DFSee, Display File Systems v. 17.0 (WarpIN package - Warpstock release build, 22/10/2022, Jan van Wijk) |
Readme/What's new |
DFSee version 16.x (c) 1994-2019: Jan van Wijk
=========================[ www.dfsee.com ]==========================
For exact version info, release date and changes see the DFSHIST.TXT file
The standard distribution of DFSee (dfsee_install.zip) contains all the DFSee
files you will need to use it, organized in the following directories:
- dos Everything needed or usable to run on DOS or Windows-9x full-screen
- win Everything needed or usable to run on Windows-NT, XP, Win-7/8/10
- bin Everything needed or usable to run on OS/2 version 2.0 or newer
- linux Everything needed or usable to run on LINUX, kernel 2.x or newer
- mac Everything needed or usable to run on macOS (Intel CPUs only)
- doc The main DFSee documentation files in text and some in PDF format
with detailed information about DFSee and the commands.
So, just unzip the distribution archive in a directory of your choice ...
If you are new to DFSee, I recommend you use the
DFSTART script to start with. It will collect some
very useful backup files the first time it is used
To collect minimal information about your system, to
email to others, or post on newsgroups for help, use:
DFSxxx -query
Where DFSxxx is any of the DFSee executables (see below)
It will produce a "dfsquery.log" file to be sent/posted.
DFSee is a SWISS-ARMY KNIFE of disk-tools packaged in a single
executable file (.EXE). There is really no need for 'installing'
anything, as long as the executable can be found.
(in the PATH for instance).
So make sure the executable is in a tools directory or a directory
of its own, and make sure that directory is in the PATH to make it
more convenient. The only thing that IS a bit important is that
the registration file needs to be in a directory in the PATH as
well, and must be renamed to the fixed name: 'dfsee.key'.
If you did not receive the 'dfsee.key' as a seperate file but
as part of a larger file or email, you can create it yourself:
Just put the line "DFSreg='.........'" into a file of its own, and
call it 'dfsee.key' Make sure the single quotes are kept in place.
One way to do that is mark the line in the file or email and copy
it to the clipboard, then start a NEW empty file in an editor like
the OS/2 Enhanced Editor, and paste in the line from the clipboard.
It does not even matter if there is more (garbage) in the file,
as long as the "DFSreg=" starts at the begin of the file.
Available executables:
- DFSOS2.EXE The OS/2 executable, full function including REXX
- DFSDOS.EXE The (extended) DOS executable, full function
- DFSWIN.EXE The Win-NT/2000/XP executable, full function
- requires ADMIN or BACKUP rights to access the disks!
(right mousebutton, 'Run as Administrator')
- dfsee The native Linux executable, full function
- requires 'root' privileges to access the disks!
- dfsee (MAC) The native MAC OSX executable, full function
- requires 'root' privileges to access the disks!
- Disks MUST be UNMOUNTED to allow writing,
eject ALL volumes on the disk first!
- To use the DFSee.app launcher (Dock icon)
you may need to allow that, see DFSINST.TXT.
INSTALL: To install the above executables for a specific platform,
check the DFSINST.TXT files for details on what to download,
and what to do/execute to set it up for proper usage.
TIP: For optimal viewing of all the info in the DFSee displays,
a wide screen (or window) is recommended, 100 characters
wide or even more works very well.
The minimum workable width is 80 characters.
MOUSE: - OS/2 or eComstation (DFSOS2.EXE):
For optimal mouse usage make sure the 'Mouse Actions' in the
(upper left) system-menu for a Windowed session is NOT checked!
- Windows NT / W2K / XP / Vista / Windows-7
For mouse usage make sure the 'Quick Edit Mode'
in the properties for the command window is NOT checked!
(this is ON by default on Windows 2000, meaning no mouse support)
- DOS (und FreeDOS etc ...)
Mouse support with any Microsoft-Mouse compatible driver.
- Linux and macOS
Full mouse support in Windowed environments, NOT the Linux console
Important backups
I advise you to keep a bootable copy of DFSee either on diskette, CDROM, DVD,
or a bootable USB stick, for example using the DFSee PUPPY Linux based one:
Then use an important backup command to save the current state of your
existing system(s) as a preventive measure, from the DFSee menu:
Mode=FDISK ->
Backup partition info ->
- - - All disks - - -
This will make a backup of all important partition-table and boot sectors
to a few relatively small files that can be used in cases of emergency to
restore them with 'prestore' or using the DFSee menu:
Mode=FDISK ->
Restore partition info ...
Use a meaningful 'filename' for each different system you backup.
For extra information on the systems you could also run the DFSDISK
analysis procedure that comes with DFSee. It will create six files
for each physical harddisk in the system.
Scripts ->
Analyse disks for support ->
- - - All disks - - -
Note: The DFSDISK and PSAVE stuff above is included in DFSTART,
so if you use that you are on the safe side!
Realize that when using DFSDOS to restore imagebackups or
partitioning info, it can ONLY read from FAT or FAT32 drives!
So storing important recovery info on HPFS, NTFS or EXT2
file systems might not be a good idea when using the FreeDOS
based diskette/CDROM with DFSee.
Online Help
As a command-line program, DFSee has limited online help, useful
to check the syntax and parameters. The following is available:
'help' command : This will display a short introduction and a few
important selection commands.
'??' command : List all generic commands, available in every mode
'?' command : List all commands specific to the current mode
'???' command : List sector-types recognized in the current mode
DFSEE -? : List available switches for the DFSee executable
from the operating-system command-line.
The switches set some preferences and options like
windowing, using a logfile and batch-mode.
Most commands that require parameters will also display a short usage
and help when called without any parameters, or sometimes when called
with the parameter '-?'
Finally, whenever a (confirmation) dialog window is presented to ask a
question or get other input, you can use the <F1> function-key to get
additional help on that specific dialog or question.
Recommended reading
DFSee is a rather complex program with dozens of commands that could
be used. You will need some time and effort to master that complexity.
All commands and some generic topics are covered in DFSxxxx.txt files:
- DFSEE.TXT = A short introduction to DFSee and its concepts
- DFSINST.TXT = short installation description
- DFSPROMO.TXT = A short promotional text on DFSee and its concepts
- DFSHOWTO.TXT = An ever growing collection of recovery scenarios and
other useful DFSee usage examples
- DFSTERMS.TXT = A terminology reference about DFSee and partitioning
- DFSCMDS.TXT = The main command-reference with all generic commands
- DFSDISK.TXT = Description and examples of the DFSee UNFDISK procedure
- DFSFDISK.TXT = The FDISK (partitioning) command reference
- DFSAPFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the APFS filesystem
- DFSEFAT.TXT = Command reference specific to the EFAT filesystems
- DFSEXT.TXT = Command reference specific to the EXT2, EXT3 and EXT4 FS
- DFSFAT.TXT = Command reference specific to the FAT filesystems
- DFSHFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the HFS filesystem
- DFSHPFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the HPFS filesystem
- DFSISO.TXT = Command reference specific to the ISO filesystem
- DFSJFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the JFS filesystem
- DFSNTFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the NTFS filesystem
- DFSRSR.TXT = Command reference specific to the REISER filesystem
- DFSXFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the XFS filesystem
- DFSCRIPT.TXT = Reference for using command-scripts with DFSee
- DFSHIST.TXT = History of changes for DFSee, known bugs and wish-list
- DFSYNTAX.TXT = Syntax rules for DFSee command, parameters and options
Background information on PC-partitioning, filesystems and some of
the DFSee internals and working are in PDF files:
- DFSEECON.PDF = DFSee concepts, introduction. (not a user guide!)
- PCPARTIT.PDF = PC partitioning including the OS/2 LVM extensions
- FSYSTEMS.PDF = Filesystems on-disk structures explained
(FAT, FAT32, HPFS, NTFS and a little JFS)
There is some additional material on the DFSee website including the
complete contents of all menu helppages with screenshots, a HOWTO,
plus links to reviews and tutorials by others:
And presentations that explain some background on DFSee and
filesystems. (HTML as well as PDF format
Known Problems
- The DOS version, DFSDOS.EXE will NOT display all present volumes
(driveletters) using the 'VOL' command, or offer all of them in
one of the filedialogs. NETWORK and CDROM letters will be missing.
In many cases, if you KNOW the driveletter, you can use it directly
in a command anyway, or even use it in the filedialog entryfield
to have the files for that drive displayed.
- The OS2 version, DFSOS2.EXE is known to fail (abort on startup) when a
virtual floppy-disk driver is loaded that is not initialized, as in:
device=c:\tools\vfdisk.sys 0
Initializing it to another value (like 1 for a 1.44Mb diskette) solves that.
DFSee version 17.0 2022-10-22 (c) 1994-2022: Jan van Wijk
========================[ www.dfsee.com ]==========================
H I S T O R Y 1 7 . X
17.0 22-10-2022 VER Warpstock release build
LABEL Add REBOOT hint to menu help en LABEL command itself
MENU Fix Set Geometry Dialog for 255/255 Radio Button
MENU Fix Force Operation mode ExFAT
DUMP Minor fix to display DUMPFILE size correctly
H I S T O R Y 1 6 . X
16.9 06-10-2021 RECOVER ExFAT new warning hint when ASSUMING files are contiguous
PART Fixed possible crash (string overflow) in certain displays
D or DOWN: Correctly go to FS-entry sector, even if bootsec empty
EXPORT/IMPORT sector list, fixed displayed the filename used
RECOVER, SAVETO and BROWSE streamlined WARNING/ERROR reporting
RECOVER, SAVETO and BROWSE recovery, always set file timestamps
CMD_WARNING on FileSaveAs alloc fail, is OK, so set timestamps!
16.8 28-02-2021 Rebuilt with MIT-licensed open source TxLib (no functional change)
CR: Added the symbolic 'AOT1' GPT type to the help tekst
16.7 11-11-2020 EXFAT: Recover: Contiguous file save after FORMAT, FAT-entries 0
FORMAT: Added numeric RC value display on a format verify error
GPT: New 'OS2 ArcaOS Type 1' GUID GPT partition type aka 'AOT1'
LOG: Allow '@' char in filename as synonym for '^' (auto-seq-nr)
LOG: Allow LAST '@' or '^' anywhere in the filename (auto-seq-nr)
LOG: Replace single ~ before delimitter char by YYYYMMDD date
LOG: don't discard ~ in name when NOT at end or numbered ~N
MENU: Avoid hang by ignoring <F11> history key if menubar is up
Map: Avoid <> characters in output to avoid HTML quoting errors
PART: Avoid <> characters in output to avoid HTML quoting errors
WPI: OS/2 installer update for new DFSee support forum at groups.io
16.6 02-02-2020 PALINDROME date release, minor release with just a few bug fixes :)
DFSPUPPY: Creation script updated to require a 4GB stick minimum
GPT: Fixed crash when using the -name:'newname' option (16.6 beta)
Disp: Fixed spurious crash when displaying nearly empty bootsectors
MENU: Create partition: Freespace list correctly display size > 2Tb
GPT: Fix creation of partitions larger than 2Tb (avoid truncation)
16.5 25-10-2019 WARPSTOCK release, no functional change, minor documentation fix
LIST: Fix display format for decimal numbers over 12 positions
DOS version: Fix crash (or hang) when selecting the Scripts menu
JFS CHECK: Fix bogus errors reported on Inode allocation (0x200)
16.4 10-10-2019 Official first complete build on the new development macBook PRO
Fixed extreme-slow startup of macOS version when SIP not disabled
DFSPUPPY.TXT/DFSUSB32.TXT files added to WPI and MSI installers
FileDlg: Accept new absolute-path+wildcard in filename field na
FileDlg: Files list now DISABLED for DIR-selector (output only)
FileDlg: HIDE Unix system dirs like /dev when showhidden is off
FileDlg: Handle [OK] as ENTER if filename-field contains wildcard
FileDlg: [OK] with empty filename field, discards the dialog
FileDlg: [OK] with wildcard or dir-name is handled by dialog
IMAGE: Fixed option handling, make sure '-S' always implies '-z'
MENU: Added Mode=Fdisk->Partition Table Operations -> Edit Tables
OS/2 OS: Updated background image for the DFSee Desktop folders
OS/2 WPI: DFSee Interactive/Large/Huge now as single 'RUN DFSee'
OS/2 WPI: Updated background image for the DFSee Desktop folders
PART: Recognize Linux native FS in a GPT Windows-BasicData type
PART: Update Windows 'administrator required' message for Win-10
PRESTORE: Fixed restore to a SPECIFIED disknumber, not SAME
SCAN: Add extra confirmation, with object-identification (store)
STARTABLE: Allow CLEAR of active logical; and FORCE active option
STORE/Confirm: Use InsFS as AUX alias on unformatted type 0x07
Windows MSI: DFSee Interactive renamed: 'RUN DFSee' (like PUPPY)
Windows OS: Prompt to resize buffer if scrollbars are present
Windows OS: -W and -W- option to force/disable the resize-check
16.3 03-08-2019 ABOUT: Add OS version details for Win10-1903 and macOS Catalina
CR: Numbers allow an 0t or 0T prefix to force a decimal value
FIXEXT: Fixed crash on caused by 64-bit sector number display
LINUX: Not UPX compressed anymore (corrupt ELF header, may fail)
PART: Presence of type 0xEF UEFI-syst does NOT imply GPT style!
PUPPY: Updated the DFSPUP32 startup scripts (older urxvt used)
PUPPY: Updated the DFSPUPPY.TXT to match the latest IMZ versions
PUPPY: Fixed disk-number passed to DFSPUPPY for DFSPUP32 stick
PUPPY: Suppress tabbed URxvt terminal window on DFSPUP64 stick
SCRIPT/SWITCH: Numbers allow 0t or 0T prefix for decimal value
USB Scripts: Updated 'RETRY after LOCK' message with 'NO FORMAT'
16.2 25-07-2019 APFS: DO show file/dir name when Inode not found in BROWSE/Show
BROWSE: Cleaned up the context-popup-menu for single file select
BROWSE: Do NOT show HIDDEN (by attribute or .filename) by default
BROWSE: Keep same file/dir selected, on Hide/Show items (<F11>)
BROWSE: Add a hint to file RENAME dialog to keep the SAME length
CR dlg (GPT/MBR) popup type-list menu on <F10> or mouse button 2
CR/mcs-numbers: Allow hex/oct prefix/postfix on positional params
DFSPUP64: Use large tracksize to accomodate GRUB2 bootloader code
FAT: Added usage with '-?' for FATSIM, FATWRIM, FINDROOT and PATH
FAT: New 'FATSYNC' command directly copies one FAT area to other
FAT: PATH command fixed for specified LFN directory entry numbers
GENPART: Create log on current dir; Use explicit -t: / -s: values
IMAGE/CLONE: SMART protect MBR-area full cylinder for bootloaders
MENU: 'Change partition Type', new hints to FS-conversion in HELP
MENU: Finetune menu-header + button layout and line-wrapping
MENU: Renamed 'Display' heading to 'View' for consistency & space
NTFS: Hide or Show $xxx root systemfiles like $MFT in the BROWSER
OS/2: WPI installer updated to update the DFSee folder in-place
PART: No display corruption from unprintable characters in labels
PTE dialog (GPT) popup type-list menu on <F10> or mouse button 2
REG: Temporary reg keys may allow up to a year of evaluation time
SET: 'RMBMENU on/off' sets RMB to menu-open key <F10> translation
UI: FileDialog, popup volume-list menu on <F10> or mouse button 2
UI: FileDialog, '..' parent-DIR never considered to be HIDDEN
UI: Right mouse button opens (popup) menu when RMBMENU is set ON
UI: arrow/PGUP/PGDN keys on minimized window scroll output window
XFS: Add more field definitions for the superblock, and display
16.1 22-05-2019 APFS: Added collision detect/resolve on DIRRECORD filename HASH
APFS: COL command searches filename HASH collisions in a volume
APFS: Fixed crash in 'Browse' when selecting empty subdirectory
APFS, HFS: Added hidden files (DOT f-names) filtering for BROWSE
APFS: Show name of first volume as LABEL for a disk or partition
APFS, NTFS, HFS: Display 'D' (FAT) attr indicator in DIR display
BROWSE: <F11> key toggles between SHOW and HIDE 'hidden' items
BROWSE: Added HELP item for the BROWSE startup Dialog and fields
BROWSE: Menu item 'Show hidden Directories/Files' in Edit->DFsee
HFS: Exclude (hard)links if no auto-resolve on recursive recover
HFS: Menu toggle option 'FolderAlias Auto Resolve'; Init meta-DIR
HFS: Menu toggle option 'Hardlinks Auto Resolve'; Init meta-DIR
HFS: Support DIR-hardlink/Folder-alias, as needed for TimeMachine
HFS: Support hardlinks in Browse, Recover and directory display
HPFS, FAT, EFAT, NTFS: Added hidden/system filtering for BROWSE
HPFS, NTFS, FAT: Consider all DOT filenames as HIDDEN for BROWSE
ISO: Hidden attribute (or DOT filenames) filtering for BROWSE
JFS: Hidden/System attrib (or DOT f-names) filtering for BROWSE
MENU: Moved Settings/Properties from EDIT menu to new 'SET' menu
MENU: Added 'Fdlgs, show hidden Dirs/Files' to the 'SET' menu
PUPPY: Download fixed for macOS; Create from download dir; Close
SET HIDDEN: Set 'filedialogs-show-hidden-files', default is OFF
UI: Auto-insert OFF field length now 74 (all except cmdline)
UI: SPACE, INSERT or '+' on menu-item mimic ENTER (toggle mark)
UI: Automatically re-open same menu on settings/property toggle
UI: FileDialog, .filename considered HIDDEN on ALL platforms
UI: FileDialog, better handling of new typed abs/relative paths
UI: FileDialog: <F11> toggles between SHOW and HIDE 'hidden' items
UI UNIX findfiles: .filenames treated as having a HIDDEN attribute
UI UNIX fixed FileDialog bug (missing entries, if dead symlinks)
16.0 16-04-2019 APFS: Version2/3 updates based on Apple File System Reference
APFS: ALLOC command to display FS usage (main and fusion tier2)
APFS: APFS filesystem in a type 0x73 MBR partition is recognized
APFS: Added display of Checkpoint-Map blocks, NEXT to C-super
APFS: Browse functionality implemented for directory-tree browse
APFS: BtreeNode display: allow -r, -p and -name select with -raw
APFS: Create a Volume selection list for 'vi' command and menu
APFS: Create bitmap caches for main and (fusion) tier2 devices
APFS: DESC command shows Btree RECORD types (CATS/DUMP/LEAVES)
APFS: DUMP and Tree/Node display, FS-Tree details and filtering
APFS: DUMP command enhanced with -name:wildcard select DIR/XATRR
APFS: DUMP command enhanced with -x:transactionId filter value
APFS: DUMP command fine-tuned for a display width of 120 columns
APFS: FINDPATH or '\path' commands will display file information
APFS: FOLDER command; Auto folder-display on select from snlist
APFS: FileSaveAs (recovery) implemented for std file data-stream
APFS: LEAF command determines fist/next leaf-node ID in a tree
APFS: LEAVES command displays tree-contents (faster than dump!)
APFS: LEAVES/DUMP commands support Inode name wildcard selection
APFS: New CP command refreshes to latest or given checkpoint
APFS: Recovery of a symlink will create a file with the linkname
APFS: Support -q and -v verbosity on PART and other displays
APFS: VIRT command translates virtual object-ID/Xid to blocknr
APFS: Xfield display in FS BtreeNodes, for filesize and filename
ATTACH: Option -i, Use a better geometry for attached IMZ image
BSFIND: Force sector 0 (MBR/Boot) to be 'found' and always listed
DISKLIST: Execute 'media -update' before display of the list
Display sector: Add 'Block:0x....' to end of identifying line
GENPART: Create correct commands for GPT partitioned disks too
GPT: Use GPT-style on a HYBRID-GPT/MBR with Auto-GPT set to ON
HEXED: Do NOT go to END of output, popup at current scroll-pos
HEXED: default 16 columns, <F6> key cycles 16-32-64-128-256 width
HEXED: default position at the END (column 99) of regular output
IMAGE/RESTORE: Fix incorrect default size when using -P (dialog)
IMZ: fix XMZ indexfile creation for truncated/partial IMZ files
IMZ: for a partitioned-disk IMZ, prompt for partition to browse
ISO: Add display of 'path to root' for directory block displays
ISO: BROWSE initial list building and navigation implemented
ISO: Display DIR including Joliet LFN and Rock Ridge Posix info
ISO: Display El Torito (bootable CD) hdr info, link to boot img
ISO: Display and navigation of directory blocks implemented
ISO: FINDPATH or '\some\path\to\file' resolves file information
ISO: Initial support for the ISO9660 filesystem (DVD/CDROM)
ISO: SAVETO command including file copy and recover from BROWSE
ISO: Supply file-info to support 'list -f' and Browse Display
JFS: DIRTY cmd Improved cmd help, and superblock 'dirty' display
JFS: DIRTY command 'query' parameter sets RC to FS status value
LIST: -f option improved display for non-file records in the list
LOG: Support ~1..9 date/time filename substitution (see 'log -?')
MENU: Edit->LVM Information' uses a submenu for partition select
MENU: Edit->Partition Tables' uses a submenu for partition select
MENU: Mode=APFS 'DUMP all FS-tree records' and show DIR NameHash
MENU: Mode=APFS -> Display SpaceManager info, shows alloc info
MENU: Mode=APFS -> Refresh to last Checkpoint, updates FS view
MENU: Mode=APFS -> Select container Volume, selects one Volume
MENU: Mode=APFS added SpaceManager display and two DUMP variants
MENU: Mode=Fdisk -> RESTORE partition info: Select disknr or SAME
MENU: Mode=ISO -> Select Volume Descriptor (UPCASE,Joliet,Boot)
OPTIONS: verbosity -q and -v changed to the generic -O:s|q|n|v|m
OS/2: Added 128x128 PNG versions of the standard DFSee icons
RESTORE: Fixed crash on restore IMZ file smaller than 1024 bytes
UI: Changed initial-focus to the [OK] button in DIR-select dialog
UI: Fixed scroll bug when not at end of scroll buffer (PgUp, Up)
Windows: Attach all physical disks, allowing disk number gaps
Windows: Fix dsk identification strings with disk number gaps
macOS: Added 'Terminal' app keyboard customization tips to help
macOS: TxFsShow, macOS, Add 'diskutil list' info for device
H I S T O R Y 1 5 . X
15.6 11-01-2019 FILEDLG: Fixed accidental ignoring of default wildcard input
15.6 09-01-2019 ABOUT: TxOsVersion: Recognize OS/4 kernel used on OS/2 (OS/2)
CONFIRM: Avoid inconsistent abort behaviour on Escape key used
DFSGETPY script, test/prompt for writable DL directory; no COPY
DFSGETUP script, test/prompt for a writable download directory
FILEDLG: Callback signals possible target PATH change (UNIX)
HELP: Updated menu help for PUPPY download and program updates
IMAGE DLG: Default single/multi file based on target-FS (LINUX)
MEDIA/DISKLIST: Fix AHCI detection on config.sys syntax variant
SCRIPT: Function 'dirwritable(path)' tests for a writable DIR
15.5 22-12-2018 ALLOC: Better progress text: 'Get ALLOCATION info, at Sector:'
CR: Updated help (cr -?) with examples for 'mcs-number' syntax
DISK SelLists: Show disk ID in description (Linux/Windows/OS2)
DISKLIST: Output format now 2 lines, 2nd is indented description
EXTn: Avoid segmentation violation when no superblock present
FILEDLG: Callback function to signal volume/driveletter change
IMAGE DLG: Auto default for single/multi file based on target-FS
LOG: Trailing '~' char in logfilename expands to current DATE
MEDIA: Show the disk-identification string when available
MEDIA/DISKLIST: Correct Disk-ID string for QSinit PAE RAM-disks
MENU: Add REASON to message about disabled freespace areas (CR)
MENU: DOS VERSION, add 'download updates' DISABLED, with reason
MENU: Edit ->Settings/Properties, DFSee ->Auto log DATE postfix
MENU: Partition open/select items explicitly add the -a option
OS2: Show disk-id string on IDE DANIS506.ADD (media/disklist)
OS2: Show disk-id string on SATA OS2AHCI.ADD (media/disklist)
OS2: Show disk-id string on USB USBMSD.ADD (media/disklist)
PART: Do NOT show FS allocation unless '-a' option (saves time)
PRESTORE: Fixed parsing a .PDx disk-number (was broken in 15.4)
PROGRESS: Make sure values up to 99.99% are rounded DOWN not up
SET INSERT off | on | N: sets (auto) INSERT entryfield length
SET: 'LOG DATE' sets LOG auto DATE postfix on (or OFF or NUM)
STARTUP: switch -logdate sets logfilename auto DATE postfix ON
STARTUP: switch -insert:n sets (auto) INSERT entryfield length
STARTUP: switch -profile- disables execution of standard profile
STARTUP: switch -profile:name executes specific profile script
UI: ENTRYFIELD, auto INSERT: ON for large fields, OFF for small
UI: ENTRYFIELD, delete mark, when typing INSIDE the marked area
UI: Use 7-bit ASCII output setting for window drawing as well
UI: Windows, force codepage 437 unless '-7' EXE switch is used
15.4 28-10-2018 ABOUT: Fixed duplicate 'Current user' line when using -P- option
ABOUT: Updated 64-bit macOS compiler version to 10.0.0 (Mojave)
ABOUT: Added macOS version 14.x 'Mojave' as recognised version
Auto-disable OS/2 'Mouse Actions' and DragText 'Mouse Marking'
Auto-disable Windows console 'Quick Edit Mode' during DFSee run
Auto-redraw when Windows console is made larger (like maximize)
Better support Windows-console larger than screen (like 80x300)
DFSFAST: Faster variant of DFSDISK, for EXISTING disk partitions
DISKSERIAL: Display disk serialnumber info (LINUX IDE/SATA only)
Detect DFSPUP64 stick XenialPup64 88-color rxvt (use COLORTERM)
Fix detection of gnome-terminal when using a COLORTERM variable
HEXED: Added framing borders to HEXDUMP style clipboard copy
IMZ/VDI: Avoid 'switch to FDISK' popup on the 'attach' command
IMZ: Browse FIRST partition when IMZ is for a partitioned disk
IMZ: Fixed to use the specified directory in file-open dialog
LINKS in rgkey/help explicit .php (resolve in xenial64 terminal)
MENU->HELP: Item 'Sector Types' help now uses a popup text view
MENU->HELP: Added submenu for TXScript for syntax, variables etc
MENU->HELP: Added User-Interface submenu for keyboard, mouse etc
MENU->HELP: Added help item to document generic command options
MENU->HELP: Added GPT symbolic names to the partition-type help
MENU->HELP: Added seperate item for UI-library standard commands
MENU->HELP: Added seperate item for UI-library startup switches
MENU->HELP: Added download of the 64-bit/UEFI DFSPUP64.IMZ image
MENU->SCRIPTS: Add create 64-bit/UEFI Xenialpup64 DFSPUPPY stick
MENU->SCRIPTS: Add 'Fast Analyse disks (support)' DFSFAST script
PRESTORE: Fixed restore MBR of a GPT disk, using verbose display
PRESTORE: Optimized TAB order in selection dialog, from the menu
RADIO/CHECKBOX: Use other color as focus indicator, user feedback
SCRIPT: DFSF32ST updated for GPT and OS/2 LVM huge-disk geometry
SET SYSMENU 0/1/2 Set/show OS/2 or Windows mouse-marking control
STARTUP: switch -l- is now default, use -l to get logfile dialog
STARTUP: switch -sysmenu:n mouse-marking setting OS/2 or Windows
STARTUP: Only report INT13 disk limits in pedantic mode (-p:2)
STORE: Show filename in one-liner for image files (window-title)
15.3 06-09-2018 BROWSE: enhanced filter selection-dialog with modified AFTER date
BROWSE: Include empty files in default selection filter (size 0)
BROWSE: 'Specify custom file filtering' CHECKED (ON) by default
BROWSE: Fixed bug with 'Reduce list to SELECTED' for FAT/EXTn/HFS
CMD: Avoid CMD.EXE popup VIO window on OS/2 external commands
CR GPT Dialog: Added 'srv' 'dmcrypt' and 'luks' to gpt-type list
CR GPT: Added 'raid', '0xfd' and 'fd00' as valid symbolic types
CR GPT: New 'home', 'srv', 'root32', 'root64', 'dmcrypt', 'luks'
EDIT -dir: Maintain and use persistent 'last-used-directory-path'
EDIT filename: Allow access to last (partial) sector correctly
EDIT filename: Force binary mode on opened image using 'im -RAW'
EDIT: Explicit -A- to disallow append/delete from (binary) file
EFAT: Fixed crash with '\path-to-file' file/dir locator command
EFAT: Fixed incorrect 'invalid cluster value' errors on CHECK/SLT
EFAT: Use Dir-entry cache to avoid incorrect size of directories
FAT: Added usage hint 't -D' to display deleted DIR entries too
FAT: Allow DIR display from list .NNN, even when FAT says 'free'
FAT: Recover: Contiguous file save after FORMAT, FAT-entries 0
FATSET: Manually set a FAT-allocation chain for contiguous range
FATWRIM: made FAT-2 the default to write to, better usage info
HEXED: Fixed scrolling UP/PGUP with partial sectors (buf size)
HEXED: Show additional (green) cursor in HEX and ASSCII areas
HEXED: show marked-area in prev/next buffers too, when visible
HEXED: Copy to clipboard when NO MARK, copies in HEXDUMP format
HEXED: Alt-H or double-click in OFFSET column toggles mark format
HEXED: Vertical click-drag in offset area creates a HEXDUMP mark
IM: -RAW option forces RAW mode, no decompress/index .IMZ/.VDI
LIST/RECOVER: Enhanced selection-dialog with modified AFTER date
LIST/SLT: Made the 'info' value 16 bits; display as 4 hex digits
macOS: Fixed crash on displaying commandline history buffer F11
MENU, File: add the 'Change Current Directory' to BASIC mode too
MENU: Grayed several menu-items when no (proper) object opened
PART/VOL: Write pending (FAT etc) changes before open new object
PART: Added new undefined/ignored/temporary/backup MBR type 0xd7
PART: Recognize Linux 'LUKS' encrypted MBR partition type 0xe8
PART: Classified all CHS-related warnings as MINOR (use part -w)
PART: No warnings for MBR-part types 0xd7 and 0xdf (temp/backup)
PART: Removed warnings for partitions beyond int13 cyl-1023 limit
PART: Reworded WARNING: Partition type 0x35 with missing LVM-BBR
PART: Supress 'No ACTIVE partition' warning if AirBoot is present
RESIZE: Disable ALL resize menu-items for non-supported filesystems
RESTORE: Open destination RAW image (-I:fname) as R/W (RAW2IMZ)
SET MENU: style: Autodrop, NoDrop or Delayed-drop and Right-Move
Startup -M:n switch: added value 4 for Delayed-drop menu style
Startup: Show status-prompt when using non-default start command
UI CMD history: (F11 key) timestamp now in microSeconds from start
UI FILEDLG: Directory picker, set initial focus to Directory-window
UI FILEDLG: Optimize vertical size, while keeping titlebar visible
UI MENU: No menu activate when clicking top-line in output-window
UI HEXED: optimized paint of marked area, faster and no-flicker
UI OUTPUT: optimized paint of marked area, faster and no-flicker
UI TXTVIEW: optimized paint of marked area, faster and no-flicker
UPDATE scripts: Use 'wget --no-check-certificate' avoiding errors
15.2 30-07-2018 BSFIND: Changed '-f' start position default mcs-unit to sectors
Bootsector: Removed (usualy incorrect) BeFS bootcode detection
CC: Clipboard Copy, copy lines from output window to clipboard
CMD: External command output, crude TAB expansion to 8 spaces
CP: Clipboard Paste, copy clipboard text to the output window
CV: Copy selected value to the clipboard as a (Hex) string
DOS: Support the (local) clipboard functions, within DFSee only
FILEDLG: Filename entryfield, allow path-separator '\' or '/'
FILEDLG: Support Drive + rel-path + wildcard like 'H:sub\*.log'
FILEDLG: Support relative-DIR like 'test\' or 'nx\images\*.imz'
Filenames in commands, allow either '/' or '\' path separators
GPT: 'pid -name:newname' will change the name of a GPT partition
HEXED, DISASM: Fixed DISTORM bugs when compiled for 64-bit (macOS)
HEXED, DISASM: Highlight current instruction code bytes at top
HEXED, DISASM: Mouse doubleclick will 'jump' to that instruction
HEXED, DISASM: Use temporary mouse-drag MARK for clipboard copy
HEXED: Correctly highlight current buffer for odd nr of columns
HEXED: Extra PREV and NEXT buffer (total 9 now) for large screens
HFS: Better HFS superblock detection (no BSFIND false positives)
Linux: Copy-TO-Clipboard goes to both PRIMARY+CLIPBOARD X-selections
MBR: Include version and language for detected AirBoot bootmanager
NTFS: FINDMFT command to locate the MFT area (for fixboot)
NTFS: FIXBOOT (non-spare) correct cluster size for FS < 2 GiB
NTFS: Menu item: 'Find MFT location, for Fix' doing a FINDMFT
OS/2: Set status title on CMD-window title-Bar and Window-list
PART: Avoid 'no active partition' warning on APM style 1st disk
Switch -lvmsize forces use of LVM disk size + related warnings
Switch -sigint enables Ctrl-C aborting, disabling Copy-to-Clipboard
UI: Ctrl-C handling in Windows respects '-sigint' switch now too
UI: Alt-A in HEXED marks whole current item (sector/cluster/block)
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for HEXED, ASCII or HEX-pairs
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for MsgBox (warning/error/about)
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for TextView (mostly help items)
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for Lists, Buttons, Menu-heading
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for Output-window (marked or window)
UI: Ctrl-V/Alt-V in HEXED paste from clipboard with ASCII or HEX-pairs
UI: Ctrl-A MARK-ALL entryfield, msg/help text and output windows
UI: Ctrl-X/Alt-X CUT entryfield marked-area to clipboard, unmark
UI: Cursor for INSERT/REPLACE mode larger, to platform standard
UI: DELETE in entryfield deletes marked-area, one char if no mark
UI: Dedicated desktop footer text when output-window has focus
UI: Drag-MARK: Auto scroll LEFT/RIGHT if mouse outside window
UI: Drag-MARK: Auto scroll UP/DN when mouse above/below window
UI: Entryfield Ctrl-V/Alt-V PASTE from, Alt-C COPY to clipboard
UI: Fixed Ctrl-C bug causing input-repeat or garbage on OS/2
UI: HEXED: Display marked-area in ASCII pane and in HEX pane
UI: HEXED: Fixed odd behaviour on Pgup/Dn with large window size
UI: HEXED: Support 'wrapped-line' marking by mouse-dragging
UI: INSERT mode, 'set insert on/off' command sets insert state
UI: INSERT mode, default ON at startup, -insert- switch reverts
UI: Mouse Alt+Click or Ctrl-Click MB2 copies (mark) to clipboard
UI: Mouse Click+Drag MARKS in Help/Msg/Text/Output/HexEdit window
UI: Mouse Ctrl+Click pastes from clipboard in Entryfield + HEXED
UI: Mouse DoubleClick (sometimes Single Click too) UNMARKS
UI: Paste Entryfield/HEXED to mark ONLY if cursor is IN mark
UI: Set OS window title on program exit, try to restore original
UI: Set OS window title to currently open object description
UI: Support multi-line marked area in Output-window and Help
UI: UNIX, insert STARTDRAG msg to get correct mark anchor position
UNIX: Error popup on missing clipboard utils xclip/pbcopy/pbpaste
UNIX: Relocated temporary filename(s) to temp dir '/tmp/....'
macOS: Startup 'su'/'disable SIP' hint on inaccessible bootdisk
macOS: Changed 'Display OS device/disk info' to show ALL disks
macOS: Menu item: 'Show SIP status' (Invisible macOS boot disk)
macOS: Probe /dev/rdiskN devices on startup, to see more disks
macOS: Recognize APFS FS in FileSystemOnly (synthesized) disks
txLib: New ExecRedirectIO function similar to `command` on UNIX
15.1 07-06-2018 64bit verification version; Delivery/setup of macOS DFSee.app
ABOUT: Linux: Show description for distribution, when identified
ABOUT: Linux/macOS TERM info and (sudo) user on an extra line
ABOUT: macOS: Report macOS version numbers as well as Darwin ones
ABOUT: OS/2: Show description for distribution ArcaOS/eCS/IBM
ABOUT: Show the DFSee version info itself with '-c- (for logging)
ABOUT: Windows: Report logged-on username and computername
ABOUT: Windows: Report actual Windows-version for win-8x and 10
ABOUT: Windows/macOS: Show verbose OS-version description string
ABOUT: Show 32/64 bit arch/os for Linux, macOS and Windows
CMDLINE: Fix working of the (Commandline) history-buffer for 64bit
CR: New type 0xAF for creating macOS HFS+ style partitions on MBR
EXE compress: Update to UPX 3.94, compress Linux and macOS-64 too
GPT/MBR-type-07: Recognize Bitlocker encryption in a fake FAT32
HELP/TXT: macOS 'wget' install hints; update DFSee URL to https
HFS: Implemented FileSaveAs() for file recovery (browse, recover)
HFS: Build parent-CnID and (folder) name cache for all CnID values
HFS: CATS command searches Catalog-file for parent/filename combo
HFS: CATS expanded to allow search Thread-records (no name) too
HFS: FOLDER command much faster by using B-tree, not linear search
HFS: Implement FsFileInfo() as required by 'list -f' and Browse
HFS: Implement FsFindPath() as required by 'findpath' and Browse
HFS: Implement FsMakeBrowseList() as required by the Browse dialog
HFS: Resolve full-path for CnID or Catalog-node lsn+index combo
HFS: SYMLINK display in 'list -f', Browse and Node/Dir displays
HFS: Show 'Hlnk' hard-link and 'Fdrp' Finder-Alias in Leaf-nodes
JFS: Recognize Linux JFS in type 0x07 with GRUB-like bootrecord
JFS: Get Part-size from Part-tables when BR is not JFS specific
Linux: VOL: Fix mount location for sda1 with sda10..19 present
macOS: 'setup' script makes sure the DFSee.app is allowed to run
macOS: Build better 32bit version with regular GCC on Snow-Leopard
macOS: Setup script automatically selects 32 or 64 bits executable
Mode=FDISK DELETE: added some trace to debug a crash situation
PART: Avoid boot-driveletter warnings on non-OS/2 bootable JFS
Printf: Corrected many format strings for 32/64 bit compatibility
REG/IMZ: Fixed compression handle-type for 64-bit environments
Version: Cleanup old vers_XX.Y files when updating from the menu
15.0 23-03-2018 APFS: Added Mode=APFS with minimal function (superblock display)
APFS: BL/CL command to translate between blocks and sectors
APFS: Display all known APFS block types, incl checksum verify
APFS: Display container superblock with most relevant values
APFS: New DUMP command displays recognized blocks in filesystem
APFS: Vol-superblock display with formatted date/time incl nsec
ATTACH/VIRT: Use correct geometry/BPS for MEMDISK MiB..TiB sizes
BROWSE/SAVETO: 'Recurse into subdirectories' option, default is ON
BROWSE: <F4> toggles 'Percentage display' versus 'Fast' list build
BROWSE: <F6> restores original list from starup of the browser
BROWSE: Automatic minimize (<F12>) on display of item metadata
BROWSE: Automatic minimize (<F12>) on recovery of any dir/file
BROWSE: No confirmation-popup but printed message on file recover
BROWSE: Preserve multiple 'marked' items over list sorting
BROWSE: REDUCE list fix for mix of Dir/File selected (sort issue)
DFSDOS: Reduced minimal buffer memory from 50Mb to less than 5Mb
DISKETTE: RAMDISK from 12 to 3 Mb, and option to skip (low-memory)
DISKLIST: Show size of displayed disk in GiB units for readability
EFAT: Build Parent-cache before Browse, <Esc> aborts building it
EFAT: Speedup SLT/Parent-cache build, specially on large clusters
EXT RECOVER/BROWSE: Better path+filename retrieval on damaged FS
FORMAT: Select correct clustersize for non-std BPS like 4096
File recovery: 'Recurse' option recovers directory contents too
Find normal files DLG: Do NOT allow path-separator or wildcards!
GPT: Add 'APFS Container' GUID with matching type 0x73 MBR-alias
HFS: Display some catalog-file details at filesystem open/init
HFS: FOLDER command to display Catalog contents (DFSee DIR format)
HFS: Formatted display of catalog-file header, leaf and map nodes
HFS: LABEL command to set new Volume label, up to 255 characters
HFS: NODE command to display Catalog header, index and leaf nodes
HFS: Supply label value from catalog-file for table/map display
JFS FILEFIND/DELFIND: Continue after (CRC) errors when -E:i used
JFS RECOVER/BROWSE: Better path+filename retrieval on damaged FS
JFS: No endian-swapping of first 8-bytes in UUID edit and display
JFS: Specific linux UUID and Volumename displayed with superblock
LABEL: EFAT command to display/edit the 11-character volume label
LABEL: EXTn command to display/edit the 16-character volume label
LABEL: FAT command to display/edit the 11-character volume label
LABEL: HPFS command to display/edit the 11-character volume label
LABEL: JFS command to display/edit the 11 / 16 char volume label
LABEL: NTFS command to display/edit the 32-character volume label
LABEL: ReiserFS cmd to display/edit the 16-character volume label
LABEL: XFS command to display/edit the 16-character volume label
LIST/RECOVER/BROWSE: Set default minimum filesize to 0 (all files)
LOG/TRACE fix opening a new log/trace file in ROOT directory
LVM: Updated startup warning LVM IGNORED for missing primary info
MAP: Include the Volume LABEL line in the standard MAP layout
MENU and CLONE TO/FROM partition lists: Use LVM/GPT name if no FS-label
MENU: In most Mode=xxFS: new submenu "Set Volume info/status"
MENU: Submenu items: Volume label, Serial-nr, UUID, dirty/clean
MENU: Mode=HFS, new Display Catalog info submenu, directory view
MENU: Mode=HFS, new Volume-info submenu with Edit/Display Label
PART/LVM: Ignore BBR read error, continue (analyse LVM on all disks)
PART: Fix devide-by-zero crash on a GRUB boot partition type 0x06
RECOVER/SAVETO/BROWSE: new 'recurse into subdirectories' option
RECOVER: 'Recurse into subdirectories' OFF when not a single directory
RESTORE/IMAGE: -q option reduces screen output to progress only
SCRIPT: Added $_d_unixdev[DSK] variable to retrieve disk device name
SCRIPT: Avoid interpreting options like -D as a subtraction operation
SCRIPTS: Menu, start USB-stick creation scripts quieter (-Q)
SCRIPTS: USB-stick creation, show disklist and less verbose
TRACE: TRACE: Much less verbose on EVEN trace levels, maximum on ODD
XFS, ReiserFS: Supply label value and UUID for table/map display
XFS: Display most of the superblock contents, including Inode-use
macOS: Show correct (removable) or r/R indicators for removable disks
H I S T O R Y 1 4 . X
14.12 15-02-2017 BROWSE: Fix stack corruption on recovering directories or files
14.11 03-01-2018 ALLOC: Status msg when checking allocation on huge files > 128 MiB
BAD-sectors marked with 0xFE pattern, searchable/shown as type '5'
BROWSE/NTFS: Correct path in description line for multi hard-link
BROWSE/NTFS: Correct recover-path for multiple hard-linked files
BROWSE: <F4> to toggle recovery-mode; speed-up for all filesystems
BROWSE: Display file/dir metadata from popup menu (like MFT-record)
BROWSE: In recovery mode, show all files (min size/percentage 0)
BROWSE: Speed up display (on huge files) when not in recovery mode
CDISO: rebuild with cleaned up BOOT.IMG to make DFSDOS.EXE fit again
CLONE/IMAGE/RESTORE etc; better alignment of read/write error msg
CLONE: Correct area-start in arealist when using -skipbads option
CLONE: Generate 'retry-bad-areas' script on disk-2-disk -skipbads
CLONE: auto display bad-sector areas skipped when using -skipbads
CR/SETTYPE: Support 2 or 4 digit HEX value for GPT types, like EF
CR: -N option creates an EMPTY MBR when needed (No code, zeroed)
CR: GPT EFI (ESP) default to 128 MiB only when NO size specified
DISKLIST: List available disk numbers plus info on screen/stdout
GPT2MBR/MBR2GPT: Correctly select disknumber specified as param
GPT: Reworded warning when GPT tables present without an MBR guard
IM/IMAGE: Fix name generation XMZ index in multiple-dot filenames
IMAGE/RESTORE dialogs, layout + more verbose text for readability
LINUX: Detect and report 'Removable' property for disk devices
LINUX: Initialize disk-name to device/model info, when available
LINUX: Fixed trap in Menu with very long /proc/mount strings
MBR2GPT/GPT2MBR: -N option creates an EMPTY MBR, No code
Menu: Clone -> Disk, BAD-SECTORS' -skipbads / Area-Retry script
Menu: Edit->Search sectors and output->Search for 0x00 EMPTY sectors
Menu: Edit->Search sectors and output->Search for 0xFE BAD sectors
NTFS: Better multiple hard-link paths shown in MFT-record display
NTFS: Fixed 'u' command after MFT-display (nav.up, LSN parent DIR)
PARTITION select lists, add disk-number for better identification
RECOVER/SAVETO: -A- option skips allocation check (will be faster)
RECOVER: Add 'Recover x from y' file count in status progress info
SPEED: Fixed divide-by-zero crash on buffersize 512 or larger
TXWIN: Avoid special chars in radio/check buttons use '*' and 'x'
14.10 06-11-2017 CMDLINE: '+' and '-' goes to NEXT or PREVIOUS sector respectively
DFSPUPPY script, prompt directory when not found at default location
NTFS/JFS: Fixed recovery/copy of sparse file segments (write zeroes)
SCRIPT: Fix version reprorting above 14.9 = '1490', 14.10 is '14100'
x.DFS: Better message on incorrect DFSee script execution (no 'run')
14.9' 24-10-2017 The release as shipped with the 'DFSPUPPY' 16GB Toshiba USB sticks
DFSUSB32 script, set EXEDIR as current to find imz, restore DIR at end
EDIT: Default itemsize changed back to clustersize (from 4096 bytes)
HEXED: Allow navigation when CURR buffer empty (non-existing sector)
IM: Set correct base (start - final) for IM opening an IMZ image
LINUX: Do NOT attempt to update window-title for console (no X-term)
LINUX: Support DFSPUPPY initial DFSee evaluation registration keys
mode=AUX: Display 'not-implemented' error message for many commands
mode=NTFS: Allow abort with <Esc> from infinite related-MFT display
MODE: WIN version only, avoid reset to 80 columns if set larger
NEWMBR: Fixed -f:from-other-disknr option to actually work that way
RECOVER/SAVETO: Changed default option to NOT discard path component
Recover files from List: fixed wildcard handling (broken since 14.0)
14.9 10-10-2017 ATTACH/DETACH: Automatic switch to FDISK mode when in another mode
CONFIRM: command can take take an -H:sssiii helpid as option
CR: Allow creation of a (small!) partition in a Partial-Cylinder FSP
CREATE Dialog: NO-align and MAX-size default if Partial-Cylinder FSP
DFS*.dfs scripts: Added a HELP section for confirmation popup help
Disk-style 'FLP' for LargeFloppy renamed to 'FSO' for FileSystem Only
EDIT and <F2> key: Made default view HEX/ASCII editor instead of auto
FS: Recognition of Linux/MacOS FS if no bootsec (IM, ATTACH, VOL etc)
GPT2MBR: Convert GPT-style to MBR, wipe GPT hdr, optional alternate
GPT: Display GPT-hdr and table contents even if no guard part present
HELP menu: Pre-load help for most DFSee scripts (for Help->Select)
HELP: Support reading single HELP-sections from TX-script file
HFS: Recognise 'cerd' as last mounted FS, as a valid HFS superblock
LOADHELP: Added -S and -H:sss option for help-sections in Script
LOADHELP: Search target file in EXE-dir, PATH and current-DIR
LOADHELP: Strip CR and LF characters from all lines (UNIX etc)
MBR2GPT: Convert (or recover) MBR-style to GPT-style partitioning
MEDIA: '-update' option updates DFSee disk list (partitionable media)
MENU: Enable wipe-freespace in filesystem, for any valid FS detected
MENU: File->Attach/Detach/Display disks->Update DFSee disk-list c-U
PART/MAP: Support APM style disks, and allow partitions selection
PART: Disk-style 'APM' for Apple-Partition-Map (macOS disk images etc)
PART: MiB size in std table with 3 fractional digits below 0.95 MiB
PART: Warnings if GPT-table and MBR partitions present, or no GPT guard
PTEDIT: Extra warning when adding AA55 signature to APM-style disk
RC: Improved error explanation on compound or multiple commands
RC: Improved handling and reporting of Read-Only/lock-error issues
SCAN -w: Fixed crash on Windows/Linux/macOS and default buffer size
SCAN: Fixed bogus errors reported at end of objects (large buffers)
SCRIPT: Strip spaces at start/end of each line (continuation!)
SCRIPT: message() and confirmed(): optional helpid 2nd param
SCRIPT: no execute of message() and confirmed() in syntax-only
STORE: Improved Last-accessed-LSN/PSN value, added Base-Final PSN
UNIX: Fixed crash on excessive fast keyboard/mouse input
UPDATE: Fix DFSGETUP/DFSINSTL scripts bad ZIP name (dfsee_install.zip)
WIPEFREE: Allow any object with a filesystem, not just VOL/PART
14.8 14-09-2017 CMD: Filter excessive WGET progress logging from output window
FAT: FIRSTFREE cmd finds first free cluster, write back if FAT32
GEO dialog: added another default geometry 240 heads, 32 sect/track
HELP Program Updates/Download includes link to OS/2 and WIN 'wget'
HEXED: Alt-arrows, resize the number of colums/rows one by one
HEXED: Ctrl-F2/Alt-T Toggle between initial and fixed 16x32 size
KBD: LXT/Gnome/xterm: Home/End + Ctrl/Alt/Shift PgUp/PGDn etc
KBD: LXTerminal: Ctrl/Shift/Alt arrows and Ctrl+Shift Left/Right
KBD: macOS Terminal: Add shift-Delete; add '+/-' key as 'INSERT'
LVM: 'Edit->LVM information' on GPT partition, msg crash fixed
Linux: Download/Update script 'dfslwget' works on most Linuxes now
MENU: 'Edit->Sector, HEX 16 columns, 32 rows size (Alt-T / Ctrl-F2)
MENU: 'Edit->Settings/Properties UI -> Select #colors, Palette (UNIX)
MENU: 'Edit->Settings/Properties UI -> UI Test keyboard + Mouse
MENU: Display -> Other partition views -> Non-trivial warnings only
Output-window UP/PGUP: do NOT scroll beyond first non-empty line
PART: Do not count trivial warnings in 'minor warnings not shown'
PART: Use warning classification major/minor/trivial for disks too
QUERY: Marker line between different disks, show non-MBR (CRP/FLP)
QUIT: Fix program quit/exit from script called from a DFSee menu item
SCHEME: use BRIGHT foreground colors in the 'commander' schemes
SET MARGIN sets wanted display-width (MAP, PART, ALLOC, progress)
SET PALET 1 | 2 | 8 | 16 | 88 | 256; #colors for UI and output
SET PALET: Support 1/2 color palette (minimal) for all platforms
SET SCREEN BRIGHT: Map grey to normal-white, console readability
UNIX: Better detection of 8/16/88/256 color terminal capability
UNIX: Detect a Linux-console pretending to be xterm (PUPPY linux!)
UNIX: switch '-screen:WCx*' sets 'C' columns, all available rows
UNIX/Windows: DFSee version and store contents in console title
WIPE: Changed confirmation text and logic for a wipe starting at 0
Windows: Enabled MSI install from Help -> Program Updates/Downloads
OS/2: Enabled Warpin install from Help -> Program Updates/Downloads
14.7 25-08-2017 ABOUT: Show DFSee/TxLib build-date to YYYY-MM-DD for consistency
ABOUT: Accept s-F6 as menu key, works from all Unix terminals
Clearly identify/present (free)space for non partitionable disks
DISK: Recognize another MBR variant 'IBM Thinkpad factory preload'
HEXED: Avoid changing item-size (sectors) on using GOTO (Ctrl-G)
HEXED: Default item size 4KiB (block); Overrule with 'edit -s:n'
HEXED: Mouse click on ASCII [ or past ] columns to scroll UP/DN
HEXED: Slightly different color for buffer before/after current
HEXED: Speed up initial loading by optimizing first window paint
HEXED: Tune window width for up to 128 HEX columns; relSN value
HFS: Correctly identify HFS SB in 4096 byte sector size disks
Kbd: treat shift-up/dn/left/right/pgup/pgdn just as Ctrl or Alt
Kbd: shift-F5/F7/F8/F10/F12 alias for Alt-Fx on UNIX (windowing)
Kbd: Linux: new rxvt codes ctrl-arrows/PgUp/PgDn Ctrl/Shift-Fkey
LUKS: Recognize 'Linux Unified Key Setup' in sectordata, display
LVM: Work on MBR-style disks only (not on GPT, FLP or CRP style)
Linux: Probing for NVMe SSD, HVM virtuals and MMC (SD) devices
MAP/ALLOC: Support and use screen widths up to 768 columns wide
MAP/PART: Enhanced 'partitioning style' to: MBR, GPT, FLP or CRP
MAP: Detect LUKS encrypted disks/partitions, show relevant info
MAP: Optimize color usage for max diversity on various platforms
MENU: Extra spacing between menuheaders if wider than 100 columns
MOUSE: No scroll but OPEN on click right-side of drop-down-menu
NEWMBR on large-flop or LUKS-crypted fails in batch or OEM-engine
NEWMBR on large-flop or LUKS-crypted, extra warning in confirm
NEWMBR without parameters does CURRENT disk ('.'), not ALL ('*')
OS/2: External commands without need for extra <ENTER> to start
OS/2: Filter WGET progress output to re-use the same line in SB
OS/2: Filter WGET progress output, no repeated lines in the log
OS/2: Fixed version number in DFSHIST.TXT and WPI distribution
OUTPUT: Accept shift-arrow keys etc to scroll the output window
OUTPUT: No command timestamp when echo is suppressed for a command
PART: Default block/clustersize 4096 bytes (when no bootsec value)
PART: Encrypted GPT partition info, with FileVault header data
PART: Fixed crash with '-b' or '-n' on large-floppy-format disk
PART: Include Encrypted partition info, with (LUKS) header data
PART: Include Encrypted disk info (LUKS) and wider 'info' column
QUERY: New 'query DSTyle' partitioning style MBR, GPT, FLP, CRP
SCRIPT: New variables $_d_pstyle (string) and $_d_cryptdisk
SCRIPT: Updated DFSGETUP/DFSGETPY scripts to report missing 'wget'
UIKEYS: Show key-description as well as decimal TXLIB key-value
UNIX: Fixed bug on terminals over 32K cells; MAX width now 768
UNIX: More iTem/Terminal key codes (like Ctrl-up/dn, shift-F11)
UNIX: Set desktop to 80x25 if reported screensize 0x0 (in debugger)
UNIX: Support small screen in large terminal window (-screen:WXxY)
VCU/PCLEAR/FIXCHS/NEWMBR: No writing 'untouchable' disks (FLP/CRP)
VER: New command to display single line of version/packaging info
XML: New tag diskstyle="str" = "MBR, GPT", "FLP", "CRP" or "UNK" "
14.6 03-08-2017 ATTACH/DETACH: renamed from MOUNT and UNMOUNT, to avoid confusion
BROWSE JFS: Honnor abort request (<Esc> key) building name-cache
CD: Support leading '~' to represent HOME directory (env variable)
CD: Allow a trailing path separator on specified path to go to
DEV/VOL: On Linux, combine 'df' and '/proc/mounts' info for list
DEV/VOL: On OSX, use 'df -h -l -m' output to list mounted devices
DFSPUPPY/DFSUSB32 scripts: Better error handling (Windows Locks)
EXT-CMD: Display info: (executed by the operating system)
FAT(32): Fixup directory display; Display 1st cluster-to-be-used
GPT: Allow non-standard ASCII name instead of Unicode (ISOHybrid)
GPT: Process GPT even if no valid guard/EFI MBR part (ISOHybrid)
IMAGE Dialog: Add buffersize option 'Disk geometry track size'
JFS: Recognize Linux formatted FS in none-0x83 type, no bootsector
LINUX: Allow '/mnt/home/dfsee/dfspuppy.imz' path for create stick
LINUX: startup, attach /dev/vdX disks (virtio, ParaVirtualisation)
Linux/macOS UI: Implement mouse events (xterm 1002 classic mode)
Linux/macOS UI: Implement mouse events (xterm 1006, 1015 modes)
MacOS: Own set of shell scripts; New dfsmwget/dfstrun for download
LOG: Keep absolute path (no wandering) and honor -dir:path switch
MBR: Recognize 'Puppy Linux std MBR, DFSee Slacko USB' (dfspuppy)
MBR: Recognize 'Syslinux generic MBR code (ISOHybrid)' (Suse Leap)
MENU: Added '[Basic]/[Expert]' mode indicator/button combination
MENU: Edit -> Settings/Properties, DFSee -> Show type 0x00 as part
MENU: File -> Attach RAW disk image, fixed attach command (use -i)
MENU: File -> Attach physical disk, accept RAW image (Linux, OSX)
MENU: File -> Device and Volume management-> Display/Unmount etc
MENU: Help -> Program Updates / Downloads -> Get & install updates
MENU: Optimize menubar layout for menu-cycle button (Expert/Basic)
MENU: Scripts -> 'Make Puppy-boot (USB) disk' creates bootable USB
MOUSE: Button-3 click: Present context-sensitive help (like <F1>)
MOUSE: Ctrl-click, any button, close the (help) window or a dialog
MOUSE: Menu HELP on ITEM under cursor; Ctrl-click never exit APP
MOUSE: Right 3 columns of output-text-window act as a scrollbar
MOUSE: Support Basic<>Expert switching by clicking the indicator
MOUSE: Support contiguous list marking by dragging (browse window)
MOUSE: Usage hint menu toggle + text-scroll in output window title
PART: Allow primary to start at 0, update ERROR text (ISOHybrid)
PATCHKEY: Command to replace keyvalue in current sector by actual
PROGRESS: Replace clock() by TXTIMER high-res duration/throughput
REGKEY: Inform on start/exit if using evaluation/upgrade temp key
RESTORE: Fix crash when -b:N option specified, smaller than in IMZ
SCRIPT: New $_dirsep script variable holding dir/path separator
SCRIPT: New $_exedir script variable with executable-path, no sep
SCRIPT: New $_exename script variable with executable-name, no path
SCRIPT, DFSINSTL: New script to install a DFSee program update
SCRIPT, DFSIFSTD: Don't fail due to 'NTFS auto open' on Linux etc
SCRIPT: Added getenv(variablename) function to TX script language
SCRIPT: Make help available from menu BEFORE running any scripts
SCRIPT: Update help on 'defaultparam' for assigning string values
SET PT0: Set partition-tables to show type 0x00 (deleted/hidden)
SET SKIPFS: Set FS to skip on match driveletters (FAT32.IFS bug)
SWITCH: -dir:path Sets default directory for File Open/Save etc
TIMING: Replace clock() by TXTIMER, high-res (fixes bugs on UNIX)
Trusted Cmds: 'WGET' for macOS/Linux, 'ZIP' and 'UNZIP' for all
UI: Cleanup colorschemes; Optimized 3D-Commander for Linux/macOS
UI: Definitions for Puppy Linux (rxvt/urxvt) F1..F4, s-F11, s-F12
UI: Take BG-grey color from the 88 (rxvt) or 256 (xterm) palettes
UI: Support 16-BG-colors (3D-grey) in rxvt and OSX Terminal/xterm
UICC: New command to show 88/256 color palette in a 'cube' layout
UIKEYS: Show keyboard + Mouse events, with decoding and timestamps
UNIX: Auto adjust to new terminal window-size on next click/key
UNIX: Support mouse-movement events (DRAG windows to move them)
VirtDisk: in-memory renamed 'Mem-disk', and /dev/MdX now, not vdX
14.5 20-06-2017 ALLOC: Predict smart-usage for better ETA in later imaging/cloning
ALLOC: Signal Smart-use info not available when aborting display
ALLOC: When single-line, output per character (acts as progress bar)
ALLOC: display: show disk/part-ID/Drive being checked in status bar
Added 'DISKUTIL' as trusted command for Mac OSX (to unmount disks)
Allow external commands on any OS (file-redirect, or pipe on OS/2)
BROWSE/IMAGE new compact index-file formats allowing objects > 2TB
BROWSE: Fixed renaming of directories from dialog popup (HPFS/JFS)
BROWSE: Mouse CLICK to select, DBLCLK to enter (subdir or menu)
BROWSE: Support large (2MiB, DOS 256 KiB) buffers in IMZ browsing
CLONE (smart): Better ETA using allocation-info for FS or whole disk
CLONE: Hint at 'compare' fail, on partition clone and auto 'fixpbr'
COMPARE: Fix sectornumber format in mismatch error text (32/64bit)
CR: Symbolic name 'EXT' = 0x83, 'CONT' = 0x05 (extended container)
Calculated Geometry (geocalc): Force 64/32 1-MiB geo on GPT disks
DARWIN: Use faster 'rdiskN' devices, not 'diskN', unless -raw- switch
DESKTOP folder OS2/Windows: Program object 'Browse IMZ imagefile'
DESKTOP folder OS2/Windows: Program object 'HEX edit binary file'
DFSBRIMZ: New shellscript to start an IMZ BROWSE for file/directory
Dialogs: Add 64-bit field-2-value and value-2-field conversions
Directory overviews: Allow up to 99.999 numbered entries (.NNNNN)
Directory overviews: Display filenames in yellows, to stand out
Directory overviews: Display filesizes as 13/20 pos 'dotted' value
EDIT: New '-dir' option to present FileDialog with path + wildcard
EDIT: New '-screen' option maximizes HEX-edit window to full-screen
EFAT: Fix AreaInit Bitmap location (SMART on whole disk, with EFAT)
EFAT: Fixed directory listing layout for 64-bit sector numbers
EXTn: Fix AreaInit Bitmap + convert (SMART on whole disk, with EXTn)
FILEDLG: Better handling of ROOT dir without any subdirectories
FILEDLG: Fixed infinite looping message on invalid initial path
FILEDLG: Require double-click to ENTER on a FILE (exits dialog)
HEXED, update various screen messages for huge sectornumbers (X10)
HEXED: Add Ctrl-Z (UNDO) hint in write-confirm popup and footer-text
IMAGE (smart): Much better ETA caluclation, using allocation-info
IMAGE-Dlg: Add BUFFER select in expert mode, remove Append/Excl-LVM
IMAGE/CLONE: Automatic get Smart-ALLOC info when not there (ETA)
IMAGE/CLONE: Changed default buffersize to 'optimal-for-current-OS'
IMAGE/CLONE: Fixed 'smart optimize' percentage and skipped size
IMAGE: Catch more IMZ compression errors in IMAGE decompress-verify
IMAGE: Confirmation dialog on abort using <Esc>, allow continue
IMAGE: Do NOT zero unused sectors (full-disk SMART compare errors)
IMAGE: Support large (2MiB, DOS 256KiB) buffers for IMZ create
Image restore/compare/verify: Progress in decimal KBytes imagefile
Improved handling of errors in external commands, better messages
KEYS: command will show mouse event timestamp and DBLCLK detected
Limit external-command RC values to 16-bit, incl Unix '-1' errors
MENU: Actions, 'Open partition, Browse' browse on selected partition
MENU: Display, 'I/O speed, larger buffer (as used for imaging)
MENU: Image, Verify ... (and Image DLG): Fixed verify only option
MOUSE: Detect double-click (quick button DOWN after a button-UP)
More 64-bit updates, most display layouts accomodate up to 511 TiB
NEWMBR: Reread diskinfo before 'newmbr' for up-to-date part count
Opt -b or -b:track sets tracksize as buffersize, -b:N other values
PART -V -a: Avoid display of allocation twice (slow on large disk)
PROGRESS percentage now based on TIME values, not (sector) counts
PTE: Fixed unwanted change from GPT to MBR style after Hex-Edit
PTE: Updated dialog sector first/last fields to accept 64-bit values
Partition displays and option/switch parameter parsing made 64-bit
Prevent 'lvm' command to work on GPT style disks (corrupts PTA)
Psave/Prestore/Image/Restore update for 64-bit sectornumbers / size
RC: New cmd to SET a returncode and explain its meaning when known
RESTORE: Support large (2MiB, DOS 256KiB) buffers in IMZ restore
SCAN: Allow larger I/O buffers, and use optimized default size
SLT, check allocation only when using '-a' or '-m' options (CHECK)
SLT, check allocation only when using '-a' or '-m' options (CHECK)
SPEED: Progress in seconds, add buffersize hint when using default
UNIX: No quit on failing external command, give error explanation
Updated ALLOC map displays for variable 64..256 character width
Updated all ALLOC map displays for 64-bit sectornumber and sizes
Updated statusline and default sector displays for 64-bit LSN's
Updated to support 64-bit sectornumbers and disk/partition sizes
WIPE: Add extra warning when wiping MBR or BOOTSECTOR (start at 0)
14.4 26-03-2017 IMAGE/BROWSE avoid image-file truncate (0 bytes) in DFSDOS version
14.3 10-03-2017 DFSDISK: Enable creation of an XML file per disk again (done last)
DFSDISK: Cancel BSFIND 'abort' condition, so script can continue
LVM: On create new LVM-info on type 07, set installable flag to ON
MAP -m: Changed 'P-Geo Disk n' terminology to 'BIOS-Geo D n'
MENU Fdisk: 'OS2 LVM and BootManager -> Set LVM-CRC, rem obsolete'
MENU Fdisk: 'OS2 LVM and BootManager -> Wipe LVM sectors MBR area'
PART/DISK: Non-standard tracksize warning only in 'pedantic' mode
PART: Fix selection by driveletter for 1st partition, like 'part D:'
PCLEAR: Do NOT clear LVM DLAT sectors in MBR track if not confirmed
QUERY: Allow driveletter instead of PID for partition selection
QUERY: I|B PID|driveletter: Query LVM Installable/On-BM-Menu flag
RESIZE: Update LVM (size) information after resizing a PRIMARY too
14.2 02-02-2017 DFSCHECK: Support EFAT filesystems, using new DFSEFAT.DFS script
HEXED: Disassembly and Text views, default window size made larger
HEXED: Disassembly view, new comment column: instr bytes as ASCII
IMAGE: Automatic decompress-verify, to catch Decode-stack overflows
IMAGE: Create sets CRC usage as default again (broken in 14.0/14.1)
IMAGE: Finish progress BAR on VERIFY/COMPARE before message display
IMZ: Fixed reading from multi-file IMZ for BROWSE or imz-disk-mount
MAP, BROWSE: Strip spaces at logfile end-of-line (avoid PMMail bug)
MENU-help: added missing help item for Edit -> Set Batch
NTFS, FIXBOOT -V- option selects XP NTLDR instead of Win-7 BOOTMGR
NTFS, FIXNTLDR -V- option selects XP NTLDR instead of Win-7 BOOTMGR
PROGRESS: Show elapsed seconds on status bar if screen wider than 90
UI: Identical block-chars (progress) set to -/=/#/block (in 8-bit)
WIPE: Limit area to the size of opened object, avoid error messages
14.1 04-01-2017 HEXED: Updated 'Initial LSN' description for extended attributese
MENU: Edit-> Settings/Properties, UI -> UI test Color, Char, Box
MENU: Edit-> Settings/Properties, UI -> UI cycle colorscheme/lines
JFS: New 1.9.7 level boot code (fixboot) including DFSJFLDR image
VDI: Fixed program crash (trap) on unmount of a VDI mounted image
UI: Changed default ascii setting from -7 to -7- for Linux/Darwin
UI: Better looking draw-characters Linux/Darwin, with 8-bit ascii
UI: Combined COLORS, CHARSET and CBOXES command into new UICTEST
UI: Definitions for Linux (xterm) Alt-F5 .. Alt-F12 key codes
UI: Shift-F9/F12 starts color/scheme cycling with arrow keys
14.0 17-12-2016 ACCEL: Changed accelerator keys: F6=Open partition; F9=Browse
AL: Low-level display/set individual FS allocation bits (bitmap)
Added compacter RLE-2 and Smart-2 compression types for IMZ images
BROWSE (Mode=FDISK): Support optional start PATH for selected PID
BROWSE-Copy: Warning-popup if file allocation is not 100% reliable
BROWSE-Copy: Warning popup on DIR copy, incl. 'do not ask again'
BROWSE-Dialog: <F10> pops up an Actions menu, with edit, copy etc
BROWSE-Dialog: <F5> Copy/Recover works on multiple (marked) files
BROWSE-Dialog: Ctrl-BACKSLASH changes current list Dir to 'ROOT'
BROWSE-Dialog: Ctrl-F/Alt-[ marks all Files, Ctrl-G/Alt-] all Dirs
BROWSE-Dialog: Support (same-length) file-rename for JFS and HPFS
BROWSE-Dialog: filter-popup, HEX-edit on file-contents or I/Fnode
BROWSE-Dialog: multi marking with <SPACE>/<INSERT> + show #marked
BROWSE-Dialog: selected file Copy/Recover from list with <F5>
BROWSE-Dialog: selected file/dir available after exit (Enter key)
BROWSE/HEXEDIT: New generic FS-function writing resident/meta data
BROWSE/HEXEDIT: Support edit/view of resident data (like NTFS MFT)
BROWSE/LIST -f: Fix alloc-OK percentage for files over 10Gb size
BROWSE: 'View OS/2 EA or Xattr on a File/Dir' in <F10> context menu
BROWSE: 40% faster startup on JFS (Build name/parent cache only)
BROWSE: Add FsMakeBrowseList for: EXTn, JFS, FAT, EFAT, HPFS, NTFS
BROWSE: Add item-type B/F/D to list/recover/browse select strings
BROWSE: Added description for initial browse-contents, BROWSE xxx
BROWSE: Added help-screens for the dialog, and the help-menu
BROWSE: Automatic add 'dotdot' directory to MakeBrowsList on EFAT
BROWSE: Base implementation of the BROWSE dialog works, no actions
BROWSE: Defined generic directory BROWSE command, accelerator <F9>
BROWSE: Descr delfind/filefind on HPFS, NTFS, JFS, FAT, EFAT, EXT
BROWSE: File-Contents support in: JFS, NTFS, EXT, FAT, EFAT, HPFS
BROWSE: Filesize (dotted - 999Tb): JFS, EXT, HPFS, NTFS, FAT, EFAT
BROWSE: Filter shortname (8.3) names from NTFS, reverse with -8.3
BROWSE: Modify-time in stringinfo: JFS, EXTx, HPFS, EFAT, FAT, NTFS
BROWSE: Support in FileInfo() to return two file information strings
CLONE-dialog: changed default modus to 'smart' cloning, faster
CLONE/IMAGE: Much better ETA estimation when using SMART logic
CLONE: Improved throughput with SMART (smaller buffer, more ZERO)
CMDS: Expression brackets now must be double {{expr}}, not single
CR:/BMGR install: Popup message for missing bmgr-IMG or MBR code
CR: Honor '-align-' switch to force PRIMARY start within 1st track
DARWIN: Added 42 Alt+<key> sequences to MAC OSX keyboard handler
DISK: Changed '-i' option to '-std' for industry-std driveletters
EDIT: -v:view 0=HEX, 1=DISASM, 2=ASCII, 9=AUTO (9 is default now)
EDIT: Default to HEX mode when current sector is an MBR or EBR
EDIT: File CONTENTS: support write-back with rsn->lsn translation
EDIT: Restrict min/max sector when editing file CONTENTS (browse)
EFAT: Create Directory-Parent cache on Init (Open) for BROWSE ..
EXTn: Support recovery of directories and files with inlined data
FINDPATH: Add display of filesize from DIR-entry, when available
FsFileInfo filter on item-type on HPFS, NTFS, JFS, FAT, EFAT, EXT
HELP: Better help-on-help selection in entry-field and menu-bar
HELP: Better help-on-help selection in entry-field and menu-bar
HEXEDIT/Ascii: <F4> = Toggle display of offsets on start of line
HEXEDIT/Ascii: <F5> = Style: Rough/Clean and optional split lines
HEXEDIT/Ascii: <F6> = Minimum length of 'strings' in ascii filter
HEXEDIT/Ascii: Add filesize and name to title, when available
HEXEDIT/Ascii: Clear excess area in last file sector(s) to zeroes
HEXEDIT/Ascii: Preserve empty lines in pure ASCII files better
HEXEDIT: <F2> = alternate-view: Disassemply, Ascii; auto select
HEXEDIT: Support 'sparse' file extents (NTFS, JFS) on file editing
IMAGE-dialog: changed default image type to 'smart-compressed'
IMAGE: -x option and Dialog checkbox to generate XMZ INDEX too
IMAGE: New '-8' option to create DFSee V13.x compatible IMZ images
IMZ: Automatic generation of .XMZ indexfile for faster browsing
IMZ: Fixed passing of correct accessInfo pointer (broken by VDI)
IMZ: new command to BROWSE an partition/disk IMZ compressed image
JFS: Show Total- versus Volume-Blocks as separate values on open
L-Geo: From MBR table: Linear-Offset more important than CHS-end
LIST -S: Show Sectorlist (files) as info-strings needed for BROWSE
LIST -r: Show Sectorlist in cluster range format (for bad sectors)
LISTSET: Set (range of) sectornumbers in Sectorlist, optional clear
Low-level handling for IMZ compressed images as IM or DISK object
MENU: Add BROWSE to Action menu, and to FS-specific recovery menus
MENU: Only enable direct directory-browsing when supported by FS
MENU: 'Browse/Recover Deleted Files' for HPFS, NTFS and JFS (Expert)
MENU: 'Open (partition) imagefile' to basic menu, for image browse
MENU: Added 'Browse IMZ compressed image' to open+browse an image
MENU: Added two more 'Edit Sector' variants: HEX and Text/Strings
MENU: Help -> Keyboard usage overviewt; DFSee/TxWindows modules
MENU: File->Mount/Unmount/Display disks->VirtualBox disk image
MENU: File->Open a VDI (VBox) diskimage; Open Base/Snapshot VDI
MENU: FORMAT: No errors/warnings on part-select before the format
MENU: Moved 8 DFSee operational settings into an Edit submenu
MENU: 'Image' menu with operations on IMAGES (from File/Actions)
Mode=FDISK made startup default; Support BROWSE (partitions) cmd
NTFS: Implemented WriteMetaSpace for resident data (small files)
OpenFile dialog + options added to 'im' (open-imagefile) command
PART: -P option to select partition from popup menu, add help/sort
PART: Major WARNINGs in yellow, ERRORs in red, make them stand out
RECOVER: Cleanup of interfaces, return full recovery-path to caller
RECOVER: Discard-path, Force-8.3, Unique-name options in dialogs
RECOVER: Reduce file 'SaveAs' output to a single line, from BROWSE
RESTORE/IMZ-index: Better ETA estimation based on fileposition
SAVEAS: FAT file recovery: Include saving OS/2 EAs (OS/2 version)
SAVEAS: JFS file recovery: Include saving OS/2 EAs (OS/2 version)
SAVEAS: Statusline progress reporting on COPY of files over 1Mb
SAVEAS: Support 'sparse' file extents (NTFS, JFS) on file copying
SLT: Fixed formatting issue with JFS/NTFS single line display
STARTUP: Reorder commands to show errors/major warnings at the end
Switch: -floppy includes diskettes in volumelists (slower startup)
TXLIB: Changed expression brackets from single {expr} to double {{expr}}
TXLIB: FILEDLG: Revert to 'last-known-good' DIR on inaccessible directory
TXLIB: FILEDLG: Show file-window too in 'directory select' dialog as well
TXLIB: FileOpenForWrite for generic open write/append, incl. large files
TXLIB: INSERT key specific to class (toggle in Entry, mark in List)
TXLIB: Introduced 3 alternative text-colors for selection-lists (BROWSE)
TXLIB: List Mark, */=/Ctrl-A = ALL, Ctrl-Z = NONE, -/Ctrl-I = INVERT
TXLIB: MsgBox: enlarged default size for message box popups to 52/78
TXLIB: SELIST: Add 'marked' to list, and 'multiQuickPos' to items
TXLIB: SELIST: Add marked count to top-right of title, when non-ZERO
TXLIB: SELIST: Preserve multiple-select flags on reverse sorting
UNDELETE: New generic command to find, then BROWSE deleted files
VDI: Extra confirmation when loading a snapshot without a BASE
VDI: Support VirtualBox static/dynamic and snapshot disk images
VDI: implemented read/write support, updating last VDI in chain
VDI: implemented read/write support, updating last VDI in chain
VDI: new command opens Base VDI as disk, or adds snapshot to it
H I S T O R Y 1 3 . X
13.4 07-10-2016 WINDOWS: Fixed batch extension check in several scripts, minor update
13.4 21-08-2016 LINUX/OSX: Changed script filemode to 755 to allow running from /opt
13.4 20-08-2016 LINUX/OSX: Symlink creation optional, and configurable with parameter
13.4 17-08-2016 WINDOWS: Added test in BAT scripts for foreign-language XP versions
13.4 16-08-2016 ABOUT OS-version: Added specific Windows-8, 8.1 and 10 kernels
ALLOC: Recognize GPT-header+tables as BOOT areas in full-disk ALLOC
CLONE/IMAGE: Enabled SMART for EXT2/3/4, except when META_BG used
DFSDISK/DFSCHECK suppress final message ONLY with option -screen-
DFSUSB32: Issue warning when trying to create a stick on (Free)DOS
DFSUSB32: Updated descriptions to use simple 'DFSEEDOS.ISO' download
EXTCMD: Added extra hint that it may be an incorrecly typed command
EXTn: ABG: Display allocation with a single blockgroup per line
EXTn: ALLOC/smart: Handle BLOCK_UNINIT for normal/backup groups
EXTn: ALLOC: Add BlockGroup# to each line, when exactly 1 BG/line
EXTn: BG: Added GDT/BM/Itable locations + sizes to verbose display
EXTn: BG: Added backup-super, and UNINIT/ZEROED flag indicators
EXTn: BG: Add display of the flags, like UNINIT block/inode bitmap
EXTn: BSL: List backup superblock (+ metadata) groups and sectors
EXTn: DFSEXT.dfs script updated for a complete CHECK analysis run
EXTn: DIR: Better handling of empty entries (skip, no abort) SLT too
EXTn: DIR: Display directory data, including related inode values
EXTn: DIR: FileType string (dir/file) and INDEX root/node details
EXTn: FILEFIND, implemented a QUICK search for file/directory Inodes
EXTn: FINDPATH or '\path' command implemented, search Inode by path
EXTn: INO: Auto show same Inode on 't', and show index in Statusline
EXTn: INO: Calculate sector+index for specified Inode-number; display
EXTn: INO: Detect and show UNKNOWN feature flags (INCOMPATIBLE etc)
EXTn: INO: Display data allocation, BLOCK-INDIRECT or EXTENT-TREE
EXTn: INO: Display linkname for small (inlined) symlink Inodes
EXTn: INO: Display of Inode contents complete, except alloc S_SPACE
EXTn: INO: Show 1st data on <Enter> from BlockIndirect or ExtentTree
EXTn: Init: determine DIRTY-status from Groups/Bitmap difference too
EXTn: LIST: Show proper File information, path and allocation info
EXTn: SLT/INO: Special inode-7 (RESIZE) handling, for display too
EXTn: SLT: Add allocation for DIR and FILE Inodes, recursively
EXTn: SLT: Added meta-allocation to SLT and to Inode verbose display
EXTn: SLT: Include all SB, GDT, GDT-reserve, Block- and Inode-bitmaps
EXTn: SUPER: Auto show ROOT Inode on <Enter> from superblock display
FILEDLG: Create correct directory with [Make Dir] for absolute paths
FILEFIND, JFS, HPFS, NTFS: added 'search files only' option '-f'
LINUX: New 'dfs' sudo-start script, setup symlinks to /usr/local/bin
MENU: EDIT: Update some descriptions for 'Force operation Mode=xxx'
MENU: EXTn: Added File recovery submenu, Filefind, Recover, Hex-edit
MENU: EXTn: Added Inode selection by ino# or one of the special ones
MENU: EXTn: Alloc map, by Blockgroup; Display group aligned ALLOC map
MENU: EXTn: Analyse EXT Filesystem (check) and SLT submenu added
MENU: EXTn: List BACKUP Superblocks; List all BACKUP groups (super)
MENU: EXTn: Mode=EXT2_3 name changed to EXTn, to account for EXT4
MENU: EXTn: Show BlockGroup Summary; Show flags and alloc for group
MENU: Error message when trying to add a GPT partition to Bootmanager
PART -v: Added backup-super-BG indicator 'S' for EXTn backup groups
WINDOWS/DOS/OS2: 'dfs' BAT/CMD as alias for 'dfsee', like Linux/Mac
WINDOWS: Include 'DFSRUNAS.EXE' for automatic 'Run as Administrator'
WINDOWS: Resize window on startup now to 80% of screen, lines+cols
WINDOWS: Updated the batch-scripts to work with DFSRUNAS (XP..WIN10)
13.3 17-06-2016 ALLOC: Avoid crash on empty NTFS, HFS, RSR or EXT2/3/4 filesystems
CR: Fixed 1-MiB alignment for 1st primary GPT partition on 4096 BPS
CR: Make better aligned size-estimate based on -f freespace option
CR/CLEANUP: Preserve an ACTIVE extended in MBR (but reset in EBR's)
DARWIN: Change 'Linux device ...' strings in output to 'Unix device'
DARWIN: Change 'Linux device ...' strings in output to 'Unix device'
DARWIN: Use an exact 1 MiB cylinder size as default disk geometry
DISK: Allow sectorsize of 512-byte multiples upto 4096, except OS/2
EFAT Fixed bitmap calculations for ALLOC display/Smart on 4096 BPS
EFAT/FAT32 fixed possible brec bootsec buffer overflow on 4096 BPS
EXT2/3/4: Fix recognition and calculation for non 512 BPS, 4096 BPS
EXT2/3/4: Implemented BG cmd to display group info and block bitmap
EXT4: Automatic display of combined bootsector+superblock, 4096 BPS
EXT4: Smart cloning/imaging and ALLOC supported with BLOCK_UNINIT
EXT4: Discard 'smart' clone/image option if option META_BG (>256Tb)
EXT4: Fix Group Descriptor for non-std sector/block sizes, 4096 BPS
FAT: Correctly handle .NNN selection from FAT directory on 4096 BPS
FIND: Fixed searching in exact MiB boundaries (BSFIND) on 4096 BPS
GPT: Added hints to create the GPT-guard, and EFI-system partitions
GPT: Added the 'BIOSBOOT' GPT partition type to type selection list
GPT: Validate entry last-PSN against HDR to support 64-bit SN better
HFS: Fixed calculations for Blocksize and bits / block on 4096 BPS
LINUX: Fix physical disk size calculation for disks > 2Tb
LINUX: Show EXT2/3/4 native FS in GPT type LINUX_ROOT_X86_32 or _64
MBR: Added recognition for GRUB2 originated generic MBR bootcode
MENU: Handle a GPT-style type for 'Change partition type' (settype)
MOVE: Fix spurious crash when moving to BEGIN freespace
NEWMBR: Select disk before allocating sector (fix 4096 BPS crash)
NTFS: Fixed bitmap calculations for ALLOC display/Smart on 4096 BPS
NTFS: Fixed calculations for $BadClust resize and reset on 4096 BPS
NTFS: Fixed reading of the logfile flags and logstatus on 4096 BPS
PART: Added partition type 0xDA for Linux non-FS data (RAID variant)
PART: Display ACTIVE indicator on extended container (GRUB stage-1)
PART: Force display of first (outer) extended container, if ACTIVE
PART: Open, show Clustersize in sectors, not *512 byte on 4096 BPS
PART: Short descr. of EBR bootcode (if any) added to 'Related' col
RAW2IMZ, IMAGE, CR (partition) fixed size specification on 4096 BPS
SCRIPT: Change $_p_linux... variables to the more generic $_p_unix..
SETTYPE: Support type change for GPT-style partitions using -t:
TRACE: Made '-r' = reopen logfile on each line, the default setting
13.2 05-04-2016 CR/LVM: Allow -synclvm for driveletter on initial partition creation
CR: Limit CHS values to the maximum values, instead of clipping them
GEO: Dialog, new big-SSD 255/248 checkbox and Cyl/Track size display
LVM: Allow the (documented!) -n:diskname option on a single partition
MENU2HTML: Added (to-BASIC/EXPERT-menu) link in navigation menu-bar
13.1 16-02-2016 ABOUT: Mention 'dfsee.key' instead of just KEY in registration texts
ABOUT: Update version and copyright info in various places for 2016
CLONE: Only show 'Exclude LVM' checkbox in dialog for a type 0x35 part
CLONE: Update (LVM) diskname on disk-to-disk clone; checkbox in dialog
COPY: Re-introduce the 'Copy Part to freespace area' for Basic UI mode
IMAGE: Include net nr of sectors imaged in the IMZ ascii header info
IMAGE: Show imagefile-write-speed as well as disk-sector throughput
MAP: Unify error reporting on inaccessible disks, reserved USB (Win7)
MENU: Newmbr ERASE tables: fix -clear option to -c (and a few similar)
PART: Fixed formatting error on an LVM Signature missing warning text
PRESTORE: restore LVM feature info from *.Fxx IMZ image, when found
PSAVE: Save LVM BBR feature info on type 0x35 to an *.Fxx IMZ image
PSAVE: Reduced description in header for better text formatting
PSAVE: Fix .PDx header signature for PRESTORE (cosmetic bug in 13.0)
RESTORE: Show imagefile-read-speed as well as disk-sectors throughput
TXLIB: Fixed txwEnableWindow to actually ENABLE from disabled state
13.0 02-12-2015 Added '-?' online help to 'H','h','A' and 'a' sector display commands
Added warning when GPT guard partition there, but no valid header/array
CR: Accept symbolic names for GPT partition types (WIN,EFI,LIN, etc)
CR: Added dedicated [Manual Edit type GUID] button to CR GPT dialog
CR: Dialogs, cleaned up maximum-size/offset calculation & alignment
CR: Fixed alignment for position and size for GPT (0x800, 1 MiB)
CR: Force '-U' option when creating a GPT guard partition, type 0xEE
CR: GPT Dialog, added sub-dialog with check-boxes for attribute flags
CR: GPT Dialog, added '[x] Do NOT align to MiB boundaries' check box
CR: GPT Dialog, fixed calculation for aligned/unaligned maximum sizes
CR: Implemented "cr gpt" to create/recover a GPT HDR+PTA structures on a disk
CR: Implemented '-attrib:'hex' option for GPT 64-bit attribute values
CR: Implemented GUID/UUID edit dialog, with 5 separate HEX-only fields
CR: Implemented GPT-style partition-create dialog, with type select list
CR: Implemented the actual CreatePartition() fot GPT, writing HDR+PTA
CR: MBR Dialog, added '[x] Do NOT align to CYL boundaries' check box
CR: Make default size for GPT EFI partition 128 MiB
CR: Supply a default partition name, based on the current type-GUID
CR: alignment fixes, and update of documentation files
CR: changed '-U' option to '-align-' for consistency (do NOT align)
DELETE: Implemented delete of a single GPT partition, or ALL on 1 disk
Don't allow writing outside PSN limits, except for expandable files
EDIT: Implemented Fix '-c:N' (nr of byte columns) option in HEX editor
EDIT: Make sure write (back) errors are displayed and show up in the LOG
EXPAND: Allow partition expand for unknown filesystems (Part-table only)
EXPAND: Fixed FAT16 bootsector validation for sizes close to the limit
EXPAND: Fixed partition type for types larger than 0x10 (HEX-DEC mixup)
EXPORT: fixed crash when using -d option (as used in DFSDISK procedure)
FAT format, no update of (MBR-style) partition type for a GPT partition
Fixed creation of PRIMARY with -G:n GAP specified (like GPT 0xEE guard)
Fixed menu ownership to make accelerator keys work from any window/menu
GPT -fix will move an incorrect-placed alternate hdr/PTA, when possible
GPT: Always SORT table-array when before writing, including 'lvm -fix'
GPT: Better CRC and sanity checks on GPT structures, more specific warnings
GPT: Edit Partition Tables, implemented dialog for single entry edit
GPT: Fix FAT16 filesystem recognition and display for GPT partitions
GPT: HELP for PTE dialog, fix help for the type-GUID listbox in CR
GPT: Implemented GUID 'time+random' generator and 'uuidgen' test command
GPT: No WARNING if alternate HDR is at end-guard, not end-disk (hybrid)
GPT: new command 'gpt' and 'gpt -fix' to display/fixup (damaged) GPT info
Linux: Fixed working of Shift-TAB for Linux terminal (dialog navigation)
Linux: Re-introduced escape-sequence for Shift-Tab, as an alias (from 12.6)
MENU: Added a 'Fix GPT header / tables' menu item in Mode=FDISK
MENU: Added a convert MBR to GPT, and GPT to MBR items to Mode=FDISK
MENU: Changed OSX partition ID from '/dev/disN' to 'diskXsN' identifier
MENU: Create and Open freespace, logical/primary lists updated for GPT
MENU: IMZ2RAW improved handling of source path and sizefield with -S
MENU: Restore partition info (PRESTORE dialog): include GPT sector types
MENU: Updated partition/BMGR selection lists for GPT-style partitions
MOUNT/VIRT allow size in sectors larger than C*H*S (partial cylinders)
MOVE/COPY: Support for GPT partitions, including MBR to GPT or GPT to MBR
MOVE: Retain original (unique) partition GUID when moving GPT to GPT
OSX/Linux: Use 'stty -echo' at start to avoid spurious input echos
OSX: Changed a few key-bindings for better MAC-OSX compatibility (Alt to Ctrl)
PART added MBR type 0xEF for an EFI System Partition (ESP) on an MBR disk
PART: Add 'part -w' hint to Linux NOTE if there are unaligned partitions
PART: Check for the HFS+ FS for GPT 'Apple CoreStorage' or 'Apple Boot'
PART: New warning when a GPT partition has a non-unique partition-GUID
PART: Show number of suppressed MINOR warnings when just showing MAJOR ones
PART: Suppress 'NO-active partition' warnings for GPT style disks
PL: Suppress (OS/2 USB) dummy disks when showing freespace areas (pl f)
PSAVE: Add GPT info to ASCII-header and GPT header/table sectors to .PDx
PTE: Finished handling of field contents for the GPT variant
PTE: Implemented NEXT, PREV, and F2/F5/F8 Hexedit actions for GPT
PTE: MBR and GPT, changed default sector value to HEXadecimal format
RESIZE/EXPAND: Added support to resize filesystems in GPT partitions
SET: 'align' property for CREATE partition, AUTO, CYL, MIB or #sectors
STARTUP: switch '-align:value to set default alignment on partition CR
UI: Entryfields: stylebits to filter on decimal or hex number input only
H I S T O R Y 1 2 . X
12.7 06-10-2015 SET: Fixed crash in 'set screen', added current value display on others
SET HISTORY: commandline behaviour: PLAIN, FILTER, UNIQUE or CLASSIC
HISTORY buffer behaviour: plain, completion-filter and/or duplicate-filter
OSX/Linux: Use 'stty -echo' at start to avoid spurious input echos
Linux: fixed working of Shift-TAB for Linux terminal (dialog navigation)
12.6 19-08-2015 DFSUSB32 'Create bootable USB': Detect locked FS (Windows) by wipe MBR and retry
DFSF32ST, DFSF16ST, DFSIFSTD, DFSJFS35 scripts: Handle (Windows) locked FS better
FIX*LDR: Allow spaces in DIR names for FIXNTLDR, FIXHPLDR, FIXJFLDR and VIRT
FIXNTLDR: Supply specific version of loader for Windows-7 and up: DFSNTLDR.IM7
GEO: Select correct LVM-DLAT for Geometry, when multiple are present
IMAGE/RESTORE/CLONE: Avoid defaulting 'confirmation' to 'error ignore' in batch
LOG: Fixed autonumbering of logfiles 'fname^' for Linux and OSX platforms
MENU: added 'Ignore (R/W) errors' selection to 'Edit' menu, with indicator
MENU: added UX devicename to selection text for partitions in lists and menus
PART: Moved 'ux' column in table displays to directly after the 'ID' column
SCREEN: '-reset' resets terminal on exit (UNIX: reset, others: CLS)
SET: added 'set error confirm/ignore/quit' to use from scripts (profile.dfs)
SET: added 'set reset on/off' for terminal RESET on program exit
SWITCHES: Fixed several 'long name' switch names (wrong in 12.5!)
