CorelDRAW! per OS/2.
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CorelDRAW! for OS/2 v. 2.5 (16/12/1992, Corel Systems Corp.) | Readme/What's new |
READ ME file for CorelDRAW 2.5 Maintenance Release
Release Notes: December 16, 1992
Please read this file carefully. It contains information on features that
have changed or are not documented in the CorelDRAW 2.5 manuals supplied
with your purchase.
(A) General Notes
****(1) Your OS/2 Operating System software
This maintenance release of CorelDRAW 2.5 for OS/2-PM supports the new
IBM OS/2 32-Bit graphic engine. In order to access CorelDRAW's full
functionality, you should be running OS/2 version 2.01 or later, which
incorporates this engine. Some of the features in this maintenance
release will not be available to you if you're using OS/2 2.0.
The necessary upgrade files are available free on the IBM OS/2 BBS and
are also on Compuserve. Alternatively, a disk set is also available
from IBM at a nominal cost.
****(2) Running CorelTRACE, WFN Boss, CorelPHOTO-PAINT, CorelCHART and
In order to run these applications, you must have the WIN-OS/2 Support
files installed as part of your operating system. If you have not done
this, consult your OS/2 documentation and install the necessary files.
The first time you try to run these applications, a CHANGE SETTINGS dialog
box will appear on screen. Select "SETTINGS", then "SESSION". One of the
"WINOS2" buttons (WINOS2 FULL SCREEN or WINOS2 WINDOWED) will appear to be
selected. It is actually not selected.
Re-select that button so that a rectangle appears around the description,
then close SETTINGS. To save RAM space, you can also change the XMS and EMS
to "zero" (0) in the WIN-OS2 settings.
(1) In addition to the screen settings, you will have to modify a
session setting using the "WIN-OS/2 SETTINGS". Only one(1)
modification is needed: highlight the "DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT" and
increase the value to a minimum of six (6).
Save the settings and exit the SETTINGS menu.
(2) Since CorelCHART requires Adobe Type Manager fonts, the "ATM"
utility must be active, and the ATM cache value should be set to
a minimum of 256K. (ATM, is supplied with the OS/2 2.0 operating
system. Refer to your OS/2 manual).
Remember to SHUTDOWN and reboot your system after installing CorelDRAW,
since changes are made to the OS2.INI and CONFIG.SYS files.
****(3) Running CorelHELP!
CorelHELP may not work properly on systems that use 800-by-600 or
1024-by-768 SVGA drivers. This is a known problem with OS/2 and certain
video drivers. We anticipate this situation to be fixed in the near future.
In the meantime, run the HELP! under WINOS2 FULL SCREEN.
****(4) Your CORELDRW.INI file
The following variables have been added to the list of functions you
can customize in your CORELDRW.INI file:
(a) "PSComplexityThreshold". This variable is used to alter the
threshold at which CorelDRAW decides a filled path is too complex
for successful printing on a PostScript device. It is a count of
the number of nodes in an individual path and should be set for a
value between 20 and 3000, with the default being 3000. If an
individual path contains more nodes than the limit set here, the
program will break it up into simpler ones, without modifying the
appearance. Note that even shorter paths (eg/ 300 nodes or less)
containing complex fills such as fountain fills, vector/bitmap fills,
can cause problems with a PostScript printer (typically indicated as
a "Limitcheck Error"). If this occurs, reset the variable to a
lower value, such as 200 or 300.
(b) "32BitEngine". This variable is used to specify whether or not
you're running the 32-bit graphic engine supplied with OS/2 version
2.01. The default setting is 1, which assumes you are. If you have
not yet upgraded to OS/2 version 2.01, then you must manually edit
the CORELDRW.INI file after installation and set this variable to 0.
****(5) Your WIN.INI file
The installation procedure updates and adds the following two sections to
your WIN.INI file (found in your OS2\MDOS\WINOS2 directory).
The directory names shown here assume installation on C-drive and use the
default names. They may be different on your system. These sections are
required for proper operation of some of the CorelDRAW utility applications.
