Driver per tavole grafiche Wacom Bamboo e Intuos.
Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Necessario il driver XMOUSE.SYS, leggere la documentazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
Wacom Bamboo (source code, 7/8/2017, Wim Brul) | Readme/What's new |
Control OS/2 (ArcaOS, eComStation) with finger or pen and a Wacom Bamboo.
Switch between pen and touch and work in absolute or relative mode. |
![]() |
Wacom Intuos (source code, 7/8/2017, Wim Brul) | Readme/What's new |
Control OS/2 (ArcaOS, eComStation) with just a pen and a Wacom Intuos.
Supports pen only on models CTH-480, CTH-680, CTL-480 (only tested) and CTL-680.
Supports working in absolute or relative mode. |
![]() |
Wacom Bamboo v. 0.1 (24/6/2017, Wim Brul) | Readme/What's new |
┌───────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐
│ Wacom Bamboo for OS/2 ├──────────────────────────────────────┤ │
└───────────────────────┘ └──────────────┘
│Control OS/2 (ArcaOS, eComStation) with finger or pen and a Wacom Bamboo.
Switch between pen and touch and work in absolute or relative mode. Made in
Holland by Wim Brul. Thanks to Joop Nijenhuis for requirements and testing.
│Open Source product with its ISC license contained in the LICENSE file.
│Source Code at
│ Installation Instructions ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────
│The Emulate Mouse Driver for OS/2 (ArcaOS, eComStation) is required.
│Obtain this product from
│Move XSMOUSE10.ZIP into a directory of your choice and unzip it.
│Copy XSMOUSE.SYS to your C:\OS2\BOOT directory.
│The USB 2.0 Extended Control Driver for OS/2 (ArcaOS, eComStation) is required.
│Obtain this product from
│Move USBECD23.ZIP into a directory of your choice and unzip it.
│Copy USBECD.SYS to your C:\OS2\BOOT directory.
│Move BAMBOO01.ZIP into a directory of your choice and unzip it.
│Copy BAMBOO.EXE to your C:\OS2\BOOT directory.
Look into your CONFIG.SYS file to determine which mouse device driver has been
installed on your system. You may find AMOUSE.SYS or MOUSE.SYS and you need to
add the STYPE=XSMOUSE$ parameter to that device driver statement and to insert
the DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\XSMOUSE.SYS device driver statement just above it.
Insert also the DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\USBECD.SYS /D:056A:00D#:01## /N:$BAMBOO$
device driver statement and the RUN=C:\OS2\BOOT\BAMBOO.EXE line below that.
After that restart your system and the fun begins.
│ Operating Instructions ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Attach your Wacom Bamboo and wait for the beep.
Use your pen when your model supports it. Otherwise use your finger.
┌─────────┬──────┬────────────┐ ┌─────────┬──────┬────────────┐
│ model │ pid │ usage │ │ model │ pid │ usage │
├─────────┼──────┼────────────┤ ├─────────┼──────┼────────────┤
│ CTT-460 │ 00D0 │ touch only │ │ CTH-461 │ 00D7 │ pen/touch │
│ CTH-460 │ 00D1 │ pen/touch │ │ CTH-661 │ 00D8 │ pen/touch │
│ CTH-461 │ 00D2 │ pen/touch │ │ CTH-461 │ 00DA │ pen/touch │
│ CTH-661 │ 00D3 │ pen/touch │ │ CTH-661 │ 00DB │ pen/touch │
│ CTL-460 │ 00D4 │ pen only │ │ CTL-470 │ 00DD │ pen only │
│ CTL-660 │ 00D5 │ pen only │ │ CTH-470 │ 00DE │ pen only │
│ CTH-460 │ 00D6 │ pen/touch │ │ CTH-670 │ 00DF │ pen only │
└─────────┴──────┴────────────┘ └─────────┴──────┴────────────┘
The pen has 4 (CTH model) or 3 (CTL model) buttons.
Use the pen tip (1st pen button) as mouse button 1.
Use the lower pen button (2nd pen button) as mouse button 2.
Use the upper pen button (3rd pen button) as mouse button 3.
Use the eraser (4th pen button) to switch from pen to touch.
The Wacom Bamboo (CTH and CTT model) has 4 keys.
Use the upper key (1st expresskey) as mouse button 1.
Use the key just above the light (2nd expresskey) as mouse button 2.
Use the key just below the light (3rd expresskey) as mouse button 3.
Use the lower key (CTH model) in combination with the key
just above the light to switch from touch to pen.
│ Program Parameters ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
C:\OS2\BOOT\BAMBOO.EXE /c /hN /wN /l /r /a /m /t
All parameters are optional and may be specified in upper or lower case.
Specify /c and the proper /hN and /wN parameters to work with precision.
/c - correct aspect ratio. Requires proper /hN and /wN parameters.
Reduces the active area on the tablet to match the display screen aspect ratio.
Specify this parameter to get circles on the screen from circles on the tablet.
/hN - height of the display screen in N pixels. Defaults to 800.
Specify this parameter to get precision. Valid values for N are 32 to 32768.
/wN - width of the display screen in N pixels. Defaults to 1280.
Specify this parameter to get precision. Valid values for N are 32 to 32768.
/l - mouse setup for left hand use. Default is mouse setup for right hand use.
Specify this parameter when the mouse setup page indicates left handed.
/r - expresskeys at the right side. Default is expresskeys at the left side.
Specify this parameter when the tablet has its expresskeys at the right side.
/a - touch in absolute mode. Default is touch in relative mode.
Specify this parameter to move the pointer like a pen.
/m - pen in relative mode. Default is pen in absolute mode.
Specify this parameter to move the pointer like a mouse.
/t - initial touch input. Default is initial pen input.
Specify this parameter to accept touch input at first.
│ Special Parameters ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
/bNNN - assign mouse buttons to pen buttons (CTH and CTL model).
The 1st digit assigns mouse buttons to the 1st pen button.
The 2nd digit assigns mouse buttons to the 2nd pen button.
The 3rd digit assigns mouse buttons to the 3rd pen button.
Default value is /b124. The pen tip acts as mouse button 1.
The lower pen button acts as mouse button 2.
The upper pen button acts as mouse button 3.