UI: Updated CLONE and IMAGE dialogs for wider partition lists (UX device)
12.5 02-07-2015 CLONE: Updated help/usage with more complete '-b' option description
CONFIRM command, ignore all keys except Y/N and <Esc> in non-windowed UI
Disk warnings GEOMETRY/GEOMETRY_EX: added disk-number (Windows only)
Explicit WARNING if disk LVM geometry has more than 65535 cylinders
FINDPATH support either DOS or UNIX style path separators, and usage text
File Dialogs, fixed initial selection BUG in Dir/File lists (visible on Linux)
File Dialogs, fixed new PATH field handling in FileDialog for UNIX/Linux
File Dialogs, made the [New directory] work properly for UNIX/Linux
File recovery: Create/accept proper path separators '/' for Linux/MAC
HELP minor update to SCRIPT host variable descriptions ($_rc, PRINT)
HELP Sorted most options alphabetically in *.TXT and '-?' online help
LVM: Usage text updated, sorted options, partition versus disk level
MENU: 'mount physical disk' to DFSee list; text changed to 'accessible'
OEM versions build more generic, allowing multiple branding and functionality
Progress -G:0 switch for BAR only, -G:11 for single line percentage (OEM)
Progress -G:0 show leading units/reason short text on progress bars display
RUN: status prompt, updated to better reflect SCRIPT return values
SCREEN refresh on every status-line update using '-refresh' EXE switch
SCREEN refresh using Ctrl-L now available for any operating system
SCRIPT PRINT statement to print (string) expression (debugging)
SCRIPT explicit 'RETURN expression', ends script with given RC
SCRIPT preserve explicit $_rc assignment value by (user) script
SCRIPT return $_rc value when reaching end-of-script (no RETURN)
SCRIPT substitute $_rc for an empty expression on RETURN
SCRIPT updated HELP section for the PRINT and RETURN statements
Scripts (to create various USB sticks with LVM): Fixed confirmation/comment bug
12.4 03-04-2015 ADJUST FS size, respect HPFS 64GiB limit in manual command 'resize -m'
EFAT file recovery: set original file date/time from FILE dir entry
EFAT file recovery: fix directory interpretation bug causing failure
EXPAND do NOT allow manual override of maximum size in dialog (clip)
EXPAND filesystem/partition, limit size to 64GiB for HPFS filesystems
EXPAND Max accepted size automatically reduced for cylinder alignment
FAT(32) file recovery: set original file date/time, incl create/access
FAT(32) file recovery: use long-filename for recovered file, if present
FDISK/startup: 0-disks/admin-hint in popup requiring user confirmation
FILEFIND/DELFIND -D option to search for DIRECTORIES only (when possible)
GEO Update total nr of sectors and cylinders on byte-per-sector change
HELP (commandline) added the MENU2HTML command to '??' command overview
HPFS DELFIND/FILEFIND Create proper FNODE find-SPACE for fast searching
HPFS Fnode display and 'list -f': show FULL long-filename and path
HPFS file recovery: set original file date/time, when still available
HPFS file recovery: use FULL long filename (>15) when still available
HPFS file recovery: use FULL long name (>15) on all path components too
HPFS: Fixed hang with long-filename display on deleted files/directories
ID '-v-' non-verbose, suppress contents display for the sector
IMAGE/RESTORE correctly set default size when a start offset specified
LIST '-d-' suppress contents display for the '-c' cmd execution option
LIST '-t-' or '-t' TEST option is passed on to cmd given with '-c'
LIST '-v-' or '-v' VERBOSE option is passed on to cmd given with '-c'
LIST: Changed function key <F9> from 'alloc' to list display (list -f)
LOG Display DFSee working directory at startup and start of any logfile
PART table (read/view) Fix handling of size value 0xffffffff (truncate)
PART WARNING for GPT header at WRONG sectorsize (512 byte versus 4 KiB)
RECOVER Set original timestamps on DOS/OS2: fix 'off by 1 month' bug
RECOVER Set original file access/modify timestamps on UNIX/Linux too
SCAN sn parameter to set the start sector for the scan as MCS-number
SLT2LIST correctly set default size when a start offset specified
VDISK avoid traps on read/write after changing geometry bytes-per-sector
WINDOWS added hint to reduce security level in User Access Control (UAC)
WIPE correctly set default size when a start offset is specified
12.3 01-02-2015 CR: avoid rounding UP by 1 MiB for 1st primary or a logical (64/32 geometry)
DELFIND/FILEFIND: Speed up SPACE search with Rsn2Lsn translation cache
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on EFAT: '-d-' option: outside DIR space too
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on EFAT: Automatic SLT build for fullpath lookup
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on FAT/HPFS, on-demand create FNODE space (not on open)
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on FAT12/16/32 '-d-' option: outside DIR space too
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on FAT12/16/32: Automatic SLT build for fullpath lookup
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on HPFS: '-d-' option: outside FNODE space too (slower!)
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on JFS (QFI): Automatic SLT build for fullpath lookup
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on JFS: Integrated QFI (Quick Find Inodes) for consistency
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on NTFS: '-d-' option: outside MFT space too (slower!)
DFSDISK (bsfind) recognise JFS superblocks on 64/32 (1 MiB) geometries
EFAT: Implement directory iteration to allow faster (SPACE) searching
FIND: allow search restricted space (ALLDIRS) only, for faster filesearch
FINDSPACE command to display filefind/delfind SPACE areas, when known
FS: Init Filesystem, ignore empty 'FSINIT' cmd after EXPORT/IMPORT list
ISO: Fix deliverable ZIP files to include the 'dfsi*' executables again
LVM Dialog: Fixed <F1> help to show the context sensitive LVM dialog help
MENU: FileFind/DelFind dialog enhanced with checkbox 'outside DIR space'
MENU: FileFind/DelFind dialog enhanced with persistent search argument
UI: Allow up to five checkboxes on value-prompt and DIR-selection dialogs
12.2 23-11-2014 ABOUT: fixed item count in 'Expert' help menu to again include the 'About' item
NEWMBR: -n and -N option to create MBR without any bootcode/NT-signature
DISPLAY: sector identification for empty MBR (just 55AA) to correct type
ALLOC: Update global info after 'alloc' command, enabling resizing menu items
Added 'part PID -a' hint on resizing menu items not being available message
CR: fixed auto LVM creation from the 'Create partition' dialog (lvm 1 -C ..)
EFAT: Added search for normal/deleted files to the recovery submenu
EFAT: DELFIND cmd, search deleted or renamed files/dirs by name fragment
EFAT: FILEFIND cmd, search normal files by name fragment (15 chars max)
EFAT: Fix DIR display (list) for FILE/STREAM entries spanning 2 sectors
EFAT: resolve FILE (85) from stream/name (c0/c1) DIR entries (filefind etc)
FIND: Better EFAT directory entry filtering for finding normal/deleted
FIND: Progress SN shown from start OBJECT, not start search (experimental)
PART: Made '-a' the default to show alloc info, enabling resizing menu items
SETBOOT -disk:* updates ALL installed bootmanagers, and is now the default
TRACE: Removed extra debug info display from (WIN32) TxFileSize
12.1 10-09-2014 AL command, show allocation free/used for specified LSN and optional size
BATCH command, added '-?' usage help and '?' for batch status display
Binary display current sector (Hexdump) keyboard shortcut changed to Ctrl+B
Buffersize adjust restore IMZ: AUTO in BASIC-mode, confirm once for EXPERT
CREATE keep correct minimum size for first logical (move up to cylinder 1)
DIALOG 'Partition Table Edit' (PTE), fix PT-entry line to get initial focus
DIALOG 'Set Geometry', automatically set RADIO buttons to match current L-GEO
DISK warning about OS/2 non-standard sectors/track fixed for disks > 1 TiB
EFAT BOOTSYNC: calculate CRC and write to one or both boot areas (sync)
EFAT SAVETO implemented for files, directories, and bitmap+upcase sysfiles
EFAT Volume Label recgonition from Root directory in table / part -V
EFAT bootsector recognition in MBR or GPT partitions and Large-Floppy
EFAT directory including alloc display and list -f type filename display
EFAT formatted display for bootsector, ALLOC display based on clusters
EFAT implementation of Bitmap caching and ALLOC functionalty using bitmap
EFAT list -f and detailed-directory displays debug and touch-up TZ format
EFAT list -f calculate percentage of correct allocation (recoverability)
EFAT, completed the Mode=EFAT menu, derived from the regular FAT one
FAT(32) list -f calculate percentage of correct allocation (recoverability)
FAT-FS display selected dir-entry in statusline next to 'this' sector-nr
HELP/SCROLLBUFFER: Reverse search keyboard shortcut now Ctrl+R (was Ctrl+B)
LVM 'pid -C' option: CLEAR LVM-signature (BBR) for one non-0x35 type partition
LVM -d:x -C' or '-C' option: CLEAR LVM-signature from ALL non-0x35 partitions
LVM auto create MBR DLAT with prompted disk-name on 1st LVM info for a disk
MENU Edit, display BATCH-mode status, and allow toggle ON or OFF
MENU Mode=Fdisk, LVM, 'Clear BBR on non-LVM partitions' wipes obsolete LVM-sig
PART ERROR CHS/LBA-offset mismatch below cyl-1024, changed to a WARNING
PART WARNING for non LVM (0x35) partitions that DO have an LVM BBR sector
PART WARNING if LVM DLAT size or startsector do not match partition table
PRESTORE, suppress 'test on virtual disk first' hint when disk IS a virtual
RESTORE, fixed size related bug in restoring multiple-file compressed image
SAVETO automatic get FAT directory entry from Sectorlist after .NNN select
SLT build implemented for the EFAT filesystem, including reserved areas
SLT build, change end-of-disk marker to '***** max *****' no number value
Startup, echo the DFSee invocation commandline to the screen and logfile
12.0 10-06-2014 ALLOC partition map support for DUMPFS (dump usually smaller than partition)
BASIC aware dialogs for set-LVM and CREATE-partition operations
BASIC aware menus for File, Edit, Actions, Display, Help and mode=FDISK
BASIC aware menus for HPFS, NTFS, JFS, Reiser, XFS, HFS, EXT2-3, SWAP and AUX
CHECK on NTFS partitions: suppress 'bad fixup structure' message on empty MFT's
CLONE, IMAGE, FIND, File-recovery: 'Confirm' to 'Ignore' after an error
CREATE dialog: default for 'allow multiple primaries' changed to TRUE
DFSDISK dialog: default changed to 'Search on Cylinder and MiB boundaries'
DFSEDIT batch/cmd script; Avoid interpreting any physical disks using -d-
DUMPFS filesystem support to show OS/2 dump partition contents (DUMPFS.IFS)
GREP, search the output text window, and present search-results in a list
HELP, Added lists/searching to HELP command and Help menu, including GREP
HELP, added interface to load helpsections from external text files
HELP, consolidated TXwindows and Script help information, incl DFSee variables
HELP, implemented GREP like search, with result-list and toggle key <F8>
HELP, implemented item and sections lists and help-search dialog
HELP: '/' key as alias for the <F7> function key to start the search dialog
HELP: search dialog 'titles only' option; <F8> footer text in GREP list
HEXED, fixed 'IM -A-' option to prevent FILE appending using the INSERT key
IMAGE/CLONE dialog: default for 'smart' changed to FALSE (max reliability)
IMZ2RAW, no PSN limit check on writing to FILE object, to allow extending
LOADHELP command to add additional help contents like user hints and tips
LVMCLEAN wipes obsoletes LVM DLAT sectors in the MBR track (sect 1 .. 254)
MENU Edit, added new item to switch between BASIC and EXPERT user interface
MENU Mode=FDISK MBR area, added selection for 'Wipe LVM sectors MBR-area'
MENU2HTML, make menu doc generator (PHP/HTML) 'BASIC' aware
PCLEAR L now includes clearing all LVM DLAT sectors in MBR track (LVMCLEAN)
SEARCH, or '/' search (backwards) through the output text window for any phrase
SET EXPert on/off/toggle sets or toggles the UI mode between BASIC and EXPERT
Sample scripts directory cleaned up for all platform versions
Startup switch '-expert' switches directly to EXPERT mode (default is BASIC)
TXLIB: Added 'switch to Expert mode' hint after each help item
TXLIB: MENU2HTML change fixed 'txmshots' DIR to specified prefix
User interface updated to allow a 'BASIC' mode, easier to master than 'EXPERT'
WARNING, calculate OS/2 65535 cylinder limit from geometry, not fixed 255/63
WARNING, no 65535 cyl limit warnings if NO OS/2 FS present, and not on OS/2
WIPE, allow switching from strategy 'Confirm' to 'Ignore' after an error
WIPE, honnor the -E:strategy switch/option to continue after bad sectors
H I S T O R Y 1 1 . X
11.7 15-03-2014 Desktop creation dfswpobj.cmd added to ZIP distribution, OS2 directory is now 'bin'
Desktop creation dfswpobj.cmd update to match WPI (and then some, thanks Lewis!)
Display Geometry+Status in menu, and on F7 function key, 'vol' now a-F7
Display change 'HcSC:' instead of 'CHS' for part-table entry 3-byte combos
Fixed help reference for new-MBR, ERASE tables menu selection
Fixed opening 'File' menu at startup, just select it, but no actual open
GEO (startup) force H64/S32 when partitions seem to be aligned to 1-MiB (0x800)
NOBADS on NTFS, set $Bad attribute to default size (to avoid third-party bugs!)
PART / ReadDiskInfo, fixed minor BMGR labeling bugt when no LVM info present
RESTORE expand buffer if image (IMZ) geometry requires that, with confirmation
Removed duplicate 'P' and 'D' accelerator keys from Mode=FDISK menu pulldown
Removed several other duplicate menu accelerator keys from main and submenus
SCAN (and others) termination error on OS2 and 255 sectors/track geo, fixed
SET GEOCALC, reset forced geometries when switching 'geocalc' ON or OFF
Show opened object details in app-title; show title on a 28-line screen too
VCU (Apply default LVM info): fixed crash when used on an empty disk
WPI install script updated, with improvements submitted by Lewis Rosenthal
11.6 15-07-2013 Add Windows (NT/XP/W7/W8) lastError description on 'unknown errors' RC 1
Add Windows (NT/XP/W7/W8) lastError description on reading a bad sector
Avoid driveletter display bug on Windows FAT(32) by ignoring dirty flag
Evaluation expiration date (run without a key) extended to end of 2013
Fix line-wrap in Help->Exe startup switches; Allow numeric logfilename
Fixed URL's to help/about and presentations in the various readme files
Improved warning messages 'BIOS versus OS size' on OS/2 cyl. > 65535
Refresh DFSee tables from disk before displaying disk-map from the menu
SCAN fixed non functioning '-a-' option on SCAN command to suppress auto-ID
Show currently opened/active logfile with 'log -?' or 'log ?'
Updated 'Geometry Dn from :' to 'Disk n L-Geo from', with 'PSN' in 8 digits
Updated usage text on 'lvmshow -?' to document the '0' parameter
11.5 01-01-2013 ALIGNEXT non-zero RC if no room for alignment or other error
CLONE Confirmation popup after a write-error on cloning (continue/abort)
CLONE Log errors to screen/logfile on read while cloning, even when using -E:I
CR Added cylinder-alignment when positioning from END of freespace
DFSDISK added the updated DFSDPROC script to actual distribution
DFSUSB32 create bootable-stick script made a little more robust
DISK/PART Continue partition analysis when no MBR/EBR 55AA sig, but valid tables
DISK/PART Specific error/warning when MBR or EBR has no 55AA sig, but valid table
HELP #834 fixed spelling error 'AVCTIVE' partition to 'ACTIVE'
IMAGE Log read errors to screen/logfile on create image, even when using -E:I
LIST mention IMPORT command when trying to use an empty Sectorlist
NTFS DIRFIND 'not implemented' error message fixed; Build on W500
NTFS descriptive message if $Volume MFT has no VolumeInfo attrib
NTFS update volume serialnr and display bootsector, use 16 digits
PART show LVM diskname even if no partitions are listed in DLAT
PSAVE/DFSDISK fixed crash with the MAC version on writing the .PDx files
RESTORE Confirmation popup after a write-error on restore image (continue/abort)
SMART Fixed alloc info for MBR area in dfsFdskSetNewArea() used for 'Smart'
STARTABLE Setting a primary ACTIVE does no longer hide all other primaries on disk
TXLIB Keyboard added hack for altGr+backslash to '\' for German keyboards
WARNING No 'alignext' hint on 'partition overlaps DLAT' for a primary partition.
WINDOWS GetLastError TRACE on failing Create/Write/ReadFile Win32 calls
WINDOWS Improved error code on write errors (rc 1 -> GetLastError())
11.4 14-09-2012 DFSDISK correct full display multiple-FS superblocks from bsfind
EDIT binary-file, fix bogus error popup if 'this' SN too large
FILE fixed help-page numbering for 'File->Trace to cyclic' files
MENU Mode=EXT2+3 changed to EXT2_3 for correct menu DOC generation
MENU SCRIPT added create type 0x07 HPFS/JFS/NTFS USB disk/stick
MENU SCRIPT added create type 0x35 classic JFS USB disk/stick
MENU2HTML static HTML generation updated for the new scripts menu
VIRT no hint to 'restore to virtual disk first' if this IS a virtual
11.3 22-08-2012 ALIGNEXT command to delete/recreate (first) logical for alignment
ALIGNEXT menu-items in FDISK menu, for disk or specific partition
BSFIND allow finding superblocks for multiple filesystems
DFSDISK allow finding superblocks for multiple filesystems
DFSDISK avoid false interpretation of BBR driveinfo as HPFS spare
DFSDISK now finds JFS super on GEO with 127/255 sectors/track
DFSUSB32 procedure updated to support 1-partition 32GB boot stick
DFSUSB32 added menu item on bootmenu for Ultimate Boot CD 5.xx ISO
DIR displays in FS, optimize list display options for file recovery
EXPORT Sectorlist, include the info byte (FAT DIR entry nr)
GEO -! option starts dialog to show/set system and logical geometry
GEO -d:nr option first selects specified disk before acting on GEO
GEO reported size for logical geometry changed (back) to C * H * S
IMPORT Sectorlist, include the info byte (FAT DIR entry nr)
JFS accept and warn about JFS superblock with BAD signature digit
JFS file recovery, changed 2GB/4GB filesize limit (32bit) to 2TB
JFS new 'SET FS' submenu, FS status, version and signature
JFS/NTFS display allocation extents limit to 32, unless verbose (-v)
JFS/NTFS file recovery on OS/2, use the LargeFile API on DosOpen
MENU 'Search partition + FS info' multiple and new filesystems
MENU Mode=FDISK new submenu for partition-table cleanup and repair
MENU Mode=FDISK new submenu to open/select a whole disk to work on
MENU Mode=FDISK new submenu to show/set geometry for selected disk
NEXT command as alias for 'd' command and 'Ctrl+N' or Enter key
OSX version for MAC: fixed minor display anomaly for active buttons
RECOVER statusline progress in recovery of large files (x of y MiB)
RESTORE fix ignored explicit start-sector on RAW/IMZ (since 11.1)
SBSIG command on JFS, set signature digit to correct value
SCRIPT New 'EXIT label WHEN (cond)' conditional break for loops
SCRIPT New 'LOOP .. ENDLOOP label' script control structure
SCRIPT optional label on all loops and on break/exit-when statements
SCRIPT syntax warning at runtime if target label for break not found
SYNCLVM setting (OS2 only) toggle menu item added to Edit menu
WARNING added for EBR-to-logical-BOOTSEC larger than 1 track
11.2 01-07-2012 DIRFIND support -t:type option to find DIRs or files only
DOS and WIN version compressed with UPX 3.08 and --best option
EXT2/3 Add superblock, group-descr and bitmaps to EXT2/3 SLT build
FAT 16/32 implemented expanding (RESIZE), for same clustersize only
FAT DIRFIND fix additional list information (dir entry#)
FAT DIRFIND fix '-l' option to automatically list results
FAT DIRFIND exclude long-filename DIR entries from result
FAT DIR view suppress deleted files unless the '-D' option is used
FAT Put list DIR entry# in separate byte; lifts 64GB FAT32 limit
FAT SLT display, shows long-filenames, unless -lfn- option
FAT SLT display, implement display of the path for file data
FAT ALLOC Set filesystem expand (RESIZE) limits for FAT12/16/32
FAT set cluster FAT value; Fixup DIR entries FAT-value for resize;
FAT16 fix DIR cluster identification on zeroed deleted entry
FAT16 fixed spurious garbage in SLT caused by long filenames
FAT32 fixed type display string for 2nd and 3rd bootsectors
FAT32 free-clusters in 2nd bootsector, based on own ALLOC now
FAT32 update free-clusters in 2nd bootsector, new calculation
FATSHOW '-c:cluster#' option shows FAT starting from cluster
GPT 'SET GPT' command, sets automatic GPT interpretation on/off
GPT -gptauto commandline switch sets GPT interpretation on/off
GPT Added display of GPT partition table array contents
GPT Implemented GPT freespace handling
GPT Implemented ReadGptPartitions & partition displays for GPT
GPT Implemented CRC checks on GPT header and PT array
GPT Set MBR style partent type for a GPT for desired map color
GPT/LDM split EFI-GPT and Windows-LDM handling (incompatible format)
HFS Added superblocks and allocation bitmaps to HFS SLT build
HFS Display of (most of) the HFS superblock; MAP fixup for GPT
HFS Fixup disk naming for linux device; prepare for big-endian
HFS Implemented SMART capability for fast cloning and imaging
HFS Implemented bitmap block allocation display (ALLOC command)
HFS Implemented bitmap read and alloc-bit determination functions
HFS recognize HFS filesystem in MBR-style partitions type 0xAF
LIST -f, on FAT, shows long-filenames, unless -lfn- option
LIST -f now shows full path+filename on FAT, if SLT is available
LOG -logauto commandline switch sets LOG auto numbering on/off
LOG autonumber logfiles 001..999 using '^' as last filename char
MAP Keep disk graph as wide as possible for available screen width
MEDIA Removed obsolete media description from all but MAC version
MENU 'Edit -> Automatic logfile Numbering' togles setting
OS-X Explicit hint to UNMOUNT whole disk before writing with DFSee
PSAVE fix binary incompatibility between 11.2 and previous versions
SET LOG command, sets automatic LOG file numbering on/off
SLT display, display compacter, more room for file path column
WIPESECURE Added better logging/reporting to DoD 5220 wiping
11.1 21-03-2012 Fixed '-Q' bug on clone, restore and wipe without any parameters
Added "run as administrator" hint for Vista and Windows-7 only
BMGR install, fix Abort when previous operation failed; (batch)
BSFIND allow (additional) search on MiB boundaries (Win-7/Vista)
CLONE Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
COMP Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
CSLIST documented now, and enhanced with MiB boundary capability
DFSDISK dialog and cmd, allow (additional) search on MiB boundaries
Discard P-geo size on OS/2 when more than 1-cylinder difference
FIND allow (additional) search on MiB boundaries (Win-7/Vista)
FS Allow abort FAT-CRC loop whith 'fs fat32' on a FAT16 filesystem
GENPART allow -b:'basename' option instead of 2nd parameter
PART Explicitit mention of L-Geo for OS/2 > 65535 cylinder warning
PART No 'invalid bootsector' msg on open of Linux or swap partition
PART Non-critical IBM BMGR warnings made minor (multiple disks)
PART Non-std cylinder-alignment now MINOR warnings (Win-7/Linux)
PART Set mode=EXT2 on 0x83 partition without superblocks, not AUX
PTEDIT dlg sort table on ENTER while a sort button has focus
PTEDIT dlg added help on using SPACE to operate sort buttons
PTEDIT log disk and partition details on each table display
PTEDIT up/down keys now navigate between fields and buttons too
RESTORE Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
RESTORE/COMPARE get correct size for multiple-RAW image files
RESTORE/COMPARE show number of files for multi-file image set
Updated DFSee signature to '11' in bootrecord for HPFS fixboot
Use GEOMETRY_EX only for XP and up; error fallback to GEOMETRY
WIPE Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
11.0 21-12-2011 CR -Y:n sets prefered entry for new EBR extended containers
CR -X:n sets prefered entry for new MBR extended container
CR default MBR entry 3 (last) slot for new extended container
CREATE dlg prefered table entry for partition, MBR and EBR
Disksize shown including partial last cylinder whenever possible
EXPORT include FS specific command pragma line in export file
FAT sync warning text update to use FATSIM+FATWRIM as a combo
FDISK menu 'Set base to Freespace area' for easy (edit) access
FILE dialog Added sort-indicators on file/dir lists in dialog
FILE dialog Support sorting in file dialog DIR/FILE windows
FILE dialog Sort on Volume popup window using Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F9
File recovery, ignore errors on searching from menu (optional)
GENPART, generate -X and -Y options on all logical partitions
GEO fixed recalculate cylinders when H/S changes (broken in ver10.9)
GEO forced Always overrule existing geo when forced is set (virtual)
GEO source Ignore PT if sect/track larger than 63 (OS/2 huge disk)
GEO traces More information on geo calculation in trace output
IMAGE command Fix for used buffersize > 64KB with 4096 byte sectors
IMPORT automatic FS specific command execute, like IRS for JFS
JFS IRS command sets Inode Recovery Signature, after (quick) format
JFS menu 'Find ANY after FORMAT' find any INODES after quick format
JFS 'IRS 0' sets recovery signature wildcard, find any possible INODES
JFS/HPFS BPB-letter shown in partition detailed view (letter/data)
JFS/HPFS PPB versus LVM driveletter mismatch warning when bootable
MBR recognize Plop Boot Manager code on MBR-sector display
Make sure DFSDISK/DFSCHECK scripts run in batch mode (no popups)
NTFS automatically recognized in a type 0x12 recovery partition
NTFS MFT-seq number to a few NTFS related error messages in CHECK
NTFS better reporting of bad fixup structures on NTFS system structures
NTFS various display and analysis fixes to support 4KB sector sizes
OS-X HFS+ partition type 0xAF added to partition type displays
OS2 buffer Maximum buffer size phys disk I/O set to 127 (< 64KB)
PART ERROR active-extended changed to WARNING, and removed fix hint
PART fixed incorrect assigning of IBM BMGR labels (Linux EBR sectors)
RECOVER count BAD_STRUCTURE errors as failures on file recovery
Sort Partitions on various partition lists using Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F9
Sort Volumes on various volume lists using Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F9
H I S T O R Y 1 0 . X
10.9 10-06-2011 GEO forced Always overrule existing geo when forced is set (virtual)
GEO source Ignore PT if sect/track larger than 63 (OS/2 huge disk)
GEO traces More information on geo calculation in trace output
OS2 buffer Maximum buffer size phys disk I/O set to 127 (< 64KB)
10.8 22-05-2011 FIND dlg Allow double quote characters in search string values
FORMAT dlg Allow single quote characters in filesystem label field
FORMAT dlg Set bootcode type correctly for FAT32 -o:'9' = Win9x/ME
IMAGE etc Set RW-RW-RW- file mode to newly created files on Linux and Mac
FILE dlg Show directory and file list SORTED on filename on Linux and Mac
FILE dlg Avoid 'dead-end' directories without the '..' entry on Linux
PART Recognize large floppy with MSWIN4.1 correctly as FAT16
Windows Show minor version 6.10 in 'about' as Windows-7, not Vista
10.7 25-04-2011 alloc Notify user when aborted, reset the Used/Free info
BMGR menu Default to current BMGR timeout on value-prompt
DISK size Linux better size/geometry support for disks > 500GB
EDIT <F2> Reset 'this' start lsn after selecting other object
FAT16 USB Script to create a FAT16 data stick/disk; max 2GB
Mode=xxx File Recovery menu now named "File Find/Recover/HEXedit"
File / DIR Binary edit Data (file/dir contents) for a path
File / DIR Binary edit Info (fnode/inode/MFTrec) for a path
File / DIR Find or recover ONE file, now for Mode=FAT too
IMZINFO Support large files on Linux for info display
OS/2 limit Warning 65535 cylinders, less frequently shown
PART table Adjusted some column widths to allow terabyte disk sizes
PSAVE etc Fix size display in several places for 4KB/sector disks
RESTORE Fixed TxFileExists for large files > 2GB on Linux
RESTORE Support large files on Linux on auto-detect IMZ
Startup Add ADMIN hint if no disks are seen at all (WIN7)
geocalc Fixed trap when LVM DLAT is in a non-std location
hex edit Faster startup, fixed spurious trap on starting
hex edit Add extra prev/next item buffer for large screens
hex edit Fix buffer-contents on PgUp/PgDn if screen > item
long tasks No abort with <Esc> in batch (-b switch or -B option)
10.6 10-01-2011 DFSF32ST Script to partition+format a USB-stick using FAT32
DFSTART Fixed bug causing premature abort of DFSDPROC script
GEOCALC DLAT for 255, 127, 63 preferred; duplicate warning
MBR Recognize Lenovo factory preloaded MBR (W500)
MBR Recognize generic english MBR from Windows-7
MENU Added 'Scripts' menu to run (standard) DFSee scripts
MENU Disabled items display 'reason' info on selection
NTFS Fix trap at open partition with corrupt LOGRECORD
PART -fs:x Initialize for specified filesystem, not detected one
SCAN Reword message on using -b:1; Explain Sectorlist
SETB Add -Q- option to suppress automatic-quit from a script
WARNING Fix table entry for missing (1st) EBR signature
10.5 27-07-2010 EXT2/3 Display and edit of UUID value with "uuid" command
JFS Display and edit of UUID value with "uuid" command
JFS CHECK More verbose JFS IAG dump when pedantic (-p)
NTFS CHECK Better ALLOC message if no $Bitmap info available
Recover Translate illegal chars in 8.3 filename conversion
ReiserFS Display and edit of UUID value with "uuid" command
ReiserFS Fixed crash on selecting the Mode=Reiser menu
SLT/CHECK Added lost/link area count/size summary on display
Script Don't execute result value of an assignment with comment
Warning Bootable JFS/HPFS partition without an LVM driveletter
Warning Volume-serial duplicate, reworded, display only once.
10.4 23-05-2010 DFSeeHow HOWTO documentation PDF file updated for version 10.x
DFSusb32 documentation file dfsusb32.txt updated for DFSee upgrade
Dialogs Fixed incorrect open position Clone and Format dialogs
JFS LDR Adjusted size to (now) documented 31 sectors (was 34)
JFS (boot) Display bootsector code updated to eCS 2.0 GA level
JFS (boot) Fixboot bootsector code updated to eCS 2.0 GA level
Resize flg in XML only set to YES for DFSee resizable filesystem
WARNING if LBA BR-offset smaller than sectors/track (LVM corrupt)
10.3 06-05-2010 FAT DIRTY Added check/update for documented flags in FAT area
FAT open Dont search 2nd FAT if 1st not found (long delay)
FAT open Report dirty status on open (from Bootrec and FAT)
USB stick Increased size of image to 934 MiB (stick >= 1 GB)
geo Fixed forcing GEO back to the original (S) values
imz2raw Fixed empty file bug (could not write after EOF)
linux Fix for kernel 2.6.34 stat fail on large disks
setboot -disk:nr option can force (BMGR) disk to work on
10.2 28-03-2010 Boot image Updated USBASPI.SYS to much newer 2.27, dated 2008
geo Retain correct base PSN if a partition was selected
LVM dialog Indicate 'sync LVM engine' as NOT RECOMMENDED
MBR code Recognize another variant of the OS/2 2.x MBR code
Menu BM/LVM removed duplicate shortcut letter 'I'
Menu Wipe Added comment on removables to final message
Menu Wipe Start of disk, now wipes 32 MiB instead of 10
Menu Actions -> Create bootable (USB) disk
Menu Display -> Show Partition Table Sector, MBR or EBR
Menu Wipe MBR sector for a disk (FDISK menu)
Menu Wipe Bootsector for a partition (filesystem menus)
RUN cmd Fixed problem with quoting (spaces, params)
Script Fixed trap on single WHILE/FOR/IF on last line
Script Fixed trap when 'until' is missing for a 'do'
Script Add expression/variable substitution to single-step popup
Script Confirm single-step execute line, and allow script cancel
Script Allow . as placeholder in script positional $n parameters
Script Added verbose and single-step option to RUN file dialog
Script Single-Step + Verbose check-box in singlestep popup
USB stick Added DFSUSB32.dfs script to prepare a bootable stick
10.1 01-01-2010 502G disk Made this an 'informational' message on OS/2
AUX mode Add warning popup if AUX mode is activated
Bootable CD/Diskette added info on SATA legacy mode
FDISK menu Prestore dialog added comment on restore types
FORMAT FAT Fixed system label to contain 10.x (use VLABEL)
MBR code Recognize PendriveLinux Multi-ISO boot from USB
MBR NTsig Changed default to DF5ee100, eye catcher value
MENU Format: avoid find 2nd FAT area (very slow!)
SCAN Fix reported count when error-strategy is 'quit'
SCAN menu Force '-E:i' to always retry with single sector
STORE Use A/B instead of 1/2 as store identification
Sw -dir EXE startup switch, file directory (scripts, key)
Sw -screen Linux EXE switch, force screen size like 112x39
USB-stick Bootable DFSee ISO from USB stick using GRUB
10.0 01-11-2009 502G disk OS/2 warning if disk > 502 GiB normal limit
64K warn OS/2 or eCS incompatible with > 64K cylinders
A sn size Fixed multi sector ASCII display output format
CD/FLOPPY Choice between 28 or 50 lines display at startup
CD/FLOPPY FreeDOS updated to latest kernel/command.com
CD/FLOPPY New IDE driver, XMS manager and ramdisk updated
CD/FLOPPY Optional load of (Iomega) FireWire driver added
CDROM boot fixed availability of HPFS/JFS/NTFS-LDR images
CHS warn No CHS warnings if #sects > 63 (eCS > 500GB)
CLONE Added 'reboot' advisory popup after completion
CR No size adjust primary, if not at MBR track
CR Align to cyl-start if prev END is not aligned
CSLIST -s Add cylinder-aligned sectors to sector-list
DFSDOS VOL Fixed size/freespace for drives > 2GB, filedialogs
FAT Fixed display bugs with just one FAT area
HEX dump Default size full sector if display >= 40 lines
JFS super Always warn for superblocks/part size mismatch
KEY Support major versions over 9 in key checks
LIST Export/Import preserves list display format
LIST Export/Import store/display drive/disk/part
Menu Mode=Fdisk -> Wipe (EBR) TRACK-1 reserved sectors
Menu Edit->Settings->Status prompt after each command
PART view Show decimal size in sectors if no LVM/BMGR
PART -s -u Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
PART -v Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
PART -xml Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
PART pid Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
PTE No 'smart' field updates when type set to 0
RESIZE and EXPAND added '?' and '-?' help on command
SCAN Fix progress reporting when not at LSN 0
SCRIPT Fixed BREAK from FOR loop, break just one level
WARNING Linux device-nr too large, only for nr > 63
WARNING Type 0F extended container, made a minor warning
H I S T O R Y 9 . X X
9.15 21-03-2009 CD-boot and diskette, ramdisk now 12MB, boots on 16MB machine
DFSxFSx Analysis scripts support current object (large-floppy)
EDIT Binary file, allow spaces in path+filename
EDIT "File in Binary Editor", textual menu change
EDIT Hex file, used item size based on screen width
EDIT Max nr of bytes/row to 133 in HEX editor
EDIT Fix trap with > 50 bytes/row in hex editor
FAT Fix open/format traps with 2048 byte sectors
FORMAT Support 2048 byte sectors (FAT filesystems)
MENU File, open object, Freespace area as logical
RECOVER Warning to use ANOTHER partition as destination
RESTORE partition info, extra confirmation when no prompts
RESTORE Show restored size/offset with -S option
RESTORE Fixed restore of .IMG file with -S option
RESTORE Fixed restore to 'corrupt' (NTFS) partition
SAVETO Warning to use ANOTHER partition as destination
SCREEN Support screen/window sizes up to 500 columns
9.14 07-02-2009 RESIZE Fix 'ACTIVE' flag lost on expand (again)
ntsign Added -query and -v display options
Profile Correctly execute from path with spaces
MBR id Recognize 'Symantec/Norton Partition Magic'
PART -V Fixed display of HPFS spare sector (0x11)
9.13 11-10-2008 COPY No change part-type to HIDDEN (multiple visible prim)
GENPART Use explicit HEX partition-type in the script
HELP Added Partition Type help chapter in Help menu
LVM dlg Updated help for driveletters and 'sync LVM'
MENU Fixed 'filename with spaces' issues for IM etc
MOVE Display overview as a table, not as a 'map'
MOVE Make MOVE/COPY commands use explicit HEX type
MOVE No change part-type to HIDDEN (multiple visible prim)
PART Fixed freespace line formatting for Linux and MAC
PART Partition type 0xBC (acronis-ZS) recognized
PART Partition type 0xBF (Solaris ZFS) recognized
Profile template is now 'proftemp.dfs' user: profile.dfs
RESIZE No change part-type to HIDDEN (multiple visible prim)
SCRIPT Added fileselect(), filesaveas() and dirselect()
9.12 30-08-2008 DIALOGS image, restore, clone, create; use explicit HEX
IKEYxxx Changed to be a generic template replacement utility
MENU Make 'change partitiontype' use explicit HEX numbers
NTSIGN Changed parameter to be decimal by default, not hex
PART Make labels (-b-) the default for Linux and MAC too
PROFILE Default (empty) profile.dfs made part of distribution
SCRIPT Fix broken function-name parsing in ver 9.11
SERIAL Changed parameter to be decimal by default, not hex
SET Help text on 'set radix' or 'set radix -?' improved
TYPE Set 'class' of 2nd parameter to be a partition-type
9.11 16-08-2008 JFS Minor textual update in filefind dialog text
MENU 'Find and Recover ONE file' for HPFS/NTFS/JFS
MENU Add help on SCRIPT flow-control and layout
MENU Add help on built-in functions and variables
MENU Added/Moved 'Find ONE file/dir' by full path
Numbers Allow hex/dec/octal on most parameter values
Numbers Changed default radix for ALL values to DECIMAL
RUN Help on flow-control, functions and variables
SCRIPT Implemented lazy evaluation on OR, AND, ||, &&
SCRIPT Add control-structure help text function
SCRIPT Fixed bug in STREQ and related operators
SCRIPT Added BREAK and CONTINUE loop controls
SCRIPT Added pragma and built-in function help
SCRIPT Fixed parameter bug in left() and right()
9.10 20-07-2008 FAT FS Hint to use FORMAT when bootsector is empty
MEDIA Allow upto 24 IDE/SCSI disk on Linux (hdX/sdX)
PART Added details to 'invalid partition table nr'
SETBOOT Allow colon on /IBD:C: syntax
9.09 24-04-2008 CR Create a valid new BBR on type 0x35 for 'create NEW'
SBVER Command for JFS, set JFS version (to OS/2 or Linux)
Mode=JFS menu, added item to set JFS filesystem version
9.08 18-04-2008 CR Clear BBR on type 0x35 for 'create NEW mode'
IMAGE Added warning on using SMART with recovery to help
RESIZE Added 'limitations' to help, supported FS
RESTORE Added informational REBOOT message popup at end
9.07 22-02-2008 DFSDISK Generate full disk-overview in XML format too (.RDF)
LVMsync Fixed close-all-disks to LVM engine (sync LVM)
OS2-EXE Supports using IBM BLDLEVEL now (when NOT compressed)
PART Changed 0x12 type description to 'Recovery'
QUERY DR/PR option tests for removable disk/partition
QUERY DY option tests for 'large floppy format' disk
Resolve variables, '$$' in expression resolves to '$' value
SET VAR command, switch $var substitution in commands ON/OFF
SLT dlg Minor textual update to cancel-SLT build popup dialog
Sw: -$- EXE startup switch, $var substitution in commands OFF
9.06 06-01-2008 TxWin Added double-buffering to reading VIO screen (traps)
defaults Set bad-sector retries to be -A:1 (was 5)
warnings Duplicate driveletters, extra text for WIN
9.05 01-01-2008 cmdline Fix syntax error on single '$' characters (9.03/9.04)
disk R/W Allow OS2 physical disk handle-value ZERO (TSHELL)
format Warnings about 'large floppy' FAT32 on OS/2
geocalc Allow sectors/track upto 255 (DANIS506, 2 TiB disks)
list Fixed decimal value shown for very large values
menu Show error 'item currently disabled' on mousclick too
menubar Add application version to right side of menubar
menu run Allow DFSee quit from script ran from the menu
part Warnings about 'large floppy' FAT32 on OS/2
quit Do not exit with the 0x251 DFS_QUIT as rc (make it 0)
run Abort script run when parameter prompt is canceled
script Quit script (and app) on application 'q' command
9.04 09-12-2007 CR menu Fixed enable/disable of CR/BM-install menu items
FileDlg Fix directory read for DOS version (Watcom 1.7 bug!)
Geocalc Ignore deleted (type 00) partitions in MBR tables
LVM Set correct drive-link seq-nr (P#1262, Mantis 1572)
LVM -c Fix drive-link sequence numbers that are ZERO
Menu Edit -> Set Geometry contents based, toggle 'geocalc'
PART xml Add specific warning for LVM sequence-nr ZERO
SCRIPT Implemented error ignore/quit/confirm logic
SCRIPT Implemented setting $_rc system variable on commands
SET geo Set 'geocalc' disk contents based geometry ON or OFF
9.03 25-11-2007 CLONE pri-to-pri, fix automatic FIXPBR 'to' part
CMDLINE Allow input of <> when not at start cmdline
CMDLINE Implemented DFSee host variables $_name
CMDLINE Support $variable and {expression} evaluation
JFS -v More info on damaged Inode with startup switch -p
LIST -c Fixed incorrect leading '-l-' option
MENU JFS fixboot, driveletter prompt for bootable JFS
RESIZE Fixed 'ACTIVE' flag being lost on expand
SCRIPT Support named local variables in scripts (perl like)
SCRIPT Support expressions and builtin functions (perl like)
SCRIPT Allow direct disk-read using $_h_sector[secnr]
SCRIPT Added comma-operator to expressions (for loops)
SCRIPT Added tree-based parsing and linenr error reporting
SCRIPT Do not execute lines resolving to empty string
SCRIPT Fix empty string variables like $_p_label
9.02 10-10-2007 ABOUT Updated registration key text for temporary keys
CLEANUP Add reset ACTIVE flag for logicals, rework code
CREATE Fix type freespace on create log between primaries
FIXBOOT Fixed missing bytes for FAT32 with Win9x bootcode
MBR Added Windows Vista MBR recognition for display
MENU Add 'wipe first disk track' (except MBR/LVM)
MENU Disable Bootmanager items if BMGR is not present
MENU2HTML -h option generates static HTML pages, not PHP
NTFS next-lsn preserved on auto-display related MFT
OUTPUT Added 'underscore' separator line after each command
PART -xml added 'beyondenddisk' warning property
fstype 0x27 for IFShidden, like VISTA pre-install
skipfs startup switch, skips Fs on part listing
9.01 09-09-2007 Alloc Added 'alloc map, F9, to Reiser and EXT2+3 menus
Clone Avoid 2nd dialog after clone size warning popup
Create menu, removed inaccessible disks from freespace lists
Create Add 'BJFS' for a bootable JFS partition type 0x07
Help Several minor updates to various help pages
Menu Bootmanager Install, item added to "Mode=FDISK" menu
Menu/Dlg Partition selection lists, skip empty disks
Menu2html creates (PHP) documentation for active pulldown menu
Mode=FAT Improved FAT filerecovery search options handling
Move Fix MOVE to begin freespace, fail to clone (smart)
PART Dont close default store when 'large-floppy' present
Unmount From the File menu, allow unmounting 'dummy' disks too
9.00 16-08-2007 Icons Updated OS/2 and Win Icons to match the V9 release
APMAP Show Apple-Partion-MAP in first track when present
BMFIX BMGR, default to NO I13X check, allow GRUB/Win MBR
DARWIN First port for MAC OS X 'terminal' using GCC 4.x
DFSIMAGE CMD/BAT, added a 'raw' parameter for image creation
DIRTY Update menu-item enable/disable after changing status
EBR Show classic IBM Bootmanager menu name in display
EDIT Disassembler on <F2> or '-d'; Step, Save to file etc
EXT2/3 Added more info to the superblock display
EXT2/3 Add group descriptor structure read & display
EXT2/3 Area aware allocation logic (disk-level smart)
EXT2/3 Allocation bitmap logic; alloc, smart image/clone
Edit -> BMGR items moved to 'Fdisk -> OS/2 LVM and Bootmanager'
EDIT Limit HEXED marked-area to a single object (sector)
FAT12 Fix wrong output on large clusters/small filesystem
FILEFIND Dialog, add 'search from current sector' checkbox
FIXBOOT Driveletter prompt dialog in JFS/HPFS menu selection
FIXBOOT HPFS, default to NO I13X check, allow GRUB/Win MBR
FIXBOOT Retain (boot) letter on JFS/HPFS when already there
Geocalc Add LVM DLAT disksize versus OS disksize sanity check
Geocalc Contents based geometry determination (sniffing)
Grub Display summary or details (0 -v) on GRUB MBR sectors
Grub Display details on GRUB bootsectors, incl boot device
Grub Display details from stage 1.5 or stage 2 data sectors
Grub Identify GRUB/LILO non-MBR sectors correct on display
HPFS id Fixed false 'alloc sector' identification empty sector
JFS Better sanity check on IAG filesystem structure data
LVM -n Fix trap when BootDiskId is not set yet for a disk
Linux Recognize JFS FS in 0x83 partition as well as 0x35
Linux Recognize JFS filesystem in 0x83 Linux partition
LinuxLVM Added type 0x87 to CR and change-type selection lists
MENU Made 'Bootmanager menu Add' generic LVM/non-LVM
MENU Updated bmfix menu wording, added I13X to help text
Mode=HFS in menu, recognition in PART display, limited support
Mode=XFS in menu, recognition in PART display, limited support
OS-cmds Allow external cmds on DOS/OS2 only (security issue)
PART Display GRUB summary on -v and -q, if GRUB present
PART Fixed trap on a garbage IBM bootmanager BMP sector
PART Improved rounding of MiB size values to be exact
PART -b Add 'related' column for Creator info or Linux ldr
PART -b- Added label info for EXT2/3 and Reiser filesystems
READ Allow read outside a partition (GRUB stage2, LVM etc)
REISER Implemented allocation map display and smart imaging
RESIZE Enable menus for FAT/HPFS/NTFS only, not EXT2/RSR
RESTORE (verify) updated confirmation text for readability
RESTORE Fix spurious CHS popup after completion of restore
SCRIPT Minor fix for script set-parameter using prompt text
SERIAL Improved batchmode use and wording of popup text
SWAP New mode, allows smart disk imaging skipping the SWAP
SWAP Identify Linux swapspace type1 and type2-v0 or -v1
Switches Interpret -x123 as a longname, not a value: -x:123
TERM Recognize RXVT terminal string as Xterm compatible
TRACE Set cyclic trace to create 9 files, in File menu
VCU Fixed for empty disks, and disks with logicals only
VIRT created from a .PDx, does auto restore of .IMx file
WARNING For sda/hda devicenumber too large (libATA and SCSI)
warnings Suppress disk-warnings too on -w- 'part' option
warnings Toned down the 'HiddenSectors' warning text a bit
warnings made aware of DFSee I13X patches for BMGR and MBR
H I S T O R Y 8 . X X
8.17 11-09-2007 Move Fix MOVE to begin freespace, fail to clone (smart)
8.16 13-05-2007 CR Fix IBM BootManager LSN string syntax in EBR sectors
CLONE Fixed disk-to-disk smart clone cluster-skip on FAT
EDIT hex Only use 32-byte wide startup at 140 columns or more
RESIZE Fixed expanding a LOGICAL resulting in bad alignment
SCAN New -skipbads option for quick scans, default 1 MiB
8.15 04-05-2007 CR -G:n Set GAP between p-table and bootsector for a logical
DFSTART Fixed check on (now obsolete) DFSDISK.DFS script file
EDIT Fix initial off-screen cursor when cursor not at start
IAG New command to display detailed IAG structures
ICONS Generic DFSee icon same for Linux, Windows and OS/2
JFS Add IAG automatic structure identify and display
JFS open Show more information on corrupt IAG data structures
LVM dlg F2/F5/F8 for HEX edit LVM DLAT, bootsector and BBR
MENU Add IAG structure display items, overview and detail
PART Recognize an empty MBR with Linux GRUB correctly
PTE dlg F2/F5/F8 for HEX edit p-table sector and bootsector
REPEAT Repeat any DFSee command, forever or specified number
8.14 12-04-2007 DFSCHECK add Reiser and Ext2/3 filesystems analysis scripts
Dist-ZIP add 'versionX.YY' file for quick version checking
Filename in dialogs, preserve single-quotes, allow "Log's"
Hex-edit Alt-E, Alt-J, Alt-K, Alt-S for cursor related marks
Hex-edit Add Alt-1 .. Alt-0 for 1..10 byte sized mark areas
Hex-edit Add Alt-R reverses bytes in mark (endian correction)
Hex-edit Add Alt-C for copy data, Alt-M for copy and move mark
Hex-edit Allow paste HEX-data from clipboard on a single line
LVM Dlg Allow setting of driveletter '*' for 'auto assign'
LVMSHOW fixed for showing info for partition on other disk
MENU File > Open Volume inform when object is a partition
Mouse Make right button available for OS (clipboard etc)
PART -w Warn on primary partition inside EXTended container
PART -w Explain 'Obsolete entry X' in LVM DLAT, run 'LVM -c'
PART -w Reword GPT/EFI warning, incl iMAC, allow total remove
PART -w Warning when I13X BMGR present, but no I13X MBR code
PTE Dlg Custom sort order fields + button, to allow any order
RESIZE Fix maximum size displayed for FAT in expand dialog
RESIZE Keep exact start-sector for non-aligned partitions
8.13 25-03-2007 BOOTINI On FAT(32), search for correct (ASCII) filename now
CLONE Reword error msg on opening non-formatted TO store
CLONE Reword warning on time-to-complete, hint at status
COPY and MOVE, fix offset for 1st primary on a disk (Cyl 0)
CR/LVM No clear of the BBR (LVM sig) area on new type 0x35
FILEFIND on FAT, fixed incorrect matching on DIR and filenames
FORMAT Use 1-sector buffer on quick-format (avoid USB bug)
JFS Fixed crash displaying a garbage filled superblock
LVMSHOW fix display of LVM info for a specific partition
MENU Add menu items BR code save/restore using RAW images
MENU Display -> LVM info for partition(s); show DLAT/BBR
MENU File -> Open Part/Volume verbose for more info
OS2 I/O Fix Ioctl TrackLayout param size (is cosmetic only)
REGKEY Verbose identification and status (shows expiration)
SUPER 2 JFS, display secondary superblock with 'super 2'
8.12 04-03-2007 CD Display current working directory without an error
CHECK NTFS, fix alloc error messages on split-tree DIR
CR dlg Fix size=1 sticking after a BMGR partition is made
FORMAT Use drive locking during format (on OS2 and Windows)
LOCK Support lock-by-driveletter for large floppy format
LVM dlg Update of driveletters works again (bug in 8.11)
MAP Fixed display of driveletter line with 'map * +'
MENU Display -> Other partition views; fixed, better help
MENU Mode=FDISK -> Set Partition -> Not active, clear flag
NTFS Recognize Windows Vista NTLDR sectors (named BOOTMGR)
PART LVM column aligned if > 98 cols, using max 114 cols
PART -b Align freespace lines for Linux in its default table
RESIZE Allow '*' for default/maximum size in the dialog
RESIZE NTFS, avoid empty bitmap extent on expanding the FS
RESIZE NTFS, avoid extra bitmap flushing after updating it
STORE Better understandable store description texts
WIPE -V Perform an all-sector verify by reading back
8.11 18-02-2007 BOOTSECT enhanced display, BPB-Geo/dsk L-geo, JFS bootcode
DESKTOP Fixed auto resize on startup, using MODE command
DISK Switch to Mode=xxFS on large-floppy-format disks
FORMAT + FIXBOOT support Veit Kannegieser's OS2LDR.SEK code
IMAGE Dialog, fix empty 'start' value messing up command
LVM Create LVM signature area for LVM/JFS partition types
LVM Suppress 'BAD' warning on fakeEBR display (fixed Geo)
LVM dlg Allow empty Vol/Part/Letter fields to mean delete
LVMsync Change default to NO synchronize to avoid problems
MAP Show PRM & large-floppy 'removable' status when known
MAP Show large-floppy: FS-format, label, driveletter
MAP -m Reworded int13 limit message line for more clarity
MENU Actions -> Format with FAT filesystem -> new submenu
MENU Actions -> Format ... -> Current, OS2LDR Large Floppy
MENU Remove mode=FDISK duplicate 'D' accellarator key
MENU Exclude removables from 'Boot using IBM Bootmanager'
PART Switch to Mode=xxFS based Part-type for non-formatted
PART Added disk-level warning 'large floppy' format
PART Added table footer with '>' status character legenda
PART Show large-floppy: FS-format, label, driveletter
PART -n Fix table header on Linux default (or part -n -b)
PART/MAP Implement removable detection (like USB) for Windows
RESIZE Fix crash in resize of FAT32 filesystems (8.09/8.10)
RESTORE Dialog, fix empty 'start' value messing up command
RESTORE Fixed display of buffersize for uncompressed .img
SETBOOT Add removable indicator (not bootable) when known
SETBOOT Display (LVM) driveletter and filesystem on -list
8.10 09-01-2007 FILEFIND Fix crash mode=FDISK, on several unsupported commands
FIXEXT Fix MBR corruption, empty disk! (bug in 8.09 only)
JFS Updated fixboot/ldr templates to eCS 2.0 beta3 level
MENU Display popup when a disabled menu-item is selected
PART Fixed buffersize bug in CorrelateDriveLetters (crash)
PART Show both, and WARN on duplicate driveletters (clone)
RESTORE Fix incorrectly reported size on start other than zero
8.09 21-12-2006 DFSCHECK Increased imz size to 600 sectors (2*FAT+ROOT)
FAT INIT Detect corrupted 'EA DATA .SF' data files at init
FIXBOOT JFS, fixed label for bootable JFS (was 'footable':-)
LVM MENU BMGR menu delete removes obsolete '--> LVM' string too
LVM MENU Explicit menu item 'Bootmanager menu Delete'
FS MENU Change volume serial number in 'Boot area fix/update'
FS MENU Added selection for any/all filefind HPFS,NTFS,JFS
FILEFIND -a option, to find any/all files, deleted and normal
SERIAL Change volume serial nr on FAT(32), HPFS, JFS and NTFS
BUFFERS Changed ALL code to use variable sectorsize (like 4KB)
MENU JFS text now 'Unmounted & Clean' for consistency
PART BSIZE buffers allow 2 4KB sectors, fix 'GPT' crash
PART -b Linux style table with start/end and size in blocks
RESTORE Dialog and -S option use start-sector from IMZ hdr
8.08 11-11-2006 DFSDISK Fixed disk-selection in script after 'setboot'
FAT FS Fix to use first FAT area by default, not second
FINDROOT NTFS, fixed trap on random data in some sectors
IMAGE -P Fixed incorrect default size to image (read errors)
LVMREDO Added to the list of 'known fdisk' commands
MENU FAT, HPFS and NTFS add 'Reset bad sectors' selection
MENU Removed obsolete 'F9' from 'Disk and Media' menu item
NOBADS HPFS, reset the bad-sector-list to an empty state
NOBADS NTFS, reset $BadClus and $BitMap, to NO bad sectors
NOBADS Reset clusters marked as 'BAD' in both FAT areas
NTSIGN Added command description and usage on '-?'
NTSIGN Fixed confirmation for non-windowed interactive use
PART Add explicit warnings/errors on EBR BACKWARD/LOOP
PART dr Allow select for '-c' LVM letter
PART-xml Add flag1/2 value, fixpbr/chs hints, installable flag
PTE 'SORT' button sorts table on the start sectornumber
QUERY PN returns 1 when partition has valid LVM information
QUERY DN/DX returns #partitions with/without LVM info on disk
8.07 18-09-2006 DFSMKOBJ CMD creates the OS/2 or eCS desktop folder for DFSee
CLONE Ignore FS-damage on opening destination partition
Screen 7-bit ASCII output default on Linux (unless -7-)
RECOVER JFS/NTFS file recovery preserves file timestamps
CHECK JFS/HPFS recursion guard added to prevent crashes
MOVE and COPY, added specific abort-confirmation in CLONE
MOVE and COPY, added extra 'may take very long' warning
PART-xml Generate XML partition overview to file or stdout
FIXBOOT NTFS, use calculated default for MFTcopy sectornr
EDIT Fix replacement-edit in FDISK mode (from scripts)
8.06 19-08-2006 DFSCHECK CMD/BAT now do ALL partitions if no parameter given
DFSEDIT CMD/BAT as a quick 'binary-edit filename' solution
DFSDISK Fix a minor BBR drivelink display error (VRAID :-)
EDIT Highlight search-result location using marked area
EDIT Add byte/line MARKED area in hex-edit (Alt-B/L/U)
EDIT Erase now Alt-F (Fill), on MARKED area or whole item
EDIT fn Add delete to end-of-file (Ctrl-D) on editing files
EDIT fn Message popup is specified file does not exist
EDIT fn Confirm file truncation (deleted bytes) at exit
EDIT fn Insert/Delete single bytes at end of the file
JFS LIST Fix 'list -f' trap on check EA on some deleted files
MBR/EBR Highlight partition-table bytes in the hex-editor
MBR/PART Recognize and handle MBR sector for LVM level 14.105
PART Fix I13X recognition new LVM MBR code (level 14.105)
8.05 10-08-2006 PSAVE Fixed CRASH in OS/2, Win and Linux version (DFSDISK)
IMZ2RAW Fixed write-error when expanding the RAW imagefile
MOVE and COPY, added 'Smart' checkbox to dialog, default on
8.04 06-08-2006 CLONE Added -skipbads:nnn option, fast bad-sector cloning
CLONE Reset active store on Escape or a failure too!
CLONE/IM Show number of bad-sectors in progress status too
EDIT Add Ctrl-E to erase edited item to a hex value or 0
EDIT fn HEX/ASCII binary sector edit specified filename
FAT FS Detect unmapped clusters, inconsistent bootsector
FILEFIND FAT, fixed finding files with extensions like *.c
FILEFIND menu dialog, new 'verbose' checkbox, default FAST
FILIFIND NTFS, speedup MFT-record search using speedstep 2
FIND Speedstep mode using -i:n option, skip n sectors
FIND dlg Add 'Step' field for the -i:Speedstep option
FIXBOOT FAT, added bootcode type 'W = Win-9x on FAT16'
FIXBOOT NTFS create record from template if no spare
FIXPBR Disallow FIXPBR in FDISK mode for safety
FS FAT Fixed trap if the bootsector was a valid NTFS
IMAGE Exact image size is kept the same on writing
MENU Added 'reselect disk' to FS menus; part to FDISK
MENU Reworded NEWMBR submenu text, better style :-)
MENU Added: 'Edit -> File, Binary edit' to edit files
Menu Edit always starts with 1-sector items
PART Reworded cylinder-alignment messages for clarity
PART Pick-up correct FAT32 label from root directory
PART WARNING on LVM/JFS with DLAT but no BBR info sector
PSAVE Include unformatted bootsectors in .PDx file
RESIZE FAT, fixed maximum size in dialog in some cases
SLT Faster fileinfo on JFS/NTFS/HPFS, no alloc check
STARTUP No 'GETDEVICEPARAMS failed' messages anymore, USB
STORE Added exact image-size in bytes to internal info
STORE Fixed store-nr display: Store #, added imagesize
8.03 05-07-2006 DFSDISK Correctly displays all LVM-sectors in FS modes too
EDIT Added interactive sector-editor in 'edit' command
EDIT Add the generic FIND dialog using Ctrl-F/Ctrl-A
EDIT Add the GOTO-location dialog to the sector editor
EDIT HEX/DEC switch for LSN/PSN info in status line too
FIND Added find-again logic to menu (Ctrl-A shortcut)
GOTO Dialog enhanced with CHS and MCS-number format
JFS Fix CHECK of damaged Inodes (allocation info)
JFS Fix XTP/DTP identification on blocksize < 4KB PAGE
MENU Sector-edit item in 'Edit' and <F2> shortcut key
PART Add warnings if an LVM sector has a BAD CRC value
TXWIN Fixed bug in overlapping window-border repainting
8.02 31-05-2006 ALLOC Area support HPFS, FAT, JFS and NTFS filesystems
CLONE Smart sector support (skip) on disk/filesystem
COMPARE Smart sector support (skip) on disk/filesystem
DFSDISK Allow display of all LVM information in FS modes
FIXBOOT Fixed a program-crash in FAT fixboot (trap)
FIXPBR Geo/HiddenSector warnings clear, optional fix
JFS More error reporting on damaged fileset structure
LOGGING Support for maximum logfile size and log rotation
MENU File -> Trace to 3 cyclic files of limited size
MENU <F9> Now supports allocation display for a whole disk
Mode=xxx Menu wording changed a bit for more clarity
SHIFTR Shift all data in a range of sectors to the RIGHT
SLT2LIST Add selected SLT sectors to list for analysis
Smart Test (smart) allocation for every sector on disk
Store Added AreaSN information for smart-disk support
\path command implemented for the JFS filesystem, and
fixed a bug in this command for HPFS and NTFS
8.01 05-05-2006 CHECK NTFS, fixed trap on $Secure resident data
CHECK JFS fix the bogus Inode message on '-m'
CR Dialog Added explicit Bootable JFS 0x07 in list
CR Dialog Re-ordered a few fields for better TAB order
DFSCHECK Renamed scripts to 'dfs*.dfs' for consistency
Display bootsector sets 'up' sector to last sector nr
EXT2/3 Super command displays some more details now
FDISK cmd Hint at FS-specific mode for DELFIND etc
FORMAT Refresh internal tables after formatting
FS FAT Init sets global Dirty status for querying
History Ctrl-D in popup deletes an item from history
History Avoid (recursive history) popup from any list
History Ctrl-D on cmdline, auto exec NEXT in history
History Ctrl-D, delete history-item when popup active
IBM BMGR Show Bootmanager version listed in bootsector
JFS Fixed trap in display of ZEROED superblock
JFS DIR Fix dir-block display for blocksize not 4K
JFS INIT Detect invalid Inode extent sectornumbers
JFSsuper Allow but warn on invalid signature like JFS3
LVM dlg lvmSync logic off for removables (OS2 only)
Library Fix a possible crash on PATH larger than 1024
MBR code recognize 'OS/2 2.xx German' style MBR (AP)
NTFS DIR show 'noatt/-bad-' strings on MFT errors
New Menu Display -> Other view -> Warnings only
PART Added warning for BMGR CHS issue in bootsect
PART -x Adds extra FS-specific columns to 'part -s'
Restore Dialog, fix list selection after IMZ2RAW
SET cmd Add 'set logfile ON/OFF' to suppress logging
W2KBM => BMFIX includes CHS check & fix plus old W2KBM
WARNING On type 0x44 (Norton GoBack) when detected
WARNING On Linux CHS/alignment warnings due to geometry
WIPEFREE as new name for ZEROFREE for consistency
8.00 30-03-2006 Official 8.00 release. UI additions and JFS support
CD/DSK Fixed filehandling and ZIP for DFSDISK/DFSCHECK run
CHECK/SLT Use compact layout showing path and filename too
FileInfo Display path/name uses cache, .LONGNAME or 'magic'
JFS SLT Creates a filename cache for recovery and undelete
JFS DIR Show file and directory EA-size if EA is present
Mode=HPFS Find/Fix items now in 'FS structural fixes' submenu
Mode=HPFS add dump of system area to a compressed imagefile
Mode=JFS add display for specific system/FS Inodes by number
Mode=JFS add dump of system area to a compressed imagefile
Mode=JFS add search and display items for filerecovery
Mode=JFS add creation/update of recovery/undelete filenames
PART Fixed disk-level warning display being discarded
QFI cmd Quick find inodes on JFS by searching Inode extents
SHIFTL Shift data in sectors (left) for custom recoveries
SLT -x Aborts SLT build (in background)
SPEED Better progress reporting, warning if area too small
8.b5 21-03-2006 Second PUBLIC BETA for the 8.xx release
DFSDISK script, runs windowed for better progress reporting
DFSCHECK script, runs windowed for better progress reporting
PROGRESS Replaced 'dot' style progress by a progress BAR
PROGRESS Enhanced status-line progress with calculated ETA
CHECK Changed progress #items done to percentage complete
CLEANUP Now resets non-std partitiontable flags in primaries
8.b4 11-03-2006 First PUBLIC BETA for the 8.xx release
-nr +nr Display sector, go backward/forward (GB/GF alias)
BOOTREC Display shows ACTIVE FAT (FAT32)
CHECK for JFS complete now, zero errors on clean FS
CR -C Option also forces LVM -C on -L option
CR dlg Radio button for Recover/Clear mode selection
EJECT New command for removables (like USB)
FIND Fix a search-again loop when at end after a hit
FIXBOOT FAT select BOOTCODE using a popup list
FIXBOOT JFS bootcode template update (Steven Levine)
FIXBOOT Serial-nr value changed to sectornr + timestamp
FIXPBR Updated help, add message popup
FORMAT Serial-nr value changed to sectornr + timestamp
FORMAT Copy bootsector as spare to last sector (LVM-sig!)
FORMAT Make FAT minimal 1 cluster in size (avoiding bugs)
JFS DIR Inode/LSN mappings implemented using lookup table
JFS DIR Display Inode/DirPage for regular directories
JFS SLT Build complete; used by SLT, ID and CHECK commands
JFSINODE Identify (file/dir/deleted/bad) and display contents
LVM Fix change letter for JFS types, dynamic update now
LVM -C Option CLEARs old LVM BBR info (for NEW partitions)
LVM dlg Strip trailing spaces from names that cause problems
MBR-crc Added detection of PQ BootMagic style bootcode
MEDIA NonLinux: IDE/SCSI/USB or PCCARD terminology change
MENU File and Display->Related This +1 and This -1 added
MENU Add SLT-build and ID to the Mode=JFS menu
MENU Media management eject/discover (updated mount too)
MENU Add explicit Mode=AUX submenu for consistency
MENU partition selection now moved to FORMAT menu
MFT-REC Illegal attribute aborts display, fixed
Menutext Use "disk-list" with mount/unmount, avoid confusion
PART Display 'r' removable indicator for USB disks etc
WARNING for FAT16 filesystem found in FAT32 type 0b/0c
WARNING for FAT32 filesystem found in FAT16 type 06/0e/12
Warning made Windows-0x0F extended type a minor warning
H I S T O R Y 7 . X X
7.15 01-12-2005 BmgrList Add driveletter to boot-menu list item text
CHSstyle Selection dialog for FIXCHS, CLEANUP and CR cmd
CS -v -m New checksum verification options for scripting
DFSEE enhanced the DFSEE.BAT/CMD with usage on '-?'
DiskOpen Allow OS2 PhysDisk handle 0 (disk 1 locked bug)
FILELIST Dialog, add KiB/MiB/GiB size for file selection
FORMAT FAT12/16/32 formatting including options dialog
FS MENU Checked text "Fixboot/LDR" in "Boot area fixes"
JFS Fixboot bootable/standard bootcode selection
JFS/HPFS LDR (micro-filsystem) recovery commands added
Menu Added FORMAT in Actions menu (FAT/FAT32 only)
Menu Added NTFS dump first MFT-records to imagefile
Menu Added Update NT-signature in MBR dialog/menu
Menu Added Wipe-start-of-disk as separate selection
NTFS Display ARSHD-attributes in directory display
NTFS Fix allocation handling extreme fragmented MFT
NTFS Leading \ on recover '123.DIR\fn' path/filename
NTFS \ command implemented, gives direct access to file
NTFS MFT INDX display shows Btree branches (directories)
NTFS MFT handling fixed for external attribute data
PART -e:1 to include info on 1st extended container only
Query P0 returns MFT-fragmentation on NTFS filesystems
RUN -P Fix filename handling for script path with spaces
SETBOOT accept full '-query' option as alias for -q
SLTBuild option dialog; multi-threaded on OS/2 and Win
7.14 07-11-2005 BSFIND -f:pos start sector for the search as mcs-number
CMDLINE Give error on single non-hex char commands like 's'
CREATE Dialog, allow mcs-numbers for size and offset values
CREATE Dialog, add "Offset" from start/end, reserving space
CREATE Dialog, add "Multiple primaries" checkbox avoid hide
CREATE Dialog, add "ACTIVE" checkbox for primary partitions
DFSDISK Fixed a TRAP for a PATH longer than 80 characters
DFSTART Fixed output file naming (failing DFSDISK rename)
FILELIST Dialog generates selection string from wildcard etc
FIND -f:pos start sector for the search as mcs-number
Fileinfo Select on min/max filesize too in FAT, HPFS and NTFS
LIST Uses filelist dialog for selection, ESCAPE aborts
MOUSE -mouse switch fixes mouse-cursor in OS2 FS sessions
NEWMBR Windows disk-signature will always stay unchanged
PRESTORE Dialog enhanced with several selection options
PSAVE Dialog enhanced with a backup description field
RECOVER Dialog for file selection, prompt if no parameters
RECOVER Add min/max file size to the selection parameters
RECOVER 'ignore errors' checkbox now available in filedialog
SPACES Allow spaces in paths and filenames for many dialogs
Status Show RC value in GREEN for RC=0, avoid user panic :-)
TxWin Use open-source, formal LGPL licensed version now
7.13 28-09-2005 DFSDISK Fixed BAT file causing endless loop running on PC-DOS
MAP Quietly skip unaccessible dummies from the display
NTFS DIRTY command, synchronize mirror-MFT on MFT 0..3 too
NTFS Avoid related MFT display recursion in any case
NTFS Improve extremely fragmented attribute-list handling
PTE/LVM Cleanup window positioning logic to use messages now
TRACE Added -d:xx option, slowdown while tracing (xx msec)
TXWIN Updated for Open TxWindows version change (1.00 now)
7.12 06-09-2005 BOOTINI -2 option forces updating the file, if default is OK
CHECK Speedup freespace analysis, when cluster > 1 (NTFS)
CHECK More accurate allocation error report, smaller areas
DFSDISK Made EXT2 superblock the default 'superblock' search
DFSDISK Add search for 'NTLDR sectors' Radio button in dialog
DIRTY d command for NTFS, forces CHKDSK on next Windows boot
EXPAND Add EXPAND of NTFS $Bitmap special file for resizing
IMAGE Dialog default changed to 2047 MiB multiple files
MENU Added set FS Dirty/Normal to the Mode=NTFS menu
RESIZE Fix size in NTFS bootsector, for spare-boot location
RESIZE Update $BadClus special file for truncate and expand
RESIZE Update NTFS $Bitmap special for truncate (resize)
RESIZE NTFS filesystem resize considered reliable now ...
SCRIPT Add new pragma 'SETPARAM' allowing use as variables
SCRIPT Add prompt modus for setparam, allowing user input
SETBOOT fixed for LVM-volume names with embedded spaces
SLT -v Verbose output (path+filenames) on no-error lines too
SLT -? Help added, simplified usage and better output format
SWITCH Allow spaces in EXE switches like -l:"my logfile"
7.11 24-08-2005 BSFIND s finds NTLDR first sectors on disk for disk recovery
CHECK updated for large freespace areas (more that 2GiB)
CHECK reports error for FS being DIRTY or MOUNTED (in use)
CHECK RC set to the resulting number of errors, for scripting
CLEANUP reset the ACTIVE flag on all extended-containers
DFSCHECK Resultfiles now named unique per platform (dfsoHPFS)
DFSCHECK Create a DFSCxxx.Iyy imagefile from filesystem start
DFSDISK Fix behaviour when called without any parameters
DFSDISK Resultfiles now named unique per platform (dfsdisko)
DONTFS script, add Restart-Area display with logfile flags
IMAGE Fixed and improved write-error reporting 2 GiB limit
LOG Dlg Allow spaces in path or filename (Program Files\...)
MAP -m Added explicit OS2 USBMSD.ADD DUMMY disk message
MENU Edit -> Bootmanager Query config - setboot -q -list
MENU Added search for NTLDR 1st sector, for recovery
MFT n -R show/test attribute runlists for non-resident data
NTFS Display logfile flags and volume information on open
NTFS Write MFTrec, Bitmap, mkRunList for better resizing
NTFS 's' separate sectortype for NTLDR 1st sector added
NTFS LOG show restart-area from $Logfile, incl unmounted flag
No Dummy disks included anymore in menu/dialog select-lists
No Dummy PART, PSAVE, PRESTORE, skip any inaccessible disks
PART -g Output important lines to STDOUT, for scripting/GUI
PART -w better message when ACTIVE extended containers seen
QUERY Add EK/EM/EG as Expand size limit for resizing GUI
QUERY -g Output important lines to STDOUT, for scripting/GUI
QUERY PO return the dirty/mounted status for NTFS filesystems
RAMDISK detection on FreeDOS diskette/CDROM now MUCH faster
SETBOOT -list option shows Bootmanager menu items available
SETBOOT Options compatible to SETBOOT.EXE replacement (eCS)
SETBOOT Automatic close (trace) logfile just before booting
SETBOOT -f-, no explicit flush (allows a PM message on OS2)
7.10 02-08-2005 Execute logfile timestamp format using ISO format YYYY-MM-DD
PART -w add WARNING for any invalid partition-table-entry
PART -w add WARNING for a DELETED partition entry type 0x00
DELETE default is now -c: clear ALL 16 bytes avoiding 0x00
NTFS MFT display all special $xxx files from Mode=NTFS menu
NTFS slt improved non-resident attribute-list handling in MFT
NTFS slt better display multiple non-resident MFT attributes
NTFS slt CHECK, no false alarms on unused MFT records
RESIZE Set correct extended-container size on resize logical
RESIZE Fix possible bug with FAT resize, ptable not updated
KEYB Added optional codepage to the DFSDOS keyb command
Linux Fix segmentation-violations (7.09, compiler optimize)
7.09 22-07-2005 LOGGING Automatic log dialog at startup, unless -l- switch
CLEANUP Added to Mode=FDISK menu, cleanup extended chain
EXT/Log New freespace-type when holding EMPTY EBR container
WARNINGs when empty extended containers are detected (EBR)
DISKopen fixed CR bug after using GEO ? 255 on virtual disk
FAT CRC Fix FALSE alarms, FAT1/FAT2 crc being different
PART -w Lowered severity for some really minor warnings
Image -z Huge speed improvement, 30 - 50% faster than 7.08
ReiserFS display more fields from the superblock, incl size
WIPE Accept mcs-numbers for -s and -F options
IMAGE Accept mcs-numbers for -s and -F options
RESTORE Apply start/size values from commandline in dialog
IMAGE -S option now implies -z option too (smart, LZW)
RESTORE Accept mcs-numbers for -s and -F options
IMAGE Apply start/size values from commandline in dialog
CLONE Apply start/size values from commandline in dialog
Mouse Fixed problem with unreachable area on OS/2 desktop
Mouse Added -mouse- program switch to disable the mouse
7.08 06-07-2005 PTE/LVM Dialogs keep their pos after a move and next/prev
MOVE and COPY menu Add the '-a' option, align to cyl boundary
Startup Fix TRAP on 2048 byte sector media at DFSee startup
TxLib Enhanced mouse-PTR drawing in OS2 version (droppings)
7.07 29-06-2005 CLONE Automatic buffersize reduction on bad-sector areas
IMAGE Automatic buffersize reduction on bad-sector areas
SCAN Automatic buffersize reduction on bad-sector reads
Desktop output-window and entryfield size/move with desktop
Dialogs Updated layout for better resize/move behaviour
LVM/PTE Added OK/Cancel/Prev/Next buttons for mouse use
CLONEDLG Added OK/Cancel buttons for better mouse handling
WRIM DLG Ignore 'size from IMZ' if explicit size specified
TxLib Implemented complete mouse handling for DOS
TxLib Fixed 1/2 vertical SIZE/MOVE by 1 character at a time
TxLib Added full-window dragging and optimized move refresh
TxLib Added OK and Cancel buttons to the standard dialogs
TxLib Implemented complete mouse support for OS2 version
TxLib Fix screen resize trap and 'mode' missing for Windows
7.06 02-06-2005 DFSNTLDR on NTFS creates NTLDR image for recovery purposes
FIXNTLDR on NTFS from builtin sector or compressed imagefile
ID -Last -g switch shows filename on STDOUT only (with -q)
LVMREDO added to LVM menu, with standard refresh options
LVMREDO -C option creates NEW LVM info if none is present
LVMREDO Refresh/Recover LVM DLAT sectors, keep driveletters
MENU Updated with NTLDR recovery items in a submenu
NTFS Allocation 100% shown in GREEN for resident files
MOUSE Click 'scrollbar' char on TEXTVIEW/LISTBOX scrolls
MOUSE Added close-button to HELP and TextView dialogs
MOUSE Added listpopup autoclose and better menu-toggle
MOUSE Added close-button to dialog frame/canvas windows
MOUSE Fixed 'mouse-trap' / F10 in scroll-window area
IUSBISO Fixed filename case and space problems in Linux
7.05 24-05-2005 JFS open No incorrect geo warnings for PBR (heads always 255)
MOUSE Supported for most operations now in Windows version
IMGRAB Fix disk-number used in final part display (cosmetic)
FileDlg Refresh volume list each time a filedialog is started
FileDlg Support CDROM and network drives in DOS version
VOL Volume command/menu support CDROMs now in DOS
DFSDISK Allow spaces in the path and filename arguments
IMAGE + RESTORE, use PARTITION in dialog if nothing specified
MENU Prevent empty disk/part submenu when no ADMIN/root
7.04 06-05-2005 CLONE -!- option skips the main dialog (clone -!- -p:pid)
DFSDISK Added 'pt -r' display to show all existing LVM info
HISTORY prefixed history popup (F11) retrieval bugs fixed
MENU Added Recover/Init LVM DLAT sector to LVM submenu
MFT NTFS Fixed display bug after PART -r or RESTORE command
7.03 28-03-2005 CLONE Fixed dialog FROM default selection on -p:xx
DFSCHECK added 'part -g' command at start for extra info
DFSDISK Create unique output filenames for cyl/all/geo
DFSDISK Strip file extension from basename specified
DFSDISK Allow full path specified with basename ($7)
DFSDISK Added complete parameter and option dialog
FAT32 Skip DosFilePtr allows driveletter correlation
FDISK F6 cleared sectors made searchable using type '6'
GENPART Partition-recreate script from current partitions
HISTORY Added menu-generated commands to history as well
HISTORY UP/DOWN/F11 keys control commandline history now
IBM BMGR No warnings anymore when found on disk 2
ID -last Identify filename for the last sector 'in-use'
JFS No warning for wrong HiddenSectors value in BR
MENU New 'add/remove to BootManager menu' item
Progress added 0x prefix to HEX sector value on screen
Sizes Use MiB units upto 10 terabyte, instead of GiB
WARPIN Fixed descriptive titles on PDF shadow objects
7.02 29-03-2005 HOWTO HTML and PDF version now, more up-to-date contents
WARPIN Self-extracting WarpIn installer supported on OS2
OS2/eCS Added new icons for EXE, scripts and DFSee folder
PART/MAP Allow over 50 partitions per disk and a 1000 total
MENU-fs Fixed 'display files from list' to show filenames
JFS No warning for incorrect PBR GEO (fixed 255/63)
W2KBM Add warnings for 'old DFSee protection' detected
7.01 21-03-2005 DFSDISK Allow extra superblock search for one filesystem
DFSIBMGR Updated the distributed image to 0F aware version
DFSWIN Works on Windows-NT 4 again (broken in 7.00)
Dialogs Implemented TAB-groups (sets of radio/checkboxes)
FileDlgs Improved FileDialog logic (FileExists, path etc)
FIXPBR -g option fix GEO as well as HS (replaces FIXHS)
FreeDOS Diskette (and CD) now have CDROM drivers and FORMAT
IMAGE Fixed a 'dfs -d- image -V:a' type crash on startup
IMGRAB Automatic post-processing for FIXBPR and BOOTINI
IMGRAB Add -G- and default 255/63 geometry conversion
IMZ2RAW RAW2IMZ wrapper commands to compress/uncompress
Improved filedialogs, default filename, wildcard retrieve
MENU Move all LVM stuff in a new Mode=FDISK submenu
MENU Remove LVM information from a disk (pclear)
MENU FDISK, add HPFS/JFS fast superblock search
MENU fixed item Restore/Compare to Current object
MENU added RAW2IMZ and IMZ2RAW to the Imaging menu
P/S-Geo streamlined display line-format like L-Geo
RESTORE '-S' now takes size to restore from the IMZ header
SIM/WRIM aliases IMAGE and RESTORE added for readability
Sector header display line, always display a CRC value
Startup Auto ReadDiskinfo and open of disk 1 unless -d-
W2KBM Removed extra confirmation & update when OK
BSFIND Added EXT2/REISER superblock search locations
BSFIND Added HPFS/JFS fast superblock search
7.00 23-02-2005 Version: Official 7.00 major release (regular and SVISTA OEM)
ALLOC Fixed reported allocation percentage large volumes
BMGR Include only partitions from real disks in the menu
CHECK Made SLT refresh the default with every 'CHECK'
CLONE Fixed usage-bug when used by the MOVE command
CLONE, SIM and WRIM, -L option excludes LVM signature area
CMD Add REN and RENAME to the list of trusted commands
CR -M Allow multiple visible primaries while creating
CR -S:n Select a prefered slot-number in new partition-table
DFSDISK Use part -V to show the FS superblock contents too
DFSDISK Fix base-limit bug on read-error causing DFSDISK hang
DIRTY Dirty bit(s) status display and SET for FAT(32)
FAT Display CRC32 over FATs, warn if FATs different
FAT DIR Display/list/count deleted files with the normal ones
FAT DIR Allow damaged FAT area while showing directory info
FIND Honnor -E:i to skip bad-sectors while searching
FIND Fix line-spacing bugs in filefind, delfind etc
FIND Dialog moved to new dfsdgen module
FIND Menu dialog enhanced with Widgets
FIND Added 'AND' argument & throughput
FIND Added 2nd 'AND' search argument & throughput display
HELP Improved PgDn/PgUp to sync on #help item numbers
HELP Improved help in combined File and Prompt dialogs
HPFS CP Fixed display of codepage contents
IM, WRIM Add .hdd/.fdd as default types to open-file dialog
IMGRAB Command alias added for the regular 7.xx DFSee
IMP/EXP Dialog moved to new dfsdgen module
JFS Added superblock #sectors check
LVM -D Avoid change to default p-name in SIG area
LVM -D Enhanced recover from LVM-signature
LVM -D Enhanced recovery of LVM-info from the LVM-sig sector
LVM -n: With part-nr, will set the disk-name if none present
LVM -v- Set BBR to V-deleted = 'available'
LVM DLAT display, correct display of related PID value
LVM etc No needless reread of diskinfo (lvm), saves time!
LVM-BBR Automatic display of BBR sectors with LVM-signature
MBR Recognize V-Comm System Commander
MENU New 'Set LVM geometry to L-Geo'
MENU New 'Delete LVM volume' keep partition intact
MENU Added 6 CLONING items to the menu, using new dialog
MENU Added Edit -> Search string (find)
MENU Added Edit -> Search string (find) to the menu system
MENU New 'Open object to work with' submenu (disk, part etc)
MOUNT + UNMOUNT menu-items added to the File menu
MOUNT Mounts any kind of partionable media (DFSee 'disk')
NEWMBR preserve NT-signature in the MBR (with newmbr -f)
NEWMBR -f:disknr, use MBR code from other disk as template
NTFS Fixed FILEFIND, DELFIND and MFT display of filenames
Output More consistent 0x HEX prefix use
PART -V Echo the executed commands and made generic
PARTINFO added lvmReserved area size field for LVM-sig area
PRITEMS command sets #items todo, for multi-item progress
PTE Dlg Fixed SN/Cylinder text alignment
PTE/LVM Cleaned up 'no changes' messages (less clutter)
RECOVER Fixed crash on invalid NTFS resident-attribute size
RECOVER -u works for normal files as well as deleted ones
RECOVER Translate spaces to underscore in 8dot3 translation
SAVETO + RECOVER updated to support the Linux version too
SIM Dialog moved to new dfsdgen module
SIM added suppress of progress-reporting option -p-
SIM/WRIM add 32bit CRC checking to all compression types
SIM/WRIM add Verbose, debug mode to standard dialog
SIM/WRIM Add open options -DPVI, use in standard dialog
SIM/WRIM Added source select Listbox & HEX format checkbox
SUBFIND 's' on FAT(32) find all 'subdirs from ROOT'
SVGRAB Automatic logging to path+image-name.log file
SVGRAB Avoid using 'newmbr -clean' with grab (less risk)
SVGRAB Force grabbed partitions to visible partition types
SVGRAB Auto-ACTIVE first primary and several bug-fixes
SVGRAB Support LVM-signature area clone and relocation
SVGRAB Added -A advanced option for multi-disk/non-sorted
SVGRAB Route critical error messages to stdout too (for GUI)
SVGRAB Add an fflush for STDOUT Progress using -G switch
SVGRAB Add suppress of progress messages option -m-
SVGRAB Suppress progress output for the for MBR-track
SVGRAB Fixed quoted-string passthrough on argv[] arguments
SVGRAB + SVEXPAND default imagefile extension is now .HDD
Startup Switch -d:max sets number of disks mounted at start
TXWIN Fix program crash on ScreenCols=0, redirected output
TXWIN Fixed moving a ListBox popup Window from Spin-value
TXWIN Add Widget handling to PromptBox/FileDlg dialogs
TXWIN New GROUP Window-US for better autoradio buttons
TXWIN Implemented TXWIDGET handling and generic dialogs
Trace No trace on DFSEETRACE environment var if -l switch
Trace Fixed TRAP on trace timestamping in some situations
UNMOUNT Removes partionable media mapping (DFSee 'disk')
WRIM Better handling and reporting of corrupt imagefiles
WRIM Recover from 1 or 2 bytes missing corruption P#928
WRIM -v Verify IMZ decompression and filehandling (verbose)
WRIM dlg Can do Restore/Verify/Compare now using 'wrim -c'
H I S T O R Y 6 . X X
6.17 14-12-2004 MENU Add BACKUP/RESTORE partition info items to Mode=FDISK
MENU Complete partition view (part -r -s) added to Display
MENU Display Related sectors N/U/X/T/D/A added to Display
MENU WIPE current sector(s) to ZEROES, for seletive wiping
MENU HPFS find FNODE by PATH for specified file/directory
PRESTORE * restores to SAME disk as file, if extension present
CR -at: Fixed primary partition -at:3f,s exact location bug
MOVE -c NO auto-install of image (DFSIBMGR) over fresh copy
Progress to STDIO only with -G switch on EXE (OEM batch GUI)
SIM Fixed default unit being MiB for the -m:n option
6.16 24-11-2004 FDISK auto-set commands like 'LVM' now forces a base of 0
FIXBOOT -s, FAT32 force copy spare sectors, even when invalid
FileDlg Fix Linux TxTree/TxTrueName for files > 2GB
FileDlg Enhanced size/<directory> and fname in footer line
GEO Added new -Sync option and display usage on -?
