
Data rilascio: 
Giovedì, 13 Aprile, 1995
($89) and the additional Clearlook dictionaries ($39 each)



Authors/Port authors:

Il word processor Clearlook ha le caratteristiche di cui tutti hanno bisogno in un pacchetto compatto e facile da usare. In più ha degli extra come la visualizzazione scalata (dal 20% al 1200%) di documenti singoli o multi-pagina WYSIWYG di qualsiasi dimensione, l'integrazione con la posta, possibilità di stampare buste, tabelle, indici e note autonumerate. Il superbo disegno di Clearlooke e le sue possibilità consentono di produrre sofisticati documenti partendo da zero ed in modo veloce.

I documenti sono "cellulari"

Clearlook struttura i vostri documenti con unità indipendenti (celle) che si possono muovere e ridimensionare come le finestre di OS/2! Si possono posizionare le celle di testo a strati, e lo strato inferiore distribuirà il proprio testo intorno a quello superiore in modo automatico. Toccherete con mano la facilità d'uso di lavorare su documenti in un ambiente strutturato ad oggetti, con piè di pagina, tutto dimensionabile e movibile con un clik del vostro mouse!

Risorse di sistema ottimizzate

Sono necessari meno di 3MB di spazio disco per una esecuzione super veloce e ad alta velocità. L'uso delle eccellenti capacità multi-threading di OS/2 offrono una interfaccia di lavoro pulita e veloce. Clearlook è stato creato esclusivamente per OS/2, a 32-bit, dall'inizio alla fine, libero da qualsiasi compromesso di disegno, per darvi le migliori prestazioni possibili!

Ben integrato con OS/2

Utilizza qualsiasi font del Sistema Operativo o qualsiasi dei centinaia di font ATM disponibili nel mondo. Importa bitmap a colori o in bianco/nero e le rende parte integrale del testo, visualizzato con continuità, come parte del vostro documento e può usare qualsiasi delle centinaia di stampanti offerte da OS/2.

Clearlook è sempre WYSIWYG

Ridimensiona e scala i vostri documenti a qualsiasi dimensione dal 20% al 1200%, in visualizzazione singola e multipla. Edita e struttura i documenti in qualsiasi scala. Le prestazioni extra, totalmente scalabili in modo WYSIWYG, eliminano la necessità di separare disegno e modalità di visualizzazione. Una sola modalità, una sola interfaccia utente, un solo modo di procedere. Vedrete sempre il vostro testo e le vostre immagini esattamente come sono.

Il mouse o la tastiera per qualsiasi operazione:

E' possibile selezionare facilmente, muovere e ridimensionare il testo, l'aspetto e qualsiasi altro elemento di un documento con il semplice drag-and-drop o con i bottoni delle barre degli strumenti. Se si è pratici, qualsiasi cosa che si può fare con il mouse si può fare anche e più efficientemente con la tastiera. Il mouse o la tastiera, dunque - la scelta spetta a voi.

Clearlook è ricco di funzioni:

