINFO.DAT back to the MACROS directory. Note: There have been some minor changes to the MVSINFO.DAT file for the new release. An old MVSINFO.DAT file still works. You may choose to update the new MVSINFO.DAT file with the data from the old MVSINFO.DAT file. 2.11) SMARTdata UTILITIES: - Remote VSAM access to MVS alternate index files depends on the installation of two MVS DFSMS APARs: OW20884 and OW23571 (these APARs apply to DFSMS Version 1.4.0 and below). In addition, the DFM startup parameter MAX_CONV_LOCK in the DFM00 member of the MVS system parmlib should be set to the maximum number of 100. (The IEFPARM statement in the DFM procedure identifies the system parmlib.) - COBOL "Return Status = 02" when accessing remote MVS indexed files with alternate keys that allow duplicates depends on the installation of the MVS DFSMS APAR: OW26104 (this APAR applies to DFSMS Version 1.4.0 and below). This return status indicates an input-output statement was successfully executed but a duplicate key was detected. 2.12) Transaction Assistant: CICS Setup: To execute an application that contains code generated by Transaction Assistant requires the CICS Client to be installed. If both the CICS for OS/2 and the CICS Client are on the same machine, make sure that the CICS Client entries precede the CICS for OS/2 entries in the LIBPATH statement in CONFIG.SYS. 2.13) Only for LPEX on OS/2 Warp Version 4 with FixPak 5 applied: Under certain conditions when closing the last LPEX window, LPEX generates an exception. The exception occurs after LPEX has finished all critical processing, such as saving user data. If you are running with AUTOFAIL set to YES you probably will not be aware of the exception. If you are running with AUTOFAIL set to NO, a SYS3175 exception message box is displayed. AUTOFAIL is set in CONFIG.SYS. 3.0 Trouble-Shooting for Installing VisualAge COBOL ==================================================== 3.1 If Something Goes Wrong ---------------------------- This section describes what to do if you encounter a problem or an error when you run the install program. Online help is also available for error messages, both from the "Help" button on the message window, or from the index or contents of the online install help. Q: If you Get an Error Message A: Select the "Help" button for the error for information on how to correct it. Also note the message number and the file name where the error occurred, if one is indicated. If you cannot successfully complete the installation and have to call VisualAge COBOL Service and Support, this information may help identify your problem (see "Getting Support for Using VisualAge COBOL" in the "Getting Started" manual). Q: If You Select Stop A: If you select the "Stop" button on the Install progress window, the install program immediately stops and displays a window that asks if you want to back out of the installation so far. You cannot resume the install program from this point; you must end it and start again. In the confirmation window: - Select "Yes" to undo everything that the install program has done up to that point. We recommend you choose this option. Any desktop objects are deleted. - Select "No" to leave the files that have already been installed. Once the program has ended, you can restart it from the beginning. Q: If the Install Program Fails A: If the install program fails, it displays a window that asks if you want to back out of the installation: - Select "Yes" to undo everything that the install program has done up to that point. We recommend you choose this option. - Select "No" to leave the files that have already been installed. The most likely reason for the failure is that not enough disk space is available. To solve this problem: - Make more room on your target drive. - Choose a different target drive. - Select fewer components to install. If disk space is not a problem, run CHKDSK on the: - Drive where OS/2 is installed - Target drive to ensure there are no file system problems. If you are using a response file, make sure you specified responses for CFGUPDATE, DELETEBACKUP, FILE, SAVEBACKUP, and WORK, and at least one component name for COMP. If you do not give responses for these keywords, the install program may fail. Make sure that you specified the component names correctly. Also make sure that you specified the required command-line options as described in the "Unattended Install" section below, in "Installing Using Response Files". If you try the install program again with the response file, specify the command-line options: /L1:errorlog and /L2:historylog to create an error log and history log, respectively. Specify the path and file name for both. If the problem still occurs, these logs may help you determine the cause. If you have tried all of these suggestions and the install program still fails, contact VisualAge COBOL Service and Support (see "Getting Support for Using VisualAge COBOL" in the "Getting Started" manual). Q: If You Can't Delete an Object Because It's in Use A: When you delete a component, if any objects or files are in use, they are not deleted. A message informs you when this happens. The rest of the component and its desktop objects are deleted. After you shut down and restart your system, these objects should be deleted automatically. If they are not, run the delete action again. From an OS/2 command line, change to the directory containing the Compiler and Nonvisual Tools and type: epfinsts. If this fails, rename the subdirectory, shut down, and try to delete it again. Q: If VisualAge COBOL Doesn't Appear in the Installation Utility A: If you start the Installation Utility and VisualAge COBOL is not listed in the window, select "Installed Products" from the "View" menu to display it. Q: If You Can't Install Additional Components A: If you attempt to use the Installation Utility to install additional components and get an error of EPFIE114, you must select the drive where the install image resides. See step 2 in the "Reinstalling or Installing Components" section below, under "Method 2: Using the Installation Utility to Add or Delete Components". Q: If You've Tried Everything and It Still Doesn't Work A: If the install program continues to fail after you've tried everything suggested by the error message help and this section, contact VisualAge COBOL Service and Support (see "Getting Support for Using VisualAge COBOL" in the "Getting Started" manual). Be sure to inform them what error messages you see, and what file names,if any, are given in those messages. If you are using response files, tell them the contents of your error and history logs. 3.2 Reinstalling or Installing Components ------------------------------------------ To reinstall a component or the entire product, you must first delete the entire product. You can use one of three methods to add or delete components: 1. Run the original install program interactively (see "Method 1" below). 2. Use the Installation Utility icon from the main "VisualAge COBOL" window (see "Method 2" below). 3. Run the original install program with a response file. The steps for methods 1 and 2 are very similar, other than the initial interface. The steps for using a response file are described in the "Unattended Install" section below in "Adding or Deleting Components Using a Response File". Important: Before uninstalling Remote E/C/D, copy the file MVSINFO.DAT from the IBMCOBOL\MACROS directory into a separate user directory or diskette. When uninstalling Remote E/C/D, VisualAge COBOL deletes the MVSINFO.DAT file, which contains user customization information (such as the MVS system address and TSO userid). After you reinstall Remote E/C/D, copy the original MVSINFO.DAT file back into the IBMCOBOL\MACROS directory. Important Information for Shared Install! ----------------------------------------- If you are adding components, make sure you have access to the LAN directory where the VisualAge COBOL installation files reside. If not, VisualAge COBOL attempts to install on the drive where the local files from the shared install reside. VisualAge COBOL then issues an error message stating the drive is not ready. 3.2.1 Method 1: Using the Install Program to Add or Delete Components ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Insert the VisualAge COBOL CD-ROM, or access the LAN where the VisualAge COBOL image resides. 2. From the command line, change to the directory where the installation program is located. (For the CD-ROM, it is the root directory; for the LAN directory name, ask your LAN administrator.) 3. On the command line: - For a basic installation, type: install - For a shared installation, type: shrdinst The main "VisualAge COBOL Installation" window and the "Instructions" window appear. 4. Select "Continue" in the Instructions window. The "Installation options" window appears showing the following options: - Update the currently installed components Do not use this option. It is provided to support corrective service (CSDs) for VisualAge COBOL. To reinstall a component, delete it first, then reinstall. - Delete the installed components and re-install Choose this option to delete the installed components, including their Desktop objects and entries in any .INI files. You can then reinstall them if you want. If you want to update components, but think you may have corrupted your Desktop objects or .INI entries, choose this option to delete the components entirely. Then reinstall them. 3.2.2 Method 2: Using the Installation Utility to Add or Delete ---------------------------------------------------------------- Components ---------- 1. From the task bar, select "VisualAge COBOL", then select the "Install/Uninstall Utility" icon. 2. To add components: a. From the "File" pull-down, select "Open Catalog". Select "Drive". The "Open drive catalog" window appears. In the "Drive" entry field, select the drive where the install image resides (CD-ROM or a LAN drive). In the "Filename" entry field, ensure that /IBMCOBOL.ICF is displayed. Click on "Open". b. From the "Action" pull-down, select "Install". 3.2.3 Updating Components for Corrective Service ------------------------------------------------- Once you have gone through the steps in "Reinstalling or Installing Components" above, and arrived at the Installation options window: 1. Choose "Update the currently installed components" and select "Continue". The Update window appears, displaying the product information. 2. When you've chosen the options you want, select "Update". For more trouble-shooting information, see the Product README file on the CD or click on the "Trouble-Shooting" button in the "Information Notebook". 4.0 Install the Application Understanding Host JCL Scanner =========================================================== If you want to use Application Understanding (AU) to scan JCL on a VSE host system, you need the VSE JCL Scanner, which will be available in the next release of VSE. The MVS JCL Scanner is shipped with VisualAge COBOL for OS/2. THESE HOST PARTS MUST BE MANUALLY UPLOADED TO MVS. These parts do not need to be uploaded to the host again once done successfully. The MVS subdirectory on the drive and under the main directory that you installed AU contains the following host parts: ARDV000.CLI Use this clist to submit the JCL scan FROM THE WORKSTATION. The Remote E/C/D component must be installed and setup to submit the JCL scans from the workstation. This sample clist must be modified for your installation and added as member ARDV000 to the userid.ARD.CLIST PDS, which must be available to the NFS transaction defined for VisualAge COBOL. The ARDV000.CLI datasets allocation (default) values are: Record Format=FB, Record Length=80, Block Size=6160, Primary Quantity=7, Secondary Quantity=24. ARDV000.JCL Use this JCL to run the JCL scan in batch on MVS. This sample JCL must be modified for your installation and added to a JCL PDS. The ARDV000.JCL datasets allocation (default) values are: Record Format=FB, Record Length=80, Block Size=6160, Primary Quantity=7, Secondary Quantity=24. ARDV00.LOD This file is a loadlib that has been unloaded into a sequential file using the MVS XMIT utility. It must be sent to your MVS system and transformed back into a loadlib. If you use the sample CLIST, ARDV000.CLI to run the JCL scan on MVS, the loadlib must then be made available to the NFS transaction defined for VisualAge COBOL. If you use the sample JCL, ARDV000.JCL, to submit the JCL scan on MVS, this loadlib must be available to the batch job running the JCL scan. You may want to use the batch job when scanning many JOBs (100s of members of a PDS) in a single run especially if your NFS transaction has a time limit measured in seconds. 4.1 Creating the ARDV000 LOADLIB --------------------------------- The steps to create ARDV000 LOADLIBs on your MVS system are: 1. On your MVS system Allocate a sequential file to receive ARDV000.LOD. This dataset has: Record Format=FB, Record Length=80, Block Size=3120, Space=250 blocks, Secondary Blocks=5. 2. On your workstation Send ARDV000.LOD to the file allocated on your MVS system. To do this, open a command window and position to the drive where ARDV000.LOD was installed by entering: d:, where "d" is the drive containing redevelopment tools. Then enter: cd ibmcobol\mvs This command makes MVS the current directory. Then enter: send ardv000.lod b:'userid.ardv000.lod' where: o send is the Communication Manager command o ardv000.lod is the part from the MVS directory o b: is your Communication Manager session for MVS o userid.ardv000.lod is the sequential dataset you allocated in step 1. 3. From your MVS system Create the loadlib from the sequential dataset. From the MVS ready prompt enter: receive indsn('userid.ardv000.lod') where: userid.ardv000.lod is the sequential dataset you allocated in step 1. At the prompt to enter the name to be used for loadlib, enter: dsn('<high-level-qualifiers>.ardv000.loadlib') The loadlib is allocated if it does not already exist and the sequential file is transformed into a loadlib and copied to it. If you wish to allocate the loadlib prior to issuing the receive, the attributes for a 3380 device are: Record Format=U, Record Length=0, Block Size =32760, Space=Tracks, Secondary=15 Tracks, Directory Blocks=10). 