J-Sim (The J-Sim Simulation Library)

Release date: 
Wednesday, 16 August, 2006




J-Sim is an object-oriented library for discrete-time process-oriented  simulation.  Its main application area is queueing network simulation, however,  the range of its use can be very wide -- almost any system where object states  change in discrete time intervals can be modeled using J-Sim.  J-Sim is a  Simula-like simulation environment written in Java.  For the programmer, it  provides the same possibilities as the Simula language does.

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Self-installing WarpIN package. See below for download link(s).

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

J-Sim (The J-Sim Simulation Library) v. 0.6.0 (16/8/2006, Jarda Kacer, Stanislav Racek, Pavel Herout, Pavel Domecky) Readme/What's new
---------------------------- The J-Sim Simulation Library ---------------------------- J-Sim is an object-oriented library for discrete-time process-oriented simulation. Its main application area is queueing network simulation, however, the range of its use can be very wide -- almost any system where object states change in discrete time intervals can be modeled using J-Sim. J-Sim is a Simula-like simulation environment written in Java. For the programmer, it provides the same possibilities as the Simula language does. The basic building blocks of every J-Sim simulation are processes and queues. Processes are active, while queues and other elements of the simulation are passive. The simulation is executed in a step-by-step manner. During a step, just one process is given an chance to run. J-Sim is built up upon some very well known principles inherited from the Simula language, such as: * life of processes, described as a sequence of actions; * simulation time, shared by all processes within a simulation world; * process state manipulation routines (hold(), passivate(), ...), controlling simulation progress; * queue facilities HEAD and LINK, used for easy manipulation with queues and elements contained within them. In addition to the standard features that a Simula user might expect, some extra features are provided: * simulation of Dijkstra semaphores -- processes may get blocked and unblocked on them; * simulation of message passing -- blocking and non-blocking send and receive operations; symmetric, asymetric, and indirect communication is supported; * independent random number generators (exponential, Gaussian, boolean, and uniform distribution) that can be initialized by user-defined seed and therefore guarantee repeatability of experiments; * console mode and two GUI modes (batch and interactive); J-Sim comes already compiled and packaged into a JAR file so no building activities are necessary after download. See file Install.TXT for installation instructions. J-Sim is written completely in Java and therefore 100% portable. All you need is a Java runtime environment running on your computer. J-Sim has been tested on Solaris 8, OS/2 Warp 4, eComStation 1.1, Windows NT 4, Windows XP, and Linux (Not all J-Sim versions on all operating systems). Please note that starting with J-Sim 0.6.0, you need Java 1.5 or newer. There are older versions available for Java 1.4 and even Java 1.1. Source code is available as a standard part of the distribution. J-Sim is released under The Academic Free Licence v. 2.1, a licence certified by the Open Source Initiative (OSI). See enclosed file Licence.TXT for more details or go to http://www.opensource.org/licenses/afl-2.1.php.
 www.kiv.zcu.cz/j-sim/Download/JSim-0.6.0.WPI  local copy
Record updated last time on: 16/10/2022 - 21:25

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