(B) Filters
(1) The following changes have been made to existing export filters:
In the Technical Reference Guide supplied with your purchase, the text
concerning a number of the export filters mentions an export option named
"Include All Artistic Attributes". This can be ignored wherever it occurs,
since the export filters now handle this function internally.
In addition, you have the option to export only selected objects from your
CorelDRAW file by selecting the checkbox that appears in the Export format
dialog box. However, you must be running OS/2 version 2.01 or later to
make use of this feature. While references to this function exist in the
Technical Reference Guide, this feature did not work under version 2.0 of
****TIFF Format
A switch may now be set in your CORELDRW.INI file which allows you to save
TIFF files to the version 4.2 specification. Certain software applications
are known to have difficulties reading TIFF files conforming to the newer
5.0 specification. This includes EPS files that contain a TIFF display
header. The switch in the CORELDRW.INI file is called "ExportToTiff42"
and its default setting is 0 (zero). If it is left set to zero, the TIFF
file will be exported conforming to the version 5.0 specification. If you
set it to 1 (one), the file will be exported conforming to the version
4.2 specification. If your application has problems reading an exported
TIFF file, set this switch to 1 and then re-export the file.
****Encapsulated PostScript EPS Format
When specifying the "Image Header Size" for this format, the choices have
been altered from "None", "128x128", "256x256", or "512x512" to read:
"None", "Low", "Medium" or "High" resolution.
****SCODL SCD Format
The description for the SCODL export mentions a dialog box that appears,
allowing you to change "Background Color" and "Send end of Image"
information. Ignore that section completely. The export filter has been
modified to determine the slide's background color from your drawing file's
page frame color.
(2) The following file export options and filters have been added:
****CorelDRAW 16-Bit Format
The CDR format used in CorelDRAW 2.5 for OS/2-PM is a 32-bit file. However,
you may save the CDR in the older 16-bit version by selecting the checkbox
in the "Save As" dialog box. This produces a 16-bit version of the file
that may be read by the previous release of CorelDRAW for OS/2-PM and by
the Windows version of the program. This feature can be useful when sharing
files with someone who is running one of those versions of CorelDRAW.
There will be no alteration in the appearance of your image when saving it
in the 16-bit format.
You may now also choose to save only a selected portion of your image by
using the "Selected Object(s) Only" option. Simply select the objects you
want to save as a new CDR file and then click on the "Save As" item under
the File menu. Check the "Selected Object(s) Only" box and assign a name
to the file. Then click on OK. Note that you must be running OS/2 version
2.01 or later to make use of this feature. Applications for this option
include building sets of smaller files from complex ones, or splitting up
large, complex files into more workable pieces. When each of the pieces
is finished, you can then bring them all back together by importing one
after another into a "final" version of the drawing.
****AutoCAD DXF (DXF)
Drawings created in CorelDRAW may be exported to CAD/CAM devices or software
that accept the DXF format. This includes packages such as AutoCAD and
certain computer-driven glass and sign cutters. Note that the DXF Export
filter only supports the export of outlines. All line weights and line
types are exported as 0.003" thick solid lines.
>> CorelDRAW Features not supported in the DXF format
The following CorelDRAW features are not supported on importing DXF files
into AutoCAD:
- Fills of all types are ignored.
- Calligraphic pen effects, dashed and dotted lines, and all line
weights are converted to solid lines 0.003" thick.
- Bitmaps are not exported.
- Curves are exported as polyline segments.
>> Objects with no Outlines
Filled objects that have no outlines will have an outline appended to them
in the DXF export process.
>> File Size
DXF files created with this filter can become quite large, especially since
text is exported as curves. A complex drawing occupying only 20 or 30 K in
CorelDRAW may easily balloon to 500 K or more in the DXF format.
>> Colors
Options in the Export DXF dialog box control how colors in the CorelDRAW
file are translated and defined in the DXF file.
Standard Colors (7): Matches colors in the CorelDRAW file to the seven
colors available in DXF. The configuration of your
system determines what colors are actually used.
As a general rule, you'll get better results when
your drawing contains primary colors.