IM Set correct image size and geometry on open RAW file
LSN New command to display an LSN, specified as mcs-number
LVM / PL Fix BMGR-list in menu-items empty after <Escape>
LVM 1,r Support relative partition numbers to be used
MENU Mode=FAT, fix bootsector, specify sector type (OS)
MENU DFSDISK, try harder, allow alternate geometry input
Output Automatic timestamping when a logfile is active
PART Improved invalid EBR ERROR messages, better reference
PART Added cylinder numbers to many ERROR messages
PART Overlapping partitions changed from warning to ERROR
PART New ERROR reported on multiple links/logicals in EBR
PATH In HPFS and NTFS, fixed incorrect output and trap
Params Updated many commands to allow mcs-number format input
Screen Repaint whole screen on Ctrl-L (Linux standard key)
Startup switch -d- suppresses add physical disks to devicemap
Startup switch -H:[x] sets HEX/DEC default for mcs-numbers
Usage Text standardized for many of the FDISK commands
VREMOVE Reset forced/last geometry for next VIRT disk created
6.15 05-11-2004 BOOTINI Added '-2' option for 2nd ARC line to be updated too
PT * * Allow multiple partition and multiple disk reporting
PT -r Display PBR and LVM sectors as well as the MBR/EBR
PART -w Fixed warning on multiple ACTIVE on single disk ERROR
PART -w Changed warning on ACTIVE extended to be an ERROR
SIM Added -A for append to an existing (RAW) image
WALK Updated PT-entry display layout, better offset values
WIPESECURE added -f = freespace wipe only, use on filesystems
MENU new Actions-> File and... -> Wipe all sectors in list
MENU new Actions-> Erase, ... -> Wipe all sectors in list
MENU new Actions-> Erase, ... -> SECUREWIPE freespace in FS
MENU new Display-> Other ... -> Part sector(s) view (pt * -r)
MENU new Display-> Sectors for partition -> ... (pt pid)
MENU new Mode=FDISK -> Search partitioning sectors (bsfind)
Linux Fixed crash when using '*' as a program parameter
6.14 05-10-2004 Linux dfstart, dfsdisk, dfscheck, dfsquick, dfsquery scripts
Linux Fixed clear-screen at startup for non-windowed scripts
DFSDISK Command renamed from 'UNFDISK' for consistency
DFSDISK Documented cmd for 'dfsdisk' procedure (dfscmds.txt)
DFSDISK Made this an 'auto-quit' command for easy scripting
DFSCHECK Run DOxxxx.DFS script on one or all partitions
DFSCHECK Made this an 'auto-quit' command for easy scripting
DFSTEST Script enhanced with display of RAID specific stuff
Keyboard Shift-F1/Shift-F10 now alias for F1/F10 (for Gnome)
LVM Display values on recovery using LVM-signature sect
PART Handle type 0xfd (RAID) just as native Linux (0x83)
PRESTORE Fixed disk-description alignments produced on Linux
VIRT Removed test on .PDx version older than 5.06
6.13 10-09-2004 DFSee Linux version incorrectly reported as "OS2" (DFS_V)
DFSTEST Script enhanced with a few Linux specific commands
HELP Changed footer-colors in 3D-cmdr scheme to magenta
Key Fixed finding the key in the Linux PATH correctly
MENU Fixed Exit/Speed-w entries missing in Linux version
MENU Linux-device description added to Part/disk lists
MAP Removed extra '/dev/' from top line of MAP display
PTE/LVM Fixed inconsistent Mode=xxx after executing command
QUERY Fixed traps on several values when 0 disks accessible
Screen Fixed garbage windows borders in Linux version (xterm)
Screen Fixed garbage line-drawings when running non-windowed
VOL Fixed size problem in non-Linux (bug in 6.12 only)
VOL Fixed base problem in DFSDOS version (like vol A:)
6.12 05-09-2004 DFSEE Linux executable, release candidate new in distribution
DEV Alias for "vol" cmd, show device mount info on Linux
MENU "Open device to work with" for Linux (not "volume")
PSAVE change all .PDx file extensions to lowercase for Linux
RUN Fixed SCRIPT handling for CR/LF on Linux
SETBOOT Implemented automatic reboot for Linux
6.11 25-08-2004 DEVMAP Display device abstraction layer, disk numbers, names
HELP Fixed available sector types display ('???' command)
PART Fix a hang for bootsectors with invalid bytes/sector
PTEdit Partition description matches the selected one now
RECOVER Force unique filename on NTFS damaged MFT records
RECOVER Fixed recovery of zero-sized files for FAT/HPFS/NTFS
RECOVER Fixed path+filename exceeding > 260 char problems
RESIZE Made reboot/CHKDSK and NTFS messages more explicit
6.10 27-07-2004 CMDLINE Ctrl-Right/Left will now scroll text window correctly
CR -F option to set the ACTIVE flag in partion table entry
F and B fixed 'distance' parameter on forward/backward
FI New command to list single SSN value (list -f)
FIND Show correct progress from LSN-0 (delfind -c)
H and A allow .NNN from Sectorlist as sector number
Hex-num allow valid Hexadecimal SN without leading 0
LIST fixed 'Unidentified types' on non-file sectors
LVM Recover LVM-info from LVM signature sector if found
LVM Dont recalculate VolumeId if explicit -lvmvid option
LVM New lvmpid, lvmvid, lvmdid and lvmbid options
LVM Update LVM-signature sector size/PSN values on -s
MENU add 'Actions .. Move/Copy to freespace area'
MENU add 'Display -> Base, LSN first..last'
MENU add 'File -> Open Freespace area (base)'
MENU Added MOVE to end/begin in a size/move submenu
MOVE added explicit 'reboot required' message at completion
MOVE parameter handling implemented for -e -b and -f
MOVE -A option to avoid alignment of KiB/MiB offset values
MOVE -C- Do not COPY partition contents, partition tables only
MOVE -b Add NO-ABORT warning on overlapping logical-partition
MOVE -c when LVM present will mangle LVM names/ids/letter
MOVE -f -e:* will move/copy to the END of freespace
PART Added sequence numbers for multiple partition LVM volume
PART -q More compact display, using less display lines
Ptable Show DFSee-PID in Ptable display (DISK, WALK, PL cmd)
PL & LVM Correct use of . or -d to use the 'current' disk
PL LVMS Show DFSee-PID in Info, Sign and DriveLink displays
PL LVMS Fixed display of LVM fake-EBR sector (relocation)
PT [pid] Display partition table for current or specified pid
REG-key Show possibly incorrect system date when key seems bad
RESIZE add 'CHKDSK required' message popup when done
RESIZE set HPFS filesystem to DIRTY forcing a CHKDSK
SBVIEW F3 with focus at text window changes to command line
Startup avoid auto-quit on a 'dfsxxx virt' command
VOL -f- required to exclude floppies, -f is now the default
6.09 14-06-2004 LIST FAT added '-I -C' combo and '-X' option to list EAs
ALLOC on HPFS, warning on invalid bitmap position in table
ALLOC on HPFS, fix bitmap cache handling on read errors
DFSCHECK and other commands added to 'external' warning-list
6.08 05-06-2004 S2CL New command that translates LSN to Cluster value
CL2S New command that translates Cluster to LSN value
PROFILE run at startup, found in EXE-dir or PATH now too
CHECK on FAT, fixed 'exceeds XSIZE' errors on FAT > 1GiB
LIST Added header texts for single line type displays
LIST HPFS, add location value for Files (data sector)
LIST NTFS, add location value for Files (data sector)
LIST Fat, add location or EA index/data sector/Cluster
WARNINGs for BMGR only given when real BMGR is present
WALK Fixed recognition of EBRs containing garbage code
RECOVER 'LIST -f' on FAT, use LSN of 1st sector in Cluster
TRACE Enabled TRACE command for all versions (retail)
SCHEME Changed blinking title/footer in 3D-Commander scheme
6.07 25-05-2004 FAT-DIR Correct display of damaged/deleted LFN entries
BOOTINI on FAT16 corrected searching the root directory
SIM/WRIM and RUN, allow DOTs in a file-path (but not filename)
LVM and LVMSHOW will not change the selected disk
PLIST will not change the selected disk anymore
LVM/CR -J option allows recovery of JFS volume information
HPFSinit improved SUPER and SPARE-block bad sector handling
PART Improved bad sector handling in reading bootsectors
BOOTINI Fix index for unsorted primary partition tables
BOOTINI RC equal to calculated index when index is incorrect
FIND '-n', start search in NEXT sector, not current one
Schemes Set default output text window colors on scheme change
FILEDLG Fixed missing file extension on select from list
6.06 16-05-2004 MENU Added 'Find normal/deleted files' to Mode=FAT menu
FILEFIND for FAT(32) allow 'name.ext' and '*.ext' name syntax
FIND New M for 'multi' option, finds multiple hits/sector
FILEFIND for FAT(32) find files by (partial) name or extension
DELFIND for FAT(32) find all deleted files (no RECOVER yet)
FAT(32) much better recognition of valid DIRectory sectors
BOOTINI display/fix Windows default BOOT entry on FAT or NTFS
MENU Added BOOT.INI display and fix to Mode=NTFS/FAT menus
query EXE-switch now automatically creates 'dfsquery.log'
FINDROOT and FIND now use std status-line progress indicator
PART Filter non-printable characters from labels and names
REG-key Permanent key will NOT expire (until year 2222 :-)
Alt+m key, starts interactive moving and resizing of window
Alt+c key, starts interactive change of window scheme/color
SET scheme/style/color set color scheme and style values
MENU New 'Select window color scheme' in settings menu
MENU Added '_' caption on menu-bars for monochrome scheme
MENU Changed submenu arrow to '»' (Linux compatibility)
COLORS command will display the 256 available output colors
CHARSET command will show the complete ASCII character set
CBOXES command draws several box shapes to show linedrawing
Startup Default scheme now '3D Grey' with blue output screen
Startup -scheme switch sets windowing color scheme
Startup -style switch sets windowing border line style
Startup -color switch sets output text buffer colors
DFSDOS Added 'keyb xx' command for foreign keyboard layout
DFSDOS Made ANSI probing invisible in normal usage
RUN -P option accepts path or wildcard for open-file DLG
Bootable CD/Diskette menu includes a 'run (recovery) script'
Bootable CD/Diskette menu includes an automatic DFSDISK and
DFSCHECK procedure, with output to ZIP on diskette
6.05 06-04-2004 LVM -n Update/sync DiskID values together with DiskNames
RETRIES on bad sectors, default NO-RETRY now (-A:1)
DFSTART Updated references to DFSUNFD to new DFSDISK naming
MENU Text for BMGR timeout 0 changed to "no timeout"
6.04 02-04-2004 DFSCHECK CMD/BAT script to 'CHECK' all partitions, with log
DFSCPART CMD/BAT script to 'CHECK' one partition, with log
DFSDISK* Renamed DFSUNFD* scripts for better readability
SET Added 'PEDantic' keyword to switch pedantic ON/OFF
DISK -r Detailed ext-int13 info in pedantic mode (-p switch)
MENU Added EXT2/3 and REISER to the Mode= menu selection
MENU Add 'Read-only, no changes allowed' item in File menu
MENU Add 'Make THIS partition active' to Mode=xxx menus
MENU Add 'Delete THIS partition' to various Mode= menus
MENU Add 'BootManager Default' to Edit menu
MENU Add 'BootManager Timeout' to Edit menu
MENU Add 'Erase, wipe Freespace-area' to Actions menu
MENU Add 'SECURE wipe current object' to Actions menu
WIPESECURE new command implementing DoD spec secure wiping
WIPE Added 'r' param for RANDOM pattern (DoD spec wipe)
REISER Added basic recognition module and rudimentary mode
EXT2/3 Added basic recognition module and rudimentary mode
HPFS/FAT Fixed display garbage bug in Fnode/Alloc functions
CREATE Dialog, set 'clear bootsector' checkbox default OFF
LVM Accept '-menu' alias for the existing '-m' option
LVM New 'Change LVM diskname' menu item in Edit menu
PART Moved 'active' marker to PID column for readability
Compiler WATCOM license notices added to 'about' help text
Compiler changed to Watcom 1.30, for Linux version development
LOG new -r option, flush on every output fragment (slow)
CLONE Use HEX partition type in store-descriptions
PART Updated Linux native type descriptions and identify
6.03 11-02-2004 FreeDOS Update DSK and ISO to add bootmenu to skip UDMA driver
6.02 03-02-2004 FileDlg Avoid returning garbage name on 'Not ready' condition
CREATE New -Clear option to wipe bootsec with 0xF6 pattern
FAT-FS Improved error reporting on FAT-structure problems
MENU Add Change partition type in the Mode=FDISK menu
MENU Add a ChangeCurrentDir dialog to UNFDISK selections
MBR Recognize I13X capability AirBOOT for BMGR warnings
OS2-EXE Upgraded to latest LxLite 1.33 Executable packer
6.01 13-01-2004 MENU Action pulldown, change 'IMAGE to raw/compr file(s)'
FS NTFS Fixed crash on FS-init when bootsector unreadable
6.00 12-01-2004 CLONE Do not show confusing store-numbers on confirmations
MENU New 'Allocation and SLT identify' item in list actions
RECOVER Fix aborting after a single-failure and "continue"
SIM/WRIM Support removable media changing with option '-Media'
SIM limited size multiple file support with '-m:mb' option
MENU Add "Display from list" to FS menus; long descriptions
SPEED Command and menu-item for RO and RW speed measurement
Autodrop switch -M:2 disables automatic opening of pulldowns
MENU Added W2KBM command to FDISK menu 'Protect IBM BMGR'
WRIM Added DFSee header recognition for multiple files
SIM Added multi file logic and DFSee specific header
SIM Added RLE compressed empty sectors, max 1:8000 ratio
STORE Added partition type value to description (for CLONE)
EXPAND Error-message when maximum-size smaller than current
PART No test HiddenSectors field in FDISK mode, no rc=207
SUBMENU Added drive-letter & Pri/Log type to partition menus
DF5EE Updated binary 'signatures' in templates to ver 6.00
SIM Smart-use imaging with -S option, only in-use sectors
CR MENU Freespace list in physical order and disknumber added
PART No HiddenSector warnings on unformatted partitions
6.ß5 18-12-2003 Startup Avoid popups for not ready drives (OS/2 + WIN version)
MENU Refresh volume submenu with <F7> (removable A: etc)
DFSIMAGE Rephrased error-text for incorrect parameters
FIXHS Fix 'HiddenSectors' field in bootsec, match Part-table
FILEDLG Highlight title on focus for entryfield and volumelist
6.ß4 15-12-2003 MENU AutoMenu does NOT drop pulldown, keeps screen visible
MENU New '-M' switch so right-arrow does not open submenus
MENU Fix 'double pulldowns' bug when only menubar is shown
MENU Support first-letter quick-key to select menu-headers
MENU Add 'Recover from list' item to FAT/HPFS/NTFS menus
MENU New menu text UNFDISK 'Find (lost) partitions, fast'
MENU Completed implementation for the 'newmbr -c' menu-item
Dialogs F4 functionkey made equivalent to [OK], ending dialog
Dialogs Button colors set to yellow on grey for readability
FILEDLG Support multiple letter quick-select on DIR/File lists
FILEDLG Keep current-dir on volume-select, no change to root
FILEDLG Do not copy filename from list when just tabbing
FILEDLG Fixed refresh volumelist for new floppy/network drives
FILEDLG Fixed getting help with <F1> help on volumelist field
FILEDLG FileSaveAs now copies basename only, no extension
FILEDLG FileSaveAs now starts with empty filename field
FILEDLG and PART much faster now with disconnected LAN drives
CLONE Fixed partition deselect bug AFTER clone/wipe etc
CLONE Disable 'Clone disk' menu-item if base sector not zero
CD Fixed CD command and 'Change working directory' menu
CRITERR No DOS Abort, Retry, Ignore messages, but auto 'FAIL'
CDROM Changed bootable CDROM to use FreeDOS instead of DrDOS
PART Explicit WARNING when HiddenSectors field is incorrect
PART xx Verbose message on HiddenSectors versus partitiontable
RECOVER Make the current-DIR default for FileSaveAs (not A:\)
RECOVER Esc from File-Dialog or Wildcard prompt now aborts cmd
RESIZE Fixed FAT max-size (could result in 1 cyl freespace)
SCRIPTS Added DFSQREXX.CMD example query script in REXX (OS2)
6.ß3 27-11-2003 CREATE Fixed EBR size/end-cylinder BUG ('extends beyond ..')
PART Fixed size display .031 MiB value in 'part -n -e'
MENU Made menu-scrolling wrap-around at first and last
MENU Added ZEROFREE to clear unused sectors in filesystem
MENU Added 'change LVM diskname' to the Mode=FDISK menu
MENU Grouped imaging menu-items in a submenu under Actions
6.ß2 20-11-2003 VOL/MENU file-dialog, fixed volume access for DFSDOS version
6.ß1 19-11-2003 EXPAND command and menu-item for NTFS, FAT and HPFS
Resize possible from the menu, with new size prompt
MENU Added 'Change working directory' for output
Startup Added 'reading volume/partition info' message
PART Show allocation-map on partition selected with '-a'
MENU Added "Current opened .." store display
MENU Added special Windows-KBD keys for OS/2 only
H I S T O R Y 5 . X X
5.56 25-01-2004 EXE Fixed registration expiry, moved to year 2012 now
MENU Completed implementation of 'newmbr -c' menu-item
5.55 06-11-2003 PTE Fixed all of the checkboxes to be functional again
MENU CR Fixed trap when just one disabled freespace area
PART Use 'Disk/Virt' as default diskName prefix, not D/V
MENU disk/part CLONE items now enabled for virtual disks
MENU Added confirmation to reboot from the File menu
CLONE Added -Merge option, skip writing for bad sectors
QUERY Added several new items for auto-RESIZE preparation
TxWin Fixed 'shadow-only' no-title minimized windows
TxWin Fixed trap with <Enter) on an empty FileDialog list
5.54 31-10-2003 MENU Added 'Create new partition' to the mode=FDISK' menu
MENU Added display Raw partition info (walk disk tables)
MENU Added 'Create default LVM info (VCU)' to FDISK menu
MENU Added 'Recover files from list' to Action->list menu
MENU Added CHECK of filesystem for HPFS, NTFS and FAT
MENU Added reboot to selected OS partition (setboot)
MENU Sector Lookup Table display for HPFS, NTFS and FAT
MENU Added Identify sector; HPFS, NTFS and FAT, using SLT
MENU Added parameter specification for a script being RUN
CREATE Added interactive dialog to specify most properties
FIND Changed progress indicator to include percentage done
CHECK NTFS Bad-MFT-Fixup recognition, continue checking
QUERY Added Minimum and Grabable partition size for resize
RECOVER Use SelDirFileDialog to specify the destination DIR
progress indicators, format now 'xxxx of yyyy Done (nn.n%)'
SAVETO Fixed cmd-loop on bad sectortype currently selected
5.52 05-10-2003 MENU Added menubar with pull-downs for most DFSee commands
TxWin Added blue background and SHADOW casting for popups
TxWin Implemented standard FileDialog for open and save-as
TxWin Implemented accelerator keys as shortcuts to menus
TxWin Implemented Minimize, Maximize and Restore for windows
PART Added 'Linux' as EXT2/SWAP creator name in the table
GEO Refresh diskinfo after command, to make GEO active
PART -w Better descriptions for DFSDOS 'beyond disk' warnings
SIM WRIM Made -? help text more specific and to the point
VOL IM Added -? help and new -f option for VOL command
DFSUNFD Fixed right disk-selection after ALLOC command
5.26 01-09-2003 FIXBOOT for HPFS now I13X aware. For LVM systems like eCS/MCP
avoids some of the "blinking-cursor" and the dreaded
"cannot operate your harddisk" failures on booting.
FIXBOOT -? style help added for HPFS/FAT/JFS/NTFS filesystems
FIXBOOT Improved re-display of partition bootsector when done
FIXBOOT for HPFS added set-bootdrive letter for bootable ones
LVM Minor textual updates to make it more consistent
MBR Recognize 2nd Iomega ZIP MBR boot code variant
5.25 08-08-2003 DFSee Implemented /HELP and /QUERY long-name switches
DFSQUERY New .BAT and .CMD script to show/log DFSee query
TxWin Allow '/' and '-' for EXE-level switch character
PART New -L and -L- options, for preferred drive-letters
PART Show LVM preferred letters if different from actual
RESIZE Enhanced 'resulting part' display, fixed select bug
PART/FAT Fixed 'empty disk' FAT syndrome on LVM created FAT
SIM/WRIM/WIPE better confirmation text with target description
CLONE Added source and target sizes to confirmation text
PL LVM Show CHS value for start and end sector location
PART/MAP Show LVM/JFS multiple warning for type 35 only
PART/MAP Changed "WARNING not formatted" to be a major warning
Popups Fixed hang on <F12> collapsed windows and down-arrow
WRIM Fixed opening/finding imagefiles larger than 2 GiB
DFS*.TXT Minor updates to several documentation files
5.24 25-07-2003 QUERY With no parameters, show compact partition list
DIRFIND, FILEFIND added proper -? style help text
DFSee -B- switch to suppress banner logo with copyright
PART -S Use double-line spacing with -s or -C format
PART -C Compact (space) separated list for email/newsgroups
LVM Allow -n without -d or with -d:* (to set name on all)
LVM Restrict to 19 char names, shorten too long ones
PART Warnings on LVM 20-char names and consistency issues
FIXEXT Added -all option, better confirmation message
PART/MAP Show bootsector read errors but continue reading
MAP Fixed trap on 0 cylinder geo or narrow screen
PTE Fixed trap on "dfsos2 pte -d:2", no info read yet
PART/MAP Show INT13 details if -p (pedantic) switch is used
PTE Indicate changes and refresh info on the screen
BMP -d -? help; Fixed display for other disk, disk param
TxWin Fixed window-paint bug with large usage text (DFSWIN)
PART/MAP Minor update to geo displays, allow 3-digit S:255=
W2KBM Refresh DFSee-cache after fix, removes the warning
STORE Fixed text for virtuals (used in CLONE/IMAGE etc)
DISK/MAP OS/2 2.xx and Windows-NT-4 MBR code recognized now
5.23 24-06-2003 PART Detect 3 different versions of BMGR: FDISK/I13X/LVM
PART Format "none" = unformatted, "unknown" = unrecognized
PART -w Minor warning for IBM BMGR when it is not W2K protected
Startup of DFSee or DFSUNFD/DFSTART scripts use "FDISK -m" now
DFSIBMGR Fixed bug for disk other than 1, allow different name
PART Warning when MBR or BMGR has no I13X while required
TYPE Types 0x8a/8e/a8/ab/bb/fa/fb/fc/fd now recognized
TYPE XOSL bmgr 0x78 type recognized now (in PART cmd too)
LVM -n Do not update disk/sector if it is no LVM-sector yet
LVM -c Skip CRC update for non-LVM sectors (non-LVM partitions)
PART -s Added display of (old) BMGR-name, even when "--> LVM"
CHECK Does not set RC to #errors anymore, better for scripts
DISK/MAP Added System Commander MBR code recognition / display
PART/MAP Display INT13 1023 cylinder limit with the '-m' option
SET Added "set ASC 7/8" for 7-bit or 8-bit ascii output
TxWin Updated codepage-437/850 compatibility for TxWindows
TxWin Refined Windows NT/W2K/XP version if no servicepacks
5.22 16-06-2003 DFSUNFD Support eCS 1.1 for all .CMD scripts (caused error 23)
DELETE Automatic removal of LVM-info entry unless -L- is used
LVM -c Show and remove obsolete LVM-info entries for primaries
FIXCHS Support use IBM/PQ/MS dummy-CHS styles, updated msgs
PART Label shows LVM I13X or FDISK MaxCyl:1023 type BMGR
WALK Display the IBM/PQ/MS/BAD CHS style indicator
PTE pid Fixed selection using a high pid value, seen as SN
PART -w More specific 'NO active' warnings, 1st-disk/any-disk
TxLib Global rename everything to TxLibrary definitions
TxLib Fix centering of title/help text on narrow windows
5.21 03-06-2003 PART Show non-LVM BMGR bootable with 0x05 (installable)
Register Fixed expiry-at-end-of-month bug for evaluation
LVM/PTE Updated the dialogs for MiB versus MB usage
PART -w Less alarming INT13 related warnings, single line now
SIM Added compressed filesize reporting, error and finish
Display Change all 4-digit values to float-point XiB type
LVMinfo Fixed display after read errors to see remaining info
Display Changed all KB/MB/GB to KiB/MiB/GiB (IEEE 1541 / IEC)
VIRT Show new disk table after automatic prestore/import
5.20 24-05-2003 BSFIND Added -? option for short help and usage text
SIM/WRIM Improved error handling in DOS version
VIRT Automatic listdata "IMPORT -d" using PRESTORE basename
SCAN Fixed reporting of number of bad sectors and error msg
Display Consistent use and increased accuracy of MB/KB numbers
LVMinfo PSN values in decimal too, to compare to LVM /startlog
LVM PID specified now overrules -p for partition selection
NEWMBR Added alternative -d[:disk] option plus -? usage help
recover Added "never run again" warning on recovery scripts
DFSUNFD Added extra "part -s" to have decimal values available
5.19 05-05-2003 CREATE Added -A option to "create as" another partition
PTE Fixed display of almost empty entries (just a type)
RESIZE Added explicit warning about resizing bootable NTFS
ALLOC Fixed reported minimum size for FAT (missed some EOF)
OS/2 Fixed trap in "check" command for some systems (I hope)
DELETE Fixed invalid MBR on delete of last logical using 0x0F
5.18 04-05-2003 DFSUNFD New example RECOVER2.DFS and sample 3 in DFSUNFD.TXT
PART Support nn,r relative PID syntax to select partitions
DELETE Support for -d:D and -p:P,r relative PID (for scripts)
PART Added DELL utility partition type; updated W2K LDM
PART/MAP Fixed Linux device name when logicals in wrong order
MBRcode Added another GRUB MBR variant to be recognized
Errors Added store-description to many reported errors
ABOUT Added OS-version info, inluding OS/2 kernel revision
Startup Warning if DFSWIN used on Win9x/WinME virtual DosBox
Startup Warning for DFSDOS on Windows or OS2 virtual DosBox
Startup Warning if DFSDOS used on DOS with a memory manager
DFSTART Added presence-check for all required DFSee files
DFSTART Added write-permission check for current directory
DFSUNFD Added write-permission check for current directory
display Changed cylinder text 'C:' to 'Cyl' for readability
Alt-F12 Switch output buffer color: NORMAL - BRIGHT - INVERT
HELP -? Added for use with the commands SET, SETANSI and TRACE
EXE New '-C:2' switch on .EXE sets bright FG colors only
SET 'SCREEN BRIGHT' will set bright FG color only
5.17 02-04-2003 MAP Added Linux-device names and disk numbers
MAP Fixed Freespace name display for small areas
AUTOBASE Set sane limits when no valid superblock found
FIXSUPER Create/recalculate HPFS superblock (-r option)
DIRMAP HPFS allocation percentage fixed in all displays
PART Added Linux /dev/hda1 style device names
PSAVE Fixed clipped registration text in file headers
LOG Add '-7-' for 8-bit ASCII logfile (default 7-bit)
5.16 24-03-2003 FDISK Add '-?' help to several commands in FDISK mode
CR Allow MAC DDM in MBR sector and partition maps
FDISK Display MAC DDM & partition maps when in MBR
CREATE No cyl-alignment fixup for exact nnnn,s sizes!
PTE Fixed 'smart' updates and field update on ENTER
PTE Fixed dialog & field positioning on larger screen
FAT32 Avoid giant CHECK output for damaged partitions
Screen Avoid popup-window corruption by status text line
DFS*.TXT Documentation update for consistent store naming
5.15 10-03-2003 HELP Rearranged help texts on <F1> to be more helpful
FINDROOT Fixed for HPFS, had been broken since version 5.01
DFSee Use 32-bit cylinder (CHS) values, up to 2TiB disk
VOL Fixed reading/writing with DFSDOS (DFSIMGA.BAT)
FAT Fixed DIR display at cluster 0 (allocation error)
PTE/LVM Avoid direct recursion (F6 or F8 from the dialog)
PTE Support scrolling text window while dialog is up
PTE Fixed logical PgDn/PgUp hang on empty Part-tables
PTE Use decimal numbers by default; settings stick now
screen Alt-F12, and "-C" switch invert text window colors
CREATE Fixed conflict with -t:type and -I:image options
DFSWIN Fixed window update on large console (scroll-bars)
status Display currently executing mode and command string
PART Made 'active logical' a minor warning only
5.14 23-02-2003 PTEdit Minor fix of obscured text in the dialog window
5.13 22-02-2003 PTEdit Full function interactive partition table editor
PART Warnings for zero or too many active partitions
PART Warnings for extended partition marked active
PART Warning for partitions that overlap the previous
BSFIND Improved output, no separate 'list -s' needed
ABOUT Added more info (OpenWatcom), uses dialog window
TxWin Better support for large and overlapping windows
WRIM Fixed write to a volume in OS/2 version (DFSIMGA)
scripts Fixed bad 'PART $*' syntax (DFSUNFD and DFSQUICK)
5.12 29-01-2003 TRACE Added -r for close/reopen log on each line (flush)
DOS32A Tuned stacks, buffers and message display (quiet)
5.11 28-01-2003 WALK Added -? usage help to the DISK and WALK command
PART All options using standard syntax '-' now, not '+'
BSFIND Included the FAT32 spare-sectors in the search
PART Check for illegal backward or looping EBR links
PART Check for invalid partition table entries
TRACE Added logfile-only, -screen and -timestamp options
WALK Detect illegal backward or looping EBR links
UI/SLT Higher memory limits (requires 15 MB avail memory)
CR Current disk (-d) is now default, -d- is all disks
LIST Make -l- the default with -d (to list directories)
LIST Use standard option syntax with '-' instead of '+'
VIRT Open new created virtual disk unless -o- is given
CL Fixed recognition of 'CL' and 'SET' (FDISK switch)
CREATE Fixed a trap on "100,t" type size specification
DFSDOS Added DOS32A DOS-extender (D32) and version string
TP/UI Support scroll buffer output 'behind' popup windows
TRACE Functional tracing to logfile and/or screen (debug)
DFSUNFD Added 'all' sector search on first 8 GB in all cases
DFSINFO Updated for changed 'part' option syntax and run cmd
5.10 14-01-2003 LVM Opt -R + support USB-memory-sticks (1 sect/track)
LVMSHOW Use -R option on LVM to avoid creation of LVM info
SIM/WIPE Cleanup of . $ .NNN and 'this' symbolic values
CLONE Use 0xFE as bad sector pattern (eye-catcher)
DFSee <F12> collapses desktop/scroll-buffer window
FATSIM Added -z option for .IMZ compressed FAT images
PART Added FreeBSD/OpenBSD OEM/format to table display
GEO Fixed rare errors on OS2/DOS with forced geometry
SETTYPE Made 4th parameter (old type) optional again
WIPE New "z" as zero-pattern shortcut parameter
PRESTORE Added more detail to all confirmation dialogs
PART/MAP Fix logical/wasted freespace text display
VIRT Allow .PDX files older than 5.06 to be used
SETBOOT Using more detailed confirmation dialogs
DFSTART Changed default base-filename to DFSTARTX.*
DFSUNFD Fixed special cases GEO and ALL parameters
5.09 02-01-2003 LVM Fixed addition of (delete) in LVM dialog screen
5.08 01-01-2003 DFSUNFD Improved progress reporting and error handling
RUN Find .DFS scripts in exe-directory or on the PATH
Main EXE return value in range 0..254 (for DOS batch)
Startup Fine tuning of logo, about text and registration
WALK Improved bad MBR/EBR detection and warning message
SIM/WRIM Speedup when using compression (up to 2x faster!)
CR Don't allow 0x00 type, new type 0xDF=DFSee-TMP
Many mcs-numbers now accept GiB, KiB, Heads and Track units
LVM Add warning when creating a new LVM/JFS partition
PART Fixed disknumber display for more than 10 disks
PART/MAP Changed freespace naming for better readability
PART/MAP Added diskname to display, LVM or DFSee-generated
FDISK Recognize sectors cleared with 0xF6 pattern
5.07 12-12-2002 DFSUNFD Optimized further by using DFSUNFD.DFS native script
DFSUNFD Fixed abort on unregistered versions (no dfsee.key)
LVM Fix to get an unique PartitId with basePSN + disknr
PART Display type 0x44 as Adaptec-GoBack/Restore (Win-ME)
5.06 05-12-2002 SETBOOT Fixed access-violation in DFSWIN.EXE on rebooting
PART -c or '+c' or '++c' performs CHECK on each partition
LVM -D forces default values to be used (delete existing)
FIND Fixed UNICODE search when using the -u[:str] option
LVM Renamed from LVMSET + cleanup of code and docs
VCU Clear old info and generate new default LVM info
SETTYPE Use smart FAT sector type assign 01/04/06/0b/0c
LVMSET JFS signature sectors are now updated (name/letter)
LVMSET -d:disknr works with more options and parameters
LVMSET speedup of single partition work, removed iterator
LVMSET * operates on ALL partitions (or all on one disk)
Commands -Q option suppresses all output for this command
MAP Display textual warning if MBR is unreadable
CREATE -L option for automatic LVMSET after create
CREATE Use smart FAT sector type assign 01/04/06/0b/0c
LVMSET -c -d -n option: CRC and diskname update
LVMSET -V option, request default new volume name
FDISK almost modeless, commands work from all FS modes
NTFS fixed Init bug with MFT 'inconsistent structure'
LVMSET activated by the F8 function-key, start dialog
ALLOC show the partition MAP when in FDISK mode
LVMSET Added 'sync start/size' checkbox to dialog window
TRANS WARNING on illegal head/sect numbers being used
LVMSET -P option/switch forces dialogs to be default
LVMSET Added specific interactive dialog for update
DFSREAD Clear buffer to zeroes on read errors
VIRTUAL fixed trap for bad .PDx geometry values
Commands restructured code for addition of dialogs/menus
Startup Run the native profile.dfs script when present
CLONE Reduced amount of screen output before confirm
MODE Set display size and windowing dynamically
RESIZE Automatic execution of LVMSET after resize
DISK Add 2nd German Warp-4 version to MBR list
5.05 11-11-2002 RESIZE Allow resize of UNKNOWN filesystems (with warning)
FAT2OS FIXBOOT fixed OEM-name for OS/2 bootsector on FAT
EDIT Activate with F2 and Alt-E/A/U/H for prompted edit
EDIT automatic write back (prompted) unless -w- option
WRITE new confirmation and new -at:sn option/prompt
HPFS changed text "boot code area" to "micro-FSD"
CLONE Fixed order of to/from in confirmation dialog
NTFS Support partition/file sizes up to 2048 GB
NTFS Fix IMG extent-display (when no bootsector present)
DFSee Added functions for HUGE size display (> 4GB)
NTFS Accept partially corrupted MFT records
SIM/WRIM -First and -size options instead of arguments
WIPE -First, -size and -Prompt options
FILEFIND Find dir-entry for file(s) on FAT filesystem
SUBFIND Find subdirectories sectors (. and ..) on FAT
DFSee Removed all DOS16 specific code preparing for menus
5.04 26-10-2002 Read: -A: switch, number of read-attempts (retry on error)
DFSee -O: switch, Output Normal, Verbose, Quiet or Maximum
DFSee -E: switch, ignore, quit or confirm generic errors
CLONE -E: option, ignore, quit or confirm on read errors
SIM: -E: option, ignore, quit or confirm on read errors
DISK: Windows-98 added to MBR list
DFSTART Allow one-digit sequence number for resulting files
DFSUNFD Use -data option on export to save important sectors
IMPORT: new -data option, reads sector contents from a file
EXPORT: new -data option, saves sector contents to a file
DISK: VirtualPC, DRDOS, MSDOS 6.22-NL, Win-XP in MBR list
CA: Fixed MFT/FNODE allocation check display
VIRT: automatic filename.PDx template extension for init
DISK: Linux GRUB boot loader in MBR list
5.03 01-10-2002 DFSTART Allow a '-Q' switch to stop session automatically
DISK: Added Warp 4 English and German to recognized MBRs
CHECK: Allow check on volumes when already selected
VOL: Minor updates, analyse FAT32 trap
5.02 22-09-2002 NEWMBR std code now I13X capable, error messages in English
NEWMBR -I option to load MBR boot code image from a file
CREATE -I option for initialization image from a file
PART Support -t- option, to suppress display of table
PART Display one line MBR descriptions with '-m' option
DISK Display MBR description for well-known MBR boot code
PART Mark partitions without LVM info as "--No-LVM-info-
VIRTUAL fixed geometry bug on VRE/VIRTUAL iterations
VIRTUAL automatic PRESTORE to VIRTUAL using .PDx file
VMAKE use VIRTUAL as a more readable synonym
VSTAT show usage and R/W status for all virtual disks
CHECK fine tuning of the allocation progress-bar sizes
PREST no sector confirmation, when using the "-c-" option
FINDCP stop search after 1st CP found, unless "-All" option
5.01 10-09-2002 PART LVM 'bootable' indicator for non-volume partition
PART Add warning on multiple extended container
PART Fix CHS warnings for logical outside container
ALLOC Fixed FAT alloc display trap on empty partition
CREATE Fixed CHS for sectors >= 64 on CREATE
DISK Add warning on sectors/track >= 64
DISK Force extended Int13 use on GEO cyl >= 1024 with -I-
DISK Display 'deleted' partentry too (type == 0)
DISK ext-int13 data to EDD 3.0 spec and -I- sw
Display Non-windowed, no status on last cmd and -Q
MAP Fixed map -g to show geometry again
SETBOOT Auto 'show' on SETBOOT change, fix warning
WRIM Fixed WRIM write bufsize on compressed data (BUG!)
5.00 05-08-2002 DFSDOS 32-bit DOS extended version, full function
DIRFIND fixed finding files for FAT32 partitions
CHECK added statusline progress and progress-bar
COMP new command to compare partitions, images and disks
Status progress on statusline for long-running commands
Option -b for buffer size SCAN/SIM/WRIM/CLONE/COMP/WIPE
SCAN Improved SCAN speed and use new progress display
CHECK fixed HPFS codepage errors and various FAT problems
SLT allow 400.000 files / 300 GB HPFS in DOS version
DELFIND fixed logfile-format on FILEFIND/DELFIND command
FS allow specific modes like FAT16 or FAT32
LOG support resuming previous logfile with 'log .'
QUERY fixed 'query fv/fp/fl' values
CHECK allow checking volumes too, not just partitions
Added <Esc> check to multicmd to avoid DFSUNFD problems
New registration format and name for 5.xx: dfsee.key
H I S T O R Y 4 . X X
4.28 08-07-2002 NTFS initialization, avoid infinite loop on damaged MFT
PART autoPid, previous partition selectable as 'part 0'
CREATE autoPid, created partition selectable as 'part 0'
CREATE use '-d:disknr' on autoshow commands that end in '-r'
PART new '-d:disknr' restricts output to a single disk
PART new '-?' option or '?' parameter will display usage
RESIZE textual updates; fixed -max limit rounding bug
LVMSET easy navigation using 'd' and 'x' commands afterwards
LVMSET now has an LVMSHOW alias and shows size in MB too
LVMSET added -s option to synchronize size & LSN values
LVMSET allow -v- and -p- to delete volume and partition name
4.27 24-06-2002 DFSIPART.CMD/BAT new script to create/restore partition images
CREATE -o option for automatic open partition after create
DIRFIND add -l:wildcard option to list files automatically
VOL better BASE size determination (OS/2) for imaging
WRIM better warning on imagefile being too small
RESIZE '-m' option resizes to the partition size (expand)
RESIZE is now a synonym for TRUNC, and the preferred name
DIRFIND fixed parsing for the path parameter to make it work
FINDBASE HPFS, set correct base END value as well as start
PART added new XPLDM type for Win-XP Logical Volume Manager
WIPE changed default pattern from 'DfsWiped' to zeroes
TRUNC support resize to a LARGER size, up to partition size
MAP new '-g' option to force geo display (at startup)
Several source updates for WATCOM port (version 5.0 beta :-)
4.26 09-06-2002 SETLET etc, explicit warning dialogs on Win2000/XP and more
TYPE fixed trap for displaying a range of system types
reset pending 'abort' status for non-windowed use (trace)
BATCH command reintroduced for non-DOS, useful with scripts
PART some fixes allowing stable operation up to 80 partitions
MAP fixed bad output and traps on more than 54 partitions
MAP fixed trap after CR and no refresh using '-r'
4.25 30-05-2002 CR accept '83h' and '0x83' style hex numbers in options
CR fixed false-BM-name creation for NT (possible trap)
CLONE issue size warning only when really needed
START fdisk startable command, new 'Clear' option
PART changed color of freespace to cyan for readability
MAP Support -d:nr for disk and -d or '.' for current
CR Don't change current disk on CR PRI partition
DFSTART script, use 'dfstart' as fixed basename for files
4.24 28-05-2002 PL Auto display of LVM/JFS fake EBR sectors
CLONE no size-warning if no parameters given, just usage
CR '-d' or '-d:0' will use current disk (after VMA -o)
VMA '-o' option, making it the current disk (for CR -d)
4.23 23-05-2002 New FIXCHS command to match CHS values to LBA/geometry
New FILEFIND command to find HPFS/NTFS files for recovery
CLONE fix sector limit at end and check destination size
CR improved confirmation dialog text with size and type
CR fix parsing of numeric values for '-t:' option
Allow trailing '\' on SAVEAS/RECOVER path for convenience
Report correct 'number of files recovered' after RECOVER
LIST new '+gs' option to list using the 'Sys' geometry
Use 'Sys' = system geometry when using OS r/w API's, this
fixes several bugs when using a forced geometry with 'GEO'
4.22 12-05-2002 New DFSTART script (BAT or CMD) for inexperienced users
New DFSIMAGE script to save or restore diskette images
New DFSAMPLE script as example to make your own scripts
FIND, WIPE and WIPELST: new -h, -a and -u options
PART Allow '-warnings' as option for readability
DFSDOS Fixed read/write to a volume (diskettes only)
DFSDOS Fixed a bug reading/writing large-disks
SIM: new '-b:nn' option and show compress/buffer size
WRIM: new '-b:nn' option to set buffer size up to 63
SIM: added confirmation dialog consistent with WRIM
WRIM: auto select .imz or .img image when file exists
WRIM: fixed imaging to/from floppy (bug since 4.13)
GEO: new command name, get/set disk/volume geometry
4.21 19-04-2002 Updated evaluation period for non-registered usage
WRIM: Fixed bug with compressed data (assert failure)
WRIM: Show list of imagefiles when directory is specified
PART: Improved handling of MBR without boot code at startup
EDIT: allow batch mode when all values given (no prompting)
WRIM: speedup (multi sector) and better progress report
CREATE: changed dummy-CHS value to use more standard values
EDIT: fixed data garbling for -h: option (input Hex data)
PART: warnings for non-std dummy-CHS and wrong CHS values
PART: Added -w: warning selection options (see DFSCMDS.TXT)
CREATE: fixed cylinder alignment for -x:nnn option (off by 1)
WRIM: Added -test option (no real write)
4.20 16-04-2002 Updated intro-text to show the new "www.dfsee.com" domain
Fixed a CREATE failure with multiple freespace areas and
specifying an exact location of the new partition. (-abs:)
Fixed wrong size on 1st of a multiple partition JFS volume
Fixed "DFSUNFD * all", actually a parser bug and possible trap
Added a confirmation dialog for external (unknown) commands
RECOVER "-E:" option allows ignoring errors, quit or confirm
RECOVER "-O:" option allows quiet, verbose or extreme verbose
Fixed passing of options without a value to the FDISK module
Allow numeric find types like "8" for searching FAT32 sectors
Set default find option to repeated search if no value specified
4.19 03-04-2002 Find dfsee.reg key in exe-dir even when it is not in the PATH
Allow system dates like 01-01-1999 in key verification
4.18 18-03-2002 Added 'edit' command prompting dialogs for position and data
Added JFS and NTFS Volume name to partition table displays
4.17 06-03-2002 ZEROFREE '-test' option and select with -part, -vol or -image
'wipe -f' and 'zerofree' command to wipe FREESPACE only
Updated FAT bootsector recovery, force FAT32 on 0b/0c type
Use script basename for $0, not full name, allows easy reuse
Large-file > 2GB support on SIM and WRIM (OS2 4.50, JFS)
Large-file > 2GB support on IM and VOL cmd (OS2 4.50)
TRUNCATE command implemented for HPFS filesystems
EXPAND an HPFS partition using DFSEE and CHKDSK (see DFSHOWTO)
Window-collapse to title with <F12>; to look behind a window
Instructions to create a 700 KB free memory DOS BOOT diskette
to reliably run DFSDOS.EXE (see dfshowto.txt and DOSBOOT.ZIP)
4.16 22-02-2002 SCRIPTING, RUN native scripts with arguments (see DFSCRIPT.TXT)
MsgBox moved to upper-right corner avoiding text cluttering
Added say/sleep/autoshow to DFSMDOS; new 'REM' remark cmd
Fixed a size-calculation bug in DiskGeo and other displays
Replaced win/nowin commands by -w+ and -w- EXE-switches
Support HPFS386 deleted FNODEs; UNDELETE no OK on HPFS386
Made ignore-lock default (-i switch); removed 'batch' cmd
Allow comment on each DFSee command using the ';' character
Scroll horizontal now with the Alt + <> or Alt + . / Alt + ,
keys in the output window and in the MsgBox text
4.15 07-02-2002 Fixed NTFS 'check' command and SLT-build inconsistency
Removed external commands when working in shell mode '-S'
Improved CLONE confirmation dialog with FROM and TO info
Added warning dialog to CLONE when cloning non-disk to disk
Keep same maximum-PSN (end of disk) when new base is specified
Added '-7' switch to assure 7-bit ASCII will be used only
Larger scroll buffer, 4000 to 9000 lines (OS/2 and NT versions)
Fixed an off-by-1 error on find result offset reported
4.14 28-01-2002 Performance improvement for CLONE, WIPE, SIM and WRIM commands
'-S' global switch for 'shell' mode (disables quit and <F3>)
New LVMSET command to set volume name, partition name, add or
remove from BM-menu and change/remove driveletter (hide)
4.13 22-01-2002 CLONE command to copy whole disks or partitions to another
PRESTORE accepts explicit filename to use another disk
Added 'part -a' and 'part ++a' to display allocation maps
Added display of HPFS bootdrive in Bootsector display
Updated NTFS SLT and CHECK; Check now sets RC to #errors
NTFS supporting sparse/compressed files in allocation
Created DFSLDOS running in 310KB = 317000 bytes (FDISK only)
Minor change in dialog button colors for readability
Added '-q' option to PART and DISK reducing displayed detail
4.12 08-01-2002 DFSTRUNC script updated to find suitable FAT/NTFS partition
Made DOS version run in 600KB again (no HELP windows!)
Give 'trunc' usage even when no partition is selected
Made Cl2Lsn generic( CL command); Added NTFS truncation
Fix FAT alloc display bug with slightly off values
Added generic ALLOC display to NTFS and HPFS, autosized
4.11 26-12-2001 DFSTRUNC script to create freespace, truncating FAT partition
TRUNCATE cmd makes FAT(32) partitions smaller, keeping data!
BASE cmd enhanced with new options, overview: 'base -?'
PRESTORE options changed to '-list' and '-verbose' (was: vw)
Fixed Read-only after 'part xx' command and '-R' switch used
Fixed drive-letter assignment for WIN2000 and Win-XP
Allow reset of READONLY on a store with 'store x -R-'
Added warnings for extended-container size mismatches
Added EXE-switch '-p' for a pedantic warning level
Updated FIXBOOT for FAT32 to allow 'fixboot -spare'
Updated partition detailed display with better geometry
4.10 30-11-2001 Fixed several non-512 byte sector problems (CDROM traps)
Fixed several traps on bad HPFS sectors
Fixed trap-D with CDROM present (2048 bug, DFSUNFD 9 disks)
ReadOnly in status, and detect RO img; -R option on VOL/PART
Added -R switch/option forcing global read-only mode
Added -I switch forcing std Int13 use when cylinders < 1024
Fixed CHECK/SLT command, added -r option for refresh
Updated CR and SETBOOT for new parsers, added usage texts
Updated all cmd-parsers; DFSMDOS now runs in 380 KB
-? = help on command line switches, as in 'DFS -?'
-t = auto timestamp to screen and log (also on -q and -l)
-m = autoshow cmd, allowing multi-command too
Add Intel EFI spec GPT_DISK type (recognize Win-XP types)
Add "-r" and "-a" to "part" replacing the '!' option
Add "-e" option to settype and fixext allow work on extended
First parser usage in FIND / DELFIND, updated usage text
4.09 05-11-2001 Fixed garbage paint bug in status line & scroll buffer (OS2)
Some UI enhancements to the command line/scroll buffer:
Ctrl-left: one word backward; Ctrl-right: one word forward
Ctrl-B: clear to begin; Ctrl-E: clear to end of field
Esc or Ctrl-Backspace: clear whole entry field
Esc in scroll-buffer (after a <tab>) will move to entryfield
History recall with Ctrl+UP will now always get previous cmd
4.08 30-10-2001 Use DFSMDOS in DFSUNFD.BAT allowing low memory situations
Automatic scroll to end of output window before each command
New FATSIM and FATWRIM commands to save/restore fat tables
New FAT32 FINDROOT command, finding all possible root clusters
Added copy of the spare sectors (6&7) for FAT32 FIXBOOT
Added extra warning for create type 00 (usually an error)
Use spare MFT in NtfsInit if the base MFT is damaged
FAT directory display update so 'cl 0' is displayed as 'Root'
Search position of 1st and 2nd FAT if bootsector is damaged
Fixed FAT label display in partition table display (part)
Added FAT32 root directory location to standard bootsector display
Changed SWAP/EXT2 naming for type 82/83, more Linux centric
4.07 18-10-2001 Fixed BUG with multiple physical disks showing same information
Added '-x' command line switch, avoids read diskinfo at startup
Added detection for EBR-loop, read will terminate at 100 EBRs
FIXBOOT for FAT and FAT32 (beta only, works on most partitions)
Show DIR of available imagefiles when IM parameter ends in '\'
4.06 15-10-2001 Added FAT32 2nd/3rd bootsector display with freespace value
Made 'nonstd type 0f' a non-critical warning ("part warn")
Show all critical warnings on PART display
Fixed extended-int13 usage for Thinkpads (and possibly others)
Added low available memory tests and warnings to DOS versions
4.05 10-10-2001 Store cmd improved; User can now switch with "store" command
Switch "-a" on DFS switches ANSI output OFF (clean output)
Fixed cmd-parser bug ('vma 1000 02' would select part 2)
Updated status line with 'Store' and partid display
Updated 'part -' to 'part ,' and 'part ,*'; improved output
Automatic reread of diskinfo after FIXBOOT commands
Included fix for black buttons (texts) on full screen displays
4.04 01-10-2001 Fixed trap in DFSINFO.CMD on corrupted codepage sectors
New messages on corrupt codepage sectors in HPFS 'check'
Added some specific sector displays to DFSUNFD script
Display last accessed PSN on some reported errors (like 0x87)
Reduced memory usage with 60KB in DFSMDOS (non-windowed only)
Cleaned up registration code and messages
4.03 20-09-2001 Fixed trap in DFSINFO.CMD (any 'empty' command really)
Added Confirmation dialog message boxes with help (Yes/No)
Added help system for every windowing item (F1)
Fixed "More .." bug with auto-quit & batch mode
Nicer window frame on larger screens > 80x25
4.02 17-08-2001 New argv/option parser used (recover -u -8.3 -q ...)
Better scaling in FAT alloc; show last-used cluster
Fixed find-free BMPRIMARY entry at create
Fixed HPFS 'fixboot' with wrong superblock contents
Fixed NTFS 'findroot' when start is not MFT record
Read-failure msg on OpenDisk (error 31)
Fixed HPFS delfind for invalid parent Fnode
4.01 31-07-2001 Fixed FAT32 with type-06 trap (multi-os installs!)
Improved DFSUNFD script, ALL-sector and Geometry parameters
New query options to query registration and version numbers
Commands in dfs*.txt ordered alphabetically now
Added dfsprint.cmd (with thanks to Peter 'webfoot' Skye)
4.00 18-07-2001 First SHAREWARE version; Improved LVM feature display
H I S T O R Y 3 . X X
3.42 09-07-2001 'list +s' with sector type description; DFSUNFD dsk-2 bug fix
3.41 07-07-2001 Improved DISK/WALK output; bug fixes; 'PL' updates Sectorlist
Display of LVM feature sectors; HPFS hotfix display
Allow comment on any cmd using ';' (use % for delshow etc)
Fixed trap on illegal NTFS dates (win2000, $SECURE)
3.40 25-04-2001 JFS enhancements; DIRTY command and enhanced FIXBOOT
3.39 20-04-2001 First JFS support, display superblock and fixboot for JFS
Extra parameter on H|h and A|a cmd to force size in SECTORS
3.38 16-04-2001 LVM signature sec in PSAVE, PRESTORE and PL; BSFIND start 0
HPFS FINDCP & FIXSPARE commands; 'PART D:' works on multi JFS
3.37 06-04-2001 More LVM stuff, signature sector, update to bsfind, CRC check
Minor changes to 'part', warnings only displayed on request
3.36 22-03-2001 Correct part-list on NT; 'DIRTY' cmd for HPFS; h/H 64 sectors
W2KBM avoids W2K CHKDSK screen; SETBOOT works with LVM BMGR
3.35 28-02-2001 NT native reboot & create 8.3 names on FAT in saveto/recover
3.34 26-11-2000 Never use (OS/2) LVM drive-letter info when using DFSNT
3.33 14-11-2000 No sudden exit from DFSNT when STDIO is redirected
3.32 23-07-2000 W2KBM cmd for BMGR with Win2000; VMAKE virtual disks
3.31 22-06-2000 NTFS fixboot made more forgiving on validity checking
3.30 19-06-2000 Recognize and handle corrupted NTFS boot records better
3.29 18-06-2000 PRESTORE command implemented, making PSAVE useful at last
3.28 28-05-2000 Added Minor layout fixes to 'list' + DFSUNFD.CMD/DFSUNFD.BAT
3.27 23-05-2000 Added 'list +b' command, for 'bsfind' analysis (UNFDISK)
3.26 21-05-2000 Added 'list +s' command, shows sizes in MB for 'bsfind' lists
3.25 01-05-2000 Added set driveletter to NT-version (SETL, CDR, NTMAP, NTDEV)
3.24 04-04-2000 Fixed traps on corrupt HPFS CodePages & BMGR names on CR/DEL
3.23 26-03-2000 Fixed undelete very long filenames and import large LSN files
3.22 21-03-2000 Reboot using external-program fixed
3.21 14-03-2000 Minor fix to AUX module, several other small fixes
3.20 12-03-2000 New "-q" and "-b" startup options; AUX module, supports VRAID
3.19 05-03-2000 Set NT disk-admin signature with NEWMBR and NTSIGN cmds
3.18 28-02-2000 Minor fixes; F4=SCRFILE; fixed major CREATE bug! (up to 3.17)
New DFSMDOS.EXE, FDISK and most generic functions only, runs
in minimal memory environments (needs about 330 KB to run)
3.17 11-02-2000 New PSAVE command; New 'PART -' output format; Cylsize in Geo
3.16 31-01-2000 Show proper offset in edit HEX dump; Fixed 'SCREEN ON' cmd
3.15 26-01-2000 NT FDISK mapping; PCLEAR cmd; Find Unicode strings; TYPE fix
3.14 06-01-2000 Fixed FAT check bug; Fixed trap on NTFS CheckAlloc (DELFIND)
3.13 02-01-2000 Fixed history corruption (DFSDOS); added history display
3.12 01-01-2000 HPFS B-tree display fix; updated QUERY cmd; F-keys & history
3.11 29-12-1999 FAT2OS cmd => OS2,NT,IBMDOS, MSDOS; QUERY cmd sets exit-code
3.10 29-10-1999 PC-LINT check; NTFS undelete BETA (DELFIND, SAVETO, RECOVER)
3.09 19-10-1999 FAT display EA bug; NTFS MFT fixes and display enhancements
3.08 26-09-1999 NTFS MFT fix; offset in Part-table hex-dump
3.07 14-09-1999 Added DIR LSN ref to HPFS check msg 2000; Minor fix SET cmd
3.06 05-09-1999 LVM sector access via nav.xtra; version in prompt; SET cmd
3.05 30-08-1999 NTFS MFT allocation update; find deleted MFT records
3.04 15-08-1999 Aurora GEO; display speedup; UNDELETE speedup + enhancements
NTFS improved MFT display and translation functions
3.03 04-08-1999 DFSDOS Ext-Int13 fix; ANSI colors cleanup; display sizes
3.01 25-07-1999 Windowing enhancements; DFSDOS fixes; More LVM support
3.00õ 09-07-1999 New 'bsfind' command to find bootsectors quickly
3.00ß 07-07-1999 Small but significant fixes for text-based windowing
3.00 10-07-1999 Win/nowin commands and LOGO text; dirfind cmd fixed
2.99 28-06-1999 More minor fixes; introduction of text-based windowing
2.96 11-05-1999 Minor fixes in LVM display, find and delfind commands
2.94 20-04-1999 LVM and minor JFS display updates; plist LVM + plist WALK
2.93 07-04-1999 Reboot internal for DOS/OS2, DFSNTX.EXE for NT; geo at start
2.92 31-03-1999 Added some more system-types (TYPE); minor fixes DOS2OS
2.91 28-03-1999 New NTFS MIR cmd; .NNN, BM-name and cleanup fixes; TYPE cmd
2.90 25-03-1999 FDISK delete; newmbr; settype; setaccess; startable; create
plist; dos2os; cleanup; setboot
2.89 16-02-1999 Fix Fnode-display for huge 0-size file; DFSDOS ANSI detect
2.88 15-02-1999 Final touch on MAP display; DFSBW/DFSQUICK.bat more generic
2.87 14-02-1999 Minor MAP display updates; No auto-read diskinfo
2.86 07-02-1999 Fixed WRIM doc; MAP command; TRANS command; small fixes
2.85 25-01-1999 NT admin warning; Small FAT bugfix; TrackZero freespace
2.81 16-12-98 Allow "diskgeo" for images & non-alpha chars in *.img name
2.80 13-12-98 DOS Cyl count fix; TZDFSEE dates; NTFS RunList; list +d / +c
2.84 24-01-1999 Calculated CHS warnings/info; FreeSpace info; list +g
Fixext cmd fixes 0f-type extended partitions back to 0x05
setptype cmd changes type of any partition to any value
2.83 12-01-1999 Extended type 0f as extended; NTFS display MftSize & DirSize
Part * and part $* display; fixed bootsector display trap
2.82 01-01-1999 Set exit RC; bootrec Cyl size; HPFS auto CPinfo; INT13 ext.
Physical Geo in DFSDOS In13ext; show limits with 'base'
NTFS fixboot cmd; Part-table display fix; BeOS-FS recognition
2.79 29-11-1998 NTFS fixups & directory display; FAT dir bug; FreeSpace bug
2.78 22-11-1998 Added HPFS bootsector creation; fixed WIPE trap, DFSDOS WRIM
2.77 17-11-1998 Added NTFS runlist display; Fixed trap on HPFS autobase cmd
2.75 21-10-1998 No default SLT generation on "part", "vol", "im" and "fs"
2.72 30-07-1998 New $ option to 'part' for size info table
2.70 28-07-1998 Fixed date-time display for HPFS (bug was OS/2 only)
2.67 04-06-1998 Added optional LZW-compression on SIM and WRIM commands
2.65 10-05-1998 Fixed 'f* * xxx' bug + new % speed-up option; FAT32 support
2.64 04-05-1998 Small bug-fixes + support for named-pipe to LPT on sim/wrim
2.63 19-04-1998 Fixed DFSDOS WRIM and IM commands (file I/O); Fix "FS xxxx"
2.61 29-03-1998 Saveto xxx.DIR orphan naming; DispHex update; displ NTFS-MFT
2.60 08-03-1998 Single snlist; recover/saveto; dirfind, wipe; color in DFSNT
2.58 22-02-1998 Fixed More... bugs; Fixed FAT EA & label bug; show EA details
2.57 15-02-1998 Name DFSee; VFAT Details; FAT Os2Ea display; "find" cleanup
2.55 25-01-1998 DOS version; diskgeo cmd; More write capabilities; bugfixes
2.54 28-12-1997 More FAT commands; generic More ...; fix DELFIND bug
2.52 07-12-1997 Check spare/super; BPB display; Specific FAT & NTFS commands
2.50 24-11-1997 HPFS checksum management; cs, edit and write cmd
2.47 11-11-1997 Updated SLT error display; new check cmd (chkdsk); +/- cmd
2.43 28-10-1997 Support for undelete of directories including EAs
2.42 18-10-1997 Support for EAs in "saveto" and delsave cmds
2.41 12-10-1997 Multiple file UNDELETE with delfind/delshow/delsave cmds
2.40 06-09-1997 import/export of LSN lists; getbs/fixbs badsector mgmt
2.37 24-08-1997 Path display on find Fnode; Wildcard select on list +f
2.35 18-08-1997 Path info in Fnode display and "list" output; MEM cmd
2.32 20-07-1997 Reporting & ALBLK fixes to saveto; new "ca" cmd CheckAlloc
2.30 06-07-1997 Improved 'find' syntax and functionality; Undelete support
2.28 21-06-1997 Added autobase command for HPFS (find HPFS partition start)
2.25 15-06-1997 Added Wrim command; Improved lock implementation (nested)
2.24 10-06-1997 Added Img and Sim commands; date/time on Dirblocks;
2.20 19-05-1997 Win NT beta version; Search speedup; prio command; cleanup
2.12 06-04-1997 Added logical volume support using "DASD" type access
2.06 16-03-1997 Updated ACL support on HPFS386; Scan badsectors
2.00 03-02-1997 Removable media (NEWDASD); (part) D: cmd; invisible primary
1.91 21-01-1997 New fixroot, fixcp and saveto commands for recovery actions
1.87 19-01-1997 Fixed MBR/EBR walk; multiple cmds using #, BM-labels in part
1.70 20-12-1996 Update ColoradOS/2, DASD limits; REQUESTABLE (OS2FISYS forum)
1.64 16-10-1995 Cleanup for delivery on ColoradOS/2 CDROM
1.62 13-10-1995 RUN cmd runs REXX; Added Free-space and inconsistency report
1.52 13-09-1995 new '/' cmd shortcut; First released version! <== OS2 BBS
1.39 20-07-1995 32-bit port; Sector Lookup table; bug-fixes
1.00 27-11-1994 DHPFS initial version, hex dump super+spare blocks
----------------------------[ www.dfsee.com ]-------------------------------
www.dfsee.com/download/dfsee_os2_wpi.exe |
DFSee, Display File Systems v. 17.0 (ISO file image - Warpstock release build, , Jan van Wijk) |
Readme/What's new |
DFSee version 16.x (c) 1994-2019: Jan van Wijk
=========================[ www.dfsee.com ]==========================
For exact version info, release date and changes see the DFSHIST.TXT file
The standard distribution of DFSee (dfsee_install.zip) contains all the DFSee
files you will need to use it, organized in the following directories:
- dos Everything needed or usable to run on DOS or Windows-9x full-screen
- win Everything needed or usable to run on Windows-NT, XP, Win-7/8/10
- bin Everything needed or usable to run on OS/2 version 2.0 or newer
- linux Everything needed or usable to run on LINUX, kernel 2.x or newer
- mac Everything needed or usable to run on macOS (Intel CPUs only)
- doc The main DFSee documentation files in text and some in PDF format
with detailed information about DFSee and the commands.
So, just unzip the distribution archive in a directory of your choice ...
If you are new to DFSee, I recommend you use the
DFSTART script to start with. It will collect some
very useful backup files the first time it is used
To collect minimal information about your system, to
email to others, or post on newsgroups for help, use:
DFSxxx -query
Where DFSxxx is any of the DFSee executables (see below)
It will produce a "dfsquery.log" file to be sent/posted.
DFSee is a SWISS-ARMY KNIFE of disk-tools packaged in a single
executable file (.EXE). There is really no need for 'installing'
anything, as long as the executable can be found.
(in the PATH for instance).
So make sure the executable is in a tools directory or a directory
of its own, and make sure that directory is in the PATH to make it
more convenient. The only thing that IS a bit important is that
the registration file needs to be in a directory in the PATH as
well, and must be renamed to the fixed name: 'dfsee.key'.
If you did not receive the 'dfsee.key' as a seperate file but
as part of a larger file or email, you can create it yourself:
Just put the line "DFSreg='.........'" into a file of its own, and
call it 'dfsee.key' Make sure the single quotes are kept in place.
One way to do that is mark the line in the file or email and copy
it to the clipboard, then start a NEW empty file in an editor like
the OS/2 Enhanced Editor, and paste in the line from the clipboard.
It does not even matter if there is more (garbage) in the file,
as long as the "DFSreg=" starts at the begin of the file.
Available executables:
- DFSOS2.EXE The OS/2 executable, full function including REXX
- DFSDOS.EXE The (extended) DOS executable, full function
- DFSWIN.EXE The Win-NT/2000/XP executable, full function
- requires ADMIN or BACKUP rights to access the disks!
(right mousebutton, 'Run as Administrator')
- dfsee The native Linux executable, full function
- requires 'root' privileges to access the disks!
- dfsee (MAC) The native MAC OSX executable, full function
- requires 'root' privileges to access the disks!
- Disks MUST be UNMOUNTED to allow writing,
eject ALL volumes on the disk first!
- To use the DFSee.app launcher (Dock icon)
you may need to allow that, see DFSINST.TXT.
INSTALL: To install the above executables for a specific platform,
check the DFSINST.TXT files for details on what to download,
and what to do/execute to set it up for proper usage.
TIP: For optimal viewing of all the info in the DFSee displays,
a wide screen (or window) is recommended, 100 characters
wide or even more works very well.
The minimum workable width is 80 characters.
MOUSE: - OS/2 or eComstation (DFSOS2.EXE):
For optimal mouse usage make sure the 'Mouse Actions' in the
(upper left) system-menu for a Windowed session is NOT checked!
- Windows NT / W2K / XP / Vista / Windows-7
For mouse usage make sure the 'Quick Edit Mode'
in the properties for the command window is NOT checked!
(this is ON by default on Windows 2000, meaning no mouse support)
- DOS (und FreeDOS etc ...)
Mouse support with any Microsoft-Mouse compatible driver.
- Linux and macOS
Full mouse support in Windowed environments, NOT the Linux console
Important backups
I advise you to keep a bootable copy of DFSee either on diskette, CDROM, DVD,
or a bootable USB stick, for example using the DFSee PUPPY Linux based one:
Then use an important backup command to save the current state of your
existing system(s) as a preventive measure, from the DFSee menu:
Mode=FDISK ->
Backup partition info ->
- - - All disks - - -
This will make a backup of all important partition-table and boot sectors
to a few relatively small files that can be used in cases of emergency to
restore them with 'prestore' or using the DFSee menu:
Mode=FDISK ->
Restore partition info ...
Use a meaningful 'filename' for each different system you backup.
For extra information on the systems you could also run the DFSDISK
analysis procedure that comes with DFSee. It will create six files
for each physical harddisk in the system.
Scripts ->
Analyse disks for support ->
- - - All disks - - -
Note: The DFSDISK and PSAVE stuff above is included in DFSTART,
so if you use that you are on the safe side!
Realize that when using DFSDOS to restore imagebackups or
partitioning info, it can ONLY read from FAT or FAT32 drives!
So storing important recovery info on HPFS, NTFS or EXT2
file systems might not be a good idea when using the FreeDOS
based diskette/CDROM with DFSee.
Online Help
As a command-line program, DFSee has limited online help, useful
to check the syntax and parameters. The following is available:
'help' command : This will display a short introduction and a few
important selection commands.
'??' command : List all generic commands, available in every mode
'?' command : List all commands specific to the current mode
'???' command : List sector-types recognized in the current mode
DFSEE -? : List available switches for the DFSee executable
from the operating-system command-line.
The switches set some preferences and options like
windowing, using a logfile and batch-mode.
Most commands that require parameters will also display a short usage
and help when called without any parameters, or sometimes when called
with the parameter '-?'
Finally, whenever a (confirmation) dialog window is presented to ask a
question or get other input, you can use the <F1> function-key to get
additional help on that specific dialog or question.
Recommended reading
DFSee is a rather complex program with dozens of commands that could
be used. You will need some time and effort to master that complexity.
All commands and some generic topics are covered in DFSxxxx.txt files:
- DFSEE.TXT = A short introduction to DFSee and its concepts
- DFSINST.TXT = short installation description
- DFSPROMO.TXT = A short promotional text on DFSee and its concepts
- DFSHOWTO.TXT = An ever growing collection of recovery scenarios and
other useful DFSee usage examples
- DFSTERMS.TXT = A terminology reference about DFSee and partitioning
- DFSCMDS.TXT = The main command-reference with all generic commands
- DFSDISK.TXT = Description and examples of the DFSee UNFDISK procedure
- DFSFDISK.TXT = The FDISK (partitioning) command reference
- DFSAPFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the APFS filesystem
- DFSEFAT.TXT = Command reference specific to the EFAT filesystems
- DFSEXT.TXT = Command reference specific to the EXT2, EXT3 and EXT4 FS
- DFSFAT.TXT = Command reference specific to the FAT filesystems
- DFSHFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the HFS filesystem
- DFSHPFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the HPFS filesystem
- DFSISO.TXT = Command reference specific to the ISO filesystem
- DFSJFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the JFS filesystem
- DFSNTFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the NTFS filesystem
- DFSRSR.TXT = Command reference specific to the REISER filesystem
- DFSXFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the XFS filesystem
- DFSCRIPT.TXT = Reference for using command-scripts with DFSee
- DFSHIST.TXT = History of changes for DFSee, known bugs and wish-list
- DFSYNTAX.TXT = Syntax rules for DFSee command, parameters and options
Background information on PC-partitioning, filesystems and some of
the DFSee internals and working are in PDF files:
- DFSEECON.PDF = DFSee concepts, introduction. (not a user guide!)
- PCPARTIT.PDF = PC partitioning including the OS/2 LVM extensions
- FSYSTEMS.PDF = Filesystems on-disk structures explained
(FAT, FAT32, HPFS, NTFS and a little JFS)
There is some additional material on the DFSee website including the
complete contents of all menu helppages with screenshots, a HOWTO,
plus links to reviews and tutorials by others:
And presentations that explain some background on DFSee and
filesystems. (HTML as well as PDF format
Known Problems
- The DOS version, DFSDOS.EXE will NOT display all present volumes
(driveletters) using the 'VOL' command, or offer all of them in
one of the filedialogs. NETWORK and CDROM letters will be missing.
In many cases, if you KNOW the driveletter, you can use it directly
in a command anyway, or even use it in the filedialog entryfield
to have the files for that drive displayed.
- The OS2 version, DFSOS2.EXE is known to fail (abort on startup) when a
virtual floppy-disk driver is loaded that is not initialized, as in:
device=c:\tools\vfdisk.sys 0
Initializing it to another value (like 1 for a 1.44Mb diskette) solves that.
DFSee version 17.0 2022-10-22 (c) 1994-2022: Jan van Wijk
========================[ www.dfsee.com ]==========================
H I S T O R Y 1 7 . X
17.0 22-10-2022 VER Warpstock release build
LABEL Add REBOOT hint to menu help en LABEL command itself
MENU Fix Set Geometry Dialog for 255/255 Radio Button
MENU Fix Force Operation mode ExFAT
DUMP Minor fix to display DUMPFILE size correctly
H I S T O R Y 1 6 . X
16.9 06-10-2021 RECOVER ExFAT new warning hint when ASSUMING files are contiguous
PART Fixed possible crash (string overflow) in certain displays
D or DOWN: Correctly go to FS-entry sector, even if bootsec empty
EXPORT/IMPORT sector list, fixed displayed the filename used
RECOVER, SAVETO and BROWSE streamlined WARNING/ERROR reporting
RECOVER, SAVETO and BROWSE recovery, always set file timestamps
CMD_WARNING on FileSaveAs alloc fail, is OK, so set timestamps!
16.8 28-02-2021 Rebuilt with MIT-licensed open source TxLib (no functional change)
CR: Added the symbolic 'AOT1' GPT type to the help tekst
16.7 11-11-2020 EXFAT: Recover: Contiguous file save after FORMAT, FAT-entries 0
FORMAT: Added numeric RC value display on a format verify error
GPT: New 'OS2 ArcaOS Type 1' GUID GPT partition type aka 'AOT1'
LOG: Allow '@' char in filename as synonym for '^' (auto-seq-nr)
LOG: Allow LAST '@' or '^' anywhere in the filename (auto-seq-nr)
LOG: Replace single ~ before delimitter char by YYYYMMDD date
LOG: don't discard ~ in name when NOT at end or numbered ~N
MENU: Avoid hang by ignoring <F11> history key if menubar is up
Map: Avoid <> characters in output to avoid HTML quoting errors
PART: Avoid <> characters in output to avoid HTML quoting errors
WPI: OS/2 installer update for new DFSee support forum at groups.io
16.6 02-02-2020 PALINDROME date release, minor release with just a few bug fixes :)
DFSPUPPY: Creation script updated to require a 4GB stick minimum
GPT: Fixed crash when using the -name:'newname' option (16.6 beta)
Disp: Fixed spurious crash when displaying nearly empty bootsectors
MENU: Create partition: Freespace list correctly display size > 2Tb
GPT: Fix creation of partitions larger than 2Tb (avoid truncation)
16.5 25-10-2019 WARPSTOCK release, no functional change, minor documentation fix
LIST: Fix display format for decimal numbers over 12 positions
DOS version: Fix crash (or hang) when selecting the Scripts menu
JFS CHECK: Fix bogus errors reported on Inode allocation (0x200)
16.4 10-10-2019 Official first complete build on the new development macBook PRO
Fixed extreme-slow startup of macOS version when SIP not disabled
DFSPUPPY.TXT/DFSUSB32.TXT files added to WPI and MSI installers
FileDlg: Accept new absolute-path+wildcard in filename field na
FileDlg: Files list now DISABLED for DIR-selector (output only)
FileDlg: HIDE Unix system dirs like /dev when showhidden is off
FileDlg: Handle [OK] as ENTER if filename-field contains wildcard
FileDlg: [OK] with empty filename field, discards the dialog
FileDlg: [OK] with wildcard or dir-name is handled by dialog
IMAGE: Fixed option handling, make sure '-S' always implies '-z'
MENU: Added Mode=Fdisk->Partition Table Operations -> Edit Tables
OS/2 OS: Updated background image for the DFSee Desktop folders
OS/2 WPI: DFSee Interactive/Large/Huge now as single 'RUN DFSee'
OS/2 WPI: Updated background image for the DFSee Desktop folders
PART: Recognize Linux native FS in a GPT Windows-BasicData type
PART: Update Windows 'administrator required' message for Win-10
PRESTORE: Fixed restore to a SPECIFIED disknumber, not SAME
SCAN: Add extra confirmation, with object-identification (store)
STARTABLE: Allow CLEAR of active logical; and FORCE active option
STORE/Confirm: Use InsFS as AUX alias on unformatted type 0x07
Windows MSI: DFSee Interactive renamed: 'RUN DFSee' (like PUPPY)
Windows OS: Prompt to resize buffer if scrollbars are present
Windows OS: -W and -W- option to force/disable the resize-check
16.3 03-08-2019 ABOUT: Add OS version details for Win10-1903 and macOS Catalina
CR: Numbers allow an 0t or 0T prefix to force a decimal value
FIXEXT: Fixed crash on caused by 64-bit sector number display
LINUX: Not UPX compressed anymore (corrupt ELF header, may fail)
PART: Presence of type 0xEF UEFI-syst does NOT imply GPT style!
PUPPY: Updated the DFSPUP32 startup scripts (older urxvt used)
PUPPY: Updated the DFSPUPPY.TXT to match the latest IMZ versions
PUPPY: Fixed disk-number passed to DFSPUPPY for DFSPUP32 stick
PUPPY: Suppress tabbed URxvt terminal window on DFSPUP64 stick
SCRIPT/SWITCH: Numbers allow 0t or 0T prefix for decimal value
USB Scripts: Updated 'RETRY after LOCK' message with 'NO FORMAT'
16.2 25-07-2019 APFS: DO show file/dir name when Inode not found in BROWSE/Show
BROWSE: Cleaned up the context-popup-menu for single file select
BROWSE: Do NOT show HIDDEN (by attribute or .filename) by default
BROWSE: Keep same file/dir selected, on Hide/Show items (<F11>)
BROWSE: Add a hint to file RENAME dialog to keep the SAME length
CR dlg (GPT/MBR) popup type-list menu on <F10> or mouse button 2
CR/mcs-numbers: Allow hex/oct prefix/postfix on positional params
DFSPUP64: Use large tracksize to accomodate GRUB2 bootloader code
FAT: Added usage with '-?' for FATSIM, FATWRIM, FINDROOT and PATH
FAT: New 'FATSYNC' command directly copies one FAT area to other
FAT: PATH command fixed for specified LFN directory entry numbers
GENPART: Create log on current dir; Use explicit -t: / -s: values
IMAGE/CLONE: SMART protect MBR-area full cylinder for bootloaders
MENU: 'Change partition Type', new hints to FS-conversion in HELP
MENU: Finetune menu-header + button layout and line-wrapping
MENU: Renamed 'Display' heading to 'View' for consistency & space
NTFS: Hide or Show $xxx root systemfiles like $MFT in the BROWSER
OS/2: WPI installer updated to update the DFSee folder in-place
PART: No display corruption from unprintable characters in labels
PTE dialog (GPT) popup type-list menu on <F10> or mouse button 2
REG: Temporary reg keys may allow up to a year of evaluation time
SET: 'RMBMENU on/off' sets RMB to menu-open key <F10> translation
UI: FileDialog, popup volume-list menu on <F10> or mouse button 2
UI: FileDialog, '..' parent-DIR never considered to be HIDDEN
UI: Right mouse button opens (popup) menu when RMBMENU is set ON
UI: arrow/PGUP/PGDN keys on minimized window scroll output window
XFS: Add more field definitions for the superblock, and display
16.1 22-05-2019 APFS: Added collision detect/resolve on DIRRECORD filename HASH
APFS: COL command searches filename HASH collisions in a volume
APFS: Fixed crash in 'Browse' when selecting empty subdirectory
APFS, HFS: Added hidden files (DOT f-names) filtering for BROWSE
APFS: Show name of first volume as LABEL for a disk or partition
APFS, NTFS, HFS: Display 'D' (FAT) attr indicator in DIR display
BROWSE: <F11> key toggles between SHOW and HIDE 'hidden' items
BROWSE: Added HELP item for the BROWSE startup Dialog and fields
BROWSE: Menu item 'Show hidden Directories/Files' in Edit->DFsee
HFS: Exclude (hard)links if no auto-resolve on recursive recover
HFS: Menu toggle option 'FolderAlias Auto Resolve'; Init meta-DIR
HFS: Menu toggle option 'Hardlinks Auto Resolve'; Init meta-DIR
HFS: Support DIR-hardlink/Folder-alias, as needed for TimeMachine
HFS: Support hardlinks in Browse, Recover and directory display
HPFS, FAT, EFAT, NTFS: Added hidden/system filtering for BROWSE
HPFS, NTFS, FAT: Consider all DOT filenames as HIDDEN for BROWSE
ISO: Hidden attribute (or DOT filenames) filtering for BROWSE
JFS: Hidden/System attrib (or DOT f-names) filtering for BROWSE
MENU: Moved Settings/Properties from EDIT menu to new 'SET' menu
MENU: Added 'Fdlgs, show hidden Dirs/Files' to the 'SET' menu
PUPPY: Download fixed for macOS; Create from download dir; Close
SET HIDDEN: Set 'filedialogs-show-hidden-files', default is OFF
UI: Auto-insert OFF field length now 74 (all except cmdline)
UI: SPACE, INSERT or '+' on menu-item mimic ENTER (toggle mark)
UI: Automatically re-open same menu on settings/property toggle
UI: FileDialog, .filename considered HIDDEN on ALL platforms
UI: FileDialog, better handling of new typed abs/relative paths
UI: FileDialog: <F11> toggles between SHOW and HIDE 'hidden' items
UI UNIX findfiles: .filenames treated as having a HIDDEN attribute
UI UNIX fixed FileDialog bug (missing entries, if dead symlinks)
16.0 16-04-2019 APFS: Version2/3 updates based on Apple File System Reference
APFS: ALLOC command to display FS usage (main and fusion tier2)
APFS: APFS filesystem in a type 0x73 MBR partition is recognized
APFS: Added display of Checkpoint-Map blocks, NEXT to C-super
APFS: Browse functionality implemented for directory-tree browse
APFS: BtreeNode display: allow -r, -p and -name select with -raw
APFS: Create a Volume selection list for 'vi' command and menu
APFS: Create bitmap caches for main and (fusion) tier2 devices
APFS: DESC command shows Btree RECORD types (CATS/DUMP/LEAVES)
APFS: DUMP and Tree/Node display, FS-Tree details and filtering
APFS: DUMP command enhanced with -name:wildcard select DIR/XATRR
APFS: DUMP command enhanced with -x:transactionId filter value
APFS: DUMP command fine-tuned for a display width of 120 columns
APFS: FINDPATH or '\path' commands will display file information
APFS: FOLDER command; Auto folder-display on select from snlist
APFS: FileSaveAs (recovery) implemented for std file data-stream
APFS: LEAF command determines fist/next leaf-node ID in a tree
APFS: LEAVES command displays tree-contents (faster than dump!)
APFS: LEAVES/DUMP commands support Inode name wildcard selection
APFS: New CP command refreshes to latest or given checkpoint
APFS: Recovery of a symlink will create a file with the linkname
APFS: Support -q and -v verbosity on PART and other displays
APFS: VIRT command translates virtual object-ID/Xid to blocknr
APFS: Xfield display in FS BtreeNodes, for filesize and filename
ATTACH: Option -i, Use a better geometry for attached IMZ image
BSFIND: Force sector 0 (MBR/Boot) to be 'found' and always listed
DISKLIST: Execute 'media -update' before display of the list
Display sector: Add 'Block:0x....' to end of identifying line
GENPART: Create correct commands for GPT partitioned disks too
GPT: Use GPT-style on a HYBRID-GPT/MBR with Auto-GPT set to ON
HEXED: Do NOT go to END of output, popup at current scroll-pos
HEXED: default 16 columns, <F6> key cycles 16-32-64-128-256 width
HEXED: default position at the END (column 99) of regular output
IMAGE/RESTORE: Fix incorrect default size when using -P (dialog)
IMZ: fix XMZ indexfile creation for truncated/partial IMZ files
IMZ: for a partitioned-disk IMZ, prompt for partition to browse
ISO: Add display of 'path to root' for directory block displays
ISO: BROWSE initial list building and navigation implemented
ISO: Display DIR including Joliet LFN and Rock Ridge Posix info
ISO: Display El Torito (bootable CD) hdr info, link to boot img
ISO: Display and navigation of directory blocks implemented
ISO: FINDPATH or '\some\path\to\file' resolves file information
ISO: Initial support for the ISO9660 filesystem (DVD/CDROM)
ISO: SAVETO command including file copy and recover from BROWSE
ISO: Supply file-info to support 'list -f' and Browse Display
JFS: DIRTY cmd Improved cmd help, and superblock 'dirty' display
JFS: DIRTY command 'query' parameter sets RC to FS status value
LIST: -f option improved display for non-file records in the list
LOG: Support ~1..9 date/time filename substitution (see 'log -?')