│ N │ valid assignment values │
│ 0 │ without mouse button action │
│ 1 │ acts as mouse button 1 │
│ 2 │ acts as mouse button 2 │
│ 3 │ acts as mouse button 1+2 │
│ 4 │ acts as mouse button 3 │
│ 5 │ acts as mouse button 1+3 │
│ 6 │ acts as mouse button 2+3 │
│ 7 │ acts as mouse button 1+2+3 │
/kNNN - assign mouse buttons to expresskeys (CTH and CTT model).
The 1st digit assigns mouse buttons to the 1st expresskey.
The 2nd digit assigns mouse buttons to the 2nd expresskey.
The 3rd digit assigns mouse buttons to the 3rd expresskey.
Default value is /k124. The upper key acts as mouse button 1.
The key just above the light acts as mouse button 2.
The key just below the light acts as mouse button 3. |
![]() |
Wacom Intuos v. 0.1 (24/6/2017, Wim Brul) | Readme/What's new |
┌───────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐
│ Wacom Intuos for OS/2 ├──────────────────────────────────────┤ │
└───────────────────────┘ └──────────────┘
│Control OS/2 (ArcaOS, eComStation) with just a pen and a Wacom Intuos.
Supports pen only on models CTH-480, CTH-680, CTL-480 (only tested) and CTL-680.
Supports working in absolute or relative mode. Made in Holland by Wim Brul.
│Open Source product with its ISC license contained in the LICENSE file.
│Source Code at
│ Installation Instructions ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────
│The Emulate Mouse Driver for OS/2 (ArcaOS, eComStation) is required.
│Obtain this product from
│Move XSMOUSE10.ZIP into a directory of your choice and unzip it.
│Copy XSMOUSE.SYS to your C:\OS2\BOOT directory.
│The USB 2.0 Extended Control Driver for OS/2 (ArcaOS, eComStation) is required.
│Obtain this product from
│Move USBECD23.ZIP into a directory of your choice and unzip it.
│Copy USBECD.SYS to your C:\OS2\BOOT directory.
│Move INTUOS01.ZIP into a directory of your choice and unzip it.
│Copy INTUOS.EXE to your C:\OS2\BOOT directory.
Look into your CONFIG.SYS file to determine which mouse device driver has been
installed on your system. You may find AMOUSE.SYS or MOUSE.SYS and you need to
add the STYPE=XSMOUSE$ parameter to that device driver statement and to insert
the DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\XSMOUSE.SYS device driver statement just above it.
Insert also the DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\USBECD.SYS /D:056A:03##:01## /N:$INTUOS$
device driver statement and the RUN=C:\OS2\BOOT\INTUOS.EXE line below that.
After that restart your system and the fun begins.
│ Operating Instructions ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Attach your Wacom Intuos and wait for the beep.
┌─────────┬──────┬──────────┐ ┌─────────┬──────┬──────────┐
│ model │ pid │ usage │ │ model │ pid │ usage │
├─────────┼──────┼──────────┤ ├─────────┼──────┼──────────┤
│ CTH-480 │ 0302 │ pen only │ │ CTL-480 │ 030E │ pen only │
│ CTH-680 │ 0303 │ pen only │ │ CTL-680 │ 0323 │ pen only │
└─────────┴──────┴──────────┘ └─────────┴──────┴──────────┘
The pen has 4 (CTH model) or 3 (CTL model) buttons.
Use the pen tip (1st pen button) as mouse button 1.
Use the lower pen button (2nd pen button) as mouse button 2.
Use the upper pen button (3rd pen button) as mouse button 3.
The expresskeys have no effect.
│ Program Parameters ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
C:\OS2\BOOT\INTUOS.EXE /c /hN /wN /l /r /m
All parameters are optional and may be specified in upper or lower case.
Specify /c and the proper /hN and /wN parameters to work with precision.
/c - correct aspect ratio. Requires proper /hN and /wN parameters.
Reduces the active area on the tablet to match the display screen aspect ratio.
Specify this parameter to get circles on the screen from circles on the tablet.
/hN - height of the display screen in N pixels. Defaults to 800.
Specify this parameter to get precision. Valid values for N are 32 to 32768.
/wN - width of the display screen in N pixels. Defaults to 1280.
Specify this parameter to get precision. Valid values for N are 32 to 32768.
/l - mouse setup for left hand use. Default is mouse setup for right hand use.
Specify this parameter when the mouse setup page indicates left handed.
/r - expresskeys at the lower side. Default is expresskeys at the upper side.
Specify this parameter when the tablet has its expresskeys close to you.
/m - pen in relative mode. Default is pen in absolute mode.
Specify this parameter to move the pointer like a mouse.
│ Special Parameter ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
/bNNN - assign mouse buttons to pen buttons
The 1st digit assigns mouse buttons to the 1st pen button.
The 2nd digit assigns mouse buttons to the 2nd pen button.
The 3rd digit assigns mouse buttons to the 3rd pen button.
Default value is /b124. The pen tip acts as mouse button 1.
The lower pen button acts as mouse button 2.
The upper pen button acts as mouse button 3.
│ N │ valid assignment values │
│ 0 │ without mouse button action │
│ 1 │ acts as mouse button 1 │
│ 2 │ acts as mouse button 2 │
│ 3 │ acts as mouse button 1+2 │
│ 4 │ acts as mouse button 3 │
│ 5 │ acts as mouse button 1+3 │
│ 6 │ acts as mouse button 2+3 │
│ 7 │ acts as mouse button 1+2+3 │
└───┴─────────────────────────────┘ |
![]() |
Wacom Bamboo v. 0.0 (11/2/2012, Wim Brul) | Readme/What's new |
-=start of documentation=-
1. Introduction
2. Supported models
3. What is in the zip file?
4. Simple installation
5. My mouse setup explained
6. How my mouse becomes a pen
7. USBECD.SYS options
8. BAMBOO.EXE options
9. Button/Expresskey setup
10. Using your Bamboo
11. How To's
12. FAQ
14. Copyright
1. Introduction
This readme file describes how to install and use the Wacom Bamboo on your
OS/2-eCS system. There are extra chapters for button/expresskey setup, special
options, how to's and a FAQ. I strongly recommend to use a pen instead of a
(standard) mouse in order to prevent Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).
2. Supported models
The following models are supported:
Model ID Pen Touch Name and Suffix
CTT-460 00D0 n/a yes Touch +/K0-F
CTH-460 00D1 works works Pen & Touch +/K0-FA,+/K
CTH-461 00D2 works works Fun +/K0-FA, +/S
CTH-661 00D3 yes yes Fun +/K0-FA, +/S
CTL-460 00D4 works n/a Pen +/K0-FB, +/K
CTL-660 00D5 yes n/a Pen +/K0-F, +/K
CTH-460 00D6 yes * New Pen & Touch +?