Full Colors (255): May yield a truer representation of your CorelDRAW
file. But because results vary depending on the
video adaptor and driver used in Windows, colors
may turn out to be very poorly matched.
>> Text
Text exports as curves so that it's appearance is maintained in the exported
file. Note however that text exported as curves cannot be edited as text
in the destination application.
****HP Plotter HPGL (PLT)
This filter saves drawings in a vector format used primarily by
computer-driven sign and glass cutters. Only the outlines of objects are
>> CorelDRAW Features not supported in the PLT format
The following features are not supported in the exported PLT file:
- Fills of all types are ignored.
- Bitmaps
- Calligraphic outlines (these are exported as solid outlines of
uniform width)
>> Limitations
The following limitations occur on exporting to the PLT format:
- Dotted and dashed lines are mapped to HPGL's standard line types
- Bezier curves are converted to line segments
>> Colors
HPGL files contain "pen numbers" that correspond to the drawing pens
available in a plotter. These pens are installed by the user and can be any
color. The pen numbers and color assignments selected in CorelDRAW's
HPGL Pen Color Selection dialog box should be paired with the pen
assignments in the plotter.
When the file is exported, the colors it contains are analyzed for their
CMYK content. They are then matched as closely as possible to the pen number
and color definitions in the [CorelHPGLColors] section of the
As many as 256 pens can be defined, but most plotters use eight or fewer
pens. For this reason, the initial configuration of CorelDRAW only defines
the eight most-widely used pen colors as follows:
[CorelHPGLPens] [CorelHPGLColors]
P1= Black Black=0,0,0,100
P2= Blue Blue=100,100,0,0
P3= Red Red=0,100,100,0
P4= Green Green=100,0,100,0
P5= Magenta Magenta=0,100,0,0
P6= Yellow Yellow=0,0,100,0
P7= Cyan Cyan=100,0,0,0
P8= Brown Brown=0,50,100,25
NOTE: The [CorelHPGLPens] and [CorelHPGLColors] sections will not appear
in your CORELDRW.INI file until after you export your first PLT file.
In the [CorelHPGLColors] section, the color's name appears, followed by a
string of four numbers (separated by commas). These numbers define the
CMYK colors associated with a particular pen number. For example, the
Pen #3 definition is "Red". Within CorelDRAW, this is defined as:
0% Cyan (the first numeric value after the second quotation mark),
100% Magenta (second numeric value),
100% Yellow (third numeric value) and
0% Black (fourth numeric value).
All color values must lie in the range 0 to 100. Any objects in the
CorelDRAW file that have a outlines colored Red will have their outlines
assigned as Pen #3 when exported as a PLT file. Note that if you define
and export a pen number in the PLT file that is not in your plotter, that
undefined pen will usually default to Pen #1 in the plotter.
When adding a new pen definition, the name to the right of the equals sign
in the [CorelHPGLPens] section (eg/ "P9=Purple") must be identical to the
name you assign in the [CorelHPGLColors] section, otherwise the pen will
default to black. Color names may be up to 14 characters long.
>> Stretch Factor
You may also alter the horizontal and/or vertical scaling of your exported
image by changing the Stretch Factor in the HPGL Pen Color Selection dialog
box. Values must lie in the range of 1 to 1000. To maintain the aspect
ratio of the original CorelDRAW file, set both Horizontal and Vertical
stretch factors to equal amounts within the range.
>> Page Size and Orientation
So that the image is properly positioned when plotted, make sure the page
size and orientation of your CorelDRAW file match the plotter page. If the
plotted image appears distorted, try changing the orientation of the
CorelDRAW page then re-export the file.
>> Unoutlined Objects
Since this filter deals with outlines only, any filled objects in your
CorelDRAW file that have no outlines will have an outline appended to them
in the HPGL export process.
>> Text
Text exports as curves so that it's appearance is maintained in the exported
file. Note however that text exported as curves cannot be edited as text
in the destination application.
****Mac PICT (PCT)
This filter saves drawings in PICT2 (color) format for use in many Macintosh
graphics programs. Only vector objects can be exported in this format.