MENU: Edit->LVM Information' uses a submenu for partition select
MENU: Edit->Partition Tables' uses a submenu for partition select
MENU: Mode=APFS 'DUMP all FS-tree records' and show DIR NameHash
MENU: Mode=APFS -> Display SpaceManager info, shows alloc info
MENU: Mode=APFS -> Refresh to last Checkpoint, updates FS view
MENU: Mode=APFS -> Select container Volume, selects one Volume
MENU: Mode=APFS added SpaceManager display and two DUMP variants
MENU: Mode=Fdisk -> RESTORE partition info: Select disknr or SAME
MENU: Mode=ISO -> Select Volume Descriptor (UPCASE,Joliet,Boot)
OPTIONS: verbosity -q and -v changed to the generic -O:s|q|n|v|m
OS/2: Added 128x128 PNG versions of the standard DFSee icons
RESTORE: Fixed crash on restore IMZ file smaller than 1024 bytes
UI: Changed initial-focus to the [OK] button in DIR-select dialog
UI: Fixed scroll bug when not at end of scroll buffer (PgUp, Up)
Windows: Attach all physical disks, allowing disk number gaps
Windows: Fix dsk identification strings with disk number gaps
macOS: Added 'Terminal' app keyboard customization tips to help
macOS: TxFsShow, macOS, Add 'diskutil list' info for device
H I S T O R Y 1 5 . X
15.6 11-01-2019 FILEDLG: Fixed accidental ignoring of default wildcard input
15.6 09-01-2019 ABOUT: TxOsVersion: Recognize OS/4 kernel used on OS/2 (OS/2)
CONFIRM: Avoid inconsistent abort behaviour on Escape key used
DFSGETPY script, test/prompt for writable DL directory; no COPY
DFSGETUP script, test/prompt for a writable download directory
FILEDLG: Callback signals possible target PATH change (UNIX)
HELP: Updated menu help for PUPPY download and program updates
IMAGE DLG: Default single/multi file based on target-FS (LINUX)
MEDIA/DISKLIST: Fix AHCI detection on config.sys syntax variant
SCRIPT: Function 'dirwritable(path)' tests for a writable DIR
15.5 22-12-2018 ALLOC: Better progress text: 'Get ALLOCATION info, at Sector:'
CR: Updated help (cr -?) with examples for 'mcs-number' syntax
DISK SelLists: Show disk ID in description (Linux/Windows/OS2)
DISKLIST: Output format now 2 lines, 2nd is indented description
EXTn: Avoid segmentation violation when no superblock present
FILEDLG: Callback function to signal volume/driveletter change
IMAGE DLG: Auto default for single/multi file based on target-FS
LOG: Trailing '~' char in logfilename expands to current DATE
MEDIA: Show the disk-identification string when available
MEDIA/DISKLIST: Correct Disk-ID string for QSinit PAE RAM-disks
MENU: Add REASON to message about disabled freespace areas (CR)
MENU: DOS VERSION, add 'download updates' DISABLED, with reason
MENU: Edit ->Settings/Properties, DFSee ->Auto log DATE postfix
MENU: Partition open/select items explicitly add the -a option
OS2: Show disk-id string on IDE DANIS506.ADD (media/disklist)
OS2: Show disk-id string on SATA OS2AHCI.ADD (media/disklist)
OS2: Show disk-id string on USB USBMSD.ADD (media/disklist)
PART: Do NOT show FS allocation unless '-a' option (saves time)
PRESTORE: Fixed parsing a .PDx disk-number (was broken in 15.4)
PROGRESS: Make sure values up to 99.99% are rounded DOWN not up
SET INSERT off | on | N: sets (auto) INSERT entryfield length
SET: 'LOG DATE' sets LOG auto DATE postfix on (or OFF or NUM)
STARTUP: switch -logdate sets logfilename auto DATE postfix ON
STARTUP: switch -insert:n sets (auto) INSERT entryfield length
STARTUP: switch -profile- disables execution of standard profile
STARTUP: switch -profile:name executes specific profile script
UI: ENTRYFIELD, auto INSERT: ON for large fields, OFF for small
UI: ENTRYFIELD, delete mark, when typing INSIDE the marked area
UI: Use 7-bit ASCII output setting for window drawing as well
UI: Windows, force codepage 437 unless '-7' EXE switch is used
15.4 28-10-2018 ABOUT: Fixed duplicate 'Current user' line when using -P- option
ABOUT: Updated 64-bit macOS compiler version to 10.0.0 (Mojave)
ABOUT: Added macOS version 14.x 'Mojave' as recognised version
Auto-disable OS/2 'Mouse Actions' and DragText 'Mouse Marking'
Auto-disable Windows console 'Quick Edit Mode' during DFSee run
Auto-redraw when Windows console is made larger (like maximize)
Better support Windows-console larger than screen (like 80x300)
DFSFAST: Faster variant of DFSDISK, for EXISTING disk partitions
DISKSERIAL: Display disk serialnumber info (LINUX IDE/SATA only)
Detect DFSPUP64 stick XenialPup64 88-color rxvt (use COLORTERM)
Fix detection of gnome-terminal when using a COLORTERM variable
HEXED: Added framing borders to HEXDUMP style clipboard copy
IMZ/VDI: Avoid 'switch to FDISK' popup on the 'attach' command
IMZ: Browse FIRST partition when IMZ is for a partitioned disk
IMZ: Fixed to use the specified directory in file-open dialog
LINKS in rgkey/help explicit .php (resolve in xenial64 terminal)
MENU->HELP: Item 'Sector Types' help now uses a popup text view
MENU->HELP: Added submenu for TXScript for syntax, variables etc
MENU->HELP: Added User-Interface submenu for keyboard, mouse etc
MENU->HELP: Added help item to document generic command options
MENU->HELP: Added GPT symbolic names to the partition-type help
MENU->HELP: Added seperate item for UI-library standard commands
MENU->HELP: Added seperate item for UI-library startup switches
MENU->HELP: Added download of the 64-bit/UEFI DFSPUP64.IMZ image
MENU->SCRIPTS: Add create 64-bit/UEFI Xenialpup64 DFSPUPPY stick
MENU->SCRIPTS: Add 'Fast Analyse disks (support)' DFSFAST script
PRESTORE: Fixed restore MBR of a GPT disk, using verbose display
PRESTORE: Optimized TAB order in selection dialog, from the menu
RADIO/CHECKBOX: Use other color as focus indicator, user feedback
SCRIPT: DFSF32ST updated for GPT and OS/2 LVM huge-disk geometry
SET SYSMENU 0/1/2 Set/show OS/2 or Windows mouse-marking control
STARTUP: switch -l- is now default, use -l to get logfile dialog
STARTUP: switch -sysmenu:n mouse-marking setting OS/2 or Windows
STARTUP: Only report INT13 disk limits in pedantic mode (-p:2)
STORE: Show filename in one-liner for image files (window-title)
15.3 06-09-2018 BROWSE: enhanced filter selection-dialog with modified AFTER date
BROWSE: Include empty files in default selection filter (size 0)
BROWSE: 'Specify custom file filtering' CHECKED (ON) by default
BROWSE: Fixed bug with 'Reduce list to SELECTED' for FAT/EXTn/HFS
CMD: Avoid CMD.EXE popup VIO window on OS/2 external commands
CR GPT Dialog: Added 'srv' 'dmcrypt' and 'luks' to gpt-type list
CR GPT: Added 'raid', '0xfd' and 'fd00' as valid symbolic types
CR GPT: New 'home', 'srv', 'root32', 'root64', 'dmcrypt', 'luks'
EDIT -dir: Maintain and use persistent 'last-used-directory-path'
EDIT filename: Allow access to last (partial) sector correctly
EDIT filename: Force binary mode on opened image using 'im -RAW'
EDIT: Explicit -A- to disallow append/delete from (binary) file
EFAT: Fixed crash with '\path-to-file' file/dir locator command
EFAT: Fixed incorrect 'invalid cluster value' errors on CHECK/SLT
EFAT: Use Dir-entry cache to avoid incorrect size of directories
FAT: Added usage hint 't -D' to display deleted DIR entries too
FAT: Allow DIR display from list .NNN, even when FAT says 'free'
FAT: Recover: Contiguous file save after FORMAT, FAT-entries 0
FATSET: Manually set a FAT-allocation chain for contiguous range
FATWRIM: made FAT-2 the default to write to, better usage info
HEXED: Fixed scrolling UP/PGUP with partial sectors (buf size)
HEXED: Show additional (green) cursor in HEX and ASSCII areas
HEXED: show marked-area in prev/next buffers too, when visible
HEXED: Copy to clipboard when NO MARK, copies in HEXDUMP format
HEXED: Alt-H or double-click in OFFSET column toggles mark format
HEXED: Vertical click-drag in offset area creates a HEXDUMP mark
IM: -RAW option forces RAW mode, no decompress/index .IMZ/.VDI
LIST/RECOVER: Enhanced selection-dialog with modified AFTER date
LIST/SLT: Made the 'info' value 16 bits; display as 4 hex digits
macOS: Fixed crash on displaying commandline history buffer F11
MENU, File: add the 'Change Current Directory' to BASIC mode too
MENU: Grayed several menu-items when no (proper) object opened
PART/VOL: Write pending (FAT etc) changes before open new object
PART: Added new undefined/ignored/temporary/backup MBR type 0xd7
PART: Recognize Linux 'LUKS' encrypted MBR partition type 0xe8
PART: Classified all CHS-related warnings as MINOR (use part -w)
PART: No warnings for MBR-part types 0xd7 and 0xdf (temp/backup)
PART: Removed warnings for partitions beyond int13 cyl-1023 limit
PART: Reworded WARNING: Partition type 0x35 with missing LVM-BBR
PART: Supress 'No ACTIVE partition' warning if AirBoot is present
RESIZE: Disable ALL resize menu-items for non-supported filesystems
RESTORE: Open destination RAW image (-I:fname) as R/W (RAW2IMZ)
SET MENU: style: Autodrop, NoDrop or Delayed-drop and Right-Move
Startup -M:n switch: added value 4 for Delayed-drop menu style
Startup: Show status-prompt when using non-default start command
UI CMD history: (F11 key) timestamp now in microSeconds from start
UI FILEDLG: Directory picker, set initial focus to Directory-window
UI FILEDLG: Optimize vertical size, while keeping titlebar visible
UI MENU: No menu activate when clicking top-line in output-window
UI HEXED: optimized paint of marked area, faster and no-flicker
UI OUTPUT: optimized paint of marked area, faster and no-flicker
UI TXTVIEW: optimized paint of marked area, faster and no-flicker
UPDATE scripts: Use 'wget --no-check-certificate' avoiding errors
15.2 30-07-2018 BSFIND: Changed '-f' start position default mcs-unit to sectors
Bootsector: Removed (usualy incorrect) BeFS bootcode detection
CC: Clipboard Copy, copy lines from output window to clipboard
CMD: External command output, crude TAB expansion to 8 spaces
CP: Clipboard Paste, copy clipboard text to the output window
CV: Copy selected value to the clipboard as a (Hex) string
DOS: Support the (local) clipboard functions, within DFSee only
FILEDLG: Filename entryfield, allow path-separator '\' or '/'
FILEDLG: Support Drive + rel-path + wildcard like 'H:sub\*.log'
FILEDLG: Support relative-DIR like 'test\' or 'nx\images\*.imz'
Filenames in commands, allow either '/' or '\' path separators
GPT: 'pid -name:newname' will change the name of a GPT partition
HEXED, DISASM: Fixed DISTORM bugs when compiled for 64-bit (macOS)
HEXED, DISASM: Highlight current instruction code bytes at top
HEXED, DISASM: Mouse doubleclick will 'jump' to that instruction
HEXED, DISASM: Use temporary mouse-drag MARK for clipboard copy
HEXED: Correctly highlight current buffer for odd nr of columns
HEXED: Extra PREV and NEXT buffer (total 9 now) for large screens
HFS: Better HFS superblock detection (no BSFIND false positives)
Linux: Copy-TO-Clipboard goes to both PRIMARY+CLIPBOARD X-selections
MBR: Include version and language for detected AirBoot bootmanager
NTFS: FINDMFT command to locate the MFT area (for fixboot)
NTFS: FIXBOOT (non-spare) correct cluster size for FS < 2 GiB
NTFS: Menu item: 'Find MFT location, for Fix' doing a FINDMFT
OS/2: Set status title on CMD-window title-Bar and Window-list
PART: Avoid 'no active partition' warning on APM style 1st disk
Switch -lvmsize forces use of LVM disk size + related warnings
Switch -sigint enables Ctrl-C aborting, disabling Copy-to-Clipboard
UI: Ctrl-C handling in Windows respects '-sigint' switch now too
UI: Alt-A in HEXED marks whole current item (sector/cluster/block)
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for HEXED, ASCII or HEX-pairs
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for MsgBox (warning/error/about)
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for TextView (mostly help items)
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for Lists, Buttons, Menu-heading
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for Output-window (marked or window)
UI: Ctrl-V/Alt-V in HEXED paste from clipboard with ASCII or HEX-pairs
UI: Ctrl-A MARK-ALL entryfield, msg/help text and output windows
UI: Ctrl-X/Alt-X CUT entryfield marked-area to clipboard, unmark
UI: Cursor for INSERT/REPLACE mode larger, to platform standard
UI: DELETE in entryfield deletes marked-area, one char if no mark
UI: Dedicated desktop footer text when output-window has focus
UI: Drag-MARK: Auto scroll LEFT/RIGHT if mouse outside window
UI: Drag-MARK: Auto scroll UP/DN when mouse above/below window
UI: Entryfield Ctrl-V/Alt-V PASTE from, Alt-C COPY to clipboard
UI: Fixed Ctrl-C bug causing input-repeat or garbage on OS/2
UI: HEXED: Display marked-area in ASCII pane and in HEX pane
UI: HEXED: Fixed odd behaviour on Pgup/Dn with large window size
UI: HEXED: Support 'wrapped-line' marking by mouse-dragging
UI: INSERT mode, 'set insert on/off' command sets insert state
UI: INSERT mode, default ON at startup, -insert- switch reverts
UI: Mouse Alt+Click or Ctrl-Click MB2 copies (mark) to clipboard
UI: Mouse Click+Drag MARKS in Help/Msg/Text/Output/HexEdit window
UI: Mouse Ctrl+Click pastes from clipboard in Entryfield + HEXED
UI: Mouse DoubleClick (sometimes Single Click too) UNMARKS
UI: Paste Entryfield/HEXED to mark ONLY if cursor is IN mark
UI: Set OS window title on program exit, try to restore original
UI: Set OS window title to currently open object description
UI: Support multi-line marked area in Output-window and Help
UI: UNIX, insert STARTDRAG msg to get correct mark anchor position
UNIX: Error popup on missing clipboard utils xclip/pbcopy/pbpaste
UNIX: Relocated temporary filename(s) to temp dir '/tmp/....'
macOS: Startup 'su'/'disable SIP' hint on inaccessible bootdisk
macOS: Changed 'Display OS device/disk info' to show ALL disks
macOS: Menu item: 'Show SIP status' (Invisible macOS boot disk)
macOS: Probe /dev/rdiskN devices on startup, to see more disks
macOS: Recognize APFS FS in FileSystemOnly (synthesized) disks
txLib: New ExecRedirectIO function similar to `command` on UNIX
15.1 07-06-2018 64bit verification version; Delivery/setup of macOS DFSee.app
ABOUT: Linux: Show description for distribution, when identified
ABOUT: Linux/macOS TERM info and (sudo) user on an extra line
ABOUT: macOS: Report macOS version numbers as well as Darwin ones
ABOUT: OS/2: Show description for distribution ArcaOS/eCS/IBM
ABOUT: Show the DFSee version info itself with '-c- (for logging)
ABOUT: Windows: Report logged-on username and computername
ABOUT: Windows: Report actual Windows-version for win-8x and 10
ABOUT: Windows/macOS: Show verbose OS-version description string
ABOUT: Show 32/64 bit arch/os for Linux, macOS and Windows
CMDLINE: Fix working of the (Commandline) history-buffer for 64bit
CR: New type 0xAF for creating macOS HFS+ style partitions on MBR
EXE compress: Update to UPX 3.94, compress Linux and macOS-64 too
GPT/MBR-type-07: Recognize Bitlocker encryption in a fake FAT32
HELP/TXT: macOS 'wget' install hints; update DFSee URL to https
HFS: Implemented FileSaveAs() for file recovery (browse, recover)
HFS: Build parent-CnID and (folder) name cache for all CnID values
HFS: CATS command searches Catalog-file for parent/filename combo
HFS: CATS expanded to allow search Thread-records (no name) too
HFS: FOLDER command much faster by using B-tree, not linear search
HFS: Implement FsFileInfo() as required by 'list -f' and Browse
HFS: Implement FsFindPath() as required by 'findpath' and Browse
HFS: Implement FsMakeBrowseList() as required by the Browse dialog
HFS: Resolve full-path for CnID or Catalog-node lsn+index combo
HFS: SYMLINK display in 'list -f', Browse and Node/Dir displays
HFS: Show 'Hlnk' hard-link and 'Fdrp' Finder-Alias in Leaf-nodes
JFS: Recognize Linux JFS in type 0x07 with GRUB-like bootrecord
JFS: Get Part-size from Part-tables when BR is not JFS specific
Linux: VOL: Fix mount location for sda1 with sda10..19 present
macOS: 'setup' script makes sure the DFSee.app is allowed to run
macOS: Build better 32bit version with regular GCC on Snow-Leopard
macOS: Setup script automatically selects 32 or 64 bits executable
Mode=FDISK DELETE: added some trace to debug a crash situation
PART: Avoid boot-driveletter warnings on non-OS/2 bootable JFS
Printf: Corrected many format strings for 32/64 bit compatibility
REG/IMZ: Fixed compression handle-type for 64-bit environments
Version: Cleanup old vers_XX.Y files when updating from the menu
15.0 23-03-2018 APFS: Added Mode=APFS with minimal function (superblock display)
APFS: BL/CL command to translate between blocks and sectors
APFS: Display all known APFS block types, incl checksum verify
APFS: Display container superblock with most relevant values
APFS: New DUMP command displays recognized blocks in filesystem
APFS: Vol-superblock display with formatted date/time incl nsec
ATTACH/VIRT: Use correct geometry/BPS for MEMDISK MiB..TiB sizes
BROWSE/SAVETO: 'Recurse into subdirectories' option, default is ON
BROWSE: <F4> toggles 'Percentage display' versus 'Fast' list build
BROWSE: <F6> restores original list from starup of the browser
BROWSE: Automatic minimize (<F12>) on display of item metadata
BROWSE: Automatic minimize (<F12>) on recovery of any dir/file
BROWSE: No confirmation-popup but printed message on file recover
BROWSE: Preserve multiple 'marked' items over list sorting
BROWSE: REDUCE list fix for mix of Dir/File selected (sort issue)
DFSDOS: Reduced minimal buffer memory from 50Mb to less than 5Mb
DISKETTE: RAMDISK from 12 to 3 Mb, and option to skip (low-memory)
DISKLIST: Show size of displayed disk in GiB units for readability
EFAT: Build Parent-cache before Browse, <Esc> aborts building it
EFAT: Speedup SLT/Parent-cache build, specially on large clusters
EXT RECOVER/BROWSE: Better path+filename retrieval on damaged FS
FORMAT: Select correct clustersize for non-std BPS like 4096
File recovery: 'Recurse' option recovers directory contents too
Find normal files DLG: Do NOT allow path-separator or wildcards!
GPT: Add 'APFS Container' GUID with matching type 0x73 MBR-alias
HFS: Display some catalog-file details at filesystem open/init
HFS: FOLDER command to display Catalog contents (DFSee DIR format)
HFS: Formatted display of catalog-file header, leaf and map nodes
HFS: LABEL command to set new Volume label, up to 255 characters
HFS: NODE command to display Catalog header, index and leaf nodes
HFS: Supply label value from catalog-file for table/map display
JFS FILEFIND/DELFIND: Continue after (CRC) errors when -E:i used
JFS RECOVER/BROWSE: Better path+filename retrieval on damaged FS
JFS: No endian-swapping of first 8-bytes in UUID edit and display
JFS: Specific linux UUID and Volumename displayed with superblock
LABEL: EFAT command to display/edit the 11-character volume label
LABEL: EXTn command to display/edit the 16-character volume label
LABEL: FAT command to display/edit the 11-character volume label
LABEL: HPFS command to display/edit the 11-character volume label
LABEL: JFS command to display/edit the 11 / 16 char volume label
LABEL: NTFS command to display/edit the 32-character volume label
LABEL: ReiserFS cmd to display/edit the 16-character volume label
LABEL: XFS command to display/edit the 16-character volume label
LIST/RECOVER/BROWSE: Set default minimum filesize to 0 (all files)
LOG/TRACE fix opening a new log/trace file in ROOT directory
LVM: Updated startup warning LVM IGNORED for missing primary info
MAP: Include the Volume LABEL line in the standard MAP layout
MENU and CLONE TO/FROM partition lists: Use LVM/GPT name if no FS-label
MENU: In most Mode=xxFS: new submenu "Set Volume info/status"
MENU: Submenu items: Volume label, Serial-nr, UUID, dirty/clean
MENU: Mode=HFS, new Display Catalog info submenu, directory view
MENU: Mode=HFS, new Volume-info submenu with Edit/Display Label
PART/LVM: Ignore BBR read error, continue (analyse LVM on all disks)
PART: Fix devide-by-zero crash on a GRUB boot partition type 0x06
RECOVER/SAVETO/BROWSE: new 'recurse into subdirectories' option
RECOVER: 'Recurse into subdirectories' OFF when not a single directory
RESTORE/IMAGE: -q option reduces screen output to progress only
SCRIPT: Added $_d_unixdev[DSK] variable to retrieve disk device name
SCRIPT: Avoid interpreting options like -D as a subtraction operation
SCRIPTS: Menu, start USB-stick creation scripts quieter (-Q)
SCRIPTS: USB-stick creation, show disklist and less verbose
TRACE: TRACE: Much less verbose on EVEN trace levels, maximum on ODD
XFS, ReiserFS: Supply label value and UUID for table/map display
XFS: Display most of the superblock contents, including Inode-use
macOS: Show correct (removable) or r/R indicators for removable disks
H I S T O R Y 1 4 . X
14.12 15-02-2017 BROWSE: Fix stack corruption on recovering directories or files
14.11 03-01-2018 ALLOC: Status msg when checking allocation on huge files > 128 MiB
BAD-sectors marked with 0xFE pattern, searchable/shown as type '5'
BROWSE/NTFS: Correct path in description line for multi hard-link
BROWSE/NTFS: Correct recover-path for multiple hard-linked files
BROWSE: <F4> to toggle recovery-mode; speed-up for all filesystems
BROWSE: Display file/dir metadata from popup menu (like MFT-record)
BROWSE: In recovery mode, show all files (min size/percentage 0)
BROWSE: Speed up display (on huge files) when not in recovery mode
CDISO: rebuild with cleaned up BOOT.IMG to make DFSDOS.EXE fit again
CLONE/IMAGE/RESTORE etc; better alignment of read/write error msg
CLONE: Correct area-start in arealist when using -skipbads option
CLONE: Generate 'retry-bad-areas' script on disk-2-disk -skipbads
CLONE: auto display bad-sector areas skipped when using -skipbads
CR/SETTYPE: Support 2 or 4 digit HEX value for GPT types, like EF
CR: -N option creates an EMPTY MBR when needed (No code, zeroed)
CR: GPT EFI (ESP) default to 128 MiB only when NO size specified
DISKLIST: List available disk numbers plus info on screen/stdout
GPT2MBR/MBR2GPT: Correctly select disknumber specified as param
GPT: Reworded warning when GPT tables present without an MBR guard
IM/IMAGE: Fix name generation XMZ index in multiple-dot filenames
IMAGE/RESTORE dialogs, layout + more verbose text for readability
LINUX: Detect and report 'Removable' property for disk devices
LINUX: Initialize disk-name to device/model info, when available
LINUX: Fixed trap in Menu with very long /proc/mount strings
MBR2GPT/GPT2MBR: -N option creates an EMPTY MBR, No code
Menu: Clone -> Disk, BAD-SECTORS' -skipbads / Area-Retry script
Menu: Edit->Search sectors and output->Search for 0x00 EMPTY sectors
Menu: Edit->Search sectors and output->Search for 0xFE BAD sectors
NTFS: Better multiple hard-link paths shown in MFT-record display
NTFS: Fixed 'u' command after MFT-display (nav.up, LSN parent DIR)
PARTITION select lists, add disk-number for better identification
RECOVER/SAVETO: -A- option skips allocation check (will be faster)
RECOVER: Add 'Recover x from y' file count in status progress info
SPEED: Fixed divide-by-zero crash on buffersize 512 or larger
TXWIN: Avoid special chars in radio/check buttons use '*' and 'x'
14.10 06-11-2017 CMDLINE: '+' and '-' goes to NEXT or PREVIOUS sector respectively
DFSPUPPY script, prompt directory when not found at default location
NTFS/JFS: Fixed recovery/copy of sparse file segments (write zeroes)
SCRIPT: Fix version reprorting above 14.9 = '1490', 14.10 is '14100'
x.DFS: Better message on incorrect DFSee script execution (no 'run')
14.9' 24-10-2017 The release as shipped with the 'DFSPUPPY' 16GB Toshiba USB sticks
DFSUSB32 script, set EXEDIR as current to find imz, restore DIR at end
EDIT: Default itemsize changed back to clustersize (from 4096 bytes)
HEXED: Allow navigation when CURR buffer empty (non-existing sector)
IM: Set correct base (start - final) for IM opening an IMZ image
LINUX: Do NOT attempt to update window-title for console (no X-term)
LINUX: Support DFSPUPPY initial DFSee evaluation registration keys
mode=AUX: Display 'not-implemented' error message for many commands
mode=NTFS: Allow abort with <Esc> from infinite related-MFT display
MODE: WIN version only, avoid reset to 80 columns if set larger
NEWMBR: Fixed -f:from-other-disknr option to actually work that way
RECOVER/SAVETO: Changed default option to NOT discard path component
Recover files from List: fixed wildcard handling (broken since 14.0)
14.9 10-10-2017 ATTACH/DETACH: Automatic switch to FDISK mode when in another mode
CONFIRM: command can take take an -H:sssiii helpid as option
CR: Allow creation of a (small!) partition in a Partial-Cylinder FSP
CREATE Dialog: NO-align and MAX-size default if Partial-Cylinder FSP
DFS*.dfs scripts: Added a HELP section for confirmation popup help
Disk-style 'FLP' for LargeFloppy renamed to 'FSO' for FileSystem Only
EDIT and <F2> key: Made default view HEX/ASCII editor instead of auto
FS: Recognition of Linux/MacOS FS if no bootsec (IM, ATTACH, VOL etc)
GPT2MBR: Convert GPT-style to MBR, wipe GPT hdr, optional alternate
GPT: Display GPT-hdr and table contents even if no guard part present
HELP menu: Pre-load help for most DFSee scripts (for Help->Select)
HELP: Support reading single HELP-sections from TX-script file
HFS: Recognise 'cerd' as last mounted FS, as a valid HFS superblock
LOADHELP: Added -S and -H:sss option for help-sections in Script
LOADHELP: Search target file in EXE-dir, PATH and current-DIR
LOADHELP: Strip CR and LF characters from all lines (UNIX etc)
MBR2GPT: Convert (or recover) MBR-style to GPT-style partitioning
MEDIA: '-update' option updates DFSee disk list (partitionable media)
MENU: Enable wipe-freespace in filesystem, for any valid FS detected
MENU: File->Attach/Detach/Display disks->Update DFSee disk-list c-U
PART/MAP: Support APM style disks, and allow partitions selection
PART: Disk-style 'APM' for Apple-Partition-Map (macOS disk images etc)
PART: MiB size in std table with 3 fractional digits below 0.95 MiB
PART: Warnings if GPT-table and MBR partitions present, or no GPT guard
PTEDIT: Extra warning when adding AA55 signature to APM-style disk
RC: Improved error explanation on compound or multiple commands
RC: Improved handling and reporting of Read-Only/lock-error issues
SCAN -w: Fixed crash on Windows/Linux/macOS and default buffer size
SCAN: Fixed bogus errors reported at end of objects (large buffers)
SCRIPT: Strip spaces at start/end of each line (continuation!)
SCRIPT: message() and confirmed(): optional helpid 2nd param
SCRIPT: no execute of message() and confirmed() in syntax-only
STORE: Improved Last-accessed-LSN/PSN value, added Base-Final PSN
UNIX: Fixed crash on excessive fast keyboard/mouse input
UPDATE: Fix DFSGETUP/DFSINSTL scripts bad ZIP name (dfsee_install.zip)
WIPEFREE: Allow any object with a filesystem, not just VOL/PART
14.8 14-09-2017 CMD: Filter excessive WGET progress logging from output window
FAT: FIRSTFREE cmd finds first free cluster, write back if FAT32
GEO dialog: added another default geometry 240 heads, 32 sect/track
HELP Program Updates/Download includes link to OS/2 and WIN 'wget'
HEXED: Alt-arrows, resize the number of colums/rows one by one
HEXED: Ctrl-F2/Alt-T Toggle between initial and fixed 16x32 size
KBD: LXT/Gnome/xterm: Home/End + Ctrl/Alt/Shift PgUp/PGDn etc
KBD: LXTerminal: Ctrl/Shift/Alt arrows and Ctrl+Shift Left/Right
KBD: macOS Terminal: Add shift-Delete; add '+/-' key as 'INSERT'
LVM: 'Edit->LVM information' on GPT partition, msg crash fixed
Linux: Download/Update script 'dfslwget' works on most Linuxes now
MENU: 'Edit->Sector, HEX 16 columns, 32 rows size (Alt-T / Ctrl-F2)
MENU: 'Edit->Settings/Properties UI -> Select #colors, Palette (UNIX)
MENU: 'Edit->Settings/Properties UI -> UI Test keyboard + Mouse
MENU: Display -> Other partition views -> Non-trivial warnings only
Output-window UP/PGUP: do NOT scroll beyond first non-empty line
PART: Do not count trivial warnings in 'minor warnings not shown'
PART: Use warning classification major/minor/trivial for disks too
QUERY: Marker line between different disks, show non-MBR (CRP/FLP)
QUIT: Fix program quit/exit from script called from a DFSee menu item
SCHEME: use BRIGHT foreground colors in the 'commander' schemes
SET MARGIN sets wanted display-width (MAP, PART, ALLOC, progress)
SET PALET 1 | 2 | 8 | 16 | 88 | 256; #colors for UI and output
SET PALET: Support 1/2 color palette (minimal) for all platforms
SET SCREEN BRIGHT: Map grey to normal-white, console readability
UNIX: Better detection of 8/16/88/256 color terminal capability
UNIX: Detect a Linux-console pretending to be xterm (PUPPY linux!)
UNIX: switch '-screen:WCx*' sets 'C' columns, all available rows
UNIX/Windows: DFSee version and store contents in console title
WIPE: Changed confirmation text and logic for a wipe starting at 0
Windows: Enabled MSI install from Help -> Program Updates/Downloads
OS/2: Enabled Warpin install from Help -> Program Updates/Downloads
14.7 25-08-2017 ABOUT: Show DFSee/TxLib build-date to YYYY-MM-DD for consistency
ABOUT: Accept s-F6 as menu key, works from all Unix terminals
Clearly identify/present (free)space for non partitionable disks
DISK: Recognize another MBR variant 'IBM Thinkpad factory preload'
HEXED: Avoid changing item-size (sectors) on using GOTO (Ctrl-G)
HEXED: Default item size 4KiB (block); Overrule with 'edit -s:n'
HEXED: Mouse click on ASCII [ or past ] columns to scroll UP/DN
HEXED: Slightly different color for buffer before/after current
HEXED: Speed up initial loading by optimizing first window paint
HEXED: Tune window width for up to 128 HEX columns; relSN value
HFS: Correctly identify HFS SB in 4096 byte sector size disks
Kbd: treat shift-up/dn/left/right/pgup/pgdn just as Ctrl or Alt
Kbd: shift-F5/F7/F8/F10/F12 alias for Alt-Fx on UNIX (windowing)
Kbd: Linux: new rxvt codes ctrl-arrows/PgUp/PgDn Ctrl/Shift-Fkey
LUKS: Recognize 'Linux Unified Key Setup' in sectordata, display
LVM: Work on MBR-style disks only (not on GPT, FLP or CRP style)
Linux: Probing for NVMe SSD, HVM virtuals and MMC (SD) devices
MAP/ALLOC: Support and use screen widths up to 768 columns wide
MAP/PART: Enhanced 'partitioning style' to: MBR, GPT, FLP or CRP
MAP: Detect LUKS encrypted disks/partitions, show relevant info
MAP: Optimize color usage for max diversity on various platforms
MENU: Extra spacing between menuheaders if wider than 100 columns
MOUSE: No scroll but OPEN on click right-side of drop-down-menu
NEWMBR on large-flop or LUKS-crypted fails in batch or OEM-engine
NEWMBR on large-flop or LUKS-crypted, extra warning in confirm
NEWMBR without parameters does CURRENT disk ('.'), not ALL ('*')
OS/2: External commands without need for extra <ENTER> to start
OS/2: Filter WGET progress output to re-use the same line in SB
OS/2: Filter WGET progress output, no repeated lines in the log
OS/2: Fixed version number in DFSHIST.TXT and WPI distribution
OUTPUT: Accept shift-arrow keys etc to scroll the output window
OUTPUT: No command timestamp when echo is suppressed for a command
PART: Default block/clustersize 4096 bytes (when no bootsec value)
PART: Encrypted GPT partition info, with FileVault header data
PART: Fixed crash with '-b' or '-n' on large-floppy-format disk
PART: Include Encrypted partition info, with (LUKS) header data
PART: Include Encrypted disk info (LUKS) and wider 'info' column
QUERY: New 'query DSTyle' partitioning style MBR, GPT, FLP, CRP
SCRIPT: New variables $_d_pstyle (string) and $_d_cryptdisk
SCRIPT: Updated DFSGETUP/DFSGETPY scripts to report missing 'wget'
UIKEYS: Show key-description as well as decimal TXLIB key-value
UNIX: Fixed bug on terminals over 32K cells; MAX width now 768
UNIX: More iTem/Terminal key codes (like Ctrl-up/dn, shift-F11)
UNIX: Set desktop to 80x25 if reported screensize 0x0 (in debugger)
UNIX: Support small screen in large terminal window (-screen:WXxY)
VCU/PCLEAR/FIXCHS/NEWMBR: No writing 'untouchable' disks (FLP/CRP)
VER: New command to display single line of version/packaging info
XML: New tag diskstyle="str" = "MBR, GPT", "FLP", "CRP" or "UNK" "
14.6 03-08-2017 ATTACH/DETACH: renamed from MOUNT and UNMOUNT, to avoid confusion
BROWSE JFS: Honnor abort request (<Esc> key) building name-cache
CD: Support leading '~' to represent HOME directory (env variable)
CD: Allow a trailing path separator on specified path to go to
DEV/VOL: On Linux, combine 'df' and '/proc/mounts' info for list
DEV/VOL: On OSX, use 'df -h -l -m' output to list mounted devices
DFSPUPPY/DFSUSB32 scripts: Better error handling (Windows Locks)
EXT-CMD: Display info: (executed by the operating system)
FAT(32): Fixup directory display; Display 1st cluster-to-be-used
GPT: Allow non-standard ASCII name instead of Unicode (ISOHybrid)
GPT: Process GPT even if no valid guard/EFI MBR part (ISOHybrid)
IMAGE Dialog: Add buffersize option 'Disk geometry track size'
JFS: Recognize Linux formatted FS in none-0x83 type, no bootsector
LINUX: Allow '/mnt/home/dfsee/dfspuppy.imz' path for create stick
LINUX: startup, attach /dev/vdX disks (virtio, ParaVirtualisation)
Linux/macOS UI: Implement mouse events (xterm 1002 classic mode)
Linux/macOS UI: Implement mouse events (xterm 1006, 1015 modes)
MacOS: Own set of shell scripts; New dfsmwget/dfstrun for download
LOG: Keep absolute path (no wandering) and honor -dir:path switch
MBR: Recognize 'Puppy Linux std MBR, DFSee Slacko USB' (dfspuppy)
MBR: Recognize 'Syslinux generic MBR code (ISOHybrid)' (Suse Leap)
MENU: Added '[Basic]/[Expert]' mode indicator/button combination
MENU: Edit -> Settings/Properties, DFSee -> Show type 0x00 as part
MENU: File -> Attach RAW disk image, fixed attach command (use -i)
MENU: File -> Attach physical disk, accept RAW image (Linux, OSX)
MENU: File -> Device and Volume management-> Display/Unmount etc
MENU: Help -> Program Updates / Downloads -> Get & install updates
MENU: Optimize menubar layout for menu-cycle button (Expert/Basic)
MENU: Scripts -> 'Make Puppy-boot (USB) disk' creates bootable USB
MOUSE: Button-3 click: Present context-sensitive help (like <F1>)
MOUSE: Ctrl-click, any button, close the (help) window or a dialog
MOUSE: Menu HELP on ITEM under cursor; Ctrl-click never exit APP
MOUSE: Right 3 columns of output-text-window act as a scrollbar
MOUSE: Support Basic<>Expert switching by clicking the indicator
MOUSE: Support contiguous list marking by dragging (browse window)
MOUSE: Usage hint menu toggle + text-scroll in output window title
PART: Allow primary to start at 0, update ERROR text (ISOHybrid)
PATCHKEY: Command to replace keyvalue in current sector by actual
PROGRESS: Replace clock() by TXTIMER high-res duration/throughput
REGKEY: Inform on start/exit if using evaluation/upgrade temp key
RESTORE: Fix crash when -b:N option specified, smaller than in IMZ
SCRIPT: New $_dirsep script variable holding dir/path separator
SCRIPT: New $_exedir script variable with executable-path, no sep
SCRIPT: New $_exename script variable with executable-name, no path
SCRIPT, DFSINSTL: New script to install a DFSee program update
SCRIPT, DFSIFSTD: Don't fail due to 'NTFS auto open' on Linux etc
SCRIPT: Added getenv(variablename) function to TX script language
SCRIPT: Make help available from menu BEFORE running any scripts
SCRIPT: Update help on 'defaultparam' for assigning string values
SET PT0: Set partition-tables to show type 0x00 (deleted/hidden)
SET SKIPFS: Set FS to skip on match driveletters (FAT32.IFS bug)
SWITCH: -dir:path Sets default directory for File Open/Save etc
TIMING: Replace clock() by TXTIMER, high-res (fixes bugs on UNIX)
Trusted Cmds: 'WGET' for macOS/Linux, 'ZIP' and 'UNZIP' for all
UI: Cleanup colorschemes; Optimized 3D-Commander for Linux/macOS
UI: Definitions for Puppy Linux (rxvt/urxvt) F1..F4, s-F11, s-F12
UI: Take BG-grey color from the 88 (rxvt) or 256 (xterm) palettes
UI: Support 16-BG-colors (3D-grey) in rxvt and OSX Terminal/xterm
UICC: New command to show 88/256 color palette in a 'cube' layout
UIKEYS: Show keyboard + Mouse events, with decoding and timestamps
UNIX: Auto adjust to new terminal window-size on next click/key
UNIX: Support mouse-movement events (DRAG windows to move them)
VirtDisk: in-memory renamed 'Mem-disk', and /dev/MdX now, not vdX
14.5 20-06-2017 ALLOC: Predict smart-usage for better ETA in later imaging/cloning
ALLOC: Signal Smart-use info not available when aborting display
ALLOC: When single-line, output per character (acts as progress bar)
ALLOC: display: show disk/part-ID/Drive being checked in status bar
Added 'DISKUTIL' as trusted command for Mac OSX (to unmount disks)
Allow external commands on any OS (file-redirect, or pipe on OS/2)
BROWSE/IMAGE new compact index-file formats allowing objects > 2TB
BROWSE: Fixed renaming of directories from dialog popup (HPFS/JFS)
BROWSE: Mouse CLICK to select, DBLCLK to enter (subdir or menu)
BROWSE: Support large (2MiB, DOS 256 KiB) buffers in IMZ browsing
CLONE (smart): Better ETA using allocation-info for FS or whole disk
CLONE: Hint at 'compare' fail, on partition clone and auto 'fixpbr'
COMPARE: Fix sectornumber format in mismatch error text (32/64bit)
CR: Symbolic name 'EXT' = 0x83, 'CONT' = 0x05 (extended container)
Calculated Geometry (geocalc): Force 64/32 1-MiB geo on GPT disks
DARWIN: Use faster 'rdiskN' devices, not 'diskN', unless -raw- switch
DESKTOP folder OS2/Windows: Program object 'Browse IMZ imagefile'
DESKTOP folder OS2/Windows: Program object 'HEX edit binary file'
DFSBRIMZ: New shellscript to start an IMZ BROWSE for file/directory
Dialogs: Add 64-bit field-2-value and value-2-field conversions
Directory overviews: Allow up to 99.999 numbered entries (.NNNNN)
Directory overviews: Display filenames in yellows, to stand out
Directory overviews: Display filesizes as 13/20 pos 'dotted' value
EDIT: New '-dir' option to present FileDialog with path + wildcard
EDIT: New '-screen' option maximizes HEX-edit window to full-screen
EFAT: Fix AreaInit Bitmap location (SMART on whole disk, with EFAT)
EFAT: Fixed directory listing layout for 64-bit sector numbers
EXTn: Fix AreaInit Bitmap + convert (SMART on whole disk, with EXTn)
FILEDLG: Better handling of ROOT dir without any subdirectories
FILEDLG: Fixed infinite looping message on invalid initial path
FILEDLG: Require double-click to ENTER on a FILE (exits dialog)
HEXED, update various screen messages for huge sectornumbers (X10)
HEXED: Add Ctrl-Z (UNDO) hint in write-confirm popup and footer-text
IMAGE (smart): Much better ETA caluclation, using allocation-info
IMAGE-Dlg: Add BUFFER select in expert mode, remove Append/Excl-LVM
IMAGE/CLONE: Automatic get Smart-ALLOC info when not there (ETA)
IMAGE/CLONE: Changed default buffersize to 'optimal-for-current-OS'
IMAGE/CLONE: Fixed 'smart optimize' percentage and skipped size
IMAGE: Catch more IMZ compression errors in IMAGE decompress-verify
IMAGE: Confirmation dialog on abort using <Esc>, allow continue
IMAGE: Do NOT zero unused sectors (full-disk SMART compare errors)
IMAGE: Support large (2MiB, DOS 256KiB) buffers for IMZ create
Image restore/compare/verify: Progress in decimal KBytes imagefile
Improved handling of errors in external commands, better messages
KEYS: command will show mouse event timestamp and DBLCLK detected
Limit external-command RC values to 16-bit, incl Unix '-1' errors
MENU: Actions, 'Open partition, Browse' browse on selected partition
MENU: Display, 'I/O speed, larger buffer (as used for imaging)
MENU: Image, Verify ... (and Image DLG): Fixed verify only option
MOUSE: Detect double-click (quick button DOWN after a button-UP)
More 64-bit updates, most display layouts accomodate up to 511 TiB
NEWMBR: Reread diskinfo before 'newmbr' for up-to-date part count
Opt -b or -b:track sets tracksize as buffersize, -b:N other values
PART -V -a: Avoid display of allocation twice (slow on large disk)
PROGRESS percentage now based on TIME values, not (sector) counts
PTE: Fixed unwanted change from GPT to MBR style after Hex-Edit
PTE: Updated dialog sector first/last fields to accept 64-bit values
Partition displays and option/switch parameter parsing made 64-bit
Prevent 'lvm' command to work on GPT style disks (corrupts PTA)
Psave/Prestore/Image/Restore update for 64-bit sectornumbers / size
RC: New cmd to SET a returncode and explain its meaning when known
RESTORE: Support large (2MiB, DOS 256KiB) buffers in IMZ restore
SCAN: Allow larger I/O buffers, and use optimized default size
SLT, check allocation only when using '-a' or '-m' options (CHECK)
SLT, check allocation only when using '-a' or '-m' options (CHECK)
SPEED: Progress in seconds, add buffersize hint when using default
UNIX: No quit on failing external command, give error explanation
Updated ALLOC map displays for variable 64..256 character width
Updated all ALLOC map displays for 64-bit sectornumber and sizes
Updated statusline and default sector displays for 64-bit LSN's
Updated to support 64-bit sectornumbers and disk/partition sizes
WIPE: Add extra warning when wiping MBR or BOOTSECTOR (start at 0)
14.4 26-03-2017 IMAGE/BROWSE avoid image-file truncate (0 bytes) in DFSDOS version
14.3 10-03-2017 DFSDISK: Enable creation of an XML file per disk again (done last)
DFSDISK: Cancel BSFIND 'abort' condition, so script can continue
LVM: On create new LVM-info on type 07, set installable flag to ON
MAP -m: Changed 'P-Geo Disk n' terminology to 'BIOS-Geo D n'
MENU Fdisk: 'OS2 LVM and BootManager -> Set LVM-CRC, rem obsolete'
MENU Fdisk: 'OS2 LVM and BootManager -> Wipe LVM sectors MBR area'
PART/DISK: Non-standard tracksize warning only in 'pedantic' mode
PART: Fix selection by driveletter for 1st partition, like 'part D:'
PCLEAR: Do NOT clear LVM DLAT sectors in MBR track if not confirmed
QUERY: Allow driveletter instead of PID for partition selection
QUERY: I|B PID|driveletter: Query LVM Installable/On-BM-Menu flag
RESIZE: Update LVM (size) information after resizing a PRIMARY too
14.2 02-02-2017 DFSCHECK: Support EFAT filesystems, using new DFSEFAT.DFS script
HEXED: Disassembly and Text views, default window size made larger
HEXED: Disassembly view, new comment column: instr bytes as ASCII
IMAGE: Automatic decompress-verify, to catch Decode-stack overflows
IMAGE: Create sets CRC usage as default again (broken in 14.0/14.1)
IMAGE: Finish progress BAR on VERIFY/COMPARE before message display
IMZ: Fixed reading from multi-file IMZ for BROWSE or imz-disk-mount
MAP, BROWSE: Strip spaces at logfile end-of-line (avoid PMMail bug)
MENU-help: added missing help item for Edit -> Set Batch
NTFS, FIXBOOT -V- option selects XP NTLDR instead of Win-7 BOOTMGR
NTFS, FIXNTLDR -V- option selects XP NTLDR instead of Win-7 BOOTMGR
PROGRESS: Show elapsed seconds on status bar if screen wider than 90
UI: Identical block-chars (progress) set to -/=/#/block (in 8-bit)
WIPE: Limit area to the size of opened object, avoid error messages
14.1 04-01-2017 HEXED: Updated 'Initial LSN' description for extended attributese
MENU: Edit-> Settings/Properties, UI -> UI test Color, Char, Box
MENU: Edit-> Settings/Properties, UI -> UI cycle colorscheme/lines
JFS: New 1.9.7 level boot code (fixboot) including DFSJFLDR image
VDI: Fixed program crash (trap) on unmount of a VDI mounted image
UI: Changed default ascii setting from -7 to -7- for Linux/Darwin
UI: Better looking draw-characters Linux/Darwin, with 8-bit ascii
UI: Combined COLORS, CHARSET and CBOXES command into new UICTEST
UI: Definitions for Linux (xterm) Alt-F5 .. Alt-F12 key codes
UI: Shift-F9/F12 starts color/scheme cycling with arrow keys
14.0 17-12-2016 ACCEL: Changed accelerator keys: F6=Open partition; F9=Browse
AL: Low-level display/set individual FS allocation bits (bitmap)
Added compacter RLE-2 and Smart-2 compression types for IMZ images
BROWSE (Mode=FDISK): Support optional start PATH for selected PID
BROWSE-Copy: Warning-popup if file allocation is not 100% reliable
BROWSE-Copy: Warning popup on DIR copy, incl. 'do not ask again'
BROWSE-Dialog: <F10> pops up an Actions menu, with edit, copy etc
BROWSE-Dialog: <F5> Copy/Recover works on multiple (marked) files
BROWSE-Dialog: Ctrl-BACKSLASH changes current list Dir to 'ROOT'
BROWSE-Dialog: Ctrl-F/Alt-[ marks all Files, Ctrl-G/Alt-] all Dirs
BROWSE-Dialog: Support (same-length) file-rename for JFS and HPFS
BROWSE-Dialog: filter-popup, HEX-edit on file-contents or I/Fnode
BROWSE-Dialog: multi marking with <SPACE>/<INSERT> + show #marked
BROWSE-Dialog: selected file Copy/Recover from list with <F5>
BROWSE-Dialog: selected file/dir available after exit (Enter key)
BROWSE/HEXEDIT: New generic FS-function writing resident/meta data
BROWSE/HEXEDIT: Support edit/view of resident data (like NTFS MFT)
BROWSE/LIST -f: Fix alloc-OK percentage for files over 10Gb size
BROWSE: 'View OS/2 EA or Xattr on a File/Dir' in <F10> context menu
BROWSE: 40% faster startup on JFS (Build name/parent cache only)
BROWSE: Add FsMakeBrowseList for: EXTn, JFS, FAT, EFAT, HPFS, NTFS
BROWSE: Add item-type B/F/D to list/recover/browse select strings
BROWSE: Added description for initial browse-contents, BROWSE xxx
BROWSE: Added help-screens for the dialog, and the help-menu
BROWSE: Automatic add 'dotdot' directory to MakeBrowsList on EFAT
BROWSE: Base implementation of the BROWSE dialog works, no actions
BROWSE: Defined generic directory BROWSE command, accelerator <F9>
BROWSE: Descr delfind/filefind on HPFS, NTFS, JFS, FAT, EFAT, EXT
BROWSE: File-Contents support in: JFS, NTFS, EXT, FAT, EFAT, HPFS
BROWSE: Filesize (dotted - 999Tb): JFS, EXT, HPFS, NTFS, FAT, EFAT
BROWSE: Filter shortname (8.3) names from NTFS, reverse with -8.3
BROWSE: Modify-time in stringinfo: JFS, EXTx, HPFS, EFAT, FAT, NTFS
BROWSE: Support in FileInfo() to return two file information strings
CLONE-dialog: changed default modus to 'smart' cloning, faster
CLONE/IMAGE: Much better ETA estimation when using SMART logic
CLONE: Improved throughput with SMART (smaller buffer, more ZERO)
CMDS: Expression brackets now must be double {{expr}}, not single
CR:/BMGR install: Popup message for missing bmgr-IMG or MBR code
CR: Honor '-align-' switch to force PRIMARY start within 1st track
DARWIN: Added 42 Alt+<key> sequences to MAC OSX keyboard handler
DISK: Changed '-i' option to '-std' for industry-std driveletters
EDIT: -v:view 0=HEX, 1=DISASM, 2=ASCII, 9=AUTO (9 is default now)
EDIT: Default to HEX mode when current sector is an MBR or EBR
EDIT: File CONTENTS: support write-back with rsn->lsn translation
EDIT: Restrict min/max sector when editing file CONTENTS (browse)
EFAT: Create Directory-Parent cache on Init (Open) for BROWSE ..
EXTn: Support recovery of directories and files with inlined data
FINDPATH: Add display of filesize from DIR-entry, when available
FsFileInfo filter on item-type on HPFS, NTFS, JFS, FAT, EFAT, EXT
HELP: Better help-on-help selection in entry-field and menu-bar
HELP: Better help-on-help selection in entry-field and menu-bar
HEXEDIT/Ascii: <F4> = Toggle display of offsets on start of line
HEXEDIT/Ascii: <F5> = Style: Rough/Clean and optional split lines
HEXEDIT/Ascii: <F6> = Minimum length of 'strings' in ascii filter
HEXEDIT/Ascii: Add filesize and name to title, when available
HEXEDIT/Ascii: Clear excess area in last file sector(s) to zeroes
HEXEDIT/Ascii: Preserve empty lines in pure ASCII files better
HEXEDIT: <F2> = alternate-view: Disassemply, Ascii; auto select
HEXEDIT: Support 'sparse' file extents (NTFS, JFS) on file editing
IMAGE-dialog: changed default image type to 'smart-compressed'
IMAGE: -x option and Dialog checkbox to generate XMZ INDEX too
IMAGE: New '-8' option to create DFSee V13.x compatible IMZ images
IMZ: Automatic generation of .XMZ indexfile for faster browsing
IMZ: Fixed passing of correct accessInfo pointer (broken by VDI)
IMZ: new command to BROWSE an partition/disk IMZ compressed image
JFS: Show Total- versus Volume-Blocks as separate values on open
L-Geo: From MBR table: Linear-Offset more important than CHS-end
LIST -S: Show Sectorlist (files) as info-strings needed for BROWSE
LIST -r: Show Sectorlist in cluster range format (for bad sectors)
LISTSET: Set (range of) sectornumbers in Sectorlist, optional clear
Low-level handling for IMZ compressed images as IM or DISK object
MENU: Add BROWSE to Action menu, and to FS-specific recovery menus
MENU: Only enable direct directory-browsing when supported by FS
MENU: 'Browse/Recover Deleted Files' for HPFS, NTFS and JFS (Expert)
MENU: 'Open (partition) imagefile' to basic menu, for image browse
MENU: Added 'Browse IMZ compressed image' to open+browse an image
MENU: Added two more 'Edit Sector' variants: HEX and Text/Strings
MENU: Help -> Keyboard usage overviewt; DFSee/TxWindows modules
MENU: File->Mount/Unmount/Display disks->VirtualBox disk image
MENU: File->Open a VDI (VBox) diskimage; Open Base/Snapshot VDI
MENU: FORMAT: No errors/warnings on part-select before the format
MENU: Moved 8 DFSee operational settings into an Edit submenu
MENU: 'Image' menu with operations on IMAGES (from File/Actions)
Mode=FDISK made startup default; Support BROWSE (partitions) cmd
NTFS: Implemented WriteMetaSpace for resident data (small files)
OpenFile dialog + options added to 'im' (open-imagefile) command
PART: -P option to select partition from popup menu, add help/sort
PART: Major WARNINGs in yellow, ERRORs in red, make them stand out
RECOVER: Cleanup of interfaces, return full recovery-path to caller
RECOVER: Discard-path, Force-8.3, Unique-name options in dialogs
RECOVER: Reduce file 'SaveAs' output to a single line, from BROWSE
RESTORE/IMZ-index: Better ETA estimation based on fileposition
SAVEAS: FAT file recovery: Include saving OS/2 EAs (OS/2 version)
SAVEAS: JFS file recovery: Include saving OS/2 EAs (OS/2 version)
SAVEAS: Statusline progress reporting on COPY of files over 1Mb
SAVEAS: Support 'sparse' file extents (NTFS, JFS) on file copying
SLT: Fixed formatting issue with JFS/NTFS single line display
STARTUP: Reorder commands to show errors/major warnings at the end
Switch: -floppy includes diskettes in volumelists (slower startup)
TXLIB: Changed expression brackets from single {expr} to double {{expr}}
TXLIB: FILEDLG: Revert to 'last-known-good' DIR on inaccessible directory
TXLIB: FILEDLG: Show file-window too in 'directory select' dialog as well
TXLIB: FileOpenForWrite for generic open write/append, incl. large files
TXLIB: INSERT key specific to class (toggle in Entry, mark in List)
TXLIB: Introduced 3 alternative text-colors for selection-lists (BROWSE)
TXLIB: List Mark, */=/Ctrl-A = ALL, Ctrl-Z = NONE, -/Ctrl-I = INVERT
TXLIB: MsgBox: enlarged default size for message box popups to 52/78
TXLIB: SELIST: Add 'marked' to list, and 'multiQuickPos' to items
TXLIB: SELIST: Add marked count to top-right of title, when non-ZERO
TXLIB: SELIST: Preserve multiple-select flags on reverse sorting
UNDELETE: New generic command to find, then BROWSE deleted files
VDI: Extra confirmation when loading a snapshot without a BASE
VDI: Support VirtualBox static/dynamic and snapshot disk images
VDI: implemented read/write support, updating last VDI in chain
VDI: implemented read/write support, updating last VDI in chain
VDI: new command opens Base VDI as disk, or adds snapshot to it
H I S T O R Y 1 3 . X
13.4 07-10-2016 WINDOWS: Fixed batch extension check in several scripts, minor update
13.4 21-08-2016 LINUX/OSX: Changed script filemode to 755 to allow running from /opt
13.4 20-08-2016 LINUX/OSX: Symlink creation optional, and configurable with parameter
13.4 17-08-2016 WINDOWS: Added test in BAT scripts for foreign-language XP versions
13.4 16-08-2016 ABOUT OS-version: Added specific Windows-8, 8.1 and 10 kernels
ALLOC: Recognize GPT-header+tables as BOOT areas in full-disk ALLOC
CLONE/IMAGE: Enabled SMART for EXT2/3/4, except when META_BG used
DFSDISK/DFSCHECK suppress final message ONLY with option -screen-
DFSUSB32: Issue warning when trying to create a stick on (Free)DOS
DFSUSB32: Updated descriptions to use simple 'DFSEEDOS.ISO' download
EXTCMD: Added extra hint that it may be an incorrecly typed command
EXTn: ABG: Display allocation with a single blockgroup per line
EXTn: ALLOC/smart: Handle BLOCK_UNINIT for normal/backup groups
EXTn: ALLOC: Add BlockGroup# to each line, when exactly 1 BG/line
EXTn: BG: Added GDT/BM/Itable locations + sizes to verbose display
EXTn: BG: Added backup-super, and UNINIT/ZEROED flag indicators
EXTn: BG: Add display of the flags, like UNINIT block/inode bitmap
EXTn: BSL: List backup superblock (+ metadata) groups and sectors
EXTn: DFSEXT.dfs script updated for a complete CHECK analysis run
EXTn: DIR: Better handling of empty entries (skip, no abort) SLT too
EXTn: DIR: Display directory data, including related inode values
EXTn: DIR: FileType string (dir/file) and INDEX root/node details
EXTn: FILEFIND, implemented a QUICK search for file/directory Inodes
EXTn: FINDPATH or '\path' command implemented, search Inode by path
EXTn: INO: Auto show same Inode on 't', and show index in Statusline
EXTn: INO: Calculate sector+index for specified Inode-number; display
EXTn: INO: Detect and show UNKNOWN feature flags (INCOMPATIBLE etc)
EXTn: INO: Display data allocation, BLOCK-INDIRECT or EXTENT-TREE
EXTn: INO: Display linkname for small (inlined) symlink Inodes
EXTn: INO: Display of Inode contents complete, except alloc S_SPACE
EXTn: INO: Show 1st data on <Enter> from BlockIndirect or ExtentTree
EXTn: Init: determine DIRTY-status from Groups/Bitmap difference too
EXTn: LIST: Show proper File information, path and allocation info
EXTn: SLT/INO: Special inode-7 (RESIZE) handling, for display too
EXTn: SLT: Add allocation for DIR and FILE Inodes, recursively
EXTn: SLT: Added meta-allocation to SLT and to Inode verbose display
EXTn: SLT: Include all SB, GDT, GDT-reserve, Block- and Inode-bitmaps
EXTn: SUPER: Auto show ROOT Inode on <Enter> from superblock display
FILEDLG: Create correct directory with [Make Dir] for absolute paths
FILEFIND, JFS, HPFS, NTFS: added 'search files only' option '-f'
LINUX: New 'dfs' sudo-start script, setup symlinks to /usr/local/bin
MENU: EDIT: Update some descriptions for 'Force operation Mode=xxx'
MENU: EXTn: Added File recovery submenu, Filefind, Recover, Hex-edit
MENU: EXTn: Added Inode selection by ino# or one of the special ones
MENU: EXTn: Alloc map, by Blockgroup; Display group aligned ALLOC map
MENU: EXTn: Analyse EXT Filesystem (check) and SLT submenu added
MENU: EXTn: List BACKUP Superblocks; List all BACKUP groups (super)
MENU: EXTn: Mode=EXT2_3 name changed to EXTn, to account for EXT4
MENU: EXTn: Show BlockGroup Summary; Show flags and alloc for group
MENU: Error message when trying to add a GPT partition to Bootmanager
PART -v: Added backup-super-BG indicator 'S' for EXTn backup groups
WINDOWS/DOS/OS2: 'dfs' BAT/CMD as alias for 'dfsee', like Linux/Mac
WINDOWS: Include 'DFSRUNAS.EXE' for automatic 'Run as Administrator'
WINDOWS: Resize window on startup now to 80% of screen, lines+cols
WINDOWS: Updated the batch-scripts to work with DFSRUNAS (XP..WIN10)
13.3 17-06-2016 ALLOC: Avoid crash on empty NTFS, HFS, RSR or EXT2/3/4 filesystems
CR: Fixed 1-MiB alignment for 1st primary GPT partition on 4096 BPS
CR: Make better aligned size-estimate based on -f freespace option
CR/CLEANUP: Preserve an ACTIVE extended in MBR (but reset in EBR's)
DARWIN: Change 'Linux device ...' strings in output to 'Unix device'
DARWIN: Change 'Linux device ...' strings in output to 'Unix device'
DARWIN: Use an exact 1 MiB cylinder size as default disk geometry
DISK: Allow sectorsize of 512-byte multiples upto 4096, except OS/2
EFAT Fixed bitmap calculations for ALLOC display/Smart on 4096 BPS
EFAT/FAT32 fixed possible brec bootsec buffer overflow on 4096 BPS
EXT2/3/4: Fix recognition and calculation for non 512 BPS, 4096 BPS
EXT2/3/4: Implemented BG cmd to display group info and block bitmap
EXT4: Automatic display of combined bootsector+superblock, 4096 BPS
EXT4: Smart cloning/imaging and ALLOC supported with BLOCK_UNINIT
EXT4: Discard 'smart' clone/image option if option META_BG (>256Tb)
EXT4: Fix Group Descriptor for non-std sector/block sizes, 4096 BPS
FAT: Correctly handle .NNN selection from FAT directory on 4096 BPS
FIND: Fixed searching in exact MiB boundaries (BSFIND) on 4096 BPS
GPT: Added hints to create the GPT-guard, and EFI-system partitions
GPT: Added the 'BIOSBOOT' GPT partition type to type selection list
GPT: Validate entry last-PSN against HDR to support 64-bit SN better
HFS: Fixed calculations for Blocksize and bits / block on 4096 BPS
LINUX: Fix physical disk size calculation for disks > 2Tb
LINUX: Show EXT2/3/4 native FS in GPT type LINUX_ROOT_X86_32 or _64
MBR: Added recognition for GRUB2 originated generic MBR bootcode
MENU: Handle a GPT-style type for 'Change partition type' (settype)
MOVE: Fix spurious crash when moving to BEGIN freespace
NEWMBR: Select disk before allocating sector (fix 4096 BPS crash)
NTFS: Fixed bitmap calculations for ALLOC display/Smart on 4096 BPS
NTFS: Fixed calculations for $BadClust resize and reset on 4096 BPS
NTFS: Fixed reading of the logfile flags and logstatus on 4096 BPS
PART: Added partition type 0xDA for Linux non-FS data (RAID variant)
PART: Display ACTIVE indicator on extended container (GRUB stage-1)
PART: Force display of first (outer) extended container, if ACTIVE
PART: Open, show Clustersize in sectors, not *512 byte on 4096 BPS
PART: Short descr. of EBR bootcode (if any) added to 'Related' col
RAW2IMZ, IMAGE, CR (partition) fixed size specification on 4096 BPS
SCRIPT: Change $_p_linux... variables to the more generic $_p_unix..
SETTYPE: Support type change for GPT-style partitions using -t:
TRACE: Made '-r' = reopen logfile on each line, the default setting
13.2 05-04-2016 CR/LVM: Allow -synclvm for driveletter on initial partition creation
CR: Limit CHS values to the maximum values, instead of clipping them
GEO: Dialog, new big-SSD 255/248 checkbox and Cyl/Track size display
LVM: Allow the (documented!) -n:diskname option on a single partition
MENU2HTML: Added (to-BASIC/EXPERT-menu) link in navigation menu-bar
13.1 16-02-2016 ABOUT: Mention 'dfsee.key' instead of just KEY in registration texts
ABOUT: Update version and copyright info in various places for 2016
CLONE: Only show 'Exclude LVM' checkbox in dialog for a type 0x35 part
CLONE: Update (LVM) diskname on disk-to-disk clone; checkbox in dialog
COPY: Re-introduce the 'Copy Part to freespace area' for Basic UI mode
IMAGE: Include net nr of sectors imaged in the IMZ ascii header info
IMAGE: Show imagefile-write-speed as well as disk-sector throughput
MAP: Unify error reporting on inaccessible disks, reserved USB (Win7)
MENU: Newmbr ERASE tables: fix -clear option to -c (and a few similar)
PART: Fixed formatting error on an LVM Signature missing warning text
PRESTORE: restore LVM feature info from *.Fxx IMZ image, when found
PSAVE: Save LVM BBR feature info on type 0x35 to an *.Fxx IMZ image
PSAVE: Reduced description in header for better text formatting
PSAVE: Fix .PDx header signature for PRESTORE (cosmetic bug in 13.0)
RESTORE: Show imagefile-read-speed as well as disk-sectors throughput
TXLIB: Fixed txwEnableWindow to actually ENABLE from disabled state
13.0 02-12-2015 Added '-?' online help to 'H','h','A' and 'a' sector display commands
Added warning when GPT guard partition there, but no valid header/array
CR: Accept symbolic names for GPT partition types (WIN,EFI,LIN, etc)
CR: Added dedicated [Manual Edit type GUID] button to CR GPT dialog
CR: Dialogs, cleaned up maximum-size/offset calculation & alignment
CR: Fixed alignment for position and size for GPT (0x800, 1 MiB)
CR: Force '-U' option when creating a GPT guard partition, type 0xEE
CR: GPT Dialog, added sub-dialog with check-boxes for attribute flags
CR: GPT Dialog, added '[x] Do NOT align to MiB boundaries' check box
CR: GPT Dialog, fixed calculation for aligned/unaligned maximum sizes
CR: Implemented "cr gpt" to create/recover a GPT HDR+PTA structures on a disk
CR: Implemented '-attrib:'hex' option for GPT 64-bit attribute values
CR: Implemented GUID/UUID edit dialog, with 5 separate HEX-only fields
CR: Implemented GPT-style partition-create dialog, with type select list
CR: Implemented the actual CreatePartition() fot GPT, writing HDR+PTA
CR: MBR Dialog, added '[x] Do NOT align to CYL boundaries' check box
CR: Make default size for GPT EFI partition 128 MiB
CR: Supply a default partition name, based on the current type-GUID
CR: alignment fixes, and update of documentation files
CR: changed '-U' option to '-align-' for consistency (do NOT align)
DELETE: Implemented delete of a single GPT partition, or ALL on 1 disk
Don't allow writing outside PSN limits, except for expandable files
EDIT: Implemented Fix '-c:N' (nr of byte columns) option in HEX editor
EDIT: Make sure write (back) errors are displayed and show up in the LOG
EXPAND: Allow partition expand for unknown filesystems (Part-table only)
EXPAND: Fixed FAT16 bootsector validation for sizes close to the limit
EXPAND: Fixed partition type for types larger than 0x10 (HEX-DEC mixup)
EXPORT: fixed crash when using -d option (as used in DFSDISK procedure)
FAT format, no update of (MBR-style) partition type for a GPT partition
Fixed creation of PRIMARY with -G:n GAP specified (like GPT 0xEE guard)
Fixed menu ownership to make accelerator keys work from any window/menu
GPT -fix will move an incorrect-placed alternate hdr/PTA, when possible
GPT: Always SORT table-array when before writing, including 'lvm -fix'
GPT: Better CRC and sanity checks on GPT structures, more specific warnings
GPT: Edit Partition Tables, implemented dialog for single entry edit
GPT: Fix FAT16 filesystem recognition and display for GPT partitions
GPT: HELP for PTE dialog, fix help for the type-GUID listbox in CR
GPT: Implemented GUID 'time+random' generator and 'uuidgen' test command
GPT: No WARNING if alternate HDR is at end-guard, not end-disk (hybrid)
GPT: new command 'gpt' and 'gpt -fix' to display/fixup (damaged) GPT info
Linux: Fixed working of Shift-TAB for Linux terminal (dialog navigation)
Linux: Re-introduced escape-sequence for Shift-Tab, as an alias (from 12.6)
MENU: Added a 'Fix GPT header / tables' menu item in Mode=FDISK
MENU: Added a convert MBR to GPT, and GPT to MBR items to Mode=FDISK
MENU: Changed OSX partition ID from '/dev/disN' to 'diskXsN' identifier
MENU: Create and Open freespace, logical/primary lists updated for GPT
MENU: IMZ2RAW improved handling of source path and sizefield with -S
MENU: Restore partition info (PRESTORE dialog): include GPT sector types
MENU: Updated partition/BMGR selection lists for GPT-style partitions
MOUNT/VIRT allow size in sectors larger than C*H*S (partial cylinders)
MOVE/COPY: Support for GPT partitions, including MBR to GPT or GPT to MBR
MOVE: Retain original (unique) partition GUID when moving GPT to GPT
OSX/Linux: Use 'stty -echo' at start to avoid spurious input echos
OSX: Changed a few key-bindings for better MAC-OSX compatibility (Alt to Ctrl)
PART added MBR type 0xEF for an EFI System Partition (ESP) on an MBR disk
PART: Add 'part -w' hint to Linux NOTE if there are unaligned partitions
PART: Check for the HFS+ FS for GPT 'Apple CoreStorage' or 'Apple Boot'
PART: New warning when a GPT partition has a non-unique partition-GUID
PART: Show number of suppressed MINOR warnings when just showing MAJOR ones
PART: Suppress 'NO-active partition' warnings for GPT style disks
PL: Suppress (OS/2 USB) dummy disks when showing freespace areas (pl f)
PSAVE: Add GPT info to ASCII-header and GPT header/table sectors to .PDx
PTE: Finished handling of field contents for the GPT variant
PTE: Implemented NEXT, PREV, and F2/F5/F8 Hexedit actions for GPT
PTE: MBR and GPT, changed default sector value to HEXadecimal format
RESIZE/EXPAND: Added support to resize filesystems in GPT partitions
SET: 'align' property for CREATE partition, AUTO, CYL, MIB or #sectors
STARTUP: switch '-align:value to set default alignment on partition CR
UI: Entryfields: stylebits to filter on decimal or hex number input only
H I S T O R Y 1 2 . X
12.7 06-10-2015 SET: Fixed crash in 'set screen', added current value display on others
SET HISTORY: commandline behaviour: PLAIN, FILTER, UNIQUE or CLASSIC
HISTORY buffer behaviour: plain, completion-filter and/or duplicate-filter
OSX/Linux: Use 'stty -echo' at start to avoid spurious input echos
Linux: fixed working of Shift-TAB for Linux terminal (dialog navigation)
12.6 19-08-2015 DFSUSB32 'Create bootable USB': Detect locked FS (Windows) by wipe MBR and retry
DFSF32ST, DFSF16ST, DFSIFSTD, DFSJFS35 scripts: Handle (Windows) locked FS better
FIX*LDR: Allow spaces in DIR names for FIXNTLDR, FIXHPLDR, FIXJFLDR and VIRT
FIXNTLDR: Supply specific version of loader for Windows-7 and up: DFSNTLDR.IM7
GEO: Select correct LVM-DLAT for Geometry, when multiple are present
IMAGE/RESTORE/CLONE: Avoid defaulting 'confirmation' to 'error ignore' in batch
LOG: Fixed autonumbering of logfiles 'fname^' for Linux and OSX platforms
MENU: added 'Ignore (R/W) errors' selection to 'Edit' menu, with indicator
MENU: added UX devicename to selection text for partitions in lists and menus
PART: Moved 'ux' column in table displays to directly after the 'ID' column
SCREEN: '-reset' resets terminal on exit (UNIX: reset, others: CLS)
SET: added 'set error confirm/ignore/quit' to use from scripts (profile.dfs)
SET: added 'set reset on/off' for terminal RESET on program exit
SWITCHES: Fixed several 'long name' switch names (wrong in 12.5!)
UI: Updated CLONE and IMAGE dialogs for wider partition lists (UX device)
12.5 02-07-2015 CLONE: Updated help/usage with more complete '-b' option description
CONFIRM command, ignore all keys except Y/N and <Esc> in non-windowed UI
Disk warnings GEOMETRY/GEOMETRY_EX: added disk-number (Windows only)
Explicit WARNING if disk LVM geometry has more than 65535 cylinders
FINDPATH support either DOS or UNIX style path separators, and usage text
File Dialogs, fixed initial selection BUG in Dir/File lists (visible on Linux)
File Dialogs, fixed new PATH field handling in FileDialog for UNIX/Linux
File Dialogs, made the [New directory] work properly for UNIX/Linux
File recovery: Create/accept proper path separators '/' for Linux/MAC
HELP minor update to SCRIPT host variable descriptions ($_rc, PRINT)
HELP Sorted most options alphabetically in *.TXT and '-?' online help
LVM: Usage text updated, sorted options, partition versus disk level
MENU: 'mount physical disk' to DFSee list; text changed to 'accessible'
OEM versions build more generic, allowing multiple branding and functionality
Progress -G:0 switch for BAR only, -G:11 for single line percentage (OEM)
Progress -G:0 show leading units/reason short text on progress bars display
RUN: status prompt, updated to better reflect SCRIPT return values
SCREEN refresh on every status-line update using '-refresh' EXE switch
SCREEN refresh using Ctrl-L now available for any operating system
SCRIPT PRINT statement to print (string) expression (debugging)
SCRIPT explicit 'RETURN expression', ends script with given RC
SCRIPT preserve explicit $_rc assignment value by (user) script
SCRIPT return $_rc value when reaching end-of-script (no RETURN)
SCRIPT substitute $_rc for an empty expression on RETURN
SCRIPT updated HELP section for the PRINT and RETURN statements
Scripts (to create various USB sticks with LVM): Fixed confirmation/comment bug
12.4 03-04-2015 ADJUST FS size, respect HPFS 64GiB limit in manual command 'resize -m'
EFAT file recovery: set original file date/time from FILE dir entry
EFAT file recovery: fix directory interpretation bug causing failure
EXPAND do NOT allow manual override of maximum size in dialog (clip)
EXPAND filesystem/partition, limit size to 64GiB for HPFS filesystems
EXPAND Max accepted size automatically reduced for cylinder alignment
FAT(32) file recovery: set original file date/time, incl create/access
FAT(32) file recovery: use long-filename for recovered file, if present
FDISK/startup: 0-disks/admin-hint in popup requiring user confirmation
FILEFIND/DELFIND -D option to search for DIRECTORIES only (when possible)
GEO Update total nr of sectors and cylinders on byte-per-sector change
HELP (commandline) added the MENU2HTML command to '??' command overview
HPFS DELFIND/FILEFIND Create proper FNODE find-SPACE for fast searching
HPFS Fnode display and 'list -f': show FULL long-filename and path
HPFS file recovery: set original file date/time, when still available
HPFS file recovery: use FULL long filename (>15) when still available
HPFS file recovery: use FULL long name (>15) on all path components too
HPFS: Fixed hang with long-filename display on deleted files/directories
ID '-v-' non-verbose, suppress contents display for the sector
IMAGE/RESTORE correctly set default size when a start offset specified
LIST '-d-' suppress contents display for the '-c' cmd execution option
LIST '-t-' or '-t' TEST option is passed on to cmd given with '-c'
LIST '-v-' or '-v' VERBOSE option is passed on to cmd given with '-c'
LIST: Changed function key <F9> from 'alloc' to list display (list -f)
LOG Display DFSee working directory at startup and start of any logfile
PART table (read/view) Fix handling of size value 0xffffffff (truncate)
PART WARNING for GPT header at WRONG sectorsize (512 byte versus 4 KiB)
RECOVER Set original timestamps on DOS/OS2: fix 'off by 1 month' bug
RECOVER Set original file access/modify timestamps on UNIX/Linux too
SCAN sn parameter to set the start sector for the scan as MCS-number
SLT2LIST correctly set default size when a start offset specified
VDISK avoid traps on read/write after changing geometry bytes-per-sector
WINDOWS added hint to reduce security level in User Access Control (UAC)
WIPE correctly set default size when a start offset is specified
12.3 01-02-2015 CR: avoid rounding UP by 1 MiB for 1st primary or a logical (64/32 geometry)
DELFIND/FILEFIND: Speed up SPACE search with Rsn2Lsn translation cache
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on EFAT: '-d-' option: outside DIR space too
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on EFAT: Automatic SLT build for fullpath lookup
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on FAT/HPFS, on-demand create FNODE space (not on open)
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on FAT12/16/32 '-d-' option: outside DIR space too
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on FAT12/16/32: Automatic SLT build for fullpath lookup
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on HPFS: '-d-' option: outside FNODE space too (slower!)
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on JFS (QFI): Automatic SLT build for fullpath lookup
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on JFS: Integrated QFI (Quick Find Inodes) for consistency
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on NTFS: '-d-' option: outside MFT space too (slower!)
DFSDISK (bsfind) recognise JFS superblocks on 64/32 (1 MiB) geometries
EFAT: Implement directory iteration to allow faster (SPACE) searching
FIND: allow search restricted space (ALLDIRS) only, for faster filesearch
FINDSPACE command to display filefind/delfind SPACE areas, when known
FS: Init Filesystem, ignore empty 'FSINIT' cmd after EXPORT/IMPORT list
ISO: Fix deliverable ZIP files to include the 'dfsi*' executables again
LVM Dialog: Fixed <F1> help to show the context sensitive LVM dialog help
MENU: FileFind/DelFind dialog enhanced with checkbox 'outside DIR space'
MENU: FileFind/DelFind dialog enhanced with persistent search argument
UI: Allow up to five checkboxes on value-prompt and DIR-selection dialogs
12.2 23-11-2014 ABOUT: fixed item count in 'Expert' help menu to again include the 'About' item
NEWMBR: -n and -N option to create MBR without any bootcode/NT-signature
DISPLAY: sector identification for empty MBR (just 55AA) to correct type
ALLOC: Update global info after 'alloc' command, enabling resizing menu items
Added 'part PID -a' hint on resizing menu items not being available message
CR: fixed auto LVM creation from the 'Create partition' dialog (lvm 1 -C ..)
EFAT: Added search for normal/deleted files to the recovery submenu
EFAT: DELFIND cmd, search deleted or renamed files/dirs by name fragment
EFAT: FILEFIND cmd, search normal files by name fragment (15 chars max)
EFAT: Fix DIR display (list) for FILE/STREAM entries spanning 2 sectors
EFAT: resolve FILE (85) from stream/name (c0/c1) DIR entries (filefind etc)
FIND: Better EFAT directory entry filtering for finding normal/deleted
FIND: Progress SN shown from start OBJECT, not start search (experimental)
PART: Made '-a' the default to show alloc info, enabling resizing menu items
SETBOOT -disk:* updates ALL installed bootmanagers, and is now the default
TRACE: Removed extra debug info display from (WIN32) TxFileSize
12.1 10-09-2014 AL command, show allocation free/used for specified LSN and optional size
BATCH command, added '-?' usage help and '?' for batch status display
Binary display current sector (Hexdump) keyboard shortcut changed to Ctrl+B
Buffersize adjust restore IMZ: AUTO in BASIC-mode, confirm once for EXPERT
CREATE keep correct minimum size for first logical (move up to cylinder 1)
DIALOG 'Partition Table Edit' (PTE), fix PT-entry line to get initial focus
DIALOG 'Set Geometry', automatically set RADIO buttons to match current L-GEO
DISK warning about OS/2 non-standard sectors/track fixed for disks > 1 TiB
EFAT BOOTSYNC: calculate CRC and write to one or both boot areas (sync)
EFAT SAVETO implemented for files, directories, and bitmap+upcase sysfiles
EFAT Volume Label recgonition from Root directory in table / part -V
EFAT bootsector recognition in MBR or GPT partitions and Large-Floppy
EFAT directory including alloc display and list -f type filename display
EFAT formatted display for bootsector, ALLOC display based on clusters
EFAT implementation of Bitmap caching and ALLOC functionalty using bitmap
EFAT list -f and detailed-directory displays debug and touch-up TZ format
EFAT list -f calculate percentage of correct allocation (recoverability)
EFAT, completed the Mode=EFAT menu, derived from the regular FAT one
FAT(32) list -f calculate percentage of correct allocation (recoverability)
FAT-FS display selected dir-entry in statusline next to 'this' sector-nr
HELP/SCROLLBUFFER: Reverse search keyboard shortcut now Ctrl+R (was Ctrl+B)
LVM 'pid -C' option: CLEAR LVM-signature (BBR) for one non-0x35 type partition
LVM -d:x -C' or '-C' option: CLEAR LVM-signature from ALL non-0x35 partitions
LVM auto create MBR DLAT with prompted disk-name on 1st LVM info for a disk
MENU Edit, display BATCH-mode status, and allow toggle ON or OFF
MENU Mode=Fdisk, LVM, 'Clear BBR on non-LVM partitions' wipes obsolete LVM-sig
PART ERROR CHS/LBA-offset mismatch below cyl-1024, changed to a WARNING
PART WARNING for non LVM (0x35) partitions that DO have an LVM BBR sector
PART WARNING if LVM DLAT size or startsector do not match partition table
PRESTORE, suppress 'test on virtual disk first' hint when disk IS a virtual
RESTORE, fixed size related bug in restoring multiple-file compressed image
SAVETO automatic get FAT directory entry from Sectorlist after .NNN select
SLT build implemented for the EFAT filesystem, including reserved areas
SLT build, change end-of-disk marker to '***** max *****' no number value
Startup, echo the DFSee invocation commandline to the screen and logfile
12.0 10-06-2014 ALLOC partition map support for DUMPFS (dump usually smaller than partition)
BASIC aware dialogs for set-LVM and CREATE-partition operations
BASIC aware menus for File, Edit, Actions, Display, Help and mode=FDISK
BASIC aware menus for HPFS, NTFS, JFS, Reiser, XFS, HFS, EXT2-3, SWAP and AUX
CHECK on NTFS partitions: suppress 'bad fixup structure' message on empty MFT's
CLONE, IMAGE, FIND, File-recovery: 'Confirm' to 'Ignore' after an error
CREATE dialog: default for 'allow multiple primaries' changed to TRUE
DFSDISK dialog: default changed to 'Search on Cylinder and MiB boundaries'
DFSEDIT batch/cmd script; Avoid interpreting any physical disks using -d-
DUMPFS filesystem support to show OS/2 dump partition contents (DUMPFS.IFS)
GREP, search the output text window, and present search-results in a list
HELP, Added lists/searching to HELP command and Help menu, including GREP
HELP, added interface to load helpsections from external text files
HELP, consolidated TXwindows and Script help information, incl DFSee variables
HELP, implemented GREP like search, with result-list and toggle key <F8>
HELP, implemented item and sections lists and help-search dialog
HELP: '/' key as alias for the <F7> function key to start the search dialog
HELP: search dialog 'titles only' option; <F8> footer text in GREP list
HEXED, fixed 'IM -A-' option to prevent FILE appending using the INSERT key
IMAGE/CLONE dialog: default for 'smart' changed to FALSE (max reliability)
IMZ2RAW, no PSN limit check on writing to FILE object, to allow extending
LOADHELP command to add additional help contents like user hints and tips
LVMCLEAN wipes obsoletes LVM DLAT sectors in the MBR track (sect 1 .. 254)
MENU Edit, added new item to switch between BASIC and EXPERT user interface
MENU Mode=FDISK MBR area, added selection for 'Wipe LVM sectors MBR-area'
MENU2HTML, make menu doc generator (PHP/HTML) 'BASIC' aware
PCLEAR L now includes clearing all LVM DLAT sectors in MBR track (LVMCLEAN)
SEARCH, or '/' search (backwards) through the output text window for any phrase
SET EXPert on/off/toggle sets or toggles the UI mode between BASIC and EXPERT
Sample scripts directory cleaned up for all platform versions
Startup switch '-expert' switches directly to EXPERT mode (default is BASIC)
TXLIB: Added 'switch to Expert mode' hint after each help item
TXLIB: MENU2HTML change fixed 'txmshots' DIR to specified prefix
User interface updated to allow a 'BASIC' mode, easier to master than 'EXPERT'
WARNING, calculate OS/2 65535 cylinder limit from geometry, not fixed 255/63
WARNING, no 65535 cyl limit warnings if NO OS/2 FS present, and not on OS/2
WIPE, allow switching from strategy 'Confirm' to 'Ignore' after an error
WIPE, honnor the -E:strategy switch/option to continue after bad sectors
H I S T O R Y 1 1 . X
11.7 15-03-2014 Desktop creation dfswpobj.cmd added to ZIP distribution, OS2 directory is now 'bin'
Desktop creation dfswpobj.cmd update to match WPI (and then some, thanks Lewis!)
Display Geometry+Status in menu, and on F7 function key, 'vol' now a-F7
Display change 'HcSC:' instead of 'CHS' for part-table entry 3-byte combos
Fixed help reference for new-MBR, ERASE tables menu selection
Fixed opening 'File' menu at startup, just select it, but no actual open
GEO (startup) force H64/S32 when partitions seem to be aligned to 1-MiB (0x800)
NOBADS on NTFS, set $Bad attribute to default size (to avoid third-party bugs!)
PART / ReadDiskInfo, fixed minor BMGR labeling bugt when no LVM info present
RESTORE expand buffer if image (IMZ) geometry requires that, with confirmation
Removed duplicate 'P' and 'D' accelerator keys from Mode=FDISK menu pulldown
Removed several other duplicate menu accelerator keys from main and submenus
SCAN (and others) termination error on OS2 and 255 sectors/track geo, fixed
SET GEOCALC, reset forced geometries when switching 'geocalc' ON or OFF
Show opened object details in app-title; show title on a 28-line screen too
VCU (Apply default LVM info): fixed crash when used on an empty disk
WPI install script updated, with improvements submitted by Lewis Rosenthal
11.6 15-07-2013 Add Windows (NT/XP/W7/W8) lastError description on 'unknown errors' RC 1
Add Windows (NT/XP/W7/W8) lastError description on reading a bad sector
Avoid driveletter display bug on Windows FAT(32) by ignoring dirty flag
Evaluation expiration date (run without a key) extended to end of 2013
Fix line-wrap in Help->Exe startup switches; Allow numeric logfilename
Fixed URL's to help/about and presentations in the various readme files
Improved warning messages 'BIOS versus OS size' on OS/2 cyl. > 65535
Refresh DFSee tables from disk before displaying disk-map from the menu
SCAN fixed non functioning '-a-' option on SCAN command to suppress auto-ID
Show currently opened/active logfile with 'log -?' or 'log ?'
Updated 'Geometry Dn from :' to 'Disk n L-Geo from', with 'PSN' in 8 digits
Updated usage text on 'lvmshow -?' to document the '0' parameter
11.5 01-01-2013 ALIGNEXT non-zero RC if no room for alignment or other error
CLONE Confirmation popup after a write-error on cloning (continue/abort)
CLONE Log errors to screen/logfile on read while cloning, even when using -E:I
CR Added cylinder-alignment when positioning from END of freespace
DFSDISK added the updated DFSDPROC script to actual distribution
DFSUSB32 create bootable-stick script made a little more robust
DISK/PART Continue partition analysis when no MBR/EBR 55AA sig, but valid tables
DISK/PART Specific error/warning when MBR or EBR has no 55AA sig, but valid table
HELP #834 fixed spelling error 'AVCTIVE' partition to 'ACTIVE'
IMAGE Log read errors to screen/logfile on create image, even when using -E:I
LIST mention IMPORT command when trying to use an empty Sectorlist
NTFS DIRFIND 'not implemented' error message fixed; Build on W500
NTFS descriptive message if $Volume MFT has no VolumeInfo attrib
NTFS update volume serialnr and display bootsector, use 16 digits
PART show LVM diskname even if no partitions are listed in DLAT
PSAVE/DFSDISK fixed crash with the MAC version on writing the .PDx files
RESTORE Confirmation popup after a write-error on restore image (continue/abort)
SMART Fixed alloc info for MBR area in dfsFdskSetNewArea() used for 'Smart'
STARTABLE Setting a primary ACTIVE does no longer hide all other primaries on disk
TXLIB Keyboard added hack for altGr+backslash to '\' for German keyboards
WARNING No 'alignext' hint on 'partition overlaps DLAT' for a primary partition.
WINDOWS GetLastError TRACE on failing Create/Write/ReadFile Win32 calls
WINDOWS Improved error code on write errors (rc 1 -> GetLastError())
11.4 14-09-2012 DFSDISK correct full display multiple-FS superblocks from bsfind
EDIT binary-file, fix bogus error popup if 'this' SN too large
FILE fixed help-page numbering for 'File->Trace to cyclic' files
MENU Mode=EXT2+3 changed to EXT2_3 for correct menu DOC generation
MENU SCRIPT added create type 0x07 HPFS/JFS/NTFS USB disk/stick
MENU SCRIPT added create type 0x35 classic JFS USB disk/stick
MENU2HTML static HTML generation updated for the new scripts menu
VIRT no hint to 'restore to virtual disk first' if this IS a virtual
11.3 22-08-2012 ALIGNEXT command to delete/recreate (first) logical for alignment
ALIGNEXT menu-items in FDISK menu, for disk or specific partition
BSFIND allow finding superblocks for multiple filesystems
DFSDISK allow finding superblocks for multiple filesystems
DFSDISK avoid false interpretation of BBR driveinfo as HPFS spare
DFSDISK now finds JFS super on GEO with 127/255 sectors/track
DFSUSB32 procedure updated to support 1-partition 32GB boot stick
DFSUSB32 added menu item on bootmenu for Ultimate Boot CD 5.xx ISO
DIR displays in FS, optimize list display options for file recovery
EXPORT Sectorlist, include the info byte (FAT DIR entry nr)
GEO -! option starts dialog to show/set system and logical geometry
GEO -d:nr option first selects specified disk before acting on GEO
GEO reported size for logical geometry changed (back) to C * H * S
IMPORT Sectorlist, include the info byte (FAT DIR entry nr)
JFS accept and warn about JFS superblock with BAD signature digit
JFS file recovery, changed 2GB/4GB filesize limit (32bit) to 2TB
JFS new 'SET FS' submenu, FS status, version and signature
JFS/NTFS display allocation extents limit to 32, unless verbose (-v)
JFS/NTFS file recovery on OS/2, use the LargeFile API on DosOpen
MENU 'Search partition + FS info' multiple and new filesystems
MENU Mode=FDISK new submenu for partition-table cleanup and repair
MENU Mode=FDISK new submenu to open/select a whole disk to work on
MENU Mode=FDISK new submenu to show/set geometry for selected disk
NEXT command as alias for 'd' command and 'Ctrl+N' or Enter key
OSX version for MAC: fixed minor display anomaly for active buttons
RECOVER statusline progress in recovery of large files (x of y MiB)
RESTORE fix ignored explicit start-sector on RAW/IMZ (since 11.1)
SBSIG command on JFS, set signature digit to correct value
SCRIPT New 'EXIT label WHEN (cond)' conditional break for loops
SCRIPT New 'LOOP .. ENDLOOP label' script control structure
SCRIPT optional label on all loops and on break/exit-when statements
SCRIPT syntax warning at runtime if target label for break not found
SYNCLVM setting (OS2 only) toggle menu item added to Edit menu
WARNING added for EBR-to-logical-BOOTSEC larger than 1 track
11.2 01-07-2012 DIRFIND support -t:type option to find DIRs or files only
DOS and WIN version compressed with UPX 3.08 and --best option
EXT2/3 Add superblock, group-descr and bitmaps to EXT2/3 SLT build
FAT 16/32 implemented expanding (RESIZE), for same clustersize only
FAT DIRFIND fix additional list information (dir entry#)
FAT DIRFIND fix '-l' option to automatically list results
FAT DIRFIND exclude long-filename DIR entries from result
FAT DIR view suppress deleted files unless the '-D' option is used
FAT Put list DIR entry# in separate byte; lifts 64GB FAT32 limit
FAT SLT display, shows long-filenames, unless -lfn- option
FAT SLT display, implement display of the path for file data
FAT ALLOC Set filesystem expand (RESIZE) limits for FAT12/16/32
FAT set cluster FAT value; Fixup DIR entries FAT-value for resize;
FAT16 fix DIR cluster identification on zeroed deleted entry
FAT16 fixed spurious garbage in SLT caused by long filenames
FAT32 fixed type display string for 2nd and 3rd bootsectors
FAT32 free-clusters in 2nd bootsector, based on own ALLOC now
FAT32 update free-clusters in 2nd bootsector, new calculation
FATSHOW '-c:cluster#' option shows FAT starting from cluster
GPT 'SET GPT' command, sets automatic GPT interpretation on/off
GPT -gptauto commandline switch sets GPT interpretation on/off
GPT Added display of GPT partition table array contents
GPT Implemented GPT freespace handling
GPT Implemented ReadGptPartitions & partition displays for GPT
GPT Implemented CRC checks on GPT header and PT array
GPT Set MBR style partent type for a GPT for desired map color
GPT/LDM split EFI-GPT and Windows-LDM handling (incompatible format)
HFS Added superblocks and allocation bitmaps to HFS SLT build
HFS Display of (most of) the HFS superblock; MAP fixup for GPT
HFS Fixup disk naming for linux device; prepare for big-endian
HFS Implemented SMART capability for fast cloning and imaging
HFS Implemented bitmap block allocation display (ALLOC command)
HFS Implemented bitmap read and alloc-bit determination functions
HFS recognize HFS filesystem in MBR-style partitions type 0xAF
LIST -f, on FAT, shows long-filenames, unless -lfn- option
LIST -f now shows full path+filename on FAT, if SLT is available
LOG -logauto commandline switch sets LOG auto numbering on/off
LOG autonumber logfiles 001..999 using '^' as last filename char
MAP Keep disk graph as wide as possible for available screen width
MEDIA Removed obsolete media description from all but MAC version
MENU 'Edit -> Automatic logfile Numbering' togles setting
OS-X Explicit hint to UNMOUNT whole disk before writing with DFSee
PSAVE fix binary incompatibility between 11.2 and previous versions
SET LOG command, sets automatic LOG file numbering on/off
SLT display, display compacter, more room for file path column
WIPESECURE Added better logging/reporting to DoD 5220 wiping
11.1 21-03-2012 Fixed '-Q' bug on clone, restore and wipe without any parameters
Added "run as administrator" hint for Vista and Windows-7 only
BMGR install, fix Abort when previous operation failed; (batch)
BSFIND allow (additional) search on MiB boundaries (Win-7/Vista)
CLONE Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
COMP Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
CSLIST documented now, and enhanced with MiB boundary capability
DFSDISK dialog and cmd, allow (additional) search on MiB boundaries
Discard P-geo size on OS/2 when more than 1-cylinder difference
FIND allow (additional) search on MiB boundaries (Win-7/Vista)
FS Allow abort FAT-CRC loop whith 'fs fat32' on a FAT16 filesystem
GENPART allow -b:'basename' option instead of 2nd parameter
PART Explicitit mention of L-Geo for OS/2 > 65535 cylinder warning
PART No 'invalid bootsector' msg on open of Linux or swap partition
PART Non-critical IBM BMGR warnings made minor (multiple disks)
PART Non-std cylinder-alignment now MINOR warnings (Win-7/Linux)
PART Set mode=EXT2 on 0x83 partition without superblocks, not AUX
PTEDIT dlg sort table on ENTER while a sort button has focus
PTEDIT dlg added help on using SPACE to operate sort buttons
PTEDIT log disk and partition details on each table display
PTEDIT up/down keys now navigate between fields and buttons too
RESTORE Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
RESTORE/COMPARE get correct size for multiple-RAW image files
RESTORE/COMPARE show number of files for multi-file image set
Updated DFSee signature to '11' in bootrecord for HPFS fixboot
Use GEOMETRY_EX only for XP and up; error fallback to GEOMETRY
WIPE Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
11.0 21-12-2011 CR -Y:n sets prefered entry for new EBR extended containers
CR -X:n sets prefered entry for new MBR extended container
CR default MBR entry 3 (last) slot for new extended container
CREATE dlg prefered table entry for partition, MBR and EBR
Disksize shown including partial last cylinder whenever possible
EXPORT include FS specific command pragma line in export file
FAT sync warning text update to use FATSIM+FATWRIM as a combo
FDISK menu 'Set base to Freespace area' for easy (edit) access
FILE dialog Added sort-indicators on file/dir lists in dialog
FILE dialog Support sorting in file dialog DIR/FILE windows
FILE dialog Sort on Volume popup window using Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F9
File recovery, ignore errors on searching from menu (optional)
GENPART, generate -X and -Y options on all logical partitions
GEO fixed recalculate cylinders when H/S changes (broken in ver10.9)
GEO forced Always overrule existing geo when forced is set (virtual)
GEO source Ignore PT if sect/track larger than 63 (OS/2 huge disk)
GEO traces More information on geo calculation in trace output
IMAGE command Fix for used buffersize > 64KB with 4096 byte sectors
IMPORT automatic FS specific command execute, like IRS for JFS
JFS IRS command sets Inode Recovery Signature, after (quick) format
JFS menu 'Find ANY after FORMAT' find any INODES after quick format
JFS 'IRS 0' sets recovery signature wildcard, find any possible INODES
JFS/HPFS BPB-letter shown in partition detailed view (letter/data)
JFS/HPFS PPB versus LVM driveletter mismatch warning when bootable
MBR recognize Plop Boot Manager code on MBR-sector display
Make sure DFSDISK/DFSCHECK scripts run in batch mode (no popups)
NTFS automatically recognized in a type 0x12 recovery partition
NTFS MFT-seq number to a few NTFS related error messages in CHECK
NTFS better reporting of bad fixup structures on NTFS system structures
NTFS various display and analysis fixes to support 4KB sector sizes
OS-X HFS+ partition type 0xAF added to partition type displays
OS2 buffer Maximum buffer size phys disk I/O set to 127 (< 64KB)
PART ERROR active-extended changed to WARNING, and removed fix hint
PART fixed incorrect assigning of IBM BMGR labels (Linux EBR sectors)
RECOVER count BAD_STRUCTURE errors as failures on file recovery
Sort Partitions on various partition lists using Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F9
Sort Volumes on various volume lists using Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F9
H I S T O R Y 1 0 . X
10.9 10-06-2011 GEO forced Always overrule existing geo when forced is set (virtual)
GEO source Ignore PT if sect/track larger than 63 (OS/2 huge disk)
GEO traces More information on geo calculation in trace output
OS2 buffer Maximum buffer size phys disk I/O set to 127 (< 64KB)
10.8 22-05-2011 FIND dlg Allow double quote characters in search string values
FORMAT dlg Allow single quote characters in filesystem label field
FORMAT dlg Set bootcode type correctly for FAT32 -o:'9' = Win9x/ME
IMAGE etc Set RW-RW-RW- file mode to newly created files on Linux and Mac
FILE dlg Show directory and file list SORTED on filename on Linux and Mac
FILE dlg Avoid 'dead-end' directories without the '..' entry on Linux
PART Recognize large floppy with MSWIN4.1 correctly as FAT16
Windows Show minor version 6.10 in 'about' as Windows-7, not Vista
10.7 25-04-2011 alloc Notify user when aborted, reset the Used/Free info
BMGR menu Default to current BMGR timeout on value-prompt
DISK size Linux better size/geometry support for disks > 500GB
EDIT <F2> Reset 'this' start lsn after selecting other object
FAT16 USB Script to create a FAT16 data stick/disk; max 2GB
Mode=xxx File Recovery menu now named "File Find/Recover/HEXedit"
File / DIR Binary edit Data (file/dir contents) for a path
File / DIR Binary edit Info (fnode/inode/MFTrec) for a path
File / DIR Find or recover ONE file, now for Mode=FAT too
IMZINFO Support large files on Linux for info display
OS/2 limit Warning 65535 cylinders, less frequently shown
PART table Adjusted some column widths to allow terabyte disk sizes
PSAVE etc Fix size display in several places for 4KB/sector disks
RESTORE Fixed TxFileExists for large files > 2GB on Linux
RESTORE Support large files on Linux on auto-detect IMZ
Startup Add ADMIN hint if no disks are seen at all (WIN7)
geocalc Fixed trap when LVM DLAT is in a non-std location
hex edit Faster startup, fixed spurious trap on starting
hex edit Add extra prev/next item buffer for large screens
hex edit Fix buffer-contents on PgUp/PgDn if screen > item
long tasks No abort with <Esc> in batch (-b switch or -B option)
10.6 10-01-2011 DFSF32ST Script to partition+format a USB-stick using FAT32
DFSTART Fixed bug causing premature abort of DFSDPROC script
GEOCALC DLAT for 255, 127, 63 preferred; duplicate warning
MBR Recognize Lenovo factory preloaded MBR (W500)
MBR Recognize generic english MBR from Windows-7
MENU Added 'Scripts' menu to run (standard) DFSee scripts
MENU Disabled items display 'reason' info on selection
NTFS Fix trap at open partition with corrupt LOGRECORD
PART -fs:x Initialize for specified filesystem, not detected one
SCAN Reword message on using -b:1; Explain Sectorlist
SETB Add -Q- option to suppress automatic-quit from a script
WARNING Fix table entry for missing (1st) EBR signature
10.5 27-07-2010 EXT2/3 Display and edit of UUID value with "uuid" command
JFS Display and edit of UUID value with "uuid" command
JFS CHECK More verbose JFS IAG dump when pedantic (-p)
NTFS CHECK Better ALLOC message if no $Bitmap info available
Recover Translate illegal chars in 8.3 filename conversion
ReiserFS Display and edit of UUID value with "uuid" command
ReiserFS Fixed crash on selecting the Mode=Reiser menu
SLT/CHECK Added lost/link area count/size summary on display
Script Don't execute result value of an assignment with comment
Warning Bootable JFS/HPFS partition without an LVM driveletter
Warning Volume-serial duplicate, reworded, display only once.