CTH-461 00D7 yes * Special Edition +se
CTH-661 00D8 yes * Comic +?
CTH-461 00DA yes * Special Edition +se
CTH-661 00DB yes * Special Edition +se
CTL-470 00DD works n/a Pen +/K0-F, +/K; Connect
CTH-470 00DE yes * Pen & Touch +/K0,+/K0-F; Fun +/K1,+/W1,+/P1;
Comic +/K2,+/W2,+/P2 ; Capture; Manga +/S
CTH-670 00DF yes * Pen & Touch +/K0,+/K0-F; Fun +/K1,+/W1;
Comic +/K2,+/W2; Create
Pen support has been implemented for all models with pen capability.
Touch support has been partly implemented for models with touch capability.
When it shows "works" in the table above then that particular model function
has been successfully tested. When it shows "yes" in the table above then
probably that particular model function will work successfully as well.
When it shows "*" then touch for that model has not been implemented.
Model numbers are in two parts, the first part is in column "Model" and the
second part is the +suffix in column "Name and Suffix". To obtain a particular
Model number, the "+" in the suffix has to be substituted by the first part.
The suffix contains a color code: /K=Black, /S=Silver, /W=White, /P=Pink.
Example: Model CTL-470 with Name and Suffix "Pen +/K0-F, +/K" describes two
complete model numbers. These are CTL-470/K0-F and CTL-470/K. You will find one
of those complete model numbers at the back of your tablet together with, for
this example, "BAMBOO PEN" if you own such a CTL-470 tablet.
3. What is in the zip file?
BAMBOO.EXE - Bamboo support program
BAMBOO.ICO - Bamboo support program icon
POINTERL.ZIP - Left handed system pointers for pen and touch
POINTERR.ZIP - Right handed system pointers for pen and touch
README.1ST - The file you reading right now. Graphics may be distorted
when you are not using codepage 850 to view this file.
USBECD.SYS - USB direct control device driver
XSMOUSE.SYS - Access mouse device driver
May be freely used and exchanged, as long as it is not modified. You may
use this product solely at your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for
any damages occurring due to your using this product. You may not lease,
rent or sell this product to any other party. Have fun.
4. Simple installation
Use your own boot drive letter instead of the ? shown below.
Copy XSMOUSE.SYS, USBECD.SYS and BAMBOO.EXE to your ?:\OS2\BOOT directory.
Look into your CONFIG.SYS file to determine which mouse device driver has been
installed on your system. You may find AMOUSE.SYS or MOUSE.SYS and you need to
add the STYPE=XSMOUSE$ parameter to that device driver statement and to insert
the DEVICE=?:\OS2\BOOT\XSMOUSE.SYS device driver statement just above it.
Insert also the DEVICE=?:\OS2\BOOT\USBECD.SYS /D:056A:00D#:01## /N:$BAMBOO$
device driver statement and the RUN=?:\OS2\BOOT\BAMBOO.EXE line below that.
After that restart your system and the fun begins.
For installing the system pointers look at the end of this documentation.
The complete setup has been tested successfully in OS/2 Warp version 4.0 &
fixpak 9 Dutch and eComStation version 1.2 Dutch, eComStation version 2.0 UK.
USB drivers version IBM:10.162 or better need to be installed.
5. My mouse setup explained
If you want seamless integration of the mouse in OS/2-eCS, OS/2-eCS sessions,
Win-16/Win-OS/2 sessions and DOS sessions and you are going to use the Wacom
Bamboo next to a mouse connected to a serial port or the PS/2 port, then you
can still use IBM MOUSE.SYS with version 10.058 as an example. If you are going
to use an USB mouse with the Wacom Bamboo or only the Wacom Bamboo then you
need to upgrade to MOUSE.SYS and USBMOUSE.SYS version IBM:10.163 or AMOUSE
version NB:2.7 or later.
This is one part of my Config.sys. Your boot drive might be something else then
C:, adjust to your needs.
REM ** Mouse part for Wacom Bamboo **
REM ** End mouse part for Wacom Bamboo **
VMOUSE.SYS is necessary to use the mouse/pen in DOS/Win-16/Win-0S/2 sessions.
POINTDD.SYS is necessary for providing mouse-pointer draw support.
XSMOUSE.SYS is necessary to send absolute mouse/pen events into the system.
MOUSE.SYS is the OS/2-eCS physical mouse driver. The STYPE option specifies an
alternate physical driver. MOUSE.SYS can have different file names.
This setup is needed in THIS ORDER if you want seamless integration of your
Bamboo tablet in OS/2-eCS, OS/2-eCS sessions, Win-16/Win-OS/2 sessions and DOS
sessions. Be aware that the driver doesn't work properly in full screen
sessions of Win-16/Win-OS/2 due to the high resolution of the tablet. In order
to use the pen properly in Win-16 session its best to use windowed sessions.
However that window can be as large as the screen after it is started. Its good
use to have a small link to OS/2-eCS, as an example the Xcenter or Ecenter bar,
in case problems arise in the windowed session.
6. How my mouse becomes a pen
The Wacom Bamboo Tablet is an USB device, so you must setup USB in the
config.sys. I have the following two lines in my config.sys. Your boot drive
might be something else then C:, adjust to your needs.
RUN=C:\OS2\BOOT\BAMBOO.EXE /options (see chapter 8. BAMBOO.EXE options)
Next example shows WHERE you have to setup the two lines for the Wacom Bamboo.
REM ** Working setup on 14-08-2005 (Port oriented) **
REM ** Support Wacom Bamboo **
REM ** Installed on 28-11-2011 **
REM ** Bamboo Pen is model CTL-460 **
REM ** USB part for Wacom Bamboo **
RUN=C:\OS2\BOOT\BAMBOO.EXE /options (see chapter 8. BAMBOO.EXE options)
REM ** End USB part for Wacom Bamboo **
Remark: You also need DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\USBMOUSE.SYS if you use your Wacom
Bamboo without any other type of mouse. If you use next to the Wacom Bamboo a
serial or PS/2 mouse then you don't need this line and you can delete it or
you can place REM or rem before the line in the config.sys.
7. USBECD.SYS options
You need this line in your config.sys, the only options for you to decide
are the parameters /S and /V.
Remark: The device driver name is unique. It must be different to all other
file, directory and driver names throughout your system. Check your system that
there are no other files, directories or drivers with the name "$BAMBOO$".