4.2 Allocating MVS Datasets ---------------------------- The following MVS datasets must be allocated before the JCL scan is run: Note: The value .yyyy used in the following instructions represents 0 or more qualifiers used in your MVS dataset names. CDIF PDS userid.yyyy.CDIF (VF, 255, 23476) Information extracted from the scanned JCL is placed in this dataset. The first time you run the Application Understanding JCL request you need to specify this PDS name. Size is determined by how many scans you wish to save. Each scan generates a member that can be several times larger than the JCL being scanned because the JCL is exploded to include the JCL from called PROCs.) Message Log PDS userid.yyyy.MSG (VB, 255, 23476) A list of the JCL member scanned and any error encountered during the scan is placed in this dataset. The first time you run the Application Understanding JCL Scan request you need to specify this PDS name. This is a relatively small PDS containing one member for each JCL scan that your run. ProcLib List userid.yyy.ARDLIB sequential data set (FB, 80, 3200) (1 track should be sufficient). If you are using the sample CLIST to run the JCL scan from the workstation, you must edit this dataset creating one line for each procedure library used by the JCL being scanned. The following is an example file: SYS1.ADPROC SYS1.PP.PROCLIB USERID.ABC.TESTPROC If you are using the sample JCL (found in ARDV000.JCL located in the directory \IBMCOBOL\MVS) to submit the JCL scan on MVS, you can EITHER: - Create one line for each proclib used (as described above) and provide the userid.yyy.ARDLIB data set name on the //ARDLIB DD statement in the sample JCL. - List the proclib data set names directly in the sample JCL on the //ARDLIB DD statement in the JCL. 5.0 Unattended Install ======================= This section describes the response file that you can tailor for unattended install, the different command-line options you can use and the values the install program returns. It also gives instructions on installing using Response files. 5.1 Response File Format and Parameters ---------------------------------------- The response file is a flat ASCII file that consists of a number of response lines and optional comment lines. Lines can be up to 255 bytes in length, and are separated by a new-line sequence. A comment line begins with an asterisk (*) or semi-colon (;). Response lines tell the install program how to install. Each response line has the format: keyword = response Keywords are not case sensitive. For the VisualAge COBOL install program, the keywords and the responses to specify for each are: __________________________________________________________________________ Keyword Response ------- -------- CFGUPDATE AUTO to automatically update CONFIG.SYS; MANUAL to not update CONFIG.SYS. If you choose not to update CONFIG.SYS automatically, you must update it yourself before you reboot (see the CONFIG.ADD file that VisualAge COBOL generates). The install program prompts you to confirm that this is what you want. COMP The name of a component to install. You must specify each component with its own COMP keyword. Note that many components require that other components be installed to work correctly. All the components are listed in UNATTEND.RSP; you can delete any you do not want. COPY The source and target files for a copy process outside of the install program. This parameter is useful if you are using an SDM to install VisualAge COBOL over a LAN, and you want to copy other files that are not part of VisualAge COBOL to the workstations. The format for COPY is: COPY = sourcefile targetfile If targetfile already exists, it is overwritten. If either file specification is incorrect, the copy is not done. DELETEBACKUP YES to delete a backup version along with the product when Delete is chosen; NO to keep the backup version. This setting is only used when you delete the product. See "Reinstalling or Installing Components" in "Trouble-Shooting for Installing VisualAge COBOL", section 3.0 in this file for details on deleting the product. FILE The directory where you want to install your COBOL product. INCLUDE The name of another response file to include. You can have up to five levels of nested response files. If you don't specify the fully-qualified file name, the install program looks for the response file using the following search order: 1. The current directory. 2. The path specified by the /G command-line option. 3. Directories specified by the PATH environment variable. 4. Directories specified by the DPATH environment variable. If the file name specified contains a wildcard character (* or?), the first matching file is used. SAVEBACKUP Yes to save a backup copy; NO to not save a backup. This setting is only used when you install corrective service (CSDs) for VisualAge COBOL. USEREXIT The name of a program that you want the install program to call. This is useful if you are installing VisualAge COBOL using an SDM, and want to perform additional tasks. If you do not specify the fully-qualified file name, the install program looks for the program file using the following search order: 1. The current directory. 2. Directories specified by the PATH environment variable. 3. Directories specified by the DPATH environment variable. If the file name specified contains a wildcard character (* or ?), the first matching file is used. WORK The directory where you want to install the Warp Toolkit. You must specify responses for the CFGUPDATE, DELETEBACKUP, FILE, SAVEBACKUP, and WORK keywords, and specify at least one component for the COMP keyword, for the install program to work correctly. 5.2 Command-Line Options ------------------------- You can specify a number of command-line options for the install command. If you run install or shrdinst interactively, you don't have to specify any options. If you run install with a response file, you must specify install2: /A /C /O /P /R /X All other options are optional. __________________________________________________________________________ The command-line options are: Option Description ------ ----------- /A:action Specifies the action to perform, action can be any of: D Delete. I Install. U Update. (Note that you should only use this action when you are installing corrective service (CSDs) to VisualAge COBOL. /C:<sourcedir>\IBMCOBOL.ICF Specifies the catalog file that contains the information about the VisualAge COBOL files. You must specify the drive and directory, which are the same as the install program. Note: <sourcedir> is the source directory where source files reside. /G:includepath Specifies the path the install program should use to locate response files. /L1:<targetdir>\errorlog Specifies the error log file. The install program logs the install events in this file and prefixes them with a time stamp. If you do not specify a path and file name, IWZINSTS.OUT is created in the temporary install directory (usually on the drive with the most available space). If you do not specify this option, messages are not logged. Note: <targetdir> is the target directory where you installed the product. /L2:<targetdir>\historylog Specifies the history log file. The install program logs the install events in this file and prefixes them with a time stamp. If you do not specify a path and file name, the history log is created in the temporary install directory (usually on the drive with the most available space). If you do not specify this option, the history is not logged. /O:DRIVE Specifies that the program files are being copied from a local or remote disk drive, not a mainframe host. /P:"VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2" Specifies the name of the product to install. /R:<targetdir>\UNATTEND.RSP Specifies the response file to use. If you do not specify the fully-qualified file name, the install program looks for the response file using the following search order: 1. The current directory. 2. The path specified by /G, if any. 3. Directories specified by the PATH environment variable. 4. Directories specified by the DPATH environment variable. /S:<sourcedir> Specifies the directory where the source files reside. /T:<targetdir> Specifies the directory where the files should be installed. If you use this option, it overrides what is specified for FILE in the response file. /TU:<targetdir>\CONFIG.SYS Specifies the CONFIG.SYS file to be updated. /X Specifies that the install program runs unattended, using a response file. __________________________________________________________________________ 5.3 Return Codes ----------------- The install program returns a 2-byte hexadecimal value to the SDM, indicating success or failure, what steps should be taken next, and what type of messages, if any, were logged: o Successful installation. No other action required. 00 00 No messages were logged. o Successful installation. Restart the workstation operating system. Do not call the install program again. FE 00 No messages were logged. FE 04 Warning messages were logged. FE 08 Error messages were logged. FE 12 Severe error messages were logged. o Successful installation. Restart the workstation operating system and call the install program again. FF xx xx can be any value from 00 to FF. o Installation did not complete successfully; an unexpected condition was encountered. 16 00 The install program was invoked incorrectly. 16 04 Messages were logged. If you created user exits for the install program to call (as specified by the USEREXIT keyword in the response file), your user exit must return a 2-byte hexadecimal value to the install program as follows: 00 00 Your program completed successfully. FE 00 Your program completed successfully, and requires the workstation operating system to be restarted without calling the install program again. When you return this value, the install program displays a message to restart the operating system. FF xx Your program completed successfully, and requires the workstation operating system to be restarted and the install program to be called again. When you return this value, the install program displays a message to to restart the operating system and to try the action again. If your program is in REXX, you can use the REXX EXIT command and return the value in decimal instead of hexadecimal. If your program returns a different value to the install program, the install program displays a message that a product-specific error occurred, indicating the name of your program and the return code. 5.4 Installing Using Response Files ------------------------------------ If you are installing from a CD-ROM or LAN server, you can run the install program unattended, using a response file to specify what to install and where. You can use response files for either a basic or shared installation. To install using a response file: 1. Create a response file, or tailor the sample response file, UNATTEND.RSP, provided in the IBMCOBOL\EXTRAS directory of the CD-ROM. You can copy UNATTEND.RSP to your hard drive and change the appropriate responses. Make sure that: o FILE specifies the directory where you want to install the Compiler and Nonvisual Tools for a basic install. For a shared install, it is known as the local file directory. o WORK specifies the directory where you want to install the Warp Toolkit. o COMP keywords specify the components you want to install. Note: For shared install, you do not need WORK. For a list of all the parameters you can change, see "Unattended Install", section 5.0 in this file. 2. From an OS/2 command line, change to the CD-ROM or LAN directory where the install program resides. 3. Invoke the basic install program with the command: install2 /A:I /X /R:d:\UNATTEND.RSP /C:IBMCOBOL.ICF /P:"VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2" /O:DRIVE where d:\UNATTENDED.RSP or <targetdir>\UNATTEND.RSP is your response file. For a description of the /A command-line option and other command-line options, see section 5.2, "Command-Line Options". See also section 5.0, "Unattended Install". 4. Or, invoke the shared install program with the command: install2 /A:I /X /R:d:\UNATTEND.RSP /P:"VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2" /O:DRIVE /C:<sharedir>\IBMCOBOL\SHARED\IBMCOBOL.ICF /S:<sharedir>\ where <sharedir> is the base LAN directory where the source files reside. For the /S option, ensure that there is a back slash (\) at the end. Note: If you want to log any error messages that are generated, specify the /L1:errorlog option, where errorlog is the path and file name to use for the error log. This is usually a good idea because messages are not displayed during an unattended install; if you don't log them, you have no record of what errors occurred. For a description of the /A command-line option and other command-line options, see section 5.2, "Command-Line Options". See also section 5.0, "Unattended Install". 5. You can then leave the install program unattended. When it is complete, the OS/2 command prompt appears in the OS/2 session where you ran the install2 command. 6. If you choose not to have the installation program update your CONFIG.SYS, make the changes to it now BEFORE you reboot. (See the CONFIG.ADD file that VisualAge COBOL generates.) 7. Shut down and restart your system to make the changes to your CONFIG.SYS file take effect. You have now successfully installed VisualAge COBOL, and are ready to go! See the "Getting Started" manual for what to do next. 5.5 Adding or Deleting Components Using a Response File -------------------------------------------------------- To add or delete components using a response file: 1. Modify the appropriate parameters in your response file. If you are deleting components, make sure that: o COMP keywords specify the components to delete. o DELETEBACKUP specifies whether you want to delete backup files If you are adding components, make sure that: o FILE specifies the directory where you want to install the Compiler and Nonvisual Tools for a basic install. For a shared install, it is known as the local file directory. o WORK specifies the directory where you want to install the Warp Toolkit. o COMP keywords specify the components you want to install. Note: For shared install, you do not need WORK. 2. Change the CD-ROM or LAN directory where the VisualAge COBOL install program resides. 3. To delete or install components from a basic install: For example, to install, enter: install2 /A:I /X /R:<targetdir>\UNATTEND.RSP /C:IBMCOBOL.ICF /P:"VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2" /O:DRIVE where d:UNATTEND.RSP or <targetdir>\UNATTEND.RSP is your response file For a description of the /A command-line option and other command-line options, see section 5.2, "Command-Line Options". See also section 5.0, "Unattended Install". Or, for a shared install program: For example, to install, enter: install2 /A:I /X /R:d:\UNATTEND.RSP /P:"VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2" /O:DRIVE /C:<sharedir> \IBMCOBOL\SHARED\IBMCOBOL.ICF /S:<sharedir>\ where sharedir is the base LAN directory where the source files reside. For the /S option, ensure that there is a back slash (\) at the end. For a description of the /A command-line option and other command-line options, see section 5.2, "Command-Line Options". See also section 5.0, "Unattended Install". 4. You can then leave the install program unattended while the components are deleted or installed. 5. When the install program has finished, the OS/2 command prompt appears in the OS/2 session where you ran the install2 command. 6. If you added components and chose not to have the installation program update your CONFIG.SYS, make the changes to it now BEFORE you reboot. (See the CONFIG.ADD file that VisualAge COBOL generates.) 7. Shut down and reboot your workstation. ========================================================================== Copyright IBM Corporation 1998 - All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ========================================================================== Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries, or both: IBM VisualAge Other terms used in Installation Notes, which may be denoted by a double asterisk (**), are trademarks or service marks of others. ==========================================================================