10.4 23-05-2010 DFSeeHow HOWTO documentation PDF file updated for version 10.x
DFSusb32 documentation file dfsusb32.txt updated for DFSee upgrade
Dialogs Fixed incorrect open position Clone and Format dialogs
JFS LDR Adjusted size to (now) documented 31 sectors (was 34)
JFS (boot) Display bootsector code updated to eCS 2.0 GA level
JFS (boot) Fixboot bootsector code updated to eCS 2.0 GA level
Resize flg in XML only set to YES for DFSee resizable filesystem
WARNING if LBA BR-offset smaller than sectors/track (LVM corrupt)
10.3 06-05-2010 FAT DIRTY Added check/update for documented flags in FAT area
FAT open Dont search 2nd FAT if 1st not found (long delay)
FAT open Report dirty status on open (from Bootrec and FAT)
USB stick Increased size of image to 934 MiB (stick >= 1 GB)
geo Fixed forcing GEO back to the original (S) values
imz2raw Fixed empty file bug (could not write after EOF)
linux Fix for kernel 2.6.34 stat fail on large disks
setboot -disk:nr option can force (BMGR) disk to work on
10.2 28-03-2010 Boot image Updated USBASPI.SYS to much newer 2.27, dated 2008
geo Retain correct base PSN if a partition was selected
LVM dialog Indicate 'sync LVM engine' as NOT RECOMMENDED
MBR code Recognize another variant of the OS/2 2.x MBR code
Menu BM/LVM removed duplicate shortcut letter 'I'
Menu Wipe Added comment on removables to final message
Menu Wipe Start of disk, now wipes 32 MiB instead of 10
Menu Actions -> Create bootable (USB) disk
Menu Display -> Show Partition Table Sector, MBR or EBR
Menu Wipe MBR sector for a disk (FDISK menu)
Menu Wipe Bootsector for a partition (filesystem menus)
RUN cmd Fixed problem with quoting (spaces, params)
Script Fixed trap on single WHILE/FOR/IF on last line
Script Fixed trap when 'until' is missing for a 'do'
Script Add expression/variable substitution to single-step popup
Script Confirm single-step execute line, and allow script cancel
Script Allow . as placeholder in script positional $n parameters
Script Added verbose and single-step option to RUN file dialog
Script Single-Step + Verbose check-box in singlestep popup
USB stick Added DFSUSB32.dfs script to prepare a bootable stick
10.1 01-01-2010 502G disk Made this an 'informational' message on OS/2
AUX mode Add warning popup if AUX mode is activated
Bootable CD/Diskette added info on SATA legacy mode
FDISK menu Prestore dialog added comment on restore types
FORMAT FAT Fixed system label to contain 10.x (use VLABEL)
MBR code Recognize PendriveLinux Multi-ISO boot from USB
MBR NTsig Changed default to DF5ee100, eye catcher value
MENU Format: avoid find 2nd FAT area (very slow!)
SCAN Fix reported count when error-strategy is 'quit'
SCAN menu Force '-E:i' to always retry with single sector
STORE Use A/B instead of 1/2 as store identification
Sw -dir EXE startup switch, file directory (scripts, key)
Sw -screen Linux EXE switch, force screen size like 112x39
USB-stick Bootable DFSee ISO from USB stick using GRUB
10.0 01-11-2009 502G disk OS/2 warning if disk > 502 GiB normal limit
64K warn OS/2 or eCS incompatible with > 64K cylinders
A sn size Fixed multi sector ASCII display output format
CD/FLOPPY Choice between 28 or 50 lines display at startup
CD/FLOPPY FreeDOS updated to latest kernel/command.com
CD/FLOPPY New IDE driver, XMS manager and ramdisk updated
CD/FLOPPY Optional load of (Iomega) FireWire driver added
CDROM boot fixed availability of HPFS/JFS/NTFS-LDR images
CHS warn No CHS warnings if #sects > 63 (eCS > 500GB)
CLONE Added 'reboot' advisory popup after completion
CR No size adjust primary, if not at MBR track
CR Align to cyl-start if prev END is not aligned
CSLIST -s Add cylinder-aligned sectors to sector-list
DFSDOS VOL Fixed size/freespace for drives > 2GB, filedialogs
FAT Fixed display bugs with just one FAT area
HEX dump Default size full sector if display >= 40 lines
JFS super Always warn for superblocks/part size mismatch
KEY Support major versions over 9 in key checks
LIST Export/Import preserves list display format
LIST Export/Import store/display drive/disk/part
Menu Mode=Fdisk -> Wipe (EBR) TRACK-1 reserved sectors
Menu Edit->Settings->Status prompt after each command
PART view Show decimal size in sectors if no LVM/BMGR
PART -s -u Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
PART -v Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
PART -xml Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
PART pid Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
PTE No 'smart' field updates when type set to 0
RESIZE and EXPAND added '?' and '-?' help on command
SCAN Fix progress reporting when not at LSN 0
SCRIPT Fixed BREAK from FOR loop, break just one level
WARNING Linux device-nr too large, only for nr > 63
WARNING Type 0F extended container, made a minor warning
H I S T O R Y 9 . X X
9.15 21-03-2009 CD-boot and diskette, ramdisk now 12MB, boots on 16MB machine
DFSxFSx Analysis scripts support current object (large-floppy)
EDIT Binary file, allow spaces in path+filename
EDIT "File in Binary Editor", textual menu change
EDIT Hex file, used item size based on screen width
EDIT Max nr of bytes/row to 133 in HEX editor
EDIT Fix trap with > 50 bytes/row in hex editor
FAT Fix open/format traps with 2048 byte sectors
FORMAT Support 2048 byte sectors (FAT filesystems)
MENU File, open object, Freespace area as logical
RECOVER Warning to use ANOTHER partition as destination
RESTORE partition info, extra confirmation when no prompts
RESTORE Show restored size/offset with -S option
RESTORE Fixed restore of .IMG file with -S option
RESTORE Fixed restore to 'corrupt' (NTFS) partition
SAVETO Warning to use ANOTHER partition as destination
SCREEN Support screen/window sizes up to 500 columns
9.14 07-02-2009 RESIZE Fix 'ACTIVE' flag lost on expand (again)
ntsign Added -query and -v display options
Profile Correctly execute from path with spaces
MBR id Recognize 'Symantec/Norton Partition Magic'
PART -V Fixed display of HPFS spare sector (0x11)
9.13 11-10-2008 COPY No change part-type to HIDDEN (multiple visible prim)
GENPART Use explicit HEX partition-type in the script
HELP Added Partition Type help chapter in Help menu
LVM dlg Updated help for driveletters and 'sync LVM'
MENU Fixed 'filename with spaces' issues for IM etc
MOVE Display overview as a table, not as a 'map'
MOVE Make MOVE/COPY commands use explicit HEX type
MOVE No change part-type to HIDDEN (multiple visible prim)
PART Fixed freespace line formatting for Linux and MAC
PART Partition type 0xBC (acronis-ZS) recognized
PART Partition type 0xBF (Solaris ZFS) recognized
Profile template is now 'proftemp.dfs' user: profile.dfs
RESIZE No change part-type to HIDDEN (multiple visible prim)
SCRIPT Added fileselect(), filesaveas() and dirselect()
9.12 30-08-2008 DIALOGS image, restore, clone, create; use explicit HEX
IKEYxxx Changed to be a generic template replacement utility
MENU Make 'change partitiontype' use explicit HEX numbers
NTSIGN Changed parameter to be decimal by default, not hex
PART Make labels (-b-) the default for Linux and MAC too
PROFILE Default (empty) profile.dfs made part of distribution
SCRIPT Fix broken function-name parsing in ver 9.11
SERIAL Changed parameter to be decimal by default, not hex
SET Help text on 'set radix' or 'set radix -?' improved
TYPE Set 'class' of 2nd parameter to be a partition-type
9.11 16-08-2008 JFS Minor textual update in filefind dialog text
MENU 'Find and Recover ONE file' for HPFS/NTFS/JFS
MENU Add help on SCRIPT flow-control and layout
MENU Add help on built-in functions and variables
MENU Added/Moved 'Find ONE file/dir' by full path
Numbers Allow hex/dec/octal on most parameter values
Numbers Changed default radix for ALL values to DECIMAL
RUN Help on flow-control, functions and variables
SCRIPT Implemented lazy evaluation on OR, AND, ||, &&
SCRIPT Add control-structure help text function
SCRIPT Fixed bug in STREQ and related operators
SCRIPT Added BREAK and CONTINUE loop controls
SCRIPT Added pragma and built-in function help
SCRIPT Fixed parameter bug in left() and right()
9.10 20-07-2008 FAT FS Hint to use FORMAT when bootsector is empty
MEDIA Allow upto 24 IDE/SCSI disk on Linux (hdX/sdX)
PART Added details to 'invalid partition table nr'
SETBOOT Allow colon on /IBD:C: syntax
9.09 24-04-2008 CR Create a valid new BBR on type 0x35 for 'create NEW'
SBVER Command for JFS, set JFS version (to OS/2 or Linux)
Mode=JFS menu, added item to set JFS filesystem version
9.08 18-04-2008 CR Clear BBR on type 0x35 for 'create NEW mode'
IMAGE Added warning on using SMART with recovery to help
RESIZE Added 'limitations' to help, supported FS
RESTORE Added informational REBOOT message popup at end
9.07 22-02-2008 DFSDISK Generate full disk-overview in XML format too (.RDF)
LVMsync Fixed close-all-disks to LVM engine (sync LVM)
OS2-EXE Supports using IBM BLDLEVEL now (when NOT compressed)
PART Changed 0x12 type description to 'Recovery'
QUERY DR/PR option tests for removable disk/partition
QUERY DY option tests for 'large floppy format' disk
Resolve variables, '$$' in expression resolves to '$' value
SET VAR command, switch $var substitution in commands ON/OFF
SLT dlg Minor textual update to cancel-SLT build popup dialog
Sw: -$- EXE startup switch, $var substitution in commands OFF
9.06 06-01-2008 TxWin Added double-buffering to reading VIO screen (traps)
defaults Set bad-sector retries to be -A:1 (was 5)
warnings Duplicate driveletters, extra text for WIN
9.05 01-01-2008 cmdline Fix syntax error on single '$' characters (9.03/9.04)
disk R/W Allow OS2 physical disk handle-value ZERO (TSHELL)
format Warnings about 'large floppy' FAT32 on OS/2
geocalc Allow sectors/track upto 255 (DANIS506, 2 TiB disks)
list Fixed decimal value shown for very large values
menu Show error 'item currently disabled' on mousclick too
menubar Add application version to right side of menubar
menu run Allow DFSee quit from script ran from the menu
part Warnings about 'large floppy' FAT32 on OS/2
quit Do not exit with the 0x251 DFS_QUIT as rc (make it 0)
run Abort script run when parameter prompt is canceled
script Quit script (and app) on application 'q' command
9.04 09-12-2007 CR menu Fixed enable/disable of CR/BM-install menu items
FileDlg Fix directory read for DOS version (Watcom 1.7 bug!)
Geocalc Ignore deleted (type 00) partitions in MBR tables
LVM Set correct drive-link seq-nr (P#1262, Mantis 1572)
LVM -c Fix drive-link sequence numbers that are ZERO
Menu Edit -> Set Geometry contents based, toggle 'geocalc'
PART xml Add specific warning for LVM sequence-nr ZERO
SCRIPT Implemented error ignore/quit/confirm logic
SCRIPT Implemented setting $_rc system variable on commands
SET geo Set 'geocalc' disk contents based geometry ON or OFF
9.03 25-11-2007 CLONE pri-to-pri, fix automatic FIXPBR 'to' part
CMDLINE Allow input of <> when not at start cmdline
CMDLINE Implemented DFSee host variables $_name
CMDLINE Support $variable and {expression} evaluation
JFS -v More info on damaged Inode with startup switch -p
LIST -c Fixed incorrect leading '-l-' option
MENU JFS fixboot, driveletter prompt for bootable JFS
RESIZE Fixed 'ACTIVE' flag being lost on expand
SCRIPT Support named local variables in scripts (perl like)
SCRIPT Support expressions and builtin functions (perl like)
SCRIPT Allow direct disk-read using $_h_sector[secnr]
SCRIPT Added comma-operator to expressions (for loops)
SCRIPT Added tree-based parsing and linenr error reporting
SCRIPT Do not execute lines resolving to empty string
SCRIPT Fix empty string variables like $_p_label
9.02 10-10-2007 ABOUT Updated registration key text for temporary keys
CLEANUP Add reset ACTIVE flag for logicals, rework code
CREATE Fix type freespace on create log between primaries
FIXBOOT Fixed missing bytes for FAT32 with Win9x bootcode
MBR Added Windows Vista MBR recognition for display
MENU Add 'wipe first disk track' (except MBR/LVM)
MENU Disable Bootmanager items if BMGR is not present
MENU2HTML -h option generates static HTML pages, not PHP
NTFS next-lsn preserved on auto-display related MFT
OUTPUT Added 'underscore' separator line after each command
PART -xml added 'beyondenddisk' warning property
fstype 0x27 for IFShidden, like VISTA pre-install
skipfs startup switch, skips Fs on part listing
9.01 09-09-2007 Alloc Added 'alloc map, F9, to Reiser and EXT2+3 menus
Clone Avoid 2nd dialog after clone size warning popup
Create menu, removed inaccessible disks from freespace lists
Create Add 'BJFS' for a bootable JFS partition type 0x07
Help Several minor updates to various help pages
Menu Bootmanager Install, item added to "Mode=FDISK" menu
Menu/Dlg Partition selection lists, skip empty disks
Menu2html creates (PHP) documentation for active pulldown menu
Mode=FAT Improved FAT filerecovery search options handling
Move Fix MOVE to begin freespace, fail to clone (smart)
PART Dont close default store when 'large-floppy' present
Unmount From the File menu, allow unmounting 'dummy' disks too
9.00 16-08-2007 Icons Updated OS/2 and Win Icons to match the V9 release
APMAP Show Apple-Partion-MAP in first track when present
BMFIX BMGR, default to NO I13X check, allow GRUB/Win MBR
DARWIN First port for MAC OS X 'terminal' using GCC 4.x
DFSIMAGE CMD/BAT, added a 'raw' parameter for image creation
DIRTY Update menu-item enable/disable after changing status
EBR Show classic IBM Bootmanager menu name in display
EDIT Disassembler on <F2> or '-d'; Step, Save to file etc
EXT2/3 Added more info to the superblock display
EXT2/3 Add group descriptor structure read & display
EXT2/3 Area aware allocation logic (disk-level smart)
EXT2/3 Allocation bitmap logic; alloc, smart image/clone
Edit -> BMGR items moved to 'Fdisk -> OS/2 LVM and Bootmanager'
EDIT Limit HEXED marked-area to a single object (sector)
FAT12 Fix wrong output on large clusters/small filesystem
FILEFIND Dialog, add 'search from current sector' checkbox
FIXBOOT Driveletter prompt dialog in JFS/HPFS menu selection
FIXBOOT HPFS, default to NO I13X check, allow GRUB/Win MBR
FIXBOOT Retain (boot) letter on JFS/HPFS when already there
Geocalc Add LVM DLAT disksize versus OS disksize sanity check
Geocalc Contents based geometry determination (sniffing)
Grub Display summary or details (0 -v) on GRUB MBR sectors
Grub Display details on GRUB bootsectors, incl boot device
Grub Display details from stage 1.5 or stage 2 data sectors
Grub Identify GRUB/LILO non-MBR sectors correct on display
HPFS id Fixed false 'alloc sector' identification empty sector
JFS Better sanity check on IAG filesystem structure data
LVM -n Fix trap when BootDiskId is not set yet for a disk
Linux Recognize JFS FS in 0x83 partition as well as 0x35
Linux Recognize JFS filesystem in 0x83 Linux partition
LinuxLVM Added type 0x87 to CR and change-type selection lists
MENU Made 'Bootmanager menu Add' generic LVM/non-LVM
MENU Updated bmfix menu wording, added I13X to help text
Mode=HFS in menu, recognition in PART display, limited support
Mode=XFS in menu, recognition in PART display, limited support
OS-cmds Allow external cmds on DOS/OS2 only (security issue)
PART Display GRUB summary on -v and -q, if GRUB present
PART Fixed trap on a garbage IBM bootmanager BMP sector
PART Improved rounding of MiB size values to be exact
PART -b Add 'related' column for Creator info or Linux ldr
PART -b- Added label info for EXT2/3 and Reiser filesystems
READ Allow read outside a partition (GRUB stage2, LVM etc)
REISER Implemented allocation map display and smart imaging
RESIZE Enable menus for FAT/HPFS/NTFS only, not EXT2/RSR
RESTORE (verify) updated confirmation text for readability
RESTORE Fix spurious CHS popup after completion of restore
SCRIPT Minor fix for script set-parameter using prompt text
SERIAL Improved batchmode use and wording of popup text
SWAP New mode, allows smart disk imaging skipping the SWAP
SWAP Identify Linux swapspace type1 and type2-v0 or -v1
Switches Interpret -x123 as a longname, not a value: -x:123
TERM Recognize RXVT terminal string as Xterm compatible
TRACE Set cyclic trace to create 9 files, in File menu
VCU Fixed for empty disks, and disks with logicals only
VIRT created from a .PDx, does auto restore of .IMx file
WARNING For sda/hda devicenumber too large (libATA and SCSI)
warnings Suppress disk-warnings too on -w- 'part' option
warnings Toned down the 'HiddenSectors' warning text a bit
warnings made aware of DFSee I13X patches for BMGR and MBR
H I S T O R Y 8 . X X
8.17 11-09-2007 Move Fix MOVE to begin freespace, fail to clone (smart)
8.16 13-05-2007 CR Fix IBM BootManager LSN string syntax in EBR sectors
CLONE Fixed disk-to-disk smart clone cluster-skip on FAT
EDIT hex Only use 32-byte wide startup at 140 columns or more
RESIZE Fixed expanding a LOGICAL resulting in bad alignment
SCAN New -skipbads option for quick scans, default 1 MiB
8.15 04-05-2007 CR -G:n Set GAP between p-table and bootsector for a logical
DFSTART Fixed check on (now obsolete) DFSDISK.DFS script file
EDIT Fix initial off-screen cursor when cursor not at start
IAG New command to display detailed IAG structures
ICONS Generic DFSee icon same for Linux, Windows and OS/2
JFS Add IAG automatic structure identify and display
JFS open Show more information on corrupt IAG data structures
LVM dlg F2/F5/F8 for HEX edit LVM DLAT, bootsector and BBR
MENU Add IAG structure display items, overview and detail
PART Recognize an empty MBR with Linux GRUB correctly
PTE dlg F2/F5/F8 for HEX edit p-table sector and bootsector
REPEAT Repeat any DFSee command, forever or specified number
8.14 12-04-2007 DFSCHECK add Reiser and Ext2/3 filesystems analysis scripts
Dist-ZIP add 'versionX.YY' file for quick version checking
Filename in dialogs, preserve single-quotes, allow "Log's"
Hex-edit Alt-E, Alt-J, Alt-K, Alt-S for cursor related marks
Hex-edit Add Alt-1 .. Alt-0 for 1..10 byte sized mark areas
Hex-edit Add Alt-R reverses bytes in mark (endian correction)
Hex-edit Add Alt-C for copy data, Alt-M for copy and move mark
Hex-edit Allow paste HEX-data from clipboard on a single line
LVM Dlg Allow setting of driveletter '*' for 'auto assign'
LVMSHOW fixed for showing info for partition on other disk
MENU File > Open Volume inform when object is a partition
Mouse Make right button available for OS (clipboard etc)
PART -w Warn on primary partition inside EXTended container
PART -w Explain 'Obsolete entry X' in LVM DLAT, run 'LVM -c'
PART -w Reword GPT/EFI warning, incl iMAC, allow total remove
PART -w Warning when I13X BMGR present, but no I13X MBR code
PTE Dlg Custom sort order fields + button, to allow any order
RESIZE Fix maximum size displayed for FAT in expand dialog
RESIZE Keep exact start-sector for non-aligned partitions
8.13 25-03-2007 BOOTINI On FAT(32), search for correct (ASCII) filename now
CLONE Reword error msg on opening non-formatted TO store
CLONE Reword warning on time-to-complete, hint at status
COPY and MOVE, fix offset for 1st primary on a disk (Cyl 0)
CR/LVM No clear of the BBR (LVM sig) area on new type 0x35
FILEFIND on FAT, fixed incorrect matching on DIR and filenames
FORMAT Use 1-sector buffer on quick-format (avoid USB bug)
JFS Fixed crash displaying a garbage filled superblock
LVMSHOW fix display of LVM info for a specific partition
MENU Add menu items BR code save/restore using RAW images
MENU Display -> LVM info for partition(s); show DLAT/BBR
MENU File -> Open Part/Volume verbose for more info
OS2 I/O Fix Ioctl TrackLayout param size (is cosmetic only)
REGKEY Verbose identification and status (shows expiration)
SUPER 2 JFS, display secondary superblock with 'super 2'
8.12 04-03-2007 CD Display current working directory without an error
CHECK NTFS, fix alloc error messages on split-tree DIR
CR dlg Fix size=1 sticking after a BMGR partition is made
FORMAT Use drive locking during format (on OS2 and Windows)
LOCK Support lock-by-driveletter for large floppy format
LVM dlg Update of driveletters works again (bug in 8.11)
MAP Fixed display of driveletter line with 'map * +'
MENU Display -> Other partition views; fixed, better help
MENU Mode=FDISK -> Set Partition -> Not active, clear flag
NTFS Recognize Windows Vista NTLDR sectors (named BOOTMGR)
PART LVM column aligned if > 98 cols, using max 114 cols
PART -b Align freespace lines for Linux in its default table
RESIZE Allow '*' for default/maximum size in the dialog
RESIZE NTFS, avoid empty bitmap extent on expanding the FS
RESIZE NTFS, avoid extra bitmap flushing after updating it
STORE Better understandable store description texts
WIPE -V Perform an all-sector verify by reading back
8.11 18-02-2007 BOOTSECT enhanced display, BPB-Geo/dsk L-geo, JFS bootcode
DESKTOP Fixed auto resize on startup, using MODE command
DISK Switch to Mode=xxFS on large-floppy-format disks
FORMAT + FIXBOOT support Veit Kannegieser's OS2LDR.SEK code
IMAGE Dialog, fix empty 'start' value messing up command
LVM Create LVM signature area for LVM/JFS partition types
LVM Suppress 'BAD' warning on fakeEBR display (fixed Geo)
LVM dlg Allow empty Vol/Part/Letter fields to mean delete
LVMsync Change default to NO synchronize to avoid problems
MAP Show PRM & large-floppy 'removable' status when known
MAP Show large-floppy: FS-format, label, driveletter
MAP -m Reworded int13 limit message line for more clarity
MENU Actions -> Format with FAT filesystem -> new submenu
MENU Actions -> Format ... -> Current, OS2LDR Large Floppy
MENU Remove mode=FDISK duplicate 'D' accellarator key
MENU Exclude removables from 'Boot using IBM Bootmanager'
PART Switch to Mode=xxFS based Part-type for non-formatted
PART Added disk-level warning 'large floppy' format
PART Added table footer with '>' status character legenda
PART Show large-floppy: FS-format, label, driveletter
PART -n Fix table header on Linux default (or part -n -b)
PART/MAP Implement removable detection (like USB) for Windows
RESIZE Fix crash in resize of FAT32 filesystems (8.09/8.10)
RESTORE Dialog, fix empty 'start' value messing up command
RESTORE Fixed display of buffersize for uncompressed .img
SETBOOT Add removable indicator (not bootable) when known
SETBOOT Display (LVM) driveletter and filesystem on -list
8.10 09-01-2007 FILEFIND Fix crash mode=FDISK, on several unsupported commands
FIXEXT Fix MBR corruption, empty disk! (bug in 8.09 only)
JFS Updated fixboot/ldr templates to eCS 2.0 beta3 level
MENU Display popup when a disabled menu-item is selected
PART Fixed buffersize bug in CorrelateDriveLetters (crash)
PART Show both, and WARN on duplicate driveletters (clone)
RESTORE Fix incorrectly reported size on start other than zero
8.09 21-12-2006 DFSCHECK Increased imz size to 600 sectors (2*FAT+ROOT)
FAT INIT Detect corrupted 'EA DATA .SF' data files at init
FIXBOOT JFS, fixed label for bootable JFS (was 'footable':-)
LVM MENU BMGR menu delete removes obsolete '--> LVM' string too
LVM MENU Explicit menu item 'Bootmanager menu Delete'
FS MENU Change volume serial number in 'Boot area fix/update'
FS MENU Added selection for any/all filefind HPFS,NTFS,JFS
FILEFIND -a option, to find any/all files, deleted and normal
SERIAL Change volume serial nr on FAT(32), HPFS, JFS and NTFS
BUFFERS Changed ALL code to use variable sectorsize (like 4KB)
MENU JFS text now 'Unmounted & Clean' for consistency
PART BSIZE buffers allow 2 4KB sectors, fix 'GPT' crash
PART -b Linux style table with start/end and size in blocks
RESTORE Dialog and -S option use start-sector from IMZ hdr
8.08 11-11-2006 DFSDISK Fixed disk-selection in script after 'setboot'
FAT FS Fix to use first FAT area by default, not second
FINDROOT NTFS, fixed trap on random data in some sectors
IMAGE -P Fixed incorrect default size to image (read errors)
LVMREDO Added to the list of 'known fdisk' commands
MENU FAT, HPFS and NTFS add 'Reset bad sectors' selection
MENU Removed obsolete 'F9' from 'Disk and Media' menu item
NOBADS HPFS, reset the bad-sector-list to an empty state
NOBADS NTFS, reset $BadClus and $BitMap, to NO bad sectors
NOBADS Reset clusters marked as 'BAD' in both FAT areas
NTSIGN Added command description and usage on '-?'
NTSIGN Fixed confirmation for non-windowed interactive use
PART Add explicit warnings/errors on EBR BACKWARD/LOOP
PART dr Allow select for '-c' LVM letter
PART-xml Add flag1/2 value, fixpbr/chs hints, installable flag
PTE 'SORT' button sorts table on the start sectornumber
QUERY PN returns 1 when partition has valid LVM information
QUERY DN/DX returns #partitions with/without LVM info on disk
8.07 18-09-2006 DFSMKOBJ CMD creates the OS/2 or eCS desktop folder for DFSee
CLONE Ignore FS-damage on opening destination partition
Screen 7-bit ASCII output default on Linux (unless -7-)
RECOVER JFS/NTFS file recovery preserves file timestamps
CHECK JFS/HPFS recursion guard added to prevent crashes
MOVE and COPY, added specific abort-confirmation in CLONE
MOVE and COPY, added extra 'may take very long' warning
PART-xml Generate XML partition overview to file or stdout
FIXBOOT NTFS, use calculated default for MFTcopy sectornr
EDIT Fix replacement-edit in FDISK mode (from scripts)
8.06 19-08-2006 DFSCHECK CMD/BAT now do ALL partitions if no parameter given
DFSEDIT CMD/BAT as a quick 'binary-edit filename' solution
DFSDISK Fix a minor BBR drivelink display error (VRAID :-)
EDIT Highlight search-result location using marked area
EDIT Add byte/line MARKED area in hex-edit (Alt-B/L/U)
EDIT Erase now Alt-F (Fill), on MARKED area or whole item
EDIT fn Add delete to end-of-file (Ctrl-D) on editing files
EDIT fn Message popup is specified file does not exist
EDIT fn Confirm file truncation (deleted bytes) at exit
EDIT fn Insert/Delete single bytes at end of the file
JFS LIST Fix 'list -f' trap on check EA on some deleted files
MBR/EBR Highlight partition-table bytes in the hex-editor
MBR/PART Recognize and handle MBR sector for LVM level 14.105
PART Fix I13X recognition new LVM MBR code (level 14.105)
8.05 10-08-2006 PSAVE Fixed CRASH in OS/2, Win and Linux version (DFSDISK)
IMZ2RAW Fixed write-error when expanding the RAW imagefile
MOVE and COPY, added 'Smart' checkbox to dialog, default on
8.04 06-08-2006 CLONE Added -skipbads:nnn option, fast bad-sector cloning
CLONE Reset active store on Escape or a failure too!
CLONE/IM Show number of bad-sectors in progress status too
EDIT Add Ctrl-E to erase edited item to a hex value or 0
EDIT fn HEX/ASCII binary sector edit specified filename
FAT FS Detect unmapped clusters, inconsistent bootsector
FILEFIND FAT, fixed finding files with extensions like *.c
FILEFIND menu dialog, new 'verbose' checkbox, default FAST
FILIFIND NTFS, speedup MFT-record search using speedstep 2
FIND Speedstep mode using -i:n option, skip n sectors
FIND dlg Add 'Step' field for the -i:Speedstep option
FIXBOOT FAT, added bootcode type 'W = Win-9x on FAT16'
FIXBOOT NTFS create record from template if no spare
FIXPBR Disallow FIXPBR in FDISK mode for safety
FS FAT Fixed trap if the bootsector was a valid NTFS
IMAGE Exact image size is kept the same on writing
MENU Added 'reselect disk' to FS menus; part to FDISK
MENU Reworded NEWMBR submenu text, better style :-)
MENU Added: 'Edit -> File, Binary edit' to edit files
Menu Edit always starts with 1-sector items
PART Reworded cylinder-alignment messages for clarity
PART Pick-up correct FAT32 label from root directory
PART WARNING on LVM/JFS with DLAT but no BBR info sector
PSAVE Include unformatted bootsectors in .PDx file
RESIZE FAT, fixed maximum size in dialog in some cases
SLT Faster fileinfo on JFS/NTFS/HPFS, no alloc check
STARTUP No 'GETDEVICEPARAMS failed' messages anymore, USB
STORE Added exact image-size in bytes to internal info
STORE Fixed store-nr display: Store #, added imagesize
8.03 05-07-2006 DFSDISK Correctly displays all LVM-sectors in FS modes too
EDIT Added interactive sector-editor in 'edit' command
EDIT Add the generic FIND dialog using Ctrl-F/Ctrl-A
EDIT Add the GOTO-location dialog to the sector editor
EDIT HEX/DEC switch for LSN/PSN info in status line too
FIND Added find-again logic to menu (Ctrl-A shortcut)
GOTO Dialog enhanced with CHS and MCS-number format
JFS Fix CHECK of damaged Inodes (allocation info)
JFS Fix XTP/DTP identification on blocksize < 4KB PAGE
MENU Sector-edit item in 'Edit' and <F2> shortcut key
PART Add warnings if an LVM sector has a BAD CRC value
TXWIN Fixed bug in overlapping window-border repainting
8.02 31-05-2006 ALLOC Area support HPFS, FAT, JFS and NTFS filesystems
CLONE Smart sector support (skip) on disk/filesystem
COMPARE Smart sector support (skip) on disk/filesystem
DFSDISK Allow display of all LVM information in FS modes
FIXBOOT Fixed a program-crash in FAT fixboot (trap)
FIXPBR Geo/HiddenSector warnings clear, optional fix
JFS More error reporting on damaged fileset structure
LOGGING Support for maximum logfile size and log rotation
MENU File -> Trace to 3 cyclic files of limited size
MENU <F9> Now supports allocation display for a whole disk
Mode=xxx Menu wording changed a bit for more clarity
SHIFTR Shift all data in a range of sectors to the RIGHT
SLT2LIST Add selected SLT sectors to list for analysis
Smart Test (smart) allocation for every sector on disk
Store Added AreaSN information for smart-disk support
\path command implemented for the JFS filesystem, and
fixed a bug in this command for HPFS and NTFS
8.01 05-05-2006 CHECK NTFS, fixed trap on $Secure resident data
CHECK JFS fix the bogus Inode message on '-m'
CR Dialog Added explicit Bootable JFS 0x07 in list
CR Dialog Re-ordered a few fields for better TAB order
DFSCHECK Renamed scripts to 'dfs*.dfs' for consistency
Display bootsector sets 'up' sector to last sector nr
EXT2/3 Super command displays some more details now
FDISK cmd Hint at FS-specific mode for DELFIND etc
FORMAT Refresh internal tables after formatting
FS FAT Init sets global Dirty status for querying
History Ctrl-D in popup deletes an item from history
History Avoid (recursive history) popup from any list
History Ctrl-D on cmdline, auto exec NEXT in history
History Ctrl-D, delete history-item when popup active
IBM BMGR Show Bootmanager version listed in bootsector
JFS Fixed trap in display of ZEROED superblock
JFS DIR Fix dir-block display for blocksize not 4K
JFS INIT Detect invalid Inode extent sectornumbers
JFSsuper Allow but warn on invalid signature like JFS3
LVM dlg lvmSync logic off for removables (OS2 only)
Library Fix a possible crash on PATH larger than 1024
MBR code recognize 'OS/2 2.xx German' style MBR (AP)
NTFS DIR show 'noatt/-bad-' strings on MFT errors
New Menu Display -> Other view -> Warnings only
PART Added warning for BMGR CHS issue in bootsect
PART -x Adds extra FS-specific columns to 'part -s'
Restore Dialog, fix list selection after IMZ2RAW
SET cmd Add 'set logfile ON/OFF' to suppress logging
W2KBM => BMFIX includes CHS check & fix plus old W2KBM
WARNING On type 0x44 (Norton GoBack) when detected
WARNING On Linux CHS/alignment warnings due to geometry
WIPEFREE as new name for ZEROFREE for consistency
8.00 30-03-2006 Official 8.00 release. UI additions and JFS support
CD/DSK Fixed filehandling and ZIP for DFSDISK/DFSCHECK run
CHECK/SLT Use compact layout showing path and filename too
FileInfo Display path/name uses cache, .LONGNAME or 'magic'
JFS SLT Creates a filename cache for recovery and undelete
JFS DIR Show file and directory EA-size if EA is present
Mode=HPFS Find/Fix items now in 'FS structural fixes' submenu
Mode=HPFS add dump of system area to a compressed imagefile
Mode=JFS add display for specific system/FS Inodes by number
Mode=JFS add dump of system area to a compressed imagefile
Mode=JFS add search and display items for filerecovery
Mode=JFS add creation/update of recovery/undelete filenames
PART Fixed disk-level warning display being discarded
QFI cmd Quick find inodes on JFS by searching Inode extents
SHIFTL Shift data in sectors (left) for custom recoveries
SLT -x Aborts SLT build (in background)
SPEED Better progress reporting, warning if area too small
8.b5 21-03-2006 Second PUBLIC BETA for the 8.xx release
DFSDISK script, runs windowed for better progress reporting
DFSCHECK script, runs windowed for better progress reporting
PROGRESS Replaced 'dot' style progress by a progress BAR
PROGRESS Enhanced status-line progress with calculated ETA
CHECK Changed progress #items done to percentage complete
CLEANUP Now resets non-std partitiontable flags in primaries
8.b4 11-03-2006 First PUBLIC BETA for the 8.xx release
-nr +nr Display sector, go backward/forward (GB/GF alias)
BOOTREC Display shows ACTIVE FAT (FAT32)
CHECK for JFS complete now, zero errors on clean FS
CR -C Option also forces LVM -C on -L option
CR dlg Radio button for Recover/Clear mode selection
EJECT New command for removables (like USB)
FIND Fix a search-again loop when at end after a hit
FIXBOOT FAT select BOOTCODE using a popup list
FIXBOOT JFS bootcode template update (Steven Levine)
FIXBOOT Serial-nr value changed to sectornr + timestamp
FIXPBR Updated help, add message popup
FORMAT Serial-nr value changed to sectornr + timestamp
FORMAT Copy bootsector as spare to last sector (LVM-sig!)
FORMAT Make FAT minimal 1 cluster in size (avoiding bugs)
JFS DIR Inode/LSN mappings implemented using lookup table
JFS DIR Display Inode/DirPage for regular directories
JFS SLT Build complete; used by SLT, ID and CHECK commands
JFSINODE Identify (file/dir/deleted/bad) and display contents
LVM Fix change letter for JFS types, dynamic update now
LVM -C Option CLEARs old LVM BBR info (for NEW partitions)
LVM dlg Strip trailing spaces from names that cause problems
MBR-crc Added detection of PQ BootMagic style bootcode
MEDIA NonLinux: IDE/SCSI/USB or PCCARD terminology change
MENU File and Display->Related This +1 and This -1 added
MENU Add SLT-build and ID to the Mode=JFS menu
MENU Media management eject/discover (updated mount too)
MENU Add explicit Mode=AUX submenu for consistency
MENU partition selection now moved to FORMAT menu
MFT-REC Illegal attribute aborts display, fixed
Menutext Use "disk-list" with mount/unmount, avoid confusion
PART Display 'r' removable indicator for USB disks etc
WARNING for FAT16 filesystem found in FAT32 type 0b/0c
WARNING for FAT32 filesystem found in FAT16 type 06/0e/12
Warning made Windows-0x0F extended type a minor warning
H I S T O R Y 7 . X X
7.15 01-12-2005 BmgrList Add driveletter to boot-menu list item text
CHSstyle Selection dialog for FIXCHS, CLEANUP and CR cmd
CS -v -m New checksum verification options for scripting
DFSEE enhanced the DFSEE.BAT/CMD with usage on '-?'
DiskOpen Allow OS2 PhysDisk handle 0 (disk 1 locked bug)
FILELIST Dialog, add KiB/MiB/GiB size for file selection
FORMAT FAT12/16/32 formatting including options dialog
FS MENU Checked text "Fixboot/LDR" in "Boot area fixes"
JFS Fixboot bootable/standard bootcode selection
JFS/HPFS LDR (micro-filsystem) recovery commands added
Menu Added FORMAT in Actions menu (FAT/FAT32 only)
Menu Added NTFS dump first MFT-records to imagefile
Menu Added Update NT-signature in MBR dialog/menu
Menu Added Wipe-start-of-disk as separate selection
NTFS Display ARSHD-attributes in directory display
NTFS Fix allocation handling extreme fragmented MFT
NTFS Leading \ on recover '123.DIR\fn' path/filename
NTFS \ command implemented, gives direct access to file
NTFS MFT INDX display shows Btree branches (directories)
NTFS MFT handling fixed for external attribute data
PART -e:1 to include info on 1st extended container only
Query P0 returns MFT-fragmentation on NTFS filesystems
RUN -P Fix filename handling for script path with spaces
SETBOOT accept full '-query' option as alias for -q
SLTBuild option dialog; multi-threaded on OS/2 and Win
7.14 07-11-2005 BSFIND -f:pos start sector for the search as mcs-number
CMDLINE Give error on single non-hex char commands like 's'
CREATE Dialog, allow mcs-numbers for size and offset values
CREATE Dialog, add "Offset" from start/end, reserving space
CREATE Dialog, add "Multiple primaries" checkbox avoid hide
CREATE Dialog, add "ACTIVE" checkbox for primary partitions
DFSDISK Fixed a TRAP for a PATH longer than 80 characters
DFSTART Fixed output file naming (failing DFSDISK rename)
FILELIST Dialog generates selection string from wildcard etc
FIND -f:pos start sector for the search as mcs-number
Fileinfo Select on min/max filesize too in FAT, HPFS and NTFS
LIST Uses filelist dialog for selection, ESCAPE aborts
MOUSE -mouse switch fixes mouse-cursor in OS2 FS sessions
NEWMBR Windows disk-signature will always stay unchanged
PRESTORE Dialog enhanced with several selection options
PSAVE Dialog enhanced with a backup description field
RECOVER Dialog for file selection, prompt if no parameters
RECOVER Add min/max file size to the selection parameters
RECOVER 'ignore errors' checkbox now available in filedialog
SPACES Allow spaces in paths and filenames for many dialogs
Status Show RC value in GREEN for RC=0, avoid user panic :-)
TxWin Use open-source, formal LGPL licensed version now
7.13 28-09-2005 DFSDISK Fixed BAT file causing endless loop running on PC-DOS
MAP Quietly skip unaccessible dummies from the display
NTFS DIRTY command, synchronize mirror-MFT on MFT 0..3 too
NTFS Avoid related MFT display recursion in any case
NTFS Improve extremely fragmented attribute-list handling
PTE/LVM Cleanup window positioning logic to use messages now
TRACE Added -d:xx option, slowdown while tracing (xx msec)
TXWIN Updated for Open TxWindows version change (1.00 now)
7.12 06-09-2005 BOOTINI -2 option forces updating the file, if default is OK
CHECK Speedup freespace analysis, when cluster > 1 (NTFS)
CHECK More accurate allocation error report, smaller areas
DFSDISK Made EXT2 superblock the default 'superblock' search
DFSDISK Add search for 'NTLDR sectors' Radio button in dialog
DIRTY d command for NTFS, forces CHKDSK on next Windows boot
EXPAND Add EXPAND of NTFS $Bitmap special file for resizing
IMAGE Dialog default changed to 2047 MiB multiple files
MENU Added set FS Dirty/Normal to the Mode=NTFS menu
RESIZE Fix size in NTFS bootsector, for spare-boot location
RESIZE Update $BadClus special file for truncate and expand
RESIZE Update NTFS $Bitmap special for truncate (resize)
RESIZE NTFS filesystem resize considered reliable now ...
SCRIPT Add new pragma 'SETPARAM' allowing use as variables
SCRIPT Add prompt modus for setparam, allowing user input
SETBOOT fixed for LVM-volume names with embedded spaces
SLT -v Verbose output (path+filenames) on no-error lines too
SLT -? Help added, simplified usage and better output format
SWITCH Allow spaces in EXE switches like -l:"my logfile"
7.11 24-08-2005 BSFIND s finds NTLDR first sectors on disk for disk recovery
CHECK updated for large freespace areas (more that 2GiB)
CHECK reports error for FS being DIRTY or MOUNTED (in use)
CHECK RC set to the resulting number of errors, for scripting
CLEANUP reset the ACTIVE flag on all extended-containers
DFSCHECK Resultfiles now named unique per platform (dfsoHPFS)
DFSCHECK Create a DFSCxxx.Iyy imagefile from filesystem start
DFSDISK Fix behaviour when called without any parameters
DFSDISK Resultfiles now named unique per platform (dfsdisko)
DONTFS script, add Restart-Area display with logfile flags
IMAGE Fixed and improved write-error reporting 2 GiB limit
LOG Dlg Allow spaces in path or filename (Program Files\...)
MAP -m Added explicit OS2 USBMSD.ADD DUMMY disk message
MENU Edit -> Bootmanager Query config - setboot -q -list
MENU Added search for NTLDR 1st sector, for recovery
MFT n -R show/test attribute runlists for non-resident data
NTFS Display logfile flags and volume information on open
NTFS Write MFTrec, Bitmap, mkRunList for better resizing
NTFS 's' separate sectortype for NTLDR 1st sector added
NTFS LOG show restart-area from $Logfile, incl unmounted flag
No Dummy disks included anymore in menu/dialog select-lists
No Dummy PART, PSAVE, PRESTORE, skip any inaccessible disks
PART -g Output important lines to STDOUT, for scripting/GUI
PART -w better message when ACTIVE extended containers seen
QUERY Add EK/EM/EG as Expand size limit for resizing GUI
QUERY -g Output important lines to STDOUT, for scripting/GUI
QUERY PO return the dirty/mounted status for NTFS filesystems
RAMDISK detection on FreeDOS diskette/CDROM now MUCH faster
SETBOOT -list option shows Bootmanager menu items available
SETBOOT Options compatible to SETBOOT.EXE replacement (eCS)
SETBOOT Automatic close (trace) logfile just before booting
SETBOOT -f-, no explicit flush (allows a PM message on OS2)
7.10 02-08-2005 Execute logfile timestamp format using ISO format YYYY-MM-DD
PART -w add WARNING for any invalid partition-table-entry
PART -w add WARNING for a DELETED partition entry type 0x00
DELETE default is now -c: clear ALL 16 bytes avoiding 0x00
NTFS MFT display all special $xxx files from Mode=NTFS menu
NTFS slt improved non-resident attribute-list handling in MFT
NTFS slt better display multiple non-resident MFT attributes
NTFS slt CHECK, no false alarms on unused MFT records
RESIZE Set correct extended-container size on resize logical
RESIZE Fix possible bug with FAT resize, ptable not updated
KEYB Added optional codepage to the DFSDOS keyb command
Linux Fix segmentation-violations (7.09, compiler optimize)
7.09 22-07-2005 LOGGING Automatic log dialog at startup, unless -l- switch
CLEANUP Added to Mode=FDISK menu, cleanup extended chain
EXT/Log New freespace-type when holding EMPTY EBR container
WARNINGs when empty extended containers are detected (EBR)
DISKopen fixed CR bug after using GEO ? 255 on virtual disk
FAT CRC Fix FALSE alarms, FAT1/FAT2 crc being different
PART -w Lowered severity for some really minor warnings
Image -z Huge speed improvement, 30 - 50% faster than 7.08
ReiserFS display more fields from the superblock, incl size
WIPE Accept mcs-numbers for -s and -F options
IMAGE Accept mcs-numbers for -s and -F options
RESTORE Apply start/size values from commandline in dialog
IMAGE -S option now implies -z option too (smart, LZW)
RESTORE Accept mcs-numbers for -s and -F options
IMAGE Apply start/size values from commandline in dialog
CLONE Apply start/size values from commandline in dialog
Mouse Fixed problem with unreachable area on OS/2 desktop
Mouse Added -mouse- program switch to disable the mouse
7.08 06-07-2005 PTE/LVM Dialogs keep their pos after a move and next/prev
MOVE and COPY menu Add the '-a' option, align to cyl boundary
Startup Fix TRAP on 2048 byte sector media at DFSee startup
TxLib Enhanced mouse-PTR drawing in OS2 version (droppings)
7.07 29-06-2005 CLONE Automatic buffersize reduction on bad-sector areas
IMAGE Automatic buffersize reduction on bad-sector areas
SCAN Automatic buffersize reduction on bad-sector reads
Desktop output-window and entryfield size/move with desktop
Dialogs Updated layout for better resize/move behaviour
LVM/PTE Added OK/Cancel/Prev/Next buttons for mouse use
CLONEDLG Added OK/Cancel buttons for better mouse handling
WRIM DLG Ignore 'size from IMZ' if explicit size specified
TxLib Implemented complete mouse handling for DOS
TxLib Fixed 1/2 vertical SIZE/MOVE by 1 character at a time
TxLib Added full-window dragging and optimized move refresh
TxLib Added OK and Cancel buttons to the standard dialogs
TxLib Implemented complete mouse support for OS2 version
TxLib Fix screen resize trap and 'mode' missing for Windows
7.06 02-06-2005 DFSNTLDR on NTFS creates NTLDR image for recovery purposes
FIXNTLDR on NTFS from builtin sector or compressed imagefile
ID -Last -g switch shows filename on STDOUT only (with -q)
LVMREDO added to LVM menu, with standard refresh options
LVMREDO -C option creates NEW LVM info if none is present
LVMREDO Refresh/Recover LVM DLAT sectors, keep driveletters
MENU Updated with NTLDR recovery items in a submenu
NTFS Allocation 100% shown in GREEN for resident files
MOUSE Click 'scrollbar' char on TEXTVIEW/LISTBOX scrolls
MOUSE Added close-button to HELP and TextView dialogs
MOUSE Added listpopup autoclose and better menu-toggle
MOUSE Added close-button to dialog frame/canvas windows
MOUSE Fixed 'mouse-trap' / F10 in scroll-window area
IUSBISO Fixed filename case and space problems in Linux
7.05 24-05-2005 JFS open No incorrect geo warnings for PBR (heads always 255)
MOUSE Supported for most operations now in Windows version
IMGRAB Fix disk-number used in final part display (cosmetic)
FileDlg Refresh volume list each time a filedialog is started
FileDlg Support CDROM and network drives in DOS version
VOL Volume command/menu support CDROMs now in DOS
DFSDISK Allow spaces in the path and filename arguments
IMAGE + RESTORE, use PARTITION in dialog if nothing specified
MENU Prevent empty disk/part submenu when no ADMIN/root
7.04 06-05-2005 CLONE -!- option skips the main dialog (clone -!- -p:pid)
DFSDISK Added 'pt -r' display to show all existing LVM info
HISTORY prefixed history popup (F11) retrieval bugs fixed
MENU Added Recover/Init LVM DLAT sector to LVM submenu
MFT NTFS Fixed display bug after PART -r or RESTORE command
7.03 28-03-2005 CLONE Fixed dialog FROM default selection on -p:xx
DFSCHECK added 'part -g' command at start for extra info
DFSDISK Create unique output filenames for cyl/all/geo
DFSDISK Strip file extension from basename specified
DFSDISK Allow full path specified with basename ($7)
DFSDISK Added complete parameter and option dialog
FAT32 Skip DosFilePtr allows driveletter correlation
FDISK F6 cleared sectors made searchable using type '6'
GENPART Partition-recreate script from current partitions
HISTORY Added menu-generated commands to history as well
HISTORY UP/DOWN/F11 keys control commandline history now
IBM BMGR No warnings anymore when found on disk 2
ID -last Identify filename for the last sector 'in-use'
JFS No warning for wrong HiddenSectors value in BR
MENU New 'add/remove to BootManager menu' item
Progress added 0x prefix to HEX sector value on screen
Sizes Use MiB units upto 10 terabyte, instead of GiB
WARPIN Fixed descriptive titles on PDF shadow objects
7.02 29-03-2005 HOWTO HTML and PDF version now, more up-to-date contents
WARPIN Self-extracting WarpIn installer supported on OS2
OS2/eCS Added new icons for EXE, scripts and DFSee folder
PART/MAP Allow over 50 partitions per disk and a 1000 total
MENU-fs Fixed 'display files from list' to show filenames
JFS No warning for incorrect PBR GEO (fixed 255/63)
W2KBM Add warnings for 'old DFSee protection' detected
7.01 21-03-2005 DFSDISK Allow extra superblock search for one filesystem
DFSIBMGR Updated the distributed image to 0F aware version
DFSWIN Works on Windows-NT 4 again (broken in 7.00)
Dialogs Implemented TAB-groups (sets of radio/checkboxes)
FileDlgs Improved FileDialog logic (FileExists, path etc)
FIXPBR -g option fix GEO as well as HS (replaces FIXHS)
FreeDOS Diskette (and CD) now have CDROM drivers and FORMAT
IMAGE Fixed a 'dfs -d- image -V:a' type crash on startup
IMGRAB Automatic post-processing for FIXBPR and BOOTINI
IMGRAB Add -G- and default 255/63 geometry conversion
IMZ2RAW RAW2IMZ wrapper commands to compress/uncompress
Improved filedialogs, default filename, wildcard retrieve
MENU Move all LVM stuff in a new Mode=FDISK submenu
MENU Remove LVM information from a disk (pclear)
MENU FDISK, add HPFS/JFS fast superblock search
MENU fixed item Restore/Compare to Current object
MENU added RAW2IMZ and IMZ2RAW to the Imaging menu
P/S-Geo streamlined display line-format like L-Geo
RESTORE '-S' now takes size to restore from the IMZ header
SIM/WRIM aliases IMAGE and RESTORE added for readability
Sector header display line, always display a CRC value
Startup Auto ReadDiskinfo and open of disk 1 unless -d-
W2KBM Removed extra confirmation & update when OK
BSFIND Added EXT2/REISER superblock search locations
BSFIND Added HPFS/JFS fast superblock search
7.00 23-02-2005 Version: Official 7.00 major release (regular and SVISTA OEM)
ALLOC Fixed reported allocation percentage large volumes
BMGR Include only partitions from real disks in the menu
CHECK Made SLT refresh the default with every 'CHECK'
CLONE Fixed usage-bug when used by the MOVE command
CLONE, SIM and WRIM, -L option excludes LVM signature area
CMD Add REN and RENAME to the list of trusted commands
CR -M Allow multiple visible primaries while creating
CR -S:n Select a prefered slot-number in new partition-table
DFSDISK Use part -V to show the FS superblock contents too
DFSDISK Fix base-limit bug on read-error causing DFSDISK hang
DIRTY Dirty bit(s) status display and SET for FAT(32)
FAT Display CRC32 over FATs, warn if FATs different
FAT DIR Display/list/count deleted files with the normal ones
FAT DIR Allow damaged FAT area while showing directory info
FIND Honnor -E:i to skip bad-sectors while searching
FIND Fix line-spacing bugs in filefind, delfind etc
FIND Dialog moved to new dfsdgen module
FIND Menu dialog enhanced with Widgets
FIND Added 'AND' argument & throughput
FIND Added 2nd 'AND' search argument & throughput display
HELP Improved PgDn/PgUp to sync on #help item numbers
HELP Improved help in combined File and Prompt dialogs
HPFS CP Fixed display of codepage contents
IM, WRIM Add .hdd/.fdd as default types to open-file dialog
IMGRAB Command alias added for the regular 7.xx DFSee
IMP/EXP Dialog moved to new dfsdgen module
JFS Added superblock #sectors check
LVM -D Avoid change to default p-name in SIG area
LVM -D Enhanced recover from LVM-signature
LVM -D Enhanced recovery of LVM-info from the LVM-sig sector
LVM -n: With part-nr, will set the disk-name if none present
LVM -v- Set BBR to V-deleted = 'available'
LVM DLAT display, correct display of related PID value
LVM etc No needless reread of diskinfo (lvm), saves time!
LVM-BBR Automatic display of BBR sectors with LVM-signature
MBR Recognize V-Comm System Commander
MENU New 'Set LVM geometry to L-Geo'
MENU New 'Delete LVM volume' keep partition intact
MENU Added 6 CLONING items to the menu, using new dialog
MENU Added Edit -> Search string (find)
MENU Added Edit -> Search string (find) to the menu system
MENU New 'Open object to work with' submenu (disk, part etc)
MOUNT + UNMOUNT menu-items added to the File menu
MOUNT Mounts any kind of partionable media (DFSee 'disk')
NEWMBR preserve NT-signature in the MBR (with newmbr -f)
NEWMBR -f:disknr, use MBR code from other disk as template
NTFS Fixed FILEFIND, DELFIND and MFT display of filenames
Output More consistent 0x HEX prefix use
PART -V Echo the executed commands and made generic
PARTINFO added lvmReserved area size field for LVM-sig area
PRITEMS command sets #items todo, for multi-item progress
PTE Dlg Fixed SN/Cylinder text alignment
PTE/LVM Cleaned up 'no changes' messages (less clutter)
RECOVER Fixed crash on invalid NTFS resident-attribute size
RECOVER -u works for normal files as well as deleted ones
RECOVER Translate spaces to underscore in 8dot3 translation
SAVETO + RECOVER updated to support the Linux version too
SIM Dialog moved to new dfsdgen module
SIM added suppress of progress-reporting option -p-
SIM/WRIM add 32bit CRC checking to all compression types
SIM/WRIM add Verbose, debug mode to standard dialog
SIM/WRIM Add open options -DPVI, use in standard dialog
SIM/WRIM Added source select Listbox & HEX format checkbox
SUBFIND 's' on FAT(32) find all 'subdirs from ROOT'
SVGRAB Automatic logging to path+image-name.log file
SVGRAB Avoid using 'newmbr -clean' with grab (less risk)
SVGRAB Force grabbed partitions to visible partition types
SVGRAB Auto-ACTIVE first primary and several bug-fixes
SVGRAB Support LVM-signature area clone and relocation
SVGRAB Added -A advanced option for multi-disk/non-sorted
SVGRAB Route critical error messages to stdout too (for GUI)
SVGRAB Add an fflush for STDOUT Progress using -G switch
SVGRAB Add suppress of progress messages option -m-
SVGRAB Suppress progress output for the for MBR-track
SVGRAB Fixed quoted-string passthrough on argv[] arguments
SVGRAB + SVEXPAND default imagefile extension is now .HDD
Startup Switch -d:max sets number of disks mounted at start
TXWIN Fix program crash on ScreenCols=0, redirected output
TXWIN Fixed moving a ListBox popup Window from Spin-value
TXWIN Add Widget handling to PromptBox/FileDlg dialogs
TXWIN New GROUP Window-US for better autoradio buttons
TXWIN Implemented TXWIDGET handling and generic dialogs
Trace No trace on DFSEETRACE environment var if -l switch
Trace Fixed TRAP on trace timestamping in some situations
UNMOUNT Removes partionable media mapping (DFSee 'disk')
WRIM Better handling and reporting of corrupt imagefiles
WRIM Recover from 1 or 2 bytes missing corruption P#928
WRIM -v Verify IMZ decompression and filehandling (verbose)
WRIM dlg Can do Restore/Verify/Compare now using 'wrim -c'
H I S T O R Y 6 . X X
6.17 14-12-2004 MENU Add BACKUP/RESTORE partition info items to Mode=FDISK
MENU Complete partition view (part -r -s) added to Display
MENU Display Related sectors N/U/X/T/D/A added to Display
MENU WIPE current sector(s) to ZEROES, for seletive wiping
MENU HPFS find FNODE by PATH for specified file/directory
PRESTORE * restores to SAME disk as file, if extension present
CR -at: Fixed primary partition -at:3f,s exact location bug
MOVE -c NO auto-install of image (DFSIBMGR) over fresh copy
Progress to STDIO only with -G switch on EXE (OEM batch GUI)
SIM Fixed default unit being MiB for the -m:n option
6.16 24-11-2004 FDISK auto-set commands like 'LVM' now forces a base of 0
FIXBOOT -s, FAT32 force copy spare sectors, even when invalid
FileDlg Fix Linux TxTree/TxTrueName for files > 2GB
FileDlg Enhanced size/<directory> and fname in footer line
GEO Added new -Sync option and display usage on -?
IM Set correct image size and geometry on open RAW file
LSN New command to display an LSN, specified as mcs-number
LVM / PL Fix BMGR-list in menu-items empty after <Escape>
LVM 1,r Support relative partition numbers to be used
MENU Mode=FAT, fix bootsector, specify sector type (OS)
MENU DFSDISK, try harder, allow alternate geometry input
Output Automatic timestamping when a logfile is active
PART Improved invalid EBR ERROR messages, better reference
PART Added cylinder numbers to many ERROR messages
PART Overlapping partitions changed from warning to ERROR
PART New ERROR reported on multiple links/logicals in EBR
PATH In HPFS and NTFS, fixed incorrect output and trap
Params Updated many commands to allow mcs-number format input
Screen Repaint whole screen on Ctrl-L (Linux standard key)
Startup switch -d- suppresses add physical disks to devicemap
Startup switch -H:[x] sets HEX/DEC default for mcs-numbers
Usage Text standardized for many of the FDISK commands
VREMOVE Reset forced/last geometry for next VIRT disk created
6.15 05-11-2004 BOOTINI Added '-2' option for 2nd ARC line to be updated too
PT * * Allow multiple partition and multiple disk reporting
PT -r Display PBR and LVM sectors as well as the MBR/EBR
PART -w Fixed warning on multiple ACTIVE on single disk ERROR
PART -w Changed warning on ACTIVE extended to be an ERROR
SIM Added -A for append to an existing (RAW) image
WALK Updated PT-entry display layout, better offset values
WIPESECURE added -f = freespace wipe only, use on filesystems
MENU new Actions-> File and... -> Wipe all sectors in list
MENU new Actions-> Erase, ... -> Wipe all sectors in list
MENU new Actions-> Erase, ... -> SECUREWIPE freespace in FS
MENU new Display-> Other ... -> Part sector(s) view (pt * -r)
MENU new Display-> Sectors for partition -> ... (pt pid)
MENU new Mode=FDISK -> Search partitioning sectors (bsfind)
Linux Fixed crash when using '*' as a program parameter
6.14 05-10-2004 Linux dfstart, dfsdisk, dfscheck, dfsquick, dfsquery scripts
Linux Fixed clear-screen at startup for non-windowed scripts
DFSDISK Command renamed from 'UNFDISK' for consistency
DFSDISK Documented cmd for 'dfsdisk' procedure (dfscmds.txt)
DFSDISK Made this an 'auto-quit' command for easy scripting
DFSCHECK Run DOxxxx.DFS script on one or all partitions
DFSCHECK Made this an 'auto-quit' command for easy scripting
DFSTEST Script enhanced with display of RAID specific stuff
Keyboard Shift-F1/Shift-F10 now alias for F1/F10 (for Gnome)
LVM Display values on recovery using LVM-signature sect
PART Handle type 0xfd (RAID) just as native Linux (0x83)
PRESTORE Fixed disk-description alignments produced on Linux
VIRT Removed test on .PDx version older than 5.06
6.13 10-09-2004 DFSee Linux version incorrectly reported as "OS2" (DFS_V)
DFSTEST Script enhanced with a few Linux specific commands
HELP Changed footer-colors in 3D-cmdr scheme to magenta
Key Fixed finding the key in the Linux PATH correctly
MENU Fixed Exit/Speed-w entries missing in Linux version
MENU Linux-device description added to Part/disk lists
MAP Removed extra '/dev/' from top line of MAP display
PTE/LVM Fixed inconsistent Mode=xxx after executing command
QUERY Fixed traps on several values when 0 disks accessible
Screen Fixed garbage windows borders in Linux version (xterm)
Screen Fixed garbage line-drawings when running non-windowed
VOL Fixed size problem in non-Linux (bug in 6.12 only)
VOL Fixed base problem in DFSDOS version (like vol A:)
6.12 05-09-2004 DFSEE Linux executable, release candidate new in distribution
DEV Alias for "vol" cmd, show device mount info on Linux
MENU "Open device to work with" for Linux (not "volume")
PSAVE change all .PDx file extensions to lowercase for Linux
RUN Fixed SCRIPT handling for CR/LF on Linux
SETBOOT Implemented automatic reboot for Linux
6.11 25-08-2004 DEVMAP Display device abstraction layer, disk numbers, names
HELP Fixed available sector types display ('???' command)
PART Fix a hang for bootsectors with invalid bytes/sector
PTEdit Partition description matches the selected one now
RECOVER Force unique filename on NTFS damaged MFT records
RECOVER Fixed recovery of zero-sized files for FAT/HPFS/NTFS
RECOVER Fixed path+filename exceeding > 260 char problems
RESIZE Made reboot/CHKDSK and NTFS messages more explicit
6.10 27-07-2004 CMDLINE Ctrl-Right/Left will now scroll text window correctly
CR -F option to set the ACTIVE flag in partion table entry
F and B fixed 'distance' parameter on forward/backward
FI New command to list single SSN value (list -f)
FIND Show correct progress from LSN-0 (delfind -c)
H and A allow .NNN from Sectorlist as sector number
Hex-num allow valid Hexadecimal SN without leading 0
LIST fixed 'Unidentified types' on non-file sectors
LVM Recover LVM-info from LVM signature sector if found
LVM Dont recalculate VolumeId if explicit -lvmvid option
LVM New lvmpid, lvmvid, lvmdid and lvmbid options
LVM Update LVM-signature sector size/PSN values on -s
MENU add 'Actions .. Move/Copy to freespace area'
MENU add 'Display -> Base, LSN first..last'
MENU add 'File -> Open Freespace area (base)'
MENU Added MOVE to end/begin in a size/move submenu
MOVE added explicit 'reboot required' message at completion
MOVE parameter handling implemented for -e -b and -f
MOVE -A option to avoid alignment of KiB/MiB offset values
MOVE -C- Do not COPY partition contents, partition tables only
MOVE -b Add NO-ABORT warning on overlapping logical-partition
MOVE -c when LVM present will mangle LVM names/ids/letter
MOVE -f -e:* will move/copy to the END of freespace
PART Added sequence numbers for multiple partition LVM volume
PART -q More compact display, using less display lines
Ptable Show DFSee-PID in Ptable display (DISK, WALK, PL cmd)
PL & LVM Correct use of . or -d to use the 'current' disk
PL LVMS Show DFSee-PID in Info, Sign and DriveLink displays
PL LVMS Fixed display of LVM fake-EBR sector (relocation)
PT [pid] Display partition table for current or specified pid
REG-key Show possibly incorrect system date when key seems bad
RESIZE add 'CHKDSK required' message popup when done
RESIZE set HPFS filesystem to DIRTY forcing a CHKDSK
SBVIEW F3 with focus at text window changes to command line
Startup avoid auto-quit on a 'dfsxxx virt' command
VOL -f- required to exclude floppies, -f is now the default
6.09 14-06-2004 LIST FAT added '-I -C' combo and '-X' option to list EAs
ALLOC on HPFS, warning on invalid bitmap position in table
ALLOC on HPFS, fix bitmap cache handling on read errors
DFSCHECK and other commands added to 'external' warning-list
6.08 05-06-2004 S2CL New command that translates LSN to Cluster value
CL2S New command that translates Cluster to LSN value
PROFILE run at startup, found in EXE-dir or PATH now too
CHECK on FAT, fixed 'exceeds XSIZE' errors on FAT > 1GiB
LIST Added header texts for single line type displays
LIST HPFS, add location value for Files (data sector)
LIST NTFS, add location value for Files (data sector)
LIST Fat, add location or EA index/data sector/Cluster
WARNINGs for BMGR only given when real BMGR is present
WALK Fixed recognition of EBRs containing garbage code
RECOVER 'LIST -f' on FAT, use LSN of 1st sector in Cluster
TRACE Enabled TRACE command for all versions (retail)
SCHEME Changed blinking title/footer in 3D-Commander scheme
6.07 25-05-2004 FAT-DIR Correct display of damaged/deleted LFN entries
BOOTINI on FAT16 corrected searching the root directory
SIM/WRIM and RUN, allow DOTs in a file-path (but not filename)
LVM and LVMSHOW will not change the selected disk
PLIST will not change the selected disk anymore
LVM/CR -J option allows recovery of JFS volume information
HPFSinit improved SUPER and SPARE-block bad sector handling
PART Improved bad sector handling in reading bootsectors
BOOTINI Fix index for unsorted primary partition tables
BOOTINI RC equal to calculated index when index is incorrect
FIND '-n', start search in NEXT sector, not current one
Schemes Set default output text window colors on scheme change
FILEDLG Fixed missing file extension on select from list
6.06 16-05-2004 MENU Added 'Find normal/deleted files' to Mode=FAT menu
FILEFIND for FAT(32) allow 'name.ext' and '*.ext' name syntax
FIND New M for 'multi' option, finds multiple hits/sector
FILEFIND for FAT(32) find files by (partial) name or extension
DELFIND for FAT(32) find all deleted files (no RECOVER yet)
FAT(32) much better recognition of valid DIRectory sectors
BOOTINI display/fix Windows default BOOT entry on FAT or NTFS
MENU Added BOOT.INI display and fix to Mode=NTFS/FAT menus
query EXE-switch now automatically creates 'dfsquery.log'
FINDROOT and FIND now use std status-line progress indicator
PART Filter non-printable characters from labels and names
REG-key Permanent key will NOT expire (until year 2222 :-)
Alt+m key, starts interactive moving and resizing of window
Alt+c key, starts interactive change of window scheme/color
SET scheme/style/color set color scheme and style values
MENU New 'Select window color scheme' in settings menu
MENU Added '_' caption on menu-bars for monochrome scheme
MENU Changed submenu arrow to '»' (Linux compatibility)
COLORS command will display the 256 available output colors
CHARSET command will show the complete ASCII character set
CBOXES command draws several box shapes to show linedrawing
Startup Default scheme now '3D Grey' with blue output screen
Startup -scheme switch sets windowing color scheme
Startup -style switch sets windowing border line style
Startup -color switch sets output text buffer colors
DFSDOS Added 'keyb xx' command for foreign keyboard layout
DFSDOS Made ANSI probing invisible in normal usage
RUN -P option accepts path or wildcard for open-file DLG
Bootable CD/Diskette menu includes a 'run (recovery) script'
Bootable CD/Diskette menu includes an automatic DFSDISK and
DFSCHECK procedure, with output to ZIP on diskette
6.05 06-04-2004 LVM -n Update/sync DiskID values together with DiskNames
RETRIES on bad sectors, default NO-RETRY now (-A:1)
DFSTART Updated references to DFSUNFD to new DFSDISK naming
MENU Text for BMGR timeout 0 changed to "no timeout"
6.04 02-04-2004 DFSCHECK CMD/BAT script to 'CHECK' all partitions, with log
DFSCPART CMD/BAT script to 'CHECK' one partition, with log
DFSDISK* Renamed DFSUNFD* scripts for better readability
SET Added 'PEDantic' keyword to switch pedantic ON/OFF
DISK -r Detailed ext-int13 info in pedantic mode (-p switch)
MENU Added EXT2/3 and REISER to the Mode= menu selection
MENU Add 'Read-only, no changes allowed' item in File menu
MENU Add 'Make THIS partition active' to Mode=xxx menus
MENU Add 'Delete THIS partition' to various Mode= menus
MENU Add 'BootManager Default' to Edit menu
MENU Add 'BootManager Timeout' to Edit menu
MENU Add 'Erase, wipe Freespace-area' to Actions menu
MENU Add 'SECURE wipe current object' to Actions menu
WIPESECURE new command implementing DoD spec secure wiping
WIPE Added 'r' param for RANDOM pattern (DoD spec wipe)
REISER Added basic recognition module and rudimentary mode
EXT2/3 Added basic recognition module and rudimentary mode
HPFS/FAT Fixed display garbage bug in Fnode/Alloc functions
CREATE Dialog, set 'clear bootsector' checkbox default OFF
LVM Accept '-menu' alias for the existing '-m' option
LVM New 'Change LVM diskname' menu item in Edit menu
PART Moved 'active' marker to PID column for readability
Compiler WATCOM license notices added to 'about' help text
Compiler changed to Watcom 1.30, for Linux version development
LOG new -r option, flush on every output fragment (slow)
CLONE Use HEX partition type in store-descriptions
PART Updated Linux native type descriptions and identify
6.03 11-02-2004 FreeDOS Update DSK and ISO to add bootmenu to skip UDMA driver
6.02 03-02-2004 FileDlg Avoid returning garbage name on 'Not ready' condition
CREATE New -Clear option to wipe bootsec with 0xF6 pattern
FAT-FS Improved error reporting on FAT-structure problems
MENU Add Change partition type in the Mode=FDISK menu
MENU Add a ChangeCurrentDir dialog to UNFDISK selections
MBR Recognize I13X capability AirBOOT for BMGR warnings
OS2-EXE Upgraded to latest LxLite 1.33 Executable packer
6.01 13-01-2004 MENU Action pulldown, change 'IMAGE to raw/compr file(s)'
FS NTFS Fixed crash on FS-init when bootsector unreadable
6.00 12-01-2004 CLONE Do not show confusing store-numbers on confirmations
MENU New 'Allocation and SLT identify' item in list actions
RECOVER Fix aborting after a single-failure and "continue"
SIM/WRIM Support removable media changing with option '-Media'
SIM limited size multiple file support with '-m:mb' option
MENU Add "Display from list" to FS menus; long descriptions
SPEED Command and menu-item for RO and RW speed measurement
Autodrop switch -M:2 disables automatic opening of pulldowns
MENU Added W2KBM command to FDISK menu 'Protect IBM BMGR'
WRIM Added DFSee header recognition for multiple files
SIM Added multi file logic and DFSee specific header
SIM Added RLE compressed empty sectors, max 1:8000 ratio
STORE Added partition type value to description (for CLONE)
EXPAND Error-message when maximum-size smaller than current
PART No test HiddenSectors field in FDISK mode, no rc=207
SUBMENU Added drive-letter & Pri/Log type to partition menus
DF5EE Updated binary 'signatures' in templates to ver 6.00
SIM Smart-use imaging with -S option, only in-use sectors
CR MENU Freespace list in physical order and disknumber added
PART No HiddenSector warnings on unformatted partitions
6.ß5 18-12-2003 Startup Avoid popups for not ready drives (OS/2 + WIN version)
MENU Refresh volume submenu with <F7> (removable A: etc)
DFSIMAGE Rephrased error-text for incorrect parameters
FIXHS Fix 'HiddenSectors' field in bootsec, match Part-table
FILEDLG Highlight title on focus for entryfield and volumelist
6.ß4 15-12-2003 MENU AutoMenu does NOT drop pulldown, keeps screen visible
MENU New '-M' switch so right-arrow does not open submenus
MENU Fix 'double pulldowns' bug when only menubar is shown
MENU Support first-letter quick-key to select menu-headers
MENU Add 'Recover from list' item to FAT/HPFS/NTFS menus
MENU New menu text UNFDISK 'Find (lost) partitions, fast'
MENU Completed implementation for the 'newmbr -c' menu-item
Dialogs F4 functionkey made equivalent to [OK], ending dialog
Dialogs Button colors set to yellow on grey for readability
FILEDLG Support multiple letter quick-select on DIR/File lists
FILEDLG Keep current-dir on volume-select, no change to root
FILEDLG Do not copy filename from list when just tabbing
FILEDLG Fixed refresh volumelist for new floppy/network drives
FILEDLG Fixed getting help with <F1> help on volumelist field
FILEDLG FileSaveAs now copies basename only, no extension
FILEDLG FileSaveAs now starts with empty filename field
FILEDLG and PART much faster now with disconnected LAN drives
CLONE Fixed partition deselect bug AFTER clone/wipe etc
CLONE Disable 'Clone disk' menu-item if base sector not zero
CD Fixed CD command and 'Change working directory' menu
CRITERR No DOS Abort, Retry, Ignore messages, but auto 'FAIL'
CDROM Changed bootable CDROM to use FreeDOS instead of DrDOS
PART Explicit WARNING when HiddenSectors field is incorrect
PART xx Verbose message on HiddenSectors versus partitiontable
RECOVER Make the current-DIR default for FileSaveAs (not A:\)
RECOVER Esc from File-Dialog or Wildcard prompt now aborts cmd
RESIZE Fixed FAT max-size (could result in 1 cyl freespace)
SCRIPTS Added DFSQREXX.CMD example query script in REXX (OS2)
6.ß3 27-11-2003 CREATE Fixed EBR size/end-cylinder BUG ('extends beyond ..')
PART Fixed size display .031 MiB value in 'part -n -e'
MENU Made menu-scrolling wrap-around at first and last
MENU Added ZEROFREE to clear unused sectors in filesystem
MENU Added 'change LVM diskname' to the Mode=FDISK menu
MENU Grouped imaging menu-items in a submenu under Actions
6.ß2 20-11-2003 VOL/MENU file-dialog, fixed volume access for DFSDOS version
6.ß1 19-11-2003 EXPAND command and menu-item for NTFS, FAT and HPFS
Resize possible from the menu, with new size prompt
MENU Added 'Change working directory' for output
Startup Added 'reading volume/partition info' message
PART Show allocation-map on partition selected with '-a'
MENU Added "Current opened .." store display
MENU Added special Windows-KBD keys for OS/2 only
H I S T O R Y 5 . X X
5.56 25-01-2004 EXE Fixed registration expiry, moved to year 2012 now
MENU Completed implementation of 'newmbr -c' menu-item
5.55 06-11-2003 PTE Fixed all of the checkboxes to be functional again
MENU CR Fixed trap when just one disabled freespace area
PART Use 'Disk/Virt' as default diskName prefix, not D/V
MENU disk/part CLONE items now enabled for virtual disks
MENU Added confirmation to reboot from the File menu
CLONE Added -Merge option, skip writing for bad sectors
QUERY Added several new items for auto-RESIZE preparation
TxWin Fixed 'shadow-only' no-title minimized windows
TxWin Fixed trap with <Enter) on an empty FileDialog list
5.54 31-10-2003 MENU Added 'Create new partition' to the mode=FDISK' menu
MENU Added display Raw partition info (walk disk tables)
MENU Added 'Create default LVM info (VCU)' to FDISK menu
MENU Added 'Recover files from list' to Action->list menu
MENU Added CHECK of filesystem for HPFS, NTFS and FAT
MENU Added reboot to selected OS partition (setboot)
MENU Sector Lookup Table display for HPFS, NTFS and FAT
MENU Added Identify sector; HPFS, NTFS and FAT, using SLT
MENU Added parameter specification for a script being RUN
CREATE Added interactive dialog to specify most properties
FIND Changed progress indicator to include percentage done
CHECK NTFS Bad-MFT-Fixup recognition, continue checking
QUERY Added Minimum and Grabable partition size for resize
RECOVER Use SelDirFileDialog to specify the destination DIR
progress indicators, format now 'xxxx of yyyy Done (nn.n%)'
SAVETO Fixed cmd-loop on bad sectortype currently selected
5.52 05-10-2003 MENU Added menubar with pull-downs for most DFSee commands
TxWin Added blue background and SHADOW casting for popups
TxWin Implemented standard FileDialog for open and save-as
TxWin Implemented accelerator keys as shortcuts to menus
TxWin Implemented Minimize, Maximize and Restore for windows
PART Added 'Linux' as EXT2/SWAP creator name in the table
GEO Refresh diskinfo after command, to make GEO active
PART -w Better descriptions for DFSDOS 'beyond disk' warnings
SIM WRIM Made -? help text more specific and to the point
VOL IM Added -? help and new -f option for VOL command
DFSUNFD Fixed right disk-selection after ALLOC command
5.26 01-09-2003 FIXBOOT for HPFS now I13X aware. For LVM systems like eCS/MCP
avoids some of the "blinking-cursor" and the dreaded
"cannot operate your harddisk" failures on booting.
FIXBOOT -? style help added for HPFS/FAT/JFS/NTFS filesystems
FIXBOOT Improved re-display of partition bootsector when done
FIXBOOT for HPFS added set-bootdrive letter for bootable ones
LVM Minor textual updates to make it more consistent
MBR Recognize 2nd Iomega ZIP MBR boot code variant
5.25 08-08-2003 DFSee Implemented /HELP and /QUERY long-name switches
DFSQUERY New .BAT and .CMD script to show/log DFSee query
TxWin Allow '/' and '-' for EXE-level switch character
PART New -L and -L- options, for preferred drive-letters
PART Show LVM preferred letters if different from actual
RESIZE Enhanced 'resulting part' display, fixed select bug
PART/FAT Fixed 'empty disk' FAT syndrome on LVM created FAT
SIM/WRIM/WIPE better confirmation text with target description
CLONE Added source and target sizes to confirmation text
PL LVM Show CHS value for start and end sector location
PART/MAP Show LVM/JFS multiple warning for type 35 only
PART/MAP Changed "WARNING not formatted" to be a major warning
Popups Fixed hang on <F12> collapsed windows and down-arrow
WRIM Fixed opening/finding imagefiles larger than 2 GiB
DFS*.TXT Minor updates to several documentation files
5.24 25-07-2003 QUERY With no parameters, show compact partition list
DIRFIND, FILEFIND added proper -? style help text
DFSee -B- switch to suppress banner logo with copyright
PART -S Use double-line spacing with -s or -C format
PART -C Compact (space) separated list for email/newsgroups
LVM Allow -n without -d or with -d:* (to set name on all)
LVM Restrict to 19 char names, shorten too long ones
PART Warnings on LVM 20-char names and consistency issues
FIXEXT Added -all option, better confirmation message
PART/MAP Show bootsector read errors but continue reading
MAP Fixed trap on 0 cylinder geo or narrow screen
PTE Fixed trap on "dfsos2 pte -d:2", no info read yet
PART/MAP Show INT13 details if -p (pedantic) switch is used
PTE Indicate changes and refresh info on the screen
BMP -d -? help; Fixed display for other disk, disk param
TxWin Fixed window-paint bug with large usage text (DFSWIN)
PART/MAP Minor update to geo displays, allow 3-digit S:255=
W2KBM Refresh DFSee-cache after fix, removes the warning
STORE Fixed text for virtuals (used in CLONE/IMAGE etc)
DISK/MAP OS/2 2.xx and Windows-NT-4 MBR code recognized now
5.23 24-06-2003 PART Detect 3 different versions of BMGR: FDISK/I13X/LVM
PART Format "none" = unformatted, "unknown" = unrecognized
PART -w Minor warning for IBM BMGR when it is not W2K protected
Startup of DFSee or DFSUNFD/DFSTART scripts use "FDISK -m" now
DFSIBMGR Fixed bug for disk other than 1, allow different name
PART Warning when MBR or BMGR has no I13X while required
TYPE Types 0x8a/8e/a8/ab/bb/fa/fb/fc/fd now recognized
TYPE XOSL bmgr 0x78 type recognized now (in PART cmd too)
LVM -n Do not update disk/sector if it is no LVM-sector yet
LVM -c Skip CRC update for non-LVM sectors (non-LVM partitions)
PART -s Added display of (old) BMGR-name, even when "--> LVM"
CHECK Does not set RC to #errors anymore, better for scripts
DISK/MAP Added System Commander MBR code recognition / display
PART/MAP Display INT13 1023 cylinder limit with the '-m' option
SET Added "set ASC 7/8" for 7-bit or 8-bit ascii output
TxWin Updated codepage-437/850 compatibility for TxWindows
TxWin Refined Windows NT/W2K/XP version if no servicepacks
5.22 16-06-2003 DFSUNFD Support eCS 1.1 for all .CMD scripts (caused error 23)
DELETE Automatic removal of LVM-info entry unless -L- is used
LVM -c Show and remove obsolete LVM-info entries for primaries
FIXCHS Support use IBM/PQ/MS dummy-CHS styles, updated msgs
PART Label shows LVM I13X or FDISK MaxCyl:1023 type BMGR
WALK Display the IBM/PQ/MS/BAD CHS style indicator
PTE pid Fixed selection using a high pid value, seen as SN
PART -w More specific 'NO active' warnings, 1st-disk/any-disk
TxLib Global rename everything to TxLibrary definitions
TxLib Fix centering of title/help text on narrow windows
5.21 03-06-2003 PART Show non-LVM BMGR bootable with 0x05 (installable)
Register Fixed expiry-at-end-of-month bug for evaluation
LVM/PTE Updated the dialogs for MiB versus MB usage
PART -w Less alarming INT13 related warnings, single line now
SIM Added compressed filesize reporting, error and finish
Display Change all 4-digit values to float-point XiB type
LVMinfo Fixed display after read errors to see remaining info
Display Changed all KB/MB/GB to KiB/MiB/GiB (IEEE 1541 / IEC)
VIRT Show new disk table after automatic prestore/import
5.20 24-05-2003 BSFIND Added -? option for short help and usage text
SIM/WRIM Improved error handling in DOS version
VIRT Automatic listdata "IMPORT -d" using PRESTORE basename
SCAN Fixed reporting of number of bad sectors and error msg
Display Consistent use and increased accuracy of MB/KB numbers
LVMinfo PSN values in decimal too, to compare to LVM /startlog
LVM PID specified now overrules -p for partition selection
NEWMBR Added alternative -d[:disk] option plus -? usage help
recover Added "never run again" warning on recovery scripts
DFSUNFD Added extra "part -s" to have decimal values available
5.19 05-05-2003 CREATE Added -A option to "create as" another partition
PTE Fixed display of almost empty entries (just a type)
RESIZE Added explicit warning about resizing bootable NTFS
ALLOC Fixed reported minimum size for FAT (missed some EOF)
OS/2 Fixed trap in "check" command for some systems (I hope)
DELETE Fixed invalid MBR on delete of last logical using 0x0F
5.18 04-05-2003 DFSUNFD New example RECOVER2.DFS and sample 3 in DFSUNFD.TXT
PART Support nn,r relative PID syntax to select partitions
DELETE Support for -d:D and -p:P,r relative PID (for scripts)
PART Added DELL utility partition type; updated W2K LDM
PART/MAP Fixed Linux device name when logicals in wrong order
MBRcode Added another GRUB MBR variant to be recognized
Errors Added store-description to many reported errors
ABOUT Added OS-version info, inluding OS/2 kernel revision
Startup Warning if DFSWIN used on Win9x/WinME virtual DosBox
Startup Warning for DFSDOS on Windows or OS2 virtual DosBox
Startup Warning if DFSDOS used on DOS with a memory manager
DFSTART Added presence-check for all required DFSee files
DFSTART Added write-permission check for current directory
DFSUNFD Added write-permission check for current directory
display Changed cylinder text 'C:' to 'Cyl' for readability
Alt-F12 Switch output buffer color: NORMAL - BRIGHT - INVERT
HELP -? Added for use with the commands SET, SETANSI and TRACE
EXE New '-C:2' switch on .EXE sets bright FG colors only
SET 'SCREEN BRIGHT' will set bright FG color only
5.17 02-04-2003 MAP Added Linux-device names and disk numbers
MAP Fixed Freespace name display for small areas
AUTOBASE Set sane limits when no valid superblock found
FIXSUPER Create/recalculate HPFS superblock (-r option)
DIRMAP HPFS allocation percentage fixed in all displays
PART Added Linux /dev/hda1 style device names
PSAVE Fixed clipped registration text in file headers
LOG Add '-7-' for 8-bit ASCII logfile (default 7-bit)
5.16 24-03-2003 FDISK Add '-?' help to several commands in FDISK mode
CR Allow MAC DDM in MBR sector and partition maps
FDISK Display MAC DDM & partition maps when in MBR
CREATE No cyl-alignment fixup for exact nnnn,s sizes!
PTE Fixed 'smart' updates and field update on ENTER
PTE Fixed dialog & field positioning on larger screen
FAT32 Avoid giant CHECK output for damaged partitions
Screen Avoid popup-window corruption by status text line
DFS*.TXT Documentation update for consistent store naming
5.15 10-03-2003 HELP Rearranged help texts on <F1> to be more helpful
FINDROOT Fixed for HPFS, had been broken since version 5.01
DFSee Use 32-bit cylinder (CHS) values, up to 2TiB disk
VOL Fixed reading/writing with DFSDOS (DFSIMGA.BAT)
FAT Fixed DIR display at cluster 0 (allocation error)
PTE/LVM Avoid direct recursion (F6 or F8 from the dialog)
PTE Support scrolling text window while dialog is up
PTE Fixed logical PgDn/PgUp hang on empty Part-tables
PTE Use decimal numbers by default; settings stick now
screen Alt-F12, and "-C" switch invert text window colors
CREATE Fixed conflict with -t:type and -I:image options
DFSWIN Fixed window update on large console (scroll-bars)
status Display currently executing mode and command string
PART Made 'active logical' a minor warning only
5.14 23-02-2003 PTEdit Minor fix of obscured text in the dialog window
5.13 22-02-2003 PTEdit Full function interactive partition table editor
PART Warnings for zero or too many active partitions
PART Warnings for extended partition marked active
PART Warning for partitions that overlap the previous
BSFIND Improved output, no separate 'list -s' needed
ABOUT Added more info (OpenWatcom), uses dialog window
TxWin Better support for large and overlapping windows
WRIM Fixed write to a volume in OS/2 version (DFSIMGA)
scripts Fixed bad 'PART $*' syntax (DFSUNFD and DFSQUICK)
5.12 29-01-2003 TRACE Added -r for close/reopen log on each line (flush)
DOS32A Tuned stacks, buffers and message display (quiet)
5.11 28-01-2003 WALK Added -? usage help to the DISK and WALK command
PART All options using standard syntax '-' now, not '+'
BSFIND Included the FAT32 spare-sectors in the search
PART Check for illegal backward or looping EBR links
PART Check for invalid partition table entries
TRACE Added logfile-only, -screen and -timestamp options
WALK Detect illegal backward or looping EBR links
UI/SLT Higher memory limits (requires 15 MB avail memory)
CR Current disk (-d) is now default, -d- is all disks
LIST Make -l- the default with -d (to list directories)
LIST Use standard option syntax with '-' instead of '+'
VIRT Open new created virtual disk unless -o- is given
CL Fixed recognition of 'CL' and 'SET' (FDISK switch)
CREATE Fixed a trap on "100,t" type size specification
DFSDOS Added DOS32A DOS-extender (D32) and version string
TP/UI Support scroll buffer output 'behind' popup windows
TRACE Functional tracing to logfile and/or screen (debug)
DFSUNFD Added 'all' sector search on first 8 GB in all cases
DFSINFO Updated for changed 'part' option syntax and run cmd
5.10 14-01-2003 LVM Opt -R + support USB-memory-sticks (1 sect/track)
LVMSHOW Use -R option on LVM to avoid creation of LVM info
SIM/WIPE Cleanup of . $ .NNN and 'this' symbolic values
CLONE Use 0xFE as bad sector pattern (eye-catcher)
DFSee <F12> collapses desktop/scroll-buffer window
FATSIM Added -z option for .IMZ compressed FAT images
PART Added FreeBSD/OpenBSD OEM/format to table display
GEO Fixed rare errors on OS2/DOS with forced geometry
SETTYPE Made 4th parameter (old type) optional again
WIPE New "z" as zero-pattern shortcut parameter
PRESTORE Added more detail to all confirmation dialogs
PART/MAP Fix logical/wasted freespace text display
VIRT Allow .PDX files older than 5.06 to be used
SETBOOT Using more detailed confirmation dialogs
DFSTART Changed default base-filename to DFSTARTX.*
DFSUNFD Fixed special cases GEO and ALL parameters
5.09 02-01-2003 LVM Fixed addition of (delete) in LVM dialog screen
5.08 01-01-2003 DFSUNFD Improved progress reporting and error handling
RUN Find .DFS scripts in exe-directory or on the PATH
Main EXE return value in range 0..254 (for DOS batch)
Startup Fine tuning of logo, about text and registration
WALK Improved bad MBR/EBR detection and warning message
SIM/WRIM Speedup when using compression (up to 2x faster!)