All parameters need to be in upper case.
/S - Silence Mode, switch audible signal off. The default is audible
signal switched on which results into a sharp beep if the tablet
is connected or disconnected.
/V - Verbose mode, displays information. Displays driver information
during OS/2-eCS initialization. The default is no driver
information displayed.
8. BAMBOO.EXE options
RUN=C:\OS2\BOOT\BAMBOO.EXE /w00000 /h00000 /c /a /m /l /b000 /k000 /r /t
With RUN= the program BAMBOO.EXE will be started from the config.sys. You can
use the batchfile STARTUP.CMD as an alternative. Another solution is placing
BAMBOO.EXE in the startup folder. I added BAMBOO.ICO for that.
You can also use an OS/2 command session if you don't want to reboot and need
to adjust the parameters every time for specific tasks. Have different setups
for different tasks started with each of these tasks. Use Ctrl+Break to stop.
The parameters can be used in each order and can be in lower or uppercase.
There is no need to have spaces between the parameters, but with spaces its
more clearly. The default value for a parameter is used if that parameter is
not accepted or not specified.
The following default values are used:
- The monitor dimensions are set to /w1280 and /h800
- The tablet uses absolute mode (pen mode) when working with the pen.
- The tablet uses relative mode (Mouse mode) when working with touch.
- Tablet is set for working with the pen. (CTL and CTH models)
- Status light and USB cable are on the left side.
- The mouse buttons on the pen are set to /b124.
- The expresskeys on the tablet are set to /k124.
Remark: You cannot go wrong with the other parameters other than that it will
behave different than what you had in mind. In such a case adjust parameter and
boot or start again (depending on what solution you use).
The following parameters are supported by BAMBOO.EXE
/w00000 - Specifies the width or horizontal resolution of your monitor
in pixels. There could be a difference between the specified
resolution in the screen object and the technical dimensions
of your monitor. You may use any value between /h32 and /h32768.
You need to specify this parameter if you want to work precisely.
The default value is /w1280.
/h00000 - Specifies the height or vertical resolution of your monitor
in pixels. There could be a difference between the specified
resolution in the screen object and the technical dimensions
of your monitor. You may use any value between /h32 and /h32768.
You need to specify this parameter if you want to work precisely.
The default value is /h800.
/c - Correct aspect ratio. Parameter for correct use of scale
proportions. Works only together with the parameters /w00000 and
/h00000. Not used as default value.
If the aspect ratios of the tablet (16:10) and the screen (4:3)
differ and you use drawing programs and alike, then you have to
use the /c parameter to force the correct scale proportions. When
not used and the aspect ratios differ then drawing a circle on
the tablet will not result in a circle on the screen but will
give an ellips.
/a - Absolute or pen mode for touch/finger. The position of the mouse
pointer on the screen matches the position of the finger on the
tablet. The default for touch/finger is the tablet set to
relative mode or Mouse mode. (CTT and CTH models)
/m - Mouse mode or relative mode for the pen. The position of the
mouse pointer on the screen does not match the position of the
pen on the tablet. The pen acts in the same way as a traditional
mouse. The default for the pen is the tablet set to absolute mode
or pen mode. (CTL and CTH models)
/l - Undo left handed setup in the mouse object. When the mouse has
been set to left handed, then the mouse button 1 and 2 presses
seen by presentation manager applications will be exchanged.
This parameter exchanges these mouse button presses beforehand.
This effectively undoes the exchange for presentation manager.
Remark: Full screen applications gets these reversed instead.
Default is off/inactive.
/b000 - Assigns mouse buttons to pen buttons. The 1st digit assigns the
mouse button for the pen tip. The 2nd digit assigns the mouse
button for the lower pen button and the 3rd digit assigns the
mouse button for the upper pen button. Default value is /b124.
The pen tip acts as mouse button 1. The lower pen button acts as
mouse button 2 and the upper pen button acts as mouse button 3.
(CTL and CTH models)
The possible assignment values are
0 - No mouse button action
1 - Act as mouse button 1
2 - Act as mouse button 2
3 - Act as mouse button 1+2
4 - Act as mouse button 3
5 - Act as mouse button 1+3
6 - Act as mouse button 2+3
7 - Act as mouse button 1+2+3
See also chapter "9. Button/Expresskey setup".
/k123 - Assigns mouse buttons to expresskeys. The 1st digit assigns the
mouse button for the upper expresskey. The 2nd digit assigns the
mouse button for the upper center expresskey and the 3rd digit
assigns the mouse button for the lower center expresskey. Default
value is /k124. The upper expresskey acts as mouse button 1. The
upper center expresskey acts as mouse button 2 and the lower
center express key acts as mouse button 3. (CTT and CTH models)
The possible assignment values are
0 - No mouse button action
1 - Act as mouse button 1
2 - Act as mouse button 2
3 - Act as mouse button 1+2
4 - Act as mouse button 3
5 - Act as mouse button 1+3
6 - Act as mouse button 2+3
7 - Act as mouse button 1+2+3
See also chapter "9. Button/Expresskey setup".
/r - specifies the orientation of the tablet. With /r the status
light and USB cable are on the right side. The expresskeys
ordering switch accordingly. The default is the status light
and USB cable on the left side. (CTT and CTH models)
expresskeys ordering (rotated)
│ ┌─────────────────────────┐ ▄▄ │
│ │ upper │ ██ 1 │
┌─┤ │ │ ▄▄ │
│ │ │ upper center │ ██ 2 │ USB cable
sleeve │ │ │ status light │ ══ ├───────────
│ │ │ lower center │ ██ 3 │
└─┤ │ │ ▀▀ │
│ │ lower │ ██ 4 │
│ └─────────────────────────┘ ▀▀ │
expresskeys ordering (default)
│ ▄▄ ┌─────────────────────────┐ │
│ 1 ██ │ upper │ │
│ ▄▄ │ │ ├─┐
USB cable │ 2 ██ │ upper center │ │ │
───────────┤ ══ │ status light │ │ │ sleeve
│ 3 ██ │ lower center │ │ │
│ ▀▀ │ │ ├─┘
│ 4 ██ │ lower │ │
│ ▀▀ └─────────────────────────┘ │
/t - Tablet is set to touch/finger input. Default is off/inactive.
