Questo è un pacchetto TEST per provare la funzione di individuazione automatica di una NIC (Network Interface Card) per il nuovo installer di eCS ver 1.1. Come risultato, essendo un programma TEST, ha funzionalità ristrette.
Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
NicDetec v. 0.23.3 (21/12/2001, Paltiel Goldstein) | Readme/What's new |
eComStation NicDetec
Release 233
Copyright 2001 by Serenity Systems, Inc
This is a TEST package to test the automatic NIC detection function of the new
installer for eCS ver 1.1. As a result of it being a TEST program it has
restricted functionality... so some of the messages may not apply
1) this package will run only on OS/2... not DOS/*nix
2) we are only attempting to detect PCI cards, not ISA/MCA/EISA/PCMCIA
3) protocol.ini creation is rudimentary at this time
Without the active participation of you the user, this is an impossible
task.... so we at Serenity thank you for participating....
It will not affect any current installation, this test distro is restricted
to operating on drive A:
NicDetec invokes a PCI sniffer and will attempt to identify the currently
installed NIC in your system
It will then search the nicdrv.lst database for the compatible driver
for the NIC found
It will then create four files on drive A:
PLEASE make sure drive A: is not write protected
This test package is aimed at collecting very necessary information if the
final version is to be able to do its job.......
1) the application needs to be able to run smoothly and reliably on as many
systems as can be tested....
2) information regarding the identification of NIC's that are out there
needs to be tested and ommissions corrected
3) the matching of the correct driver that is known to work with eCS-OS/2
with identified NICs
Unzip the package in any directory of your hard drive.
Copy ALL the files to a blank disk in drive A:, it need not be bootable
Open an OS/2 command prompt
Log in to any hard drive (d: for example)
run NicDetec.cmd (a:\NicDetec, enter)
You will encounter a message regarding a ram drive letter, it is not
applicable to this package, so please ignore....
Follow the prompts
All screen messages and user inputs will be saved to nicdrv.log
so you need not frantically try to take notes...
If everything works, you should see a message [FINISHED!] Done.
You should now have the four files mentioned above on your drive A:
Please compare the NIC identified by this program with what you have
actually installed, by reading the nicdrv.log file
You may see several drivers being identified as being appropriate for your
card.... check the list to ensure your driver is listed correctly
If the driver you are using is not known to us,
then you will see a message to the effect that driver was not found...
the your driver will NOT be listed...
If the driver for your card is not identified, or not correctly identified
in the list... please post a report to the locations below and read REPORTING
You can also compare the protocol.ini that is created with that which is
currently used by your system, it is usually in C:\IBMCOM........
Note that this Protocol.ini file is based upon the first driver in the list
At this time we are NOT implementing a driver identification process, that
will be implemented at a later date
Please, please post the results good or bad to
server :
group :
You can also post to
but the first is preferred, so that I can monitor one area, and also everyone
can see how things are progressing....
(I would ask that you refrain from posting to me direct, it would bury me...)
we need to know not only what doesn't work, but just as importantly
what does...
It would help me a lot if when you post you include a brief NIC description
in the subject line...3Com905x for example....that way when I file your report
I can quickly group all reports for the same card...
When you post to the whichever site, please cut and paste from the
logfile into the post the following section....
whichever matches your particular setup...
Detected following NIC(s):
Chipset ID Chip Mfg - Card Title
xx - 10B75950 3Com - 3Com Fast EtherLink & EtherLink III Bus Master Family OS/2 (3C59X)
NIF File NIF & Driver Information
EL59XIO2.NIF C:\IBMCOM\MACS\el59xio2.nif Version=3.00 0
Driver=C:\IBMCOM\MACS\el59x.os2 0
An eCS driver for this chipset is known
In addition,
- If everything works fine, and the selections match what you
already have in the working configuration....
"It works" will suffice....
- if the detection failed in some way, please include the following,
- a description of the problem
- the NIC description
3Com is insufficient for us to properly identify the NIC
3Com Fast EtherLink & EtherLink III Bus Master
3Com 595-TX
will allow us to look further into the problem
- as much detail about the working driver as you can find
typically looking in the \IBMCOM\MACS will yield the information
you can cut and paste from the appropriate .NIF file
full description of the card
the driver name
The .nif file will be in x:\IBMCOM\MACS and the name of the
file can be found by looking in the config.sys, for example
(EL90XIO2.NIF is the corresponding .nif file)
- NIC not detected, or incorrect
during the detection process RMVIEW is called
it is possible that the hardware list needs refreshing, either
because a card was replaced, or a new card installed
At the boot blob, Alt-F1, and enable full hardware detection F5
This will refresh the hardware list and may correct the problem
- Multiple NIC's in one machine
where the NICs are different ID we will list appropriate drivers
for all the NICs
If the NICs are the same ID we will list only for the first NIC
- Multiple Driver Listing
The same NIC chip sets are used by many different vendors
Therefore when we identify the chip, often there are several
vendors found, so we list the drivers for each vendor that we are
aware of
- [FATAL ERROR] File "xxxxxxxxx" not found
the entry in the database is looking for a specific filename
which is appropriate for your NIC.....
