Almost Swiss Fonts

Data rilascio: 
Lunedì, 15 Luglio, 2019




Authors/Port authors:

Almost Swiss è un font bitmap OS/2 ispirato al font di sistema "Helv" di 8 e 10 punti.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Disponibile in formato ZIP:

  • scaricare il pacchetto ZIP in una cartella temporanea e scompattarlo nella cartella di destinazione, usare l'oggetto Font Palette;
  • Per OS/2 Warp 4.52 e precedenti, è possibile migliorare la visualizzazione dei fonts utilizzando il pacchetto Innotek Font Engine oppure il pacchetto Freetype/2 ed aggiungendo al registro di configurazione il valore "Enabled=dword:00000001" per l'applicazione desiderata (se supportata) nelle sottochiavi specifiche di: "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\InnoTek\InnoTek Font Engine\Applications\]".

Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

I link seguenti sono a programmi aggiuntivi, utili ma non indispensabili per il funzionamento:

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Almost Swiss Fonts v. 1.1 (15/7/2019, Alex Taylor) Readme/What's new
Almost Swiss OS/2 Bitmap Font Version 1.1 Almost Swiss is an OS/2 sans-serif bitmap font designed to be suitable for program screen text at higher resolutions. It is particularly well-suited for use in lists, tables, and container controls. Almost Swiss was inspired by the 8-point size of the system font "Helv" (or "Swiss"), which in turn is a loose rasterized adaptation of Helvetica. The problem with Helv is that point sizes above 10 (or above 8 at 120 dpi) use very heavy strokes, which results in a quite different visual style. Consequently, Almost Swiss was created to fulfill a desire for larger sizes in the lighter Helv/Swiss style. The above notwithstanding, version 1.1 introduces an extra weight, "Almost Swiss Medium", at the 11 and 12 point sizes. This is slightly darker than the standard (light) weight, and is provided mainly for the benefit of people who run very high resolution screens and want something that looks a bit more substantial. Installation Extract (unzip) ALMSWISS.FON from the distribution package. If this is your first time installing Almost Swiss, use the Font Palette (choose 'Edit', then 'Add', and type in the name of the temporary directory where you placed the file ALMSWISS.FON). IMPORTANT: If you have an old version of Almost Swiss installed, the file will be "locked" by PMSHELL, meaning that you cannot simply copy the new file over the old one. To replace a previously-installed version, you must either: - Unlock the file ALMSWISS.FON using a tool like REPLMOD or UNLOCK (the latter is part of the LXLite package and is installed by default in eComStation 2.x). - Boot to a command prompt, separate maintenance system, or boot CD and replace the file from there. Supported Characters/Codepages All sizes of Almost Swiss support the following EUGL characters sets: Latin-1, Latin-2, PC Extended, Cyrillic, Baltic, Hebrew (including cantillation marks and Yiddish), Greek, Arabic, Halfwidth Kana (Japanese) and Thai. Terms of Use Almost Swiss may be freely used, redistributed, and/or modified, by any individual, group or organization, for any purpose. (C) 2008-2019 Alexander Taylor
Almost Swiss Fonts v. 1.1 (15/7/2019, Alex Taylor) Readme/What's new
Almost Swiss OS/2 Bitmap Font Version 1.1 Almost Swiss is an OS/2 sans-serif bitmap font designed to be suitable for program screen text at higher resolutions. It is particularly well-suited for use in lists, tables, and container controls. Almost Swiss was inspired by the 8-point size of the system font "Helv" (or "Swiss"), which in turn is a loose rasterized adaptation of Helvetica. The problem with Helv is that point sizes above 10 (or above 8 at 120 dpi) use very heavy strokes, which results in a quite different visual style. Consequently, Almost Swiss was created to fulfill a desire for larger sizes in the lighter Helv/Swiss style. The above notwithstanding, version 1.1 introduces an extra weight, "Almost Swiss Medium", at the 11 and 12 point sizes. This is slightly darker than the standard (light) weight, and is provided mainly for the benefit of people who run very high resolution screens and want something that looks a bit more substantial. Installation Extract (unzip) ALMSWISS.FON from the distribution package. If this is your first time installing Almost Swiss, use the Font Palette (choose 'Edit', then 'Add', and type in the name of the temporary directory where you placed the file ALMSWISS.FON). IMPORTANT: If you have an old version of Almost Swiss installed, the file will be "locked" by PMSHELL, meaning that you cannot simply copy the new file over the old one. To replace a previously-installed version, you must either: - Unlock the file ALMSWISS.FON using a tool like REPLMOD or UNLOCK (the latter is part of the LXLite package and is installed by default in eComStation 2.x). - Boot to a command prompt, separate maintenance system, or boot CD and replace the file from there. Supported Characters/Codepages All sizes of Almost Swiss support the following EUGL characters sets: Latin-1, Latin-2, PC Extended, Cyrillic, Baltic, Hebrew (including cantillation marks and Yiddish), Greek, Arabic, Halfwidth Kana (Japanese) and Thai. Terms of Use Almost Swiss may be freely used, redistributed, and/or modified, by any individual, group or organization, for any purpose. (C) 2008-2019 Alexander Taylor
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 30/11/2019 - 22:36


The ZIP file link is incorrect; it points to the old version. The correct link is The WPI link is correct. Also, the screenshot is incorrect and shows the old version, which is different in many ways. Please use and

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