(CTT and CTH models)
9. Button/Expresskey setup
The pen does have 3 (CTL models) or 4 (CTH models) buttons. The pen tip is
button 1 and acts as mouse button 1. The lower pen button is button 2 and acts
as mouse button 2. The upper pen button is button 3 and acts as mouse button 3.
The eraser button is not recognized as a mouse button in OS/2-eCS and is given
the function of switching to touch/finger input.
lower upper
tip ──┤░ 1 2 ███ ¦ ███████ 3 ║ BAMBOO 4 ║░│button
Use the /b000 parameter to assign mouse buttons to pen buttons differently.
Specifying /b214 reverses the pen tip and the lower pen button and leaving the
upper pen button unaffected.
Remark: This will do the same as parameter /l.
Specifying /b142 reverses the upper pen button (button 3) and the lower pen
button (button 2).
Specifying /b127 gives the upper pen button (button 3) the effect of using the
left, right and middle mouse buttons together.
Specifying /b120 deactivates the upper pen button (button 3). Using the upper
button has no effect.
The models with touch input (CTT and CTH models) have 4 expresskeys on the
tablet. The upper key is expresskey 1 and acts as mouse button 1, the upper
center key (above the light) is expresskey 2 and acts as mouse button 2. The
lower center key (below the light) is expresskey 3 and acts as mouse button 3.
The lower key, expresskey 4, is not recognized as a mouse button in OS/2-eCS
and is given the function of switching to pen input when used in combination
with the upper center key.
expresskeys ordering (default)
│ ▄▄ ┌─────────────────────────┐ │
│ 1 ██ │ upper │ │
│ ▄▄ │ │ ├─┐
USB cable │ 2 ██ │ upper center │ │ │
───────────┤ ══ │ status light │ │ │ sleeve
│ 3 ██ │ lower center │ │ │
│ ▀▀ │ │ ├─┘
│ 4 ██ │ lower │ │
│ ▀▀ └─────────────────────────┘ │
Use the /k123 parameter to assign mouse buttons to expresskeys differently.
Specifying /k127 gives the expresskey 3 the effect of using the left, right and
middle mouse buttons together.
Specifying /k120 deactivates expresskey 3. Using the expresskey has no effect.
10. Using your Bamboo
The Wacom Bamboo CTH models have two ways of using the tablet. You can use the
pen or touch (ie your finger), but not both together at the same time.
On top of the pen there is an eraser button. Due to the nature of the driver
setup this button can not be used as eraser, therefore it is given the function
of switching to touch/finger input. For switching to touch input turn the pen
upside down and gently push in the pen area on the tablet. The light changes
from colour. You can now use your finger for input.
On the tablet you can use the expresskeys 2 and 4 simultaneously to switch
back to pen input. Again the light changes colour. There is no need for
Remark: When using this function you have to remember that by default the pen
is set to absolute mode and the finger is set to relative mode. If you feel
not comfortable with this setup you can use the /m parameter to set the pen to
relative mode or use the /a parameter to set the touch/finger to absolute mode.
11. How to's
How to use a pen? (CTL & CTH)
If you are going from a mouse to a pen you will experience some clumsiness.
That's because you still thinking in mouse movements with a standard mouse.
Your mouse pointer is somewhere on the screen and bringing it to an other point
you have to move the mouse to another location on the table. With a pen its
going totally different. You point directly on the item with the mouse pointer,
there is no dragging from hardware on a table. Don't look at the tablet but
look at the screen. Familiarise yourself with the pen and go over the tablet
in each direction, watch the mouse pointer on the screen. Soon you can point
exactly the point you had in mind and you are going to wonder how you did it
How to drag objects with a pen? (CTL & CTH)
This is not any different than with a standard mouse. Only the buttons are on
a different place. Go over the object you want to drag to another position.
Don't touch the tablet with the pen tip, it has to be free from the tablet.
Push button 2 on the pen, this is the lower button, and keep it pushed or down.
Now drag the object to another position and release button 2.
How to drag objects with the finger? (CTT & CTH)
This is not any different than with a standard mouse. Only the buttons are on
a different place. Go over the object you want to drag to another position.
Push, with your other hand, button 2 on the tablet, this is the upper center
button, and keep it pushed or down. Now drag the object with your finger to
a new position and release button 2.
How to drag multiple objects with a pen/finger? (CTL/CTT & CTH)
This is not any different than with a standard mouse. Only the buttons are on
a different place. Set the pen tip next to a object icon. Hold down the pen
on the tablet and move it. You will see an elastic box drawn around all the
icons if you go to the last object icon. Release the pen tip, ie move the pen
up so that the pen tip is free (a millimeter or so will do). Push button 2 on
the pen, this is the lower button, and keep it pushed or down. Now drag the
marked objects to another position and release button 2. To unmark the objects
push the pen tip next to a marked object icon. With the finger you need two
hands, one for pushing the expresskeys and one for on the tablet. Now you use
your finger instead of the pen. Expresskey 1 (upper button) acts in the same
way as the pen tip.
How to mark and copy text from the screen with a pen? (CTL & CTH)
Set the mouse pointer just before the first character you want to copy. If you
use one of the new penpointers you will see two small red arrows just above and
below the line. Set the pen tip down on the tablet. Now mark the text by moving
the pen. Raise the pen tip from the tablet, just a millimeter or so.
Push button 2, the lower button on the pen. You will see a pop-up menu with all
available actions. Release button 2. What you can do from here is up to the
program. So don't be surprised if the contents of this menu do differ from
program to program. Look for the menu item "copy". Go with the pen tip, still
free from the tablet, to the choice "copy". Push with the pen on "copy".
It will change colour as a sign that the action has taken place. The popup menu
will disappear. Now go to another location in your text. Set your mouse pointer
to the exact location where you want your first character of the copied text.
Don't touch the tablet with your pen tip. Now push short button 2 and you will
see again the pop-up menu. Go with your pen to the menu item "paste". Push
with the pen on the menu item, it will change color. The pop-up menu will
disappear and the copied text will appear on the pointed location. You can use
copy and paste text in any windowed session, even if the application doesn't
know what this is!
How to mark and copy text from the screen with a finger? (CTT & CTH)
You can do this with one hand, but with two its more easier. Set the mouse
pointer just before the first character you want to copy. Push button 1 and
keep it pushed or down. Mark with your finger the text. Release button 1. See
that your marked text stays marked (most times the background does have a
different colour). Now push button 2, the upper center button. You will see a
pop-up menu with all available actions. The contents of this menu do differ from
program to program. Look for the menu item "copy". Go with your finger to the
button or word "copy". Push button 1, the popup menu will disappear. Now go to
another location in your text. Set your mouse pointer to the exact location
where you want your first character of the copied text. Push button 2. The
popup menu will appear. Go with your finger to the menu item "paste". Now
push button 1. The pop-up menu will disappear and the copied text will appear
on the pointed location. You can use copy and paste text in any windowed
session, even if the application doesn't know what this is!