Any bitmaps in the drawing will be ignored.
>> CorelDRAW Features not supported in the PCT format
The following features are not supported in the exported PCT file:
- Bitmaps
- PostScript texture fills. These are exported as a gray fill.
- Two-Color and Full-Color pattern fills
>> Outline Attributes
CorelDRAW will export calligraphic pen effects and uniform width pen
outlines to the Mac PICT format. Butt-end line caps are also supported.
>> Objects with Fills and Outlines
Filled objects with an outline export as a group of two objects. One object
will be the outline and the other the fill. Outlines on text will export,
provided the text is converted to curves prior to export. Convert the text
by choosing the "Convert to Curves" command in the Arrange menu.
Note that text converted to curves cannot be edited.
>> Fountain Fills
The number of bands used to represent fountain fills in the exported file
is determined by the Preview Fountain Stripes setting in the Preferences
dialog box.
>> Colors
The colors available on the MAC are device-dependent, varying with the type
of display you're using. If you have a display that uses 8-bit color, you
are limited to a total of 256 colors. The colors in your CorelDRAW file
will be matched as closely as possible. A display that uses 24-bit color
will display colors that are virtually identical to the ones you used in
>> Text
Text exports as curves so that it's appearance is maintained in the
exported file. Note however that text exported as curves cannot be edited
as text in the destination application.
****WordPerfect Graphic (WPG)
This filter saves drawings for printing on non-PostScript printers from
WordPerfect Version 5.0 and later. Note the following information
concerning differences between a CorelDRAW file and the same file exported
to the WPG format:
>> CorelDRAW Features not supported in the WPG format
- Calligraphic pen effects (exported as hairlines)
- Line cap types
- PostScript textures fills and halftone screens
- Bitmaps
>> Outline Attributes
Outlines of any thickness are exported as hairlines in the WPG format.
Arrowheads and the various CorelDRAW dotted and dashed line types are
supported by this filter.
>> Fountain Fills
Note that fountain fills may tend to contain coarse banding.
>> Colors
When exporting to the WPG format, a dialog box will appear that lets you
control how colors in the CorelDRAW file are treated. The two options are:
16 Colors and 256 Colors.
16 Colors: Matches colors in the CorelDRAW file to a standard set of
16 colors. Choosing this option usually yields acceptable
results on a VGA display.
256 Colors: This option may yield a truer representation of your
CorelDRAW file. However, since the results vary depending
on the video adaptor and driver used in WordPerfect, colors
may appear as shades of gray. If this happens, go back to
CorelDRAW and export the file again with 16 colors selected.
>> Text
Text exports as curves so that it's appearance is maintained in the exported
file. Note however that text exported as curves cannot be edited as text
in the destination application.
When creating a drawing in CorelDRAW for use in the WPG format, a word
about rotating your drawing once you're in WordPerfect: DON'T!
You should create your drawing and the final rotational orientation you
intend to use in WordPerfect while you are in CorelDRAW. If you rotate a
CorelDRAW WPG file in WordPerfect, it may not print correctly because of
the way WordPerfect handles bounding boxes and rotations.
(C) Fonts
Over 50 new WFN typeface and symbol fonts have been added to this
maintenance release: They include:
****New Typeface Fonts:
Alefbet, Algiers, Amherst, Bigtop, Bosanova, Bravo Engraved, Busker,
Castanet, Charlesworth, Crescent, Envision, Euromode, Golden Old Style,
Hollow, Indiana, Indiana Solid, Kastler, Kids, Liquid Crystal, Lithograph,
Lithograph Light, Merlin, Nuance, Pepper, Playwright, Powerline, Quantum,
Scott, Scribe, Shogun, Trafalgar, and Vivienne.
****New Symbol Fonts:
Sports&Hobbies, Keystroke, Landmarks, Military, MilitaryID, Music, People,
Plants, Science, Signs, Technology, Tracks, and Weather.
Please note that these new fonts are only available on the CD-ROM disk
supplied with your kit.
