
Data rilascio: 
Domenica, 9 Giugno, 2002



Authors/Port authors:

Clone di Satellite Audio Galaxy per OS/2, multithreaded e disponibile in diverse lingue (italiano, inglese, tedesco, spagnolo, portoghese, russo).

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea, scompattare nella cartella di destinazione, lanciare AGOS2.exe e configurare. Vengono automaticamente creati cartella e oggetti nella cartella Programmi di OS/2.

Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download. Sono richiesti: OS/2 Warp 4.0 con Fixpack 15 o OS/2 WSeB Fixpack 2+ o Convenience Pack con Fixpack 1+, supporto Multimedia installato, MPTS 8610+, HPFS o JFS e VROBJ.DLL.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

AGSatellite v. 1.45 (9/6/2002, Agos2) Readme/What's new
AGSatellite/2 - HISTORY.TXT This README file is divided into the following categories: - Released Versions - AGSatellite/2 1.0 - Beta 1 - Beta 2 - AGSatellite/2 1.2 - Release 1 - Release 2 - AGSatellite/2 1.3 - Release 1 - AGSatellite/2 1.4 - Release 1 - Release 2 - Release 3 - Release 4 - Release 5 Released Versions ----------------- AGSatellite/2 1.0 ----------------- - Beta 1 - Direct Download (Checking...); - Download with resume support; - Cancel/Delete Download Files; - Debug support (agos2.exe /debug); - NAT and Direct connection method support; - Main window save position; - Meta server implemented; - Config window show on first Startup; - New protocol updates; - Share files implemented; - Server Play command work; - Server Stop download command work; - Create New account option implemented; - Login sequence corrected; - Sharing method corrected; - File buffer implemented; - Socks V5 support implemented; - Crash changing Upload/Download Path corrected; - Beta 2 - Codepage error causing download problems Corrected; - Save Font/Color settings(Drag Font/Color from palette); - Bug Corrections; AGSatellite/2 1.2 ----------------- - Release 1 - Reconnect tries implemented; - Auto-reconnect corrected; - Popup menu to Transfer Container; - PM123 Control/Launch; - Status Window implemented; - Main Window Buttons redefined; - Socks V5 Authentication; - Network Control: Speed, Buffer and Packet size; - Startup Parameters: /forcefirewall - Refuse external connections(Firewall/NAT mode); /user <USERID> - Start using other userid; /pass <PASSWORD> - Password to userid; /min - Start minimized; /connect - Start connection on startup; /share - Force File Sharing; /noshare - Disable File Sharing; /nat <NAT_IP> - Use external NAT IP address; /debug - Starts in Debug Mode; - General Protocol Update/Methods; - Upload Implemented; - Connect/Disconnect method corrected; - Transfer function updated; - Bind not work with Socks enabled; - New Transfer method; - Share Database Builder/Update implemented; - New view mode to Transfer list(Detail and Icons); - Message file implemented for Multi-language support(*); - SongID identification corrected to Upload function; - Disconnect method wait for Connect Thread done; - Transfer list refresh; - Database Building crash reading MP3 header corrected; - Debug file name changed to <USER>.DBG; - Register new account function corrected; - Server protocol update; - Reload method implemented when changing Language support; - Browser option implemented; - Titles language to Config Window corrected; - New About window informations; - Main window layout update; - Bug corrections. - Release 2 - Packets in compatibility mode(Linux Based); - Upload packets corrected; - Meta Server support corrected; - Reconnect function corrected; - Connect/Disconnect function works; - Other bug corrections. AGSatellite/2 1.3 ----------------- - Release 1 - ICQ Miniwin Status implemented; - Full Protocol Update(Level 0.608W); - Server Cancel Transfer Method corrected; - Socks Server connection corrected; - Auto-Sharing to new songs implemented; - Bug Corrections. AGSatellite/2 1.4 ----------------- - Release 1 - Status Bar corrected; - Language file configuration corrected; - Upload functions corrected; - New sort of Main menu(Popup); - Cancel and Delete method corrected; - WPS Folder and objects; - Check Update function implemented(with WPS Object); - Status Window updated; - Kb/s/Time Left status implemented; - Check Account method(Registration/Configuration); - Disconnect function corrected; - Check MPTS Level on startup; - Bug Corrections. - Release 2 - Upload Corrected; - Sharing corrected/updated; - Bug Corrections. - Release 3 - Sharing Protocol corrected; - Transfer corrected; - Release 4 - Proxy test connected; - Other Corrections; - Release 5 - Server identification updated; - Protocol update; - Corrections; Language Files available: - English(US - Default) - agos2.msg (agos2.en) - Spanish(Castellano) - ( - German(Deutsch) - ( - Italiano - ( - Russian - ( - Portuguese(Brazil) - ( Known bugs: - After cancelling a transfer(delete), server start transfer again. This is a server problem. The File was removed from server(remote queue) but server still sending file reply... Other informations: - AGSatellite/2 1.2+ use message files to language support: Language Files found in AGSatellite/2 directory: - agos2.msg* - Compiled Language File(Default English: agos2.msg); - agos2.<Country> - Language sample files; You can translate agos2.en(english sample) to your native language. After translate, send file named "agos2.<Language>" to Language file will be compiled and send to you, and will be included to next AGSatellite/2 version.  local copy
