NICE-WIN (OS/2 look and feel for Win-OS/2)

Data rilascio: 
Mercoledì, 1 Marzo, 2000




Authors/Port authors:

Questa è una versione modificata di NICE-WIN dal pacchetto NICE-OS2 di Sergey Posokhov. Codice sorgente incluso.

La modifica in questa versione è che i pulsanti per massimizzare, ridimensionare, minimizzare, avvolgere, svolgere e chiudere le finestre sono come quelli di OS/2 Warp 4.

Tutte le altre caratteristiche sono invariate.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

NICE-WIN (OS/2 look and feel for Win-OS/2) v. 3.5T (24/7/2000, Thomas Bohn) Readme/What's new
NICE-WIN - the OS/2 look and feel for Win-OS/2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 3.5T This is a modified version of NICE-WIN from the NICE-OS2 package from Sergey Posokhov, many thanks for this great work ! The modification in this version is that the buttons for Maximize, Return to Windowed, Minimize, Rollup, Rolldown and Close are OS/2 Warp 4 like. All other features are unchanged. This version can be used standalone for Win-OS/2 without the installation of NICE-OS2. For the full package look at hobbes and search for NICE-OS2. Installation: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the unzipping of this archive simple run INSTALL.CMD and follow the instructions. Also do this for updating, your settings will not be overwritten. The installation program modifies the 'load' line of WIN.INI to start the NICE-WIN.EXE automatically at startup of the Win-OS/2 session. To launch it also at the the startup of a seamless windows program you can use the WINSTART.EXE from Sergey Posokhov that detects all programs in the 'load' line of WIN.INI and starts them. Here is an Example for the system control: - Make an OS/2 program object - WINSTART.EXE as command - CONTROL.EXE as parameter So the WINSTART.EXE starts all programs in the 'load' line of WIN.INI inclusive NICE-WIN and then CONTROL.EXE. In this version 3.5T you can set the ressource size for the controls according to your video settings. Because it is difficult to detect the size that is neccesary you must set it manually. Make an entry name "Ressource Size" in your NICE-WIN.INI in the "Settings" section. The parameter can be one of the following: "S" for small "M" for medium "B" for big "E" for extra Look at the sample NICE-WIN.INI in this package that will only copied to your Win-OS/2 directory if it is not present there. If the entry is not found in the NICE-WIN.INI the "S" is the default setting. Example for 1024x768 with big ressources: Ressource Size=M Note: This version is compiled with Borland C++ V 4.62 and needs the runtime library BC450RTL.DLL which is installed in the Win-OS/2 system directory. Customize the video driver: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also put the controls in your video driver to have them without using NICE-WIN and WINSTART. These are naturally only the standard controls, normally Windows does not know the 'one close' button and the rollup and the rolldown button. But with the customizing the video driver you get the OS/2 like controls for the scrollbars, listboxes etc. So the look is more OS/2 like. At first you must find the file names of your video driver(s). Two Examples: S3 Vision 968 has two drivers: S3LINEAR.DRV (full screen), SSLINEAR.DRV (seamless) Matrox has one driver for full screen and seamless: SMGAX64.DRV The GRADD driver from IBM or in Scitech SDD: IFGDI2VM.DRV (full screen), ISGDI2VM.DRV (seamless) You find the names in the SYSTEM.INI under the [boot] section in the entrys fdisplay=... sdisplay=... To customize them you must have a resource editor, for example Resource Workshop from Borland. With this do the following: - select "Open Project" - select type "DRV" - open the driver file - delete the bitmap resources 1966..1986,3966..3986,5966..5986,32734..32754 - select "Add to project" in the file menu - select the type "RES" - open the file "TWCTRLS.RES" - look at the bitmap resources, there should be the new bitmaps - save the project and close Resource Workshop Good Luck ! Thomas Bohn  local copy
NICE-WIN (OS/2 look and feel for Win-OS/2) (1/3/2000, Thomas Bohn) Readme/What's new
NICE-WIN - the OS/2 look and feel for Win-OS/2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a modified version of NICE-WIN from the NICE-OS2 package from Sergey Posokhov, many thanks for this great work ! The modification in this version is that the buttons for Maximize, Return to Windowed, Minimize, Rollup, Rolldown and Close are OS/2 Warp 4 like. All other features are unchanged. This version can be used standalone for Win-OS/2 without the installation of NICE-OS2. For the full package look at hobbes and search for NICE-OS2. Installation: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the unzipping of this archive simple run INSTALL.CMD and follow the instructions. The installation program modifies the 'load' line of WIN.INI to start the NICE-WIN.EXE automatically at startup of the Win-OS/2 session. To launch it also at the the startup of a seamless windows program you can use the WINSTART.EXE from Sergey Posokhov that detects all programs in the 'load' line of WIN.INI and starts them. Here is an Example for the system control: - Make an OS/2 program object - WINSTART.EXE as command - CONTROL.EXE as parameter So the WINSTART.EXE starts all programs in the 'load' line of WIN.INI inclusive NICE-WIN and then CONTROL.EXE. This version is compiled with Borland C++ V 4.62 and needs the runtime library BC450RTL.DLL which is installed in the Win-OS/2 system directory. Customize the video driver: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also put the controls in your video driver to have them without using NICE-WIN and WINSTART. These are naturally only the standard controls, normally Windows does not know the 'one close' button and the rollup and the rolldown button. But with the customizing the video driver you get the OS/2 like controls for the scrollbars, listboxes etc. So the look is more OS/2 like. At first you must find the file names of your video driver(s). Two Examples: S3 Vision 968 has two drivers: S3LINEAR.DRV (full screen), SSLINEAR.DRV (seamless) Matrox has one driver for full screen and seamless: SMGAX64.DRV You find the names in the SYSTEM.INI under the [boot] section in the entrys fdisplay=... sdisplay=... To customize them you must have a resource editor, for example Resource Workshop from Borland. With this do the following: - select "Open Project" - select type "DRV" - open the driver file - delete the bitmap resources 1966...1986 - select "Add to project" in the file menu - select the type "RES" - open the file "TWCTRLS.RES" - look at the bitmap resources, there should be new bitmaps (1966...1986) - save the project and close Resource Workshop Good Luck ! Thomas Bohn  local copy
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 16/03/2025 - 08:54

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