CR Don't allow 0x00 type, new type 0xDF=DFSee-TMP
Many mcs-numbers now accept GiB, KiB, Heads and Track units
LVM Add warning when creating a new LVM/JFS partition
PART Fixed disknumber display for more than 10 disks
PART/MAP Changed freespace naming for better readability
PART/MAP Added diskname to display, LVM or DFSee-generated
FDISK Recognize sectors cleared with 0xF6 pattern
5.07 12-12-2002 DFSUNFD Optimized further by using DFSUNFD.DFS native script
DFSUNFD Fixed abort on unregistered versions (no dfsee.key)
LVM Fix to get an unique PartitId with basePSN + disknr
PART Display type 0x44 as Adaptec-GoBack/Restore (Win-ME)
5.06 05-12-2002 SETBOOT Fixed access-violation in DFSWIN.EXE on rebooting
PART -c or '+c' or '++c' performs CHECK on each partition
LVM -D forces default values to be used (delete existing)
FIND Fixed UNICODE search when using the -u[:str] option
LVM Renamed from LVMSET + cleanup of code and docs
VCU Clear old info and generate new default LVM info
SETTYPE Use smart FAT sector type assign 01/04/06/0b/0c
LVMSET JFS signature sectors are now updated (name/letter)
LVMSET -d:disknr works with more options and parameters
LVMSET speedup of single partition work, removed iterator
LVMSET * operates on ALL partitions (or all on one disk)
Commands -Q option suppresses all output for this command
MAP Display textual warning if MBR is unreadable
CREATE -L option for automatic LVMSET after create
CREATE Use smart FAT sector type assign 01/04/06/0b/0c
LVMSET -c -d -n option: CRC and diskname update
LVMSET -V option, request default new volume name
FDISK almost modeless, commands work from all FS modes
NTFS fixed Init bug with MFT 'inconsistent structure'
LVMSET activated by the F8 function-key, start dialog
ALLOC show the partition MAP when in FDISK mode
LVMSET Added 'sync start/size' checkbox to dialog window
TRANS WARNING on illegal head/sect numbers being used
LVMSET -P option/switch forces dialogs to be default
LVMSET Added specific interactive dialog for update
DFSREAD Clear buffer to zeroes on read errors
VIRTUAL fixed trap for bad .PDx geometry values
Commands restructured code for addition of dialogs/menus
Startup Run the native profile.dfs script when present
CLONE Reduced amount of screen output before confirm
MODE Set display size and windowing dynamically
RESIZE Automatic execution of LVMSET after resize
DISK Add 2nd German Warp-4 version to MBR list
5.05 11-11-2002 RESIZE Allow resize of UNKNOWN filesystems (with warning)
FAT2OS FIXBOOT fixed OEM-name for OS/2 bootsector on FAT
EDIT Activate with F2 and Alt-E/A/U/H for prompted edit
EDIT automatic write back (prompted) unless -w- option
WRITE new confirmation and new -at:sn option/prompt
HPFS changed text "boot code area" to "micro-FSD"
CLONE Fixed order of to/from in confirmation dialog
NTFS Support partition/file sizes up to 2048 GB
NTFS Fix IMG extent-display (when no bootsector present)
DFSee Added functions for HUGE size display (> 4GB)
NTFS Accept partially corrupted MFT records
SIM/WRIM -First and -size options instead of arguments
WIPE -First, -size and -Prompt options
FILEFIND Find dir-entry for file(s) on FAT filesystem
SUBFIND Find subdirectories sectors (. and ..) on FAT
DFSee Removed all DOS16 specific code preparing for menus
5.04 26-10-2002 Read: -A: switch, number of read-attempts (retry on error)
DFSee -O: switch, Output Normal, Verbose, Quiet or Maximum
DFSee -E: switch, ignore, quit or confirm generic errors
CLONE -E: option, ignore, quit or confirm on read errors
SIM: -E: option, ignore, quit or confirm on read errors
DISK: Windows-98 added to MBR list
DFSTART Allow one-digit sequence number for resulting files
DFSUNFD Use -data option on export to save important sectors
IMPORT: new -data option, reads sector contents from a file
EXPORT: new -data option, saves sector contents to a file
DISK: VirtualPC, DRDOS, MSDOS 6.22-NL, Win-XP in MBR list
CA: Fixed MFT/FNODE allocation check display
VIRT: automatic filename.PDx template extension for init
DISK: Linux GRUB boot loader in MBR list
5.03 01-10-2002 DFSTART Allow a '-Q' switch to stop session automatically
DISK: Added Warp 4 English and German to recognized MBRs
CHECK: Allow check on volumes when already selected
VOL: Minor updates, analyse FAT32 trap
5.02 22-09-2002 NEWMBR std code now I13X capable, error messages in English
NEWMBR -I option to load MBR boot code image from a file
CREATE -I option for initialization image from a file
PART Support -t- option, to suppress display of table
PART Display one line MBR descriptions with '-m' option
DISK Display MBR description for well-known MBR boot code
PART Mark partitions without LVM info as "--No-LVM-info-
VIRTUAL fixed geometry bug on VRE/VIRTUAL iterations
VIRTUAL automatic PRESTORE to VIRTUAL using .PDx file
VMAKE use VIRTUAL as a more readable synonym
VSTAT show usage and R/W status for all virtual disks
CHECK fine tuning of the allocation progress-bar sizes
PREST no sector confirmation, when using the "-c-" option
FINDCP stop search after 1st CP found, unless "-All" option
5.01 10-09-2002 PART LVM 'bootable' indicator for non-volume partition
PART Add warning on multiple extended container
PART Fix CHS warnings for logical outside container
ALLOC Fixed FAT alloc display trap on empty partition
CREATE Fixed CHS for sectors >= 64 on CREATE
DISK Add warning on sectors/track >= 64
DISK Force extended Int13 use on GEO cyl >= 1024 with -I-
DISK Display 'deleted' partentry too (type == 0)
DISK ext-int13 data to EDD 3.0 spec and -I- sw
Display Non-windowed, no status on last cmd and -Q
MAP Fixed map -g to show geometry again
SETBOOT Auto 'show' on SETBOOT change, fix warning
WRIM Fixed WRIM write bufsize on compressed data (BUG!)
5.00 05-08-2002 DFSDOS 32-bit DOS extended version, full function
DIRFIND fixed finding files for FAT32 partitions
CHECK added statusline progress and progress-bar
COMP new command to compare partitions, images and disks
Status progress on statusline for long-running commands
Option -b for buffer size SCAN/SIM/WRIM/CLONE/COMP/WIPE
SCAN Improved SCAN speed and use new progress display
CHECK fixed HPFS codepage errors and various FAT problems
SLT allow 400.000 files / 300 GB HPFS in DOS version
DELFIND fixed logfile-format on FILEFIND/DELFIND command
FS allow specific modes like FAT16 or FAT32
LOG support resuming previous logfile with 'log .'
QUERY fixed 'query fv/fp/fl' values
CHECK allow checking volumes too, not just partitions
Added <Esc> check to multicmd to avoid DFSUNFD problems
New registration format and name for 5.xx: dfsee.key
H I S T O R Y 4 . X X
4.28 08-07-2002 NTFS initialization, avoid infinite loop on damaged MFT
PART autoPid, previous partition selectable as 'part 0'
CREATE autoPid, created partition selectable as 'part 0'
CREATE use '-d:disknr' on autoshow commands that end in '-r'
PART new '-d:disknr' restricts output to a single disk
PART new '-?' option or '?' parameter will display usage
RESIZE textual updates; fixed -max limit rounding bug
LVMSET easy navigation using 'd' and 'x' commands afterwards
LVMSET now has an LVMSHOW alias and shows size in MB too
LVMSET added -s option to synchronize size & LSN values
LVMSET allow -v- and -p- to delete volume and partition name
4.27 24-06-2002 DFSIPART.CMD/BAT new script to create/restore partition images
CREATE -o option for automatic open partition after create
DIRFIND add -l:wildcard option to list files automatically
VOL better BASE size determination (OS/2) for imaging
WRIM better warning on imagefile being too small
RESIZE '-m' option resizes to the partition size (expand)
RESIZE is now a synonym for TRUNC, and the preferred name
DIRFIND fixed parsing for the path parameter to make it work
FINDBASE HPFS, set correct base END value as well as start
PART added new XPLDM type for Win-XP Logical Volume Manager
WIPE changed default pattern from 'DfsWiped' to zeroes
TRUNC support resize to a LARGER size, up to partition size
MAP new '-g' option to force geo display (at startup)
Several source updates for WATCOM port (version 5.0 beta :-)
4.26 09-06-2002 SETLET etc, explicit warning dialogs on Win2000/XP and more
TYPE fixed trap for displaying a range of system types
reset pending 'abort' status for non-windowed use (trace)
BATCH command reintroduced for non-DOS, useful with scripts
PART some fixes allowing stable operation up to 80 partitions
MAP fixed bad output and traps on more than 54 partitions
MAP fixed trap after CR and no refresh using '-r'
4.25 30-05-2002 CR accept '83h' and '0x83' style hex numbers in options
CR fixed false-BM-name creation for NT (possible trap)
CLONE issue size warning only when really needed
START fdisk startable command, new 'Clear' option
PART changed color of freespace to cyan for readability
MAP Support -d:nr for disk and -d or '.' for current
CR Don't change current disk on CR PRI partition
DFSTART script, use 'dfstart' as fixed basename for files
4.24 28-05-2002 PL Auto display of LVM/JFS fake EBR sectors
CLONE no size-warning if no parameters given, just usage
CR '-d' or '-d:0' will use current disk (after VMA -o)
VMA '-o' option, making it the current disk (for CR -d)
4.23 23-05-2002 New FIXCHS command to match CHS values to LBA/geometry
New FILEFIND command to find HPFS/NTFS files for recovery
CLONE fix sector limit at end and check destination size
CR improved confirmation dialog text with size and type
CR fix parsing of numeric values for '-t:' option
Allow trailing '\' on SAVEAS/RECOVER path for convenience
Report correct 'number of files recovered' after RECOVER
LIST new '+gs' option to list using the 'Sys' geometry
Use 'Sys' = system geometry when using OS r/w API's, this
fixes several bugs when using a forced geometry with 'GEO'
4.22 12-05-2002 New DFSTART script (BAT or CMD) for inexperienced users
New DFSIMAGE script to save or restore diskette images
New DFSAMPLE script as example to make your own scripts
FIND, WIPE and WIPELST: new -h, -a and -u options
PART Allow '-warnings' as option for readability
DFSDOS Fixed read/write to a volume (diskettes only)
DFSDOS Fixed a bug reading/writing large-disks
SIM: new '-b:nn' option and show compress/buffer size
WRIM: new '-b:nn' option to set buffer size up to 63
SIM: added confirmation dialog consistent with WRIM
WRIM: auto select .imz or .img image when file exists
WRIM: fixed imaging to/from floppy (bug since 4.13)
GEO: new command name, get/set disk/volume geometry
4.21 19-04-2002 Updated evaluation period for non-registered usage
WRIM: Fixed bug with compressed data (assert failure)
WRIM: Show list of imagefiles when directory is specified
PART: Improved handling of MBR without boot code at startup
EDIT: allow batch mode when all values given (no prompting)
WRIM: speedup (multi sector) and better progress report
CREATE: changed dummy-CHS value to use more standard values
EDIT: fixed data garbling for -h: option (input Hex data)
PART: warnings for non-std dummy-CHS and wrong CHS values
PART: Added -w: warning selection options (see DFSCMDS.TXT)
CREATE: fixed cylinder alignment for -x:nnn option (off by 1)
WRIM: Added -test option (no real write)
4.20 16-04-2002 Updated intro-text to show the new "www.dfsee.com" domain
Fixed a CREATE failure with multiple freespace areas and
specifying an exact location of the new partition. (-abs:)
Fixed wrong size on 1st of a multiple partition JFS volume
Fixed "DFSUNFD * all", actually a parser bug and possible trap
Added a confirmation dialog for external (unknown) commands
RECOVER "-E:" option allows ignoring errors, quit or confirm
RECOVER "-O:" option allows quiet, verbose or extreme verbose
Fixed passing of options without a value to the FDISK module
Allow numeric find types like "8" for searching FAT32 sectors
Set default find option to repeated search if no value specified
4.19 03-04-2002 Find dfsee.reg key in exe-dir even when it is not in the PATH
Allow system dates like 01-01-1999 in key verification
4.18 18-03-2002 Added 'edit' command prompting dialogs for position and data
Added JFS and NTFS Volume name to partition table displays
4.17 06-03-2002 ZEROFREE '-test' option and select with -part, -vol or -image
'wipe -f' and 'zerofree' command to wipe FREESPACE only
Updated FAT bootsector recovery, force FAT32 on 0b/0c type
Use script basename for $0, not full name, allows easy reuse
Large-file > 2GB support on SIM and WRIM (OS2 4.50, JFS)
Large-file > 2GB support on IM and VOL cmd (OS2 4.50)
TRUNCATE command implemented for HPFS filesystems
EXPAND an HPFS partition using DFSEE and CHKDSK (see DFSHOWTO)
Window-collapse to title with <F12>; to look behind a window
Instructions to create a 700 KB free memory DOS BOOT diskette
to reliably run DFSDOS.EXE (see dfshowto.txt and DOSBOOT.ZIP)
4.16 22-02-2002 SCRIPTING, RUN native scripts with arguments (see DFSCRIPT.TXT)
MsgBox moved to upper-right corner avoiding text cluttering
Added say/sleep/autoshow to DFSMDOS; new 'REM' remark cmd
Fixed a size-calculation bug in DiskGeo and other displays
Replaced win/nowin commands by -w+ and -w- EXE-switches
Support HPFS386 deleted FNODEs; UNDELETE no OK on HPFS386
Made ignore-lock default (-i switch); removed 'batch' cmd
Allow comment on each DFSee command using the ';' character
Scroll horizontal now with the Alt + <> or Alt + . / Alt + ,
keys in the output window and in the MsgBox text
4.15 07-02-2002 Fixed NTFS 'check' command and SLT-build inconsistency
Removed external commands when working in shell mode '-S'
Improved CLONE confirmation dialog with FROM and TO info
Added warning dialog to CLONE when cloning non-disk to disk
Keep same maximum-PSN (end of disk) when new base is specified
Added '-7' switch to assure 7-bit ASCII will be used only
Larger scroll buffer, 4000 to 9000 lines (OS/2 and NT versions)
Fixed an off-by-1 error on find result offset reported
4.14 28-01-2002 Performance improvement for CLONE, WIPE, SIM and WRIM commands
'-S' global switch for 'shell' mode (disables quit and <F3>)
New LVMSET command to set volume name, partition name, add or
remove from BM-menu and change/remove driveletter (hide)
4.13 22-01-2002 CLONE command to copy whole disks or partitions to another
PRESTORE accepts explicit filename to use another disk
Added 'part -a' and 'part ++a' to display allocation maps
Added display of HPFS bootdrive in Bootsector display
Updated NTFS SLT and CHECK; Check now sets RC to #errors
NTFS supporting sparse/compressed files in allocation
Created DFSLDOS running in 310KB = 317000 bytes (FDISK only)
Minor change in dialog button colors for readability
Added '-q' option to PART and DISK reducing displayed detail
4.12 08-01-2002 DFSTRUNC script updated to find suitable FAT/NTFS partition
Made DOS version run in 600KB again (no HELP windows!)
Give 'trunc' usage even when no partition is selected
Made Cl2Lsn generic( CL command); Added NTFS truncation
Fix FAT alloc display bug with slightly off values
Added generic ALLOC display to NTFS and HPFS, autosized
4.11 26-12-2001 DFSTRUNC script to create freespace, truncating FAT partition
TRUNCATE cmd makes FAT(32) partitions smaller, keeping data!
BASE cmd enhanced with new options, overview: 'base -?'
PRESTORE options changed to '-list' and '-verbose' (was: vw)
Fixed Read-only after 'part xx' command and '-R' switch used
Fixed drive-letter assignment for WIN2000 and Win-XP
Allow reset of READONLY on a store with 'store x -R-'
Added warnings for extended-container size mismatches
Added EXE-switch '-p' for a pedantic warning level
Updated FIXBOOT for FAT32 to allow 'fixboot -spare'
Updated partition detailed display with better geometry
4.10 30-11-2001 Fixed several non-512 byte sector problems (CDROM traps)
Fixed several traps on bad HPFS sectors
Fixed trap-D with CDROM present (2048 bug, DFSUNFD 9 disks)
ReadOnly in status, and detect RO img; -R option on VOL/PART
Added -R switch/option forcing global read-only mode
Added -I switch forcing std Int13 use when cylinders < 1024
Fixed CHECK/SLT command, added -r option for refresh
Updated CR and SETBOOT for new parsers, added usage texts
Updated all cmd-parsers; DFSMDOS now runs in 380 KB
-? = help on command line switches, as in 'DFS -?'
-t = auto timestamp to screen and log (also on -q and -l)
-m = autoshow cmd, allowing multi-command too
Add Intel EFI spec GPT_DISK type (recognize Win-XP types)
Add "-r" and "-a" to "part" replacing the '!' option
Add "-e" option to settype and fixext allow work on extended
First parser usage in FIND / DELFIND, updated usage text
4.09 05-11-2001 Fixed garbage paint bug in status line & scroll buffer (OS2)
Some UI enhancements to the command line/scroll buffer:
Ctrl-left: one word backward; Ctrl-right: one word forward
Ctrl-B: clear to begin; Ctrl-E: clear to end of field
Esc or Ctrl-Backspace: clear whole entry field
Esc in scroll-buffer (after a <tab>) will move to entryfield
History recall with Ctrl+UP will now always get previous cmd
4.08 30-10-2001 Use DFSMDOS in DFSUNFD.BAT allowing low memory situations
Automatic scroll to end of output window before each command
New FATSIM and FATWRIM commands to save/restore fat tables
New FAT32 FINDROOT command, finding all possible root clusters
Added copy of the spare sectors (6&7) for FAT32 FIXBOOT
Added extra warning for create type 00 (usually an error)
Use spare MFT in NtfsInit if the base MFT is damaged
FAT directory display update so 'cl 0' is displayed as 'Root'
Search position of 1st and 2nd FAT if bootsector is damaged
Fixed FAT label display in partition table display (part)
Added FAT32 root directory location to standard bootsector display
Changed SWAP/EXT2 naming for type 82/83, more Linux centric
4.07 18-10-2001 Fixed BUG with multiple physical disks showing same information
Added '-x' command line switch, avoids read diskinfo at startup
Added detection for EBR-loop, read will terminate at 100 EBRs
FIXBOOT for FAT and FAT32 (beta only, works on most partitions)
Show DIR of available imagefiles when IM parameter ends in '\'
4.06 15-10-2001 Added FAT32 2nd/3rd bootsector display with freespace value
Made 'nonstd type 0f' a non-critical warning ("part warn")
Show all critical warnings on PART display
Fixed extended-int13 usage for Thinkpads (and possibly others)
Added low available memory tests and warnings to DOS versions
4.05 10-10-2001 Store cmd improved; User can now switch with "store" command
Switch "-a" on DFS switches ANSI output OFF (clean output)
Fixed cmd-parser bug ('vma 1000 02' would select part 2)
Updated status line with 'Store' and partid display
Updated 'part -' to 'part ,' and 'part ,*'; improved output
Automatic reread of diskinfo after FIXBOOT commands
Included fix for black buttons (texts) on full screen displays
4.04 01-10-2001 Fixed trap in DFSINFO.CMD on corrupted codepage sectors
New messages on corrupt codepage sectors in HPFS 'check'
Added some specific sector displays to DFSUNFD script
Display last accessed PSN on some reported errors (like 0x87)
Reduced memory usage with 60KB in DFSMDOS (non-windowed only)
Cleaned up registration code and messages
4.03 20-09-2001 Fixed trap in DFSINFO.CMD (any 'empty' command really)
Added Confirmation dialog message boxes with help (Yes/No)
Added help system for every windowing item (F1)
Fixed "More .." bug with auto-quit & batch mode
Nicer window frame on larger screens > 80x25
4.02 17-08-2001 New argv/option parser used (recover -u -8.3 -q ...)
Better scaling in FAT alloc; show last-used cluster
Fixed find-free BMPRIMARY entry at create
Fixed HPFS 'fixboot' with wrong superblock contents
Fixed NTFS 'findroot' when start is not MFT record
Read-failure msg on OpenDisk (error 31)
Fixed HPFS delfind for invalid parent Fnode
4.01 31-07-2001 Fixed FAT32 with type-06 trap (multi-os installs!)
Improved DFSUNFD script, ALL-sector and Geometry parameters
New query options to query registration and version numbers
Commands in dfs*.txt ordered alphabetically now
Added dfsprint.cmd (with thanks to Peter 'webfoot' Skye)
4.00 18-07-2001 First SHAREWARE version; Improved LVM feature display
H I S T O R Y 3 . X X
3.42 09-07-2001 'list +s' with sector type description; DFSUNFD dsk-2 bug fix
3.41 07-07-2001 Improved DISK/WALK output; bug fixes; 'PL' updates Sectorlist
Display of LVM feature sectors; HPFS hotfix display
Allow comment on any cmd using ';' (use % for delshow etc)
Fixed trap on illegal NTFS dates (win2000, $SECURE)
3.40 25-04-2001 JFS enhancements; DIRTY command and enhanced FIXBOOT
3.39 20-04-2001 First JFS support, display superblock and fixboot for JFS
Extra parameter on H|h and A|a cmd to force size in SECTORS
3.38 16-04-2001 LVM signature sec in PSAVE, PRESTORE and PL; BSFIND start 0
HPFS FINDCP & FIXSPARE commands; 'PART D:' works on multi JFS
3.37 06-04-2001 More LVM stuff, signature sector, update to bsfind, CRC check
Minor changes to 'part', warnings only displayed on request
3.36 22-03-2001 Correct part-list on NT; 'DIRTY' cmd for HPFS; h/H 64 sectors
W2KBM avoids W2K CHKDSK screen; SETBOOT works with LVM BMGR
3.35 28-02-2001 NT native reboot & create 8.3 names on FAT in saveto/recover
3.34 26-11-2000 Never use (OS/2) LVM drive-letter info when using DFSNT
3.33 14-11-2000 No sudden exit from DFSNT when STDIO is redirected
3.32 23-07-2000 W2KBM cmd for BMGR with Win2000; VMAKE virtual disks
3.31 22-06-2000 NTFS fixboot made more forgiving on validity checking
3.30 19-06-2000 Recognize and handle corrupted NTFS boot records better
3.29 18-06-2000 PRESTORE command implemented, making PSAVE useful at last
3.28 28-05-2000 Added Minor layout fixes to 'list' + DFSUNFD.CMD/DFSUNFD.BAT
3.27 23-05-2000 Added 'list +b' command, for 'bsfind' analysis (UNFDISK)
3.26 21-05-2000 Added 'list +s' command, shows sizes in MB for 'bsfind' lists
3.25 01-05-2000 Added set driveletter to NT-version (SETL, CDR, NTMAP, NTDEV)
3.24 04-04-2000 Fixed traps on corrupt HPFS CodePages & BMGR names on CR/DEL
3.23 26-03-2000 Fixed undelete very long filenames and import large LSN files
3.22 21-03-2000 Reboot using external-program fixed
3.21 14-03-2000 Minor fix to AUX module, several other small fixes
3.20 12-03-2000 New "-q" and "-b" startup options; AUX module, supports VRAID
3.19 05-03-2000 Set NT disk-admin signature with NEWMBR and NTSIGN cmds
3.18 28-02-2000 Minor fixes; F4=SCRFILE; fixed major CREATE bug! (up to 3.17)
New DFSMDOS.EXE, FDISK and most generic functions only, runs
in minimal memory environments (needs about 330 KB to run)
3.17 11-02-2000 New PSAVE command; New 'PART -' output format; Cylsize in Geo
3.16 31-01-2000 Show proper offset in edit HEX dump; Fixed 'SCREEN ON' cmd
3.15 26-01-2000 NT FDISK mapping; PCLEAR cmd; Find Unicode strings; TYPE fix
3.14 06-01-2000 Fixed FAT check bug; Fixed trap on NTFS CheckAlloc (DELFIND)
3.13 02-01-2000 Fixed history corruption (DFSDOS); added history display
3.12 01-01-2000 HPFS B-tree display fix; updated QUERY cmd; F-keys & history
3.11 29-12-1999 FAT2OS cmd => OS2,NT,IBMDOS, MSDOS; QUERY cmd sets exit-code
3.10 29-10-1999 PC-LINT check; NTFS undelete BETA (DELFIND, SAVETO, RECOVER)
3.09 19-10-1999 FAT display EA bug; NTFS MFT fixes and display enhancements
3.08 26-09-1999 NTFS MFT fix; offset in Part-table hex-dump
3.07 14-09-1999 Added DIR LSN ref to HPFS check msg 2000; Minor fix SET cmd
3.06 05-09-1999 LVM sector access via nav.xtra; version in prompt; SET cmd
3.05 30-08-1999 NTFS MFT allocation update; find deleted MFT records
3.04 15-08-1999 Aurora GEO; display speedup; UNDELETE speedup + enhancements
NTFS improved MFT display and translation functions
3.03 04-08-1999 DFSDOS Ext-Int13 fix; ANSI colors cleanup; display sizes
3.01 25-07-1999 Windowing enhancements; DFSDOS fixes; More LVM support
3.00õ 09-07-1999 New 'bsfind' command to find bootsectors quickly
3.00ß 07-07-1999 Small but significant fixes for text-based windowing
3.00 10-07-1999 Win/nowin commands and LOGO text; dirfind cmd fixed
2.99 28-06-1999 More minor fixes; introduction of text-based windowing
2.96 11-05-1999 Minor fixes in LVM display, find and delfind commands
2.94 20-04-1999 LVM and minor JFS display updates; plist LVM + plist WALK
2.93 07-04-1999 Reboot internal for DOS/OS2, DFSNTX.EXE for NT; geo at start
2.92 31-03-1999 Added some more system-types (TYPE); minor fixes DOS2OS
2.91 28-03-1999 New NTFS MIR cmd; .NNN, BM-name and cleanup fixes; TYPE cmd
2.90 25-03-1999 FDISK delete; newmbr; settype; setaccess; startable; create
plist; dos2os; cleanup; setboot
2.89 16-02-1999 Fix Fnode-display for huge 0-size file; DFSDOS ANSI detect
2.88 15-02-1999 Final touch on MAP display; DFSBW/DFSQUICK.bat more generic
2.87 14-02-1999 Minor MAP display updates; No auto-read diskinfo
2.86 07-02-1999 Fixed WRIM doc; MAP command; TRANS command; small fixes
2.85 25-01-1999 NT admin warning; Small FAT bugfix; TrackZero freespace
2.81 16-12-98 Allow "diskgeo" for images & non-alpha chars in *.img name
2.80 13-12-98 DOS Cyl count fix; TZDFSEE dates; NTFS RunList; list +d / +c
2.84 24-01-1999 Calculated CHS warnings/info; FreeSpace info; list +g
Fixext cmd fixes 0f-type extended partitions back to 0x05
setptype cmd changes type of any partition to any value
2.83 12-01-1999 Extended type 0f as extended; NTFS display MftSize & DirSize
Part * and part $* display; fixed bootsector display trap
2.82 01-01-1999 Set exit RC; bootrec Cyl size; HPFS auto CPinfo; INT13 ext.
Physical Geo in DFSDOS In13ext; show limits with 'base'
NTFS fixboot cmd; Part-table display fix; BeOS-FS recognition
2.79 29-11-1998 NTFS fixups & directory display; FAT dir bug; FreeSpace bug
2.78 22-11-1998 Added HPFS bootsector creation; fixed WIPE trap, DFSDOS WRIM
2.77 17-11-1998 Added NTFS runlist display; Fixed trap on HPFS autobase cmd
2.75 21-10-1998 No default SLT generation on "part", "vol", "im" and "fs"
2.72 30-07-1998 New $ option to 'part' for size info table
2.70 28-07-1998 Fixed date-time display for HPFS (bug was OS/2 only)
2.67 04-06-1998 Added optional LZW-compression on SIM and WRIM commands
2.65 10-05-1998 Fixed 'f* * xxx' bug + new % speed-up option; FAT32 support
2.64 04-05-1998 Small bug-fixes + support for named-pipe to LPT on sim/wrim
2.63 19-04-1998 Fixed DFSDOS WRIM and IM commands (file I/O); Fix "FS xxxx"
2.61 29-03-1998 Saveto xxx.DIR orphan naming; DispHex update; displ NTFS-MFT
2.60 08-03-1998 Single snlist; recover/saveto; dirfind, wipe; color in DFSNT
2.58 22-02-1998 Fixed More... bugs; Fixed FAT EA & label bug; show EA details
2.57 15-02-1998 Name DFSee; VFAT Details; FAT Os2Ea display; "find" cleanup
2.55 25-01-1998 DOS version; diskgeo cmd; More write capabilities; bugfixes
2.54 28-12-1997 More FAT commands; generic More ...; fix DELFIND bug
2.52 07-12-1997 Check spare/super; BPB display; Specific FAT & NTFS commands
2.50 24-11-1997 HPFS checksum management; cs, edit and write cmd
2.47 11-11-1997 Updated SLT error display; new check cmd (chkdsk); +/- cmd
2.43 28-10-1997 Support for undelete of directories including EAs
2.42 18-10-1997 Support for EAs in "saveto" and delsave cmds
2.41 12-10-1997 Multiple file UNDELETE with delfind/delshow/delsave cmds
2.40 06-09-1997 import/export of LSN lists; getbs/fixbs badsector mgmt
2.37 24-08-1997 Path display on find Fnode; Wildcard select on list +f
2.35 18-08-1997 Path info in Fnode display and "list" output; MEM cmd
2.32 20-07-1997 Reporting & ALBLK fixes to saveto; new "ca" cmd CheckAlloc
2.30 06-07-1997 Improved 'find' syntax and functionality; Undelete support
2.28 21-06-1997 Added autobase command for HPFS (find HPFS partition start)
2.25 15-06-1997 Added Wrim command; Improved lock implementation (nested)
2.24 10-06-1997 Added Img and Sim commands; date/time on Dirblocks;
2.20 19-05-1997 Win NT beta version; Search speedup; prio command; cleanup
2.12 06-04-1997 Added logical volume support using "DASD" type access
2.06 16-03-1997 Updated ACL support on HPFS386; Scan badsectors
2.00 03-02-1997 Removable media (NEWDASD); (part) D: cmd; invisible primary
1.91 21-01-1997 New fixroot, fixcp and saveto commands for recovery actions
1.87 19-01-1997 Fixed MBR/EBR walk; multiple cmds using #, BM-labels in part
1.70 20-12-1996 Update ColoradOS/2, DASD limits; REQUESTABLE (OS2FISYS forum)
1.64 16-10-1995 Cleanup for delivery on ColoradOS/2 CDROM
1.62 13-10-1995 RUN cmd runs REXX; Added Free-space and inconsistency report
1.52 13-09-1995 new '/' cmd shortcut; First released version! <== OS2 BBS
1.39 20-07-1995 32-bit port; Sector Lookup table; bug-fixes
1.00 27-11-1994 DHPFS initial version, hex dump super+spare blocks
----------------------------[ www.dfsee.com ]-------------------------------
www.dfsee.com/dfsee/dfsee17x_iso.zip |
DFSee, Display File Systems v. 17.0 (zip package - Warpstock release build, , Jan van Wijk) |
Readme/What's new |
DFSee version 16.x (c) 1994-2019: Jan van Wijk
=========================[ www.dfsee.com ]==========================
For exact version info, release date and changes see the DFSHIST.TXT file
The standard distribution of DFSee (dfsee_install.zip) contains all the DFSee
files you will need to use it, organized in the following directories:
- dos Everything needed or usable to run on DOS or Windows-9x full-screen
- win Everything needed or usable to run on Windows-NT, XP, Win-7/8/10
- bin Everything needed or usable to run on OS/2 version 2.0 or newer
- linux Everything needed or usable to run on LINUX, kernel 2.x or newer
- mac Everything needed or usable to run on macOS (Intel CPUs only)
- doc The main DFSee documentation files in text and some in PDF format
with detailed information about DFSee and the commands.
So, just unzip the distribution archive in a directory of your choice ...
If you are new to DFSee, I recommend you use the
DFSTART script to start with. It will collect some
very useful backup files the first time it is used
To collect minimal information about your system, to
email to others, or post on newsgroups for help, use:
DFSxxx -query
Where DFSxxx is any of the DFSee executables (see below)
It will produce a "dfsquery.log" file to be sent/posted.
DFSee is a SWISS-ARMY KNIFE of disk-tools packaged in a single
executable file (.EXE). There is really no need for 'installing'
anything, as long as the executable can be found.
(in the PATH for instance).
So make sure the executable is in a tools directory or a directory
of its own, and make sure that directory is in the PATH to make it
more convenient. The only thing that IS a bit important is that
the registration file needs to be in a directory in the PATH as
well, and must be renamed to the fixed name: 'dfsee.key'.
If you did not receive the 'dfsee.key' as a seperate file but
as part of a larger file or email, you can create it yourself:
Just put the line "DFSreg='.........'" into a file of its own, and
call it 'dfsee.key' Make sure the single quotes are kept in place.
One way to do that is mark the line in the file or email and copy
it to the clipboard, then start a NEW empty file in an editor like
the OS/2 Enhanced Editor, and paste in the line from the clipboard.
It does not even matter if there is more (garbage) in the file,
as long as the "DFSreg=" starts at the begin of the file.
Available executables:
- DFSOS2.EXE The OS/2 executable, full function including REXX
- DFSDOS.EXE The (extended) DOS executable, full function
- DFSWIN.EXE The Win-NT/2000/XP executable, full function
- requires ADMIN or BACKUP rights to access the disks!
(right mousebutton, 'Run as Administrator')
- dfsee The native Linux executable, full function
- requires 'root' privileges to access the disks!
- dfsee (MAC) The native MAC OSX executable, full function
- requires 'root' privileges to access the disks!
- Disks MUST be UNMOUNTED to allow writing,
eject ALL volumes on the disk first!
- To use the DFSee.app launcher (Dock icon)
you may need to allow that, see DFSINST.TXT.
INSTALL: To install the above executables for a specific platform,
check the DFSINST.TXT files for details on what to download,
and what to do/execute to set it up for proper usage.
TIP: For optimal viewing of all the info in the DFSee displays,
a wide screen (or window) is recommended, 100 characters
wide or even more works very well.
The minimum workable width is 80 characters.
MOUSE: - OS/2 or eComstation (DFSOS2.EXE):
For optimal mouse usage make sure the 'Mouse Actions' in the
(upper left) system-menu for a Windowed session is NOT checked!
- Windows NT / W2K / XP / Vista / Windows-7
For mouse usage make sure the 'Quick Edit Mode'
in the properties for the command window is NOT checked!
(this is ON by default on Windows 2000, meaning no mouse support)
- DOS (und FreeDOS etc ...)
Mouse support with any Microsoft-Mouse compatible driver.
- Linux and macOS
Full mouse support in Windowed environments, NOT the Linux console
Important backups
I advise you to keep a bootable copy of DFSee either on diskette, CDROM, DVD,
or a bootable USB stick, for example using the DFSee PUPPY Linux based one:
Then use an important backup command to save the current state of your
existing system(s) as a preventive measure, from the DFSee menu:
Mode=FDISK ->
Backup partition info ->
- - - All disks - - -
This will make a backup of all important partition-table and boot sectors
to a few relatively small files that can be used in cases of emergency to
restore them with 'prestore' or using the DFSee menu:
Mode=FDISK ->
Restore partition info ...
Use a meaningful 'filename' for each different system you backup.
For extra information on the systems you could also run the DFSDISK
analysis procedure that comes with DFSee. It will create six files
for each physical harddisk in the system.
Scripts ->
Analyse disks for support ->
- - - All disks - - -
Note: The DFSDISK and PSAVE stuff above is included in DFSTART,
so if you use that you are on the safe side!
Realize that when using DFSDOS to restore imagebackups or
partitioning info, it can ONLY read from FAT or FAT32 drives!
So storing important recovery info on HPFS, NTFS or EXT2
file systems might not be a good idea when using the FreeDOS
based diskette/CDROM with DFSee.
Online Help
As a command-line program, DFSee has limited online help, useful
to check the syntax and parameters. The following is available:
'help' command : This will display a short introduction and a few
important selection commands.
'??' command : List all generic commands, available in every mode
'?' command : List all commands specific to the current mode
'???' command : List sector-types recognized in the current mode
DFSEE -? : List available switches for the DFSee executable
from the operating-system command-line.
The switches set some preferences and options like
windowing, using a logfile and batch-mode.
Most commands that require parameters will also display a short usage
and help when called without any parameters, or sometimes when called
with the parameter '-?'
Finally, whenever a (confirmation) dialog window is presented to ask a
question or get other input, you can use the <F1> function-key to get
additional help on that specific dialog or question.
Recommended reading
DFSee is a rather complex program with dozens of commands that could
be used. You will need some time and effort to master that complexity.
All commands and some generic topics are covered in DFSxxxx.txt files:
- DFSEE.TXT = A short introduction to DFSee and its concepts
- DFSINST.TXT = short installation description
- DFSPROMO.TXT = A short promotional text on DFSee and its concepts
- DFSHOWTO.TXT = An ever growing collection of recovery scenarios and
other useful DFSee usage examples
- DFSTERMS.TXT = A terminology reference about DFSee and partitioning
- DFSCMDS.TXT = The main command-reference with all generic commands
- DFSDISK.TXT = Description and examples of the DFSee UNFDISK procedure
- DFSFDISK.TXT = The FDISK (partitioning) command reference
- DFSAPFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the APFS filesystem
- DFSEFAT.TXT = Command reference specific to the EFAT filesystems
- DFSEXT.TXT = Command reference specific to the EXT2, EXT3 and EXT4 FS
- DFSFAT.TXT = Command reference specific to the FAT filesystems
- DFSHFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the HFS filesystem
- DFSHPFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the HPFS filesystem
- DFSISO.TXT = Command reference specific to the ISO filesystem
- DFSJFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the JFS filesystem
- DFSNTFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the NTFS filesystem
- DFSRSR.TXT = Command reference specific to the REISER filesystem
- DFSXFS.TXT = Command reference specific to the XFS filesystem
- DFSCRIPT.TXT = Reference for using command-scripts with DFSee
- DFSHIST.TXT = History of changes for DFSee, known bugs and wish-list
- DFSYNTAX.TXT = Syntax rules for DFSee command, parameters and options
Background information on PC-partitioning, filesystems and some of
the DFSee internals and working are in PDF files:
- DFSEECON.PDF = DFSee concepts, introduction. (not a user guide!)
- PCPARTIT.PDF = PC partitioning including the OS/2 LVM extensions
- FSYSTEMS.PDF = Filesystems on-disk structures explained
(FAT, FAT32, HPFS, NTFS and a little JFS)
There is some additional material on the DFSee website including the
complete contents of all menu helppages with screenshots, a HOWTO,
plus links to reviews and tutorials by others:
And presentations that explain some background on DFSee and
filesystems. (HTML as well as PDF format
Known Problems
- The DOS version, DFSDOS.EXE will NOT display all present volumes
(driveletters) using the 'VOL' command, or offer all of them in
one of the filedialogs. NETWORK and CDROM letters will be missing.
In many cases, if you KNOW the driveletter, you can use it directly
in a command anyway, or even use it in the filedialog entryfield
to have the files for that drive displayed.
- The OS2 version, DFSOS2.EXE is known to fail (abort on startup) when a
virtual floppy-disk driver is loaded that is not initialized, as in:
device=c:\tools\vfdisk.sys 0
Initializing it to another value (like 1 for a 1.44Mb diskette) solves that.
DFSee version 17.0 2022-10-22 (c) 1994-2022: Jan van Wijk
========================[ www.dfsee.com ]==========================
H I S T O R Y 1 7 . X
17.0 22-10-2022 VER Warpstock release build
LABEL Add REBOOT hint to menu help en LABEL command itself
MENU Fix Set Geometry Dialog for 255/255 Radio Button
MENU Fix Force Operation mode ExFAT
DUMP Minor fix to display DUMPFILE size correctly
H I S T O R Y 1 6 . X
16.9 06-10-2021 RECOVER ExFAT new warning hint when ASSUMING files are contiguous
PART Fixed possible crash (string overflow) in certain displays
D or DOWN: Correctly go to FS-entry sector, even if bootsec empty
EXPORT/IMPORT sector list, fixed displayed the filename used
RECOVER, SAVETO and BROWSE streamlined WARNING/ERROR reporting
RECOVER, SAVETO and BROWSE recovery, always set file timestamps
CMD_WARNING on FileSaveAs alloc fail, is OK, so set timestamps!
16.8 28-02-2021 Rebuilt with MIT-licensed open source TxLib (no functional change)
CR: Added the symbolic 'AOT1' GPT type to the help tekst
16.7 11-11-2020 EXFAT: Recover: Contiguous file save after FORMAT, FAT-entries 0
FORMAT: Added numeric RC value display on a format verify error
GPT: New 'OS2 ArcaOS Type 1' GUID GPT partition type aka 'AOT1'
LOG: Allow '@' char in filename as synonym for '^' (auto-seq-nr)
LOG: Allow LAST '@' or '^' anywhere in the filename (auto-seq-nr)
LOG: Replace single ~ before delimitter char by YYYYMMDD date
LOG: don't discard ~ in name when NOT at end or numbered ~N
MENU: Avoid hang by ignoring <F11> history key if menubar is up
Map: Avoid <> characters in output to avoid HTML quoting errors
PART: Avoid <> characters in output to avoid HTML quoting errors
WPI: OS/2 installer update for new DFSee support forum at groups.io
16.6 02-02-2020 PALINDROME date release, minor release with just a few bug fixes :)
DFSPUPPY: Creation script updated to require a 4GB stick minimum
GPT: Fixed crash when using the -name:'newname' option (16.6 beta)
Disp: Fixed spurious crash when displaying nearly empty bootsectors
MENU: Create partition: Freespace list correctly display size > 2Tb
GPT: Fix creation of partitions larger than 2Tb (avoid truncation)
16.5 25-10-2019 WARPSTOCK release, no functional change, minor documentation fix
LIST: Fix display format for decimal numbers over 12 positions
DOS version: Fix crash (or hang) when selecting the Scripts menu
JFS CHECK: Fix bogus errors reported on Inode allocation (0x200)
16.4 10-10-2019 Official first complete build on the new development macBook PRO
Fixed extreme-slow startup of macOS version when SIP not disabled
DFSPUPPY.TXT/DFSUSB32.TXT files added to WPI and MSI installers
FileDlg: Accept new absolute-path+wildcard in filename field na
FileDlg: Files list now DISABLED for DIR-selector (output only)
FileDlg: HIDE Unix system dirs like /dev when showhidden is off
FileDlg: Handle [OK] as ENTER if filename-field contains wildcard
FileDlg: [OK] with empty filename field, discards the dialog
FileDlg: [OK] with wildcard or dir-name is handled by dialog
IMAGE: Fixed option handling, make sure '-S' always implies '-z'
MENU: Added Mode=Fdisk->Partition Table Operations -> Edit Tables
OS/2 OS: Updated background image for the DFSee Desktop folders
OS/2 WPI: DFSee Interactive/Large/Huge now as single 'RUN DFSee'
OS/2 WPI: Updated background image for the DFSee Desktop folders
PART: Recognize Linux native FS in a GPT Windows-BasicData type
PART: Update Windows 'administrator required' message for Win-10
PRESTORE: Fixed restore to a SPECIFIED disknumber, not SAME
SCAN: Add extra confirmation, with object-identification (store)
STARTABLE: Allow CLEAR of active logical; and FORCE active option
STORE/Confirm: Use InsFS as AUX alias on unformatted type 0x07
Windows MSI: DFSee Interactive renamed: 'RUN DFSee' (like PUPPY)
Windows OS: Prompt to resize buffer if scrollbars are present
Windows OS: -W and -W- option to force/disable the resize-check
16.3 03-08-2019 ABOUT: Add OS version details for Win10-1903 and macOS Catalina
CR: Numbers allow an 0t or 0T prefix to force a decimal value
FIXEXT: Fixed crash on caused by 64-bit sector number display
LINUX: Not UPX compressed anymore (corrupt ELF header, may fail)
PART: Presence of type 0xEF UEFI-syst does NOT imply GPT style!
PUPPY: Updated the DFSPUP32 startup scripts (older urxvt used)
PUPPY: Updated the DFSPUPPY.TXT to match the latest IMZ versions
PUPPY: Fixed disk-number passed to DFSPUPPY for DFSPUP32 stick
PUPPY: Suppress tabbed URxvt terminal window on DFSPUP64 stick
SCRIPT/SWITCH: Numbers allow 0t or 0T prefix for decimal value
USB Scripts: Updated 'RETRY after LOCK' message with 'NO FORMAT'
16.2 25-07-2019 APFS: DO show file/dir name when Inode not found in BROWSE/Show
BROWSE: Cleaned up the context-popup-menu for single file select
BROWSE: Do NOT show HIDDEN (by attribute or .filename) by default
BROWSE: Keep same file/dir selected, on Hide/Show items (<F11>)
BROWSE: Add a hint to file RENAME dialog to keep the SAME length
CR dlg (GPT/MBR) popup type-list menu on <F10> or mouse button 2
CR/mcs-numbers: Allow hex/oct prefix/postfix on positional params
DFSPUP64: Use large tracksize to accomodate GRUB2 bootloader code
FAT: Added usage with '-?' for FATSIM, FATWRIM, FINDROOT and PATH
FAT: New 'FATSYNC' command directly copies one FAT area to other
FAT: PATH command fixed for specified LFN directory entry numbers
GENPART: Create log on current dir; Use explicit -t: / -s: values
IMAGE/CLONE: SMART protect MBR-area full cylinder for bootloaders
MENU: 'Change partition Type', new hints to FS-conversion in HELP
MENU: Finetune menu-header + button layout and line-wrapping
MENU: Renamed 'Display' heading to 'View' for consistency & space
NTFS: Hide or Show $xxx root systemfiles like $MFT in the BROWSER
OS/2: WPI installer updated to update the DFSee folder in-place
PART: No display corruption from unprintable characters in labels
PTE dialog (GPT) popup type-list menu on <F10> or mouse button 2
REG: Temporary reg keys may allow up to a year of evaluation time
SET: 'RMBMENU on/off' sets RMB to menu-open key <F10> translation
UI: FileDialog, popup volume-list menu on <F10> or mouse button 2
UI: FileDialog, '..' parent-DIR never considered to be HIDDEN
UI: Right mouse button opens (popup) menu when RMBMENU is set ON
UI: arrow/PGUP/PGDN keys on minimized window scroll output window
XFS: Add more field definitions for the superblock, and display
16.1 22-05-2019 APFS: Added collision detect/resolve on DIRRECORD filename HASH
APFS: COL command searches filename HASH collisions in a volume
APFS: Fixed crash in 'Browse' when selecting empty subdirectory
APFS, HFS: Added hidden files (DOT f-names) filtering for BROWSE
APFS: Show name of first volume as LABEL for a disk or partition
APFS, NTFS, HFS: Display 'D' (FAT) attr indicator in DIR display
BROWSE: <F11> key toggles between SHOW and HIDE 'hidden' items
BROWSE: Added HELP item for the BROWSE startup Dialog and fields
BROWSE: Menu item 'Show hidden Directories/Files' in Edit->DFsee
HFS: Exclude (hard)links if no auto-resolve on recursive recover
HFS: Menu toggle option 'FolderAlias Auto Resolve'; Init meta-DIR
HFS: Menu toggle option 'Hardlinks Auto Resolve'; Init meta-DIR
HFS: Support DIR-hardlink/Folder-alias, as needed for TimeMachine
HFS: Support hardlinks in Browse, Recover and directory display
HPFS, FAT, EFAT, NTFS: Added hidden/system filtering for BROWSE
HPFS, NTFS, FAT: Consider all DOT filenames as HIDDEN for BROWSE
ISO: Hidden attribute (or DOT filenames) filtering for BROWSE
JFS: Hidden/System attrib (or DOT f-names) filtering for BROWSE
MENU: Moved Settings/Properties from EDIT menu to new 'SET' menu
MENU: Added 'Fdlgs, show hidden Dirs/Files' to the 'SET' menu
PUPPY: Download fixed for macOS; Create from download dir; Close
SET HIDDEN: Set 'filedialogs-show-hidden-files', default is OFF
UI: Auto-insert OFF field length now 74 (all except cmdline)
UI: SPACE, INSERT or '+' on menu-item mimic ENTER (toggle mark)
UI: Automatically re-open same menu on settings/property toggle
UI: FileDialog, .filename considered HIDDEN on ALL platforms
UI: FileDialog, better handling of new typed abs/relative paths
UI: FileDialog: <F11> toggles between SHOW and HIDE 'hidden' items
UI UNIX findfiles: .filenames treated as having a HIDDEN attribute
UI UNIX fixed FileDialog bug (missing entries, if dead symlinks)
16.0 16-04-2019 APFS: Version2/3 updates based on Apple File System Reference
APFS: ALLOC command to display FS usage (main and fusion tier2)
APFS: APFS filesystem in a type 0x73 MBR partition is recognized
APFS: Added display of Checkpoint-Map blocks, NEXT to C-super
APFS: Browse functionality implemented for directory-tree browse
APFS: BtreeNode display: allow -r, -p and -name select with -raw
APFS: Create a Volume selection list for 'vi' command and menu
APFS: Create bitmap caches for main and (fusion) tier2 devices
APFS: DESC command shows Btree RECORD types (CATS/DUMP/LEAVES)
APFS: DUMP and Tree/Node display, FS-Tree details and filtering
APFS: DUMP command enhanced with -name:wildcard select DIR/XATRR
APFS: DUMP command enhanced with -x:transactionId filter value
APFS: DUMP command fine-tuned for a display width of 120 columns
APFS: FINDPATH or '\path' commands will display file information
APFS: FOLDER command; Auto folder-display on select from snlist
APFS: FileSaveAs (recovery) implemented for std file data-stream
APFS: LEAF command determines fist/next leaf-node ID in a tree
APFS: LEAVES command displays tree-contents (faster than dump!)
APFS: LEAVES/DUMP commands support Inode name wildcard selection
APFS: New CP command refreshes to latest or given checkpoint
APFS: Recovery of a symlink will create a file with the linkname
APFS: Support -q and -v verbosity on PART and other displays
APFS: VIRT command translates virtual object-ID/Xid to blocknr
APFS: Xfield display in FS BtreeNodes, for filesize and filename
ATTACH: Option -i, Use a better geometry for attached IMZ image
BSFIND: Force sector 0 (MBR/Boot) to be 'found' and always listed
DISKLIST: Execute 'media -update' before display of the list
Display sector: Add 'Block:0x....' to end of identifying line
GENPART: Create correct commands for GPT partitioned disks too
GPT: Use GPT-style on a HYBRID-GPT/MBR with Auto-GPT set to ON
HEXED: Do NOT go to END of output, popup at current scroll-pos
HEXED: default 16 columns, <F6> key cycles 16-32-64-128-256 width
HEXED: default position at the END (column 99) of regular output
IMAGE/RESTORE: Fix incorrect default size when using -P (dialog)
IMZ: fix XMZ indexfile creation for truncated/partial IMZ files
IMZ: for a partitioned-disk IMZ, prompt for partition to browse
ISO: Add display of 'path to root' for directory block displays
ISO: BROWSE initial list building and navigation implemented
ISO: Display DIR including Joliet LFN and Rock Ridge Posix info
ISO: Display El Torito (bootable CD) hdr info, link to boot img
ISO: Display and navigation of directory blocks implemented
ISO: FINDPATH or '\some\path\to\file' resolves file information
ISO: Initial support for the ISO9660 filesystem (DVD/CDROM)
ISO: SAVETO command including file copy and recover from BROWSE
ISO: Supply file-info to support 'list -f' and Browse Display
JFS: DIRTY cmd Improved cmd help, and superblock 'dirty' display
JFS: DIRTY command 'query' parameter sets RC to FS status value
LIST: -f option improved display for non-file records in the list
LOG: Support ~1..9 date/time filename substitution (see 'log -?')
MENU: Edit->LVM Information' uses a submenu for partition select
MENU: Edit->Partition Tables' uses a submenu for partition select
MENU: Mode=APFS 'DUMP all FS-tree records' and show DIR NameHash
MENU: Mode=APFS -> Display SpaceManager info, shows alloc info
MENU: Mode=APFS -> Refresh to last Checkpoint, updates FS view
MENU: Mode=APFS -> Select container Volume, selects one Volume
MENU: Mode=APFS added SpaceManager display and two DUMP variants
MENU: Mode=Fdisk -> RESTORE partition info: Select disknr or SAME
MENU: Mode=ISO -> Select Volume Descriptor (UPCASE,Joliet,Boot)
OPTIONS: verbosity -q and -v changed to the generic -O:s|q|n|v|m
OS/2: Added 128x128 PNG versions of the standard DFSee icons
RESTORE: Fixed crash on restore IMZ file smaller than 1024 bytes
UI: Changed initial-focus to the [OK] button in DIR-select dialog
UI: Fixed scroll bug when not at end of scroll buffer (PgUp, Up)
Windows: Attach all physical disks, allowing disk number gaps
Windows: Fix dsk identification strings with disk number gaps
macOS: Added 'Terminal' app keyboard customization tips to help
macOS: TxFsShow, macOS, Add 'diskutil list' info for device
H I S T O R Y 1 5 . X
15.6 11-01-2019 FILEDLG: Fixed accidental ignoring of default wildcard input
15.6 09-01-2019 ABOUT: TxOsVersion: Recognize OS/4 kernel used on OS/2 (OS/2)
CONFIRM: Avoid inconsistent abort behaviour on Escape key used
DFSGETPY script, test/prompt for writable DL directory; no COPY
DFSGETUP script, test/prompt for a writable download directory
FILEDLG: Callback signals possible target PATH change (UNIX)
HELP: Updated menu help for PUPPY download and program updates
IMAGE DLG: Default single/multi file based on target-FS (LINUX)
MEDIA/DISKLIST: Fix AHCI detection on config.sys syntax variant
SCRIPT: Function 'dirwritable(path)' tests for a writable DIR
15.5 22-12-2018 ALLOC: Better progress text: 'Get ALLOCATION info, at Sector:'
CR: Updated help (cr -?) with examples for 'mcs-number' syntax
DISK SelLists: Show disk ID in description (Linux/Windows/OS2)
DISKLIST: Output format now 2 lines, 2nd is indented description
EXTn: Avoid segmentation violation when no superblock present
FILEDLG: Callback function to signal volume/driveletter change
IMAGE DLG: Auto default for single/multi file based on target-FS
LOG: Trailing '~' char in logfilename expands to current DATE
MEDIA: Show the disk-identification string when available
MEDIA/DISKLIST: Correct Disk-ID string for QSinit PAE RAM-disks
MENU: Add REASON to message about disabled freespace areas (CR)
MENU: DOS VERSION, add 'download updates' DISABLED, with reason
MENU: Edit ->Settings/Properties, DFSee ->Auto log DATE postfix
MENU: Partition open/select items explicitly add the -a option
OS2: Show disk-id string on IDE DANIS506.ADD (media/disklist)
OS2: Show disk-id string on SATA OS2AHCI.ADD (media/disklist)
OS2: Show disk-id string on USB USBMSD.ADD (media/disklist)
PART: Do NOT show FS allocation unless '-a' option (saves time)
PRESTORE: Fixed parsing a .PDx disk-number (was broken in 15.4)
PROGRESS: Make sure values up to 99.99% are rounded DOWN not up
SET INSERT off | on | N: sets (auto) INSERT entryfield length
SET: 'LOG DATE' sets LOG auto DATE postfix on (or OFF or NUM)
STARTUP: switch -logdate sets logfilename auto DATE postfix ON
STARTUP: switch -insert:n sets (auto) INSERT entryfield length
STARTUP: switch -profile- disables execution of standard profile
STARTUP: switch -profile:name executes specific profile script
UI: ENTRYFIELD, auto INSERT: ON for large fields, OFF for small
UI: ENTRYFIELD, delete mark, when typing INSIDE the marked area
UI: Use 7-bit ASCII output setting for window drawing as well
UI: Windows, force codepage 437 unless '-7' EXE switch is used
15.4 28-10-2018 ABOUT: Fixed duplicate 'Current user' line when using -P- option
ABOUT: Updated 64-bit macOS compiler version to 10.0.0 (Mojave)
ABOUT: Added macOS version 14.x 'Mojave' as recognised version
Auto-disable OS/2 'Mouse Actions' and DragText 'Mouse Marking'
Auto-disable Windows console 'Quick Edit Mode' during DFSee run
Auto-redraw when Windows console is made larger (like maximize)
Better support Windows-console larger than screen (like 80x300)
DFSFAST: Faster variant of DFSDISK, for EXISTING disk partitions
DISKSERIAL: Display disk serialnumber info (LINUX IDE/SATA only)
Detect DFSPUP64 stick XenialPup64 88-color rxvt (use COLORTERM)
Fix detection of gnome-terminal when using a COLORTERM variable
HEXED: Added framing borders to HEXDUMP style clipboard copy
IMZ/VDI: Avoid 'switch to FDISK' popup on the 'attach' command
IMZ: Browse FIRST partition when IMZ is for a partitioned disk
IMZ: Fixed to use the specified directory in file-open dialog
LINKS in rgkey/help explicit .php (resolve in xenial64 terminal)
MENU->HELP: Item 'Sector Types' help now uses a popup text view
MENU->HELP: Added submenu for TXScript for syntax, variables etc
MENU->HELP: Added User-Interface submenu for keyboard, mouse etc
MENU->HELP: Added help item to document generic command options
MENU->HELP: Added GPT symbolic names to the partition-type help
MENU->HELP: Added seperate item for UI-library standard commands
MENU->HELP: Added seperate item for UI-library startup switches
MENU->HELP: Added download of the 64-bit/UEFI DFSPUP64.IMZ image
MENU->SCRIPTS: Add create 64-bit/UEFI Xenialpup64 DFSPUPPY stick
MENU->SCRIPTS: Add 'Fast Analyse disks (support)' DFSFAST script
PRESTORE: Fixed restore MBR of a GPT disk, using verbose display
PRESTORE: Optimized TAB order in selection dialog, from the menu
RADIO/CHECKBOX: Use other color as focus indicator, user feedback
SCRIPT: DFSF32ST updated for GPT and OS/2 LVM huge-disk geometry
SET SYSMENU 0/1/2 Set/show OS/2 or Windows mouse-marking control
STARTUP: switch -l- is now default, use -l to get logfile dialog
STARTUP: switch -sysmenu:n mouse-marking setting OS/2 or Windows
STARTUP: Only report INT13 disk limits in pedantic mode (-p:2)
STORE: Show filename in one-liner for image files (window-title)
15.3 06-09-2018 BROWSE: enhanced filter selection-dialog with modified AFTER date
BROWSE: Include empty files in default selection filter (size 0)
BROWSE: 'Specify custom file filtering' CHECKED (ON) by default
BROWSE: Fixed bug with 'Reduce list to SELECTED' for FAT/EXTn/HFS
CMD: Avoid CMD.EXE popup VIO window on OS/2 external commands
CR GPT Dialog: Added 'srv' 'dmcrypt' and 'luks' to gpt-type list
CR GPT: Added 'raid', '0xfd' and 'fd00' as valid symbolic types
CR GPT: New 'home', 'srv', 'root32', 'root64', 'dmcrypt', 'luks'
EDIT -dir: Maintain and use persistent 'last-used-directory-path'
EDIT filename: Allow access to last (partial) sector correctly
EDIT filename: Force binary mode on opened image using 'im -RAW'
EDIT: Explicit -A- to disallow append/delete from (binary) file
EFAT: Fixed crash with '\path-to-file' file/dir locator command
EFAT: Fixed incorrect 'invalid cluster value' errors on CHECK/SLT
EFAT: Use Dir-entry cache to avoid incorrect size of directories
FAT: Added usage hint 't -D' to display deleted DIR entries too
FAT: Allow DIR display from list .NNN, even when FAT says 'free'
FAT: Recover: Contiguous file save after FORMAT, FAT-entries 0
FATSET: Manually set a FAT-allocation chain for contiguous range
FATWRIM: made FAT-2 the default to write to, better usage info
HEXED: Fixed scrolling UP/PGUP with partial sectors (buf size)
HEXED: Show additional (green) cursor in HEX and ASSCII areas
HEXED: show marked-area in prev/next buffers too, when visible
HEXED: Copy to clipboard when NO MARK, copies in HEXDUMP format
HEXED: Alt-H or double-click in OFFSET column toggles mark format
HEXED: Vertical click-drag in offset area creates a HEXDUMP mark
IM: -RAW option forces RAW mode, no decompress/index .IMZ/.VDI
LIST/RECOVER: Enhanced selection-dialog with modified AFTER date
LIST/SLT: Made the 'info' value 16 bits; display as 4 hex digits
macOS: Fixed crash on displaying commandline history buffer F11
MENU, File: add the 'Change Current Directory' to BASIC mode too
MENU: Grayed several menu-items when no (proper) object opened
PART/VOL: Write pending (FAT etc) changes before open new object
PART: Added new undefined/ignored/temporary/backup MBR type 0xd7
PART: Recognize Linux 'LUKS' encrypted MBR partition type 0xe8
PART: Classified all CHS-related warnings as MINOR (use part -w)
PART: No warnings for MBR-part types 0xd7 and 0xdf (temp/backup)
PART: Removed warnings for partitions beyond int13 cyl-1023 limit
PART: Reworded WARNING: Partition type 0x35 with missing LVM-BBR
PART: Supress 'No ACTIVE partition' warning if AirBoot is present
RESIZE: Disable ALL resize menu-items for non-supported filesystems
RESTORE: Open destination RAW image (-I:fname) as R/W (RAW2IMZ)
SET MENU: style: Autodrop, NoDrop or Delayed-drop and Right-Move
Startup -M:n switch: added value 4 for Delayed-drop menu style
Startup: Show status-prompt when using non-default start command
UI CMD history: (F11 key) timestamp now in microSeconds from start
UI FILEDLG: Directory picker, set initial focus to Directory-window
UI FILEDLG: Optimize vertical size, while keeping titlebar visible
UI MENU: No menu activate when clicking top-line in output-window
UI HEXED: optimized paint of marked area, faster and no-flicker
UI OUTPUT: optimized paint of marked area, faster and no-flicker
UI TXTVIEW: optimized paint of marked area, faster and no-flicker
UPDATE scripts: Use 'wget --no-check-certificate' avoiding errors
15.2 30-07-2018 BSFIND: Changed '-f' start position default mcs-unit to sectors
Bootsector: Removed (usualy incorrect) BeFS bootcode detection
CC: Clipboard Copy, copy lines from output window to clipboard
CMD: External command output, crude TAB expansion to 8 spaces
CP: Clipboard Paste, copy clipboard text to the output window
CV: Copy selected value to the clipboard as a (Hex) string
DOS: Support the (local) clipboard functions, within DFSee only
FILEDLG: Filename entryfield, allow path-separator '\' or '/'
FILEDLG: Support Drive + rel-path + wildcard like 'H:sub\*.log'
FILEDLG: Support relative-DIR like 'test\' or 'nx\images\*.imz'
Filenames in commands, allow either '/' or '\' path separators
GPT: 'pid -name:newname' will change the name of a GPT partition
HEXED, DISASM: Fixed DISTORM bugs when compiled for 64-bit (macOS)
HEXED, DISASM: Highlight current instruction code bytes at top
HEXED, DISASM: Mouse doubleclick will 'jump' to that instruction
HEXED, DISASM: Use temporary mouse-drag MARK for clipboard copy
HEXED: Correctly highlight current buffer for odd nr of columns
HEXED: Extra PREV and NEXT buffer (total 9 now) for large screens
HFS: Better HFS superblock detection (no BSFIND false positives)
Linux: Copy-TO-Clipboard goes to both PRIMARY+CLIPBOARD X-selections
MBR: Include version and language for detected AirBoot bootmanager
NTFS: FINDMFT command to locate the MFT area (for fixboot)
NTFS: FIXBOOT (non-spare) correct cluster size for FS < 2 GiB
NTFS: Menu item: 'Find MFT location, for Fix' doing a FINDMFT
OS/2: Set status title on CMD-window title-Bar and Window-list
PART: Avoid 'no active partition' warning on APM style 1st disk
Switch -lvmsize forces use of LVM disk size + related warnings
Switch -sigint enables Ctrl-C aborting, disabling Copy-to-Clipboard
UI: Ctrl-C handling in Windows respects '-sigint' switch now too
UI: Alt-A in HEXED marks whole current item (sector/cluster/block)
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for HEXED, ASCII or HEX-pairs
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for MsgBox (warning/error/about)
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for TextView (mostly help items)
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for Lists, Buttons, Menu-heading
UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for Output-window (marked or window)
UI: Ctrl-V/Alt-V in HEXED paste from clipboard with ASCII or HEX-pairs
UI: Ctrl-A MARK-ALL entryfield, msg/help text and output windows
UI: Ctrl-X/Alt-X CUT entryfield marked-area to clipboard, unmark
UI: Cursor for INSERT/REPLACE mode larger, to platform standard
UI: DELETE in entryfield deletes marked-area, one char if no mark
UI: Dedicated desktop footer text when output-window has focus
UI: Drag-MARK: Auto scroll LEFT/RIGHT if mouse outside window
UI: Drag-MARK: Auto scroll UP/DN when mouse above/below window
UI: Entryfield Ctrl-V/Alt-V PASTE from, Alt-C COPY to clipboard
UI: Fixed Ctrl-C bug causing input-repeat or garbage on OS/2
UI: HEXED: Display marked-area in ASCII pane and in HEX pane
UI: HEXED: Fixed odd behaviour on Pgup/Dn with large window size
UI: HEXED: Support 'wrapped-line' marking by mouse-dragging
UI: INSERT mode, 'set insert on/off' command sets insert state
UI: INSERT mode, default ON at startup, -insert- switch reverts
UI: Mouse Alt+Click or Ctrl-Click MB2 copies (mark) to clipboard
UI: Mouse Click+Drag MARKS in Help/Msg/Text/Output/HexEdit window
UI: Mouse Ctrl+Click pastes from clipboard in Entryfield + HEXED
UI: Mouse DoubleClick (sometimes Single Click too) UNMARKS
UI: Paste Entryfield/HEXED to mark ONLY if cursor is IN mark
UI: Set OS window title on program exit, try to restore original
UI: Set OS window title to currently open object description
UI: Support multi-line marked area in Output-window and Help
UI: UNIX, insert STARTDRAG msg to get correct mark anchor position
UNIX: Error popup on missing clipboard utils xclip/pbcopy/pbpaste
UNIX: Relocated temporary filename(s) to temp dir '/tmp/....'
macOS: Startup 'su'/'disable SIP' hint on inaccessible bootdisk
macOS: Changed 'Display OS device/disk info' to show ALL disks
macOS: Menu item: 'Show SIP status' (Invisible macOS boot disk)
macOS: Probe /dev/rdiskN devices on startup, to see more disks
macOS: Recognize APFS FS in FileSystemOnly (synthesized) disks
txLib: New ExecRedirectIO function similar to `command` on UNIX
15.1 07-06-2018 64bit verification version; Delivery/setup of macOS DFSee.app
ABOUT: Linux: Show description for distribution, when identified
ABOUT: Linux/macOS TERM info and (sudo) user on an extra line
ABOUT: macOS: Report macOS version numbers as well as Darwin ones
ABOUT: OS/2: Show description for distribution ArcaOS/eCS/IBM
ABOUT: Show the DFSee version info itself with '-c- (for logging)
ABOUT: Windows: Report logged-on username and computername
ABOUT: Windows: Report actual Windows-version for win-8x and 10
ABOUT: Windows/macOS: Show verbose OS-version description string
ABOUT: Show 32/64 bit arch/os for Linux, macOS and Windows
CMDLINE: Fix working of the (Commandline) history-buffer for 64bit
CR: New type 0xAF for creating macOS HFS+ style partitions on MBR
EXE compress: Update to UPX 3.94, compress Linux and macOS-64 too
GPT/MBR-type-07: Recognize Bitlocker encryption in a fake FAT32
HELP/TXT: macOS 'wget' install hints; update DFSee URL to https
HFS: Implemented FileSaveAs() for file recovery (browse, recover)
HFS: Build parent-CnID and (folder) name cache for all CnID values
HFS: CATS command searches Catalog-file for parent/filename combo
HFS: CATS expanded to allow search Thread-records (no name) too
HFS: FOLDER command much faster by using B-tree, not linear search
HFS: Implement FsFileInfo() as required by 'list -f' and Browse
HFS: Implement FsFindPath() as required by 'findpath' and Browse
HFS: Implement FsMakeBrowseList() as required by the Browse dialog
HFS: Resolve full-path for CnID or Catalog-node lsn+index combo
HFS: SYMLINK display in 'list -f', Browse and Node/Dir displays
HFS: Show 'Hlnk' hard-link and 'Fdrp' Finder-Alias in Leaf-nodes
JFS: Recognize Linux JFS in type 0x07 with GRUB-like bootrecord
JFS: Get Part-size from Part-tables when BR is not JFS specific
Linux: VOL: Fix mount location for sda1 with sda10..19 present
macOS: 'setup' script makes sure the DFSee.app is allowed to run
macOS: Build better 32bit version with regular GCC on Snow-Leopard
macOS: Setup script automatically selects 32 or 64 bits executable
Mode=FDISK DELETE: added some trace to debug a crash situation
PART: Avoid boot-driveletter warnings on non-OS/2 bootable JFS
Printf: Corrected many format strings for 32/64 bit compatibility
REG/IMZ: Fixed compression handle-type for 64-bit environments
Version: Cleanup old vers_XX.Y files when updating from the menu
15.0 23-03-2018 APFS: Added Mode=APFS with minimal function (superblock display)
APFS: BL/CL command to translate between blocks and sectors
APFS: Display all known APFS block types, incl checksum verify
APFS: Display container superblock with most relevant values
APFS: New DUMP command displays recognized blocks in filesystem
APFS: Vol-superblock display with formatted date/time incl nsec
ATTACH/VIRT: Use correct geometry/BPS for MEMDISK MiB..TiB sizes
BROWSE/SAVETO: 'Recurse into subdirectories' option, default is ON
BROWSE: <F4> toggles 'Percentage display' versus 'Fast' list build
BROWSE: <F6> restores original list from starup of the browser
BROWSE: Automatic minimize (<F12>) on display of item metadata
BROWSE: Automatic minimize (<F12>) on recovery of any dir/file
BROWSE: No confirmation-popup but printed message on file recover
BROWSE: Preserve multiple 'marked' items over list sorting
BROWSE: REDUCE list fix for mix of Dir/File selected (sort issue)
DFSDOS: Reduced minimal buffer memory from 50Mb to less than 5Mb
DISKETTE: RAMDISK from 12 to 3 Mb, and option to skip (low-memory)
DISKLIST: Show size of displayed disk in GiB units for readability
EFAT: Build Parent-cache before Browse, <Esc> aborts building it
EFAT: Speedup SLT/Parent-cache build, specially on large clusters
EXT RECOVER/BROWSE: Better path+filename retrieval on damaged FS
FORMAT: Select correct clustersize for non-std BPS like 4096
File recovery: 'Recurse' option recovers directory contents too
Find normal files DLG: Do NOT allow path-separator or wildcards!
GPT: Add 'APFS Container' GUID with matching type 0x73 MBR-alias
HFS: Display some catalog-file details at filesystem open/init
HFS: FOLDER command to display Catalog contents (DFSee DIR format)
HFS: Formatted display of catalog-file header, leaf and map nodes
HFS: LABEL command to set new Volume label, up to 255 characters
HFS: NODE command to display Catalog header, index and leaf nodes
HFS: Supply label value from catalog-file for table/map display
JFS FILEFIND/DELFIND: Continue after (CRC) errors when -E:i used
JFS RECOVER/BROWSE: Better path+filename retrieval on damaged FS
JFS: No endian-swapping of first 8-bytes in UUID edit and display
JFS: Specific linux UUID and Volumename displayed with superblock
LABEL: EFAT command to display/edit the 11-character volume label
LABEL: EXTn command to display/edit the 16-character volume label
LABEL: FAT command to display/edit the 11-character volume label
LABEL: HPFS command to display/edit the 11-character volume label
LABEL: JFS command to display/edit the 11 / 16 char volume label
LABEL: NTFS command to display/edit the 32-character volume label
LABEL: ReiserFS cmd to display/edit the 16-character volume label
LABEL: XFS command to display/edit the 16-character volume label
LIST/RECOVER/BROWSE: Set default minimum filesize to 0 (all files)
LOG/TRACE fix opening a new log/trace file in ROOT directory
LVM: Updated startup warning LVM IGNORED for missing primary info
MAP: Include the Volume LABEL line in the standard MAP layout
MENU and CLONE TO/FROM partition lists: Use LVM/GPT name if no FS-label
MENU: In most Mode=xxFS: new submenu "Set Volume info/status"
MENU: Submenu items: Volume label, Serial-nr, UUID, dirty/clean
MENU: Mode=HFS, new Display Catalog info submenu, directory view
MENU: Mode=HFS, new Volume-info submenu with Edit/Display Label
PART/LVM: Ignore BBR read error, continue (analyse LVM on all disks)
PART: Fix devide-by-zero crash on a GRUB boot partition type 0x06
RECOVER/SAVETO/BROWSE: new 'recurse into subdirectories' option
RECOVER: 'Recurse into subdirectories' OFF when not a single directory
RESTORE/IMAGE: -q option reduces screen output to progress only
SCRIPT: Added $_d_unixdev[DSK] variable to retrieve disk device name
SCRIPT: Avoid interpreting options like -D as a subtraction operation
SCRIPTS: Menu, start USB-stick creation scripts quieter (-Q)
SCRIPTS: USB-stick creation, show disklist and less verbose
TRACE: TRACE: Much less verbose on EVEN trace levels, maximum on ODD
XFS, ReiserFS: Supply label value and UUID for table/map display
XFS: Display most of the superblock contents, including Inode-use
macOS: Show correct (removable) or r/R indicators for removable disks
H I S T O R Y 1 4 . X
14.12 15-02-2017 BROWSE: Fix stack corruption on recovering directories or files
14.11 03-01-2018 ALLOC: Status msg when checking allocation on huge files > 128 MiB
BAD-sectors marked with 0xFE pattern, searchable/shown as type '5'
BROWSE/NTFS: Correct path in description line for multi hard-link
BROWSE/NTFS: Correct recover-path for multiple hard-linked files
BROWSE: <F4> to toggle recovery-mode; speed-up for all filesystems
BROWSE: Display file/dir metadata from popup menu (like MFT-record)
BROWSE: In recovery mode, show all files (min size/percentage 0)
BROWSE: Speed up display (on huge files) when not in recovery mode
CDISO: rebuild with cleaned up BOOT.IMG to make DFSDOS.EXE fit again
CLONE/IMAGE/RESTORE etc; better alignment of read/write error msg
CLONE: Correct area-start in arealist when using -skipbads option
CLONE: Generate 'retry-bad-areas' script on disk-2-disk -skipbads
CLONE: auto display bad-sector areas skipped when using -skipbads
CR/SETTYPE: Support 2 or 4 digit HEX value for GPT types, like EF
CR: -N option creates an EMPTY MBR when needed (No code, zeroed)
CR: GPT EFI (ESP) default to 128 MiB only when NO size specified
DISKLIST: List available disk numbers plus info on screen/stdout
GPT2MBR/MBR2GPT: Correctly select disknumber specified as param
GPT: Reworded warning when GPT tables present without an MBR guard
IM/IMAGE: Fix name generation XMZ index in multiple-dot filenames
IMAGE/RESTORE dialogs, layout + more verbose text for readability
LINUX: Detect and report 'Removable' property for disk devices
LINUX: Initialize disk-name to device/model info, when available
LINUX: Fixed trap in Menu with very long /proc/mount strings
MBR2GPT/GPT2MBR: -N option creates an EMPTY MBR, No code
Menu: Clone -> Disk, BAD-SECTORS' -skipbads / Area-Retry script
Menu: Edit->Search sectors and output->Search for 0x00 EMPTY sectors
Menu: Edit->Search sectors and output->Search for 0xFE BAD sectors
NTFS: Better multiple hard-link paths shown in MFT-record display
NTFS: Fixed 'u' command after MFT-display (nav.up, LSN parent DIR)
PARTITION select lists, add disk-number for better identification
RECOVER/SAVETO: -A- option skips allocation check (will be faster)
RECOVER: Add 'Recover x from y' file count in status progress info
SPEED: Fixed divide-by-zero crash on buffersize 512 or larger
TXWIN: Avoid special chars in radio/check buttons use '*' and 'x'
14.10 06-11-2017 CMDLINE: '+' and '-' goes to NEXT or PREVIOUS sector respectively
DFSPUPPY script, prompt directory when not found at default location
NTFS/JFS: Fixed recovery/copy of sparse file segments (write zeroes)
SCRIPT: Fix version reprorting above 14.9 = '1490', 14.10 is '14100'
x.DFS: Better message on incorrect DFSee script execution (no 'run')
14.9' 24-10-2017 The release as shipped with the 'DFSPUPPY' 16GB Toshiba USB sticks
DFSUSB32 script, set EXEDIR as current to find imz, restore DIR at end
EDIT: Default itemsize changed back to clustersize (from 4096 bytes)
HEXED: Allow navigation when CURR buffer empty (non-existing sector)
IM: Set correct base (start - final) for IM opening an IMZ image
LINUX: Do NOT attempt to update window-title for console (no X-term)
LINUX: Support DFSPUPPY initial DFSee evaluation registration keys
mode=AUX: Display 'not-implemented' error message for many commands
mode=NTFS: Allow abort with <Esc> from infinite related-MFT display
MODE: WIN version only, avoid reset to 80 columns if set larger
NEWMBR: Fixed -f:from-other-disknr option to actually work that way
RECOVER/SAVETO: Changed default option to NOT discard path component
Recover files from List: fixed wildcard handling (broken since 14.0)
14.9 10-10-2017 ATTACH/DETACH: Automatic switch to FDISK mode when in another mode
CONFIRM: command can take take an -H:sssiii helpid as option
CR: Allow creation of a (small!) partition in a Partial-Cylinder FSP
CREATE Dialog: NO-align and MAX-size default if Partial-Cylinder FSP
DFS*.dfs scripts: Added a HELP section for confirmation popup help
Disk-style 'FLP' for LargeFloppy renamed to 'FSO' for FileSystem Only
EDIT and <F2> key: Made default view HEX/ASCII editor instead of auto
FS: Recognition of Linux/MacOS FS if no bootsec (IM, ATTACH, VOL etc)
GPT2MBR: Convert GPT-style to MBR, wipe GPT hdr, optional alternate
GPT: Display GPT-hdr and table contents even if no guard part present
HELP menu: Pre-load help for most DFSee scripts (for Help->Select)
HELP: Support reading single HELP-sections from TX-script file
HFS: Recognise 'cerd' as last mounted FS, as a valid HFS superblock
LOADHELP: Added -S and -H:sss option for help-sections in Script
LOADHELP: Search target file in EXE-dir, PATH and current-DIR
LOADHELP: Strip CR and LF characters from all lines (UNIX etc)
MBR2GPT: Convert (or recover) MBR-style to GPT-style partitioning
MEDIA: '-update' option updates DFSee disk list (partitionable media)
MENU: Enable wipe-freespace in filesystem, for any valid FS detected
MENU: File->Attach/Detach/Display disks->Update DFSee disk-list c-U
PART/MAP: Support APM style disks, and allow partitions selection
PART: Disk-style 'APM' for Apple-Partition-Map (macOS disk images etc)
PART: MiB size in std table with 3 fractional digits below 0.95 MiB
PART: Warnings if GPT-table and MBR partitions present, or no GPT guard
PTEDIT: Extra warning when adding AA55 signature to APM-style disk
RC: Improved error explanation on compound or multiple commands
RC: Improved handling and reporting of Read-Only/lock-error issues
SCAN -w: Fixed crash on Windows/Linux/macOS and default buffer size
SCAN: Fixed bogus errors reported at end of objects (large buffers)
SCRIPT: Strip spaces at start/end of each line (continuation!)
SCRIPT: message() and confirmed(): optional helpid 2nd param
SCRIPT: no execute of message() and confirmed() in syntax-only
STORE: Improved Last-accessed-LSN/PSN value, added Base-Final PSN
UNIX: Fixed crash on excessive fast keyboard/mouse input
UPDATE: Fix DFSGETUP/DFSINSTL scripts bad ZIP name (dfsee_install.zip)
WIPEFREE: Allow any object with a filesystem, not just VOL/PART
14.8 14-09-2017 CMD: Filter excessive WGET progress logging from output window
FAT: FIRSTFREE cmd finds first free cluster, write back if FAT32
GEO dialog: added another default geometry 240 heads, 32 sect/track
HELP Program Updates/Download includes link to OS/2 and WIN 'wget'
HEXED: Alt-arrows, resize the number of colums/rows one by one
HEXED: Ctrl-F2/Alt-T Toggle between initial and fixed 16x32 size
KBD: LXT/Gnome/xterm: Home/End + Ctrl/Alt/Shift PgUp/PGDn etc
KBD: LXTerminal: Ctrl/Shift/Alt arrows and Ctrl+Shift Left/Right
KBD: macOS Terminal: Add shift-Delete; add '+/-' key as 'INSERT'
LVM: 'Edit->LVM information' on GPT partition, msg crash fixed
Linux: Download/Update script 'dfslwget' works on most Linuxes now
MENU: 'Edit->Sector, HEX 16 columns, 32 rows size (Alt-T / Ctrl-F2)
MENU: 'Edit->Settings/Properties UI -> Select #colors, Palette (UNIX)
MENU: 'Edit->Settings/Properties UI -> UI Test keyboard + Mouse
MENU: Display -> Other partition views -> Non-trivial warnings only
Output-window UP/PGUP: do NOT scroll beyond first non-empty line
PART: Do not count trivial warnings in 'minor warnings not shown'
PART: Use warning classification major/minor/trivial for disks too
QUERY: Marker line between different disks, show non-MBR (CRP/FLP)
QUIT: Fix program quit/exit from script called from a DFSee menu item
SCHEME: use BRIGHT foreground colors in the 'commander' schemes
SET MARGIN sets wanted display-width (MAP, PART, ALLOC, progress)
SET PALET 1 | 2 | 8 | 16 | 88 | 256; #colors for UI and output
SET PALET: Support 1/2 color palette (minimal) for all platforms
SET SCREEN BRIGHT: Map grey to normal-white, console readability
UNIX: Better detection of 8/16/88/256 color terminal capability
UNIX: Detect a Linux-console pretending to be xterm (PUPPY linux!)
