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Data rilascio: 
Lunedì, 3 Maggio, 2004



Authors/Port authors:

UNHTML è un programma a linea di comando che converte un file HTM (un tipo di file usato per creare pagine per il www) in un file di testo semplice (txt). Rilasciato come Open source sotto Licenza GNU GPL, codice sorgente incluso.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

UNHTML (23/1/2021, A. Doff)
UNHTML v. 1.5 (19/7/1996, Stephen Loomis) Readme/What's new
--==| UNHTML v1.5 |==-- (C)opyright 1996 by Jawed Karim <> What's New ========== UNHTML v1.3 --> v1.5 : o The DOS executable has been compiled with a newer version of djgpp. o The manual editing request by unhtml is now optional and can be turned on and off with the -e command line option. o Displaying the output file while processing the input file on screen is optional and is controlled with the -d command line option. o Unhtml's output style has been modified and a small help screen was added. UNHTML v1.0 --> v1.3 : o The output files contain fewer empty lines, thus reducing its size. o An ELF executable for Linux is included. o An editor can be launched after completion to manually edit the output file. o UNHTML counts how many HTML tags were removed. o Special character symbols '&' and ';' no longer cause trouble within '<' and '>'. Instructions ============ UnHTML v1.5 (C)opyright 1996 Jawed Karim <> Usage: unhtml <inputfile> <outputfile> [-d][-e] <inputfile> : The file that contains HTML code. <outputfile>: After removing the HTML code, the text will be written to this file. [-d] : Tells Unhtml to display the output file on screen while processing it. [-e] : Causes unhtml to ask the user for manual editing. ==> Edit index.txt manually [y] ? If you would like to edit the output file manually with a text editor, press 'y' at this point. If not, just hit enter. UNHTML will attempt to execute a file, depending on which system you are using. under Linux: command 'pico' will be executed under MSDOS: command 'edit' will be executed under OS/2 : command 'tedit' will be executed Should you get an error message under MSDOS or OS/2, make a batchfile that points to an editor such as the following example of a DOS BATCHFILE: ---CUT HERE--- c:\dos\edit %1 ---CUT HERE--- Save this file as 'EDIT.BAT' in the same path as UNHTML, or have it in a path that is contained in your PATH variable. Accordingly the OS/2 BATCHFILE would look like this: ---CUT HERE--- c:\os2\tedit.exe %1 ---CUT HERE--- Save this file as 'TEDIT.CMD' in the same path as UNHTML, or have it in a path that is contained in your PATH variable. Under Linux, if you get an error message, make a symbolic link that points to whichever editor you use. Name the link 'pico'. For more help, see: man ln OS/2 Warp ========= This executable requires you to have the EMX Runtime version v0.9b or higher. It is available at: This is worth getting since you will be able to use long filenames with UNHTML for OS/2. Linux ===== This ELF executable has been tested under Linux 1.2.13. MSDOS ===== Unless you are running UNHTML for MSDOS in an OS/2, or Windows(95/3.1/NT) DOS window, you need to have the file CWSDPMI.EXE in your path variable, or in the same directory as UNHTML. Where to find updates ===================== New UNHTML versions will be posted on: or search for "Jawed Karim" on Yahoo! ( or email Jawed Karim at:
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 24/12/2022 - 19:06


A new release with a bug fix is available. But in the case of OS/2 only on request as donationware, due to ongoing coyright violations. Otherwise, use any other release or the older version listed here.

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