****END-OF-FILE**** |
![]() |
CorelDRAW! for OS/2 v. 2.5 (16/12/1992, Corel Systems Corp.) | Readme/What's new |
READ ME file for CorelDRAW 2.5 Maintenance Release
Release Notes: December 16, 1992
Please read this file carefully. It contains information on features that
have changed or are not documented in the CorelDRAW 2.5 manuals supplied
with your purchase.
(A) General Notes
****(1) Your OS/2 Operating System software
This maintenance release of CorelDRAW 2.5 for OS/2-PM supports the new
IBM OS/2 32-Bit graphic engine. In order to access CorelDRAW's full
functionality, you should be running OS/2 version 2.01 or later, which
incorporates this engine. Some of the features in this maintenance
release will not be available to you if you're using OS/2 2.0.
The necessary upgrade files are available free on the IBM OS/2 BBS and
are also on Compuserve. Alternatively, a disk set is also available
from IBM at a nominal cost.
****(2) Running CorelTRACE, WFN Boss, CorelPHOTO-PAINT, CorelCHART and
In order to run these applications, you must have the WIN-OS/2 Support
files installed as part of your operating system. If you have not done
this, consult your OS/2 documentation and install the necessary files.
The first time you try to run these applications, a CHANGE SETTINGS dialog
box will appear on screen. Select "SETTINGS", then "SESSION". One of the
"WINOS2" buttons (WINOS2 FULL SCREEN or WINOS2 WINDOWED) will appear to be
selected. It is actually not selected.
Re-select that button so that a rectangle appears around the description,
then close SETTINGS. To save RAM space, you can also change the XMS and EMS
to "zero" (0) in the WIN-OS2 settings.
(1) In addition to the screen settings, you will have to modify a
session setting using the "WIN-OS/2 SETTINGS". Only one(1)
modification is needed: highlight the "DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT" and
increase the value to a minimum of six (6).
Save the settings and exit the SETTINGS menu.
(2) Since CorelCHART requires Adobe Type Manager fonts, the "ATM"
utility must be active, and the ATM cache value should be set to
a minimum of 256K. (ATM, is supplied with the OS/2 2.0 operating
system. Refer to your OS/2 manual).
Remember to SHUTDOWN and reboot your system after installing CorelDRAW,
since changes are made to the OS2.INI and CONFIG.SYS files.
****(3) Running CorelHELP!
CorelHELP may not work properly on systems that use 800-by-600 or
1024-by-768 SVGA drivers. This is a known problem with OS/2 and certain
video drivers. We anticipate this situation to be fixed in the near future.
In the meantime, run the HELP! under WINOS2 FULL SCREEN.
****(4) Your CORELDRW.INI file
The following variables have been added to the list of functions you
can customize in your CORELDRW.INI file:
(a) "PSComplexityThreshold". This variable is used to alter the
threshold at which CorelDRAW decides a filled path is too complex
for successful printing on a PostScript device. It is a count of
the number of nodes in an individual path and should be set for a
value between 20 and 3000, with the default being 3000. If an
individual path contains more nodes than the limit set here, the
program will break it up into simpler ones, without modifying the
appearance. Note that even shorter paths (eg/ 300 nodes or less)
containing complex fills such as fountain fills, vector/bitmap fills,
can cause problems with a PostScript printer (typically indicated as
a "Limitcheck Error"). If this occurs, reset the variable to a
lower value, such as 200 or 300.
(b) "32BitEngine". This variable is used to specify whether or not
you're running the 32-bit graphic engine supplied with OS/2 version
2.01. The default setting is 1, which assumes you are. If you have
not yet upgraded to OS/2 version 2.01, then you must manually edit
the CORELDRW.INI file after installation and set this variable to 0.
****(5) Your WIN.INI file
The installation procedure updates and adds the following two sections to
your WIN.INI file (found in your OS2\MDOS\WINOS2 directory).
The directory names shown here assume installation on C-drive and use the
default names. They may be different on your system. These sections are
required for proper operation of some of the CorelDRAW utility applications.
