
Data rilascio: 
Martedì, 26 Agosto, 2014



DrJava è un leggero ambiente di programmazione per Java disegnato per promuovere lo sviluppo di software guidato dagli eventi. Include un editor per la programmazione intelligente con evidenziazione di sintassi, un pannello a schede per validare il testo del programma, un debugger a livello sorgente ed uno strumento di verifica.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto JAR, il formato di distribuzione compresso tipico dei programmi JAVA: scaricare in cartella di destinazione, creare un oggetto programma che punti a java.exe e che abbia per parametri: "-jar drjava-stable-xxxxxxxx-rxxxx". Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

DrJava v. r5761 (26/8/2014, James Sasitorn, Charles Reis, Dan Smith, Eric E. Allen, Mathias Ricken, Nick) Readme/What's new
Available for download at http://drjava.org . DrJava is a lightweight programming environment for Java designed to foster test-driven software development. It includes an intelligent program editor, an interactions pane for evaluating program text, a source level debugger, and a unit testing tool. In addition to bug fixes, this stable release includes one important new feature introduced after the last stable release: This release of DrJava should successfully load the Java 8 compiler when DrJava is run using a Java 8 JDK. Notes: (i) Java 5 compatibility has been dropped. To use DrJava, you will need Java 6 or newer. (ii) The Mac OS X app is configured to use Apple Java 6, the last Java release developed by Apple. Subsequent Oracle releases of Java for Mac OS X use a different, incompatible app launcher. DrJava can be run using an Oracle JDK on Mac OS X by downloading the jar file version of DrJava and invoking it from the command line. In some cases, simply clicking on the jar file icon will start DrJava. (iii) Recent versions of Mac OS X include a gatekeeper that declares unlicensed apps (like DrJava and most other open source apps) as "corrupt" and suggests that they be deleted. Many users report that this happens when attempting to open the DrJava app (even though it uses Apple's app launcher) the first time. Nevertheless, the app can be opened manually and will subsequently open normally. (iv) This release of DrJava supports the editing and compilation of Java 8 programs but it does not yet support new Java 8 syntax in the interactions pane. We anticipate that a forthcoming release will have this capability. (v) DrJava currently triggers a JVM bug in the Oracle releases of Java 7 and 8 on Linux. The bug prints a JVM crash message on the console (typically the terminal from which DrJava is started), but DrJava still appears to start normally. Java must restart in most configurations (depending on your saved DrJava preferences) because many critical parameters of the JVM including the classpath, maximum heap size, and maximum stack size must be specified at startup and cannot be changed. The Oracle Java 7/8 JVM does not crash in DrJava until after the restart operation (spawning a new JVM) has been executed, so only the display of the DrJava splash banner fails as a result of the crash.
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 22/11/2020 - 18:29

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