Quick & Easy Finances

Data rilascio: 
Mercoledì, 17 Aprile, 2019



Authors/Port authors:

Programma per la gestione delle finanze personali su OS/2. Il programma può utilizzare indistintamente DB2, Postgres o la versione Flat inclusa nel pacchetto. Quick & Easy Finances fara' sembrare il resto dei programmi simili come se fossero stati sviluppati nei primi anni 90! Codice sorgente del DB di Quick & Easy Finances, in forma di libreria dinamica, rilasciato come open source generico, si ringrazia Nathan Woodruff!

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. E' possibile utilizzare anche DB/2. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

I link seguenti sono a programmi aggiuntivi, utili ma non indispensabili per il funzionamento:

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Quick & Easy Finances v. 1.18 (9/7/2024, Nathan Woodruff) Readme/What's new
ChangeLog: Version 1.18 2024-07-09 Added new feature to be able to bulk transfer items from one account to another. Added the feature to export accounts to either QIF format or CSV format Video of updates to version 1.18 at http://www.videospigot.com/Playvideo.cshtml?vid=76
Quick & Easy Finances v. 1.17 (13/1/2023, Nathan Woodruff) Readme/What's new
To use the DB/2 version 1) install DB/2. DB/2 is free for personal use and the latest version for OS/2 can still be found on IBM's website. 2) There is a trick to installing DB/2. It has to be on a HPFS partition of 8Gb or smaller, else it will not install. 3) Once DB/2 is installed edit the file makefinancedb.cmd remove the REM from the first line 4) change the line from FINANCE ON C: to what ever drive you see fit. 5) Save the file. 6) At the command prompt type: makefinancedb 7) There will be errors on the drop statements. Ignore them. They will come in handy next time you need to clear the database. 8) At the command prompt type: Finance 9) Finance.exe is for DB/2 To use Postgres 1) unzip the package to a directory 2) navigate to the pgsql\bin directory 3) At the command line type: initdb 4) if it fails you are on your own, or consult postgres website 5) At the command line type: postmaster 6) in a new command line type: createdb -U postgres FINANCE HOST=localhost 7) When that finishes you should see the command CREATE DATABASE 8) again if it fails, you are on your own. 9) You are now ready to run financegre To use the the Flat file version with out any database 1) type at the command line: QNE 2) press <enter> 3) have a nice day. 4) evey thing is created for you and all the files are created in a subdirectory flatdb off the current directory ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed an out of order import from .QIF files on the Flat file version that will incorrectly add to register totals instead of subtracting from register totals. Added a "Recalculate" option to the right click popup menu in the Accounts window to recalculate totals and balances for individual accounts.
Quick & Easy Finances v. 1.15 (28/6/2020, Nathan Woodruff) Readme/What's new
To use the DB/2 version 1) install DB/2. DB/2 is free for personal use and the latest version for OS/2 can still be found on IBM's website. 2) There is a trick to installing DB/2. It has to be on a HPFS partition of 8Gb or smaller, else it will not install. 3) Once DB/2 is installed edit the file makefinancedb.cmd remove the REM from the first line 4) change the line from FINANCE ON C: to what ever drive you see fit. 5) Save the file. 6) At the command prompt type: makefinancedb 7) There will be errors on the drop statements. Ignore them. They will come in handy next time you need to clear the database. 8) At the command prompt type: Finance 9) Finance.exe is for DB/2 To use Postgres 1) unzip the package to a directory 2) navigate to the pgsql\bin directory 3) At the command line type: initdb 4) if it fails you are on your own, or consult postgres website 5) At the command line type: postmaster 6) in a new command line type: createdb -U postgres FINANCE HOST=localhost 7) When that finishes you should see the command CREATE DATABASE 8) again if it fails, you are on your own. 9) You are now ready to run financegre To use the the Flat file version with out any database 1) type at the command line: QNE 2) press <enter> 3) have a nice day. 4) evey thing is created for you and all the files are created in a subdirectory flatdb off the current directory
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 12/07/2024 - 06:24

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