(B) Filters
(1) The following changes have been made to existing export filters:
In the Technical Reference Guide supplied with your purchase, the text
concerning a number of the export filters mentions an export option named
"Include All Artistic Attributes". This can be ignored wherever it occurs,
since the export filters now handle this function internally.
In addition, you have the option to export only selected objects from your
CorelDRAW file by selecting the checkbox that appears in the Export format
dialog box. However, you must be running OS/2 version 2.01 or later to
make use of this feature. While references to this function exist in the
Technical Reference Guide, this feature did not work under version 2.0 of
****TIFF Format
A switch may now be set in your CORELDRW.INI file which allows you to save
TIFF files to the version 4.2 specification. Certain software applications
are known to have difficulties reading TIFF files conforming to the newer
5.0 specification. This includes EPS files that contain a TIFF display
header. The switch in the CORELDRW.INI file is called "ExportToTiff42"
and its default setting is 0 (zero). If it is left set to zero, the TIFF
file will be exported conforming to the version 5.0 specification. If you
set it to 1 (one), the file will be exported conforming to the version
4.2 specification. If your application has problems reading an exported
TIFF file, set this switch to 1 and then re-export the file.
****Encapsulated PostScript EPS Format
When specifying the "Image Header Size" for this format, the choices have
been altered from "None", "128x128", "256x256", or "512x512" to read:
"None", "Low", "Medium" or "High" resolution.
****SCODL SCD Format
The description for the SCODL export mentions a dialog box that appears,
allowing you to change "Background Color" and "Send end of Image"
information. Ignore that section completely. The export filter has been
modified to determine the slide's background color from your drawing file's
page frame color.
(2) The following file export options and filters have been added:
****CorelDRAW 16-Bit Format
The CDR format used in CorelDRAW 2.5 for OS/2-PM is a 32-bit file. However,
you may save the CDR in the older 16-bit version by selecting the checkbox
in the "Save As" dialog box. This produces a 16-bit version of the file
that may be read by the previous release of CorelDRAW for OS/2-PM and by
the Windows version of the program. This feature can be useful when sharing
files with someone who is running one of those versions of CorelDRAW.
There will be no alteration in the appearance of your image when saving it
in the 16-bit format.
You may now also choose to save only a selected portion of your image by
using the "Selected Object(s) Only" option. Simply select the objects you
want to save as a new CDR file and then click on the "Save As" item under
the File menu. Check the "Selected Object(s) Only" box and assign a name
to the file. Then click on OK. Note that you must be running OS/2 version
2.01 or later to make use of this feature. Applications for this option
include building sets of smaller files from complex ones, or splitting up
large, complex files into more workable pieces. When each of the pieces
is finished, you can then bring them all back together by importing one
after another into a "final" version of the drawing.
****AutoCAD DXF (DXF)
Drawings created in CorelDRAW may be exported to CAD/CAM devices or software
that accept the DXF format. This includes packages such as AutoCAD and
certain computer-driven glass and sign cutters. Note that the DXF Export
filter only supports the export of outlines. All line weights and line
types are exported as 0.003" thick solid lines.
>> CorelDRAW Features not supported in the DXF format
The following CorelDRAW features are not supported on importing DXF files
into AutoCAD:
- Fills of all types are ignored.
- Calligraphic pen effects, dashed and dotted lines, and all line
weights are converted to solid lines 0.003" thick.
- Bitmaps are not exported.
- Curves are exported as polyline segments.
>> Objects with no Outlines
Filled objects that have no outlines will have an outline appended to them
in the DXF export process.
>> File Size
DXF files created with this filter can become quite large, especially since
text is exported as curves. A complex drawing occupying only 20 or 30 K in
CorelDRAW may easily balloon to 500 K or more in the DXF format.
>> Colors
Options in the Export DXF dialog box control how colors in the CorelDRAW
file are translated and defined in the DXF file.
Standard Colors (7): Matches colors in the CorelDRAW file to the seven
colors available in DXF. The configuration of your
system determines what colors are actually used.
As a general rule, you'll get better results when
your drawing contains primary colors.
