Firecast & IceS (S & S2)

0.4.2 & 2.0.2
Data rilascio: 
Lunedì, 23 Giugno, 2008



Firecast è un Media Server. Può essere usato per creare streaming di rete per flussi multimediali e stazioni radio.

IceS e IceS2 sono due client per lo streaming di flussi sorgente Mp3 e Ogg Vorbis su server Icecast: inviano un flusso continuo di dati Mp3/Ogg Vorbis (file singolo o playlist) ad un server Icecast per la successiva distribuzione in rete.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Leggere il file README.OS2.

IceS e IceS2 possono essere configurati per funzionare anche con Icecast

I link seguenti sono a programmi aggiuntivi, utili ma non indispensabili per il funzionamento:

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Firecast & IceS (S & S2) v. 0.4.2 (12/10/2022, Andrey Vasilkin) Readme/What's new
IceS-ne 0.4.2 for OS/2, eComstation and Windows based on Centova Cast Edition (ices-cc): Many bugs have been fixed (new added :-D). Added new features useful for me, I hope for you too. Please, read README first. What is not implemented in this version: - AAD (MP4) files support, - perl and python support, - Unicode ID3 tags support from Centova Cast Edition replaced with character encoding conversion. Notices for Windows version --------------------------- - Windows version (icesWin.exe) not tested yet! - If you see IceS-ne error message: "Error during send: Libshout reported send error, disconnecting: Socket error" temporarily disable your Anti-Virus program to see if it allows IceS-ne to connect. New features available in this version IceS-ne. Advanced encoding control ------------------------- IceS-ne encodes a stream in CBR (constant bitrate) or in two types of variable bitrate: VBR (variable bitrate) and ABR (average bitrate). You can specify the encoding quality and values of lowest and highest sample rates for the variable bitrate. Named semaphores ---------------- OS/2. \SEM32\ICES\STOP - shutdown ices, \SEM32\ICES\NEXT - jump to the next track in playlist, \SEM32\ICES\RELOAD - reload playlist/restart playlist module, \SEM32\ICES\ROTATE - rotate log files. If the instance id is specified (in the configuration file or with command line switch -i), the semaphore names will look like: \SEM32\ICES-id\name Windows. \Global\IceS-STOP - shutdown ices, \Global\IceS-NEXT - jump to the next track in playlist, \Global\IceS-RELOAD - reload playlist/restart playlist module, \Global\IceS-ROTATE - rotate log files. If the instance id is specified (in the configuration file or with command line switch -i), the event names will look like: \Global\IceS_id-name where 'id' is specified instance id and 'name' one of STOP, NEXT, RELOAD or ROTATE. To post semaphores of the runned instance type: 'ices -e NAME', where NAME is one of stop, next, reload or rotate. Switch -i can be used to point runned instance, otherwise instance id will be read from the configuration file. CUE data -------- CUE file can be disabled in the configuration file. However, for OS/2 it can be obtained at any time from the pipe \PIPE\ICES\CUE or \SEM32\ICES-id\CUE (if instance id is set). To read CUE from runned IceS type (for OS/2 only): 'ices -e cue'. Switch -i can be used to point runned instance. Character encoding ------------------ Character encoding for metadata can be set in the configuration file. Before sending to the server metadata will be converted to the specified encoding. It is also possible to specify the encoding of id3v1 mp3 tags. Tags id3v1 will be used when there is no tags id3v2 in mp3 file. A new built-in module for playlist ---------------------------------- A local path to the media files can be specified instead playlist file. When directory specified, built-in playlist module will periodically scan files and new list will be used if it have been changed. A new external programs support for playlist -------------------------------------------- A new type of playlist module - "program". The module is runs once by IceS and receives requests on STDIN every time when IceS need to get the name of the next file. The module responds to STDOUT the name of file and (optionally) metadata, maximum playing time and line number in the playlist. After response module switches to the waiting next request. See example: .\examples\playlist-program.cmd Log files --------- This version of IceS supports rotation based on maximum size of the log. IceS renames the current log file by set extension .01 for the filename, opens a new log file and sends all new log entries to the new log file. Old *.01 will be renamed to *.02, old *.02 to *.03 and so on. Oldest file removes. The number of files is specified in the configuration. To force rotation the OS/2 semaphore \SEM32\ICES[-id]\ROTATE (or windows event \Global\IceS-ROTATE) can be posted. To do it you can type: 'ices -e rotate' (icesWin -e rotate). Windows service --------------- IceS-ne can be installed as Windows system service. To do it type: icesWin -B install icesWin -B start You can use switch "-c config_file" with switch "-B install" to specify configuration file. Other options for -B: De-install service: icesWin -B delete Stop service: icesWin -B stop Skip current track: icesWin -B next Reload playlist/read media files directory: icesWin -B reload Rotate logfiles: icesWin -B rotate Donations are most welcome! PayPal: Digi, 2016 E-mail: Jabber:  local copy
IceS-ne (Mp3) (8/6/2017, Andrey Vasilkin)
IceS-ne (Mp3) (5/10/2016, Andrey Vasilkin)
IceS-ne (Mp3) (5/9/2016, Andrey Vasilkin)
Firecast v. 20140413 (24/2/2016, Andrey Vasilkin)
IceS0 (Mp3) (13/2/2016, Andrey Vasilkin)
IceS2 (Ogg Vorbis) (13/2/2016, Andrey Vasilkin)
Firecast v. 20080623 (source code, 1/4/2011, Andrey Vasilkin)
Firecast v. 20080623 (1/4/2011, Andrey Vasilkin)
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 16/10/2022 - 21:30

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