Interactive DisAssembler

Data rilascio: 
Sabato, 1 Gennaio, 2000



Authors/Port authors:

Disassembler interattivo per i80x86, i8085, z80, i860, Pentium, i8051, 6502.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Interactive DisAssembler v. 4.15 (1/1/2001) Readme/What's new
News from the very first release of v4.14: ------------------------------------------ - FLIRT: ELF preprocessor is added. Currently it supports only MIPS processor - BUGFIX: Motorola 68K module would crash in response to Alt-R, Ctrl-S, etc. - BUGFIX: The script toolbar would contain references to bad IDC script names - BUGFIX: MIPS R5900 processor was not available from the load dialog box - MC86xx: enhanced operand type support (offsets, enums, stack vars, struct offsets can be applied to any complex operand) - BUGFIX: IDA would use metapc as the default processor for all except the first file opened in the gui environment regardless of the DEFAULT_PROCESSOR parameter in IDA.CFG - CodeView NB11 debug information format is supported - BUGFIX: some flavors of PIC HEX files were incorrectly loaded - Struct offset deltas are supported. They allow to convert, for example, mov ax, 3 to mov ax, mystruct.field5-2 - MIPS r5900: parallel shift and SA register instructions are added - New processor: Siemens C166 This family includes the following processors (the list is not exhaustive): C161 C161V-L16M, C161K-L16M, C161O-L16M, C161RI-L16M, C161RI-L16F C163 C163-LF, C163-L25F, C163-16F25F C164 C164CI-8EM, C164CI-8RM C165 C165-LM, C165-L25M, C165-RM, C165-LF, C165-L25F C166 SAB80C166-M, SAB80C166-M25, SAB83C166-5M, SAB83C166-5M25 SAB88C166-5M, SAB80C166W-M, SAB83C166W-5M, SAB88C166W-5M C167 C167-LM, C167S-4RM, C167SR-LM, C167CR-LM, C167CR-L25M C167CR-4RM, C167CR-16RM, C167CR-16FM - BUGFIX: it was not possible to delete items from the problem list using the Del key. - BUGFIX: some MIPS R5900 instructions were not disassembled - Some find dialog boxes allow to find and display all occurences of the desired instructions - New processor: SGS-Thomson ST20 - MakeArray command is more intelligent and tries to create an array even when some array elements are already defined as data items. - New processor: SGS-Thomson ST7 - MIPS16 encoding is supported - PIC module is improved: - port mapping like STATUS as at addresses 3, 83, 103, 183 are supported - PCLATH register is traced (see the segment registers) - all modifications of PCL register are taken into account - The text version confused the "manual operand" and "text search" commands. - GEOS loader takes into account the uninitialized data segment, knows about the process class and the structure of the exported entries - TXT version: the search direction indicator was not refreshed immediately after a direction change. - AVR: MegaAVR new instructions are supported. Thanks to Chris Dalla for information. - The stack argument information is propogated through the whole program Since this feature is new and somewhat experimental, the user can turn it off in Analysis options, Kernel options 2. - GEOS standard types are supported is external)  local copy
Interactive DisAssembler v. 3.05 (1/1/2000) is external)  local copy
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 16/12/2021 - 19:58

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