Full Colors (255): May yield a truer representation of your CorelDRAW
file. But because results vary depending on the
video adaptor and driver used in Windows, colors
may turn out to be very poorly matched.
>> Text
Text exports as curves so that it's appearance is maintained in the exported
file. Note however that text exported as curves cannot be edited as text
in the destination application.
****HP Plotter HPGL (PLT)
This filter saves drawings in a vector format used primarily by
computer-driven sign and glass cutters. Only the outlines of objects are
>> CorelDRAW Features not supported in the PLT format
The following features are not supported in the exported PLT file:
- Fills of all types are ignored.
- Bitmaps
- Calligraphic outlines (these are exported as solid outlines of
uniform width)
>> Limitations
The following limitations occur on exporting to the PLT format:
- Dotted and dashed lines are mapped to HPGL's standard line types
- Bezier curves are converted to line segments
>> Colors
HPGL files contain "pen numbers" that correspond to the drawing pens
available in a plotter. These pens are installed by the user and can be any
color. The pen numbers and color assignments selected in CorelDRAW's
HPGL Pen Color Selection dialog box should be paired with the pen
assignments in the plotter.
When the file is exported, the colors it contains are analyzed for their
CMYK content. They are then matched as closely as possible to the pen number
and color definitions in the [CorelHPGLColors] section of the
As many as 256 pens can be defined, but most plotters use eight or fewer
pens. For this reason, the initial configuration of CorelDRAW only defines
the eight most-widely used pen colors as follows:
[CorelHPGLPens] [CorelHPGLColors]
P1= Black Black=0,0,0,100
P2= Blue Blue=100,100,0,0
P3= Red Red=0,100,100,0
P4= Green Green=100,0,100,0
P5= Magenta Magenta=0,100,0,0
P6= Yellow Yellow=0,0,100,0
P7= Cyan Cyan=100,0,0,0
P8= Brown Brown=0,50,100,25
NOTE: The [CorelHPGLPens] and [CorelHPGLColors] sections will not appear
in your CORELDRW.INI file until after you export your first PLT file.
In the [CorelHPGLColors] section, the color's name appears, followed by a
string of four numbers (separated by commas). These numbers define the
CMYK colors associated with a particular pen number. For example, the
Pen #3 definition is "Red". Within CorelDRAW, this is defined as:
0% Cyan (the first numeric value after the second quotation mark),
100% Magenta (second numeric value),
100% Yellow (third numeric value) and
0% Black (fourth numeric value).
All color values must lie in the range 0 to 100. Any objects in the
CorelDRAW file that have a outlines colored Red will have their outlines
assigned as Pen #3 when exported as a PLT file. Note that if you define
and export a pen number in the PLT file that is not in your plotter, that
undefined pen will usually default to Pen #1 in the plotter.
When adding a new pen definition, the name to the right of the equals sign
in the [CorelHPGLPens] section (eg/ "P9=Purple") must be identical to the
name you assign in the [CorelHPGLColors] section, otherwise the pen will
default to black. Color names may be up to 14 characters long.
>> Stretch Factor
You may also alter the horizontal and/or vertical scaling of your exported
image by changing the Stretch Factor in the HPGL Pen Color Selection dialog
box. Values must lie in the range of 1 to 1000. To maintain the aspect
ratio of the original CorelDRAW file, set both Horizontal and Vertical
stretch factors to equal amounts within the range.
>> Page Size and Orientation
So that the image is properly positioned when plotted, make sure the page
size and orientation of your CorelDRAW file match the plotter page. If the
plotted image appears distorted, try changing the orientation of the
CorelDRAW page then re-export the file.
>> Unoutlined Objects
Since this filter deals with outlines only, any filled objects in your
CorelDRAW file that have no outlines will have an outline appended to them
in the HPGL export process.
>> Text
Text exports as curves so that it's appearance is maintained in the exported
file. Note however that text exported as curves cannot be edited as text
in the destination application.
****Mac PICT (PCT)
This filter saves drawings in PICT2 (color) format for use in many Macintosh
graphics programs. Only vector objects can be exported in this format.
Any bitmaps in the drawing will be ignored.