Le funzioni layer di Clearlook  consentono il dimensionamento in modo individuale delle aree di testo, il posizionamento e la definizione dei margini del documento, del piè di pagina, dell'intestazione e degli inserti. Ogni area di testo può contenere un numero illimitato di celle di testo con grandezza e posizione individuale. Ogni cella di testo può contenere bitmap e testo. Le definizioni di stile e i template di Clearlook vi danno il controllo sui documenti più complessi.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Eseguire install.exe. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Clearlook v. 1.71 (Express Update Kit for 1.7 installations, 27/9/1996, Sundial Systems Corporation) Readme/What's new
Express Update Kit for 1.7 installations  local copy
Clearlook v. 1.71 (27/9/1996, Sundial Systems Corporation) Readme/What's new
ClearLook 1.71 Working Model. Explore the features of Clearlook. Fully functional, except only DEMO.CTX maybe spell checked and all printouts will have a request to order printed accross them. Clearlook(tm) Word Processor from Sundial Systems Release Notes (README.TXT) for Clearlook Working Model 1.71 September 1996 Thank you for trying the Working Model of Clearlook 1.71 for OS/2. This file contains information which became available after the printed materials went to press. Note that Clearlook 1.71 is a maintenance release of Clearlook 1.7. The primary difference is that Clearlook 1.71 includes support for OS/2 Warp 4. Before using the Clearlook Working Model, it must be installed on your hard disk. (It cannot be run from a floppy diskette nor from a CD-ROM drive.) To install it, you need at least 3 megabytes of free space on your hard disk to contain the Clearlook programs and files. To install the Clearlook Working Model, just run the INSTALL program in the same directory as this file, and follow the instructions which appear. What Is and Is Not In The Working Model The Working Model is a near full-function version of the Clearlook product. It allows you to find out what the product provides subject to the following restrictions: * When you print, your documents will be overlaid with another image. * The spelling checker will only work if the document is named DEMO.CTX. OS/2, Presentation Manager, and Workplace Shell Compatibility: Clearlook is designed specifically for use with OS/2 Version 2, 3, or 4 and the Workplace Shell. This includes all of the following releases: OS/2 Warp 4 "General Availability" release OS/2 Warp Server "General Availability" release OS/2 Warp Connect "Red Box" (for use with Windows) release "Blue Box" (with Win-OS2) release OS/2 Warp (OS/2 Version 3) "Red Box" (for use with Windows) release "Full Pack" (with Win-OS2) release OS/2 2.1 for Windows "General Availability" release "Service Pack" (CSD 6300) release OS/2 2.1 "General Availability" release "Service Pack" (CSD 6200) release "Manufacturing Refresh" (2.11) release Most "FixPak" levels of OS/2 Warp, Warp Connect, and Warp Server have also been tested. Using the Clearlook Working Model Getting Started: After you install Clearlook, a "Look" folder will be displayed on your desktop. This folder contains the Clearlook program icon as well as reference materials and sample documents. BORDERS.CTX shows you sample borders. DOCSTRUC.CTX shows using cells and areas for text layout. TABSTOPS.CTX has sample tab stops, tab markers, and indented paragraphs. Creating Clearlook Documents: There are several ways to create a new document with Clearlook. For instance, you can double-click on the Clearlook program icon to open the Status Window. From there you can select the New option on the Text menu to open a default style document. Alternatively, you can double-click on the Create Document icon for a list of document templates - double-click on the one you want. Here's an example to take you step-by-step through the process of creating a simple personal letter. This will introduce you to the following: * Creating a new document * Change the scale in which the document is displayed * Show margins, text cells, and control points * Change the format of the date in the letter * Set the type style and change the font's size * Save the document to disk * Spell check the document * Print the document Let's begin. * Open a new document with the LETTER template. You could start typing right away. Or, you may want to adjust the magnification of the document first to make more or less of it visible to you. * Select the View option on the Design menu for a number of display choices. * In the resulting dialog, pick the magnification you want by using the Zoom scale or selecting one of the descriptive buttons such as "Fit 1 page." You'll notice that this dialog also gives you the opportunity to show margins, cells, rulers, and such. For document creation or while you are editing, you probably will want to have the Show Cells and Show Control Points options selected (checked). Later on, if you want to see exactly how the page looks, turn on Show Margins and turn off Show Cells and Show Control Points. * To view control points such as carriage returns and tabmarks, make sure the Show Control Points option is checked. * After selecting all the View options you want now, OK the dialog. Take a look at the speedbar under the menu bar. If you have the Show Margins option selected, the eighth button from the left will be darkened. This button can be used as a short-cut rather than going through the menu process. Just click on the button to turn the option off or on. The next several buttons are for other View options - left to right you have Show Cells, Show Control Points, and Show Ruler. But, let's get on with the letter! Notice that the LETTER template has automatically inserted the date into the document using