However, you are using a different driver from that in the database
which we are not aware of, so the program can't find the file
it is looking for in x:\IBMCOM\MACS
Please post the details to the above locations, see below for
No new files will be created on drive A:
- Driver not found, or incorrectly listed
Several drivers may be known already, but not the one that you use
If the list of drivers does not include the driver you use please
follow the instructions below about reporting the error
Also, many NICs can be identified, but we do not know the
appropritate OS/2 driver for the NIC, in which case the program
will exit after displaying the following,
Craig Hart's PCI+AGP bus sniffer, version 0.44ávk, freeware made in 1996-2001.
Detected following NIC(s):
Chipset ID Chip Mfg - Card Title
xx - 10B75950 3Com - 3Com Fast EtherLink & EtherLink III Bus Master Family O
S/2 (3C59X)
NIF File NIF & Driver Information
notknown An eCS driver for this chipset is not known
nic_nif (1): notknown
[NOTICE] Please wait, checking if driver files exist..
[FATAL ERROR] File "C:\IBMCOM\MACS\notknown" not found
Please post a report to the above locations.
You will help us by including a cut and paste of the above msg.
In adition to the above details, you will need to cut and paste from
the appropriate .NIF file
full description of the card
the driver name
The .nif file will be in x:\IBMCOM\MACS and the name of the
file can be found by looking in the config.sys, for example
(EL90XIO2.NIF is the corresponding .nif file)
- Multiple NIC's in one machine
where the NICs are different ID we will list appropriate drivers
for all the NICs
If the NICs are the same ID we will list only for the first NIC
- System hangs etc
the NicDetec.cmd process calls both pci.exe and pcipas.exe
Occasionally as yet unresolved problems may occure when NicDetec
closes pci and opens pcipas....this can be rectified
by adding an entry to the nicdrv.lst
- Creating your own entry in nicdrv.lst
it is reasonably easy to create your own entry in the database
so that you can test....
Step 1
open an OS/2 command window
a:\pci, enter
the screen should now show something similar to
Nr. | Vendor | Device | Class | IRQ | ROM
7 | 10ec | 8139 | 200 | 9 |
0 | 1259 | 2503 | | |
Class 200 is a NIC device....
Step 2
you can post to the newsgroups, the details of your NIC,
and the above output. I will create a new entry for your card
you can create the entry yourself by editing the nicdrv.lst
using an ascii text editor
In adition to the above details, you will need to know the
full description of the card
This can be found in the .nif file for the card, and also
the names for the drivers, also to be found in the .nif file
The .nif file will be in x:\IBMCOM\MACS and the name of the
file can be found by looking in the config.sys, for example
(RTL8129.NIF is probably the corresponding .nif file)
The entry is asembled as below, please not that 'current\'
should prepend the file name, this is to accomodate future plans.
vendor(4)+device id(4) | oem(4)+device id(4) | path\NIF | description
10EC8129 | | current\RTL8129.NIF | Realtek - RTL8129 Fast Ethernet Adapter
add this line to the start of the list for that chip ID, and it
will be the first listed by nicdetec, which will then result in your
drivers to be used for the protocol.ini creation
If this works, please also post the above line in your report
YOU, THE USER - without your participation, we can achieve very little...
Britt Turnbull - lead coordinator for this effort....this project would have
gone nowhere without Britt
Chuck McKinnis - NIC driver list, and lots of other useful things....
doing it just because....
Paltiel Goldstein - REXX detection engine developer, and a neat guy
Veit Kannegieser - Mystical tech person out of the blue and
ported PCIPAS to eCS/OS2...
Kim Cheung - wrist slapper to keep us guy's in line.. and a happy father
(both in real life, and of this project)
All of the code contained herein is the property of the respective manufacturer
and is, or has been, publicly available subject to the license terms of the
respective manufacturer.
All code is provided "AS IS" without any warranties (conditions) of any kind.
The respective manufacturer disclaims all warranties (conditions) for the
code, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and any
warranty of non-infringement. The respective manufacturer is not obligated to
provide support of any kind for the code.
Some jurisdictions do not allow exclusion of implied warranties, so the above
exclusions may not apply to you.
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In no event will the respective manufacturer be liable for any lost profits,
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damages, even if the respective manufacturer or its Authorized Supplier has
been advised of the possibility of such damages. In addition, the respective
manufacturer will not be liable for any damages claimed by you based on any
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The above limitations of remedies also applies to any developer and/or supplier
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