ClipView è una raccolta di utilità per sfruttare a pieno il blocco note (clipboard) di OS/2.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
ClipView v. 3.6 (2/2/2019, A. Doff) | Readme/What's new |
Dutch 3.4 NLS files with patched DLL for ClipView 3.6
Nederlandstalige versie 3.4 NLS bestanden voor ClipView 3.6 met een opgelapt bestand CV_nl.dll, zodat de Productinformatie dialoog van Clipview versie 3.6 niet langer vertoont dst het versienummer 3.4 is. Dutch version 3.4 NLS files for Clipview 3.6 with a patched CV_nl.dll file, so the about dialog of ClipView version 3.6 no longer displays it's version number 3.4.
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ClipView v. 3.6 (12/7/2017, Dave Saville) | || | ||
NLS v. 3.4 (12/7/2017, Dave Saville) | Readme/What's new |
Native language files and dll's for the ClipView utility in Dutch, German, Swedish and French. | | ||
ClipView v. 3.1 (3/1/2006, Dave Saville) | Readme/What's new |
EMX runtime required | | local copy |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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