AGSatellite v. 1.44 (25/4/2002, Agos2) Readme/What's new
AGSatellite/2 - HISTORY.TXT This README file is divided into the following categories: - Released Versions - AGSatellite/2 1.0 - Beta 1 - Beta 2 - AGSatellite/2 1.2 - Release 1 - Release 2 - AGSatellite/2 1.3 - Release 1 - AGSatellite/2 1.4 - Release 1 - Release 2 - Release 3 - Release 4 Released Versions ----------------- AGSatellite/2 1.0 ----------------- - Beta 1 - Direct Download (Checking...); - Download with resume support; - Cancel/Delete Download Files; - Debug support (agos2.exe /debug); - NAT and Direct connection method support; - Main window save position; - Meta server implemented; - Config window show on first Startup; - New protocol updates; - Share files implemented; - Server Play command work; - Server Stop download command work; - Create New account option implemented; - Login sequence corrected; - Sharing method corrected; - File buffer implemented; - Socks V5 support implemented; - Crash changing Upload/Download Path corrected; - Beta 2 - Codepage error causing download problems Corrected; - Save Font/Color settings(Drag Font/Color from palette); - Bug Corrections; AGSatellite/2 1.2 ----------------- - Release 1 - Reconnect tries implemented; - Auto-reconnect corrected; - Popup menu to Transfer Container; - PM123 Control/Launch; - Status Window implemented; - Main Window Buttons redefined; - Socks V5 Authentication; - Network Control: Speed, Buffer and Packet size; - Startup Parameters: /forcefirewall - Refuse external connections(Firewall/NAT mode); /user <USERID> - Start using other userid; /pass <PASSWORD> - Password to userid; /min - Start minimized; /connect - Start connection on startup; /share - Force File Sharing; /noshare - Disable File Sharing; /nat <NAT_IP> - Use external NAT IP address; /debug - Starts in Debug Mode; - General Protocol Update/Methods; - Upload Implemented; - Connect/Disconnect method corrected; - Transfer function updated; - Bind not work with Socks enabled; - New Transfer method; - Share Database Builder/Update implemented; - New view mode to Transfer list(Detail and Icons); - Message file implemented for Multi-language support(*); - SongID identification corrected to Upload function; - Disconnect method wait for Connect Thread done; - Transfer list refresh; - Database Building crash reading MP3 header corrected; - Debug file name changed to <USER>.DBG; - Register new account function corrected; - Server protocol update; - Reload method implemented when changing Language support; - Browser option implemented; - Titles language to Config Window corrected; - New About window informations; - Main window layout update; - Bug corrections. - Release 2 - Packets in compatibility mode(Linux Based); - Upload packets corrected; - Meta Server support corrected; - Reconnect function corrected; - Connect/Disconnect function works; - Other bug corrections. AGSatellite/2 1.3 ----------------- - Release 1 - ICQ Miniwin Status implemented; - Full Protocol Update(Level 0.608W); - Server Cancel Transfer Method corrected; - Socks Server connection corrected; - Auto-Sharing to new songs implemented; - Bug Corrections. AGSatellite/2 1.4 ----------------- - Release 1 - Status Bar corrected; - Language file configuration corrected; - Upload functions corrected; - New sort of Main menu(Popup); - Cancel and Delete method corrected; - WPS Folder and objects; - Check Update function implemented(with WPS Object); - Status Window updated; - Kb/s/Time Left status implemented; - Check Account method(Registration/Configuration); - Disconnect function corrected; - Check MPTS Level on startup; - Bug Corrections. - Release 2 - Upload Corrected; - Sharing corrected/updated; - Bug Corrections. - Release 3 - Sharing Protocol corrected; - Transfer corrected; - Release 4 - Proxy test connected; - Other Corrections; Language Files available: - English(US - Default) - agos2.msg (agos2.en) - Spanish - ( - German - ( - Portuguese(Brazil) - ( Known bugs: - After cancelling a transfer(delete), server start transfer again. This is a server problem. The File was removed from server(remote queue) but server still sending file reply... Other informations: - AGSatellite/2 1.2+ use message files to language support: Language Files found in AGSatellite/2 directory: - agos2.msg* - Compiled Language File(Default English: agos2.msg); - agos2.<Country> - Language sample files; You can translate agos2.en(english sample) to your native language. After translate, send file named "agos2.<Language>" to Language file will be compiled and send to you, and will be included to next AGSatellite/2 version.  local copy
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 18/08/2018 - 10:42

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