Data rilascio: 
Martedì, 11 Settembre, 2018



Authors/Port authors:

API per il linguaggio Rexx che consente la manipolazione di file INI basati su testo semplice. E' utile per manipolare e correggere i file di testo usati dai programmi DOS e Win-OS2 ma le funzioni supportate possono trovare impiego in altri contesti Rexx.

Questo software è distribuito con due modalità:
  • come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente;
  • come pacchetto RPM, installabile tramite il gestore pacchetti rpm preferito, che provvederà a scaricare e installare sia il software che gli eventuali prerequisiti.
Scegli la modalità di installazione che preferisci, tenendo conto del fatto che non tutte le versioni del software sono disponibili per entrambe le modalità.

Installazione con rpm

Questo programma si può installare usando il gestore pacchetti rpm. Vedi sotto per la stringa di installazione. I prerequisiti richiesti sono gestiti dal gestore pacchetti e, se necessario, scaricati e installati automaticamente.

rexxini-1.0.0-3.oc00 (11/09/2018)
Repository: Netlabs stable
R E X X I N I Rexx API's for manipulation of Text Based INI Files (used by WINOS2) Written: Steven Elliott - CompuServe 100032,1454 Useful for manipulating and fixing text ini files used by DOS and windows programs FREEWARE Functions Supported IniLoadFuncs Load this library IniDropFuncs Unload this library IniLoad(section, file) will load the entire section into a stem variable of the section name, with the shoots being the field = value pairs IniEnum(stem, where) returns array of fields. stem.0 = num entries str = IniGet(field, where) returns string value of field bool = IniBool(field, where) returns '0' for False and '1' for True supports field being 0/1 or True/False or Yes/No IniDel(field, where) deletes the specified field from the section IniSet(field, value, where) sets filed to the value value IniEnumSections(stem, file) returns array of section names in stem. stem.0 = number of entries handle = IniOpen(section, file) returns a handle to use for other functions (in place of 'where') handle <= 0 is error IniClose(handle) close the specified inifile section IniSave(handle) save any changes made to the inifile section IniCopy(handle, section, file) copy all fields in the 'handle' section to the specified 'section' in the specified 'file' where is either 'handle' or 'section, file' When multiple entries are changed in the same section it is preferable and faster to use the handle version eg: WIN.INI [Desktop] Pattern=(None) Wallpaper=(None) GridGranularity=0 IconSpacing=100 call rxfuncadd 'IniLoadFuncs', 'REXXINI', 'IniLoadFuncs' call IniLoadFuncs wfile = 'C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\WIN.INI' say "The current Windows Wallpaper is" IniGet('Wallpaper', 'Desktop', wFile) say "The [Desktop] section contains the following fields" handle = IniOpen('Desktop', wFile) call IniEnum 'Desktop', handle do i = 1 to Desktop.0 say Desktop.i '=' IniGet(Desktop.i, handle) end say "Changing Granularity and Spacing" call IniSet 'GridGranularity', 10, handle call IniSet 'IconSpacing', 50, handle call IniSave handle call IniClose handle say "" say "The [Desktop] section now contains the following:" call IniLoad 'Desktop', wFile say "Pattern = " Desktop.Pattern say "Wallpaper = " Desktop.Wallpaper say "GridGranularity =" Desktop.GridGranularity say "IconSpacing =" Desktop.IconSpacing call IniDropFuncs say "That's all folks!" /*REXX*/ call rxfuncadd 'IniLoadFuncs', 'REXXINI', 'IniLoadFuncs' call IniLoadFuncs wfile = 'C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\WIN.INI' say "The current Windows Wallpaper is" IniGet('Wallpaper', 'Desktop', wFile) say "The [Desktop] section contains the following fields" handle = IniOpen('Desktop', wFile) call IniEnum 'Desktop', handle do i = 1 to Desktop.0 say Desktop.i '=' IniGet(Desktop.i, handle) end say "Changing Granularity and Spacing" handle = IniOpen('Desktop', wFile) call IniSet 'GridGranularity', 10, handle call IniSet 'IconSpacing', 50, handle call IniSave handle call IniClose handle say "" say "The [Desktop] section now contains the following:" call IniLoad 'Desktop', wFile say "Pattern = " Desktop.Pattern say "Wallpaper = " Desktop.Wallpaper say "GridGranularity =" Desktop.GridGranularity say "IconSpacing =" Desktop.IconSpacing call IniDropFuncs say "That's all folks!"

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

REXXINI v. 1.0.0 (14/3/1996) Readme/What's new
R E X X I N I Rexx API's for manipulation of Text Based INI Files (used by WINOS2) Written: Steven Elliott - CompuServe 100032,1454 Useful for manipulating and fixing text ini files used by DOS and windows programs FREEWARE Functions Supported IniLoadFuncs Load this library IniDropFuncs Unload this library IniLoad(section, file) will load the entire section into a stem variable of the section name, with the shoots being the field = value pairs IniEnum(stem, where) returns array of fields. stem.0 = num entries str = IniGet(field, where) returns string value of field bool = IniBool(field, where) returns '0' for False and '1' for True supports field being 0/1 or True/False or Yes/No IniDel(field, where) deletes the specified field from the section IniSet(field, value, where) sets filed to the value value IniEnumSections(stem, file) returns array of section names in stem. stem.0 = number of entries handle = IniOpen(section, file) returns a handle to use for other functions (in place of 'where') handle <= 0 is error IniClose(handle) close the specified inifile section IniSave(handle) save any changes made to the inifile section IniCopy(handle, section, file) copy all fields in the 'handle' section to the specified 'section' in the specified 'file' where is either 'handle' or 'section, file' When multiple entries are changed in the same section it is preferable and faster to use the handle version eg: WIN.INI [Desktop] Pattern=(None) Wallpaper=(None) GridGranularity=0 IconSpacing=100 call rxfuncadd 'IniLoadFuncs', 'REXXINI', 'IniLoadFuncs' call IniLoadFuncs wfile = 'C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\WIN.INI' say "The current Windows Wallpaper is" IniGet('Wallpaper', 'Desktop', wFile) say "The [Desktop] section contains the following fields" handle = IniOpen('Desktop', wFile) call IniEnum 'Desktop', handle do i = 1 to Desktop.0 say Desktop.i '=' IniGet(Desktop.i, handle) end say "Changing Granularity and Spacing" call IniSet 'GridGranularity', 10, handle call IniSet 'IconSpacing', 50, handle call IniSave handle call IniClose handle say "" say "The [Desktop] section now contains the following:" call IniLoad 'Desktop', wFile say "Pattern = " Desktop.Pattern say "Wallpaper = " Desktop.Wallpaper say "GridGranularity =" Desktop.GridGranularity say "IconSpacing =" Desktop.IconSpacing call IniDropFuncs say "That's all folks!"
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 12/09/2018 - 07:12

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