Fixpak 1 v. 2.2 (Enterprise, 31/8/1998, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
IBM VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2 FixPak 1 Readme ------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to IBM VisualAge COBOL Enterprise. Much of the information has changed since previous releases of VisualAge COBOL. For instance, we now provide an INSTALL.TXT file on the CD-ROM, which contains virtually all the information you will need to install the product. The information notebook, which is installed with the information component, now includes product highlight information - "What's New", a migration section for migrating from previous VisualAge COBOL offerings, and a trouble-shooting section for help in identifying and working around potential problems. It also includes online tutorials and other online documentation. VisualAge COBOL manuals are provided in Adobe Acrobat PDF form in the \PDF directory on the CDROM. You can print from the PDF files using either Adobe Acrobat Reader or Ghostview. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is provided in the PDF directory or you can download it from the Adobe web site. You can download Ghostview from the web at: Viewing some information provided with this release requires an HTML browser. Netscape Navigator 2.02 dated 27 March 1997 is provided on the VisualAge COBOL CDROM in the \NETSCAPE directory. If you don't have a brower, or if your browser predates this version, install the copy from the CD. Thank you for choosing VisualAge COBOL Enterprise. If you have any questions, comments, or need assistance, the Getting Started manual has a list of phone numbers and addresses that will guide you to the appropriate department. APARs included in FixPak 1 (August 1998) ---------------------------------------- APAR IC21064: Invalid MOVE when overlapping MOVE with padding (PMR 46036) APAR IC21377: IDBUG shuts down displaying a variable from OO COBOL (PMR 30649,071,724) WORKING-STORAGE SECTION if inheriting from SOMClass APAR IC21280: DCZ_DATFLOW_LIMIT problem (PMR 45107,664,706) Version Notice -------------- Fifth Edition (August 1998) Information in this document applies to IBM VisualAge COBOL Enterprise Version 2.2 FixPak 1. =========================================================================== VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2 Installation Notes =========================================================================== 1.0 Before You Install 2.0 Hints and Tips for Installing VisualAge COBOL 3.0 Trouble-Shooting for Installing VisualAge COBOL 4.0 Installing the Application Understanding Host JCL Scanner 5.0 Unattended Install 1.0 Before You Install ================== 1.1 To install the product: --------------------------- 1. Uninstall any previous versions of the product from the system. Important! If you have a previous release of VisualAge COBOL installed and have created projects on the desktop, move those projects into a folder on the desktop before uninstalling your current release of VisualAge COBOL. Projects left on the desktop will lose inheritance information, which may impact the ability to migrate them to VisualAge COBOL Version 2.2. 2. Insert the VisualAge for COBOL CD-ROM or access the LAN where the VisualAge COBOL image resides. 3. From the command line, change to the directory where the installation program is located (for the CD-ROM, it is the root directory). 4. For a basic installation, type: install from the command line. For a shared installation, enter: shrdinst from the command line. (If you're not sure which you should choose, read "Choosing Basic or Shared Installation" in the "Getting Started" (GC26-9051) manual. The main "VisualAge COBOL Installation" window and the "Instructions" window appear. 5. Follow the prompts to proceed with the installation. See section 2.0 "Hints and Tips for Installing VisualAge COBOL" in this file for more installation information. Some components require that other components get installed. When you select a certain component you may see others also selected. For example, the COBOL Editor requires WorkFrame. The installation utility automatically selects any other components required. Note: The "Update CONFIG.SYS" box directs the install program to automatically update your CONFIG.SYS file. A copy of your original unmodified CONFIG.SYS file is saved as the next unused file name in the ascending sequence of CONFIG.001, CONFIG.002, and so on. A higher number in the file name extention indicates a more recent copy. This box is checked by default. We recommend you leave this box checked to update CONFIG.SYS automatically. If you choose not to have the install program update your CONFIG.SYS, you must make the changes yourself before you run VisualAge COBOL. For the changes, see the CONFIG.ADD file in the same drive and path as CONFIG.SYS (this file is created by VisualAge COBOL following installation). 6. A message window tells you when the installation is complete. Shut down and restart your system to make the changes to your CONFIG.SYS file take effect. For information on hardware and software requirements, see "Hardware and Software Requirements" in the "Getting Started" manual. For more information on the product or to report problems, visit the following web site: 2.0 Hints and Tips for Installing VisualAge COBOL ================================================== The following is a list of items that you should be aware of during the install: 2.1) Be certain that the drive with your swapper file has enough space. The installation program could add 15MB to your swapper if your RAM is being used by other programs. 2.2) When transferring files to another computer, be aware that files for desktop objects (such as projects) have extended attributes, which are not supported on some file systems and file transfer utilities (for example: DOS, TCP/IP, PKZIP). Such files can be packed using EPFIPAK2 (which can be found in the directory \IBMCOBOL\CLIENTPK), transferred to the other computer and unpacked using EPFIUPK2 (which can be found in the directory \IBMCOBOL\CLIENTPK). 2.3) Using HPFS, you should not install VisualAge COBOL in a directory structure that has a blank as part of the directory name. For example: D:\VisualAge COBOL\PRODUCT The install itself works, however, some components do not run correctly. 2.4) If you do not install the full product, certain topics in the "Information Notebook" might not be available. 2.5) Determine if you need to place CONFIG.DFM in a directory: If you are using APPC for host/workstation communication, you must also install the SdU component. Remote E/C/D requires the CONFIG.DFM file (which VisualAge COBOL installs in the IBMCOBOL\SAMPLES\SDU directory). You need to copy the CONFIG.DFM file into the IBMCOBOL\MACROS directory. We suggest that you keep the original, unmodified version of CONFIG.DFM in the IBMCOBOL\SAMPLES\SDU directory for recovery purposes. 2.6) Update the COBLPATH4 environment variable in your CONFIG.SYS: If, before installing VisualAge COBOL, you had an LPATH or LPATH2 environment variable that pointed to private LPEX macros, then you need to append the contents of the LPATH or LPATH2 environment variable to the contents of the COBLPATH4 environment variable (which is created by VisualAge COBOL). For example, if LPATH or LPATH2 contained: D:\MYMACROS As a result of installing VisualAge COBOL assume the COBLPATH4 environment variable was set to: E:\IBMCOBOL\MACROS Then you should update the COBLPATH4 environment variable to: E:\IBMCOBOL\MACROS;D:\MYMACROS then your private macros that were in D:\MYMACROS are available. 2.7) If you are going to develop Object Oriented applications, you must install the Warp Toolkit development tools (to have SOM available). 2.8) The installation of VisualAge COBOL, by default, sets the LANG variable in your CONFIG.SYS to En_US. If, however, you already have the LANG variable set, the install does not attempt to change the LANG variable. 2.9) Product Incongruencies: The following products or components cannot co-exist on the same machine: - COBOL GUI Designer and VisualAge RPG - VisualAge COBOL and the workstation feature of CODE/370 (Remote Edit/Compile/Debug has equivalent function.) - Remote Edit/Compile/Debug and - CODE/400 - CODE/370 - VisualAge RPG Installation of VisualAge COBOL with products or components listed may result in failures of some functions in those products. 2.10) Remote E/C/D: The file MVSINFO.DAT, located in the MACROS directory, is deleted if you uninstall Remote E/C/D. This file contains user configuration information (like system name and userID) for Remote E/C/D. Copy MVSINFO.DAT to a user directory before uninstall so you do not lose your own configuration information. After a reinstall you can copy MVSINFO.DAT back to the MACROS directory. Note: There have been some minor changes to the MVSINFO.DAT file for the new release. An old MVSINFO.DAT file still works. You may choose to update the new MVSINFO.DAT file with the data from the old MVSINFO.DAT file. 2.11) SMARTdata UTILITIES: - Remote VSAM access to MVS alternate index files depends on the installation of two MVS DFSMS APARs: OW20884 and OW23571 (these APARs apply to DFSMS Version 1.4.0 and below). In addition, the DFM startup parameter MAX_CONV_LOCK in the DFM00 member of the MVS system parmlib should be set to the maximum number of 100. (The IEFPARM statement in the DFM procedure identifies the system parmlib.) - COBOL "Return Status = 02" when accessing remote MVS indexed files with alternate keys that allow duplicates depends on the installation of the MVS DFSMS APAR: OW26104 (this APAR applies to DFSMS Version 1.4.0 and below). This return status indicates an input-output statement was successfully executed but a duplicate key was detected. 2.12) Transaction Assistant: CICS Setup: To execute an application that contains code generated by Transaction Assistant requires the CICS Client to be installed. If both the CICS for OS/2 and the CICS Client are on the same machine, make sure that the CICS Client entries precede the CICS for OS/2 entries in the LIBPATH statement in CONFIG.SYS. 2.13) Only for LPEX on OS/2 Warp Version 4 with FixPak 5 applied: Under certain conditions when closing the last LPEX window, LPEX generates an exception. The exception occurs after LPEX has finished all critical processing, such as saving user data. If you are running with AUTOFAIL set to YES you probably will not be aware of the exception. If you are running with AUTOFAIL set to NO, a SYS3175 exception message box is displayed. AUTOFAIL is set in CONFIG.SYS. 3.0 Trouble-Shooting for Installing VisualAge COBOL ==================================================== 3.1 If Something Goes Wrong ---------------------------- This section describes what to do if you encounter a problem or an error when you run the install program. Online help is also available for error messages, both from the "Help" button on the message window, or from the index or contents of the online install help. Q: If you Get an Error Message A: Select the "Help" button for the error for information on how to correct it. Also note the message number and the file name where the error occurred, if one is indicated. If you cannot successfully complete the installation and have to call VisualAge COBOL Service and Support, this information may help identify your problem (see "Getting Support for Using VisualAge COBOL" in the "Getting Started" manual). Q: If You Select Stop A: If you select the "Stop" button on the Install progress window, the install program immediately stops and displays a window that asks if you want to back out of the installation so far. You cannot resume the install program from this point; you must end it and start again. In the confirmation window: - Select "Yes" to undo everything that the install program has done up to that point. We recommend you choose this option. Any desktop objects are deleted. - Select "No" to leave the files that have already been installed. Once the program has ended, you can restart it from the beginning. Q: If the Install Program Fails A: If the install program fails, it displays a window that asks if you want to back out of the installation: - Select "Yes" to undo everything that the install program has done up to that point. We recommend you choose this option. - Select "No" to leave the files that have already been installed. The most likely reason for the failure is that not enough disk space is available. To solve this problem: - Make more room on your target drive. - Choose a different target drive. - Select fewer components to install. If disk space is not a problem, run CHKDSK on the: - Drive where OS/2 is installed - Target drive to ensure