Web Family Tree

Data rilascio: 
Lunedì, 20 Settembre, 2004



Authors/Port authors:

WFT (Web Family Tree) è un programma che permette di visualizzare il proprio albero genealogico in un browser web. E' distribuito come freeware.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Per utilizzare il programma è necessario disporre di un server web (Apache, Web/2, WebServe, EWS GoServe...). E' necessario anche disporre del proprio albero genealogico in formato GEDCOM(link is external). Per editare questo tipo di file esiste un editor Java: GenealogyJ(link is external)

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Web Family Tree v. 2.3 (31/12/2024, Peter Moylan) Readme/What's new
LIST OF CHANGES Version 2.3 (31 Dec 2024) Utility ToUTF8.exe added to the distribution. Swedish and Polish added to supported languages.
 ftp.pmoylan.org/software/wft_2.3.zip  local copy
Web Family Tree v. 2.3 (source code, 31/12/2024, Peter Moylan) Readme/What's new
LIST OF CHANGES Version 2.3 (31 Dec 2024) Utility ToUTF8.exe added to the distribution. Swedish and Polish added to supported languages.
 ftp.pmoylan.org/software/wftsrc_2.3.zip  local copy
Web Family Tree v. 2.2 (9/4/2024, Peter Moylan) Readme/What's new
LIST OF CHANGES Version 2.2 (09 Apr 2024) changes.doc renamed to changes.txt. Fixed: lint crashed on gedcom with no data. Fixed: faulty read of first record in a gedcom that starts with a byte order mark. Fixed: dates of form "before X" or "after X" were not displaying properly. Fixed: when a name has a suffix (e.g. Jr), the suffix must be preceded by a space.
 ftp.pmoylan.org/software/wft_2.2.zip  local copy
Web Family Tree v. 2.2 (source code, 9/4/2024, Peter Moylan) Readme/What's new
LIST OF CHANGES Version 2.2 (09 Apr 2024) changes.doc renamed to changes.txt. Fixed: lint crashed on gedcom with no data. Fixed: faulty read of first record in a gedcom that starts with a byte order mark. Fixed: dates of form "before X" or "after X" were not displaying properly. Fixed: when a name has a suffix (e.g. Jr), the suffix must be preceded by a space.
 ftp.pmoylan.org/software/wftsrc_2.2.zip  local copy
Web Family Tree v. 2.1 (30/7/2019, Peter Moylan) Readme/What's new
LIST OF CHANGES Version 2.1 (30 Jul 2019) Fixed: index file fault that was making display slow. In wft.en.lng, "Husband" and "Wife" labels changed to a single space character, to avoid saying whether the couple was married. This change has not been made in the other language files, because different users will have different opinions about this, so each user will have to make their own decision.
Web Family Tree v. 2.0 (8/1/2018, Peter Moylan) Readme/What's new
LIST OF CHANGES Version 2.0 (8 Jan 2018) Updated Tidy utility to delete RIN records, and all records whose keyword starts with an underscore. Also delete GIVN and SURN from NAME records. Tidy also retains BIRT and DEAT records having no date or place provided that a 'Y' or 'N' occurs in the record.
Web Family Tree v. 2.0 (source code, 8/1/2018, Peter Moylan) Readme/What's new
LIST OF CHANGES Version 2.0 (8 Jan 2018) Updated Tidy utility to delete RIN records, and all records whose keyword starts with an underscore. Also delete GIVN and SURN from NAME records. Tidy also retains BIRT and DEAT records having no date or place provided that a 'Y' or 'N' occurs in the record.
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 01/01/2025 - 20:30

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