Librerie di analisi numerica

Data rilascio: 
Giovedì, 21 Aprile, 2016



Authors/Port authors:

Una collezione di librerie in linguaggio Modula-2 per operare con le matrici (moltiplicazioni, inversioni, autovalori, etc.) soluzione di equazioni differenziali, trasformata di Fourier, manipolazione polinominale e funzioni razionali. Codice sorgente incluso.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Librerie di analisi numerica v. 0.4 (21/4/2016, Peter Moylan) Readme/What's new
MODULA-2 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS SOFTWARE Current version: Numana04 Last updated: 21 April 2016. This package is freeware. Do with it what you wish, but don't expect it to be a fully professional package. Its main purpose is to give you some ideas about how to deal with variable-sized data structures. Like all free software, this comes "as is" with no warranties as to its fitness for a particular purpose. If you use it, you must agree to accept full responsibility for any consequences of its use. If you don't agree with this condition, don't use the software. You have permission to extend and modify the software, and indeed this is encouraged. (If enough volunteers do this, we can build up to a more complete numerical analysis library.) If you are going to use this material for something like a homework assignment, then I (and presumably also your instructor) expect a citation to the original source material. Just like a paper in a research journal, this software collection is a "publication" with an identified author. (See the end of this document.) CONTENTS After unzipping this package you should find several directories. The top-level directory contains some project files - you can throw these away if your compiler doesn't use them. Sources are contained in the following subdirectories: DEF The definition modules SRC This is where the interesting stuff is. SRC\TESTS Some test programs for exercising the modules. The main library modules are: Cx Complex number arithmetic Fourier Fast Fourier transform. Integration Routines to solve ordinary differential equations. Vec Vector operations. Mat Matrix operations, including eigenvalues, inverse, etc. MatExtra Some more matrix operations: QR and LQ factorisation, Cholesky decomposition, pseudoinverse, singular value decomposition. Poly Manipulation of polynomials, including root-finding. Rational Manipulation of rational functions (ratios of polynomials) MiscM2 Miscellaneous procedures, collected in one module to ease the porting of the other modules to various environments. The software is written in ISO Modula-2. It should not be too difficult to translate it into any other language, if that's what you want to do. You'll notice that all modules use the data type LONGREAL extensively. This is because of a peculiar feature of the floating point hardware in a PC: although LONGREAL gives better precision than REAL, the extra time overhead is negligible. (There is of course a space overhead.) If you don't like this decision, you can safely change LONGREAL to REAL in all modules. You'll also notice that the modules use some features of ISO standard Modula-2 (notably 2-dimensional open arrays) which aren't supported by some older compilers. If you have a PIM-style compiler (e.g. FST, TopSpeed), then you need an older version of this package. You can find the older (DOS) version on the web site below. AUTHOR INFORMATION Peter Moylan e-mail: WWW:
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 12/08/2023 - 06:21


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