
Data rilascio: 
Martedì, 6 Ottobre, 2009




Authors/Port authors:

cc65 è un compilatore C free per sistemi basati sul 6502. Produce codice per C64, C128, C16, plus 4, Pet, Apple II e gli Atari 8Bit. I programi possono essere testati direttamente sul PC usando VICE/2 (Versatile Commodore Emulator).

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

cc65 v. 2.16 (4/7/2017, uz@cc65, Oliver Schmidt, Jochen Schäfer) is external)
cc65 v. 2.13.3 (8/2/2012) Readme/What's new
I'm proud to announce version 2.13.3 of cc65. cc65 is a complete cross development package for 65(C)02 systems, including a powerful macro assembler, a C compiler, linker, librarian and several other tools. cc65 has C and runtime library support for many of the old 6502 machines, including - the following Commodore machines: VIC20 C16/C116 and Plus/4 C64 C128 CBM 510 (aka P500) the 600/700 family newer PET machines (not 2001). - the Apple ][ and successors. - the Atari 8 bit machines. - GEOS for the C64 and C128. - the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). - the Supervision console. - the Oric Atmos. - the Lynx Console. The libraries are fairly portable, so creating a version for other 6502s shouldn't be too much work. This version is a bugfix release against 2.13.2. It includes about 40 bug and documentation fixes and some minor improvements: * Fixed some macro issues (cc65). * Static const local data goes into RODATA, not DATA (cc65). * Fix error handling in .LEFT (ca65) * Fixed problems with 80 column mode (C128 library). * Fix problem when converting function to void pointer (cc65). * Fix register info for several runtime functions. Result was invalid code (cc65). * Fix smbx and rmbx instructions (da65). * Fix problem with .REPEAT (ca65). * Fix an error in the runtime division routine (cc65). * Fix problem with alignments >= 256 bytes (ca65). * The LINE function mistakenly enabled the BASIC ROM (TGI driver for C64). * Fix internal error caused by error recovery (or lack of) (cc65). * Fix invalid handling of signed int types in some cases (cc65). * Fix some issues with conio scrolling (C128 library). * Fix and improve the code for compares (cc65). * Fix some macro issues (ca65). * Fixed/improved several error messages (all tools). * Disallow __asm__ on global level (cc65). * Remove final jump to RESTOR for all CBM platforms (cc65 libraries). * Add missing export for CBM510 platform (cbm510 library). * Fix problem with access to structs returned by functions (cc65). * Fix an internal error in the code generator (cc65). * Merge back POSIX directory routines for the Atari (atari library). * Merge back Olivers C interrupt handling code (cc65 libraries). * Several documentation changes. * Several documentation fixes and improvements. Precompiled binaries are available for the most common platforms. On many other host platforms, the sources compile out of the box, so you'll able to create your own binaries. For RedHat Enterprise Linux 5, ready made RPM packages are available. These packages may also work on other rpm-based Linux systems. Please note that there are separate RPMs for the compiler proper, the docs, and the target specific libraries. To develop code for one of the target machines, you need the compiler RPM package *and* one of the target machine packages. Be sure to download the documentation package if you're new to cc65. For windows users, there's a user friendly installer package (the one with the .exe extension). All subpackages are selectable from within the installer dialogue. The installer will also setup the necessary environment variables and start menu entries. It is recommended that Windows users choose this package instead of the .ZIP files. Precompiled binaries for DOS, OS/2 and Windows are available in ZIP archives. As with the RPM packages, you need the package for the development host system (Windows or whatever) *and* one or more of the target machine packages, plus optionally the doc package. All packages are available from the MU software FTP server: More information on cc65 can be found on the cc65 web page at There is also a mailing list for discussing cc65 related issues (programming, suggestions, bugs, ...). See for information on how to subscribe to this list. While I'm the main developer of cc65, it is actually a joint effort. I would like to thank the target library developers, all the people on the cc65 mailing list, all those sending suggestions and feedback, and even those bugging me for a new stable release:-) The CREDITS file is probably incomplete, but you know who you are. Thank you! Uz
cc65 v. 2.13.0 (6/10/2009, uz@cc65) Readme/What's new
I'm proud to announce version 2.13.0 of cc65. cc65 is a complete cross development package for 65(C)02 systems, including a powerful macro assembler, a C compiler, linker, librarian and several other tools. cc65 has C and runtime library support for many of the old 6502 machines, including - The following Commodore machines: VIC20 C16/C116 and Plus/4 C64 C128 CBM 510 (aka P500) the 600/700 family newer PET machines (not 2001). - The Apple ][ and successors. - The Atari 8 bit machines. - GEOS for the C64 and C128. - The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). - The Supervision console. - The Oric Atmos. - The Lynx Console. The libraries are fairly portable, so creating a version for other 6502s shouldn't be too much work. This version has many improvement over version 2.12. To name a few: - Support for bit-fields. - Improved standards compliance. Several missing functions and headers have been added. - Improved compatibility with ancient K&R sources. - Additional warnings in case of dubious code. - The startup code went into the library. This simplifies linker usage. If you have a custom startup file, please check it - there have been conceptual changes. - Several improvements in the libraries. Functions were changed for more speed or smaller size. - "Secondary" linker configurations make it easier to support more than one setup per target system. - Improved code generation. The code generated by the compiler is faster than before, usually without much increase in code size. Precompiled binaries are available for the most common platforms. On many other host platforms, the sources compile out of the box, so you'll able to create your own binaries. For RedHat Enterprise Linux 5, ready made RPM packages are available. These packages may also work on other rpm-based Linux systems. Please note that there are separate RPMs for the compiler proper, the docs, and the target specific libraries. To develop code for one of the target machines, you need the compiler RPM package *and* one of the target machine packages. Be sure to download the documentation package if you're new to cc65. For windows users, there's a user friendly installer package (the one with the .exe extension). All subpackages are selectable from within the installer dialogue. The installer will also setup the necessary environment variables and start menu entries. It is recommended that Windows users choose this package instead of the .ZIP files. Precompiled binaries for DOS, OS/2 and Windows are available in ZIP archives. As with the RPM packages, you need the package for the development host system (Windows or whatever) *and* one or more of the target machine packages, plus optionally the doc package. All packages are available from the MU software FTP server: More information on cc65 can be found on the cc65 web page at There is also a mailing list for discussing cc65 related issues (programming, suggestions, bugs, ...). See for information on how to subscribe to this list. While I'm the main developer of cc65, it is actually a joint effort. I would like to thank the target library developers, all the people on the cc65 mailing list, all those sending suggestions and feedback, and even those bugging me for a new stable release:-) The CREDITS file is probably incomplete, but you know who you are. Thank you! Uz is external)
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 07/08/2023 - 05:25


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