Of course this is some kind of exercise, as soon as you have marked the text
you can copy and paste in most programs with Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V or Ctrl-Insert
and Shift-Insert.
12. FAQ
Q: Is there an installation program for the Wacom Bamboo?
A: No. We wanted to make it as small and easy(!) as possible.
Q: My tablet is not recognized!
A: There is a possibility that you have a tablet with new ID's we didn't know
of. With USB Device Monitor program you can get a report with the correct
Product ID. The USB Device Monitor is probably in your Utilities map. Start
the program. Click on the line with "Wacom Co., Ltd.". Use the right mouse
button and click on the window with "View Device Report". Look for values
Vendor ID, Product ID and Device Release#. Note down the numbers exact
as they appear, it is in hexadecimal notation.
Look for the line DEVICE=USBECD.SYS /D:056A:00D#:01## /N:$BAMBOO$ /V in
your config.sys file. The /D parameter consists of three parts. The number
from Vendor ID goes to the 1ste part, the number from Product ID goes to
the 2nd part and the number from Device Release# goes to the 3rd part.
Reboot, your tablet must be recognized by now.
Q: Can I setup the Wacom Bamboo with a Bamboo object?
A: No, there is no graphical user interface program for setting up all kinds
of parameters. The experience with such programs is that you use it only
once or twice for adjusting your settings and never touch it again! So
no developer time has been spent on a graphical user interface.
Q: Can I use pressure with the pen?
A: No, there is no parameter for setting the pressure.
The tablet does recognize pressure, but the mouse drivers have no knowledge
about pressure. Therefore pressure support has not been implemented.
Q: Why can't I use pen and touch simultaneously (CTH models)?
A: The pen function becomes unreliable if also touch is active due to the high
sensitivity of the Wacom Bamboo. There is a big chance that you will touch
the tablet with a part of your hand or the sleeve of your shirt. The tablet
does respond to these signals which would result in changing the position
of the mouse pointer on the screen.
Q: Can I assign special functions to pen buttons or expresskeys?
A: No, only those presented in this documentation will work. There are no
options for mapping actions of the Workplace Shell to pen buttons or
expresskeys. We did experiment, but due to the nature of OS/2-eCS and
the implementation of the driver, this became an unreliable choice.
Functions may be set in the mouse object and these will also be valid
for the Wacom Bamboo. The settings for a separate mouse and the Wacom
Bamboo are the same.
Q: Why can't I use multiple fingers when the tablet is in touch mode?
A: During testing we found that tapping or using more fingers than one did give
unreliable results due to great differences in pressure. Therefore tapping
or more fingers is not supported.
Q: Why do I need to setup the mouse if I want only the Wacom Bamboo?
A: OS/2 and eComStation uses one physical mouse driver. This is a "mouse.sys"
which can be from different vendors and can have different file names. On
top of the mouse driver you need POINTDD.SYS for providing mouse pointer
support. And on top of that you need VMOUSE.SYS for the DOS / Win-16 /
Win-OS/2 sessions. USB mice and thus the Wacom Bamboo are redirected to
the "mouse.sys". For the Wacom Bamboo this is done with XSMOUSE.SYS. To let
"mouse.sys" know that we use a different "mouse" you have to add the
parameter STYPE=XSMOUSE$. The Wacom Bamboo driver sends all data
through XSMOUSE.SYS to the "mouse.sys". If the Wacom Bamboo is the only
pointing device than you also need USBMOUSE.SYS.
Q: Can I use my mouse with the Wacom Bamboo?
A: Yes, there are no restrictions on the number of mice in OS/2-eCS. You can
use other mice with the Bamboo tablet setup. Mice connected to the serial
or PS/2 port will most likely function without alteration of their setup.
Q: I use a laptop, can I boot without the tablet connected?
A: Yes, you can connect or disconnect the tablet at any time. You will hear a
sharp beep when you connect or disconnect the tablet, unless you specified
the /S parameter of USBECD.SYS during installation. After (re-)connect you
can use your tablet almost immediately.
Q: Can I use other pointers with the Wacom Bamboo?
A: Yes, enclosed are right handed and left handed pen pointers.
Detailed information how to set up can be found in chapter "13. POINTERL.ZIP
Using a tablet I discovered that the standard mouse pointer is not that handy
when you use a pen. You do point more accurate with a pen, so why not adjust
the mouse pointer to a pen pointer. These two zip files contain a complete
set of new pen pointers for the Wacom Bamboo.
- POINTERL.ZIP is for left handed users.
- POINTERR.ZIP is for right handed users.
Create a subdirectory within C:\OS2\POINTERS directory. Your drive might be
something else than C:, adjust to your needs. Unzip one of the zip files in
the newly created subdirectory. You should NOT rename the files. These
pointers MUST have the following names;
Extra files for Icon Editor utility;
These two additional *.PAL files are needed in case you want to adjust the
pointers with the Icon Editor utility.
Go to your System Setup folder and choose the Mouse object. You can configure
a number of options for the mouse pointer. Go to the Pointers tab. Select the
button Load set... and choose your new created subdirectory. Click OK. If you
don't like the pointers you can always choose another set or if you feel the
need to, you can develop your own pointers with Icon Editor utility. I use the
left handed set and I haven't changed it for more than 6 years. So give it some
time to get used to. The arrow is a representation of the pen from my previous
model tablet. The pen from the Bamboo tablets are white, silver or black and I
tried all in the same size as the present arrow. However, the colours white and
black do blend too easy with the background. But if you feel the need to
change, go for it.
14. Copyright
BAMBOO.ICO - J. Nijenhuis
POINTERL.ZIP - J. Nijenhuis
POINTERR.ZIP - J. Nijenhuis
README.1ST - J. Nijenhuis/W.M. Brul
-=end of documentation=- |
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Wacom IV & V Tablet driver v. 0.013 (USB, 22/12/2007, Masami Kitamura) | ||
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Wacom IV & V Tablet driver v. 2.013 (USB, 22/12/2007, Masami Kitamura) | Readme/What's new |
Wacom IV and V Tablet driver
Requirements: emi.sys (included with Pen for OS/2.)