the "mm-dd-yy" format. You can change this if you prefer the date in another format. * Put the cursor on the date field and select the Fill-in function on the Edit menu. The Date button is already selected in the resulting dialog. That's what you want to change, so: * Click-on the Format button to override the default format. You'll be setting the date format by selecting the appropriate options. You can change the sequence of the date pieces as well as how they are displayed. There are a lot of options here - you might want to: * Change the month format to "Verbose"; change the punctuation to "_" for none; change the day format to "variable"; change the next punctuation to ",_"; change the year format to "variable" and OK the dialogs. Thus, you've changed the date format from, say, "10-15-96" to "Oct 15, 1996." * Now, move the cursor to the second line and begin typing your personal letter. You can, of course, change the font if you like. To change the entire letter: * Move the cursor to the beginning of the letter (to the left of the date) and * Click on the Typeface button on the speedbar (the black and white AA) and select a different font from the list. Times New Roman is often recommended for letter text. Helvetica is recommended for titles, large text, or text in a FAX document because it is a sharper/plainer font. * Click on the Font Size button on the speedbar (the A with the up and down arrows that's right next to the Typeface button) to specify the point size of the characters in the letter. Pick a font size that is appropriate for both the purpose and recipient of the letter. A standard font size is 12 points, however you might want to increase the font to 14 points for a FAX, or decrease the size to fit more on the page. Speaking of fitting more on a page, you might want to change the margins on your letter. The Layout option on the Design menu controls the margins as well as other aspects of the page layout. As you are typing - and again when you are done - you may want to save the letter to disk. * On the speedbar, the first button on the left is for saving. Click on it! The first time you save a document, the resulting dialogs will prompt you for a location and name. (".CTX" is the name extension for Clearlook documents.) Once you've saved a document, the path and filename will be displayed in the document's title bar. After that, the appropriate document will be automatically updated with the save operation. One of the limitations of this demo version of Clearlook is that you need to name your document DEMO.CTX in order to use the spell checking function. * Be sure to save the letter with the name DEMO.CTX. So now you can check your spelling. With the cursor anywhere in the document: * Select the Check Document option on the Language menu and respond to the words that may not be spelled correctly. * Double-click on the title bar icon (upper left) for the spell checking dialog when you are done. Finally, you probably will want to print the letter. Remember that because this is a demo version of Clearlook, your letter will have an additional message overlaid on it when you print it. * Return to the speedbar - click once on the second button from the left (with a picture of a printer) to print the document. The Legal Fine Print Clearlook is a trademark of Clearlook Corporation and is used by Sundial Systems Corporation under license. Other phrases used herein may be brand names, trademarks, or registered trademarks of Clearlook Corporation, CompuServe Incorporated, IBM Corporation, Sundial Systems Corporation, or others. All such names and trademarks remain the property of their respective companies. Technical Support We at Sundial Systems are committed to supporting you, our customer. We track all questions, comments, and "bug reports" concerning our products and use this information in planning future releases. If there are features you particularly like or things you think should be added to our products, please let us know. If you have questions or suggestions, please call us at (310) 596-5121 between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM Pacific time, Monday through Friday. You can also FAX your questions and comments to us at (310) 598-9851. On the Internet you can send email to or visit us on the web at Technical support is also available on CompuServe through the Sundial Systems section of the OS/2 Application Vendor forum. Start connecting with Sundial Systems and other CompuServe members by calling 800-524-3388 and ask for Representative #456. (In the United Kingdom, call 0800 289 378. In Germany, call 0130 37 32. In the rest of Europe, call (+44) 272 255111. Outside the U.S., Canada, and Europe, call 614-457-0802. Be sure to ask for Representative #456). If you're already a CompuServe member, enter GO OS2AVEN at the ! prompt to access the Sundial Systems Section of the OS/2 Vendor Forum on CompuServe. Also, please note that our area code will be changing from (310) to (562) after January 1997. Thanks in advance, Sundial Systems Support Services.
Clearlook v. 1.71 (Lite Update Kit, 27/9/1996, Sundial Systems Corporation) Readme/What's new
The Clearlook 1.71 Lite Update Kit is designed to update an installed copy of Clearlook 1.1, 1.5, or 1.7 to Version 1.71. If it is installed on a system without a valid Clearlook license, it can be used only in a "demonstration" mode.  local copy
Clearlook v. 1.71 (FULL Update Kit, 27/9/1996, Sundial Systems Corporation) Readme/What's new
The Clearlook 1.71 FULL Update Kit is designed to update an installed copy of Clearlook 1.1, 1.5, or 1.7 to Version 1.71. If it is installed on a system without a valid Clearlook license, it can be used only in a "demonstration" mode.  local copy
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