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Driver per schede di rete Davicom Fast Ethernet

Data rilascio: 
Venerdì, 22 Ottobre, 1999




Authors/Port authors:

Driver per schede di rete Davicom.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Vedi: Installare un programma di controllo (driver) per scheda di rete.

  • Ver. 2.01: per Davicom Fast Ethernet NIC come si può trovare, ad es., sulla scheda madre SiS530 e altre
  • Ver. 1.28: per DM9102A, DM9102, DM9009 e DM9801

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Driver per schede di rete Davicom Fast Ethernet v. 1.28 (21/3/2002) Readme/What's new
About these drivers: -------------------- There are several versions of Ethernet drivers for the Davicom 9100-series chipsets to be found floating about on the internet. Despite varying labels for them, most or all will, when examined, prove to be coded internally as v. 1.15, which is not the latest. That Davicom chipset is still to be found on Ethernet cards being sold new (mine was on a CNet PRO200), but not necessarily with any OS/2 driver included (as my CNet diskette had not). The driver I found posted at Hobbes was a 1.15 version, and either it or one of the two accompanying files was such that it simply would not work--it reliably crashed the system at every bootup attempt (Warp 4 + FP15). Eventually, I located the driver in this package, which is internally version 1.28, and it worked fine. This is the latest driver posted on Davicom's own site, and I much doubt, from the 2002 date, that there will ever be a later one. I give no install instructions, as--to me--it is all black magic, and I'm glad I finally got it working. But these files are the ones you should try first if you have a card with the Davicom 9102 chipset. Good luck! ----------  local copy
Driver per schede di rete Davicom Fast Ethernet v. 1.15 (22/10/1999)  local copy
Driver per schede di rete Davicom Fast Ethernet v. 2.01 (22/10/1999) Readme/What's new
Use your "OS/2 Lan Services Installation/Configuration" icon to install this driver, NOT the "MPTS" utility, for only the former correctly updates the several system files correctly (this is true for any config change in your WSeB Lan / Server setup, and is not specific to this nic driver) Get to the NIC and Protocol Install screen and 'Additional drivers' and point the dialogue screen to where you've unzip'd this pkg. Continue to end of the process and reboot. Refer to your protocol.ini and your ibmlan.ini files for particulars, as usual. Here, the Davicom is first in the 'Add Adapter' list, so is therefore lan0 , and the IntelPro nic is 2nd, at lan1. A 'Virtual lan adapter' is third on our machine, BUT BE Careful to review and copy down any address for that adapter, if it exists on your system, as if you delete and re-order your nic's you'll have to apply that virtual adapter's address again (via 'Edit')  local copy
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 04/07/2023 - 06:02


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