>> CorelDRAW Features not supported in the PCT format
The following features are not supported in the exported PCT file:
- Bitmaps
- PostScript texture fills. These are exported as a gray fill.
- Two-Color and Full-Color pattern fills
>> Outline Attributes
CorelDRAW will export calligraphic pen effects and uniform width pen
outlines to the Mac PICT format. Butt-end line caps are also supported.
>> Objects with Fills and Outlines
Filled objects with an outline export as a group of two objects. One object
will be the outline and the other the fill. Outlines on text will export,
provided the text is converted to curves prior to export. Convert the text
by choosing the "Convert to Curves" command in the Arrange menu.
Note that text converted to curves cannot be edited.
>> Fountain Fills
The number of bands used to represent fountain fills in the exported file
is determined by the Preview Fountain Stripes setting in the Preferences
dialog box.
>> Colors
The colors available on the MAC are device-dependent, varying with the type
of display you're using. If you have a display that uses 8-bit color, you
are limited to a total of 256 colors. The colors in your CorelDRAW file
will be matched as closely as possible. A display that uses 24-bit color
will display colors that are virtually identical to the ones you used in
>> Text
Text exports as curves so that it's appearance is maintained in the
exported file. Note however that text exported as curves cannot be edited
as text in the destination application.
****WordPerfect Graphic (WPG)
This filter saves drawings for printing on non-PostScript printers from
WordPerfect Version 5.0 and later. Note the following information
concerning differences between a CorelDRAW file and the same file exported
to the WPG format:
>> CorelDRAW Features not supported in the WPG format
- Calligraphic pen effects (exported as hairlines)
- Line cap types
- PostScript textures fills and halftone screens
- Bitmaps
>> Outline Attributes
Outlines of any thickness are exported as hairlines in the WPG format.
Arrowheads and the various CorelDRAW dotted and dashed line types are
supported by this filter.
>> Fountain Fills
Note that fountain fills may tend to contain coarse banding.
>> Colors
When exporting to the WPG format, a dialog box will appear that lets you
control how colors in the CorelDRAW file are treated. The two options are:
16 Colors and 256 Colors.
16 Colors: Matches colors in the CorelDRAW file to a standard set of
16 colors. Choosing this option usually yields acceptable
results on a VGA display.
256 Colors: This option may yield a truer representation of your
CorelDRAW file. However, since the results vary depending
on the video adaptor and driver used in WordPerfect, colors
may appear as shades of gray. If this happens, go back to
CorelDRAW and export the file again with 16 colors selected.
>> Text
Text exports as curves so that it's appearance is maintained in the exported
file. Note however that text exported as curves cannot be edited as text
in the destination application.
When creating a drawing in CorelDRAW for use in the WPG format, a word
about rotating your drawing once you're in WordPerfect: DON'T!
You should create your drawing and the final rotational orientation you
intend to use in WordPerfect while you are in CorelDRAW. If you rotate a
CorelDRAW WPG file in WordPerfect, it may not print correctly because of
the way WordPerfect handles bounding boxes and rotations.
(C) Fonts
Over 50 new WFN typeface and symbol fonts have been added to this
maintenance release: They include:
****New Typeface Fonts:
Alefbet, Algiers, Amherst, Bigtop, Bosanova, Bravo Engraved, Busker,
Castanet, Charlesworth, Crescent, Envision, Euromode, Golden Old Style,
Hollow, Indiana, Indiana Solid, Kastler, Kids, Liquid Crystal, Lithograph,
Lithograph Light, Merlin, Nuance, Pepper, Playwright, Powerline, Quantum,
Scott, Scribe, Shogun, Trafalgar, and Vivienne.
****New Symbol Fonts:
Sports&Hobbies, Keystroke, Landmarks, Military, MilitaryID, Music, People,
Plants, Science, Signs, Technology, Tracks, and Weather.
Please note that these new fonts are only available on the CD-ROM disk
supplied with your kit.
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CorelDRAW! for OS/2 v. 2.5 (24/8/1992, Corel Systems Corp.) | ||
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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