
Data rilascio: 
Mercoledì, 8 Maggio, 2019



Lucide è un visualizzatore di documenti basato su plugin ed è stato disegnato originariamente per eComStation. La prima versione supporta i formati PDF, DjVu e JPEG ma nuovi tipi di documenti possono essere aggiunti facilmente.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto WarpIN autoinstallante e ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

E' possibile installare i prerequisiti con rpm, eseguendo la stringa seguente in una finestra comandi:

yum install libc libgcc1 libgcc-fwd poppler poppler-data uclip

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Lucide v. 1.5.1b1 (20/6/2020) Readme/What's new
1.5.0 - Update Poppler to version 0.59.0 fixes traps with loading large files caused by mutex handle exhausion. Tickets 350, 355 - Masked floating point underflow exception caused by the Poppler update - link to libcx (0.6.3) for exceptq support and to place heap in high memory - Fixed trap caused by DosEnumAttribute not being high mem safe. - Prevent print dialog from opening if no printers are found Ticket 340 - Add SAVE for PDF form files Tickets 181, 254, 273, 238 - Allow file name selection in saveas dialog Ticket 349 - Don't prompt to save file on close after save/saveas Ticket 274 - Update wis to load readme licenses and changelog from archives Ticket 352 - Wis changes to facilitate translation (language selection based on Lang environment variable) - Remove option to not associate Lucide with PDFs. It actually was removing the association type and filters completely - Add a set of alternate Lucide icons from David Graser to the install package - Update build system to build the wpi based on the updated wis - Null string search now clears search highlighting and disables find again - Fix failure to load some thumbnails in preview window - Prevent Lucide from trying to open unsupported file types that happen to have supported extensions - Allow opening of supported file types that have atypical extensions - Prevent Lucide from attempting to open clearly broken files (0 pages etc) - Prevent attempt to create thumbnails for files on drives that don't support EAs - Update GBM documentation to reflect its addition to Lucide - Deselect JPEG plugin in install in favor of GBM. They shouldn't be installed together - Limit size of text fields in PDF forms to length returned from the document - Tooltip to show link URLs - One level "back" on internal links - Update documentation to reflect changes - Improve index sync with scrolling - Add Spanish help file; Update Spanish readme and lng file.(Alfredo Fernández Díaz) - Add debug symbols to the installer. - Add a contex menu to the document window. - Made help instance language aware (only English and Spanish currectly) - Update and sync dependencies in all the readmes. - Add a partial Polish translation (Tae Wong)
Lucide v. 1.5.0GA (8/5/2019) Readme/What's new
1.5.0 - Update Poppler to version 0.59.0 fixes traps with loading large files caused by mutex handle exhausion. Tickets 350, 355 - Masked floating point underflow exception caused by the Poppler update - link to libcx (0.6.3) for exceptq support and to place heap in high memory - Fixed trap caused by DosEnumAttribute not being high mem safe. - Prevent print dialog from opening if no printers are found Ticket 340 - Add SAVE for PDF form files Tickets 181, 254, 273, 238 - Allow file name selection in saveas dialog Ticket 349 - Don't prompt to save file on close after save/saveas Ticket 274 - Update wis to load readme licenses and changelog from archives Ticket 352 - Wis changes to facilitate translation (language selection based on Lang environment variable) - Remove option to not associate Lucide with PDFs. It actually was removing the association type and filters completely - Add a set of alternate Lucide icons from David Graser to the install package - Update build system to build the wpi based on the updated wis - Null string search now clears search highlighting and disables find again - Fix failure to load some thumbnails in preview window - Prevent Lucide from trying to open unsupported file types that happen to have supported extensions - Allow opening of supported file types that have atypical extensions - Prevent Lucide from attempting to open clearly broken files (0 pages etc) - Prevent attempt to create thumbnails for files on drives that don't support EAs - Update GBM documentation to reflect its addition to Lucide - Deselect JPEG plugin in install in favor of GBM. They shouldn't be installed together - Limit size of text fields in PDF forms to length returned from the document - Tooltip to show link URLs - One level "back" on internal links - Update documentation to reflect changes - Improve index sync with scrolling - Add Spanish help file; Update Spanish readme and lng file.