
Data rilascio: 
Giovedì, 6 Marzo, 2014
€ 7 - € 15



Authors/Port authors:

Maps/2 consente di visualizzare mappe da differenti fonti web.


  • Selezione della fonte delle mappe
  • Zoom: 18 livelli
  • cache per i dati

Ambito di utilizzo:

  • Utenti con notebooks
  • "Mia posizione" - per piloti, chi guida, turisti

Compreso nel pacchetto eCo Essentials.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Pacchetto autoinstallante WarpIN. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download. Richiesto sistema operativo eComStation 1.1 o superiore.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

PMMaps/2 v. 1.0 (6/3/2014, eCo Software) Readme/What's new
Legend: ! - bug fixed + - feature/map source added * - update/improvement - - removed obsolete/dead map source Verison 1.1 ! Nasty memory leak fixed: bitmaps from memory cache never deleted. ! When switching map sources without specifying map mode, map mode was selected incorrectly. * Dutch translation updated. * Map soource and mode names now displaying in window title. * Application name in window title now translated. + Rosreestr map source added. Version 1.0 + Added support of positioning modules, attached to Serial/USB port. Supports whole set of existing navigation systems (GPS, GLONASS, GALLILEO and so on). + Now also supports wheel with IBM Singe Mouse driver. + Limited support for presentation parameners added. Now supports only PP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR, PP_BACKGROUNDCOLORINDEX, PP_FOREGROUNDCOLOR and PP_FOREGROUNDCOLORINDEX. + Added an ability to specify position manually. + Added an ability to reload cached data. + 2GIS map source added. + Esri map source added. + Megafon map source added. + RuMap map source added. + Vi-Tel map source added. + Navteq map source added. + PROGOROD map source added. ! Display of map with zoom=0 failed. ! Incorrent display, when top or bottom of the map was within screen area. ! When switching between map sources or modes, if current zoom factor become unavailable, nearest available zoom factor selected. ! Switching zoom factor with Up/Down arrow keys allowed to select zoom factor, unavailable for current map source/mode. ! Tiles, stored in the disk cache, were never loaded. ! If during map dragging mouse button released outside of map window, map "stuck" to mouse pointer and keep dragging until mouse button ckicked inside map window. * Map display algorythm optimized. * When tile loaded, only area, the tile occupies is updated. * Coordinates now displayed with correct one-letter name of direction: S/E/N/W. * Google map source updated. * Yandex map source updated. * Kosmosnimki map source updated. No that annoying "invalid license" tiles anymore. Landscape mode added. * OSM map source updated. - Rambler map source removed. Use PROGOROD instead.
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 07/05/2019 - 15:01

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