UNIX: switch '-screen:WCx*' sets 'C' columns, all available rows
UNIX/Windows: DFSee version and store contents in console title
WIPE: Changed confirmation text and logic for a wipe starting at 0
Windows: Enabled MSI install from Help -> Program Updates/Downloads
OS/2: Enabled Warpin install from Help -> Program Updates/Downloads
14.7 25-08-2017 ABOUT: Show DFSee/TxLib build-date to YYYY-MM-DD for consistency
ABOUT: Accept s-F6 as menu key, works from all Unix terminals
Clearly identify/present (free)space for non partitionable disks
DISK: Recognize another MBR variant 'IBM Thinkpad factory preload'
HEXED: Avoid changing item-size (sectors) on using GOTO (Ctrl-G)
HEXED: Default item size 4KiB (block); Overrule with 'edit -s:n'
HEXED: Mouse click on ASCII [ or past ] columns to scroll UP/DN
HEXED: Slightly different color for buffer before/after current
HEXED: Speed up initial loading by optimizing first window paint
HEXED: Tune window width for up to 128 HEX columns; relSN value
HFS: Correctly identify HFS SB in 4096 byte sector size disks
Kbd: treat shift-up/dn/left/right/pgup/pgdn just as Ctrl or Alt
Kbd: shift-F5/F7/F8/F10/F12 alias for Alt-Fx on UNIX (windowing)
Kbd: Linux: new rxvt codes ctrl-arrows/PgUp/PgDn Ctrl/Shift-Fkey
LUKS: Recognize 'Linux Unified Key Setup' in sectordata, display
LVM: Work on MBR-style disks only (not on GPT, FLP or CRP style)
Linux: Probing for NVMe SSD, HVM virtuals and MMC (SD) devices
MAP/ALLOC: Support and use screen widths up to 768 columns wide
MAP/PART: Enhanced 'partitioning style' to: MBR, GPT, FLP or CRP
MAP: Detect LUKS encrypted disks/partitions, show relevant info
MAP: Optimize color usage for max diversity on various platforms
MENU: Extra spacing between menuheaders if wider than 100 columns
MOUSE: No scroll but OPEN on click right-side of drop-down-menu
NEWMBR on large-flop or LUKS-crypted fails in batch or OEM-engine
NEWMBR on large-flop or LUKS-crypted, extra warning in confirm
NEWMBR without parameters does CURRENT disk ('.'), not ALL ('*')
OS/2: External commands without need for extra <ENTER> to start
OS/2: Filter WGET progress output to re-use the same line in SB
OS/2: Filter WGET progress output, no repeated lines in the log
OS/2: Fixed version number in DFSHIST.TXT and WPI distribution
OUTPUT: Accept shift-arrow keys etc to scroll the output window
OUTPUT: No command timestamp when echo is suppressed for a command
PART: Default block/clustersize 4096 bytes (when no bootsec value)
PART: Encrypted GPT partition info, with FileVault header data
PART: Fixed crash with '-b' or '-n' on large-floppy-format disk
PART: Include Encrypted partition info, with (LUKS) header data
PART: Include Encrypted disk info (LUKS) and wider 'info' column
QUERY: New 'query DSTyle' partitioning style MBR, GPT, FLP, CRP
SCRIPT: New variables $_d_pstyle (string) and $_d_cryptdisk
SCRIPT: Updated DFSGETUP/DFSGETPY scripts to report missing 'wget'
UIKEYS: Show key-description as well as decimal TXLIB key-value
UNIX: Fixed bug on terminals over 32K cells; MAX width now 768
UNIX: More iTem/Terminal key codes (like Ctrl-up/dn, shift-F11)
UNIX: Set desktop to 80x25 if reported screensize 0x0 (in debugger)
UNIX: Support small screen in large terminal window (-screen:WXxY)
VCU/PCLEAR/FIXCHS/NEWMBR: No writing 'untouchable' disks (FLP/CRP)
VER: New command to display single line of version/packaging info
XML: New tag diskstyle="str" = "MBR, GPT", "FLP", "CRP" or "UNK" "
14.6 03-08-2017 ATTACH/DETACH: renamed from MOUNT and UNMOUNT, to avoid confusion
BROWSE JFS: Honnor abort request (<Esc> key) building name-cache
CD: Support leading '~' to represent HOME directory (env variable)
CD: Allow a trailing path separator on specified path to go to
DEV/VOL: On Linux, combine 'df' and '/proc/mounts' info for list
DEV/VOL: On OSX, use 'df -h -l -m' output to list mounted devices
DFSPUPPY/DFSUSB32 scripts: Better error handling (Windows Locks)
EXT-CMD: Display info: (executed by the operating system)
FAT(32): Fixup directory display; Display 1st cluster-to-be-used
GPT: Allow non-standard ASCII name instead of Unicode (ISOHybrid)
GPT: Process GPT even if no valid guard/EFI MBR part (ISOHybrid)
IMAGE Dialog: Add buffersize option 'Disk geometry track size'
JFS: Recognize Linux formatted FS in none-0x83 type, no bootsector
LINUX: Allow '/mnt/home/dfsee/dfspuppy.imz' path for create stick
LINUX: startup, attach /dev/vdX disks (virtio, ParaVirtualisation)
Linux/macOS UI: Implement mouse events (xterm 1002 classic mode)
Linux/macOS UI: Implement mouse events (xterm 1006, 1015 modes)
MacOS: Own set of shell scripts; New dfsmwget/dfstrun for download
LOG: Keep absolute path (no wandering) and honor -dir:path switch
MBR: Recognize 'Puppy Linux std MBR, DFSee Slacko USB' (dfspuppy)
MBR: Recognize 'Syslinux generic MBR code (ISOHybrid)' (Suse Leap)
MENU: Added '[Basic]/[Expert]' mode indicator/button combination
MENU: Edit -> Settings/Properties, DFSee -> Show type 0x00 as part
MENU: File -> Attach RAW disk image, fixed attach command (use -i)
MENU: File -> Attach physical disk, accept RAW image (Linux, OSX)
MENU: File -> Device and Volume management-> Display/Unmount etc
MENU: Help -> Program Updates / Downloads -> Get & install updates
MENU: Optimize menubar layout for menu-cycle button (Expert/Basic)
MENU: Scripts -> 'Make Puppy-boot (USB) disk' creates bootable USB
MOUSE: Button-3 click: Present context-sensitive help (like <F1>)
MOUSE: Ctrl-click, any button, close the (help) window or a dialog
MOUSE: Menu HELP on ITEM under cursor; Ctrl-click never exit APP
MOUSE: Right 3 columns of output-text-window act as a scrollbar
MOUSE: Support Basic<>Expert switching by clicking the indicator
MOUSE: Support contiguous list marking by dragging (browse window)
MOUSE: Usage hint menu toggle + text-scroll in output window title
PART: Allow primary to start at 0, update ERROR text (ISOHybrid)
PATCHKEY: Command to replace keyvalue in current sector by actual
PROGRESS: Replace clock() by TXTIMER high-res duration/throughput
REGKEY: Inform on start/exit if using evaluation/upgrade temp key
RESTORE: Fix crash when -b:N option specified, smaller than in IMZ
SCRIPT: New $_dirsep script variable holding dir/path separator
SCRIPT: New $_exedir script variable with executable-path, no sep
SCRIPT: New $_exename script variable with executable-name, no path
SCRIPT, DFSINSTL: New script to install a DFSee program update
SCRIPT, DFSIFSTD: Don't fail due to 'NTFS auto open' on Linux etc
SCRIPT: Added getenv(variablename) function to TX script language
SCRIPT: Make help available from menu BEFORE running any scripts
SCRIPT: Update help on 'defaultparam' for assigning string values
SET PT0: Set partition-tables to show type 0x00 (deleted/hidden)
SET SKIPFS: Set FS to skip on match driveletters (FAT32.IFS bug)
SWITCH: -dir:path Sets default directory for File Open/Save etc
TIMING: Replace clock() by TXTIMER, high-res (fixes bugs on UNIX)
Trusted Cmds: 'WGET' for macOS/Linux, 'ZIP' and 'UNZIP' for all
UI: Cleanup colorschemes; Optimized 3D-Commander for Linux/macOS
UI: Definitions for Puppy Linux (rxvt/urxvt) F1..F4, s-F11, s-F12
UI: Take BG-grey color from the 88 (rxvt) or 256 (xterm) palettes
UI: Support 16-BG-colors (3D-grey) in rxvt and OSX Terminal/xterm
UICC: New command to show 88/256 color palette in a 'cube' layout
UIKEYS: Show keyboard + Mouse events, with decoding and timestamps
UNIX: Auto adjust to new terminal window-size on next click/key
UNIX: Support mouse-movement events (DRAG windows to move them)
VirtDisk: in-memory renamed 'Mem-disk', and /dev/MdX now, not vdX
14.5 20-06-2017 ALLOC: Predict smart-usage for better ETA in later imaging/cloning
ALLOC: Signal Smart-use info not available when aborting display
ALLOC: When single-line, output per character (acts as progress bar)
ALLOC: display: show disk/part-ID/Drive being checked in status bar
Added 'DISKUTIL' as trusted command for Mac OSX (to unmount disks)
Allow external commands on any OS (file-redirect, or pipe on OS/2)
BROWSE/IMAGE new compact index-file formats allowing objects > 2TB
BROWSE: Fixed renaming of directories from dialog popup (HPFS/JFS)
BROWSE: Mouse CLICK to select, DBLCLK to enter (subdir or menu)
BROWSE: Support large (2MiB, DOS 256 KiB) buffers in IMZ browsing
CLONE (smart): Better ETA using allocation-info for FS or whole disk
CLONE: Hint at 'compare' fail, on partition clone and auto 'fixpbr'
COMPARE: Fix sectornumber format in mismatch error text (32/64bit)
CR: Symbolic name 'EXT' = 0x83, 'CONT' = 0x05 (extended container)
Calculated Geometry (geocalc): Force 64/32 1-MiB geo on GPT disks
DARWIN: Use faster 'rdiskN' devices, not 'diskN', unless -raw- switch
DESKTOP folder OS2/Windows: Program object 'Browse IMZ imagefile'
DESKTOP folder OS2/Windows: Program object 'HEX edit binary file'
DFSBRIMZ: New shellscript to start an IMZ BROWSE for file/directory
Dialogs: Add 64-bit field-2-value and value-2-field conversions
Directory overviews: Allow up to 99.999 numbered entries (.NNNNN)
Directory overviews: Display filenames in yellows, to stand out
Directory overviews: Display filesizes as 13/20 pos 'dotted' value
EDIT: New '-dir' option to present FileDialog with path + wildcard
EDIT: New '-screen' option maximizes HEX-edit window to full-screen
EFAT: Fix AreaInit Bitmap location (SMART on whole disk, with EFAT)
EFAT: Fixed directory listing layout for 64-bit sector numbers
EXTn: Fix AreaInit Bitmap + convert (SMART on whole disk, with EXTn)
FILEDLG: Better handling of ROOT dir without any subdirectories
FILEDLG: Fixed infinite looping message on invalid initial path
FILEDLG: Require double-click to ENTER on a FILE (exits dialog)
HEXED, update various screen messages for huge sectornumbers (X10)
HEXED: Add Ctrl-Z (UNDO) hint in write-confirm popup and footer-text
IMAGE (smart): Much better ETA caluclation, using allocation-info
IMAGE-Dlg: Add BUFFER select in expert mode, remove Append/Excl-LVM
IMAGE/CLONE: Automatic get Smart-ALLOC info when not there (ETA)
IMAGE/CLONE: Changed default buffersize to 'optimal-for-current-OS'
IMAGE/CLONE: Fixed 'smart optimize' percentage and skipped size
IMAGE: Catch more IMZ compression errors in IMAGE decompress-verify
IMAGE: Confirmation dialog on abort using <Esc>, allow continue
IMAGE: Do NOT zero unused sectors (full-disk SMART compare errors)
IMAGE: Support large (2MiB, DOS 256KiB) buffers for IMZ create
Image restore/compare/verify: Progress in decimal KBytes imagefile
Improved handling of errors in external commands, better messages
KEYS: command will show mouse event timestamp and DBLCLK detected
Limit external-command RC values to 16-bit, incl Unix '-1' errors
MENU: Actions, 'Open partition, Browse' browse on selected partition
MENU: Display, 'I/O speed, larger buffer (as used for imaging)
MENU: Image, Verify ... (and Image DLG): Fixed verify only option
MOUSE: Detect double-click (quick button DOWN after a button-UP)
More 64-bit updates, most display layouts accomodate up to 511 TiB
NEWMBR: Reread diskinfo before 'newmbr' for up-to-date part count
Opt -b or -b:track sets tracksize as buffersize, -b:N other values
PART -V -a: Avoid display of allocation twice (slow on large disk)
PROGRESS percentage now based on TIME values, not (sector) counts
PTE: Fixed unwanted change from GPT to MBR style after Hex-Edit
PTE: Updated dialog sector first/last fields to accept 64-bit values
Partition displays and option/switch parameter parsing made 64-bit
Prevent 'lvm' command to work on GPT style disks (corrupts PTA)
Psave/Prestore/Image/Restore update for 64-bit sectornumbers / size
RC: New cmd to SET a returncode and explain its meaning when known
RESTORE: Support large (2MiB, DOS 256KiB) buffers in IMZ restore
SCAN: Allow larger I/O buffers, and use optimized default size
SLT, check allocation only when using '-a' or '-m' options (CHECK)
SLT, check allocation only when using '-a' or '-m' options (CHECK)
SPEED: Progress in seconds, add buffersize hint when using default
UNIX: No quit on failing external command, give error explanation
Updated ALLOC map displays for variable 64..256 character width
Updated all ALLOC map displays for 64-bit sectornumber and sizes
Updated statusline and default sector displays for 64-bit LSN's
Updated to support 64-bit sectornumbers and disk/partition sizes
WIPE: Add extra warning when wiping MBR or BOOTSECTOR (start at 0)
14.4 26-03-2017 IMAGE/BROWSE avoid image-file truncate (0 bytes) in DFSDOS version
14.3 10-03-2017 DFSDISK: Enable creation of an XML file per disk again (done last)
DFSDISK: Cancel BSFIND 'abort' condition, so script can continue
LVM: On create new LVM-info on type 07, set installable flag to ON
MAP -m: Changed 'P-Geo Disk n' terminology to 'BIOS-Geo D n'
MENU Fdisk: 'OS2 LVM and BootManager -> Set LVM-CRC, rem obsolete'
MENU Fdisk: 'OS2 LVM and BootManager -> Wipe LVM sectors MBR area'
PART/DISK: Non-standard tracksize warning only in 'pedantic' mode
PART: Fix selection by driveletter for 1st partition, like 'part D:'
PCLEAR: Do NOT clear LVM DLAT sectors in MBR track if not confirmed
QUERY: Allow driveletter instead of PID for partition selection
QUERY: I|B PID|driveletter: Query LVM Installable/On-BM-Menu flag
RESIZE: Update LVM (size) information after resizing a PRIMARY too
14.2 02-02-2017 DFSCHECK: Support EFAT filesystems, using new DFSEFAT.DFS script
HEXED: Disassembly and Text views, default window size made larger
HEXED: Disassembly view, new comment column: instr bytes as ASCII
IMAGE: Automatic decompress-verify, to catch Decode-stack overflows
IMAGE: Create sets CRC usage as default again (broken in 14.0/14.1)
IMAGE: Finish progress BAR on VERIFY/COMPARE before message display
IMZ: Fixed reading from multi-file IMZ for BROWSE or imz-disk-mount
MAP, BROWSE: Strip spaces at logfile end-of-line (avoid PMMail bug)
MENU-help: added missing help item for Edit -> Set Batch
NTFS, FIXBOOT -V- option selects XP NTLDR instead of Win-7 BOOTMGR
NTFS, FIXNTLDR -V- option selects XP NTLDR instead of Win-7 BOOTMGR
PROGRESS: Show elapsed seconds on status bar if screen wider than 90
UI: Identical block-chars (progress) set to -/=/#/block (in 8-bit)
WIPE: Limit area to the size of opened object, avoid error messages
14.1 04-01-2017 HEXED: Updated 'Initial LSN' description for extended attributese
MENU: Edit-> Settings/Properties, UI -> UI test Color, Char, Box
MENU: Edit-> Settings/Properties, UI -> UI cycle colorscheme/lines
JFS: New 1.9.7 level boot code (fixboot) including DFSJFLDR image
VDI: Fixed program crash (trap) on unmount of a VDI mounted image
UI: Changed default ascii setting from -7 to -7- for Linux/Darwin
UI: Better looking draw-characters Linux/Darwin, with 8-bit ascii
UI: Combined COLORS, CHARSET and CBOXES command into new UICTEST
UI: Definitions for Linux (xterm) Alt-F5 .. Alt-F12 key codes
UI: Shift-F9/F12 starts color/scheme cycling with arrow keys
14.0 17-12-2016 ACCEL: Changed accelerator keys: F6=Open partition; F9=Browse
AL: Low-level display/set individual FS allocation bits (bitmap)
Added compacter RLE-2 and Smart-2 compression types for IMZ images
BROWSE (Mode=FDISK): Support optional start PATH for selected PID
BROWSE-Copy: Warning-popup if file allocation is not 100% reliable
BROWSE-Copy: Warning popup on DIR copy, incl. 'do not ask again'
BROWSE-Dialog: <F10> pops up an Actions menu, with edit, copy etc
BROWSE-Dialog: <F5> Copy/Recover works on multiple (marked) files
BROWSE-Dialog: Ctrl-BACKSLASH changes current list Dir to 'ROOT'
BROWSE-Dialog: Ctrl-F/Alt-[ marks all Files, Ctrl-G/Alt-] all Dirs
BROWSE-Dialog: Support (same-length) file-rename for JFS and HPFS
BROWSE-Dialog: filter-popup, HEX-edit on file-contents or I/Fnode
BROWSE-Dialog: multi marking with <SPACE>/<INSERT> + show #marked
BROWSE-Dialog: selected file Copy/Recover from list with <F5>
BROWSE-Dialog: selected file/dir available after exit (Enter key)
BROWSE/HEXEDIT: New generic FS-function writing resident/meta data
BROWSE/HEXEDIT: Support edit/view of resident data (like NTFS MFT)
BROWSE/LIST -f: Fix alloc-OK percentage for files over 10Gb size
BROWSE: 'View OS/2 EA or Xattr on a File/Dir' in <F10> context menu
BROWSE: 40% faster startup on JFS (Build name/parent cache only)
BROWSE: Add FsMakeBrowseList for: EXTn, JFS, FAT, EFAT, HPFS, NTFS
BROWSE: Add item-type B/F/D to list/recover/browse select strings
BROWSE: Added description for initial browse-contents, BROWSE xxx
BROWSE: Added help-screens for the dialog, and the help-menu
BROWSE: Automatic add 'dotdot' directory to MakeBrowsList on EFAT
BROWSE: Base implementation of the BROWSE dialog works, no actions
BROWSE: Defined generic directory BROWSE command, accelerator <F9>
BROWSE: Descr delfind/filefind on HPFS, NTFS, JFS, FAT, EFAT, EXT
BROWSE: File-Contents support in: JFS, NTFS, EXT, FAT, EFAT, HPFS
BROWSE: Filesize (dotted - 999Tb): JFS, EXT, HPFS, NTFS, FAT, EFAT
BROWSE: Filter shortname (8.3) names from NTFS, reverse with -8.3
BROWSE: Modify-time in stringinfo: JFS, EXTx, HPFS, EFAT, FAT, NTFS
BROWSE: Support in FileInfo() to return two file information strings
CLONE-dialog: changed default modus to 'smart' cloning, faster
CLONE/IMAGE: Much better ETA estimation when using SMART logic
CLONE: Improved throughput with SMART (smaller buffer, more ZERO)
CMDS: Expression brackets now must be double {{expr}}, not single
CR:/BMGR install: Popup message for missing bmgr-IMG or MBR code
CR: Honor '-align-' switch to force PRIMARY start within 1st track
DARWIN: Added 42 Alt+<key> sequences to MAC OSX keyboard handler
DISK: Changed '-i' option to '-std' for industry-std driveletters
EDIT: -v:view 0=HEX, 1=DISASM, 2=ASCII, 9=AUTO (9 is default now)
EDIT: Default to HEX mode when current sector is an MBR or EBR
EDIT: File CONTENTS: support write-back with rsn->lsn translation
EDIT: Restrict min/max sector when editing file CONTENTS (browse)
EFAT: Create Directory-Parent cache on Init (Open) for BROWSE ..
EXTn: Support recovery of directories and files with inlined data
FINDPATH: Add display of filesize from DIR-entry, when available
FsFileInfo filter on item-type on HPFS, NTFS, JFS, FAT, EFAT, EXT
HELP: Better help-on-help selection in entry-field and menu-bar
HELP: Better help-on-help selection in entry-field and menu-bar
HEXEDIT/Ascii: <F4> = Toggle display of offsets on start of line
HEXEDIT/Ascii: <F5> = Style: Rough/Clean and optional split lines
HEXEDIT/Ascii: <F6> = Minimum length of 'strings' in ascii filter
HEXEDIT/Ascii: Add filesize and name to title, when available
HEXEDIT/Ascii: Clear excess area in last file sector(s) to zeroes
HEXEDIT/Ascii: Preserve empty lines in pure ASCII files better
HEXEDIT: <F2> = alternate-view: Disassemply, Ascii; auto select
HEXEDIT: Support 'sparse' file extents (NTFS, JFS) on file editing
IMAGE-dialog: changed default image type to 'smart-compressed'
IMAGE: -x option and Dialog checkbox to generate XMZ INDEX too
IMAGE: New '-8' option to create DFSee V13.x compatible IMZ images
IMZ: Automatic generation of .XMZ indexfile for faster browsing
IMZ: Fixed passing of correct accessInfo pointer (broken by VDI)
IMZ: new command to BROWSE an partition/disk IMZ compressed image
JFS: Show Total- versus Volume-Blocks as separate values on open
L-Geo: From MBR table: Linear-Offset more important than CHS-end
LIST -S: Show Sectorlist (files) as info-strings needed for BROWSE
LIST -r: Show Sectorlist in cluster range format (for bad sectors)
LISTSET: Set (range of) sectornumbers in Sectorlist, optional clear
Low-level handling for IMZ compressed images as IM or DISK object
MENU: Add BROWSE to Action menu, and to FS-specific recovery menus
MENU: Only enable direct directory-browsing when supported by FS
MENU: 'Browse/Recover Deleted Files' for HPFS, NTFS and JFS (Expert)
MENU: 'Open (partition) imagefile' to basic menu, for image browse
MENU: Added 'Browse IMZ compressed image' to open+browse an image
MENU: Added two more 'Edit Sector' variants: HEX and Text/Strings
MENU: Help -> Keyboard usage overviewt; DFSee/TxWindows modules
MENU: File->Mount/Unmount/Display disks->VirtualBox disk image
MENU: File->Open a VDI (VBox) diskimage; Open Base/Snapshot VDI
MENU: FORMAT: No errors/warnings on part-select before the format
MENU: Moved 8 DFSee operational settings into an Edit submenu
MENU: 'Image' menu with operations on IMAGES (from File/Actions)
Mode=FDISK made startup default; Support BROWSE (partitions) cmd
NTFS: Implemented WriteMetaSpace for resident data (small files)
OpenFile dialog + options added to 'im' (open-imagefile) command
PART: -P option to select partition from popup menu, add help/sort
PART: Major WARNINGs in yellow, ERRORs in red, make them stand out
RECOVER: Cleanup of interfaces, return full recovery-path to caller
RECOVER: Discard-path, Force-8.3, Unique-name options in dialogs
RECOVER: Reduce file 'SaveAs' output to a single line, from BROWSE
RESTORE/IMZ-index: Better ETA estimation based on fileposition
SAVEAS: FAT file recovery: Include saving OS/2 EAs (OS/2 version)
SAVEAS: JFS file recovery: Include saving OS/2 EAs (OS/2 version)
SAVEAS: Statusline progress reporting on COPY of files over 1Mb
SAVEAS: Support 'sparse' file extents (NTFS, JFS) on file copying
SLT: Fixed formatting issue with JFS/NTFS single line display
STARTUP: Reorder commands to show errors/major warnings at the end
Switch: -floppy includes diskettes in volumelists (slower startup)
TXLIB: Changed expression brackets from single {expr} to double {{expr}}
TXLIB: FILEDLG: Revert to 'last-known-good' DIR on inaccessible directory
TXLIB: FILEDLG: Show file-window too in 'directory select' dialog as well
TXLIB: FileOpenForWrite for generic open write/append, incl. large files
TXLIB: INSERT key specific to class (toggle in Entry, mark in List)
TXLIB: Introduced 3 alternative text-colors for selection-lists (BROWSE)
TXLIB: List Mark, */=/Ctrl-A = ALL, Ctrl-Z = NONE, -/Ctrl-I = INVERT
TXLIB: MsgBox: enlarged default size for message box popups to 52/78
TXLIB: SELIST: Add 'marked' to list, and 'multiQuickPos' to items
TXLIB: SELIST: Add marked count to top-right of title, when non-ZERO
TXLIB: SELIST: Preserve multiple-select flags on reverse sorting
UNDELETE: New generic command to find, then BROWSE deleted files
VDI: Extra confirmation when loading a snapshot without a BASE
VDI: Support VirtualBox static/dynamic and snapshot disk images
VDI: implemented read/write support, updating last VDI in chain
VDI: implemented read/write support, updating last VDI in chain
VDI: new command opens Base VDI as disk, or adds snapshot to it
H I S T O R Y 1 3 . X
13.4 07-10-2016 WINDOWS: Fixed batch extension check in several scripts, minor update
13.4 21-08-2016 LINUX/OSX: Changed script filemode to 755 to allow running from /opt
13.4 20-08-2016 LINUX/OSX: Symlink creation optional, and configurable with parameter
13.4 17-08-2016 WINDOWS: Added test in BAT scripts for foreign-language XP versions
13.4 16-08-2016 ABOUT OS-version: Added specific Windows-8, 8.1 and 10 kernels
ALLOC: Recognize GPT-header+tables as BOOT areas in full-disk ALLOC
CLONE/IMAGE: Enabled SMART for EXT2/3/4, except when META_BG used
DFSDISK/DFSCHECK suppress final message ONLY with option -screen-
DFSUSB32: Issue warning when trying to create a stick on (Free)DOS
DFSUSB32: Updated descriptions to use simple 'DFSEEDOS.ISO' download
EXTCMD: Added extra hint that it may be an incorrecly typed command
EXTn: ABG: Display allocation with a single blockgroup per line
EXTn: ALLOC/smart: Handle BLOCK_UNINIT for normal/backup groups
EXTn: ALLOC: Add BlockGroup# to each line, when exactly 1 BG/line
EXTn: BG: Added GDT/BM/Itable locations + sizes to verbose display
EXTn: BG: Added backup-super, and UNINIT/ZEROED flag indicators
EXTn: BG: Add display of the flags, like UNINIT block/inode bitmap
EXTn: BSL: List backup superblock (+ metadata) groups and sectors
EXTn: DFSEXT.dfs script updated for a complete CHECK analysis run
EXTn: DIR: Better handling of empty entries (skip, no abort) SLT too
EXTn: DIR: Display directory data, including related inode values
EXTn: DIR: FileType string (dir/file) and INDEX root/node details
EXTn: FILEFIND, implemented a QUICK search for file/directory Inodes
EXTn: FINDPATH or '\path' command implemented, search Inode by path
EXTn: INO: Auto show same Inode on 't', and show index in Statusline
EXTn: INO: Calculate sector+index for specified Inode-number; display
EXTn: INO: Detect and show UNKNOWN feature flags (INCOMPATIBLE etc)
EXTn: INO: Display data allocation, BLOCK-INDIRECT or EXTENT-TREE
EXTn: INO: Display linkname for small (inlined) symlink Inodes
EXTn: INO: Display of Inode contents complete, except alloc S_SPACE
EXTn: INO: Show 1st data on <Enter> from BlockIndirect or ExtentTree
EXTn: Init: determine DIRTY-status from Groups/Bitmap difference too
EXTn: LIST: Show proper File information, path and allocation info
EXTn: SLT/INO: Special inode-7 (RESIZE) handling, for display too
EXTn: SLT: Add allocation for DIR and FILE Inodes, recursively
EXTn: SLT: Added meta-allocation to SLT and to Inode verbose display
EXTn: SLT: Include all SB, GDT, GDT-reserve, Block- and Inode-bitmaps
EXTn: SUPER: Auto show ROOT Inode on <Enter> from superblock display
FILEDLG: Create correct directory with [Make Dir] for absolute paths
FILEFIND, JFS, HPFS, NTFS: added 'search files only' option '-f'
LINUX: New 'dfs' sudo-start script, setup symlinks to /usr/local/bin
MENU: EDIT: Update some descriptions for 'Force operation Mode=xxx'
MENU: EXTn: Added File recovery submenu, Filefind, Recover, Hex-edit
MENU: EXTn: Added Inode selection by ino# or one of the special ones
MENU: EXTn: Alloc map, by Blockgroup; Display group aligned ALLOC map
MENU: EXTn: Analyse EXT Filesystem (check) and SLT submenu added
MENU: EXTn: List BACKUP Superblocks; List all BACKUP groups (super)
MENU: EXTn: Mode=EXT2_3 name changed to EXTn, to account for EXT4
MENU: EXTn: Show BlockGroup Summary; Show flags and alloc for group
MENU: Error message when trying to add a GPT partition to Bootmanager
PART -v: Added backup-super-BG indicator 'S' for EXTn backup groups
WINDOWS/DOS/OS2: 'dfs' BAT/CMD as alias for 'dfsee', like Linux/Mac
WINDOWS: Include 'DFSRUNAS.EXE' for automatic 'Run as Administrator'
WINDOWS: Resize window on startup now to 80% of screen, lines+cols
WINDOWS: Updated the batch-scripts to work with DFSRUNAS (XP..WIN10)
13.3 17-06-2016 ALLOC: Avoid crash on empty NTFS, HFS, RSR or EXT2/3/4 filesystems
CR: Fixed 1-MiB alignment for 1st primary GPT partition on 4096 BPS
CR: Make better aligned size-estimate based on -f freespace option
CR/CLEANUP: Preserve an ACTIVE extended in MBR (but reset in EBR's)
DARWIN: Change 'Linux device ...' strings in output to 'Unix device'
DARWIN: Change 'Linux device ...' strings in output to 'Unix device'
DARWIN: Use an exact 1 MiB cylinder size as default disk geometry
DISK: Allow sectorsize of 512-byte multiples upto 4096, except OS/2
EFAT Fixed bitmap calculations for ALLOC display/Smart on 4096 BPS
EFAT/FAT32 fixed possible brec bootsec buffer overflow on 4096 BPS
EXT2/3/4: Fix recognition and calculation for non 512 BPS, 4096 BPS
EXT2/3/4: Implemented BG cmd to display group info and block bitmap
EXT4: Automatic display of combined bootsector+superblock, 4096 BPS
EXT4: Smart cloning/imaging and ALLOC supported with BLOCK_UNINIT
EXT4: Discard 'smart' clone/image option if option META_BG (>256Tb)
EXT4: Fix Group Descriptor for non-std sector/block sizes, 4096 BPS
FAT: Correctly handle .NNN selection from FAT directory on 4096 BPS
FIND: Fixed searching in exact MiB boundaries (BSFIND) on 4096 BPS
GPT: Added hints to create the GPT-guard, and EFI-system partitions
GPT: Added the 'BIOSBOOT' GPT partition type to type selection list
GPT: Validate entry last-PSN against HDR to support 64-bit SN better
HFS: Fixed calculations for Blocksize and bits / block on 4096 BPS
LINUX: Fix physical disk size calculation for disks > 2Tb
LINUX: Show EXT2/3/4 native FS in GPT type LINUX_ROOT_X86_32 or _64
MBR: Added recognition for GRUB2 originated generic MBR bootcode
MENU: Handle a GPT-style type for 'Change partition type' (settype)
MOVE: Fix spurious crash when moving to BEGIN freespace
NEWMBR: Select disk before allocating sector (fix 4096 BPS crash)
NTFS: Fixed bitmap calculations for ALLOC display/Smart on 4096 BPS
NTFS: Fixed calculations for $BadClust resize and reset on 4096 BPS
NTFS: Fixed reading of the logfile flags and logstatus on 4096 BPS
PART: Added partition type 0xDA for Linux non-FS data (RAID variant)
PART: Display ACTIVE indicator on extended container (GRUB stage-1)
PART: Force display of first (outer) extended container, if ACTIVE
PART: Open, show Clustersize in sectors, not *512 byte on 4096 BPS
PART: Short descr. of EBR bootcode (if any) added to 'Related' col
RAW2IMZ, IMAGE, CR (partition) fixed size specification on 4096 BPS
SCRIPT: Change $_p_linux... variables to the more generic $_p_unix..
SETTYPE: Support type change for GPT-style partitions using -t:
TRACE: Made '-r' = reopen logfile on each line, the default setting
13.2 05-04-2016 CR/LVM: Allow -synclvm for driveletter on initial partition creation
CR: Limit CHS values to the maximum values, instead of clipping them
GEO: Dialog, new big-SSD 255/248 checkbox and Cyl/Track size display
LVM: Allow the (documented!) -n:diskname option on a single partition
MENU2HTML: Added (to-BASIC/EXPERT-menu) link in navigation menu-bar
13.1 16-02-2016 ABOUT: Mention 'dfsee.key' instead of just KEY in registration texts
ABOUT: Update version and copyright info in various places for 2016
CLONE: Only show 'Exclude LVM' checkbox in dialog for a type 0x35 part
CLONE: Update (LVM) diskname on disk-to-disk clone; checkbox in dialog
COPY: Re-introduce the 'Copy Part to freespace area' for Basic UI mode
IMAGE: Include net nr of sectors imaged in the IMZ ascii header info
IMAGE: Show imagefile-write-speed as well as disk-sector throughput
MAP: Unify error reporting on inaccessible disks, reserved USB (Win7)
MENU: Newmbr ERASE tables: fix -clear option to -c (and a few similar)
PART: Fixed formatting error on an LVM Signature missing warning text
PRESTORE: restore LVM feature info from *.Fxx IMZ image, when found
PSAVE: Save LVM BBR feature info on type 0x35 to an *.Fxx IMZ image
PSAVE: Reduced description in header for better text formatting
PSAVE: Fix .PDx header signature for PRESTORE (cosmetic bug in 13.0)
RESTORE: Show imagefile-read-speed as well as disk-sectors throughput
TXLIB: Fixed txwEnableWindow to actually ENABLE from disabled state
13.0 02-12-2015 Added '-?' online help to 'H','h','A' and 'a' sector display commands
Added warning when GPT guard partition there, but no valid header/array
CR: Accept symbolic names for GPT partition types (WIN,EFI,LIN, etc)
CR: Added dedicated [Manual Edit type GUID] button to CR GPT dialog
CR: Dialogs, cleaned up maximum-size/offset calculation & alignment
CR: Fixed alignment for position and size for GPT (0x800, 1 MiB)
CR: Force '-U' option when creating a GPT guard partition, type 0xEE
CR: GPT Dialog, added sub-dialog with check-boxes for attribute flags
CR: GPT Dialog, added '[x] Do NOT align to MiB boundaries' check box
CR: GPT Dialog, fixed calculation for aligned/unaligned maximum sizes
CR: Implemented "cr gpt" to create/recover a GPT HDR+PTA structures on a disk
CR: Implemented '-attrib:'hex' option for GPT 64-bit attribute values
CR: Implemented GUID/UUID edit dialog, with 5 separate HEX-only fields
CR: Implemented GPT-style partition-create dialog, with type select list
CR: Implemented the actual CreatePartition() fot GPT, writing HDR+PTA
CR: MBR Dialog, added '[x] Do NOT align to CYL boundaries' check box
CR: Make default size for GPT EFI partition 128 MiB
CR: Supply a default partition name, based on the current type-GUID
CR: alignment fixes, and update of documentation files
CR: changed '-U' option to '-align-' for consistency (do NOT align)
DELETE: Implemented delete of a single GPT partition, or ALL on 1 disk
Don't allow writing outside PSN limits, except for expandable files
EDIT: Implemented Fix '-c:N' (nr of byte columns) option in HEX editor
EDIT: Make sure write (back) errors are displayed and show up in the LOG
EXPAND: Allow partition expand for unknown filesystems (Part-table only)
EXPAND: Fixed FAT16 bootsector validation for sizes close to the limit
EXPAND: Fixed partition type for types larger than 0x10 (HEX-DEC mixup)
EXPORT: fixed crash when using -d option (as used in DFSDISK procedure)
FAT format, no update of (MBR-style) partition type for a GPT partition
Fixed creation of PRIMARY with -G:n GAP specified (like GPT 0xEE guard)
Fixed menu ownership to make accelerator keys work from any window/menu
GPT -fix will move an incorrect-placed alternate hdr/PTA, when possible
GPT: Always SORT table-array when before writing, including 'lvm -fix'
GPT: Better CRC and sanity checks on GPT structures, more specific warnings
GPT: Edit Partition Tables, implemented dialog for single entry edit
GPT: Fix FAT16 filesystem recognition and display for GPT partitions
GPT: HELP for PTE dialog, fix help for the type-GUID listbox in CR
GPT: Implemented GUID 'time+random' generator and 'uuidgen' test command
GPT: No WARNING if alternate HDR is at end-guard, not end-disk (hybrid)
GPT: new command 'gpt' and 'gpt -fix' to display/fixup (damaged) GPT info
Linux: Fixed working of Shift-TAB for Linux terminal (dialog navigation)
Linux: Re-introduced escape-sequence for Shift-Tab, as an alias (from 12.6)
MENU: Added a 'Fix GPT header / tables' menu item in Mode=FDISK
MENU: Added a convert MBR to GPT, and GPT to MBR items to Mode=FDISK
MENU: Changed OSX partition ID from '/dev/disN' to 'diskXsN' identifier
MENU: Create and Open freespace, logical/primary lists updated for GPT
MENU: IMZ2RAW improved handling of source path and sizefield with -S
MENU: Restore partition info (PRESTORE dialog): include GPT sector types
MENU: Updated partition/BMGR selection lists for GPT-style partitions
MOUNT/VIRT allow size in sectors larger than C*H*S (partial cylinders)
MOVE/COPY: Support for GPT partitions, including MBR to GPT or GPT to MBR
MOVE: Retain original (unique) partition GUID when moving GPT to GPT
OSX/Linux: Use 'stty -echo' at start to avoid spurious input echos
OSX: Changed a few key-bindings for better MAC-OSX compatibility (Alt to Ctrl)
PART added MBR type 0xEF for an EFI System Partition (ESP) on an MBR disk
PART: Add 'part -w' hint to Linux NOTE if there are unaligned partitions
PART: Check for the HFS+ FS for GPT 'Apple CoreStorage' or 'Apple Boot'
PART: New warning when a GPT partition has a non-unique partition-GUID
PART: Show number of suppressed MINOR warnings when just showing MAJOR ones
PART: Suppress 'NO-active partition' warnings for GPT style disks
PL: Suppress (OS/2 USB) dummy disks when showing freespace areas (pl f)
PSAVE: Add GPT info to ASCII-header and GPT header/table sectors to .PDx
PTE: Finished handling of field contents for the GPT variant
PTE: Implemented NEXT, PREV, and F2/F5/F8 Hexedit actions for GPT
PTE: MBR and GPT, changed default sector value to HEXadecimal format
RESIZE/EXPAND: Added support to resize filesystems in GPT partitions
SET: 'align' property for CREATE partition, AUTO, CYL, MIB or #sectors
STARTUP: switch '-align:value to set default alignment on partition CR
UI: Entryfields: stylebits to filter on decimal or hex number input only
H I S T O R Y 1 2 . X
12.7 06-10-2015 SET: Fixed crash in 'set screen', added current value display on others
SET HISTORY: commandline behaviour: PLAIN, FILTER, UNIQUE or CLASSIC
HISTORY buffer behaviour: plain, completion-filter and/or duplicate-filter
OSX/Linux: Use 'stty -echo' at start to avoid spurious input echos
Linux: fixed working of Shift-TAB for Linux terminal (dialog navigation)
12.6 19-08-2015 DFSUSB32 'Create bootable USB': Detect locked FS (Windows) by wipe MBR and retry
DFSF32ST, DFSF16ST, DFSIFSTD, DFSJFS35 scripts: Handle (Windows) locked FS better
FIX*LDR: Allow spaces in DIR names for FIXNTLDR, FIXHPLDR, FIXJFLDR and VIRT
FIXNTLDR: Supply specific version of loader for Windows-7 and up: DFSNTLDR.IM7
GEO: Select correct LVM-DLAT for Geometry, when multiple are present
IMAGE/RESTORE/CLONE: Avoid defaulting 'confirmation' to 'error ignore' in batch
LOG: Fixed autonumbering of logfiles 'fname^' for Linux and OSX platforms
MENU: added 'Ignore (R/W) errors' selection to 'Edit' menu, with indicator
MENU: added UX devicename to selection text for partitions in lists and menus
PART: Moved 'ux' column in table displays to directly after the 'ID' column
SCREEN: '-reset' resets terminal on exit (UNIX: reset, others: CLS)
SET: added 'set error confirm/ignore/quit' to use from scripts (profile.dfs)
SET: added 'set reset on/off' for terminal RESET on program exit
SWITCHES: Fixed several 'long name' switch names (wrong in 12.5!)
UI: Updated CLONE and IMAGE dialogs for wider partition lists (UX device)
12.5 02-07-2015 CLONE: Updated help/usage with more complete '-b' option description
CONFIRM command, ignore all keys except Y/N and <Esc> in non-windowed UI
Disk warnings GEOMETRY/GEOMETRY_EX: added disk-number (Windows only)
Explicit WARNING if disk LVM geometry has more than 65535 cylinders
FINDPATH support either DOS or UNIX style path separators, and usage text
File Dialogs, fixed initial selection BUG in Dir/File lists (visible on Linux)
File Dialogs, fixed new PATH field handling in FileDialog for UNIX/Linux
File Dialogs, made the [New directory] work properly for UNIX/Linux
File recovery: Create/accept proper path separators '/' for Linux/MAC
HELP minor update to SCRIPT host variable descriptions ($_rc, PRINT)
HELP Sorted most options alphabetically in *.TXT and '-?' online help
LVM: Usage text updated, sorted options, partition versus disk level
MENU: 'mount physical disk' to DFSee list; text changed to 'accessible'
OEM versions build more generic, allowing multiple branding and functionality
Progress -G:0 switch for BAR only, -G:11 for single line percentage (OEM)
Progress -G:0 show leading units/reason short text on progress bars display
RUN: status prompt, updated to better reflect SCRIPT return values
SCREEN refresh on every status-line update using '-refresh' EXE switch
SCREEN refresh using Ctrl-L now available for any operating system
SCRIPT PRINT statement to print (string) expression (debugging)
SCRIPT explicit 'RETURN expression', ends script with given RC
SCRIPT preserve explicit $_rc assignment value by (user) script
SCRIPT return $_rc value when reaching end-of-script (no RETURN)
SCRIPT substitute $_rc for an empty expression on RETURN
SCRIPT updated HELP section for the PRINT and RETURN statements
Scripts (to create various USB sticks with LVM): Fixed confirmation/comment bug
12.4 03-04-2015 ADJUST FS size, respect HPFS 64GiB limit in manual command 'resize -m'
EFAT file recovery: set original file date/time from FILE dir entry
EFAT file recovery: fix directory interpretation bug causing failure
EXPAND do NOT allow manual override of maximum size in dialog (clip)
EXPAND filesystem/partition, limit size to 64GiB for HPFS filesystems
EXPAND Max accepted size automatically reduced for cylinder alignment
FAT(32) file recovery: set original file date/time, incl create/access
FAT(32) file recovery: use long-filename for recovered file, if present
FDISK/startup: 0-disks/admin-hint in popup requiring user confirmation
FILEFIND/DELFIND -D option to search for DIRECTORIES only (when possible)
GEO Update total nr of sectors and cylinders on byte-per-sector change
HELP (commandline) added the MENU2HTML command to '??' command overview
HPFS DELFIND/FILEFIND Create proper FNODE find-SPACE for fast searching
HPFS Fnode display and 'list -f': show FULL long-filename and path
HPFS file recovery: set original file date/time, when still available
HPFS file recovery: use FULL long filename (>15) when still available
HPFS file recovery: use FULL long name (>15) on all path components too
HPFS: Fixed hang with long-filename display on deleted files/directories
ID '-v-' non-verbose, suppress contents display for the sector
IMAGE/RESTORE correctly set default size when a start offset specified
LIST '-d-' suppress contents display for the '-c' cmd execution option
LIST '-t-' or '-t' TEST option is passed on to cmd given with '-c'
LIST '-v-' or '-v' VERBOSE option is passed on to cmd given with '-c'
LIST: Changed function key <F9> from 'alloc' to list display (list -f)
LOG Display DFSee working directory at startup and start of any logfile
PART table (read/view) Fix handling of size value 0xffffffff (truncate)
PART WARNING for GPT header at WRONG sectorsize (512 byte versus 4 KiB)
RECOVER Set original timestamps on DOS/OS2: fix 'off by 1 month' bug
RECOVER Set original file access/modify timestamps on UNIX/Linux too
SCAN sn parameter to set the start sector for the scan as MCS-number
SLT2LIST correctly set default size when a start offset specified
VDISK avoid traps on read/write after changing geometry bytes-per-sector
WINDOWS added hint to reduce security level in User Access Control (UAC)
WIPE correctly set default size when a start offset is specified
12.3 01-02-2015 CR: avoid rounding UP by 1 MiB for 1st primary or a logical (64/32 geometry)
DELFIND/FILEFIND: Speed up SPACE search with Rsn2Lsn translation cache
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on EFAT: '-d-' option: outside DIR space too
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on EFAT: Automatic SLT build for fullpath lookup
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on FAT/HPFS, on-demand create FNODE space (not on open)
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on FAT12/16/32 '-d-' option: outside DIR space too
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on FAT12/16/32: Automatic SLT build for fullpath lookup
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on HPFS: '-d-' option: outside FNODE space too (slower!)
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on JFS (QFI): Automatic SLT build for fullpath lookup
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on JFS: Integrated QFI (Quick Find Inodes) for consistency
DELFIND/FILEFIND: on NTFS: '-d-' option: outside MFT space too (slower!)
DFSDISK (bsfind) recognise JFS superblocks on 64/32 (1 MiB) geometries
EFAT: Implement directory iteration to allow faster (SPACE) searching
FIND: allow search restricted space (ALLDIRS) only, for faster filesearch
FINDSPACE command to display filefind/delfind SPACE areas, when known
FS: Init Filesystem, ignore empty 'FSINIT' cmd after EXPORT/IMPORT list
ISO: Fix deliverable ZIP files to include the 'dfsi*' executables again
LVM Dialog: Fixed <F1> help to show the context sensitive LVM dialog help
MENU: FileFind/DelFind dialog enhanced with checkbox 'outside DIR space'
MENU: FileFind/DelFind dialog enhanced with persistent search argument
UI: Allow up to five checkboxes on value-prompt and DIR-selection dialogs
12.2 23-11-2014 ABOUT: fixed item count in 'Expert' help menu to again include the 'About' item
NEWMBR: -n and -N option to create MBR without any bootcode/NT-signature
DISPLAY: sector identification for empty MBR (just 55AA) to correct type
ALLOC: Update global info after 'alloc' command, enabling resizing menu items
Added 'part PID -a' hint on resizing menu items not being available message
CR: fixed auto LVM creation from the 'Create partition' dialog (lvm 1 -C ..)
EFAT: Added search for normal/deleted files to the recovery submenu
EFAT: DELFIND cmd, search deleted or renamed files/dirs by name fragment
EFAT: FILEFIND cmd, search normal files by name fragment (15 chars max)
EFAT: Fix DIR display (list) for FILE/STREAM entries spanning 2 sectors
EFAT: resolve FILE (85) from stream/name (c0/c1) DIR entries (filefind etc)
FIND: Better EFAT directory entry filtering for finding normal/deleted
FIND: Progress SN shown from start OBJECT, not start search (experimental)
PART: Made '-a' the default to show alloc info, enabling resizing menu items
SETBOOT -disk:* updates ALL installed bootmanagers, and is now the default
TRACE: Removed extra debug info display from (WIN32) TxFileSize
12.1 10-09-2014 AL command, show allocation free/used for specified LSN and optional size
BATCH command, added '-?' usage help and '?' for batch status display
Binary display current sector (Hexdump) keyboard shortcut changed to Ctrl+B
Buffersize adjust restore IMZ: AUTO in BASIC-mode, confirm once for EXPERT
CREATE keep correct minimum size for first logical (move up to cylinder 1)
DIALOG 'Partition Table Edit' (PTE), fix PT-entry line to get initial focus
DIALOG 'Set Geometry', automatically set RADIO buttons to match current L-GEO
DISK warning about OS/2 non-standard sectors/track fixed for disks > 1 TiB
EFAT BOOTSYNC: calculate CRC and write to one or both boot areas (sync)
EFAT SAVETO implemented for files, directories, and bitmap+upcase sysfiles
EFAT Volume Label recgonition from Root directory in table / part -V
EFAT bootsector recognition in MBR or GPT partitions and Large-Floppy
EFAT directory including alloc display and list -f type filename display
EFAT formatted display for bootsector, ALLOC display based on clusters
EFAT implementation of Bitmap caching and ALLOC functionalty using bitmap
EFAT list -f and detailed-directory displays debug and touch-up TZ format
EFAT list -f calculate percentage of correct allocation (recoverability)
EFAT, completed the Mode=EFAT menu, derived from the regular FAT one
FAT(32) list -f calculate percentage of correct allocation (recoverability)
FAT-FS display selected dir-entry in statusline next to 'this' sector-nr
HELP/SCROLLBUFFER: Reverse search keyboard shortcut now Ctrl+R (was Ctrl+B)
LVM 'pid -C' option: CLEAR LVM-signature (BBR) for one non-0x35 type partition
LVM -d:x -C' or '-C' option: CLEAR LVM-signature from ALL non-0x35 partitions
LVM auto create MBR DLAT with prompted disk-name on 1st LVM info for a disk
MENU Edit, display BATCH-mode status, and allow toggle ON or OFF
MENU Mode=Fdisk, LVM, 'Clear BBR on non-LVM partitions' wipes obsolete LVM-sig
PART ERROR CHS/LBA-offset mismatch below cyl-1024, changed to a WARNING
PART WARNING for non LVM (0x35) partitions that DO have an LVM BBR sector
PART WARNING if LVM DLAT size or startsector do not match partition table
PRESTORE, suppress 'test on virtual disk first' hint when disk IS a virtual
RESTORE, fixed size related bug in restoring multiple-file compressed image
SAVETO automatic get FAT directory entry from Sectorlist after .NNN select
SLT build implemented for the EFAT filesystem, including reserved areas
SLT build, change end-of-disk marker to '***** max *****' no number value
Startup, echo the DFSee invocation commandline to the screen and logfile
12.0 10-06-2014 ALLOC partition map support for DUMPFS (dump usually smaller than partition)
BASIC aware dialogs for set-LVM and CREATE-partition operations
BASIC aware menus for File, Edit, Actions, Display, Help and mode=FDISK
BASIC aware menus for HPFS, NTFS, JFS, Reiser, XFS, HFS, EXT2-3, SWAP and AUX
CHECK on NTFS partitions: suppress 'bad fixup structure' message on empty MFT's
CLONE, IMAGE, FIND, File-recovery: 'Confirm' to 'Ignore' after an error
CREATE dialog: default for 'allow multiple primaries' changed to TRUE
DFSDISK dialog: default changed to 'Search on Cylinder and MiB boundaries'
DFSEDIT batch/cmd script; Avoid interpreting any physical disks using -d-
DUMPFS filesystem support to show OS/2 dump partition contents (DUMPFS.IFS)
GREP, search the output text window, and present search-results in a list
HELP, Added lists/searching to HELP command and Help menu, including GREP
HELP, added interface to load helpsections from external text files
HELP, consolidated TXwindows and Script help information, incl DFSee variables
HELP, implemented GREP like search, with result-list and toggle key <F8>
HELP, implemented item and sections lists and help-search dialog
HELP: '/' key as alias for the <F7> function key to start the search dialog
HELP: search dialog 'titles only' option; <F8> footer text in GREP list
HEXED, fixed 'IM -A-' option to prevent FILE appending using the INSERT key
IMAGE/CLONE dialog: default for 'smart' changed to FALSE (max reliability)
IMZ2RAW, no PSN limit check on writing to FILE object, to allow extending
LOADHELP command to add additional help contents like user hints and tips
LVMCLEAN wipes obsoletes LVM DLAT sectors in the MBR track (sect 1 .. 254)
MENU Edit, added new item to switch between BASIC and EXPERT user interface
MENU Mode=FDISK MBR area, added selection for 'Wipe LVM sectors MBR-area'
MENU2HTML, make menu doc generator (PHP/HTML) 'BASIC' aware
PCLEAR L now includes clearing all LVM DLAT sectors in MBR track (LVMCLEAN)
SEARCH, or '/' search (backwards) through the output text window for any phrase
SET EXPert on/off/toggle sets or toggles the UI mode between BASIC and EXPERT
Sample scripts directory cleaned up for all platform versions
Startup switch '-expert' switches directly to EXPERT mode (default is BASIC)
TXLIB: Added 'switch to Expert mode' hint after each help item
TXLIB: MENU2HTML change fixed 'txmshots' DIR to specified prefix
User interface updated to allow a 'BASIC' mode, easier to master than 'EXPERT'
WARNING, calculate OS/2 65535 cylinder limit from geometry, not fixed 255/63
WARNING, no 65535 cyl limit warnings if NO OS/2 FS present, and not on OS/2
WIPE, allow switching from strategy 'Confirm' to 'Ignore' after an error
WIPE, honnor the -E:strategy switch/option to continue after bad sectors
H I S T O R Y 1 1 . X
11.7 15-03-2014 Desktop creation dfswpobj.cmd added to ZIP distribution, OS2 directory is now 'bin'
Desktop creation dfswpobj.cmd update to match WPI (and then some, thanks Lewis!)
Display Geometry+Status in menu, and on F7 function key, 'vol' now a-F7
Display change 'HcSC:' instead of 'CHS' for part-table entry 3-byte combos
Fixed help reference for new-MBR, ERASE tables menu selection
Fixed opening 'File' menu at startup, just select it, but no actual open
GEO (startup) force H64/S32 when partitions seem to be aligned to 1-MiB (0x800)
NOBADS on NTFS, set $Bad attribute to default size (to avoid third-party bugs!)
PART / ReadDiskInfo, fixed minor BMGR labeling bugt when no LVM info present
RESTORE expand buffer if image (IMZ) geometry requires that, with confirmation
Removed duplicate 'P' and 'D' accelerator keys from Mode=FDISK menu pulldown
Removed several other duplicate menu accelerator keys from main and submenus
SCAN (and others) termination error on OS2 and 255 sectors/track geo, fixed
SET GEOCALC, reset forced geometries when switching 'geocalc' ON or OFF
Show opened object details in app-title; show title on a 28-line screen too
VCU (Apply default LVM info): fixed crash when used on an empty disk
WPI install script updated, with improvements submitted by Lewis Rosenthal
11.6 15-07-2013 Add Windows (NT/XP/W7/W8) lastError description on 'unknown errors' RC 1
Add Windows (NT/XP/W7/W8) lastError description on reading a bad sector
Avoid driveletter display bug on Windows FAT(32) by ignoring dirty flag
Evaluation expiration date (run without a key) extended to end of 2013
Fix line-wrap in Help->Exe startup switches; Allow numeric logfilename
Fixed URL's to help/about and presentations in the various readme files
Improved warning messages 'BIOS versus OS size' on OS/2 cyl. > 65535
Refresh DFSee tables from disk before displaying disk-map from the menu
SCAN fixed non functioning '-a-' option on SCAN command to suppress auto-ID
Show currently opened/active logfile with 'log -?' or 'log ?'
Updated 'Geometry Dn from :' to 'Disk n L-Geo from', with 'PSN' in 8 digits
Updated usage text on 'lvmshow -?' to document the '0' parameter
11.5 01-01-2013 ALIGNEXT non-zero RC if no room for alignment or other error
CLONE Confirmation popup after a write-error on cloning (continue/abort)
CLONE Log errors to screen/logfile on read while cloning, even when using -E:I
CR Added cylinder-alignment when positioning from END of freespace
DFSDISK added the updated DFSDPROC script to actual distribution
DFSUSB32 create bootable-stick script made a little more robust
DISK/PART Continue partition analysis when no MBR/EBR 55AA sig, but valid tables
DISK/PART Specific error/warning when MBR or EBR has no 55AA sig, but valid table
HELP #834 fixed spelling error 'AVCTIVE' partition to 'ACTIVE'
IMAGE Log read errors to screen/logfile on create image, even when using -E:I
LIST mention IMPORT command when trying to use an empty Sectorlist
NTFS DIRFIND 'not implemented' error message fixed; Build on W500
NTFS descriptive message if $Volume MFT has no VolumeInfo attrib
NTFS update volume serialnr and display bootsector, use 16 digits
PART show LVM diskname even if no partitions are listed in DLAT
PSAVE/DFSDISK fixed crash with the MAC version on writing the .PDx files
RESTORE Confirmation popup after a write-error on restore image (continue/abort)
SMART Fixed alloc info for MBR area in dfsFdskSetNewArea() used for 'Smart'
STARTABLE Setting a primary ACTIVE does no longer hide all other primaries on disk
TXLIB Keyboard added hack for altGr+backslash to '\' for German keyboards
WARNING No 'alignext' hint on 'partition overlaps DLAT' for a primary partition.
WINDOWS GetLastError TRACE on failing Create/Write/ReadFile Win32 calls
WINDOWS Improved error code on write errors (rc 1 -> GetLastError())
11.4 14-09-2012 DFSDISK correct full display multiple-FS superblocks from bsfind
EDIT binary-file, fix bogus error popup if 'this' SN too large
FILE fixed help-page numbering for 'File->Trace to cyclic' files
MENU Mode=EXT2+3 changed to EXT2_3 for correct menu DOC generation
MENU SCRIPT added create type 0x07 HPFS/JFS/NTFS USB disk/stick
MENU SCRIPT added create type 0x35 classic JFS USB disk/stick
MENU2HTML static HTML generation updated for the new scripts menu
VIRT no hint to 'restore to virtual disk first' if this IS a virtual
11.3 22-08-2012 ALIGNEXT command to delete/recreate (first) logical for alignment
ALIGNEXT menu-items in FDISK menu, for disk or specific partition
BSFIND allow finding superblocks for multiple filesystems
DFSDISK allow finding superblocks for multiple filesystems
DFSDISK avoid false interpretation of BBR driveinfo as HPFS spare
DFSDISK now finds JFS super on GEO with 127/255 sectors/track
DFSUSB32 procedure updated to support 1-partition 32GB boot stick
DFSUSB32 added menu item on bootmenu for Ultimate Boot CD 5.xx ISO
DIR displays in FS, optimize list display options for file recovery
EXPORT Sectorlist, include the info byte (FAT DIR entry nr)
GEO -! option starts dialog to show/set system and logical geometry
GEO -d:nr option first selects specified disk before acting on GEO
GEO reported size for logical geometry changed (back) to C * H * S
IMPORT Sectorlist, include the info byte (FAT DIR entry nr)
JFS accept and warn about JFS superblock with BAD signature digit
JFS file recovery, changed 2GB/4GB filesize limit (32bit) to 2TB
JFS new 'SET FS' submenu, FS status, version and signature
JFS/NTFS display allocation extents limit to 32, unless verbose (-v)
JFS/NTFS file recovery on OS/2, use the LargeFile API on DosOpen
MENU 'Search partition + FS info' multiple and new filesystems
MENU Mode=FDISK new submenu for partition-table cleanup and repair
MENU Mode=FDISK new submenu to open/select a whole disk to work on
MENU Mode=FDISK new submenu to show/set geometry for selected disk
NEXT command as alias for 'd' command and 'Ctrl+N' or Enter key
OSX version for MAC: fixed minor display anomaly for active buttons
RECOVER statusline progress in recovery of large files (x of y MiB)
RESTORE fix ignored explicit start-sector on RAW/IMZ (since 11.1)
SBSIG command on JFS, set signature digit to correct value
SCRIPT New 'EXIT label WHEN (cond)' conditional break for loops
SCRIPT New 'LOOP .. ENDLOOP label' script control structure
SCRIPT optional label on all loops and on break/exit-when statements
SCRIPT syntax warning at runtime if target label for break not found
SYNCLVM setting (OS2 only) toggle menu item added to Edit menu
WARNING added for EBR-to-logical-BOOTSEC larger than 1 track
11.2 01-07-2012 DIRFIND support -t:type option to find DIRs or files only
DOS and WIN version compressed with UPX 3.08 and --best option
EXT2/3 Add superblock, group-descr and bitmaps to EXT2/3 SLT build
FAT 16/32 implemented expanding (RESIZE), for same clustersize only
FAT DIRFIND fix additional list information (dir entry#)
FAT DIRFIND fix '-l' option to automatically list results
FAT DIRFIND exclude long-filename DIR entries from result
FAT DIR view suppress deleted files unless the '-D' option is used
FAT Put list DIR entry# in separate byte; lifts 64GB FAT32 limit
FAT SLT display, shows long-filenames, unless -lfn- option
FAT SLT display, implement display of the path for file data
FAT ALLOC Set filesystem expand (RESIZE) limits for FAT12/16/32
FAT set cluster FAT value; Fixup DIR entries FAT-value for resize;
FAT16 fix DIR cluster identification on zeroed deleted entry
FAT16 fixed spurious garbage in SLT caused by long filenames
FAT32 fixed type display string for 2nd and 3rd bootsectors
FAT32 free-clusters in 2nd bootsector, based on own ALLOC now
FAT32 update free-clusters in 2nd bootsector, new calculation
FATSHOW '-c:cluster#' option shows FAT starting from cluster
GPT 'SET GPT' command, sets automatic GPT interpretation on/off
GPT -gptauto commandline switch sets GPT interpretation on/off
GPT Added display of GPT partition table array contents
GPT Implemented GPT freespace handling
GPT Implemented ReadGptPartitions & partition displays for GPT
GPT Implemented CRC checks on GPT header and PT array
GPT Set MBR style partent type for a GPT for desired map color
GPT/LDM split EFI-GPT and Windows-LDM handling (incompatible format)
HFS Added superblocks and allocation bitmaps to HFS SLT build
HFS Display of (most of) the HFS superblock; MAP fixup for GPT
HFS Fixup disk naming for linux device; prepare for big-endian
HFS Implemented SMART capability for fast cloning and imaging
HFS Implemented bitmap block allocation display (ALLOC command)
HFS Implemented bitmap read and alloc-bit determination functions
HFS recognize HFS filesystem in MBR-style partitions type 0xAF
LIST -f, on FAT, shows long-filenames, unless -lfn- option
LIST -f now shows full path+filename on FAT, if SLT is available
LOG -logauto commandline switch sets LOG auto numbering on/off
LOG autonumber logfiles 001..999 using '^' as last filename char
MAP Keep disk graph as wide as possible for available screen width
MEDIA Removed obsolete media description from all but MAC version
MENU 'Edit -> Automatic logfile Numbering' togles setting
OS-X Explicit hint to UNMOUNT whole disk before writing with DFSee
PSAVE fix binary incompatibility between 11.2 and previous versions
SET LOG command, sets automatic LOG file numbering on/off
SLT display, display compacter, more room for file path column
WIPESECURE Added better logging/reporting to DoD 5220 wiping
11.1 21-03-2012 Fixed '-Q' bug on clone, restore and wipe without any parameters
Added "run as administrator" hint for Vista and Windows-7 only
BMGR install, fix Abort when previous operation failed; (batch)
BSFIND allow (additional) search on MiB boundaries (Win-7/Vista)
CLONE Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
COMP Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
CSLIST documented now, and enhanced with MiB boundary capability
DFSDISK dialog and cmd, allow (additional) search on MiB boundaries
Discard P-geo size on OS/2 when more than 1-cylinder difference
FIND allow (additional) search on MiB boundaries (Win-7/Vista)
FS Allow abort FAT-CRC loop whith 'fs fat32' on a FAT16 filesystem
GENPART allow -b:'basename' option instead of 2nd parameter
PART Explicitit mention of L-Geo for OS/2 > 65535 cylinder warning
PART No 'invalid bootsector' msg on open of Linux or swap partition
PART Non-critical IBM BMGR warnings made minor (multiple disks)
PART Non-std cylinder-alignment now MINOR warnings (Win-7/Linux)
PART Set mode=EXT2 on 0x83 partition without superblocks, not AUX
PTEDIT dlg sort table on ENTER while a sort button has focus
PTEDIT dlg added help on using SPACE to operate sort buttons
PTEDIT log disk and partition details on each table display
PTEDIT up/down keys now navigate between fields and buttons too
RESTORE Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
RESTORE/COMPARE get correct size for multiple-RAW image files
RESTORE/COMPARE show number of files for multi-file image set
Updated DFSee signature to '11' in bootrecord for HPFS fixboot
Use GEOMETRY_EX only for XP and up; error fallback to GEOMETRY
WIPE Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
11.0 21-12-2011 CR -Y:n sets prefered entry for new EBR extended containers
CR -X:n sets prefered entry for new MBR extended container
CR default MBR entry 3 (last) slot for new extended container
CREATE dlg prefered table entry for partition, MBR and EBR
Disksize shown including partial last cylinder whenever possible
EXPORT include FS specific command pragma line in export file
FAT sync warning text update to use FATSIM+FATWRIM as a combo
FDISK menu 'Set base to Freespace area' for easy (edit) access
FILE dialog Added sort-indicators on file/dir lists in dialog
FILE dialog Support sorting in file dialog DIR/FILE windows
FILE dialog Sort on Volume popup window using Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F9
File recovery, ignore errors on searching from menu (optional)
GENPART, generate -X and -Y options on all logical partitions
GEO fixed recalculate cylinders when H/S changes (broken in ver10.9)
GEO forced Always overrule existing geo when forced is set (virtual)
GEO source Ignore PT if sect/track larger than 63 (OS/2 huge disk)
GEO traces More information on geo calculation in trace output
IMAGE command Fix for used buffersize > 64KB with 4096 byte sectors
IMPORT automatic FS specific command execute, like IRS for JFS
JFS IRS command sets Inode Recovery Signature, after (quick) format
JFS menu 'Find ANY after FORMAT' find any INODES after quick format
JFS 'IRS 0' sets recovery signature wildcard, find any possible INODES
JFS/HPFS BPB-letter shown in partition detailed view (letter/data)
JFS/HPFS PPB versus LVM driveletter mismatch warning when bootable
MBR recognize Plop Boot Manager code on MBR-sector display
Make sure DFSDISK/DFSCHECK scripts run in batch mode (no popups)
NTFS automatically recognized in a type 0x12 recovery partition
NTFS MFT-seq number to a few NTFS related error messages in CHECK
NTFS better reporting of bad fixup structures on NTFS system structures
NTFS various display and analysis fixes to support 4KB sector sizes
OS-X HFS+ partition type 0xAF added to partition type displays
OS2 buffer Maximum buffer size phys disk I/O set to 127 (< 64KB)
PART ERROR active-extended changed to WARNING, and removed fix hint
PART fixed incorrect assigning of IBM BMGR labels (Linux EBR sectors)
RECOVER count BAD_STRUCTURE errors as failures on file recovery
Sort Partitions on various partition lists using Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F9
Sort Volumes on various volume lists using Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F9
H I S T O R Y 1 0 . X
10.9 10-06-2011 GEO forced Always overrule existing geo when forced is set (virtual)
GEO source Ignore PT if sect/track larger than 63 (OS/2 huge disk)
GEO traces More information on geo calculation in trace output
OS2 buffer Maximum buffer size phys disk I/O set to 127 (< 64KB)
10.8 22-05-2011 FIND dlg Allow double quote characters in search string values
FORMAT dlg Allow single quote characters in filesystem label field
FORMAT dlg Set bootcode type correctly for FAT32 -o:'9' = Win9x/ME
IMAGE etc Set RW-RW-RW- file mode to newly created files on Linux and Mac
FILE dlg Show directory and file list SORTED on filename on Linux and Mac
FILE dlg Avoid 'dead-end' directories without the '..' entry on Linux
PART Recognize large floppy with MSWIN4.1 correctly as FAT16
Windows Show minor version 6.10 in 'about' as Windows-7, not Vista
10.7 25-04-2011 alloc Notify user when aborted, reset the Used/Free info
BMGR menu Default to current BMGR timeout on value-prompt
DISK size Linux better size/geometry support for disks > 500GB
EDIT <F2> Reset 'this' start lsn after selecting other object
FAT16 USB Script to create a FAT16 data stick/disk; max 2GB
Mode=xxx File Recovery menu now named "File Find/Recover/HEXedit"
File / DIR Binary edit Data (file/dir contents) for a path
File / DIR Binary edit Info (fnode/inode/MFTrec) for a path
File / DIR Find or recover ONE file, now for Mode=FAT too
IMZINFO Support large files on Linux for info display
OS/2 limit Warning 65535 cylinders, less frequently shown
PART table Adjusted some column widths to allow terabyte disk sizes
PSAVE etc Fix size display in several places for 4KB/sector disks
RESTORE Fixed TxFileExists for large files > 2GB on Linux
RESTORE Support large files on Linux on auto-detect IMZ
Startup Add ADMIN hint if no disks are seen at all (WIN7)
geocalc Fixed trap when LVM DLAT is in a non-std location
hex edit Faster startup, fixed spurious trap on starting
hex edit Add extra prev/next item buffer for large screens
hex edit Fix buffer-contents on PgUp/PgDn if screen > item
long tasks No abort with <Esc> in batch (-b switch or -B option)
10.6 10-01-2011 DFSF32ST Script to partition+format a USB-stick using FAT32
DFSTART Fixed bug causing premature abort of DFSDPROC script
GEOCALC DLAT for 255, 127, 63 preferred; duplicate warning
MBR Recognize Lenovo factory preloaded MBR (W500)
MBR Recognize generic english MBR from Windows-7
MENU Added 'Scripts' menu to run (standard) DFSee scripts
MENU Disabled items display 'reason' info on selection
NTFS Fix trap at open partition with corrupt LOGRECORD
PART -fs:x Initialize for specified filesystem, not detected one
SCAN Reword message on using -b:1; Explain Sectorlist
SETB Add -Q- option to suppress automatic-quit from a script
WARNING Fix table entry for missing (1st) EBR signature
10.5 27-07-2010 EXT2/3 Display and edit of UUID value with "uuid" command
JFS Display and edit of UUID value with "uuid" command
JFS CHECK More verbose JFS IAG dump when pedantic (-p)
NTFS CHECK Better ALLOC message if no $Bitmap info available
Recover Translate illegal chars in 8.3 filename conversion
ReiserFS Display and edit of UUID value with "uuid" command
ReiserFS Fixed crash on selecting the Mode=Reiser menu
SLT/CHECK Added lost/link area count/size summary on display
Script Don't execute result value of an assignment with comment
Warning Bootable JFS/HPFS partition without an LVM driveletter
Warning Volume-serial duplicate, reworded, display only once.
10.4 23-05-2010 DFSeeHow HOWTO documentation PDF file updated for version 10.x
DFSusb32 documentation file dfsusb32.txt updated for DFSee upgrade
Dialogs Fixed incorrect open position Clone and Format dialogs
JFS LDR Adjusted size to (now) documented 31 sectors (was 34)
JFS (boot) Display bootsector code updated to eCS 2.0 GA level
JFS (boot) Fixboot bootsector code updated to eCS 2.0 GA level
Resize flg in XML only set to YES for DFSee resizable filesystem
WARNING if LBA BR-offset smaller than sectors/track (LVM corrupt)
10.3 06-05-2010 FAT DIRTY Added check/update for documented flags in FAT area
FAT open Dont search 2nd FAT if 1st not found (long delay)
FAT open Report dirty status on open (from Bootrec and FAT)
USB stick Increased size of image to 934 MiB (stick >= 1 GB)
geo Fixed forcing GEO back to the original (S) values
imz2raw Fixed empty file bug (could not write after EOF)
linux Fix for kernel 2.6.34 stat fail on large disks
setboot -disk:nr option can force (BMGR) disk to work on
10.2 28-03-2010 Boot image Updated USBASPI.SYS to much newer 2.27, dated 2008
geo Retain correct base PSN if a partition was selected
LVM dialog Indicate 'sync LVM engine' as NOT RECOMMENDED
MBR code Recognize another variant of the OS/2 2.x MBR code
Menu BM/LVM removed duplicate shortcut letter 'I'
Menu Wipe Added comment on removables to final message
Menu Wipe Start of disk, now wipes 32 MiB instead of 10
Menu Actions -> Create bootable (USB) disk
Menu Display -> Show Partition Table Sector, MBR or EBR
Menu Wipe MBR sector for a disk (FDISK menu)
Menu Wipe Bootsector for a partition (filesystem menus)
RUN cmd Fixed problem with quoting (spaces, params)
Script Fixed trap on single WHILE/FOR/IF on last line
Script Fixed trap when 'until' is missing for a 'do'
Script Add expression/variable substitution to single-step popup
Script Confirm single-step execute line, and allow script cancel
Script Allow . as placeholder in script positional $n parameters
Script Added verbose and single-step option to RUN file dialog
Script Single-Step + Verbose check-box in singlestep popup
USB stick Added DFSUSB32.dfs script to prepare a bootable stick
10.1 01-01-2010 502G disk Made this an 'informational' message on OS/2
AUX mode Add warning popup if AUX mode is activated
Bootable CD/Diskette added info on SATA legacy mode
FDISK menu Prestore dialog added comment on restore types
FORMAT FAT Fixed system label to contain 10.x (use VLABEL)
MBR code Recognize PendriveLinux Multi-ISO boot from USB
MBR NTsig Changed default to DF5ee100, eye catcher value
MENU Format: avoid find 2nd FAT area (very slow!)
SCAN Fix reported count when error-strategy is 'quit'
SCAN menu Force '-E:i' to always retry with single sector
STORE Use A/B instead of 1/2 as store identification
Sw -dir EXE startup switch, file directory (scripts, key)
Sw -screen Linux EXE switch, force screen size like 112x39
USB-stick Bootable DFSee ISO from USB stick using GRUB
10.0 01-11-2009 502G disk OS/2 warning if disk > 502 GiB normal limit
64K warn OS/2 or eCS incompatible with > 64K cylinders
A sn size Fixed multi sector ASCII display output format
CD/FLOPPY Choice between 28 or 50 lines display at startup
CD/FLOPPY FreeDOS updated to latest kernel/command.com
CD/FLOPPY New IDE driver, XMS manager and ramdisk updated
CD/FLOPPY Optional load of (Iomega) FireWire driver added
CDROM boot fixed availability of HPFS/JFS/NTFS-LDR images
CHS warn No CHS warnings if #sects > 63 (eCS > 500GB)
CLONE Added 'reboot' advisory popup after completion
CR No size adjust primary, if not at MBR track
CR Align to cyl-start if prev END is not aligned
CSLIST -s Add cylinder-aligned sectors to sector-list
DFSDOS VOL Fixed size/freespace for drives > 2GB, filedialogs
FAT Fixed display bugs with just one FAT area
HEX dump Default size full sector if display >= 40 lines
JFS super Always warn for superblocks/part size mismatch
KEY Support major versions over 9 in key checks
LIST Export/Import preserves list display format
LIST Export/Import store/display drive/disk/part
Menu Mode=Fdisk -> Wipe (EBR) TRACK-1 reserved sectors
Menu Edit->Settings->Status prompt after each command
PART view Show decimal size in sectors if no LVM/BMGR
PART -s -u Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
PART -v Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
PART -xml Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
PART pid Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
PTE No 'smart' field updates when type set to 0
RESIZE and EXPAND added '?' and '-?' help on command
SCAN Fix progress reporting when not at LSN 0
SCRIPT Fixed BREAK from FOR loop, break just one level
WARNING Linux device-nr too large, only for nr > 63
WARNING Type 0F extended container, made a minor warning
H I S T O R Y 9 . X X
9.15 21-03-2009 CD-boot and diskette, ramdisk now 12MB, boots on 16MB machine
DFSxFSx Analysis scripts support current object (large-floppy)
EDIT Binary file, allow spaces in path+filename
EDIT "File in Binary Editor", textual menu change
EDIT Hex file, used item size based on screen width
EDIT Max nr of bytes/row to 133 in HEX editor
EDIT Fix trap with > 50 bytes/row in hex editor
FAT Fix open/format traps with 2048 byte sectors
FORMAT Support 2048 byte sectors (FAT filesystems)
MENU File, open object, Freespace area as logical
RECOVER Warning to use ANOTHER partition as destination
RESTORE partition info, extra confirmation when no prompts
RESTORE Show restored size/offset with -S option
RESTORE Fixed restore of .IMG file with -S option
RESTORE Fixed restore to 'corrupt' (NTFS) partition
SAVETO Warning to use ANOTHER partition as destination
SCREEN Support screen/window sizes up to 500 columns
9.14 07-02-2009 RESIZE Fix 'ACTIVE' flag lost on expand (again)
ntsign Added -query and -v display options
Profile Correctly execute from path with spaces
MBR id Recognize 'Symantec/Norton Partition Magic'
PART -V Fixed display of HPFS spare sector (0x11)
9.13 11-10-2008 COPY No change part-type to HIDDEN (multiple visible prim)
GENPART Use explicit HEX partition-type in the script
HELP Added Partition Type help chapter in Help menu
LVM dlg Updated help for driveletters and 'sync LVM'
MENU Fixed 'filename with spaces' issues for IM etc
MOVE Display overview as a table, not as a 'map'
MOVE Make MOVE/COPY commands use explicit HEX type
MOVE No change part-type to HIDDEN (multiple visible prim)
PART Fixed freespace line formatting for Linux and MAC
PART Partition type 0xBC (acronis-ZS) recognized
PART Partition type 0xBF (Solaris ZFS) recognized
Profile template is now 'proftemp.dfs' user: profile.dfs
RESIZE No change part-type to HIDDEN (multiple visible prim)
SCRIPT Added fileselect(), filesaveas() and dirselect()
9.12 30-08-2008 DIALOGS image, restore, clone, create; use explicit HEX
IKEYxxx Changed to be a generic template replacement utility
MENU Make 'change partitiontype' use explicit HEX numbers
NTSIGN Changed parameter to be decimal by default, not hex
PART Make labels (-b-) the default for Linux and MAC too
PROFILE Default (empty) profile.dfs made part of distribution
SCRIPT Fix broken function-name parsing in ver 9.11
SERIAL Changed parameter to be decimal by default, not hex
SET Help text on 'set radix' or 'set radix -?' improved
TYPE Set 'class' of 2nd parameter to be a partition-type
9.11 16-08-2008 JFS Minor textual update in filefind dialog text
MENU 'Find and Recover ONE file' for HPFS/NTFS/JFS
MENU Add help on SCRIPT flow-control and layout
MENU Add help on built-in functions and variables
MENU Added/Moved 'Find ONE file/dir' by full path
Numbers Allow hex/dec/octal on most parameter values
Numbers Changed default radix for ALL values to DECIMAL
RUN Help on flow-control, functions and variables
SCRIPT Implemented lazy evaluation on OR, AND, ||, &&
SCRIPT Add control-structure help text function
SCRIPT Fixed bug in STREQ and related operators
SCRIPT Added BREAK and CONTINUE loop controls
SCRIPT Added pragma and built-in function help
SCRIPT Fixed parameter bug in left() and right()
9.10 20-07-2008 FAT FS Hint to use FORMAT when bootsector is empty
MEDIA Allow upto 24 IDE/SCSI disk on Linux (hdX/sdX)
PART Added details to 'invalid partition table nr'
SETBOOT Allow colon on /IBD:C: syntax
9.09 24-04-2008 CR Create a valid new BBR on type 0x35 for 'create NEW'
SBVER Command for JFS, set JFS version (to OS/2 or Linux)
Mode=JFS menu, added item to set JFS filesystem version
9.08 18-04-2008 CR Clear BBR on type 0x35 for 'create NEW mode'
IMAGE Added warning on using SMART with recovery to help
RESIZE Added 'limitations' to help, supported FS
RESTORE Added informational REBOOT message popup at end
9.07 22-02-2008 DFSDISK Generate full disk-overview in XML format too (.RDF)
LVMsync Fixed close-all-disks to LVM engine (sync LVM)
OS2-EXE Supports using IBM BLDLEVEL now (when NOT compressed)
PART Changed 0x12 type description to 'Recovery'
QUERY DR/PR option tests for removable disk/partition
QUERY DY option tests for 'large floppy format' disk
Resolve variables, '$$' in expression resolves to '$' value
SET VAR command, switch $var substitution in commands ON/OFF
SLT dlg Minor textual update to cancel-SLT build popup dialog
Sw: -$- EXE startup switch, $var substitution in commands OFF
9.06 06-01-2008 TxWin Added double-buffering to reading VIO screen (traps)
defaults Set bad-sector retries to be -A:1 (was 5)
warnings Duplicate driveletters, extra text for WIN
9.05 01-01-2008 cmdline Fix syntax error on single '$' characters (9.03/9.04)
disk R/W Allow OS2 physical disk handle-value ZERO (TSHELL)
format Warnings about 'large floppy' FAT32 on OS/2
geocalc Allow sectors/track upto 255 (DANIS506, 2 TiB disks)
list Fixed decimal value shown for very large values
menu Show error 'item currently disabled' on mousclick too
menubar Add application version to right side of menubar
menu run Allow DFSee quit from script ran from the menu
part Warnings about 'large floppy' FAT32 on OS/2
quit Do not exit with the 0x251 DFS_QUIT as rc (make it 0)
run Abort script run when parameter prompt is canceled
script Quit script (and app) on application 'q' command
9.04 09-12-2007 CR menu Fixed enable/disable of CR/BM-install menu items
FileDlg Fix directory read for DOS version (Watcom 1.7 bug!)
Geocalc Ignore deleted (type 00) partitions in MBR tables
LVM Set correct drive-link seq-nr (P#1262, Mantis 1572)
LVM -c Fix drive-link sequence numbers that are ZERO
Menu Edit -> Set Geometry contents based, toggle 'geocalc'
PART xml Add specific warning for LVM sequence-nr ZERO
SCRIPT Implemented error ignore/quit/confirm logic
SCRIPT Implemented setting $_rc system variable on commands
SET geo Set 'geocalc' disk contents based geometry ON or OFF
9.03 25-11-2007 CLONE pri-to-pri, fix automatic FIXPBR 'to' part
CMDLINE Allow input of <> when not at start cmdline
CMDLINE Implemented DFSee host variables $_name
CMDLINE Support $variable and {expression} evaluation
JFS -v More info on damaged Inode with startup switch -p
LIST -c Fixed incorrect leading '-l-' option
MENU JFS fixboot, driveletter prompt for bootable JFS
RESIZE Fixed 'ACTIVE' flag being lost on expand
SCRIPT Support named local variables in scripts (perl like)
SCRIPT Support expressions and builtin functions (perl like)
SCRIPT Allow direct disk-read using $_h_sector[secnr]
SCRIPT Added comma-operator to expressions (for loops)
SCRIPT Added tree-based parsing and linenr error reporting
SCRIPT Do not execute lines resolving to empty string
SCRIPT Fix empty string variables like $_p_label
9.02 10-10-2007 ABOUT Updated registration key text for temporary keys
CLEANUP Add reset ACTIVE flag for logicals, rework code
CREATE Fix type freespace on create log between primaries
FIXBOOT Fixed missing bytes for FAT32 with Win9x bootcode
MBR Added Windows Vista MBR recognition for display
MENU Add 'wipe first disk track' (except MBR/LVM)
MENU Disable Bootmanager items if BMGR is not present
MENU2HTML -h option generates static HTML pages, not PHP
NTFS next-lsn preserved on auto-display related MFT
OUTPUT Added 'underscore' separator line after each command
PART -xml added 'beyondenddisk' warning property
fstype 0x27 for IFShidden, like VISTA pre-install
skipfs startup switch, skips Fs on part listing
9.01 09-09-2007 Alloc Added 'alloc map, F9, to Reiser and EXT2+3 menus
Clone Avoid 2nd dialog after clone size warning popup
Create menu, removed inaccessible disks from freespace lists
Create Add 'BJFS' for a bootable JFS partition type 0x07
Help Several minor updates to various help pages
Menu Bootmanager Install, item added to "Mode=FDISK" menu
Menu/Dlg Partition selection lists, skip empty disks
Menu2html creates (PHP) documentation for active pulldown menu
Mode=FAT Improved FAT filerecovery search options handling
Move Fix MOVE to begin freespace, fail to clone (smart)
PART Dont close default store when 'large-floppy' present
Unmount From the File menu, allow unmounting 'dummy' disks too
9.00 16-08-2007 Icons Updated OS/2 and Win Icons to match the V9 release
APMAP Show Apple-Partion-MAP in first track when present
BMFIX BMGR, default to NO I13X check, allow GRUB/Win MBR
DARWIN First port for MAC OS X 'terminal' using GCC 4.x
DFSIMAGE CMD/BAT, added a 'raw' parameter for image creation
DIRTY Update menu-item enable/disable after changing status
EBR Show classic IBM Bootmanager menu name in display
EDIT Disassembler on <F2> or '-d'; Step, Save to file etc
EXT2/3 Added more info to the superblock display
EXT2/3 Add group descriptor structure read & display
EXT2/3 Area aware allocation logic (disk-level smart)
EXT2/3 Allocation bitmap logic; alloc, smart image/clone
Edit -> BMGR items moved to 'Fdisk -> OS/2 LVM and Bootmanager'
EDIT Limit HEXED marked-area to a single object (sector)
FAT12 Fix wrong output on large clusters/small filesystem
FILEFIND Dialog, add 'search from current sector' checkbox
FIXBOOT Driveletter prompt dialog in JFS/HPFS menu selection
FIXBOOT HPFS, default to NO I13X check, allow GRUB/Win MBR
FIXBOOT Retain (boot) letter on JFS/HPFS when already there
Geocalc Add LVM DLAT disksize versus OS disksize sanity check
Geocalc Contents based geometry determination (sniffing)
Grub Display summary or details (0 -v) on GRUB MBR sectors
Grub Display details on GRUB bootsectors, incl boot device
Grub Display details from stage 1.5 or stage 2 data sectors
Grub Identify GRUB/LILO non-MBR sectors correct on display
HPFS id Fixed false 'alloc sector' identification empty sector
JFS Better sanity check on IAG filesystem structure data
LVM -n Fix trap when BootDiskId is not set yet for a disk
Linux Recognize JFS FS in 0x83 partition as well as 0x35
Linux Recognize JFS filesystem in 0x83 Linux partition
LinuxLVM Added type 0x87 to CR and change-type selection lists
MENU Made 'Bootmanager menu Add' generic LVM/non-LVM
MENU Updated bmfix menu wording, added I13X to help text
Mode=HFS in menu, recognition in PART display, limited support
Mode=XFS in menu, recognition in PART display, limited support
OS-cmds Allow external cmds on DOS/OS2 only (security issue)
PART Display GRUB summary on -v and -q, if GRUB present
PART Fixed trap on a garbage IBM bootmanager BMP sector
PART Improved rounding of MiB size values to be exact
PART -b Add 'related' column for Creator info or Linux ldr
PART -b- Added label info for EXT2/3 and Reiser filesystems
READ Allow read outside a partition (GRUB stage2, LVM etc)
REISER Implemented allocation map display and smart imaging
RESIZE Enable menus for FAT/HPFS/NTFS only, not EXT2/RSR
RESTORE (verify) updated confirmation text for readability
RESTORE Fix spurious CHS popup after completion of restore
SCRIPT Minor fix for script set-parameter using prompt text
SERIAL Improved batchmode use and wording of popup text
SWAP New mode, allows smart disk imaging skipping the SWAP
SWAP Identify Linux swapspace type1 and type2-v0 or -v1
Switches Interpret -x123 as a longname, not a value: -x:123
TERM Recognize RXVT terminal string as Xterm compatible
TRACE Set cyclic trace to create 9 files, in File menu
VCU Fixed for empty disks, and disks with logicals only
VIRT created from a .PDx, does auto restore of .IMx file
WARNING For sda/hda devicenumber too large (libATA and SCSI)
warnings Suppress disk-warnings too on -w- 'part' option
warnings Toned down the 'HiddenSectors' warning text a bit
warnings made aware of DFSee I13X patches for BMGR and MBR
H I S T O R Y 8 . X X
8.17 11-09-2007 Move Fix MOVE to begin freespace, fail to clone (smart)
8.16 13-05-2007 CR Fix IBM BootManager LSN string syntax in EBR sectors
CLONE Fixed disk-to-disk smart clone cluster-skip on FAT
EDIT hex Only use 32-byte wide startup at 140 columns or more
RESIZE Fixed expanding a LOGICAL resulting in bad alignment
SCAN New -skipbads option for quick scans, default 1 MiB
8.15 04-05-2007 CR -G:n Set GAP between p-table and bootsector for a logical
DFSTART Fixed check on (now obsolete) DFSDISK.DFS script file
EDIT Fix initial off-screen cursor when cursor not at start
IAG New command to display detailed IAG structures
ICONS Generic DFSee icon same for Linux, Windows and OS/2
JFS Add IAG automatic structure identify and display
JFS open Show more information on corrupt IAG data structures
LVM dlg F2/F5/F8 for HEX edit LVM DLAT, bootsector and BBR
MENU Add IAG structure display items, overview and detail
PART Recognize an empty MBR with Linux GRUB correctly
PTE dlg F2/F5/F8 for HEX edit p-table sector and bootsector
REPEAT Repeat any DFSee command, forever or specified number
8.14 12-04-2007 DFSCHECK add Reiser and Ext2/3 filesystems analysis scripts
Dist-ZIP add 'versionX.YY' file for quick version checking
Filename in dialogs, preserve single-quotes, allow "Log's"
Hex-edit Alt-E, Alt-J, Alt-K, Alt-S for cursor related marks
Hex-edit Add Alt-1 .. Alt-0 for 1..10 byte sized mark areas
Hex-edit Add Alt-R reverses bytes in mark (endian correction)
Hex-edit Add Alt-C for copy data, Alt-M for copy and move mark
Hex-edit Allow paste HEX-data from clipboard on a single line
LVM Dlg Allow setting of driveletter '*' for 'auto assign'
LVMSHOW fixed for showing info for partition on other disk
MENU File > Open Volume inform when object is a partition
Mouse Make right button available for OS (clipboard etc)
PART -w Warn on primary partition inside EXTended container
PART -w Explain 'Obsolete entry X' in LVM DLAT, run 'LVM -c'
PART -w Reword GPT/EFI warning, incl iMAC, allow total remove
PART -w Warning when I13X BMGR present, but no I13X MBR code
PTE Dlg Custom sort order fields + button, to allow any order
RESIZE Fix maximum size displayed for FAT in expand dialog
RESIZE Keep exact start-sector for non-aligned partitions
8.13 25-03-2007 BOOTINI On FAT(32), search for correct (ASCII) filename now
CLONE Reword error msg on opening non-formatted TO store
CLONE Reword warning on time-to-complete, hint at status
COPY and MOVE, fix offset for 1st primary on a disk (Cyl 0)
CR/LVM No clear of the BBR (LVM sig) area on new type 0x35
FILEFIND on FAT, fixed incorrect matching on DIR and filenames
FORMAT Use 1-sector buffer on quick-format (avoid USB bug)
JFS Fixed crash displaying a garbage filled superblock
LVMSHOW fix display of LVM info for a specific partition
MENU Add menu items BR code save/restore using RAW images
MENU Display -> LVM info for partition(s); show DLAT/BBR
MENU File -> Open Part/Volume verbose for more info
OS2 I/O Fix Ioctl TrackLayout param size (is cosmetic only)
REGKEY Verbose identification and status (shows expiration)
SUPER 2 JFS, display secondary superblock with 'super 2'
8.12 04-03-2007 CD Display current working directory without an error
CHECK NTFS, fix alloc error messages on split-tree DIR
CR dlg Fix size=1 sticking after a BMGR partition is made
FORMAT Use drive locking during format (on OS2 and Windows)
LOCK Support lock-by-driveletter for large floppy format
LVM dlg Update of driveletters works again (bug in 8.11)
MAP Fixed display of driveletter line with 'map * +'
MENU Display -> Other partition views; fixed, better help
MENU Mode=FDISK -> Set Partition -> Not active, clear flag
NTFS Recognize Windows Vista NTLDR sectors (named BOOTMGR)
PART LVM column aligned if > 98 cols, using max 114 cols
PART -b Align freespace lines for Linux in its default table
RESIZE Allow '*' for default/maximum size in the dialog
RESIZE NTFS, avoid empty bitmap extent on expanding the FS
RESIZE NTFS, avoid extra bitmap flushing after updating it
STORE Better understandable store description texts
WIPE -V Perform an all-sector verify by reading back
8.11 18-02-2007 BOOTSECT enhanced display, BPB-Geo/dsk L-geo, JFS bootcode
DESKTOP Fixed auto resize on startup, using MODE command
DISK Switch to Mode=xxFS on large-floppy-format disks
FORMAT + FIXBOOT support Veit Kannegieser's OS2LDR.SEK code
IMAGE Dialog, fix empty 'start' value messing up command
LVM Create LVM signature area for LVM/JFS partition types
LVM Suppress 'BAD' warning on fakeEBR display (fixed Geo)
LVM dlg Allow empty Vol/Part/Letter fields to mean delete
LVMsync Change default to NO synchronize to avoid problems
MAP Show PRM & large-floppy 'removable' status when known
MAP Show large-floppy: FS-format, label, driveletter
MAP -m Reworded int13 limit message line for more clarity
MENU Actions -> Format with FAT filesystem -> new submenu
MENU Actions -> Format ... -> Current, OS2LDR Large Floppy
MENU Remove mode=FDISK duplicate 'D' accellarator key
MENU Exclude removables from 'Boot using IBM Bootmanager'
PART Switch to Mode=xxFS based Part-type for non-formatted
PART Added disk-level warning 'large floppy' format
PART Added table footer with '>' status character legenda
PART Show large-floppy: FS-format, label, driveletter
PART -n Fix table header on Linux default (or part -n -b)
PART/MAP Implement removable detection (like USB) for Windows
RESIZE Fix crash in resize of FAT32 filesystems (8.09/8.10)
RESTORE Dialog, fix empty 'start' value messing up command
RESTORE Fixed display of buffersize for uncompressed .img
SETBOOT Add removable indicator (not bootable) when known
SETBOOT Display (LVM) driveletter and filesystem on -list
8.10 09-01-2007 FILEFIND Fix crash mode=FDISK, on several unsupported commands
FIXEXT Fix MBR corruption, empty disk! (bug in 8.09 only)
JFS Updated fixboot/ldr templates to eCS 2.0 beta3 level
MENU Display popup when a disabled menu-item is selected
PART Fixed buffersize bug in CorrelateDriveLetters (crash)
PART Show both, and WARN on duplicate driveletters (clone)
RESTORE Fix incorrectly reported size on start other than zero
8.09 21-12-2006 DFSCHECK Increased imz size to 600 sectors (2*FAT+ROOT)
FAT INIT Detect corrupted 'EA DATA .SF' data files at init
FIXBOOT JFS, fixed label for bootable JFS (was 'footable':-)
LVM MENU BMGR menu delete removes obsolete '--> LVM' string too
LVM MENU Explicit menu item 'Bootmanager menu Delete'
FS MENU Change volume serial number in 'Boot area fix/update'
FS MENU Added selection for any/all filefind HPFS,NTFS,JFS
FILEFIND -a option, to find any/all files, deleted and normal
SERIAL Change volume serial nr on FAT(32), HPFS, JFS and NTFS
BUFFERS Changed ALL code to use variable sectorsize (like 4KB)
MENU JFS text now 'Unmounted & Clean' for consistency
PART BSIZE buffers allow 2 4KB sectors, fix 'GPT' crash
PART -b Linux style table with start/end and size in blocks
RESTORE Dialog and -S option use start-sector from IMZ hdr
8.08 11-11-2006 DFSDISK Fixed disk-selection in script after 'setboot'
FAT FS Fix to use first FAT area by default, not second
FINDROOT NTFS, fixed trap on random data in some sectors
IMAGE -P Fixed incorrect default size to image (read errors)
LVMREDO Added to the list of 'known fdisk' commands
MENU FAT, HPFS and NTFS add 'Reset bad sectors' selection
MENU Removed obsolete 'F9' from 'Disk and Media' menu item
NOBADS HPFS, reset the bad-sector-list to an empty state
NOBADS NTFS, reset $BadClus and $BitMap, to NO bad sectors
NOBADS Reset clusters marked as 'BAD' in both FAT areas
NTSIGN Added command description and usage on '-?'
NTSIGN Fixed confirmation for non-windowed interactive use
PART Add explicit warnings/errors on EBR BACKWARD/LOOP
PART dr Allow select for '-c' LVM letter
PART-xml Add flag1/2 value, fixpbr/chs hints, installable flag
PTE 'SORT' button sorts table on the start sectornumber
QUERY PN returns 1 when partition has valid LVM information
QUERY DN/DX returns #partitions with/without LVM info on disk
8.07 18-09-2006 DFSMKOBJ CMD creates the OS/2 or eCS desktop folder for DFSee
CLONE Ignore FS-damage on opening destination partition
Screen 7-bit ASCII output default on Linux (unless -7-)
RECOVER JFS/NTFS file recovery preserves file timestamps
CHECK JFS/HPFS recursion guard added to prevent crashes
MOVE and COPY, added specific abort-confirmation in CLONE
MOVE and COPY, added extra 'may take very long' warning
PART-xml Generate XML partition overview to file or stdout
FIXBOOT NTFS, use calculated default for MFTcopy sectornr
EDIT Fix replacement-edit in FDISK mode (from scripts)
8.06 19-08-2006 DFSCHECK CMD/BAT now do ALL partitions if no parameter given
DFSEDIT CMD/BAT as a quick 'binary-edit filename' solution
DFSDISK Fix a minor BBR drivelink display error (VRAID :-)
EDIT Highlight search-result location using marked area
EDIT Add byte/line MARKED area in hex-edit (Alt-B/L/U)
EDIT Erase now Alt-F (Fill), on MARKED area or whole item
EDIT fn Add delete to end-of-file (Ctrl-D) on editing files
EDIT fn Message popup is specified file does not exist
EDIT fn Confirm file truncation (deleted bytes) at exit
EDIT fn Insert/Delete single bytes at end of the file
JFS LIST Fix 'list -f' trap on check EA on some deleted files
MBR/EBR Highlight partition-table bytes in the hex-editor
MBR/PART Recognize and handle MBR sector for LVM level 14.105
PART Fix I13X recognition new LVM MBR code (level 14.105)
8.05 10-08-2006 PSAVE Fixed CRASH in OS/2, Win and Linux version (DFSDISK)
IMZ2RAW Fixed write-error when expanding the RAW imagefile
MOVE and COPY, added 'Smart' checkbox to dialog, default on
8.04 06-08-2006 CLONE Added -skipbads:nnn option, fast bad-sector cloning
CLONE Reset active store on Escape or a failure too!