(Alfredo Fernández Díaz) - Add debug symbols to the installer. - Add a contex menu to the document window. - Made help instance language aware (only English and Spanish currectly) - Update and sync dependencies in all the readmes. - Add a partial Polish translation (Tae Wong) :: About Lucide :: Lucide is a plugin-based document viewer with support for various file formats. It provides a SOM based plugin architecture which allows 3rd party programmers to easily add more plugins. :: Plugins :: Supported file type Supported features -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PDF scaling, rotation, navigation, text selection, searching, asynchronous rendering, form fill-in, PostScript printing DJVU Scaling, PostScript printing GBM document info, loading all formats supported by GBM*, save loaded bitmap if it has only one page, multipage bitmap viewing, load bitmap page on demand, scaling and rotation, file thumbnail creation, high quality scaling algorithm for improved appearance, configurable background rendering for fast page switching and continuous scrolling JPG Scaling, JPG is supported by GBM so this isn't part of the default install -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *OS/2 / Windows Bitmap, CompuServe Graphics Interchange, ZSoft PC Paintbrush Image, Microsoft/Aldus Tagged Image, Truevision Targa/Vista, Amiga IFF/ILBM Interleaved Bitmap, YUV12C M-Motion Frame Buffer, Portable Bit-map, Portable Greyscale-map, Portable Pixel-map, Portable Anymap, Portable Network Graphics, IBM KIPS, IBM Image Access eXecutive, X Windows Bitmap, X Windows PixMap, Archimedes Sprite from RiscOS, IBM Printer Page Segment, GEM Raster, Portrait, JPEG Interchange, JPEG2000 Graphics, JBIG Joint Bi-level Image experts Group, Camera RAW Image -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Comparison to qPDFView :: Both Lucide and qPDFView utilize the poppler library for rendering PDFs. Internal differences between the two program result in some rendering more quickly in one program vs the other. Overall, we feel that Lucide has a more OS/2-like - or native - feel to its interface, and is better suited to the operating system. Lucide also supports native OS2 printers while qPDFView requires CUPS The choice is left entirely to the user as to which is better suited to his needs. :: Requirements :: To install all prerequisites in one go from Arca Noae Package Manager, simply copy and paste the following string into the Quick install dialog: libc libcx libgcc1 libgcc-fwd libstdc++6 libsupc++6 poppler poppler-data libjpeg djvulibre uclip GBMDLL If you prefer the yum command line, please type yum install libc libcx libgcc1 libgcc-fwd libstdc++6 libsupc++6 poppler poppler-data libjpeg djvulibre uclip GBMDLL and press <Enter>. Specifically, Lucide requires the following: - libc 0.6.6: - (zip format) or (WarpIn format) or "yum install libc" (from the netlabs-rel repository) - libcx 0.6.3 - (zip format) or "yum install libcx" (from the netlabs-rel repository) - gcc492.dll: - (WarpIn format) or "yum install libgcc1 libgcc-fwd" (from the netlabs-rel repository) For rendering PDFs, Lucide's plugin requires the following: - poppler 0.59.0: - "yum install poppler" (from the netlabs-rel repository) For rendering DjVu files, Lucide's plugin requires the following: - djvulibre 3.5.27: - "yum install djvulibre" (from the netlabs-rel repository) For rendering multiple bitmap format files (GBM), Lucide's plugin requires the following: - GBMDLL 1.76: - "yum install GBMDLL" (from the netlabs-rel repository) - Installed by default on ArcaOS 5.0.3 and higher For rendering JPEGs, Lucide's plugin requires the following: - libjpeg 8d: - "yum install libjpeg" (from the netlabs-rel repository) - Only needed if you install the JPG plugin GBM provides JPG support - You should not install JPG and GBM at the same time. (GBM is recommended) Optional: to place unicode text to the clipboard in format you need to install UClip package (enhanced OS/2 clipboard support, installed by default in eComStation 2.0 RC1 and up, as well as ArcaOS Blue Lion): - or "yum install uclip" (from the netlabs-rel repository) Optional: to have Japanese fonts working you need the poppler-data package. - "yum install poppler-data" (from the netlabs-rel repository) Note: If you install Lucide during the ArcaOS install all these packages are installed. PostScript printing requires PostScript-capable printer (pscript.drv or psprint.drv). To see a full list of features and enhancements consult the Lucide TRAC at: If you encounter any bugs register them in the TRAC as well, see: Please make sure you select the correct version and component for your ticket. :: Known problems/limitations :: See: :: Pipe commands :: The first instance of Lucide will create a named pipe \PIPE\LUCIDE. You may send the following commands to this pipe: $prev - will switch to the previous page $next - will switch to the next page $presentation - will switch to presentation (even if minimized) $minimize - will mimimize Lucide (even if fullscreen) $rotate - will rotate 90´┐¢ CW $zoomin - will zoom in $zoomout - will zoom out $zoomoriginal - will zoom to the actual size This can be useful for presentations with a remote control. :: License through version 1.21 :: Lucide version 1.21 and earlier are licensed for use with eComStation only. You are not allowed to distribute the product by uploading it to public Internet servers or making it publicly available by any other means. :: License for version 1.3.0 and better :: Starting with version 1.3.0, Mensys BV and Serenity Systems International have agreed in opensourcing Lucide, while still investing in the product. would like to express its gratitude toward Mensys BV and Serenity Systems International. Arca Noae, LLC has agreed to foster development of Lucide from version 1.3.6 onward. Lucide remains open source, and dual licensed. Lucide as of version 1.3.0 is released and distributed under CDDL/LGPL. :: Plugin License :: The plugins are released under CDDL/LGPL or GPL, depending on the plugin. See for more information and source code. :: Links :: :: News groups :: Developer: To subscribe: User: To subscribe: :: Copyright :: (c) 2006-2007 by Eugene Romanenko, (c) 2010-2011 by Dmitriy Kuminov, in co-operation with Serenity Systems International (c) 2016-2019 by in co-operation with Arca Noae, LLC
Lucide v. 1.41RC4 (8/1/2019)
Lucide v. 1.41RC3 (7/1/2019)
Lucide v. 1.41RC2 (29/12/2018)
Lucide v. 1.41b10 (6/10/2018)
Lucide v. 1.40.0 (WarpIN, 21/4/2017) Readme/What's new
1.40: - updated German messages - updated Czech messages (ticket #310) - added context-sensitive help (ticket #12) - added buildlevel strings to exe and dlls (ticket #296) - built against poppler 0.52.0 (ticket #295) - updated jpeg plugin to 8d (using system-installed libjpeg) - updated DjVu plugin to 3.5.22 (using system-installed djvulibre) (ticket #303) - fixed do not create thumbnail for encrypted PDF (ticket #263) - fixed make thumbnails optional (ticket #267) - reworked dialog layouts and added context sensative help (ticket #12) - added help menu items -- F1 now works to bring up help in all but a few places (ticket #12) - updated build instructions - move most setting from os2.ini to lucide.ini - limited the page number box in the toolbar to only accept valid page numbers (ticket #314 #335) - fixed clip text on page number box with very large documents (ticket #328) - remove drives drop down from the file open dialog when the ArcaOS FOC is used - improve button alingment (tickets #318 #329 #337 #339) - now remembers print type between jobs (ticket #299) - updated product information dialog (ticket #323) - added GBM plugin to package (ticket #283) - added help for GBM and append to Lucide help - JPEG plugin now optional
Optional Language Support Package - Chinese TW v. 1.40.0 (WarpIN, 21/4/2017)
Optional Language Support Package - Czec v. 1.40.0 (WarpIN, 21/4/2017)
Optional Language Support Package - Danish v. 1.40.0 (WarpIN, 21/4/2017)
Optional Language Support Package - Dutch v. 1.40 (WarpIN, 21/4/2017)
Optional Language Support Package - French v. 1.40.0 (WarpIN, 21/4/2017)
Optional Language Support Package - German v. 1.40.0 (WarpIN, 21/4/2017)
Optional Language Support Package - Italian v. 1.40.0 (WarpIN, 21/4/2017)
Optional Language Support Package - Russian v. 1.40.0 (WarpIN, 21/4/2017)
