IBM Peer Fixpak for Warp 4.0 (IP_8414) - United States

Data rilascio: 
Martedì, 9 Gennaio, 2001



Ultimo IBM Peer Fixpak per Warp 4.0.

Fixpak per IBM Peer per OS/2 Warp 4.0. Vengono inoltre aggiornati il LAN Requester e l'UPM. L'applicazione di questo fixpak rende il prodotto pronto per l'anno 2000. Disponibili release per differenti paesi e lingue (Brasile, Cecoslovacchia, Cina - lingua Repubblica Popolare Cinese, Cina - lingua Taiwanese, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Giappone, Grecia, Italia, Korea, Norvegia, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Portogallo, Russia, Spagna, Spagna - lingua Catalano, Svezia, Turchia, Ungheria).

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come file immagine floppy LoadDSKF: ricreare i floppy ed installare tramite Corrective service facility. E' possibile sopperire alla mancanza di un lettore floppy utilizzando Disk Extractor, in tal caso, leggere le istruzioni del Corrective service facility per installare il prodotto.

  • Accertarsi di possedere esattamente i requisiti, i prodotti previsti ed i livelli di aggiornamento richiesti per l'applicazione del Fixpak;
  • Accertarsi di utilizzare esattamente il software previsto per l'applicazione del Fixpak;
  • Leggere attentamente tutta la documentazione, eventuali errori possono causare malfunzionamenti hardware, blocchi di sistema o impedire il riavvio di OS/2!

Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

I link seguenti sono a programmi aggiuntivi, utili ma non indispensabili per il funzionamento:

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

IBM Peer Fixpak (IP_08414 for Warp 4.0) - United States - Disk 01 v. IP_8414 (9/1/2001, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
IBM Peer Fixpak (IP_08414 for Warp 4.0) - United States - Disk 02 v. IP_8414 (9/1/2001, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
IBM Peer Fixpak (IP_08414 for Warp 4.0) - United States - Disk 03 v. IP_8414 (9/1/2001, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
IBM Peer Fixpak (IP_08414 for Warp 4.0) - United States - Disk 04 v. IP_8414 (9/1/2001, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
IBM Peer Fixpak (IP_08414 for Warp 4.0) - United States - Disk 05 v. IP_8414 (9/1/2001, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM))
IBM Peer Fixpak (IP_8414 for Warp 4.0) - United States v. IP_8414 (9/1/2001, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
IBM Peer for OS/2 Version 4.0 FixPak IP08414 for U.S.-English Fixes for OS/2 LAN Requester and UPM are also included in this FixPak. This FixPak supercedes IP08407, IP08410, IP08412 & IP08413. WARNING: 1 - This FixPak must be installed using Corrective Service Facility (CSF) 2-B Version 1.42 or above. WARNING: 2 - Archiving is not enabled for this product. IP08414.INF, located on the first diskette of the FixPak, contains installation, and other useful information about this FixPak. Please review before installation of service. ************************************************************************ Diskettes can be created using the LOADDSKF utility. There are 6 files/images included in this package. ************************************************************************ CSFUS142 DSK FixPak Tool Diskette 3.50 IP08414 1DK Peer Diskette #1 3.50 1.44MB IP08414 2DK Peer Diskette #2 3.50 1.44MB IP08414 3DK Peer Diskette #3 3.50 1.44MB IP08414 4DK Peer Diskette #4 3.50 1.44MB IP08414 5DK Peer Diskette #5 3.50 1.44MB INCLUDED APARS Note: This section describes OS/2 Version 4.0 Peer APARs that are corrected for IPx8414. IPx8414 also contains all APAR fixes included in IPx8413, IPx8412, IPx8411, IPx8410, IPx8409, IPx8407, IPx8406, IPx8402, and IPx8401. o APAR = IC24769 PRINT AND FILE CLIENT DOES NOT AUTOSTART CONNECTIONS AT LOGON IT WORKS IN IP08406 BUT 8410 ONWARDS ITS NOT WORKING. Print and File Client does not autostart connections at logon. able to do it by setting the "connect to resource at logon" box connections tab of "Shared Resources and Network Connections." However, it doesn't work (anymore). Fixpack IP08406 do not have this problem. o APAR = IC25696 ON IP08412 MACHINE, UNDER CONNECTIONS->NETWORK->NETWORK SERVICES, "SHARED RESOURCES N/W CONNECTIONS" OBJECT IS MISSING. On Merlin Machine , on IP08412 level , under Connections->Network ->Network Services, "Shared Resources Network Connections" object is missing. The problem is related Peer GUI dlls are not getting loaded. o APAR = IC26431 TRAP BY COPY FILES ON WINNT TO WARPSERVER SMP OR DIR COMMAND when issue COPY x* c this problem also happens with dir /ad command (around 10%), or simply dir command (a few %) also. o APAR = IC27079 RUNNING BACKACC.EXE PRODUCES SYS2070 Running Backacc, produces SYS2070: "The system could not demand load the application's segment. BACKACC->NETAPI.42 is in error."
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 04/08/2020 - 21:36

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