there are no file system problems. If you are using a response file, make sure you specified responses for CFGUPDATE, DELETEBACKUP, FILE, SAVEBACKUP, and WORK, and at least one component name for COMP. If you do not give responses for these keywords, the install program may fail. Make sure that you specified the component names correctly. Also make sure that you specified the required command-line options as described in the "Unattended Install" section below, in "Installing Using Response Files". If you try the install program again with the response file, specify the command-line options: /L1:errorlog and /L2:historylog to create an error log and history log, respectively. Specify the path and file name for both. If the problem still occurs, these logs may help you determine the cause. If you have tried all of these suggestions and the install program still fails, contact VisualAge COBOL Service and Support (see "Getting Support for Using VisualAge COBOL" in the "Getting Started" manual). Q: If You Can't Delete an Object Because It's in Use A: When you delete a component, if any objects or files are in use, they are not deleted. A message informs you when this happens. The rest of the component and its desktop objects are deleted. After you shut down and restart your system, these objects should be deleted automatically. If they are not, run the delete action again. From an OS/2 command line, change to the directory containing the Compiler and Nonvisual Tools and type: epfinsts. If this fails, rename the subdirectory, shut down, and try to delete it again. Q: If VisualAge COBOL Doesn't Appear in the Installation Utility A: If you start the Installation Utility and VisualAge COBOL is not listed in the window, select "Installed Products" from the "View" menu to display it. Q: If You Can't Install Additional Components A: If you attempt to use the Installation Utility to install additional components and get an error of EPFIE114, you must select the drive where the install image resides. See step 2 in the "Reinstalling or Installing Components" section below, under "Method 2: Using the Installation Utility to Add or Delete Components". Q: If You've Tried Everything and It Still Doesn't Work A: If the install program continues to fail after you've tried everything suggested by the error message help and this section, contact VisualAge COBOL Service and Support (see "Getting Support for Using VisualAge COBOL" in the "Getting Started" manual). Be sure to inform them what error messages you see, and what file names,if any, are given in those messages. If you are using response files, tell them the contents of your error and history logs. 3.2 Reinstalling or Installing Components ------------------------------------------ To reinstall a component or the entire product, you must first delete the entire product. You can use one of three methods to add or delete components: 1. Run the original install program interactively (see "Method 1" below). 2. Use the Installation Utility icon from the main "VisualAge COBOL" window (see "Method 2" below). 3. Run the original install program with a response file. The steps for methods 1 and 2 are very similar, other than the initial interface. The steps for using a response file are described in the "Unattended Install" section below in "Adding or Deleting Components Using a Response File". Important: Before uninstalling Remote E/C/D, copy the file MVSINFO.DAT from the IBMCOBOL\MACROS directory into a separate user directory or diskette. When uninstalling Remote E/C/D, VisualAge COBOL deletes the MVSINFO.DAT file, which contains user customization information (such as the MVS system address and TSO userid). After you reinstall Remote E/C/D, copy the original MVSINFO.DAT file back into the IBMCOBOL\MACROS directory. Important Information for Shared Install! ----------------------------------------- If you are adding components, make sure you have access to the LAN directory where the VisualAge COBOL installation files reside. If not, VisualAge COBOL attempts to install on the drive where the local files from the shared install reside. VisualAge COBOL then issues an error message stating the drive is not ready. 3.2.1 Method 1: Using the Install Program to Add or Delete Components ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Insert the VisualAge COBOL CD-ROM, or access the LAN where the VisualAge COBOL image resides. 2. From the command line, change to the directory where the installation program is located. (For the CD-ROM, it is the root directory; for the LAN directory name, ask your LAN administrator.) 3. On the command line: - For a basic installation, type: install - For a shared installation, type: shrdinst The main "VisualAge COBOL Installation" window and the "Instructions" window appear. 4. Select "Continue" in the Instructions window. The "Installation options" window appears showing the following options: - Update the currently installed components Do not use this option. It is provided to support corrective service (CSDs) for VisualAge COBOL. To reinstall a component, delete it first, then reinstall. - Delete the installed components and re-install Choose this option to delete the installed components, including their Desktop objects and entries in any .INI files. You can then reinstall them if you want. If you want to update components, but think you may have corrupted your Desktop objects or .INI entries, choose this option to delete the components entirely. Then reinstall them. 3.2.2 Method 2: Using the Installation Utility to Add or Delete ---------------------------------------------------------------- Components ---------- 1. From the task bar, select "VisualAge COBOL", then select the "Install/Uninstall Utility" icon. 2. To add components: a. From the "File" pull-down, select "Open Catalog". Select "Drive". The "Open drive catalog" window appears. In the "Drive" entry field, select the drive where the install image resides (CD-ROM or a LAN drive). In the "Filename" entry field, ensure that /IBMCOBOL.ICF is displayed. Click on "Open". b. From the "Action" pull-down, select "Install". 3.2.3 Updating Components for Corrective Service ------------------------------------------------- Once you have gone through the steps in "Reinstalling or Installing Components" above, and arrived at the Installation options window: 1. Choose "Update the currently installed components" and select "Continue". The Update window appears, displaying the product information. 2. When you've chosen the options you want, select "Update". For more trouble-shooting information, see the Product README file on the CD or click on the "Trouble-Shooting" button in the "Information Notebook". 4.0 Install the Application Understanding Host JCL Scanner =========================================================== If you want to use Application Understanding (AU) to scan JCL on a VSE host system, you need the VSE JCL Scanner, which will be available in the next release of VSE. The MVS JCL Scanner is shipped with VisualAge COBOL for OS/2. THESE HOST PARTS MUST BE MANUALLY UPLOADED TO MVS. These parts do not need to be uploaded to the host again once done successfully. The MVS subdirectory on the drive and under the main directory that you installed AU contains the following host parts: ARDV000.CLI Use this clist to submit the JCL scan FROM THE WORKSTATION. The Remote E/C/D component must be installed and setup to submit the JCL scans from the workstation. This sample clist must be modified for your installation and added as member ARDV000 to the userid.ARD.CLIST PDS, which must be available to the NFS transaction defined for VisualAge COBOL. The ARDV000.CLI datasets allocation (default) values are: Record Format=FB, Record Length=80, Block Size=6160, Primary Quantity=7, Secondary Quantity=24. ARDV000.JCL Use this JCL to run the JCL scan in batch on MVS. This sample JCL must be modified for your installation and added to a JCL PDS. The ARDV000.JCL datasets allocation (default) values are: Record Format=FB, Record Length=80, Block Size=6160, Primary Quantity=7, Secondary Quantity=24. ARDV00.LOD This file is a loadlib that has been unloaded into a sequential file using the MVS XMIT utility. It must be sent to your MVS system and transformed back into a loadlib. If you use the sample CLIST, ARDV000.CLI to run the JCL scan on MVS, the loadlib must then be made available to the NFS transaction defined for VisualAge COBOL. If you use the sample JCL, ARDV000.JCL, to submit the JCL scan on MVS, this loadlib must be available to the batch job running the JCL scan. You may want to use the batch job when scanning many JOBs (100s of members of a PDS) in a single run especially if your NFS transaction has a time limit measured in seconds. 4.1 Creating the ARDV000 LOADLIB --------------------------------- The steps to create ARDV000 LOADLIBs on your MVS system are: 1. On your MVS system Allocate a sequential file to receive ARDV000.LOD. This dataset has: Record Format=FB, Record Length=80, Block Size=3120, Space=250 blocks, Secondary Blocks=5. 2. On your workstation Send ARDV000.LOD to the file allocated on your MVS system. To do this, open a command window and position to the drive where ARDV000.LOD was installed by entering: d:, where "d" is the drive containing redevelopment tools. Then enter: cd ibmcobol\mvs This command makes MVS the current directory. Then enter: send ardv000.lod b:'userid.ardv000.lod' where: o send is the Communication Manager command o ardv000.lod is the part from the MVS directory o b: is your Communication Manager session for MVS o userid.ardv000.lod is the sequential dataset you allocated in step 1. 3. From your MVS system Create the loadlib from the sequential dataset. From the MVS ready prompt enter: receive indsn('userid.ardv000.lod') where: userid.ardv000.lod is the sequential dataset you allocated in step 1. At the prompt to enter the name to be used for loadlib, enter: dsn('<high-level-qualifiers>.ardv000.loadlib') The loadlib is allocated if it does not already exist and the sequential file is transformed into a loadlib and copied to it. If you wish to allocate the loadlib prior to issuing the receive, the attributes for a 3380 device are: Record Format=U, Record Length=0, Block Size =32760, Space=Tracks, Secondary=15 Tracks, Directory Blocks=10). 4.2 Allocating MVS Datasets ---------------------------- The following MVS datasets must be allocated before the JCL scan is run: Note: The value .yyyy used in the following instructions represents 0 or more qualifiers used in your MVS dataset names. CDIF PDS userid.yyyy.CDIF (VF, 255, 23476) Information extracted from the scanned JCL is placed in this dataset. The first time you run the Application Understanding JCL request you need to specify this PDS name. Size is determined by how many scans you wish to save. Each scan generates a member that can be several times larger than the JCL being scanned because the JCL is exploded to include the JCL from called PROCs.) Message Log PDS userid.yyyy.MSG (VB, 255, 23476) A list of the JCL member scanned and any error encountered during the scan is placed in this dataset. The first time you run the Application Understanding JCL Scan request you need to specify this PDS name. This is a relatively small PDS containing one member for each JCL scan that your run. ProcLib List userid.yyy.ARDLIB sequential data set (FB, 80, 3200) (1 track should be sufficient). If you are using the sample CLIST to run the JCL scan from the workstation, you must edit this dataset creating one line for each procedure library used by the JCL being scanned. The following is an example file: SYS1.ADPROC SYS1.PP.PROCLIB USERID.ABC.TESTPROC If you are using the sample JCL (found in ARDV000.JCL located in the directory \IBMCOBOL\MVS) to submit the JCL scan on MVS, you can EITHER: - Create one line for each proclib used (as described above) and provide the userid.yyy.ARDLIB data set name on the //ARDLIB DD statement in the sample JCL. - List the proclib data set names directly in the sample JCL on the //ARDLIB DD statement in the JCL. 5.0 Unattended Install ======================= This section describes the response file that you can tailor for unattended install, the different command-line options you can use and the values the install program returns. It also gives instructions on installing using Response files. 5.1 Response File Format and Parameters ---------------------------------------- The response file is a flat ASCII file that consists of a number of response lines and optional comment lines. Lines can be up to 255 bytes in length, and are separated by a new-line sequence. A comment line begins with an asterisk (*) or semi-colon (;). Response lines tell the install program how to install. Each response line has the format: keyword = response Keywords are not case sensitive. For the VisualAge COBOL install program, the keywords and the responses to specify for each are: __________________________________________________________________________ Keyword Response ------- -------- CFGUPDATE AUTO to automatically update CONFIG.SYS; MANUAL to not update CONFIG.SYS. If you choose not to update CONFIG.SYS automatically, you must update it yourself before you reboot (see the CONFIG.ADD file that VisualAge COBOL generates). The install program prompts you to confirm that this is what you want. COMP The name of a component to install. You must specify each component with its own COMP keyword. Note that many components require that other components be installed to work correctly. All the components are listed in UNATTEND.RSP; you can delete any you do not want. COPY The source and target files for a copy process outside of the install program. This parameter is useful if you are using an SDM to install VisualAge COBOL over a LAN, and you want to copy other files that are not part of VisualAge COBOL to the workstations. The format for COPY is: COPY = sourcefile targetfile If targetfile already exists, it is overwritten. If either file specification is incorrect, the copy is not done. DELETEBACKUP YES to delete a backup version along with the product when Delete is chosen; NO to keep the backup version. This setting is only used when you delete the product. See "Reinstalling or Installing Components" in "Trouble-Shooting for Installing VisualAge COBOL", section 3.0 in this file for details on deleting the product. FILE The directory where you want to install your COBOL product. INCLUDE The name of another response file to include. You can have up to five levels of nested response files. If you don't specify the fully-qualified file name, the install program looks for the response file using the following search order: 1. The current directory. 