1. Installation
(1) Extract the emi.sys included with Pen for OS/2.
(2) Copy emi.sys and pendd.sys to the installation directory.
(3) Add the following two lines to your config.sys:
Note that these lines must come before MOUSE.SYS
(4) Reboot
(5) Create program objects for W1.exe and W2.exe.
(6) Connect a tablet.
(7) Start program using the program object.
(8) Choose COM port and connection speed, and click the Enable button.
The tablet is active once the status indicator changes from red to
The tablet can also be enabled automatically after a reboot by
specifying the parameters /C /E in the program object, and placing its
shadow in the startup folder.
2. Options
The following options are available when using W1.exe.
(1) Pen pressure can be changed using the Threshold menu on the General
page. It is necessary to use End/Disable once to apply the changes.
(2) When using a mouse, either absolute or relative coordinates may be
chosen by checking or unchecking the Absolute check box on the
Cursor page.
This change is reflected immediately if the table is Enabled.
(3) The Cursor page can be used only with the Intuos 4D Mouse.
(4) The Function page can be used only with the Intuos i-600.
Other models are not supported, because when they are used the
Function box coordinates are unknown
3. Parameters
(1) W1.exe
W1 [/C] [/E] [/P:{1..9}] [/S:{9600|19200|38400}]
[] Optional
{} Choose a value
/C Start minimized
/E Connect to tablet at start
/P: Number of the COM port to connect to
If not specified, the port number defaults to the one last chosen.
/S: Connection speed
If not specified, the speed defaults to the one last chosen.
(2) W2.exe
W2 [/E] [/P:{1..9}] [/S:{9600|19200|38400}] [/A] [/T:{0..100}] [/I:{0..100}]
[] Optional
{} Choose a value
/E Connect to tablet at start
/P: Number of COM port to connect to
/S: Connection speed
/A: Float on top
/T: Pen threshold setting (Default is 3)
/I: Display position
(Specify the x-coordinate as a percentage from the left.
Default is 13)
4. Notes
(1) If the PEN or CURSOR is placed on the tablet and left
there for a while, the mouse cursor may become unresponsive.
To resolve this, lift the PEN or CURSOR up from the tablet.
5. Other
(1) The programs have only been tested using the following two
tablet models:
KT-0405-R00 V1.3-3
However, it is likely that this driver can be used with
any tablet that uses the Wacom IV or V protocols.
Please let us know of any success stories, and be sure to
include the tablet model number and size.
These are displayed on the General page.
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Wacom IV & V Tablet driver v. 1.011 (serial, 14/6/2003, Masami Kitamura) | Readme/What's new |
Wacom IV and V Tablet driver
Requirements: emi.sys (included with Pen for OS/2.)
1. Installation
(1) Extract the emi.sys included with Pen for OS/2.
(2) Copy emi.sys and pendd.sys to the installation directory.
(3) Add the following two lines to your config.sys:
Note that these lines must come before MOUSE.SYS
(4) Reboot
(5) Create program objects for W1.exe and W2.exe.
(6) Connect a tablet.
(7) Start program using the program object.
(8) Choose COM port and connection speed, and click the Enable button.
The tablet is active once the status indicator changes from red to
The tablet can also be enabled automatically after a reboot by
specifying the parameters /C /E in the program object, and placing its
shadow in the startup folder.
2. Options
The following options are available when using W1.exe.
(1) Pen pressure can be changed using the Threshold menu on the General
page. It is necessary to use End/Disable once to apply the changes.
(2) When using a mouse, either absolute or relative coordinates may be
chosen by checking or unchecking the Absolute check box on the
Cursor page.
This change is reflected immediately if the table is Enabled.
(3) The Cursor page can be used only with the Intuos 4D Mouse.
(4) The Function page can be used only with the Intuos i-600.
Other models are not supported, because when they are used the
Function box coordinates are unknown
3. Parameters
(1) W1.exe
W1 [/C] [/E] [/P:{1..9}] [/S:{9600|19200|38400}]
[] Optional
{} Choose a value
/C Start minimized
/E Connect to tablet at start
/P: Number of the COM port to connect to
If not specified, the port number defaults to the one last chosen.
/S: Connection speed
If not specified, the speed defaults to the one last chosen.
(2) W2.exe
W2 [/E] [/P:{1..9}] [/S:{9600|19200|38400}] [/A] [/T:{0..100}] [/I:{0..100}]
[] Optional
{} Choose a value
/E Connect to tablet at start
/P: Number of COM port to connect to
/S: Connection speed
/A: Float on top
/T: Pen threshold setting (Default is 3)
/I: Display position
(Specify the x-coordinate as a percentage from the left.
Default is 13)
4. Notes
(1) If the PEN or CURSOR is placed on the tablet and left
there for a while, the mouse cursor may become unresponsive.
To resolve this, lift the PEN or CURSOR up from the tablet.
5. Other
(1) The programs have only been tested using the following two
tablet models:
KT-0405-R00 V1.3-3
However, it is likely that this driver can be used with
any tablet that uses the Wacom IV or V protocols.
Please let us know of any success stories, and be sure to
include the tablet model number and size.
These are displayed on the General page.
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Wacom Graphire Tablet Driver v. 0.8 (12/12/2001, Gleb Mazursky) | Readme/What's new |
- WACOM Graphire Tablet Driver ---
This is WACOM Graphire Tablet device dependant OS/2 driver (serial model)
It supports both Graphire Pen & Mouse and emulates usual 3-button serial mouse.
- Status of the program ------
WACOM Graphire Tablet OS/2 Driver is Freeware.
- Limitations ------
The driver is in early stage of its life, so many features are not yet
implemented. But it works! I was waiting for someone who whould make it
during a year. And it appears to be me... Isn't it ironic, don't you think?
Just a list of several things I'm aware of:
1. Both Pen & Mouse work only in absolute mode.
(ok, I'll make relative mode soon)
2. No scrolling mouse wheel support
(hmm, I'll fix this as soon as I dip into the docs)
3. No buttons reassignment
4. No "Key-maps" support as seen in Windows driver
5. Incorrect work in some DOS-sessions, depending on video mode.
(It's not my guilt. It seems IBM routine of absoluteXY-to-screenXY
conversion can't determine video mode, so I can't use my lovely Autodesk
Animator Pro *;(( I suppose, relative mode will help)
6. No USB tablet support
(er.. Yes! If you present me USB tablet or $99 I believe USB driver can
come to the life. Though, there is a small chance I'll try to make it
without the device. It depends...)