CLONE/IM Show number of bad-sectors in progress status too
EDIT Add Ctrl-E to erase edited item to a hex value or 0
EDIT fn HEX/ASCII binary sector edit specified filename
FAT FS Detect unmapped clusters, inconsistent bootsector
FILEFIND FAT, fixed finding files with extensions like *.c
FILEFIND menu dialog, new 'verbose' checkbox, default FAST
FILIFIND NTFS, speedup MFT-record search using speedstep 2
FIND Speedstep mode using -i:n option, skip n sectors
FIND dlg Add 'Step' field for the -i:Speedstep option
FIXBOOT FAT, added bootcode type 'W = Win-9x on FAT16'
FIXBOOT NTFS create record from template if no spare
FIXPBR Disallow FIXPBR in FDISK mode for safety
FS FAT Fixed trap if the bootsector was a valid NTFS
IMAGE Exact image size is kept the same on writing
MENU Added 'reselect disk' to FS menus; part to FDISK
MENU Reworded NEWMBR submenu text, better style :-)
MENU Added: 'Edit -> File, Binary edit' to edit files
Menu Edit always starts with 1-sector items
PART Reworded cylinder-alignment messages for clarity
PART Pick-up correct FAT32 label from root directory
PART WARNING on LVM/JFS with DLAT but no BBR info sector
PSAVE Include unformatted bootsectors in .PDx file
RESIZE FAT, fixed maximum size in dialog in some cases
SLT Faster fileinfo on JFS/NTFS/HPFS, no alloc check
STARTUP No 'GETDEVICEPARAMS failed' messages anymore, USB
STORE Added exact image-size in bytes to internal info
STORE Fixed store-nr display: Store #, added imagesize
8.03 05-07-2006 DFSDISK Correctly displays all LVM-sectors in FS modes too
EDIT Added interactive sector-editor in 'edit' command
EDIT Add the generic FIND dialog using Ctrl-F/Ctrl-A
EDIT Add the GOTO-location dialog to the sector editor
EDIT HEX/DEC switch for LSN/PSN info in status line too
FIND Added find-again logic to menu (Ctrl-A shortcut)
GOTO Dialog enhanced with CHS and MCS-number format
JFS Fix CHECK of damaged Inodes (allocation info)
JFS Fix XTP/DTP identification on blocksize < 4KB PAGE
MENU Sector-edit item in 'Edit' and <F2> shortcut key
PART Add warnings if an LVM sector has a BAD CRC value
TXWIN Fixed bug in overlapping window-border repainting
8.02 31-05-2006 ALLOC Area support HPFS, FAT, JFS and NTFS filesystems
CLONE Smart sector support (skip) on disk/filesystem
COMPARE Smart sector support (skip) on disk/filesystem
DFSDISK Allow display of all LVM information in FS modes
FIXBOOT Fixed a program-crash in FAT fixboot (trap)
FIXPBR Geo/HiddenSector warnings clear, optional fix
JFS More error reporting on damaged fileset structure
LOGGING Support for maximum logfile size and log rotation
MENU File -> Trace to 3 cyclic files of limited size
MENU <F9> Now supports allocation display for a whole disk
Mode=xxx Menu wording changed a bit for more clarity
SHIFTR Shift all data in a range of sectors to the RIGHT
SLT2LIST Add selected SLT sectors to list for analysis
Smart Test (smart) allocation for every sector on disk
Store Added AreaSN information for smart-disk support
\path command implemented for the JFS filesystem, and
fixed a bug in this command for HPFS and NTFS
8.01 05-05-2006 CHECK NTFS, fixed trap on $Secure resident data
CHECK JFS fix the bogus Inode message on '-m'
CR Dialog Added explicit Bootable JFS 0x07 in list
CR Dialog Re-ordered a few fields for better TAB order
DFSCHECK Renamed scripts to 'dfs*.dfs' for consistency
Display bootsector sets 'up' sector to last sector nr
EXT2/3 Super command displays some more details now
FDISK cmd Hint at FS-specific mode for DELFIND etc
FORMAT Refresh internal tables after formatting
FS FAT Init sets global Dirty status for querying
History Ctrl-D in popup deletes an item from history
History Avoid (recursive history) popup from any list
History Ctrl-D on cmdline, auto exec NEXT in history
History Ctrl-D, delete history-item when popup active
IBM BMGR Show Bootmanager version listed in bootsector
JFS Fixed trap in display of ZEROED superblock
JFS DIR Fix dir-block display for blocksize not 4K
JFS INIT Detect invalid Inode extent sectornumbers
JFSsuper Allow but warn on invalid signature like JFS3
LVM dlg lvmSync logic off for removables (OS2 only)
Library Fix a possible crash on PATH larger than 1024
MBR code recognize 'OS/2 2.xx German' style MBR (AP)
NTFS DIR show 'noatt/-bad-' strings on MFT errors
New Menu Display -> Other view -> Warnings only
PART Added warning for BMGR CHS issue in bootsect
PART -x Adds extra FS-specific columns to 'part -s'
Restore Dialog, fix list selection after IMZ2RAW
SET cmd Add 'set logfile ON/OFF' to suppress logging
W2KBM => BMFIX includes CHS check & fix plus old W2KBM
WARNING On type 0x44 (Norton GoBack) when detected
WARNING On Linux CHS/alignment warnings due to geometry
WIPEFREE as new name for ZEROFREE for consistency
8.00 30-03-2006 Official 8.00 release. UI additions and JFS support
CD/DSK Fixed filehandling and ZIP for DFSDISK/DFSCHECK run
CHECK/SLT Use compact layout showing path and filename too
FileInfo Display path/name uses cache, .LONGNAME or 'magic'
JFS SLT Creates a filename cache for recovery and undelete
JFS DIR Show file and directory EA-size if EA is present
Mode=HPFS Find/Fix items now in 'FS structural fixes' submenu
Mode=HPFS add dump of system area to a compressed imagefile
Mode=JFS add display for specific system/FS Inodes by number
Mode=JFS add dump of system area to a compressed imagefile
Mode=JFS add search and display items for filerecovery
Mode=JFS add creation/update of recovery/undelete filenames
PART Fixed disk-level warning display being discarded
QFI cmd Quick find inodes on JFS by searching Inode extents
SHIFTL Shift data in sectors (left) for custom recoveries
SLT -x Aborts SLT build (in background)
SPEED Better progress reporting, warning if area too small
8.b5 21-03-2006 Second PUBLIC BETA for the 8.xx release
DFSDISK script, runs windowed for better progress reporting
DFSCHECK script, runs windowed for better progress reporting
PROGRESS Replaced 'dot' style progress by a progress BAR
PROGRESS Enhanced status-line progress with calculated ETA
CHECK Changed progress #items done to percentage complete
CLEANUP Now resets non-std partitiontable flags in primaries
8.b4 11-03-2006 First PUBLIC BETA for the 8.xx release
-nr +nr Display sector, go backward/forward (GB/GF alias)
BOOTREC Display shows ACTIVE FAT (FAT32)
CHECK for JFS complete now, zero errors on clean FS
CR -C Option also forces LVM -C on -L option
CR dlg Radio button for Recover/Clear mode selection
EJECT New command for removables (like USB)
FIND Fix a search-again loop when at end after a hit
FIXBOOT FAT select BOOTCODE using a popup list
FIXBOOT JFS bootcode template update (Steven Levine)
FIXBOOT Serial-nr value changed to sectornr + timestamp
FIXPBR Updated help, add message popup
FORMAT Serial-nr value changed to sectornr + timestamp
FORMAT Copy bootsector as spare to last sector (LVM-sig!)
FORMAT Make FAT minimal 1 cluster in size (avoiding bugs)
JFS DIR Inode/LSN mappings implemented using lookup table
JFS DIR Display Inode/DirPage for regular directories
JFS SLT Build complete; used by SLT, ID and CHECK commands
JFSINODE Identify (file/dir/deleted/bad) and display contents
LVM Fix change letter for JFS types, dynamic update now
LVM -C Option CLEARs old LVM BBR info (for NEW partitions)
LVM dlg Strip trailing spaces from names that cause problems
MBR-crc Added detection of PQ BootMagic style bootcode
MEDIA NonLinux: IDE/SCSI/USB or PCCARD terminology change
MENU File and Display->Related This +1 and This -1 added
MENU Add SLT-build and ID to the Mode=JFS menu
MENU Media management eject/discover (updated mount too)
MENU Add explicit Mode=AUX submenu for consistency
MENU partition selection now moved to FORMAT menu
MFT-REC Illegal attribute aborts display, fixed
Menutext Use "disk-list" with mount/unmount, avoid confusion
PART Display 'r' removable indicator for USB disks etc
WARNING for FAT16 filesystem found in FAT32 type 0b/0c
WARNING for FAT32 filesystem found in FAT16 type 06/0e/12
Warning made Windows-0x0F extended type a minor warning
H I S T O R Y 7 . X X
7.15 01-12-2005 BmgrList Add driveletter to boot-menu list item text
CHSstyle Selection dialog for FIXCHS, CLEANUP and CR cmd
CS -v -m New checksum verification options for scripting
DFSEE enhanced the DFSEE.BAT/CMD with usage on '-?'
DiskOpen Allow OS2 PhysDisk handle 0 (disk 1 locked bug)
FILELIST Dialog, add KiB/MiB/GiB size for file selection
FORMAT FAT12/16/32 formatting including options dialog
FS MENU Checked text "Fixboot/LDR" in "Boot area fixes"
JFS Fixboot bootable/standard bootcode selection
JFS/HPFS LDR (micro-filsystem) recovery commands added
Menu Added FORMAT in Actions menu (FAT/FAT32 only)
Menu Added NTFS dump first MFT-records to imagefile
Menu Added Update NT-signature in MBR dialog/menu
Menu Added Wipe-start-of-disk as separate selection
NTFS Display ARSHD-attributes in directory display
NTFS Fix allocation handling extreme fragmented MFT
NTFS Leading \ on recover '123.DIR\fn' path/filename
NTFS \ command implemented, gives direct access to file
NTFS MFT INDX display shows Btree branches (directories)
NTFS MFT handling fixed for external attribute data
PART -e:1 to include info on 1st extended container only
Query P0 returns MFT-fragmentation on NTFS filesystems
RUN -P Fix filename handling for script path with spaces
SETBOOT accept full '-query' option as alias for -q
SLTBuild option dialog; multi-threaded on OS/2 and Win
7.14 07-11-2005 BSFIND -f:pos start sector for the search as mcs-number
CMDLINE Give error on single non-hex char commands like 's'
CREATE Dialog, allow mcs-numbers for size and offset values
CREATE Dialog, add "Offset" from start/end, reserving space
CREATE Dialog, add "Multiple primaries" checkbox avoid hide
CREATE Dialog, add "ACTIVE" checkbox for primary partitions
DFSDISK Fixed a TRAP for a PATH longer than 80 characters
DFSTART Fixed output file naming (failing DFSDISK rename)
FILELIST Dialog generates selection string from wildcard etc
FIND -f:pos start sector for the search as mcs-number
Fileinfo Select on min/max filesize too in FAT, HPFS and NTFS
LIST Uses filelist dialog for selection, ESCAPE aborts
MOUSE -mouse switch fixes mouse-cursor in OS2 FS sessions
NEWMBR Windows disk-signature will always stay unchanged
PRESTORE Dialog enhanced with several selection options
PSAVE Dialog enhanced with a backup description field
RECOVER Dialog for file selection, prompt if no parameters
RECOVER Add min/max file size to the selection parameters
RECOVER 'ignore errors' checkbox now available in filedialog
SPACES Allow spaces in paths and filenames for many dialogs
Status Show RC value in GREEN for RC=0, avoid user panic :-)
TxWin Use open-source, formal LGPL licensed version now
7.13 28-09-2005 DFSDISK Fixed BAT file causing endless loop running on PC-DOS
MAP Quietly skip unaccessible dummies from the display
NTFS DIRTY command, synchronize mirror-MFT on MFT 0..3 too
NTFS Avoid related MFT display recursion in any case
NTFS Improve extremely fragmented attribute-list handling
PTE/LVM Cleanup window positioning logic to use messages now
TRACE Added -d:xx option, slowdown while tracing (xx msec)
TXWIN Updated for Open TxWindows version change (1.00 now)
7.12 06-09-2005 BOOTINI -2 option forces updating the file, if default is OK
CHECK Speedup freespace analysis, when cluster > 1 (NTFS)
CHECK More accurate allocation error report, smaller areas
DFSDISK Made EXT2 superblock the default 'superblock' search
DFSDISK Add search for 'NTLDR sectors' Radio button in dialog
DIRTY d command for NTFS, forces CHKDSK on next Windows boot
EXPAND Add EXPAND of NTFS $Bitmap special file for resizing
IMAGE Dialog default changed to 2047 MiB multiple files
MENU Added set FS Dirty/Normal to the Mode=NTFS menu
RESIZE Fix size in NTFS bootsector, for spare-boot location
RESIZE Update $BadClus special file for truncate and expand
RESIZE Update NTFS $Bitmap special for truncate (resize)
RESIZE NTFS filesystem resize considered reliable now ...
SCRIPT Add new pragma 'SETPARAM' allowing use as variables
SCRIPT Add prompt modus for setparam, allowing user input
SETBOOT fixed for LVM-volume names with embedded spaces
SLT -v Verbose output (path+filenames) on no-error lines too
SLT -? Help added, simplified usage and better output format
SWITCH Allow spaces in EXE switches like -l:"my logfile"
7.11 24-08-2005 BSFIND s finds NTLDR first sectors on disk for disk recovery
CHECK updated for large freespace areas (more that 2GiB)
CHECK reports error for FS being DIRTY or MOUNTED (in use)
CHECK RC set to the resulting number of errors, for scripting
CLEANUP reset the ACTIVE flag on all extended-containers
DFSCHECK Resultfiles now named unique per platform (dfsoHPFS)
DFSCHECK Create a DFSCxxx.Iyy imagefile from filesystem start
DFSDISK Fix behaviour when called without any parameters
DFSDISK Resultfiles now named unique per platform (dfsdisko)
DONTFS script, add Restart-Area display with logfile flags
IMAGE Fixed and improved write-error reporting 2 GiB limit
LOG Dlg Allow spaces in path or filename (Program Files\...)
MAP -m Added explicit OS2 USBMSD.ADD DUMMY disk message
MENU Edit -> Bootmanager Query config - setboot -q -list
MENU Added search for NTLDR 1st sector, for recovery
MFT n -R show/test attribute runlists for non-resident data
NTFS Display logfile flags and volume information on open
NTFS Write MFTrec, Bitmap, mkRunList for better resizing
NTFS 's' separate sectortype for NTLDR 1st sector added
NTFS LOG show restart-area from $Logfile, incl unmounted flag
No Dummy disks included anymore in menu/dialog select-lists
No Dummy PART, PSAVE, PRESTORE, skip any inaccessible disks
PART -g Output important lines to STDOUT, for scripting/GUI
PART -w better message when ACTIVE extended containers seen
QUERY Add EK/EM/EG as Expand size limit for resizing GUI
QUERY -g Output important lines to STDOUT, for scripting/GUI
QUERY PO return the dirty/mounted status for NTFS filesystems
RAMDISK detection on FreeDOS diskette/CDROM now MUCH faster
SETBOOT -list option shows Bootmanager menu items available
SETBOOT Options compatible to SETBOOT.EXE replacement (eCS)
SETBOOT Automatic close (trace) logfile just before booting
SETBOOT -f-, no explicit flush (allows a PM message on OS2)
7.10 02-08-2005 Execute logfile timestamp format using ISO format YYYY-MM-DD
PART -w add WARNING for any invalid partition-table-entry
PART -w add WARNING for a DELETED partition entry type 0x00
DELETE default is now -c: clear ALL 16 bytes avoiding 0x00
NTFS MFT display all special $xxx files from Mode=NTFS menu
NTFS slt improved non-resident attribute-list handling in MFT
NTFS slt better display multiple non-resident MFT attributes
NTFS slt CHECK, no false alarms on unused MFT records
RESIZE Set correct extended-container size on resize logical
RESIZE Fix possible bug with FAT resize, ptable not updated
KEYB Added optional codepage to the DFSDOS keyb command
Linux Fix segmentation-violations (7.09, compiler optimize)
7.09 22-07-2005 LOGGING Automatic log dialog at startup, unless -l- switch
CLEANUP Added to Mode=FDISK menu, cleanup extended chain
EXT/Log New freespace-type when holding EMPTY EBR container
WARNINGs when empty extended containers are detected (EBR)
DISKopen fixed CR bug after using GEO ? 255 on virtual disk
FAT CRC Fix FALSE alarms, FAT1/FAT2 crc being different
PART -w Lowered severity for some really minor warnings
Image -z Huge speed improvement, 30 - 50% faster than 7.08
ReiserFS display more fields from the superblock, incl size
WIPE Accept mcs-numbers for -s and -F options
IMAGE Accept mcs-numbers for -s and -F options
RESTORE Apply start/size values from commandline in dialog
IMAGE -S option now implies -z option too (smart, LZW)
RESTORE Accept mcs-numbers for -s and -F options
IMAGE Apply start/size values from commandline in dialog
CLONE Apply start/size values from commandline in dialog
Mouse Fixed problem with unreachable area on OS/2 desktop
Mouse Added -mouse- program switch to disable the mouse
7.08 06-07-2005 PTE/LVM Dialogs keep their pos after a move and next/prev
MOVE and COPY menu Add the '-a' option, align to cyl boundary
Startup Fix TRAP on 2048 byte sector media at DFSee startup
TxLib Enhanced mouse-PTR drawing in OS2 version (droppings)
7.07 29-06-2005 CLONE Automatic buffersize reduction on bad-sector areas
IMAGE Automatic buffersize reduction on bad-sector areas
SCAN Automatic buffersize reduction on bad-sector reads
Desktop output-window and entryfield size/move with desktop
Dialogs Updated layout for better resize/move behaviour
LVM/PTE Added OK/Cancel/Prev/Next buttons for mouse use
CLONEDLG Added OK/Cancel buttons for better mouse handling
WRIM DLG Ignore 'size from IMZ' if explicit size specified
TxLib Implemented complete mouse handling for DOS
TxLib Fixed 1/2 vertical SIZE/MOVE by 1 character at a time
TxLib Added full-window dragging and optimized move refresh
TxLib Added OK and Cancel buttons to the standard dialogs
TxLib Implemented complete mouse support for OS2 version
TxLib Fix screen resize trap and 'mode' missing for Windows
7.06 02-06-2005 DFSNTLDR on NTFS creates NTLDR image for recovery purposes
FIXNTLDR on NTFS from builtin sector or compressed imagefile
ID -Last -g switch shows filename on STDOUT only (with -q)
LVMREDO added to LVM menu, with standard refresh options
LVMREDO -C option creates NEW LVM info if none is present
LVMREDO Refresh/Recover LVM DLAT sectors, keep driveletters
MENU Updated with NTLDR recovery items in a submenu
NTFS Allocation 100% shown in GREEN for resident files
MOUSE Click 'scrollbar' char on TEXTVIEW/LISTBOX scrolls
MOUSE Added close-button to HELP and TextView dialogs
MOUSE Added listpopup autoclose and better menu-toggle
MOUSE Added close-button to dialog frame/canvas windows
MOUSE Fixed 'mouse-trap' / F10 in scroll-window area
IUSBISO Fixed filename case and space problems in Linux
7.05 24-05-2005 JFS open No incorrect geo warnings for PBR (heads always 255)
MOUSE Supported for most operations now in Windows version
IMGRAB Fix disk-number used in final part display (cosmetic)
FileDlg Refresh volume list each time a filedialog is started
FileDlg Support CDROM and network drives in DOS version
VOL Volume command/menu support CDROMs now in DOS
DFSDISK Allow spaces in the path and filename arguments
IMAGE + RESTORE, use PARTITION in dialog if nothing specified
MENU Prevent empty disk/part submenu when no ADMIN/root
7.04 06-05-2005 CLONE -!- option skips the main dialog (clone -!- -p:pid)
DFSDISK Added 'pt -r' display to show all existing LVM info
HISTORY prefixed history popup (F11) retrieval bugs fixed
MENU Added Recover/Init LVM DLAT sector to LVM submenu
MFT NTFS Fixed display bug after PART -r or RESTORE command
7.03 28-03-2005 CLONE Fixed dialog FROM default selection on -p:xx
DFSCHECK added 'part -g' command at start for extra info
DFSDISK Create unique output filenames for cyl/all/geo
DFSDISK Strip file extension from basename specified
DFSDISK Allow full path specified with basename ($7)
DFSDISK Added complete parameter and option dialog
FAT32 Skip DosFilePtr allows driveletter correlation
FDISK F6 cleared sectors made searchable using type '6'
GENPART Partition-recreate script from current partitions
HISTORY Added menu-generated commands to history as well
HISTORY UP/DOWN/F11 keys control commandline history now
IBM BMGR No warnings anymore when found on disk 2
ID -last Identify filename for the last sector 'in-use'
JFS No warning for wrong HiddenSectors value in BR
MENU New 'add/remove to BootManager menu' item
Progress added 0x prefix to HEX sector value on screen
Sizes Use MiB units upto 10 terabyte, instead of GiB
WARPIN Fixed descriptive titles on PDF shadow objects
7.02 29-03-2005 HOWTO HTML and PDF version now, more up-to-date contents
WARPIN Self-extracting WarpIn installer supported on OS2
OS2/eCS Added new icons for EXE, scripts and DFSee folder
PART/MAP Allow over 50 partitions per disk and a 1000 total
MENU-fs Fixed 'display files from list' to show filenames
JFS No warning for incorrect PBR GEO (fixed 255/63)
W2KBM Add warnings for 'old DFSee protection' detected
7.01 21-03-2005 DFSDISK Allow extra superblock search for one filesystem
DFSIBMGR Updated the distributed image to 0F aware version
DFSWIN Works on Windows-NT 4 again (broken in 7.00)
Dialogs Implemented TAB-groups (sets of radio/checkboxes)
FileDlgs Improved FileDialog logic (FileExists, path etc)
FIXPBR -g option fix GEO as well as HS (replaces FIXHS)
FreeDOS Diskette (and CD) now have CDROM drivers and FORMAT
IMAGE Fixed a 'dfs -d- image -V:a' type crash on startup
IMGRAB Automatic post-processing for FIXBPR and BOOTINI
IMGRAB Add -G- and default 255/63 geometry conversion
IMZ2RAW RAW2IMZ wrapper commands to compress/uncompress
Improved filedialogs, default filename, wildcard retrieve
MENU Move all LVM stuff in a new Mode=FDISK submenu
MENU Remove LVM information from a disk (pclear)
MENU FDISK, add HPFS/JFS fast superblock search
MENU fixed item Restore/Compare to Current object
MENU added RAW2IMZ and IMZ2RAW to the Imaging menu
P/S-Geo streamlined display line-format like L-Geo
RESTORE '-S' now takes size to restore from the IMZ header
SIM/WRIM aliases IMAGE and RESTORE added for readability
Sector header display line, always display a CRC value
Startup Auto ReadDiskinfo and open of disk 1 unless -d-
W2KBM Removed extra confirmation & update when OK
BSFIND Added EXT2/REISER superblock search locations
BSFIND Added HPFS/JFS fast superblock search
7.00 23-02-2005 Version: Official 7.00 major release (regular and SVISTA OEM)
ALLOC Fixed reported allocation percentage large volumes
BMGR Include only partitions from real disks in the menu
CHECK Made SLT refresh the default with every 'CHECK'
CLONE Fixed usage-bug when used by the MOVE command
CLONE, SIM and WRIM, -L option excludes LVM signature area
CMD Add REN and RENAME to the list of trusted commands
CR -M Allow multiple visible primaries while creating
CR -S:n Select a prefered slot-number in new partition-table
DFSDISK Use part -V to show the FS superblock contents too
DFSDISK Fix base-limit bug on read-error causing DFSDISK hang
DIRTY Dirty bit(s) status display and SET for FAT(32)
FAT Display CRC32 over FATs, warn if FATs different
FAT DIR Display/list/count deleted files with the normal ones
FAT DIR Allow damaged FAT area while showing directory info
FIND Honnor -E:i to skip bad-sectors while searching
FIND Fix line-spacing bugs in filefind, delfind etc
FIND Dialog moved to new dfsdgen module
FIND Menu dialog enhanced with Widgets
FIND Added 'AND' argument & throughput
FIND Added 2nd 'AND' search argument & throughput display
HELP Improved PgDn/PgUp to sync on #help item numbers
HELP Improved help in combined File and Prompt dialogs
HPFS CP Fixed display of codepage contents
IM, WRIM Add .hdd/.fdd as default types to open-file dialog
IMGRAB Command alias added for the regular 7.xx DFSee
IMP/EXP Dialog moved to new dfsdgen module
JFS Added superblock #sectors check
LVM -D Avoid change to default p-name in SIG area
LVM -D Enhanced recover from LVM-signature
LVM -D Enhanced recovery of LVM-info from the LVM-sig sector
LVM -n: With part-nr, will set the disk-name if none present
LVM -v- Set BBR to V-deleted = 'available'
LVM DLAT display, correct display of related PID value
LVM etc No needless reread of diskinfo (lvm), saves time!
LVM-BBR Automatic display of BBR sectors with LVM-signature
MBR Recognize V-Comm System Commander
MENU New 'Set LVM geometry to L-Geo'
MENU New 'Delete LVM volume' keep partition intact
MENU Added 6 CLONING items to the menu, using new dialog
MENU Added Edit -> Search string (find)
MENU Added Edit -> Search string (find) to the menu system
MENU New 'Open object to work with' submenu (disk, part etc)
MOUNT + UNMOUNT menu-items added to the File menu
MOUNT Mounts any kind of partionable media (DFSee 'disk')
NEWMBR preserve NT-signature in the MBR (with newmbr -f)
NEWMBR -f:disknr, use MBR code from other disk as template
NTFS Fixed FILEFIND, DELFIND and MFT display of filenames
Output More consistent 0x HEX prefix use
PART -V Echo the executed commands and made generic
PARTINFO added lvmReserved area size field for LVM-sig area
PRITEMS command sets #items todo, for multi-item progress
PTE Dlg Fixed SN/Cylinder text alignment
PTE/LVM Cleaned up 'no changes' messages (less clutter)
RECOVER Fixed crash on invalid NTFS resident-attribute size
RECOVER -u works for normal files as well as deleted ones
RECOVER Translate spaces to underscore in 8dot3 translation
SAVETO + RECOVER updated to support the Linux version too
SIM Dialog moved to new dfsdgen module
SIM added suppress of progress-reporting option -p-
SIM/WRIM add 32bit CRC checking to all compression types
SIM/WRIM add Verbose, debug mode to standard dialog
SIM/WRIM Add open options -DPVI, use in standard dialog
SIM/WRIM Added source select Listbox & HEX format checkbox
SUBFIND 's' on FAT(32) find all 'subdirs from ROOT'
SVGRAB Automatic logging to path+image-name.log file
SVGRAB Avoid using 'newmbr -clean' with grab (less risk)
SVGRAB Force grabbed partitions to visible partition types
SVGRAB Auto-ACTIVE first primary and several bug-fixes
SVGRAB Support LVM-signature area clone and relocation
SVGRAB Added -A advanced option for multi-disk/non-sorted
SVGRAB Route critical error messages to stdout too (for GUI)
SVGRAB Add an fflush for STDOUT Progress using -G switch
SVGRAB Add suppress of progress messages option -m-
SVGRAB Suppress progress output for the for MBR-track
SVGRAB Fixed quoted-string passthrough on argv[] arguments
SVGRAB + SVEXPAND default imagefile extension is now .HDD
Startup Switch -d:max sets number of disks mounted at start
TXWIN Fix program crash on ScreenCols=0, redirected output
TXWIN Fixed moving a ListBox popup Window from Spin-value
TXWIN Add Widget handling to PromptBox/FileDlg dialogs
TXWIN New GROUP Window-US for better autoradio buttons
TXWIN Implemented TXWIDGET handling and generic dialogs
Trace No trace on DFSEETRACE environment var if -l switch
Trace Fixed TRAP on trace timestamping in some situations
UNMOUNT Removes partionable media mapping (DFSee 'disk')
WRIM Better handling and reporting of corrupt imagefiles
WRIM Recover from 1 or 2 bytes missing corruption P#928
WRIM -v Verify IMZ decompression and filehandling (verbose)
WRIM dlg Can do Restore/Verify/Compare now using 'wrim -c'
H I S T O R Y 6 . X X
6.17 14-12-2004 MENU Add BACKUP/RESTORE partition info items to Mode=FDISK
MENU Complete partition view (part -r -s) added to Display
MENU Display Related sectors N/U/X/T/D/A added to Display
MENU WIPE current sector(s) to ZEROES, for seletive wiping
MENU HPFS find FNODE by PATH for specified file/directory
PRESTORE * restores to SAME disk as file, if extension present
CR -at: Fixed primary partition -at:3f,s exact location bug
MOVE -c NO auto-install of image (DFSIBMGR) over fresh copy
Progress to STDIO only with -G switch on EXE (OEM batch GUI)
SIM Fixed default unit being MiB for the -m:n option
6.16 24-11-2004 FDISK auto-set commands like 'LVM' now forces a base of 0
FIXBOOT -s, FAT32 force copy spare sectors, even when invalid
FileDlg Fix Linux TxTree/TxTrueName for files > 2GB
FileDlg Enhanced size/<directory> and fname in footer line
GEO Added new -Sync option and display usage on -?
IM Set correct image size and geometry on open RAW file
LSN New command to display an LSN, specified as mcs-number
LVM / PL Fix BMGR-list in menu-items empty after <Escape>
LVM 1,r Support relative partition numbers to be used
MENU Mode=FAT, fix bootsector, specify sector type (OS)
MENU DFSDISK, try harder, allow alternate geometry input
Output Automatic timestamping when a logfile is active
PART Improved invalid EBR ERROR messages, better reference
PART Added cylinder numbers to many ERROR messages
PART Overlapping partitions changed from warning to ERROR
PART New ERROR reported on multiple links/logicals in EBR
PATH In HPFS and NTFS, fixed incorrect output and trap
Params Updated many commands to allow mcs-number format input
Screen Repaint whole screen on Ctrl-L (Linux standard key)
Startup switch -d- suppresses add physical disks to devicemap
Startup switch -H:[x] sets HEX/DEC default for mcs-numbers
Usage Text standardized for many of the FDISK commands
VREMOVE Reset forced/last geometry for next VIRT disk created
6.15 05-11-2004 BOOTINI Added '-2' option for 2nd ARC line to be updated too
PT * * Allow multiple partition and multiple disk reporting
PT -r Display PBR and LVM sectors as well as the MBR/EBR
PART -w Fixed warning on multiple ACTIVE on single disk ERROR
PART -w Changed warning on ACTIVE extended to be an ERROR
SIM Added -A for append to an existing (RAW) image
WALK Updated PT-entry display layout, better offset values
WIPESECURE added -f = freespace wipe only, use on filesystems
MENU new Actions-> File and... -> Wipe all sectors in list
MENU new Actions-> Erase, ... -> Wipe all sectors in list
MENU new Actions-> Erase, ... -> SECUREWIPE freespace in FS
MENU new Display-> Other ... -> Part sector(s) view (pt * -r)
MENU new Display-> Sectors for partition -> ... (pt pid)
MENU new Mode=FDISK -> Search partitioning sectors (bsfind)
Linux Fixed crash when using '*' as a program parameter
6.14 05-10-2004 Linux dfstart, dfsdisk, dfscheck, dfsquick, dfsquery scripts
Linux Fixed clear-screen at startup for non-windowed scripts
DFSDISK Command renamed from 'UNFDISK' for consistency
DFSDISK Documented cmd for 'dfsdisk' procedure (dfscmds.txt)
DFSDISK Made this an 'auto-quit' command for easy scripting
DFSCHECK Run DOxxxx.DFS script on one or all partitions
DFSCHECK Made this an 'auto-quit' command for easy scripting
DFSTEST Script enhanced with display of RAID specific stuff
Keyboard Shift-F1/Shift-F10 now alias for F1/F10 (for Gnome)
LVM Display values on recovery using LVM-signature sect
PART Handle type 0xfd (RAID) just as native Linux (0x83)
PRESTORE Fixed disk-description alignments produced on Linux
VIRT Removed test on .PDx version older than 5.06
6.13 10-09-2004 DFSee Linux version incorrectly reported as "OS2" (DFS_V)
DFSTEST Script enhanced with a few Linux specific commands
HELP Changed footer-colors in 3D-cmdr scheme to magenta
Key Fixed finding the key in the Linux PATH correctly
MENU Fixed Exit/Speed-w entries missing in Linux version
MENU Linux-device description added to Part/disk lists
MAP Removed extra '/dev/' from top line of MAP display
PTE/LVM Fixed inconsistent Mode=xxx after executing command
QUERY Fixed traps on several values when 0 disks accessible
Screen Fixed garbage windows borders in Linux version (xterm)
Screen Fixed garbage line-drawings when running non-windowed
VOL Fixed size problem in non-Linux (bug in 6.12 only)
VOL Fixed base problem in DFSDOS version (like vol A:)
6.12 05-09-2004 DFSEE Linux executable, release candidate new in distribution
DEV Alias for "vol" cmd, show device mount info on Linux
MENU "Open device to work with" for Linux (not "volume")
PSAVE change all .PDx file extensions to lowercase for Linux
RUN Fixed SCRIPT handling for CR/LF on Linux
SETBOOT Implemented automatic reboot for Linux
6.11 25-08-2004 DEVMAP Display device abstraction layer, disk numbers, names
HELP Fixed available sector types display ('???' command)
PART Fix a hang for bootsectors with invalid bytes/sector
PTEdit Partition description matches the selected one now
RECOVER Force unique filename on NTFS damaged MFT records
RECOVER Fixed recovery of zero-sized files for FAT/HPFS/NTFS
RECOVER Fixed path+filename exceeding > 260 char problems
RESIZE Made reboot/CHKDSK and NTFS messages more explicit
6.10 27-07-2004 CMDLINE Ctrl-Right/Left will now scroll text window correctly
CR -F option to set the ACTIVE flag in partion table entry
F and B fixed 'distance' parameter on forward/backward
FI New command to list single SSN value (list -f)
FIND Show correct progress from LSN-0 (delfind -c)
H and A allow .NNN from Sectorlist as sector number
Hex-num allow valid Hexadecimal SN without leading 0
LIST fixed 'Unidentified types' on non-file sectors
LVM Recover LVM-info from LVM signature sector if found
LVM Dont recalculate VolumeId if explicit -lvmvid option
LVM New lvmpid, lvmvid, lvmdid and lvmbid options
LVM Update LVM-signature sector size/PSN values on -s
MENU add 'Actions .. Move/Copy to freespace area'
MENU add 'Display -> Base, LSN first..last'
MENU add 'File -> Open Freespace area (base)'
MENU Added MOVE to end/begin in a size/move submenu
MOVE added explicit 'reboot required' message at completion
MOVE parameter handling implemented for -e -b and -f
MOVE -A option to avoid alignment of KiB/MiB offset values
MOVE -C- Do not COPY partition contents, partition tables only
MOVE -b Add NO-ABORT warning on overlapping logical-partition
MOVE -c when LVM present will mangle LVM names/ids/letter
MOVE -f -e:* will move/copy to the END of freespace
PART Added sequence numbers for multiple partition LVM volume
PART -q More compact display, using less display lines
Ptable Show DFSee-PID in Ptable display (DISK, WALK, PL cmd)
PL & LVM Correct use of . or -d to use the 'current' disk
PL LVMS Show DFSee-PID in Info, Sign and DriveLink displays
PL LVMS Fixed display of LVM fake-EBR sector (relocation)
PT [pid] Display partition table for current or specified pid
REG-key Show possibly incorrect system date when key seems bad
RESIZE add 'CHKDSK required' message popup when done
RESIZE set HPFS filesystem to DIRTY forcing a CHKDSK
SBVIEW F3 with focus at text window changes to command line
Startup avoid auto-quit on a 'dfsxxx virt' command
VOL -f- required to exclude floppies, -f is now the default
6.09 14-06-2004 LIST FAT added '-I -C' combo and '-X' option to list EAs
ALLOC on HPFS, warning on invalid bitmap position in table
ALLOC on HPFS, fix bitmap cache handling on read errors
DFSCHECK and other commands added to 'external' warning-list
6.08 05-06-2004 S2CL New command that translates LSN to Cluster value
CL2S New command that translates Cluster to LSN value
PROFILE run at startup, found in EXE-dir or PATH now too
CHECK on FAT, fixed 'exceeds XSIZE' errors on FAT > 1GiB
LIST Added header texts for single line type displays
LIST HPFS, add location value for Files (data sector)
LIST NTFS, add location value for Files (data sector)
LIST Fat, add location or EA index/data sector/Cluster
WARNINGs for BMGR only given when real BMGR is present
WALK Fixed recognition of EBRs containing garbage code
RECOVER 'LIST -f' on FAT, use LSN of 1st sector in Cluster
TRACE Enabled TRACE command for all versions (retail)
SCHEME Changed blinking title/footer in 3D-Commander scheme
6.07 25-05-2004 FAT-DIR Correct display of damaged/deleted LFN entries
BOOTINI on FAT16 corrected searching the root directory
SIM/WRIM and RUN, allow DOTs in a file-path (but not filename)
LVM and LVMSHOW will not change the selected disk
PLIST will not change the selected disk anymore
LVM/CR -J option allows recovery of JFS volume information
HPFSinit improved SUPER and SPARE-block bad sector handling
PART Improved bad sector handling in reading bootsectors
BOOTINI Fix index for unsorted primary partition tables
BOOTINI RC equal to calculated index when index is incorrect
FIND '-n', start search in NEXT sector, not current one
Schemes Set default output text window colors on scheme change
FILEDLG Fixed missing file extension on select from list
6.06 16-05-2004 MENU Added 'Find normal/deleted files' to Mode=FAT menu
FILEFIND for FAT(32) allow 'name.ext' and '*.ext' name syntax
FIND New M for 'multi' option, finds multiple hits/sector
FILEFIND for FAT(32) find files by (partial) name or extension
DELFIND for FAT(32) find all deleted files (no RECOVER yet)
FAT(32) much better recognition of valid DIRectory sectors
BOOTINI display/fix Windows default BOOT entry on FAT or NTFS
MENU Added BOOT.INI display and fix to Mode=NTFS/FAT menus
query EXE-switch now automatically creates 'dfsquery.log'
FINDROOT and FIND now use std status-line progress indicator
PART Filter non-printable characters from labels and names
REG-key Permanent key will NOT expire (until year 2222 :-)
Alt+m key, starts interactive moving and resizing of window
Alt+c key, starts interactive change of window scheme/color
SET scheme/style/color set color scheme and style values
MENU New 'Select window color scheme' in settings menu
MENU Added '_' caption on menu-bars for monochrome scheme
MENU Changed submenu arrow to '»' (Linux compatibility)
COLORS command will display the 256 available output colors
CHARSET command will show the complete ASCII character set
CBOXES command draws several box shapes to show linedrawing
Startup Default scheme now '3D Grey' with blue output screen
Startup -scheme switch sets windowing color scheme
Startup -style switch sets windowing border line style
Startup -color switch sets output text buffer colors
DFSDOS Added 'keyb xx' command for foreign keyboard layout
DFSDOS Made ANSI probing invisible in normal usage
RUN -P option accepts path or wildcard for open-file DLG
Bootable CD/Diskette menu includes a 'run (recovery) script'
Bootable CD/Diskette menu includes an automatic DFSDISK and
DFSCHECK procedure, with output to ZIP on diskette
6.05 06-04-2004 LVM -n Update/sync DiskID values together with DiskNames
RETRIES on bad sectors, default NO-RETRY now (-A:1)
DFSTART Updated references to DFSUNFD to new DFSDISK naming
MENU Text for BMGR timeout 0 changed to "no timeout"
6.04 02-04-2004 DFSCHECK CMD/BAT script to 'CHECK' all partitions, with log
DFSCPART CMD/BAT script to 'CHECK' one partition, with log
DFSDISK* Renamed DFSUNFD* scripts for better readability
SET Added 'PEDantic' keyword to switch pedantic ON/OFF
DISK -r Detailed ext-int13 info in pedantic mode (-p switch)
MENU Added EXT2/3 and REISER to the Mode= menu selection
MENU Add 'Read-only, no changes allowed' item in File menu
MENU Add 'Make THIS partition active' to Mode=xxx menus
MENU Add 'Delete THIS partition' to various Mode= menus
MENU Add 'BootManager Default' to Edit menu
MENU Add 'BootManager Timeout' to Edit menu
MENU Add 'Erase, wipe Freespace-area' to Actions menu
MENU Add 'SECURE wipe current object' to Actions menu
WIPESECURE new command implementing DoD spec secure wiping
WIPE Added 'r' param for RANDOM pattern (DoD spec wipe)
REISER Added basic recognition module and rudimentary mode
EXT2/3 Added basic recognition module and rudimentary mode
HPFS/FAT Fixed display garbage bug in Fnode/Alloc functions
CREATE Dialog, set 'clear bootsector' checkbox default OFF
LVM Accept '-menu' alias for the existing '-m' option
LVM New 'Change LVM diskname' menu item in Edit menu
PART Moved 'active' marker to PID column for readability
Compiler WATCOM license notices added to 'about' help text
Compiler changed to Watcom 1.30, for Linux version development
LOG new -r option, flush on every output fragment (slow)
CLONE Use HEX partition type in store-descriptions
PART Updated Linux native type descriptions and identify
6.03 11-02-2004 FreeDOS Update DSK and ISO to add bootmenu to skip UDMA driver
6.02 03-02-2004 FileDlg Avoid returning garbage name on 'Not ready' condition
CREATE New -Clear option to wipe bootsec with 0xF6 pattern
FAT-FS Improved error reporting on FAT-structure problems
MENU Add Change partition type in the Mode=FDISK menu
MENU Add a ChangeCurrentDir dialog to UNFDISK selections
MBR Recognize I13X capability AirBOOT for BMGR warnings
OS2-EXE Upgraded to latest LxLite 1.33 Executable packer
6.01 13-01-2004 MENU Action pulldown, change 'IMAGE to raw/compr file(s)'
FS NTFS Fixed crash on FS-init when bootsector unreadable
6.00 12-01-2004 CLONE Do not show confusing store-numbers on confirmations
MENU New 'Allocation and SLT identify' item in list actions
RECOVER Fix aborting after a single-failure and "continue"
SIM/WRIM Support removable media changing with option '-Media'
SIM limited size multiple file support with '-m:mb' option
MENU Add "Display from list" to FS menus; long descriptions
SPEED Command and menu-item for RO and RW speed measurement
Autodrop switch -M:2 disables automatic opening of pulldowns
MENU Added W2KBM command to FDISK menu 'Protect IBM BMGR'
WRIM Added DFSee header recognition for multiple files
SIM Added multi file logic and DFSee specific header
SIM Added RLE compressed empty sectors, max 1:8000 ratio
STORE Added partition type value to description (for CLONE)
EXPAND Error-message when maximum-size smaller than current
PART No test HiddenSectors field in FDISK mode, no rc=207
SUBMENU Added drive-letter & Pri/Log type to partition menus
DF5EE Updated binary 'signatures' in templates to ver 6.00
SIM Smart-use imaging with -S option, only in-use sectors
CR MENU Freespace list in physical order and disknumber added
PART No HiddenSector warnings on unformatted partitions
6.ß5 18-12-2003 Startup Avoid popups for not ready drives (OS/2 + WIN version)
MENU Refresh volume submenu with <F7> (removable A: etc)
DFSIMAGE Rephrased error-text for incorrect parameters
FIXHS Fix 'HiddenSectors' field in bootsec, match Part-table
FILEDLG Highlight title on focus for entryfield and volumelist
6.ß4 15-12-2003 MENU AutoMenu does NOT drop pulldown, keeps screen visible
MENU New '-M' switch so right-arrow does not open submenus
MENU Fix 'double pulldowns' bug when only menubar is shown
MENU Support first-letter quick-key to select menu-headers
MENU Add 'Recover from list' item to FAT/HPFS/NTFS menus
MENU New menu text UNFDISK 'Find (lost) partitions, fast'
MENU Completed implementation for the 'newmbr -c' menu-item
Dialogs F4 functionkey made equivalent to [OK], ending dialog
Dialogs Button colors set to yellow on grey for readability
FILEDLG Support multiple letter quick-select on DIR/File lists
FILEDLG Keep current-dir on volume-select, no change to root
FILEDLG Do not copy filename from list when just tabbing
FILEDLG Fixed refresh volumelist for new floppy/network drives
FILEDLG Fixed getting help with <F1> help on volumelist field
FILEDLG FileSaveAs now copies basename only, no extension
FILEDLG FileSaveAs now starts with empty filename field
FILEDLG and PART much faster now with disconnected LAN drives
CLONE Fixed partition deselect bug AFTER clone/wipe etc
CLONE Disable 'Clone disk' menu-item if base sector not zero
CD Fixed CD command and 'Change working directory' menu
CRITERR No DOS Abort, Retry, Ignore messages, but auto 'FAIL'
CDROM Changed bootable CDROM to use FreeDOS instead of DrDOS
PART Explicit WARNING when HiddenSectors field is incorrect
PART xx Verbose message on HiddenSectors versus partitiontable
RECOVER Make the current-DIR default for FileSaveAs (not A:\)
RECOVER Esc from File-Dialog or Wildcard prompt now aborts cmd
RESIZE Fixed FAT max-size (could result in 1 cyl freespace)
SCRIPTS Added DFSQREXX.CMD example query script in REXX (OS2)
6.ß3 27-11-2003 CREATE Fixed EBR size/end-cylinder BUG ('extends beyond ..')
PART Fixed size display .031 MiB value in 'part -n -e'
MENU Made menu-scrolling wrap-around at first and last
MENU Added ZEROFREE to clear unused sectors in filesystem
MENU Added 'change LVM diskname' to the Mode=FDISK menu
MENU Grouped imaging menu-items in a submenu under Actions
6.ß2 20-11-2003 VOL/MENU file-dialog, fixed volume access for DFSDOS version
6.ß1 19-11-2003 EXPAND command and menu-item for NTFS, FAT and HPFS
Resize possible from the menu, with new size prompt
MENU Added 'Change working directory' for output
Startup Added 'reading volume/partition info' message
PART Show allocation-map on partition selected with '-a'
MENU Added "Current opened .." store display
MENU Added special Windows-KBD keys for OS/2 only
H I S T O R Y 5 . X X
5.56 25-01-2004 EXE Fixed registration expiry, moved to year 2012 now
MENU Completed implementation of 'newmbr -c' menu-item
5.55 06-11-2003 PTE Fixed all of the checkboxes to be functional again
MENU CR Fixed trap when just one disabled freespace area
PART Use 'Disk/Virt' as default diskName prefix, not D/V
MENU disk/part CLONE items now enabled for virtual disks
MENU Added confirmation to reboot from the File menu
CLONE Added -Merge option, skip writing for bad sectors
QUERY Added several new items for auto-RESIZE preparation
TxWin Fixed 'shadow-only' no-title minimized windows
TxWin Fixed trap with <Enter) on an empty FileDialog list
5.54 31-10-2003 MENU Added 'Create new partition' to the mode=FDISK' menu
MENU Added display Raw partition info (walk disk tables)
MENU Added 'Create default LVM info (VCU)' to FDISK menu
MENU Added 'Recover files from list' to Action->list menu
MENU Added CHECK of filesystem for HPFS, NTFS and FAT
MENU Added reboot to selected OS partition (setboot)
MENU Sector Lookup Table display for HPFS, NTFS and FAT
MENU Added Identify sector; HPFS, NTFS and FAT, using SLT
MENU Added parameter specification for a script being RUN
CREATE Added interactive dialog to specify most properties
FIND Changed progress indicator to include percentage done
CHECK NTFS Bad-MFT-Fixup recognition, continue checking
QUERY Added Minimum and Grabable partition size for resize
RECOVER Use SelDirFileDialog to specify the destination DIR
progress indicators, format now 'xxxx of yyyy Done (nn.n%)'
SAVETO Fixed cmd-loop on bad sectortype currently selected
5.52 05-10-2003 MENU Added menubar with pull-downs for most DFSee commands
TxWin Added blue background and SHADOW casting for popups
TxWin Implemented standard FileDialog for open and save-as
TxWin Implemented accelerator keys as shortcuts to menus
TxWin Implemented Minimize, Maximize and Restore for windows
PART Added 'Linux' as EXT2/SWAP creator name in the table
GEO Refresh diskinfo after command, to make GEO active
PART -w Better descriptions for DFSDOS 'beyond disk' warnings
SIM WRIM Made -? help text more specific and to the point
VOL IM Added -? help and new -f option for VOL command
DFSUNFD Fixed right disk-selection after ALLOC command
5.26 01-09-2003 FIXBOOT for HPFS now I13X aware. For LVM systems like eCS/MCP
avoids some of the "blinking-cursor" and the dreaded
"cannot operate your harddisk" failures on booting.
FIXBOOT -? style help added for HPFS/FAT/JFS/NTFS filesystems
FIXBOOT Improved re-display of partition bootsector when done
FIXBOOT for HPFS added set-bootdrive letter for bootable ones
LVM Minor textual updates to make it more consistent
MBR Recognize 2nd Iomega ZIP MBR boot code variant
5.25 08-08-2003 DFSee Implemented /HELP and /QUERY long-name switches
DFSQUERY New .BAT and .CMD script to show/log DFSee query
TxWin Allow '/' and '-' for EXE-level switch character
PART New -L and -L- options, for preferred drive-letters
PART Show LVM preferred letters if different from actual
RESIZE Enhanced 'resulting part' display, fixed select bug
PART/FAT Fixed 'empty disk' FAT syndrome on LVM created FAT
SIM/WRIM/WIPE better confirmation text with target description
CLONE Added source and target sizes to confirmation text
PL LVM Show CHS value for start and end sector location
PART/MAP Show LVM/JFS multiple warning for type 35 only
PART/MAP Changed "WARNING not formatted" to be a major warning
Popups Fixed hang on <F12> collapsed windows and down-arrow
WRIM Fixed opening/finding imagefiles larger than 2 GiB
DFS*.TXT Minor updates to several documentation files
5.24 25-07-2003 QUERY With no parameters, show compact partition list
DIRFIND, FILEFIND added proper -? style help text
DFSee -B- switch to suppress banner logo with copyright
PART -S Use double-line spacing with -s or -C format
PART -C Compact (space) separated list for email/newsgroups
LVM Allow -n without -d or with -d:* (to set name on all)
LVM Restrict to 19 char names, shorten too long ones
PART Warnings on LVM 20-char names and consistency issues
FIXEXT Added -all option, better confirmation message
PART/MAP Show bootsector read errors but continue reading
MAP Fixed trap on 0 cylinder geo or narrow screen
PTE Fixed trap on "dfsos2 pte -d:2", no info read yet
PART/MAP Show INT13 details if -p (pedantic) switch is used
PTE Indicate changes and refresh info on the screen
BMP -d -? help; Fixed display for other disk, disk param
TxWin Fixed window-paint bug with large usage text (DFSWIN)
PART/MAP Minor update to geo displays, allow 3-digit S:255=
W2KBM Refresh DFSee-cache after fix, removes the warning
STORE Fixed text for virtuals (used in CLONE/IMAGE etc)
DISK/MAP OS/2 2.xx and Windows-NT-4 MBR code recognized now
5.23 24-06-2003 PART Detect 3 different versions of BMGR: FDISK/I13X/LVM
PART Format "none" = unformatted, "unknown" = unrecognized
PART -w Minor warning for IBM BMGR when it is not W2K protected
Startup of DFSee or DFSUNFD/DFSTART scripts use "FDISK -m" now
DFSIBMGR Fixed bug for disk other than 1, allow different name
PART Warning when MBR or BMGR has no I13X while required
TYPE Types 0x8a/8e/a8/ab/bb/fa/fb/fc/fd now recognized
TYPE XOSL bmgr 0x78 type recognized now (in PART cmd too)
LVM -n Do not update disk/sector if it is no LVM-sector yet
LVM -c Skip CRC update for non-LVM sectors (non-LVM partitions)
PART -s Added display of (old) BMGR-name, even when "--> LVM"
CHECK Does not set RC to #errors anymore, better for scripts
DISK/MAP Added System Commander MBR code recognition / display
PART/MAP Display INT13 1023 cylinder limit with the '-m' option
SET Added "set ASC 7/8" for 7-bit or 8-bit ascii output
TxWin Updated codepage-437/850 compatibility for TxWindows
TxWin Refined Windows NT/W2K/XP version if no servicepacks
5.22 16-06-2003 DFSUNFD Support eCS 1.1 for all .CMD scripts (caused error 23)
DELETE Automatic removal of LVM-info entry unless -L- is used
LVM -c Show and remove obsolete LVM-info entries for primaries
FIXCHS Support use IBM/PQ/MS dummy-CHS styles, updated msgs
PART Label shows LVM I13X or FDISK MaxCyl:1023 type BMGR
WALK Display the IBM/PQ/MS/BAD CHS style indicator
PTE pid Fixed selection using a high pid value, seen as SN
PART -w More specific 'NO active' warnings, 1st-disk/any-disk
TxLib Global rename everything to TxLibrary definitions
TxLib Fix centering of title/help text on narrow windows
5.21 03-06-2003 PART Show non-LVM BMGR bootable with 0x05 (installable)
Register Fixed expiry-at-end-of-month bug for evaluation
LVM/PTE Updated the dialogs for MiB versus MB usage
PART -w Less alarming INT13 related warnings, single line now
SIM Added compressed filesize reporting, error and finish
Display Change all 4-digit values to float-point XiB type
LVMinfo Fixed display after read errors to see remaining info
Display Changed all KB/MB/GB to KiB/MiB/GiB (IEEE 1541 / IEC)
VIRT Show new disk table after automatic prestore/import
5.20 24-05-2003 BSFIND Added -? option for short help and usage text
SIM/WRIM Improved error handling in DOS version
VIRT Automatic listdata "IMPORT -d" using PRESTORE basename
SCAN Fixed reporting of number of bad sectors and error msg
Display Consistent use and increased accuracy of MB/KB numbers
LVMinfo PSN values in decimal too, to compare to LVM /startlog
LVM PID specified now overrules -p for partition selection
NEWMBR Added alternative -d[:disk] option plus -? usage help
recover Added "never run again" warning on recovery scripts
DFSUNFD Added extra "part -s" to have decimal values available
5.19 05-05-2003 CREATE Added -A option to "create as" another partition
PTE Fixed display of almost empty entries (just a type)
RESIZE Added explicit warning about resizing bootable NTFS
ALLOC Fixed reported minimum size for FAT (missed some EOF)
OS/2 Fixed trap in "check" command for some systems (I hope)
DELETE Fixed invalid MBR on delete of last logical using 0x0F
5.18 04-05-2003 DFSUNFD New example RECOVER2.DFS and sample 3 in DFSUNFD.TXT
PART Support nn,r relative PID syntax to select partitions
DELETE Support for -d:D and -p:P,r relative PID (for scripts)
PART Added DELL utility partition type; updated W2K LDM
PART/MAP Fixed Linux device name when logicals in wrong order
MBRcode Added another GRUB MBR variant to be recognized
Errors Added store-description to many reported errors
ABOUT Added OS-version info, inluding OS/2 kernel revision
Startup Warning if DFSWIN used on Win9x/WinME virtual DosBox
Startup Warning for DFSDOS on Windows or OS2 virtual DosBox
Startup Warning if DFSDOS used on DOS with a memory manager
DFSTART Added presence-check for all required DFSee files
DFSTART Added write-permission check for current directory
DFSUNFD Added write-permission check for current directory
display Changed cylinder text 'C:' to 'Cyl' for readability
Alt-F12 Switch output buffer color: NORMAL - BRIGHT - INVERT
HELP -? Added for use with the commands SET, SETANSI and TRACE
EXE New '-C:2' switch on .EXE sets bright FG colors only
SET 'SCREEN BRIGHT' will set bright FG color only
5.17 02-04-2003 MAP Added Linux-device names and disk numbers
MAP Fixed Freespace name display for small areas
AUTOBASE Set sane limits when no valid superblock found
FIXSUPER Create/recalculate HPFS superblock (-r option)
DIRMAP HPFS allocation percentage fixed in all displays
PART Added Linux /dev/hda1 style device names
PSAVE Fixed clipped registration text in file headers
LOG Add '-7-' for 8-bit ASCII logfile (default 7-bit)
5.16 24-03-2003 FDISK Add '-?' help to several commands in FDISK mode
CR Allow MAC DDM in MBR sector and partition maps
FDISK Display MAC DDM & partition maps when in MBR
CREATE No cyl-alignment fixup for exact nnnn,s sizes!
PTE Fixed 'smart' updates and field update on ENTER
PTE Fixed dialog & field positioning on larger screen
FAT32 Avoid giant CHECK output for damaged partitions
Screen Avoid popup-window corruption by status text line
DFS*.TXT Documentation update for consistent store naming
5.15 10-03-2003 HELP Rearranged help texts on <F1> to be more helpful
FINDROOT Fixed for HPFS, had been broken since version 5.01
DFSee Use 32-bit cylinder (CHS) values, up to 2TiB disk
VOL Fixed reading/writing with DFSDOS (DFSIMGA.BAT)
FAT Fixed DIR display at cluster 0 (allocation error)
PTE/LVM Avoid direct recursion (F6 or F8 from the dialog)
PTE Support scrolling text window while dialog is up
PTE Fixed logical PgDn/PgUp hang on empty Part-tables
PTE Use decimal numbers by default; settings stick now
screen Alt-F12, and "-C" switch invert text window colors
CREATE Fixed conflict with -t:type and -I:image options
DFSWIN Fixed window update on large console (scroll-bars)
status Display currently executing mode and command string
PART Made 'active logical' a minor warning only
5.14 23-02-2003 PTEdit Minor fix of obscured text in the dialog window
5.13 22-02-2003 PTEdit Full function interactive partition table editor
PART Warnings for zero or too many active partitions
PART Warnings for extended partition marked active
PART Warning for partitions that overlap the previous
BSFIND Improved output, no separate 'list -s' needed
ABOUT Added more info (OpenWatcom), uses dialog window
TxWin Better support for large and overlapping windows
WRIM Fixed write to a volume in OS/2 version (DFSIMGA)
scripts Fixed bad 'PART $*' syntax (DFSUNFD and DFSQUICK)
5.12 29-01-2003 TRACE Added -r for close/reopen log on each line (flush)
DOS32A Tuned stacks, buffers and message display (quiet)
5.11 28-01-2003 WALK Added -? usage help to the DISK and WALK command
PART All options using standard syntax '-' now, not '+'
BSFIND Included the FAT32 spare-sectors in the search
PART Check for illegal backward or looping EBR links
PART Check for invalid partition table entries
TRACE Added logfile-only, -screen and -timestamp options
WALK Detect illegal backward or looping EBR links
UI/SLT Higher memory limits (requires 15 MB avail memory)
CR Current disk (-d) is now default, -d- is all disks
LIST Make -l- the default with -d (to list directories)
LIST Use standard option syntax with '-' instead of '+'
VIRT Open new created virtual disk unless -o- is given
CL Fixed recognition of 'CL' and 'SET' (FDISK switch)
CREATE Fixed a trap on "100,t" type size specification
DFSDOS Added DOS32A DOS-extender (D32) and version string
TP/UI Support scroll buffer output 'behind' popup windows
TRACE Functional tracing to logfile and/or screen (debug)
DFSUNFD Added 'all' sector search on first 8 GB in all cases
DFSINFO Updated for changed 'part' option syntax and run cmd
5.10 14-01-2003 LVM Opt -R + support USB-memory-sticks (1 sect/track)
LVMSHOW Use -R option on LVM to avoid creation of LVM info
SIM/WIPE Cleanup of . $ .NNN and 'this' symbolic values
CLONE Use 0xFE as bad sector pattern (eye-catcher)
DFSee <F12> collapses desktop/scroll-buffer window
FATSIM Added -z option for .IMZ compressed FAT images
PART Added FreeBSD/OpenBSD OEM/format to table display
GEO Fixed rare errors on OS2/DOS with forced geometry
SETTYPE Made 4th parameter (old type) optional again
WIPE New "z" as zero-pattern shortcut parameter
PRESTORE Added more detail to all confirmation dialogs
PART/MAP Fix logical/wasted freespace text display
VIRT Allow .PDX files older than 5.06 to be used
SETBOOT Using more detailed confirmation dialogs
DFSTART Changed default base-filename to DFSTARTX.*
DFSUNFD Fixed special cases GEO and ALL parameters
5.09 02-01-2003 LVM Fixed addition of (delete) in LVM dialog screen
5.08 01-01-2003 DFSUNFD Improved progress reporting and error handling
RUN Find .DFS scripts in exe-directory or on the PATH
Main EXE return value in range 0..254 (for DOS batch)
Startup Fine tuning of logo, about text and registration
WALK Improved bad MBR/EBR detection and warning message
SIM/WRIM Speedup when using compression (up to 2x faster!)
CR Don't allow 0x00 type, new type 0xDF=DFSee-TMP
Many mcs-numbers now accept GiB, KiB, Heads and Track units
LVM Add warning when creating a new LVM/JFS partition
PART Fixed disknumber display for more than 10 disks
PART/MAP Changed freespace naming for better readability
PART/MAP Added diskname to display, LVM or DFSee-generated
FDISK Recognize sectors cleared with 0xF6 pattern
5.07 12-12-2002 DFSUNFD Optimized further by using DFSUNFD.DFS native script
DFSUNFD Fixed abort on unregistered versions (no dfsee.key)
LVM Fix to get an unique PartitId with basePSN + disknr
PART Display type 0x44 as Adaptec-GoBack/Restore (Win-ME)
5.06 05-12-2002 SETBOOT Fixed access-violation in DFSWIN.EXE on rebooting
PART -c or '+c' or '++c' performs CHECK on each partition
LVM -D forces default values to be used (delete existing)
FIND Fixed UNICODE search when using the -u[:str] option
LVM Renamed from LVMSET + cleanup of code and docs
VCU Clear old info and generate new default LVM info
SETTYPE Use smart FAT sector type assign 01/04/06/0b/0c
LVMSET JFS signature sectors are now updated (name/letter)
LVMSET -d:disknr works with more options and parameters
LVMSET speedup of single partition work, removed iterator
LVMSET * operates on ALL partitions (or all on one disk)
Commands -Q option suppresses all output for this command
MAP Display textual warning if MBR is unreadable
CREATE -L option for automatic LVMSET after create
CREATE Use smart FAT sector type assign 01/04/06/0b/0c
LVMSET -c -d -n option: CRC and diskname update
LVMSET -V option, request default new volume name
FDISK almost modeless, commands work from all FS modes
NTFS fixed Init bug with MFT 'inconsistent structure'
LVMSET activated by the F8 function-key, start dialog
ALLOC show the partition MAP when in FDISK mode
LVMSET Added 'sync start/size' checkbox to dialog window
TRANS WARNING on illegal head/sect numbers being used
LVMSET -P option/switch forces dialogs to be default
LVMSET Added specific interactive dialog for update
DFSREAD Clear buffer to zeroes on read errors
VIRTUAL fixed trap for bad .PDx geometry values
Commands restructured code for addition of dialogs/menus
Startup Run the native profile.dfs script when present
CLONE Reduced amount of screen output before confirm
MODE Set display size and windowing dynamically
RESIZE Automatic execution of LVMSET after resize
DISK Add 2nd German Warp-4 version to MBR list
5.05 11-11-2002 RESIZE Allow resize of UNKNOWN filesystems (with warning)
FAT2OS FIXBOOT fixed OEM-name for OS/2 bootsector on FAT
EDIT Activate with F2 and Alt-E/A/U/H for prompted edit
EDIT automatic write back (prompted) unless -w- option
WRITE new confirmation and new -at:sn option/prompt
HPFS changed text "boot code area" to "micro-FSD"
CLONE Fixed order of to/from in confirmation dialog
NTFS Support partition/file sizes up to 2048 GB
NTFS Fix IMG extent-display (when no bootsector present)
DFSee Added functions for HUGE size display (> 4GB)
NTFS Accept partially corrupted MFT records
SIM/WRIM -First and -size options instead of arguments
WIPE -First, -size and -Prompt options
FILEFIND Find dir-entry for file(s) on FAT filesystem
SUBFIND Find subdirectories sectors (. and ..) on FAT
DFSee Removed all DOS16 specific code preparing for menus
5.04 26-10-2002 Read: -A: switch, number of read-attempts (retry on error)
DFSee -O: switch, Output Normal, Verbose, Quiet or Maximum
DFSee -E: switch, ignore, quit or confirm generic errors
CLONE -E: option, ignore, quit or confirm on read errors
SIM: -E: option, ignore, quit or confirm on read errors
DISK: Windows-98 added to MBR list
DFSTART Allow one-digit sequence number for resulting files
DFSUNFD Use -data option on export to save important sectors
IMPORT: new -data option, reads sector contents from a file
EXPORT: new -data option, saves sector contents to a file
DISK: VirtualPC, DRDOS, MSDOS 6.22-NL, Win-XP in MBR list
CA: Fixed MFT/FNODE allocation check display
VIRT: automatic filename.PDx template extension for init
DISK: Linux GRUB boot loader in MBR list
5.03 01-10-2002 DFSTART Allow a '-Q' switch to stop session automatically
DISK: Added Warp 4 English and German to recognized MBRs
CHECK: Allow check on volumes when already selected
VOL: Minor updates, analyse FAT32 trap
5.02 22-09-2002 NEWMBR std code now I13X capable, error messages in English
NEWMBR -I option to load MBR boot code image from a file
CREATE -I option for initialization image from a file
PART Support -t- option, to suppress display of table
PART Display one line MBR descriptions with '-m' option
DISK Display MBR description for well-known MBR boot code
PART Mark partitions without LVM info as "--No-LVM-info-
VIRTUAL fixed geometry bug on VRE/VIRTUAL iterations
VIRTUAL automatic PRESTORE to VIRTUAL using .PDx file
VMAKE use VIRTUAL as a more readable synonym
VSTAT show usage and R/W status for all virtual disks
CHECK fine tuning of the allocation progress-bar sizes
PREST no sector confirmation, when using the "-c-" option
FINDCP stop search after 1st CP found, unless "-All" option
5.01 10-09-2002 PART LVM 'bootable' indicator for non-volume partition
PART Add warning on multiple extended container
PART Fix CHS warnings for logical outside container
ALLOC Fixed FAT alloc display trap on empty partition
CREATE Fixed CHS for sectors >= 64 on CREATE
DISK Add warning on sectors/track >= 64
DISK Force extended Int13 use on GEO cyl >= 1024 with -I-
DISK Display 'deleted' partentry too (type == 0)
DISK ext-int13 data to EDD 3.0 spec and -I- sw
Display Non-windowed, no status on last cmd and -Q
MAP Fixed map -g to show geometry again
SETBOOT Auto 'show' on SETBOOT change, fix warning
WRIM Fixed WRIM write bufsize on compressed data (BUG!)
5.00 05-08-2002 DFSDOS 32-bit DOS extended version, full function
DIRFIND fixed finding files for FAT32 partitions
CHECK added statusline progress and progress-bar
COMP new command to compare partitions, images and disks
Status progress on statusline for long-running commands
Option -b for buffer size SCAN/SIM/WRIM/CLONE/COMP/WIPE
SCAN Improved SCAN speed and use new progress display
CHECK fixed HPFS codepage errors and various FAT problems
SLT allow 400.000 files / 300 GB HPFS in DOS version
DELFIND fixed logfile-format on FILEFIND/DELFIND command
FS allow specific modes like FAT16 or FAT32
LOG support resuming previous logfile with 'log .'
QUERY fixed 'query fv/fp/fl' values
CHECK allow checking volumes too, not just partitions
Added <Esc> check to multicmd to avoid DFSUNFD problems
New registration format and name for 5.xx: dfsee.key
H I S T O R Y 4 . X X
4.28 08-07-2002 NTFS initialization, avoid infinite loop on damaged MFT
PART autoPid, previous partition selectable as 'part 0'
CREATE autoPid, created partition selectable as 'part 0'
CREATE use '-d:disknr' on autoshow commands that end in '-r'
PART new '-d:disknr' restricts output to a single disk
PART new '-?' option or '?' parameter will display usage
RESIZE textual updates; fixed -max limit rounding bug
LVMSET easy navigation using 'd' and 'x' commands afterwards
LVMSET now has an LVMSHOW alias and shows size in MB too
LVMSET added -s option to synchronize size & LSN values
LVMSET allow -v- and -p- to delete volume and partition name
4.27 24-06-2002 DFSIPART.CMD/BAT new script to create/restore partition images
CREATE -o option for automatic open partition after create
DIRFIND add -l:wildcard option to list files automatically
VOL better BASE size determination (OS/2) for imaging
WRIM better warning on imagefile being too small
RESIZE '-m' option resizes to the partition size (expand)
RESIZE is now a synonym for TRUNC, and the preferred name
DIRFIND fixed parsing for the path parameter to make it work
FINDBASE HPFS, set correct base END value as well as start
PART added new XPLDM type for Win-XP Logical Volume Manager
WIPE changed default pattern from 'DfsWiped' to zeroes
TRUNC support resize to a LARGER size, up to partition size
MAP new '-g' option to force geo display (at startup)
Several source updates for WATCOM port (version 5.0 beta :-)
4.26 09-06-2002 SETLET etc, explicit warning dialogs on Win2000/XP and more
TYPE fixed trap for displaying a range of system types
reset pending 'abort' status for non-windowed use (trace)
BATCH command reintroduced for non-DOS, useful with scripts
PART some fixes allowing stable operation up to 80 partitions
MAP fixed bad output and traps on more than 54 partitions
MAP fixed trap after CR and no refresh using '-r'
4.25 30-05-2002 CR accept '83h' and '0x83' style hex numbers in options
CR fixed false-BM-name creation for NT (possible trap)
CLONE issue size warning only when really needed
START fdisk startable command, new 'Clear' option
PART changed color of freespace to cyan for readability
MAP Support -d:nr for disk and -d or '.' for current
CR Don't change current disk on CR PRI partition
DFSTART script, use 'dfstart' as fixed basename for files
4.24 28-05-2002 PL Auto display of LVM/JFS fake EBR sectors
CLONE no size-warning if no parameters given, just usage
CR '-d' or '-d:0' will use current disk (after VMA -o)
VMA '-o' option, making it the current disk (for CR -d)
4.23 23-05-2002 New FIXCHS command to match CHS values to LBA/geometry
New FILEFIND command to find HPFS/NTFS files for recovery
CLONE fix sector limit at end and check destination size
CR improved confirmation dialog text with size and type
CR fix parsing of numeric values for '-t:' option
Allow trailing '\' on SAVEAS/RECOVER path for convenience
Report correct 'number of files recovered' after RECOVER
LIST new '+gs' option to list using the 'Sys' geometry
Use 'Sys' = system geometry when using OS r/w API's, this
fixes several bugs when using a forced geometry with 'GEO'
4.22 12-05-2002 New DFSTART script (BAT or CMD) for inexperienced users
New DFSIMAGE script to save or restore diskette images
New DFSAMPLE script as example to make your own scripts
FIND, WIPE and WIPELST: new -h, -a and -u options
PART Allow '-warnings' as option for readability
DFSDOS Fixed read/write to a volume (diskettes only)
DFSDOS Fixed a bug reading/writing large-disks
SIM: new '-b:nn' option and show compress/buffer size
WRIM: new '-b:nn' option to set buffer size up to 63
SIM: added confirmation dialog consistent with WRIM
WRIM: auto select .imz or .img image when file exists
WRIM: fixed imaging to/from floppy (bug since 4.13)
GEO: new command name, get/set disk/volume geometry
4.21 19-04-2002 Updated evaluation period for non-registered usage
WRIM: Fixed bug with compressed data (assert failure)
WRIM: Show list of imagefiles when directory is specified
PART: Improved handling of MBR without boot code at startup
EDIT: allow batch mode when all values given (no prompting)
WRIM: speedup (multi sector) and better progress report
CREATE: changed dummy-CHS value to use more standard values
EDIT: fixed data garbling for -h: option (input Hex data)
PART: warnings for non-std dummy-CHS and wrong CHS values
PART: Added -w: warning selection options (see DFSCMDS.TXT)
CREATE: fixed cylinder alignment for -x:nnn option (off by 1)
WRIM: Added -test option (no real write)
4.20 16-04-2002 Updated intro-text to show the new "www.dfsee.com" domain
Fixed a CREATE failure with multiple freespace areas and
specifying an exact location of the new partition. (-abs:)
Fixed wrong size on 1st of a multiple partition JFS volume
Fixed "DFSUNFD * all", actually a parser bug and possible trap
Added a confirmation dialog for external (unknown) commands
RECOVER "-E:" option allows ignoring errors, quit or confirm
RECOVER "-O:" option allows quiet, verbose or extreme verbose
Fixed passing of options without a value to the FDISK module
Allow numeric find types like "8" for searching FAT32 sectors
Set default find option to repeated search if no value specified
4.19 03-04-2002 Find dfsee.reg key in exe-dir even when it is not in the PATH
Allow system dates like 01-01-1999 in key verification
4.18 18-03-2002 Added 'edit' command prompting dialogs for position and data
Added JFS and NTFS Volume name to partition table displays
4.17 06-03-2002 ZEROFREE '-test' option and select with -part, -vol or -image
'wipe -f' and 'zerofree' command to wipe FREESPACE only
Updated FAT bootsector recovery, force FAT32 on 0b/0c type
Use script basename for $0, not full name, allows easy reuse
Large-file > 2GB support on SIM and WRIM (OS2 4.50, JFS)
Large-file > 2GB support on IM and VOL cmd (OS2 4.50)
TRUNCATE command implemented for HPFS filesystems
EXPAND an HPFS partition using DFSEE and CHKDSK (see DFSHOWTO)
Window-collapse to title with <F12>; to look behind a window
Instructions to create a 700 KB free memory DOS BOOT diskette
to reliably run DFSDOS.EXE (see dfshowto.txt and DOSBOOT.ZIP)
4.16 22-02-2002 SCRIPTING, RUN native scripts with arguments (see DFSCRIPT.TXT)
MsgBox moved to upper-right corner avoiding text cluttering
Added say/sleep/autoshow to DFSMDOS; new 'REM' remark cmd
Fixed a size-calculation bug in DiskGeo and other displays
Replaced win/nowin commands by -w+ and -w- EXE-switches
Support HPFS386 deleted FNODEs; UNDELETE no OK on HPFS386
Made ignore-lock default (-i switch); removed 'batch' cmd
Allow comment on each DFSee command using the ';' character
Scroll horizontal now with the Alt + <> or Alt + . / Alt + ,
keys in the output window and in the MsgBox text
4.15 07-02-2002 Fixed NTFS 'check' command and SLT-build inconsistency
Removed external commands when working in shell mode '-S'
Improved CLONE confirmation dialog with FROM and TO info
Added warning dialog to CLONE when cloning non-disk to disk
Keep same maximum-PSN (end of disk) when new base is specified
Added '-7' switch to assure 7-bit ASCII will be used only
Larger scroll buffer, 4000 to 9000 lines (OS/2 and NT versions)
Fixed an off-by-1 error on find result offset reported
4.14 28-01-2002 Performance improvement for CLONE, WIPE, SIM and WRIM commands
'-S' global switch for 'shell' mode (disables quit and <F3>)
New LVMSET command to set volume name, partition name, add or
remove from BM-menu and change/remove driveletter (hide)
4.13 22-01-2002 CLONE command to copy whole disks or partitions to another
PRESTORE accepts explicit filename to use another disk
Added 'part -a' and 'part ++a' to display allocation maps
Added display of HPFS bootdrive in Bootsector display
Updated NTFS SLT and CHECK; Check now sets RC to #errors
NTFS supporting sparse/compressed files in allocation
Created DFSLDOS running in 310KB = 317000 bytes (FDISK only)
Minor change in dialog button colors for readability
Added '-q' option to PART and DISK reducing displayed detail
4.12 08-01-2002 DFSTRUNC script updated to find suitable FAT/NTFS partition
Made DOS version run in 600KB again (no HELP windows!)
Give 'trunc' usage even when no partition is selected
Made Cl2Lsn generic( CL command); Added NTFS truncation
Fix FAT alloc display bug with slightly off values
Added generic ALLOC display to NTFS and HPFS, autosized
4.11 26-12-2001 DFSTRUNC script to create freespace, truncating FAT partition
TRUNCATE cmd makes FAT(32) partitions smaller, keeping data!
BASE cmd enhanced with new options, overview: 'base -?'
PRESTORE options changed to '-list' and '-verbose' (was: vw)
Fixed Read-only after 'part xx' command and '-R' switch used
Fixed drive-letter assignment for WIN2000 and Win-XP
Allow reset of READONLY on a store with 'store x -R-'
Added warnings for extended-container size mismatches
Added EXE-switch '-p' for a pedantic warning level
Updated FIXBOOT for FAT32 to allow 'fixboot -spare'
Updated partition detailed display with better geometry
4.10 30-11-2001 Fixed several non-512 byte sector problems (CDROM traps)
Fixed several traps on bad HPFS sectors
Fixed trap-D with CDROM present (2048 bug, DFSUNFD 9 disks)
ReadOnly in status, and detect RO img; -R option on VOL/PART
Added -R switch/option forcing global read-only mode
Added -I switch forcing std Int13 use when cylinders < 1024
Fixed CHECK/SLT command, added -r option for refresh
Updated CR and SETBOOT for new parsers, added usage texts
Updated all cmd-parsers; DFSMDOS now runs in 380 KB
-? = help on command line switches, as in 'DFS -?'
-t = auto timestamp to screen and log (also on -q and -l)
-m = autoshow cmd, allowing multi-command too
Add Intel EFI spec GPT_DISK type (recognize Win-XP types)
Add "-r" and "-a" to "part" replacing the '!' option
Add "-e" option to settype and fixext allow work on extended
First parser usage in FIND / DELFIND, updated usage text
4.09 05-11-2001 Fixed garbage paint bug in status line & scroll buffer (OS2)
Some UI enhancements to the command line/scroll buffer:
Ctrl-left: one word backward; Ctrl-right: one word forward
Ctrl-B: clear to begin; Ctrl-E: clear to end of field
Esc or Ctrl-Backspace: clear whole entry field
Esc in scroll-buffer (after a <tab>) will move to entryfield
History recall with Ctrl+UP will now always get previous cmd
4.08 30-10-2001 Use DFSMDOS in DFSUNFD.BAT allowing low memory situations
Automatic scroll to end of output window before each command
New FATSIM and FATWRIM commands to save/restore fat tables
New FAT32 FINDROOT command, finding all possible root clusters
Added copy of the spare sectors (6&7) for FAT32 FIXBOOT
Added extra warning for create type 00 (usually an error)
Use spare MFT in NtfsInit if the base MFT is damaged
FAT directory display update so 'cl 0' is displayed as 'Root'
Search position of 1st and 2nd FAT if bootsector is damaged
Fixed FAT label display in partition table display (part)
Added FAT32 root directory location to standard bootsector display
Changed SWAP/EXT2 naming for type 82/83, more Linux centric
4.07 18-10-2001 Fixed BUG with multiple physical disks showing same information
Added '-x' command line switch, avoids read diskinfo at startup
Added detection for EBR-loop, read will terminate at 100 EBRs
FIXBOOT for FAT and FAT32 (beta only, works on most partitions)
Show DIR of available imagefiles when IM parameter ends in '\'
4.06 15-10-2001 Added FAT32 2nd/3rd bootsector display with freespace value
Made 'nonstd type 0f' a non-critical warning ("part warn")
Show all critical warnings on PART display
Fixed extended-int13 usage for Thinkpads (and possibly others)
Added low available memory tests and warnings to DOS versions
4.05 10-10-2001 Store cmd improved; User can now switch with "store" command
Switch "-a" on DFS switches ANSI output OFF (clean output)
Fixed cmd-parser bug ('vma 1000 02' would select part 2)
Updated status line with 'Store' and partid display
Updated 'part -' to 'part ,' and 'part ,*'; improved output
Automatic reread of diskinfo after FIXBOOT commands
Included fix for black buttons (texts) on full screen displays
4.04 01-10-2001 Fixed trap in DFSINFO.CMD on corrupted codepage sectors
New messages on corrupt codepage sectors in HPFS 'check'
Added some specific sector displays to DFSUNFD script
Display last accessed PSN on some reported errors (like 0x87)
Reduced memory usage with 60KB in DFSMDOS (non-windowed only)
Cleaned up registration code and messages
4.03 20-09-2001 Fixed trap in DFSINFO.CMD (any 'empty' command really)
Added Confirmation dialog message boxes with help (Yes/No)
Added help system for every windowing item (F1)
Fixed "More .." bug with auto-quit & batch mode
Nicer window frame on larger screens > 80x25
4.02 17-08-2001 New argv/option parser used (recover -u -8.3 -q ...)
Better scaling in FAT alloc; show last-used cluster
Fixed find-free BMPRIMARY entry at create
Fixed HPFS 'fixboot' with wrong superblock contents
Fixed NTFS 'findroot' when start is not MFT record
Read-failure msg on OpenDisk (error 31)
Fixed HPFS delfind for invalid parent Fnode
4.01 31-07-2001 Fixed FAT32 with type-06 trap (multi-os installs!)
Improved DFSUNFD script, ALL-sector and Geometry parameters
New query options to query registration and version numbers
Commands in dfs*.txt ordered alphabetically now
Added dfsprint.cmd (with thanks to Peter 'webfoot' Skye)
4.00 18-07-2001 First SHAREWARE version; Improved LVM feature display
H I S T O R Y 3 . X X
3.42 09-07-2001 'list +s' with sector type description; DFSUNFD dsk-2 bug fix
3.41 07-07-2001 Improved DISK/WALK output; bug fixes; 'PL' updates Sectorlist
Display of LVM feature sectors; HPFS hotfix display
Allow comment on any cmd using ';' (use % for delshow etc)
Fixed trap on illegal NTFS dates (win2000, $SECURE)
3.40 25-04-2001 JFS enhancements; DIRTY command and enhanced FIXBOOT
3.39 20-04-2001 First JFS support, display superblock and fixboot for JFS
Extra parameter on H|h and A|a cmd to force size in SECTORS
3.38 16-04-2001 LVM signature sec in PSAVE, PRESTORE and PL; BSFIND start 0
HPFS FINDCP & FIXSPARE commands; 'PART D:' works on multi JFS
3.37 06-04-2001 More LVM stuff, signature sector, update to bsfind, CRC check
Minor changes to 'part', warnings only displayed on request
3.36 22-03-2001 Correct part-list on NT; 'DIRTY' cmd for HPFS; h/H 64 sectors
W2KBM avoids W2K CHKDSK screen; SETBOOT works with LVM BMGR
3.35 28-02-2001 NT native reboot & create 8.3 names on FAT in saveto/recover
3.34 26-11-2000 Never use (OS/2) LVM drive-letter info when using DFSNT
3.33 14-11-2000 No sudden exit from DFSNT when STDIO is redirected
3.32 23-07-2000 W2KBM cmd for BMGR with Win2000; VMAKE virtual disks
3.31 22-06-2000 NTFS fixboot made more forgiving on validity checking
3.30 19-06-2000 Recognize and handle corrupted NTFS boot records better
3.29 18-06-2000 PRESTORE command implemented, making PSAVE useful at last
3.28 28-05-2000 Added Minor layout fixes to 'list' + DFSUNFD.CMD/DFSUNFD.BAT
3.27 23-05-2000 Added 'list +b' command, for 'bsfind' analysis (UNFDISK)
3.26 21-05-2000 Added 'list +s' command, shows sizes in MB for 'bsfind' lists
3.25 01-05-2000 Added set driveletter to NT-version (SETL, CDR, NTMAP, NTDEV)
3.24 04-04-2000 Fixed traps on corrupt HPFS CodePages & BMGR names on CR/DEL
3.23 26-03-2000 Fixed undelete very long filenames and import large LSN files
3.22 21-03-2000 Reboot using external-program fixed
3.21 14-03-2000 Minor fix to AUX module, several other small fixes
3.20 12-03-2000 New "-q" and "-b" startup options; AUX module, supports VRAID
3.19 05-03-2000 Set NT disk-admin signature with NEWMBR and NTSIGN cmds
3.18 28-02-2000 Minor fixes; F4=SCRFILE; fixed major CREATE bug! (up to 3.17)
New DFSMDOS.EXE, FDISK and most generic functions only, runs
in minimal memory environments (needs about 330 KB to run)
3.17 11-02-2000 New PSAVE command; New 'PART -' output format; Cylsize in Geo
3.16 31-01-2000 Show proper offset in edit HEX dump; Fixed 'SCREEN ON' cmd
3.15 26-01-2000 NT FDISK mapping; PCLEAR cmd; Find Unicode strings; TYPE fix
3.14 06-01-2000 Fixed FAT check bug; Fixed trap on NTFS CheckAlloc (DELFIND)
3.13 02-01-2000 Fixed history corruption (DFSDOS); added history display
3.12 01-01-2000 HPFS B-tree display fix; updated QUERY cmd; F-keys & history
3.11 29-12-1999 FAT2OS cmd => OS2,NT,IBMDOS, MSDOS; QUERY cmd sets exit-code
3.10 29-10-1999 PC-LINT check; NTFS undelete BETA (DELFIND, SAVETO, RECOVER)
3.09 19-10-1999 FAT display EA bug; NTFS MFT fixes and display enhancements
3.08 26-09-1999 NTFS MFT fix; offset in Part-table hex-dump
3.07 14-09-1999 Added DIR LSN ref to HPFS check msg 2000; Minor fix SET cmd
3.06 05-09-1999 LVM sector access via nav.xtra; version in prompt; SET cmd
3.05 30-08-1999 NTFS MFT allocation update; find deleted MFT records
3.04 15-08-1999 Aurora GEO; display speedup; UNDELETE speedup + enhancements
NTFS improved MFT display and translation functions
3.03 04-08-1999 DFSDOS Ext-Int13 fix; ANSI colors cleanup; display sizes
3.01 25-07-1999 Windowing enhancements; DFSDOS fixes; More LVM support
3.00õ 09-07-1999 New 'bsfind' command to find bootsectors quickly
3.00ß 07-07-1999 Small but significant fixes for text-based windowing
3.00 10-07-1999 Win/nowin commands and LOGO text; dirfind cmd fixed
2.99 28-06-1999 More minor fixes; introduction of text-based windowing
2.96 11-05-1999 Minor fixes in LVM display, find and delfind commands
2.94 20-04-1999 LVM and minor JFS display updates; plist LVM + plist WALK
2.93 07-04-1999 Reboot internal for DOS/OS2, DFSNTX.EXE for NT; geo at start
2.92 31-03-1999 Added some more system-types (TYPE); minor fixes DOS2OS
2.91 28-03-1999 New NTFS MIR cmd; .NNN, BM-name and cleanup fixes; TYPE cmd
2.90 25-03-1999 FDISK delete; newmbr; settype; setaccess; startable; create
plist; dos2os; cleanup; setboot
2.89 16-02-1999 Fix Fnode-display for huge 0-size file; DFSDOS ANSI detect
2.88 15-02-1999 Final touch on MAP display; DFSBW/DFSQUICK.bat more generic
2.87 14-02-1999 Minor MAP display updates; No auto-read diskinfo
2.86 07-02-1999 Fixed WRIM doc; MAP command; TRANS command; small fixes
2.85 25-01-1999 NT admin warning; Small FAT bugfix; TrackZero freespace
2.81 16-12-98 Allow "diskgeo" for images & non-alpha chars in *.img name
2.80 13-12-98 DOS Cyl count fix; TZDFSEE dates; NTFS RunList; list +d / +c
2.84 24-01-1999 Calculated CHS warnings/info; FreeSpace info; list +g
Fixext cmd fixes 0f-type extended partitions back to 0x05
setptype cmd changes type of any partition to any value
2.83 12-01-1999 Extended type 0f as extended; NTFS display MftSize & DirSize
Part * and part $* display; fixed bootsector display trap
2.82 01-01-1999 Set exit RC; bootrec Cyl size; HPFS auto CPinfo; INT13 ext.
Physical Geo in DFSDOS In13ext; show limits with 'base'
NTFS fixboot cmd; Part-table display fix; BeOS-FS recognition
2.79 29-11-1998 NTFS fixups & directory display; FAT dir bug; FreeSpace bug
2.78 22-11-1998 Added HPFS bootsector creation; fixed WIPE trap, DFSDOS WRIM
2.77 17-11-1998 Added NTFS runlist display; Fixed trap on HPFS autobase cmd
2.75 21-10-1998 No default SLT generation on "part", "vol", "im" and "fs"
2.72 30-07-1998 New $ option to 'part' for size info table
2.70 28-07-1998 Fixed date-time display for HPFS (bug was OS/2 only)
2.67 04-06-1998 Added optional LZW-compression on SIM and WRIM commands
2.65 10-05-1998 Fixed 'f* * xxx' bug + new % speed-up option; FAT32 support
2.64 04-05-1998 Small bug-fixes + support for named-pipe to LPT on sim/wrim
2.63 19-04-1998 Fixed DFSDOS WRIM and IM commands (file I/O); Fix "FS xxxx"
2.61 29-03-1998 Saveto xxx.DIR orphan naming; DispHex update; displ NTFS-MFT
2.60 08-03-1998 Single snlist; recover/saveto; dirfind, wipe; color in DFSNT
2.58 22-02-1998 Fixed More... bugs; Fixed FAT EA & label bug; show EA details
2.57 15-02-1998 Name DFSee; VFAT Details; FAT Os2Ea display; "find" cleanup
2.55 25-01-1998 DOS version; diskgeo cmd; More write capabilities; bugfixes
2.54 28-12-1997 More FAT commands; generic More ...; fix DELFIND bug
2.52 07-12-1997 Check spare/super; BPB display; Specific FAT & NTFS commands
2.50 24-11-1997 HPFS checksum management; cs, edit and write cmd
2.47 11-11-1997 Updated SLT error display; new check cmd (chkdsk); +/- cmd
2.43 28-10-1997 Support for undelete of directories including EAs
2.42 18-10-1997 Support for EAs in "saveto" and delsave cmds
2.41 12-10-1997 Multiple file UNDELETE with delfind/delshow/delsave cmds
2.40 06-09-1997 import/export of LSN lists; getbs/fixbs badsector mgmt
2.37 24-08-1997 Path display on find Fnode; Wildcard select on list +f
2.35 18-08-1997 Path info in Fnode display and "list" output; MEM cmd
2.32 20-07-1997 Reporting & ALBLK fixes to saveto; new "ca" cmd CheckAlloc
2.30 06-07-1997 Improved 'find' syntax and functionality; Undelete support
2.28 21-06-1997 Added autobase command for HPFS (find HPFS partition start)
2.25 15-06-1997 Added Wrim command; Improved lock implementation (nested)
2.24 10-06-1997 Added Img and Sim commands; date/time on Dirblocks;
2.20 19-05-1997 Win NT beta version; Search speedup; prio command; cleanup
2.12 06-04-1997 Added logical volume support using "DASD" type access
2.06 16-03-1997 Updated ACL support on HPFS386; Scan badsectors
2.00 03-02-1997 Removable media (NEWDASD); (part) D: cmd; invisible primary
1.91 21-01-1997 New fixroot, fixcp and saveto commands for recovery actions
1.87 19-01-1997 Fixed MBR/EBR walk; multiple cmds using #, BM-labels in part
1.70 20-12-1996 Update ColoradOS/2, DASD limits; REQUESTABLE (OS2FISYS forum)
1.64 16-10-1995 Cleanup for delivery on ColoradOS/2 CDROM
1.62 13-10-1995 RUN cmd runs REXX; Added Free-space and inconsistency report
1.52 13-09-1995 new '/' cmd shortcut; First released version! <== OS2 BBS
1.39 20-07-1995 32-bit port; Sector Lookup table; bug-fixes
1.00 27-11-1994 DHPFS initial version, hex dump super+spare blocks
----------------------------[ www.dfsee.com ]-------------------------------
www.dfsee.com/download/dfsee_install.zip |
Olafur Gunnlaugsson
Mar, 27/04/2021 - 14:23
Collegamento permanente
Now at v16.9
Ólafur Gunnlaugsson
Ven, 28/10/2022 - 09:26
Collegamento permanente
It is now free and open
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