2. The path specified by the /G command-line option. 3. Directories specified by the PATH environment variable. 4. Directories specified by the DPATH environment variable. If the file name specified contains a wildcard character (* or?), the first matching file is used. SAVEBACKUP Yes to save a backup copy; NO to not save a backup. This setting is only used when you install corrective service (CSDs) for VisualAge COBOL. USEREXIT The name of a program that you want the install program to call. This is useful if you are installing VisualAge COBOL using an SDM, and want to perform additional tasks. If you do not specify the fully-qualified file name, the install program looks for the program file using the following search order: 1. The current directory. 2. Directories specified by the PATH environment variable. 3. Directories specified by the DPATH environment variable. If the file name specified contains a wildcard character (* or ?), the first matching file is used. WORK The directory where you want to install the Warp Toolkit. You must specify responses for the CFGUPDATE, DELETEBACKUP, FILE, SAVEBACKUP, and WORK keywords, and specify at least one component for the COMP keyword, for the install program to work correctly. 5.2 Command-Line Options ------------------------- You can specify a number of command-line options for the install command. If you run install or shrdinst interactively, you don't have to specify any options. If you run install with a response file, you must specify install2: /A /C /O /P /R /X All other options are optional. __________________________________________________________________________ The command-line options are: Option Description ------ ----------- /A:action Specifies the action to perform, action can be any of: D Delete. I Install. U Update. (Note that you should only use this action when you are installing corrective service (CSDs) to VisualAge COBOL. /C:<sourcedir>\IBMCOBOL.ICF Specifies the catalog file that contains the information about the VisualAge COBOL files. You must specify the drive and directory, which are the same as the install program. Note: <sourcedir> is the source directory where source files reside. /G:includepath Specifies the path the install program should use to locate response files. /L1:<targetdir>\errorlog Specifies the error log file. The install program logs the install events in this file and prefixes them with a time stamp. If you do not specify a path and file name, IWZINSTS.OUT is created in the temporary install directory (usually on the drive with the most available space). If you do not specify this option, messages are not logged. Note: <targetdir> is the target directory where you installed the product. /L2:<targetdir>\historylog Specifies the history log file. The install program logs the install events in this file and prefixes them with a time stamp. If you do not specify a path and file name, the history log is created in the temporary install directory (usually on the drive with the most available space). If you do not specify this option, the history is not logged. /O:DRIVE Specifies that the program files are being copied from a local or remote disk drive, not a mainframe host. /P:"VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2" Specifies the name of the product to install. /R:<targetdir>\UNATTEND.RSP Specifies the response file to use. If you do not specify the fully-qualified file name, the install program looks for the response file using the following search order: 1. The current directory. 2. The path specified by /G, if any. 3. Directories specified by the PATH environment variable. 4. Directories specified by the DPATH environment variable. /S:<sourcedir> Specifies the directory where the source files reside. /T:<targetdir> Specifies the directory where the files should be installed. If you use this option, it overrides what is specified for FILE in the response file. /TU:<targetdir>\CONFIG.SYS Specifies the CONFIG.SYS file to be updated. /X Specifies that the install program runs unattended, using a response file. __________________________________________________________________________ 5.3 Return Codes ----------------- The install program returns a 2-byte hexadecimal value to the SDM, indicating success or failure, what steps should be taken next, and what type of messages, if any, were logged: o Successful installation. No other action required. 00 00 No messages were logged. o Successful installation. Restart the workstation operating system. Do not call the install program again. FE 00 No messages were logged. FE 04 Warning messages were logged. FE 08 Error messages were logged. FE 12 Severe error messages were logged. o Successful installation. Restart the workstation operating system and call the install program again. FF xx xx can be any value from 00 to FF. o Installation did not complete successfully; an unexpected condition was encountered. 16 00 The install program was invoked incorrectly. 16 04 Messages were logged. If you created user exits for the install program to call (as specified by the USEREXIT keyword in the response file), your user exit must return a 2-byte hexadecimal value to the install program as follows: 00 00 Your program completed successfully. FE 00 Your program completed successfully, and requires the workstation operating system to be restarted without calling the install program again. When you return this value, the install program displays a message to restart the operating system. FF xx Your program completed successfully, and requires the workstation operating system to be restarted and the install program to be called again. When you return this value, the install program displays a message to to restart the operating system and to try the action again. If your program is in REXX, you can use the REXX EXIT command and return the value in decimal instead of hexadecimal. If your program returns a different value to the install program, the install program displays a message that a product-specific error occurred, indicating the name of your program and the return code. 5.4 Installing Using Response Files ------------------------------------ If you are installing from a CD-ROM or LAN server, you can run the install program unattended, using a response file to specify what to install and where. You can use response files for either a basic or shared installation. To install using a response file: 1. Create a response file, or tailor the sample response file, UNATTEND.RSP, provided in the IBMCOBOL\EXTRAS directory of the CD-ROM. You can copy UNATTEND.RSP to your hard drive and change the appropriate responses. Make sure that: o FILE specifies the directory where you want to install the Compiler and Nonvisual Tools for a basic install. For a shared install, it is known as the local file directory. o WORK specifies the directory where you want to install the Warp Toolkit. o COMP keywords specify the components you want to install. Note: For shared install, you do not need WORK. For a list of all the parameters you can change, see "Unattended Install", section 5.0 in this file. 2. From an OS/2 command line, change to the CD-ROM or LAN directory where the install program resides. 3. Invoke the basic install program with the command: install2 /A:I /X /R:d:\UNATTEND.RSP /C:IBMCOBOL.ICF /P:"VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2" /O:DRIVE where d:\UNATTENDED.RSP or <targetdir>\UNATTEND.RSP is your response file. For a description of the /A command-line option and other command-line options, see section 5.2, "Command-Line Options". See also section 5.0, "Unattended Install". 4. Or, invoke the shared install program with the command: install2 /A:I /X /R:d:\UNATTEND.RSP /P:"VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2" /O:DRIVE /C:<sharedir>\IBMCOBOL\SHARED\IBMCOBOL.ICF /S:<sharedir>\ where <sharedir> is the base LAN directory where the source files reside. For the /S option, ensure that there is a back slash (\) at the end. Note: If you want to log any error messages that are generated, specify the /L1:errorlog option, where errorlog is the path and file name to use for the error log. This is usually a good idea because messages are not displayed during an unattended install; if you don't log them, you have no record of what errors occurred. For a description of the /A command-line option and other command-line options, see section 5.2, "Command-Line Options". See also section 5.0, "Unattended Install". 5. You can then leave the install program unattended. When it is complete, the OS/2 command prompt appears in the OS/2 session where you ran the install2 command. 6. If you choose not to have the installation program update your CONFIG.SYS, make the changes to it now BEFORE you reboot. (See the CONFIG.ADD file that VisualAge COBOL generates.) 7. Shut down and restart your system to make the changes to your CONFIG.SYS file take effect. You have now successfully installed VisualAge COBOL, and are ready to go! See the "Getting Started" manual for what to do next. 5.5 Adding or Deleting Components Using a Response File -------------------------------------------------------- To add or delete components using a response file: 1. Modify the appropriate parameters in your response file. If you are deleting components, make sure that: o COMP keywords specify the components to delete. o DELETEBACKUP specifies whether you want to delete backup files If you are adding components, make sure that: o FILE specifies the directory where you want to install the Compiler and Nonvisual Tools for a basic install. For a shared install, it is known as the local file directory. o WORK specifies the directory where you want to install the Warp Toolkit. o COMP keywords specify the components you want to install. Note: For shared install, you do not need WORK. 2. Change the CD-ROM or LAN directory where the VisualAge COBOL install program resides. 3. To delete or install components from a basic install: For example, to install, enter: install2 /A:I /X /R:<targetdir>\UNATTEND.RSP /C:IBMCOBOL.ICF /P:"VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2" /O:DRIVE where d:UNATTEND.RSP or <targetdir>\UNATTEND.RSP is your response file For a description of the /A command-line option and other command-line options, see section 5.2, "Command-Line Options". See also section 5.0, "Unattended Install". Or, for a shared install program: For example, to install, enter: install2 /A:I /X /R:d:\UNATTEND.RSP /P:"VisualAge COBOL Enterprise for OS/2 V2.2" /O:DRIVE /C:<sharedir> \IBMCOBOL\SHARED\IBMCOBOL.ICF /S:<sharedir>\ where sharedir is the base LAN directory where the source files reside. For the /S option, ensure that there is a back slash (\) at the end. For a description of the /A command-line option and other command-line options, see section 5.2, "Command-Line Options". See also section 5.0, "Unattended Install". 4. You can then leave the install program unattended while the components are deleted or installed. 5. When the install program has finished, the OS/2 command prompt appears in the OS/2 session where you ran the install2 command. 6. If you added components and chose not to have the installation program update your CONFIG.SYS, make the changes to it now BEFORE you reboot. (See the CONFIG.ADD file that VisualAge COBOL generates.) 7. Shut down and reboot your workstation. ========================================================================== Copyright IBM Corporation 1998 - All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ========================================================================== Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries, or both: IBM VisualAge Other terms used in Installation Notes, which may be denoted by a double asterisk (**), are trademarks or service marks of others. ========================================================================== Installing VisualAge COBOL FixPak 1 ----------------------------------- The following scenarios describe how to install this FixPak, depending on how you initially installed VisualAge COBOL Version 2.2: 1) Basic Install - you typed INSTALL to install directly from ------------- the CD-ROM to your PC. To apply the fixpak from the CD-ROM, type: e:\service (where e is the CD-ROM drive). 2) Shared Install - you typed SHRDINST to have a shared install -------------- from the product CD-ROM. You cannot apply the FixPak for this type of shared install. You must deinstall Version 2.2, perform a basic install, and then apply the FixPak. 3) LAN Basic - you typed INSTALL from a LAN directory, where Install your LAN administrator has copied the VisualAge --------------- COBOL image. This is basically the same as a non-LAN basic install. You apply the FixPak to your installed Version 2.2 product. Your LAN administrator should do the following: 1) Create a directory on the server that LAN users can access (for example, COB22FP1). 2) Change to that LAN directory and use XCOPY to copy all the files under the FIXPAK directory of the VisualAge COBOL V2.2 FixPak 1 CD-ROM. The syntax for XCOPY is (where e is the CD-ROM drive): xcopy e:\fixpak\* /s 3) Notify LAN users of where the installation files are located and to type SERVICE from the LAN directory to install the FixPak. 4) LAN Shared - you typed SHRDINST to have a shared install Install from a LAN. ----------- You must deinstall VisualAge COBOL V2.2, reboot, and then install VisualAge COBOL 2.2 plus FixPak 1. To set up VisualAge COBOL V2.2 with FixPak 1, you LAN administrator should do the following: 1) Create a directory on the server that LAN users can access (for example, VACOB221). 2) Change to that LAN directory and use XCOPY to copy all the files from both the VisualAge COBOL V2.2 CD-ROM and the VisualAge COBOL V2.2 FixPak 1 CD-ROM. The syntax for XCOPY is (where e is the CD-ROM drive): For Version 2.2: xcopy e:\* /s For FixPak 1: xcopy e:\server\* /s 3) Notify LAN users of where the installation files are located and to type SHRDINST from the LAN directory to install the FixPak. Note: If you want a basic install instead of a shared install, type INSTALL. This will install all selected files to your PC.