7. No Pressure-level-to-button-click selection, only default value now.
(coming soon)
8. No working area customization as seen in Windows driver
(may be, may be...)
9. [Fill yourself]
(Yes! Almost done *;))
- Installation ------
Place graphire.sys in any suitable directory, for example \OS2\BOOT
Find in your config.sys a string with MOUSE.SYS device driver
Place string DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\GRAPHIRE.SYS before the line with MOUSE.SYS
Add TYPE=GRAPHIR$ parameter after MOUSE.SYS
So, the whole picture should look like this:
Graphire driver uses COM1 by default. If you have you tablet attached to a
different COM port, just specify parameter SERIAL=COMn after GRAPHIRE.SYS
for example:
That's all. Then you need to reboot your computer.
- Usage ------
Just use your Graphire tablet set as usual *;)
Pen is much more useful than mouse. To get its best you can download
'Hot Scroll' program from
So you can assign one of the Pen side-switch buttons to scroll-mode.
- Author ------
Gleb Mazursky
Project web page:
Any thanks, thoughts, bugs reports and donations are welcome *;))
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Wacom IV & V Tablet driver v. 0.011 (serial, 6/5/2001, Masami Kitamura) | Readme/What's new |
Wacom IV and V Tablet driver
emi.sys contained in using it at Pen for OS/2 is required.
(1) emi.sys contained in Pen for OS/2 is taken out.
(2) emi.sys and pendd.sys are copied to the directory of an installation place.
(3) The following two lines are added to config.sys.
Please describe these two lines before MOUSE.SYS.
(4) Reboot
(5) The program object of W1.exe and W2.exe is created.
(6) A tablet is connected.
(7) The created program object is started.
(8) A COM port and connection speed are set up and the Enable button is pushed.
A tablet can be used if status changes green from red.
If /C /E is specified to be the parameter of a program object
and the shadow is put into the starting folder, a tablet can
be automatically used at the time of OS/2 starting.
There are the following options in W1.exe.
(1) A pressure can be changed by Threshold of a General page.
It is necessary to make it End Disable reflecting change.
(2) It can choose whether to use coordinates absolutely by
the Absolute check box of a Cursor page at the time of
mouse use, or to use relative coordinates.
This will be immediately reflected, if a tablet changes
at the time of Enable.
(3) Only 4D Mouse of Intuos of a Cursor page is effective.
(4) As for a Function page, only model i-600 of Intuos are effective.
Since the coordinates of Function box are unknown, other
models are not supported.
W1 [/C] [/E] [/P:{1..9}] [/S:{9600|19200|38400}]
[] Inside is omissible.
{} It is necessary to specify any one.
/C It minimizes and starts.
/E It connects with a tablet at the time of starting.
/P: The COM port number to connect is specified.
The value specified last time at the time of an end is
used at the time of an abbreviation.
/S: Connection speed is specified.
The value specified last time at the time of an end is
used at the time of an abbreviation.
W2 [/E] [/P:{1..9}] [/S:{9600|19200|38400}] [/A] [/T:{0..100}] [/I:{0..100}]
[] Inside is omissible.
{} It is necessary to specify any one.
/E It connects with a tablet at the time of starting.
/P: The COM port number to connect is specified.
/S: Connection speed is specified.
/A: It always displays on a forefront side.
/T: The threshold of a pen set up. (Default 3)
/I: Display position (the x-coordinate from a left end is
specified at percent.) Default 13
(1) When PEN and CURSOR were placed on the tablet, and were
left for a while and PEN and CURSOR are moved again, a
mouse cursor may not move.
In this case, please raise PEN and CURSOR upwards.
(1) The tablet which is carrying out the check of operation
on our side is the following 2 models.
KT-0405-R00 V1.3-3
Although it thinks that this driver can be used by the
tablet which is using the protocol of Wacom IV and
Wacom V, those who are referred to as having operated
from models other than this need to teach a part number
and size.
A part number and size are displayed on a General page.
=================================================================== |
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Wacom Tablet Driver (30/9/1994, Watcom Technology, Tom Picard) | Readme/What's new |
When the pinstall program requests a drive and directory, for the
PenPM device driver, enter this drive and directory. Depending on
the version of pinstall.exe the driver may or may not install
correctly. If it does not install properly, follow the instructions below
This driver was tested with a PL100V, SD-510, ArtPad, UD-0608, and SD-42x
It 'should' work with other wacom tablets.
Let me know if it does not and I will fix it.
* dip switches on the 510 or 42x to binary and 19200 baud
* as derscribed below
* baud rate: +19200 -9600
* \ /
* binary \ /
* / /
* + + - - - - - - + + ? - - - - + + + + + + + - -
You can also install the driver for the wacom SD-510C from the
IBM disks and modify your config.sys file as described below.
Copy the file wacomos2.sys from this disk to the hard drive.
Modify the OS2 config.sys file so that the line that says
points to the wacomos2.sys file from this disk.
Modify the "TYPE=" argument, so it reads "TYPE=" TABLET_NUMBER.
TABLET_NUMBER is defined below for all different tablets:
SD 510 1
SD 420 2
SD 320 3
SD 310 4
SD 210 5
SD 110 6
SD 113 7
SD 010 8
SD 013 9
10 // reserved
MS 2000 11 // untested
PL 100V 12 // at standard resolution
PL 200V 13 // at standard resolution
PL 102V 14 // at standard resolution
PL 100V 15 // at European resolution
16 // reserved
17 // reserved
UD 0608 18
ArtPad 19
20 // reserved
21 // reserved
22 // reserved
UD 1212 23
UD 1218 24
If you will be using a wacom pressure stylus on an SD tablet, add an
argument to the "DEVICE=.....\WACOMOS2.SYS"
Otherwise the driver expects a non pressure stylus.
If you will be using a wacom tablet on Comm2 add another argument to
this line: "COMM=2".
Otherwise the driver expects the tablet to be on Comm1.
If you will be using a wacom tablet at 9600 baud add another argument to
this line: "BAUD=1".
Otherwise the driver expects the tablet to be configured for 19200 baud.
Re-boot OS/2.
Pressure readings from the tablet should be available to PenPM
programmers according to IBM specs.
Direct any questions about setup or driver updates to Tom Picard
at Wacom Technology (206)750-8884 ext 141. Fax (296) 750-8924. |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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