Optional Language Support Package - Spanish v. 1.40.0 (WarpIN, 21/4/2017)
Optional Language Support Package - Swedish v. 1.40.0 (WarpIN, 21/4/2017)
Lucide v. 1.40RC4 (WarpIN, 17/12/2016) Readme/What's new
1.4.0: - updated German messages - updated Czech messages (ticket #310) - added context-sensitive help (ticket #12) - added buildlevel strings to exe and dlls (ticket #296) - built against poppler 0.47.0 (ticket #295) - updated jpeg plugin to 8c (using system-installed libjpeg) - updated DjVu plugin to 3.5.22 (using system-installed djvulibre) (ticket #303) - fixed do not create thumbnail for encrypted PDF (ticket #263) - fixed make thumbnails optional (ticket #267) - reworked dialog layouts and added context sensitive help (ticket #12) - added help menu items -- F1 now works to bring up help in all but a few places (ticket #12) - updated build instructions
Lucide v. 1.40RC4 (zip, 17/12/2016) Readme/What's new
1.4.0: - updated German messages - updated Czech messages (ticket #310) - added context-sensitive help (ticket #12) - added buildlevel strings to exe and dlls (ticket #296) - built against poppler 0.47.0 (ticket #295) - updated jpeg plugin to 8c (using system-installed libjpeg) - updated DjVu plugin to 3.5.22 (using system-installed djvulibre) (ticket #303) - fixed do not create thumbnail for encrypted PDF (ticket #263) - fixed make thumbnails optional (ticket #267) - reworked dialog layouts and added context sensitive help (ticket #12) - added help menu items -- F1 now works to bring up help in all but a few places (ticket #12) - updated build instructions
Lucide v. 1.40RC3 (zip, 18/9/2016) Readme/What's new
1.4.0: - updated German messages - updated Czech messages (ticket #310) - added context-sensitive help (ticket #12) - added buildlevel strings to exe and dlls (ticket #296) - built against poppler 0.47.0 (ticket #295) - updated jpeg plugin to 8c (using system-installed libjpeg) - updated DjVu plugin to 3.5.22 (using system-installed djvulibre) (ticket #303) - fixed do not create thumbnail for encrypted PDF (ticket #263) - fixed make thumbnails optional (ticket #267)
Lucide v. 1.40RC3 (WarpIN, 18/9/2016) Readme/What's new
1.4.0: - updated German messages - updated Czech messages (ticket #310) - added context-sensitive help (ticket #12) - added buildlevel strings to exe and dlls (ticket #296) - built against poppler 0.47.0 (ticket #295) - updated jpeg plugin to 8c (using system-installed libjpeg) - updated DjVu plugin to 3.5.22 (using system-installed djvulibre) (ticket #303) - fixed do not create thumbnail for encrypted PDF (ticket #263) - fixed make thumbnails optional (ticket #267)
Lucide v. 1.36RC2a (zip, 20/8/2016) Readme/What's new
1.3.6: - built against poppler 0.42.0 - updated build conf for GCC 4.9.2 / kBuild 0.1.9998 r2803 - added substitute font names to font dialog (ticket #280) - fixed Save as text in menu and added accelerator (Ctrl-A) (ticket #275) - added exceptq support (ticket #272) - use poppler as system wide installed shared library (ticket #266) - fixed missing mnemonics in print dialog (ticket #264) - added hotkey (F9) to open/close navigation pane (ticket #212) - added option to print in reverse page order (ticket #120) - fixed inability to open AES-256-encrypted PDfs (ticket #91)
Lucide v. 1.36RC (zip, 7/8/2016) Readme/What's new
1.3.6: - built against poppler 0.42.0 - updated build conf for GCC 4.9.2 / kBuild 0.1.9998 r2803 - added substitute font names to font dialog (ticket #280) - fixed Save as text in menu and added accelerator (Ctrl-A) (ticket #275) - added exceptq support (ticket #272) - use poppler as system wide installed shared library (ticket #266) - fixed missing mnemonics in print dialog (ticket #264) - added hotkey (F9) to open/close navigation pane (ticket #212) - added option to print in reverse page order (ticket #120) - fixed inability to open AES-256-encrypted PDfs (ticket #91)
Lucide v. 1.35 (zip, 13/9/2012) Readme/What's new
1.3.5: - updated poppler to 0.20.3 - fixed a wpi problem (ticket #244) - updated cs language file (ticket #243) - changed libc req to 0.6.5
Lucide v. 1.35 (WarpIN, 13/9/2012) Readme/What's new
1.3.5: - updated poppler to 0.20.3 - fixed a wpi problem (ticket #244) - updated cs language file (ticket #243) - changed libc req to 0.6.5
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 22/06/2020 - 05:45

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