Debugger Upgrade v. 2.1 (25/2/1998, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 and for Windows, Version 2, Release 1 Workstation Debugger Upgrade for Debug Tool PTFs UQ13572, UQ13573, UQ13574 Description and Installation Instructions IBM VisualAge for COBOL uses the Debug Tool (part of the IBM COBOL for MVS or OS/390 Full Function Feature) as the debugger backend for the remote debug function. Debug Tool PTFs UQ13572, UQ13573, UQ13574 change the protocols between the VisualAge debugger frontend on the workstation and the backend on the mainframe. If you are currently using the remote debug function with IBM VisualAge for COBOL, Standard for Windows Version 2.1, you will need to upgrade your workstation debugger after these PTFs are applied to the Debug Tool. ** Do not apply the Debug Tool PTFs if you have VisualAge for COBOL Version ** 2.0 or earlier. If you do so, remote debug will no longer function. ** Do not upgrade your workstation debugger if you have VisualAge for COBOL ** Version 2.0 or earlier, or if the Debug Tool PTFs have not been applied. ** If you do so, remote debug will no longer function, and workstation debug ** may also fail. Installation Instructions for OS/2 ---------------------------------- 1. Download to your COBOL root directory (for example, d:\ibmcobol). 2. If you have used the debugger since you last logged onto your workstation, you will need to shutdown and restart your OS/2 system, to release files the system may have loaded. 3. Open a command prompt and change the directory to your COBOL root directory. 4. Enter the command pkunzip2 -d -o This will cause debugger files in your bin, help, and messages directories to be updated. 5. Erase existing debugger profile files. These are files in your OS2 directory with name of the form *.@*
Fixpak 2 - COBUNZIP.CMD v. 1.2 (19/3/1997, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
/*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PROGRAM: COBUNZIP.CMD */ /* Unzip VisualAge COBOL 1.2 Refresh FixPak #2 ZIP files */ /* COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) International Business */ /* Machines Corp. 1997 */ /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ basename = 'cob121' nfiles = 5 parse upper arg options if options == "?" | options == "/?" then do say "Usage: cobunzip [/d]" say " Unzip FixPak files." say " Use option /d to delete zip files after unzipping." say " Requires PKUNZIP2.EXE." exit end if options == "/D" then delete = TRUE else delete = FALSE do i = 1 to nfiles if i < 10 then num = "0" || i else num = i zipname = basename || num || ".zip" 'pkunzip2 -d -o' zipname if delete == TRUE then 'del' zipname end exit
Fixpak 2 - ZIP file 1 v. 1.2 (19/3/1997, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
************************************************************* * This package contains CSD/FixPak 2 for IBM VisualAge for * * COBOL for OS/2, Version 1 Release 2. * * * * See COB12FP2 TXT for installation instructions, and * * further information about this FixPak. * * * * The following files are included in this package: * * * * cob12fp2.txt - Installation instructions and information * * cobunzip.cmd - Command file to unzip the FixPak * * - ZIP file 1 * * - ZIP file 2 * * - ZIP file 3 * * - ZIP file 4 * * - ZIP file 5 * ************************************************************* IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2, Version 1, Release 2 Corrective Service CSD #2 (FixPak 2) Installation Instructions and Summary of Changes This FixPak will available on CD-ROM by April 4, 1997. To order, in the domestic USA, call the IBM Support Center (ISC) at 1-800-992-4777 and request PTF XR21917, (part number GK2T-9052-02). All other geographies your local IBM Support structures or an authorized IBM Personal Computer Dealer, whichever is applicable. This file contains information that will be useful to you when installing this CSD. It is divided into the following categories: A. OVERVIEW OF FIXPAK2 B. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS C. FIXPAK #2 SUMMARY OF CHANGES AND ENHANCEMENTS OVERVIEW OF VA COBOL V1R2 FIXPAK2 --------------------------------- The purpose of this APAR is to document the content of FixPak #2 for IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS2 Version 1 Release 2, Standard and Professional Editions of the product. This FixPak contains a combination of corrective service and functional enhancements. The corrective service fixes are cumulative fixes from product GA "refresh", on 9/03/1996, through corrective service cutoff date of 2/29/97. The enhancements to the Professional Edition are directed at deliver of support of IBM's Year 2000 initiatives and Host Data Types. Professional Edition is composed of the Standard Edition of product plus the Redeveloper component. FixPak2 includes both the Standard and Professional edition FixPaks. After installing the Standard edition, the install program begins the install for Professional. The install program will detect if you do not have Professional installed and end with a message. Just exit out of the Professional install, reboot, and your VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2, Standard is at the FixPak2 level. FixPak #2 contains fixes and updates to the following functional areas of the Standard Edition product: Compiler/Run-time Library, Debugger, Editor, WorkFrame, GUI Designer, GUI Designer Parts, GUI Code Assistant Data Assistant, Transaction Assistant, Linker Performance Analyzer, Application Packaging Utility SMARTdata Utilities, Product Incongruences Remote Edit/Compile/Debug, CICS support, DB2 support ODBC support, Documentation and Manuals and Sample programs. An overview of the fixes and functional enhancements to VA COBOL for OS/2 Standard and Professional Editions is contained in this APAR/PTF. Details of specific fixes and enhanced function is contained as part of FixPak2 in two readme files, the README.CSD for the Standard Edition and README.PRO for the Professional Edition. The ID # for the CD media containing FixPak2 is GK2T-9052-02. This CD media can be obtained through your local support structure. The content of FixPak #2 is also available on the Internet and through CompuServe. It be accessed from the IBM COBOL Family page at URL address: -- These fixes are also accessible by anonymous FTP site at: -- ------------------------------------------------- SYSLEVEL CHECK BEFORE INSTALLATION OF FIXPAK2 ------------------------------------------------- Prior to installation of this FixPak, customers should check the SYSLEVEL of the VisualAge COBOL installed on their system. to insure the install is being applied to the Version 1, Release 2 product, Standard Edition or Professional Edition. This can be done by issuing the following command at any OS/2 prompt: ...SYSLEVEL > SYSLEVEL.FIL This will cause the SYSLEVEL command to execute and save the results to a file named...."SYSLEVEL.FIL". This file can then be edited/browsed with the workstation editor of your choice. The SYSLEVEL.FIL file will contain information on the level of all products installed on your workstation. So search in the file for COBOL. If you have IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 Standard Edition only installed the COBOL SYSLEVEL information should look like this example before installation of of FixPak2: D:\IBMCOBOL\SYSLEVEL\SYSLEVEL.WZ0 IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 V1.2 Refresh Version 1.20.0 Component ID 562279300 Current CSD level: IWZ1200 Prior CSD level: IWZ???? D:\IBMCOBOL\SYSLEVEL\SYSLEVEL.WZ1 IBM COBOL Compiler Version 1.20.0 Component ID 562279301 Current CSD level: IWZ1200 Prior CSD level: IWZ12?? D:\IBMCOBOL\SYSLEVEL\SYSLEVEL.WZ2 IBM COBOL Runtime Library Version 1.20.0 Component ID 562279302 Current CSD level: IWZ1200 Prior CSD level: IWZ12?? If you have IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 Professional Edition installed you will have the following also: D:\TOOLS\SYSLEVEL.WZR Redeveloper for IBM COBOL V1.2 Refresh Version 1.20.0 Component ID 562279300 Current CSD level: IWZ1200 Prior CSD level: IWZ12?? After installation of FixPak2 the same SYSLEVEL command should result output the resembles the following: D:\IBMCOBOL\SYSLEVEL\SYSLEVEL.WZ0 IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 V1.2 Refresh FixPak 2 Version 1.20.1 Component ID 562279300 Current CSD level: IWZ1201 Prior CSD level: IWZ1200 D:\TOOLS\SYSLEVEL.WZR Redeveloper for IBM COBOL V1.2 Refresh FixPak 2 Version 1.20.1 Component ID 562279300 Current CSD level: IWZ1201 Prior CSD level: IWZ1200 D:\IBMCOBOL\SYSLEVEL\SYSLEVEL.WZ1 IBM COBOL Compiler Version 1.20.1 Component ID 562279301 Current CSD level: IWZ1201 Prior CSD level: IWZ1200 D:\IBMCOBOL\SYSLEVEL\SYSLEVEL.WZ2 IBM COBOL Runtime Library Version 1.20.1 Component ID 562279302 Current CSD level: IWZ1201 Prior CSD level: IWZ1200 ------------------------------------------------------------ Summary of fixes and enhancements to VA COBOL R1R2 Standard: ------------------------------------------------------------ Std.0 The Year 2000 Problem Support --------------------------------- A new environment variable, TZ, is supported. It is used to provide information about the local time zone for the date and time callable services. Std.1 New Run-Time Messages --------------------------- Std.2 S390 Host Data Type Support -------------------------------- To enable compatibility with S390 host data type representations, the following new compiler options are supported: CHAR This compiler option is used to select the representation of character data. FLOAT This compiler option is used to select the representation of floating point data. A new suboption, S390, has been added to the BINARY compiler option. A new environment variable, EBCDIC_CODEPAGE, is supported. It is used in conjunction with the CHAR(EBCDIC) compiler option to select an EBCDIC code set. The TYPECHK compiler option is sensitive to the S390 host data type specification. Std.2.1.1 Mixture of Native and Non-native Data ------------------------------------------------ To allow the mixture of binary, character, and floating point data in both the native and S390 host formats, an extension has been added to the USAGE clause. The extension is in the form of the optional keyword NATIVE, which can be used with any of the existing data types. Std.2.1.2 Considerations with S390 Host Data Support ----------------------------------------------------- o REMOTE DB2 ACCESS o REMOTE FILE ACCESS o CICS ACCESS Std.3 New and Changed Compiler Options --------------------------------------- Std.3.1 BINARY Compiler Option ------------------------------- A new suboption, S390, is supported. Specifying S390 is identical to specifying S370 and means that binary data is represented in the binary representation of S390 (Big-Endian format). COMP-5 data items and data items defined with the NATIVE option are not impacted by the BINARY(S390) option. Std.3.2 CHAR Compiler Option ----------------------------- This is a new compiler option to support S390 host character data type. Std.3.3 FLOAT Compiler Option ------------------------------ This is a new compiler option to support S390 host floating point data type. Std.4 Changes to Environment Variables ---------------------------------------- The following describes changes to environment variables. Std.4.1 EBCDIC_CODEPAGE ------------------------ The new EBCDIC_CODEPAGE environment variable allows you to specify an EBCDIC code set applicable to the EBCDIC data being processed by programs compiled with the CHAR(EBCDIC) or CHAR(S390) compiler option. Std.4.2 LANG -------------- The default has changed from enus437 to EN_US. Std.4.3 LC_COLLATE ------------------- Determines the locale to be used to define the behavior of ranges, equivalence classes, and multicharacter collating elements. If not set, the default is to use the locale specified by the LANG environment variable. Std.4.4 LC_MESSAGES -------------------- Determines the locale which defines the language in which messages are written. If not set, the default is to use the locale specified by the LANG environment variable. Std.4.5 LC_TIME ---------------- Determines the locale for date and time formatting information. If not set, the default is to use the locale specified by the LANG environment variable. Std.4.6 LOCPATH ---------------- Specifies the search path where the locale information database exists. It is a colon-separated list of directory names. Std.4.7 TZ ----------- This variable is used to describe the time zone information to be used by the locale. Std.6 File Name Extensions --------------------------- An additional file extension, .COB, is supported for COBOL COPY files. Files with this extension are searched for by the compiler after processing is complete for .CPY and .CBL files. --------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of fixes and enhancements to VA COBOL R1R2 Professional --------------------------------------------------------------- New Application Understanding Function -------------------------------------------- This FixPak adds the following function/features to Application Understanding - Pattern matching on member name for JCL scan. - New inventory category - Datasets There is a migration utility to upgrade your existing database for datasets. See write-up below and online help for Application Understanding Setup Utility for more information. - Numerous usability improvements such as: - Status line on Inventory windows showing count of objects in window. - Ability to scan "unlimited" number of members of a Joblib in a single run without increase in region size. - Elimination of trace message in log file. - Addition of member being scanned message in log file. - New icons. Program Understanding Tool: --------------------------- It is now possible to generate Year 2000 impact reports using the Program Understanding analysis engine and an input seed file. The comments G1 thru G10 apply to both the window related functions and the Year 2000 reports. Note 1. For detailed information on Y2K analysis and reports, please refer to the on-line help provided with the product. Note 2. If you are running DCZMKPU, it can only be run from the command line. Note 3. When you are doing Y2K analysis, you cannot use ADATA generated by MVS. Pro.1. COBOL programs vary in the complexity of their logic. This will have a direct impact on the performance and ability o f Program Understanding analysis. Workstation size and speed also influence Program Understanding performance. As a general guideline, programs should be smaller than 6000 lines of code for this release. For the Y2K reporting portion of the tool, there is no limit to the size of the program to be analyzed. Of course, larger programs will require longer analysis time. Pro.2. If you encounter OS/2 swapper file problems while analyzing large or highly complex programs, order OS/2 APAR # PJ23322. Pro.3. Program Understanding uses the SYSADATA files (.ADT files) to analyze and display your programs. These files are currently generated by the VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 compiler, when the ADATA compiler option is used. To create .ADT file s, download the COBOL files that you want to analyze, and compile them on the workstation. If you are compiling only to create SYSADATA, use "Compile programs but do not link" option under Workframe. If you are not using Workframe, just double click on the .CBL file from any icon view of files. Pro.4. Program Understanding does not support SPECIAL NAMES paragraphs in this release. This means that you will not be able to invoke Data Flow functions for anything defined in a SPECIAL NAMES paragraph. Pro.5. When selecting more than one file, the Program Understanding 'Create and show flow graph' function works differently between host SYSADATA files and workstation .ADT files. For each host SYSADATA file, a separate Control flow window displays for each SYSADATA file, one at at time. For the workstation .ADT files, one Control flow window will appear with all of the ADATA displayed. Pro.6. If a COBOL source file contains separate programs (sequence of programs), Program Understanding processes only the first one. Pro.7. To use the 'Analyze flow' or 'Create and show flow graph' functions of Program Understanding, you must complete the instructions listed in the 'Program Understanding Project Setup Verification' section of "Introducing Redeveloper". Pro.8. While in the Windows portion of Program Understanding (not Y2K function, if you get the following message: DCZU9990I Out of memory while trying to load user program information. How processing will continue: Unable to continue. What the user can do: This memory is shared, and a fixed amount is obtained. You can try setting the environment variable DCZ_HEAP_SIZE to the number of bytes you want obtained. add the following to your CONFIG.SYS: SET DCZ_HEAP_SIZE=xxxxxxxx where 'xxxxxxxx' is equal to the size of the .XPI file multiplied by six. For example, if the .XPI file is 6 mg, you would add SET DCZ_HEAP_SIZE=36000000 to your CONFIG.SYS. (The .XPI file is created during the Analysis phase.) Pro.9 Year 2000 Report Information ----------------------------------- SQL: --- It is now possible to analyze COBOL programs that contain embedded SQL. See README.PRO for details. CICS: ----- The PUT can be used to analyze host COBOL programs that contain embedded CICS statements. See README.PRO for details.
