Astrolog for OS/2 (PMAstrolog)

Data rilascio: 
Martedì, 27 Dicembre, 1994



Authors/Port authors:

Port di Astrolog per il Presentation Manager di OS/2. Astrolog è un software libero per il calcolo astrale e l'analisi dei caratteri basato sull' omonimo famoso programma di Walter D.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Astrolog for OS/2 (PMAstrolog) v. 4.00 (27/12/1994) Readme/What's new
PMASTRO Usual disclaimers apply. No warrantee, expressed or implied. This was an attempt at providing an OS/2 graphical interface to ASTROLOG. It hasn't been finished or worked on for some months. I'm uploading the executables to Hilbert in the hopes that someone will be able to use this combination. If anyone wishes the source, makefiles, .def, .rc files, etc. for this please, e-mail me at We'll find a way via FTP or UUENCODED mail to send the pieces. This was built on a down-level(?) version of astrolog (4.00). Very few options beyond natal charts have been implemented. Installation: Create a separate directory for pmastro, say c:\pmastro. unzip the contents of the zip file into it. Create a program object which specifies a path to c:\pmastro\pmastro.exe and has a working directory of c:\pmastro. Copy the file gbm.dll to a directory contained within the LIBPATH string in your CONFIG.SYS file. PMASTRO uses GBMV to display the chart bitmaps produced by ASTROLOG and expects GBMV to be in the current directory. Initialization: When starting the program for the first time, click on the Profile menu item. Select your favorite house system and planetary options. The 'objects' spin list allows you to select objects which will be restricted from use in calculation (see ASTROLOG). After selection press the 'Restrict' button to add it to the 'Restricted Objects' list. To remove the restriction, double-click on the 'Restricted Objects' listbox entry for that object. These setting are 'remembered' between sessions. Use: PMASTRO stores all chart data in an ascii string file called pmastro.cht. To create a new chart, click on 'New Chart'. Fill out the chart info. Sorry, there's no description string. When you click on OK, the chart info is stored and will be written out to pmastro.cht. To display the chart, select it from the 'Old Chart' listbox, press the 'Select' radio-button (default) and press 'OK'. ASTROLOG will be run with the entered data, a Windows bitmap will be output and GBMV will display it. PMASTRO is a real OS/2 application, so you can select and run several charts concurrently (your CPU mileage may vary). Each chart calculation and display is a separate thread/process. Link note: Everything was statically linked, so the executables are LARGE.  local copy
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