Fixpak 2 - ZIP file 2 v. 1.2 (19/3/1997, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
Fixpak 2 - ZIP file 3 v. 1.2 (19/3/1997, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
Fixpak 2 - ZIP file 4 v. 1.2 (19/3/1997, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
Fixpak 2 - ZIP file 5 v. 1.2 (19/3/1997, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
Fixpak 1 - COBUNZIP.CMD v. 1.1 (2/2/1996, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
/*------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PROGRAM: COBUNZIP.CMD */ /* Unzip VisualAge COBOL 1.1 CSD #1 ZIP files */ /* COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) International Business */ /* Machines Corp. 1996 */ /*------------------------------------------------------*/ basename = 'cob111' nfiles = 9 parse upper arg options if options == "?" | options == "/?" then do say "Usage: cobunzip [/d]" say " Unzip CSD files." say " Use option /d to delete zip files after unzipping." say " Requires PKUNZIP2.EXE." exit end if options == "/D" then delete = TRUE else delete = FALSE do i = 1 to nfiles if i < 10 then num = "0" || i else num = i zipname = basename || num || ".zip" 'pkunzip2 -d -o' zipname if delete == TRUE then 'del' zipname end exit
Fixpak 1 - ZIP file 1 v. 1.1 (2/2/1996, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
************************************************************* * This package contains CSD/FixPak 1 for IBM VisualAge for * * COBOL for OS/2, Version 1 Release 1. * * * * See README.CSD for installation instructions, and * * further information about this FixPak. * * * * The following files are included in this package: * * * * readme.csd - Installation instructions and information * * cobunzip.cmd - Command file to unzip the FixPak * * - ZIP file 1 * * - ZIP file 2 * * - ZIP file 3 * * - ZIP file 4 * * - ZIP file 5 * * - ZIP file 6 * * - ZIP file 7 * * - ZIP file 8 * * - ZIP file 9 * ************************************************************* IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2, Version 1, Release 1 Corrective Service CSD #1 (FixPak 1) Installation Instructions and Summary of Changes This CSD will available on CD-ROM by Feb 20, 1996. To order, call 1-800-992-4777 and request PTF XR21407 (part number GK2T-9052-01). This file contains information that will be useful to you when installing this CSD. It is divided into the following categories: A. INSTALLATION NOTES B. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS C. CSD #1 SUMMARY OF CHANGES BY COMPONENT A. INSTALLATION NOTES 1. If you have installed the Remote Edit/Compile (beta) component, an additional 2.5 MB will be required on your hard disk to install the CSD. This is because new support for remote debugging has been added to this component. 2. The printable postscript files containing the VisualAge COBOL manuals have been updated for this CSD, and are available separately. They are available wherever this CSD is available. On, they can be found in the directory ps/products/cobol/pubs/cob11ps1. On the CSD CD-ROM, the postscript files can be found in the PRINTABL directory. 3. After this CSD has been applied and the phase 2 install has run, projects on the desktop may appear as ordinary file icons. To restore the projects, shutdown and reboot your system again. 4. After installing this CSD, projects on the desktop may lose their inheritance (and thereby their actions in the Project menu). If this is the case after install: a) Click on the "View" menu bar choice b) Click on the arrow to the right of the "Settings" choice c) Click on "Inheritance" from the cascaded menu. The project's settings notebook opens. d) If a "?" entry appears in the "Inherit from:" list box, select it and click on the "Remove" push button e) Click on the "Add" push button f) In the "Select a project to inherit from" window, select the drive where your OS/2 desktop directory resides (for example, your C: drive) g) Then, double-click on the OS/2 desktop directory (for example, DESKTOP) h) Double-click on the directory for the VisualAge COBOL folder (for example, "VISUALAG" or "VISUALA1" on FAT systems, "VisualAge COBOL" on HPFS systems) i) Double-click on the directory for the Works folder (for example, "WORKS") j) In the list box on the left, select the entry for the master project that you require: For COBOL MVS projects, select "IWZVHPRJ" For COBOL default projects, select "IWZVMPRJ" For COBOL GUI Designer projects, select "COBOL_G1" on FAT systems and "COBOL GUI Designer Master Project" on HPFS systems. k) Click on the "Inherit" push button. The Inheritance page of the project settings notebook now displays the name of the master project you selected. l) Close the settings notebook to save reset inheritance. 5. All master projects and the Project Smarts catalog have been updated and full replacements are included in this CSD. If you have customized any of the master projects or Projects Smarts, you will need to make the same customizations after the CSD has been applied. You can save a copy of the customized projects and Project Smarts BEFORE applying the CSD to use as a reference when recustomizing the projects. To save a copy of the master projects and Project Smarts: a. Create and open a folder that will contain the saved copies. b. Click on a master project or Project Smarts icon with mouse button 2 and select "Copy" from the pop-up menu. c. In the Copy window, select the folder opened in step 1 and click on the "Copy" push button. 6. If you apply the CSD, and later want to add a VisualAge COBOL component which you haven't yet installed, use the product-level CD-ROM. Reboot, and ignore any messages you may receive from the WorkFrame phase 2 install. Now, reapply the CSD, and reboot. The WorkFrame phase 2 install will proceed with no errors. 7. If you are a LAN administrator and want to make the CSD available on a LAN drive, follow steps 1 and 2 below, unzipping the CSD to a directory on the LAN drive. Or if you have the CSD on CD-ROM, simply xcopy the entire CD-ROM to the LAN drive. The PRINTABL directory may be omitted if its not necessary to make the postscript files available. Your users will be able to install from the LAN directory using the instructions below. B. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. If you have the CSD on CD-ROM, change to the root directory of the CD-ROM, and skip to step 3. If you are installing from a remote LAN directory where your LAN administrator has placed the CSD, change to that directory, and skip to step 3. If you have received this CSD as a series of ZIP files, you will need PKUNZIP2 or a compatible utility to unzip the CSD. PKUNZIP2 is a shareware product which is widely available. It is distributed with some versions of OS/2, so you may already have it on your system. If you do not have it, it can be obtained via internet ftp from in /os2/archiver/pkz102_2.exe. It is available on Compuserve in the PCVENC Forum, in Library 11 (PKWARE), as file pkz102_2.exe. 2. You must unzip all the files into a single directory, from which you will install the CSD. In order to do this, create a new directory, and move all the files from this CSD into it, including the COBUNZIP.CMD command file. Then change to the new directory and unzip all the files by running COBUNZIP. If disk space is limited, you can have COBUNZIP delete each ZIP file after unzipping it by using the /d option. For example: md cobcsd1 move cob*.zip cobcsd1 move cobunzip.cmd cobcsd1 cd cobcsd1 cobunzip 3. Run the CSD install program by entering INSTALL at the command line. The main VisualAge COBOL Installation window and the README.CSD window appear. 4. Select CONTINUE in the README.CSD window. The Update window appears, displaying product information. It also provides two checkboxes: Update CONFIG.SYS This box directs the install program to automatically update your CONFIG.SYS file. It also backs up CONFIG.SYS before making any changes. If you do not want the install program to update your CONFIG.SYS, remove the check mark by deselecting the box. In this case, a file called CONFIG.ADD will be created which contains the changes you will need to make manually to your config.sys. Note: We recommend you leave this box checked to update CONFIG.SYS automatically. Save a backup version? Select the "Save a backup version" check box in the Update window to save a backup version of any files that are replaced during the update. Selecting this option enables you to restore the current version of the product after the update is done. The backup version of the files are placed on the same drive that the product, VisualAge COBOL, is installed on. Do not select this option if disk space is not available to store these backup files. To restore the current version at a later time (i.e., to remove the CSD), run the Installation Utility in the Works folder, and select RESTORE from the ACTION pull-down menu. To delete the backup version, run the Installation Utility and select DELETE from the ACTION pull-down menu, making sure to use the "Delete only the backup versions" option on the Delete window. 5. When you have chosen the options you want, select OK to continue. The install program begins copying files to your hard drive. The Update progress window shows you the status of the installation. 6. A message window tells you when the installation is complete. Select OK to remove the message window, then select the Exit button to end the install program. 7. It is very important to shut down and restart your system after installing the CSD. After rebooting, CONFIG.SYS changes will take effect, and files which were in use during the install will be updated. If WorkFrame is installed, the installation program requires a second phase, which is automatically invoked from your Startup folder when you reboot. An OS/2 window with the title WorkFrame V3 Phase 2 Install appears after you have rebooted. Messages appear in the window to inform you of the install program's actions. When the installation is complete, the window disappears. If you want to verify that the installation completed successfully, look for IWZINST.LOG in your VisualAge COBOL directory (Visual Tools). The second phase of the install program creates this file and timestamps the entries in it. You have now successfully installed VisualAge COBOL CSD #1. C. CSD #1 SUMMARY OF CHANGES BY COMPONENT >>>>>>> COBOL COMPILER <<<<<<<< 1. When using Performance Analyzer, an unresolved reference was displayed due to profile hooks being generated for xxNewClass function. This has been corrected; profile hooks are not generated for xxNewClass function. 2. LENGTH OF special register will now reflect BINARY(S370). 3. Performance improvement for binary multiplication. 4. COBOL application now terminates with the value set in the RETURN-CODE special register when terminating with STOP RUN. 5. Now, SORT executes AT END code correctly when a program is compiled with the BINARY(S370) compilation option. 6. When the TMP environment variable does not specify the current dir ( SET TMP=. ), intrinsic functions with ALL subscripts are now executed. 7. Multiplication of fullword binaries when the receiver is floating point now gives expected results. 8. Fixed abend during compilation with message number 5201 and insert "CPGEN". 9. Following the read of a relative file, the user's relative key number is now updated as it should be. 10. Eliminated exception that occurred when a C++ (direct to SOM) program tries to invoke a method written in COBOL. 11. Eliminated exception that occurred when an item defined as PIC X is used as the object of a returning clause. 12. Corrected tallying results when the same subscripted data item is used with different subscripts in an INSPECT statement. 13. Now support more than 255 tallying clauses with different identifiers when used in one INSPECT statement. 14. Corrected messages issued when a binary data item, with PICTURE clause of PIC 999, is compared to the literal -12345. 15. Sort keys of USAGE COMP are now reflecting the BINARY(S370) option. 16. The VALUE clauses on data definitions of nested programs are now taking effect if there is a CALL identifier in the compilation unit. 17. EVALUATE now works correctly when the evaluating item is reference modified with identifiers. For example: EVALUATE A1(B1(I) : B1(I)) 18. ADATA and EXIT(,,,ADEXIT(IWZRMGUX)) are now installation default values. When these values are in effect and are not overridden at the command line, two sets of compiler error messages will be displayed. 19. LOW-VALUES and HIGH-VALUES values in Japanese are now correct. 20. Compare is now correct with Alternate Collating Sequence, where the alternate collating sequence is specified as STANDARD-1, when an ALL "literal" is compared to a variable length group data item, where the length of the data item is less than that of the initial "literal". 21. Addresses are now passed correctly to 16 bit routines. When the directive CALLINTERFACE FAR16 is used and the argument is passed by reference or content, the generated code is now correct. 22. When the VALUE clause literal is shorter than the length of the DISPLAY-1 item, the literal is being padded with ASCII spaces not with DBCS spaces. 23. Results computed when FUNCTION MAX appears within a COMPUTE statement are now correct. 24. Output created when the reference modification operands are non-integer data names or non-integer function results is now correct. 25. Corrected the results of the ORD/CHAR function when running with an EBCDIC collating sequence. The problem only appeared when the intrinsic function argument is a dataname. 26. Corrected failure of somNew of a class when invoked from a method within that class. 27. A new compiler option DYNAM has been added. (See README for details.) >>>>>>> COBOL RUNTIME LIBRARY <<<<<<<< 1. REWRITE now gets correct file status after WRITE. 2. Remote alternate index files can now be created. 3. A START GREATER THAN failure is fixed. 4. WRITE ADVANCING 0 is correct now for line sequential files. 5. ACCEPT now checks for I/O errors. 6. ADVANCING linage counter has been fixed. 7. ADVANCING now handles blank lines and spacing correctly. 9. Fixed the sign of the remainder for certain cases involving large floating point numbers. 10. START in the presence of duplicate keys now returns the correct FILES STATUS value of 02 instead of 22. 11. PRESENT-VALUE no longer fails. 12. Sign is no longer lost with "B" symbol in numeric-edited items. 13. DBCS and Kanji class test now return NOT DBCS and NOT KANJI correctly. 14. DBCS comparison now works for unequal string lengths. >>>>>>> WORKFRAME <<<<<<<< 1. Refreshed the COBOL Project Smarts. 2. Japanese version of the product built with correct code page. 3. Various NLS changes - changes to ipf/rc files for various languages; renamed Project Smarts NLS parts >>>>>>> COBOL EDITOR <<<<<<<< 1. COBOL Editor now recognizes COBOL directives. >>>>>>> WORKFRAME PROJECT SUPPORT <<<<<<<< 1. Compiler options dialog saves size and position after closing. 2. Compiler options are suppressed in the command line if they are the same as the compiler installation default. 3. New "Data Tools" action class for all projects includes: "DB2 Start" "DB2 Local Logon" "DB2 Local Logoff" "DB2 Stop" "Data Assistant Schema View" (previously in Browse) "Data Assistant Mapping View" (previously in Create) 4. Target of the "COBOL Compile" action defaults to the project target instead of the name of the first selected file + .EXE 5. Explicit inclusion of SOMTK.LIB and DB2API.LIB as a library in the compiler options dialog for GUI projects is no longer necessary. 6. New "Restore COBOL Master Project" object is added to the "Works" folder. It recreates the "COBOL Master Project" in the "Works" folder, the "COBOL Project" template in the OS/2 "Templates" folder, and the "COBOL Project" template shadow in the COBOL "Templates" folder. 7. Writes to IWZINST.LOG during phase 2 of installation are flushed line-by-line to provide a better trace in case of a system crash during phase 2. 8. New options dialog for the "Link" action. Uses the same interface as the "Link" page of the "COBOL Compiler" action options dialog. 9. Removed "Preprocess for CICS" option from the "Prep" page of the "GUI Compile" action options dialog in the "COBOL GUI Designer Master Project" 10. Changed "RC Compile" action default parameters to ".\%n.RES" to ensure that the target .RES file is placed in the working directory of the project, not in the source directory. 11. "COBOL Compile" and "GUI Compile" default options changed to ADATA and EXIT(ADEXIT(IWZRMGUX)) for compiles done under WorkFrame to ensure that error feedback functions correctly from the Monitor. This applies to projects created after installing the CSD. 12. Restriction on TEST and /DEBUG options for "GUI Compile" action options dialog was removed. Each option can now be specified separately. 13. Warning was added to Non-GUI COBOL Compile action options dialog when the user specifies both the PROFILE and TEST options in the Compiler Options notebook. 14. "Create" action class actions were reordered to place "Create New Text File with the COBOL Editor" before "GUI Project Create" in the COBOL and GUI Designer Master Projects. 15. The action to Create an empty GUI project has been removed from the GUI Master Project and the "Empty COBOL GUI Designer Project" entry has been removed from the COBOL Projects Smarts. 16. The COPYDLL GUI compile option (specified on the "Other" page of the Compiler Options notebook) now copies all executables for a GUI project. 17. For a GUI project, options can now be passed to the Resource compiler. These options are specified as RC(options) in the "Enter GUI compile options" entry field on the "Other" page of the Compiler Options notebook. 18. A GUI project build will now continue if there is a warning message from the linker. 19. GUI build has changed to eliminate a sporadic hang of the build when a number of background processes are also running. >>>>>>> GUI DESIGNER <<<<<<<< 1. New events are now inserted in the COBOL program alphabetically by entry point name. 2. GUI Designer now recognizes COBOL ENTRY points in apostrophes. 3. setContents routine for MLEs now supports 64K bytes. >>>>>>> GUI CODE ASSISTANT <<<<<<<< 1. The expressions in the MOVE dialogs are no longer restricted to 30 characters. 2. When there are multiple parts with the same name, unambiguous names are generated. >>>>>>> DATA ASSISTANT <<<<<<<< 1. Due to a change in the underlying model, files generated by Data Assistant prior to this CSD should be regenerated. This includes Data Assistant-generated files with the extension of .SM, .INI, .CPY and .RPT. By default these files are located in the \DA subdirectory of the path specified by the ICOBDIR environment variable. The old files should be deleted then regenerated with this current level of Data Assistant. 2. Fixed window position and size problems on VGA systems. 3. Changed product logo version numbers from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1. 4. Enhanced error handling. Messages include: a) Database not found. Previously would come up empty. b) Connect failed. Also suggests possible causes. Previously would occasionally hang. c) DBMS type not supported. Only OS/2 and MVS databases are supported. 5. Enabled remote database access. Included help information. 6. Fixed problem where selecting Show Links menu item would cause error message SYS3175. Data Assistant Schema view -------------------------- Database Information window displays correct dbms type: OS/2 or MVS. Data Assistant Mapping view --------------------------- 1. Corrected copy file generation problems - Generates correct COBOL data types based on SQL data type that data item is mapped to. - Generates COMP-5 or COMP-4 (where appropriate) depending on dbms type, OS/2 or MVS, respectively. - Generates correct structures for variable-length data types. 2. User informed if data item added is: - a COBOL reserved word, or - otherwise not a valid COBOL data item. 3. Enabled removal of tables and views. 4. User now prompted to save upon exiting. 5. ".SM" not required when specifying mapping filename upon invocation of Mapping view. 6. Message displayed if column selected has an unsupported data type. 7. Support for decimal scale. 8. Fixes to data item entry field includes: a) check for duplicate data items as they are entered b) No blanks allows (leading, trailing, containing) c) maximum characters in data item entry field : 30 9. Fixed problems with occasional overwriting of data items. 10. Maximum characters for cursor name entry field: 18 (SQL limitation) Data Assistant - SQL Construction view -------------------------------------- 1. Update and Insert windows now operational. 2. Condition window gives error message for invalid syntax. Previously would bring Mapping view down occasionally. 3. Will now accept colons in the Condition window. 4. Removed generation of continuation characters which were not necessary and sometimes caused problems. 5. Fixed problem with occasional generation of lines beyond column 72. 6. Adds spaces between all tokens generated. 7. Fetch Block generates CLOSE-CURSORNAME label in Area A. 8. When multiple values are entered for the SQL statements INSERT and POS. UPDATE, the system may appear to be hung. If this happens, press CTRL+ESC. When the message appears that the window is not responding, click on the Enter push button. 9. The workaround is to select fewer column values to insert or update. Generate the SQL statement, then manually add the additional columns and values to the SQL statement in the COBOL Editor. >>>>>>> TRANSACTION ASSISTANT <<<<<<<< 1. Dialog template is replaced by regular Frame Window. 2. Minimize button is added to the window. >>>>>>> LINKER <<<<<<<< 1. Using latest version 01.02.03. >>>>>>> APPLICATION PACKAGING UTILITY <<<<<<<< 1. Added facility for selective packaging of VisualAge COBOL runtime components. 2. 50 character limit on Application Title is now enforced. 3. Streamlined the online help index. 4. IWZCCPM.DLL (the COBOL runtime interface for CICS for OS/2) will be included with non-GUI VisualAge COBOL runtimes. No additional license agreement is required. >>>>>>> SMARTDATA UTILITIES <<<<<<<< 1. Conversion table files (*.CVT files) are opened in read only mode. This allows SdU to be installed on a LAN that is defined to have only read access. 2. Fix for the occurrence of an invalid record length condition when a DDMOpen request is issued for a sequential or direct file that is to be subjected to ADL translation. 3. DFM/2 now removes all leading backslashes before sending the file name to the remote target system. Previously, leading backslashes for a file name were passed to the remote target system which resulted into an invalid file name condition. 4. Enabled stream data conversion (client end). 5. Local VSAM prevents access violation when opening an index file. 6. Issue message EHN0123 only when both the ADL and DDF files are missing. >>>>>>> WARP SOM TOOLKIT <<<<<<<< 1. Include files moved from INCLUDE\SOM to INCLUDE, as required by SOMSTARS, SOMCORBA, SOMXH utilities. 2. All SOM DLL's moved to SOM directory. 3. Added files SOMSEC.DLL and SOMSA.DLL. >>>>>>> REMOTE EDIT/COMPILE (BETA) <<<<<<<< 1. A feature that supports remote debugging of host applications is included. (See README for more information.) >>>>>>> DB2 <<<<<<<< 1. When precompiling under WorkFrame, bind files now default to the name of the source. 2. When precompiling under WorkFrame, bind files are now placed in the working directory. >>>>>>> COBOL INFORMATION <<<<<<<< 1. Compiler Options dialog help file has been updated to describe the new options dialog for the Link action. 2. Application Packaging help file has been updated to describe selective packaging of run-time components. 3. The online files for the Getting Started book, including the PostScript file (.PS), have been updated to reflect the CSD changes and other corrections. 4. Information Notebook - Product Support information for IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 has changed. This version replaces the information contained in the hardcopy version of the Getting Started book. 5. Information Notebook - Host Programs information has been updated. Information on remote debugging has been included. This beta-type information helps you set up the environment needed to debug your host applications from your workstation using the IBM Debug Tool. This version replaces the information contained in Appendix C of the Getting Started manual. 6. Debug Tool User's Guide has been added to the Information Notebook. This book (SC09-2137-02) now includes information on how to debug host applications from your workstation. This edition of the book is in draft format and is not available in hardcopy. Information might change or be added before this edition is published. 7. No changes have been made to the Programming Guide, neither the printable nor viewable files. 8. In the Language Reference Manual: a. Added APARs PN76185 and PN72032 to Language Reference Manual. b. Corrected formatting problems with tables 9, 52, and 53. c. Included 'x' revision bars on the printable Postscript file (IWZILMST). The 'x' indicates an IBM extension is contained on the line with the 'x' revision bar. Note: The 'x' may override, be overridden, or combine with other revision bars, which indicate technical changes. d. Reformatted Postscript file to correctly print all fonts. Note: The viewable and printable versions of the COBOL Language Reference contained on this CSD are at the -02 level. The published hardcopy manual remains unchanged at SC26-4769-01. 9. The WorkFrame How Do I list of actions and priorities have been updated to reflect the changes in the COBOL Master Project. 10. In the information for the Sample Applications, instructions are included on how to build and run the sample applications. This version replaces the information contained in Appendix B of the Getting Started book. 11. The request for the OS/2 tutorial from the Information Notebook is now working on OS/2 3.0 (Warp). 12. In the Task Helper: a. Updated task information for "Building an OS/2 GUI Application" to reflect CSD changes, including changes to compile and link options, starting the GUI application, SQL considerations, and packaging information. b. Updated task information for "Building an OS/2 Application" to reflect CSD changes, including changes to compiling and linking information, SQL considerations, starting the non-GUI application, and packaging information. c. Updated task information for "Working with Host (MVS) Applications" to include instructions for debugging host programs on the workstation using the IBM Debug Tool. 13. In Data Assistant Help, documented new "Exit" menu item from "Data Structures Mapping View" menu, and added information about using Data Assistant with remote databases. >>>>>>> COBOL SAMPLE PROGRAMS <<<<<<<< 1. Added instructions on how to build and run the sample projects to the Samples Information located in the Samples folder. 2. Added a command file to create the DB2 database and table for Sample Project 3; added the VSAM files for Sample Project 6. 3. Improved the display of the GUI, the window sizings and placements, and eliminated the flashing when the MLE (multiline edit) field is filled for all sample projects.
Fixpak 1 - ZIP file 2 v. 1.1 (2/2/1996, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
Fixpak 1 - ZIP file 3 v. 1.1 (2/2/1996, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
Fixpak 1 - ZIP file 4 v. 1.1 (2/2/1996, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
Fixpak 1 - ZIP file 5 v. 1.1 (2/2/1996, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
Fixpak 1 - ZIP file 6 v. 1.1 (2/2/1996, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
Fixpak 1 - ZIP file 7 v. 1.1 (2/2/1996, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
Fixpak 1 - ZIP file 8 v. 1.1 (2/2/1996, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
Fixpak 1 - ZIP file 9 v. 1.1 (2/2/1996, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 17/04/2021 - 20:15

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